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01x11 - Winner Fakes All

Posted: 06/11/23 11:13
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Aleena: I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:
we all feel proud

Of our special abilities
and accomplishments.

Too much pride can be
a terrible trap.

Robotnik: another load of
formerly free citizens

On their way to be

I can hardly wait.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Manic: man, I never thought
I'd do a gig workin' on trucks.

Manic the mechanic.


That really blew his mind.

Robotnik: what's wrong
with that truck-bot?!

Someone's hijacking
my prisoners!

Stop them!

Sonic: can't that truck
haul bot any faster?!

Manic: what are you
worried about? Whoa!


Sonia: uh-oh!


Swat-bot: halt!

[Sonic gasps]

Sonia: I don't think so!


Manic: who's drivin'
the truck-bot?!

Sonia: sonic, look out!

Sonic: your parents
should be more--huh?

Sleet: careful?

Sonic: ooh-whoa!
What an ugly baby.

Sleet: whoa-ho.

Dingo: fooled ya again!

Sonic: dingo!?

Dingo: aah!

Sonic: watch out.

One defective baby carriage
comin' at ya!

Sleet: I've got him
this time! Aah!

Sonic: this way, manic!

Sonic: slick work, sibs.

Way to cruise and bruise!

Sonia: huh! I'll have
to blast the door open

To let the prisoners out.

Sonic: put that blast
in the past, sis.

I've got that covered.

Manic: poor dudes.

Robotnik's already got 'em
in prison uniforms!

Sonia: those aren't
prison uniforms.

They're dressed
for a track meet.

Sonic: why would robotnik want
to roboticize a track team?

Dr. Robotnik: for weeks
I've been roboticizing

The fastest mobians
I could find

In order to create the key
to capturing sonic.


The speed-bot!

Sleet: is it
as fast as sonic?

Dr. Robotnik:
nothing is as fast as sonic.

The speed-bot is only bait
for the trap.


Citizens of mobius!

To prove that he's
the fastest being on the planet,

My speed-bot will race
all challengers!

The winner will receive
a big, big prize.

And a big surprise!

Did I look all right?

They say television
adds ten pounds to you.

Sleet: you look fabulous,
your evilness,

And may I say
it's a brilliant plan.

They'll never suspect
the race is a trap!

Dingo: you mean...
It's a trap?

Sleet: well, perhaps
sonic would suspect.

He's not dingo,
after all.

Dr. Robotnik: of course
sonic will know it's a trap!

But he's so proud
of his speed

That he won't be able
to resist the challenge.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[Music playing]

Sonia: I think this part
should go more like...

I'm talking to you, manic!


Manic: how 'bout a drum solo
in this number?

Cool, huh?

Sonic: hey, I just heard
butt-nik's challenged

All comers to race
his new speed-bot.

Sonia: yeah, right!
It's a trap!

Manic: uh, she's right, bro.
It's a trap.

Sonic: take
a chill pill, sis.

I know it's a trap.

But if butt-nik thinks

He can make a robot
faster than me, ha!

Sonia: if you wanna walk
into a trap

Just to prove
how fast you are,

Don't expect me and manic
to come save you!

[Sonic gasps]

Sonic: butt-nik's never thought
of a trap that could catch me.

I'll show him who's fast...

And who's last.


Manic: oh man, stop snorin',

Or at least find
a better rhythm!

Sonia: if I have
dark circles under my eyes,

Somebody's gonna pay!

Wake up
and go back to sleep.

He's gone!

Manic: he's gonna have
sawdust in his bed, too.

Sonia: I knew it!

He's gone
to enter that race!

How could he do
anything that dumb?

We've gotta stop him!

Manic: hey, wait
a mobius minute.

I thought you said
if he walked into a trap,

You weren't gonna help him.

[Hair dryer whooshing]

Sonia: do you always mean
everything you say?

Manic: well...yeah.

Sonic: hmmm.

If I'm gonna enter that race,
I'll need a disguise.

Where would I go
to change the way I look?

A beauty salon!

Just the place
to borrow a disguise.

Bartleby: I want to look
my best today.

I'm going to the race,
you see.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[Woman gasps]

Second woman:
whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Bartleby: unh! Unh! Unh!
Unh! Unh! Unh!

[Hairstylist gasps]

Sonic: this should do it.

Now for a quick make-over.

My own mom wouldn't recognize me
disguised like this,

But butt-nik might.

I'd better test it.

Sonic: ahem.
Excuse me, mr. Swat-bot,

Can you tell me
if I'm a dangerous member

Of the anti-robuttnik

Swat-bot: I am unable
to identify you.

Sonic: cool.

Boy: help!

I'm just a kid!

Gimme a break!

Swat-bot: innocence
is against the law.

Sonic: can't talk now.
Gotta run.

Sonic, whistling:
hey, you!

Sonic: nice sh**t', guys!

identification confirmed.

You are sonic the hedgehog.

Sonic: and you're history,

Sonic: pfew!

Somethin' tells me a disguise
just won't juice it.

I can stop lookin'
like myself,

But I can't stop
actin' like myself.

I guess sonia was right
about that race,

And I was wrong.


Did I say that?

Sonic: anybody home?

Hmm, must've run out for some
black market sheet music.

Good time to nail
some new tunes.

[Scattered applause]

Dr. Robotnik: these fools
will clap even louder

When sonic is captured

And the resistance

Keep a sharp lookout.

Don't let sonic
slip through your fingers.

Dingo: I'll get him!

These fingers
are pretty sticky!

Sleet: come on,
you flea brain!

Sonia: how will we get in?

Manic: piece o' cake.

They've rounded up people
in dump-bots

Just to fill the stands.

[People shouting,

Woman: help!

Man: don't take me!

I don't wanna go!

Sonia: you don't expect me

To sit in the bleachers,
do you?


Get down!

It's bartleby!

But who's that woman
he's with?

Bartleby: ah, yes.
Heh heh heh heh heh!

Sonia: uh! And she's having
a very good time.

Manic: you sound jealous.

Sonia: I am not jealous!

Why should I care if bartleby
takes someone else

To this stupid race?!

Now, go get their tickets.

Bartleby: I'm only here

Because I was personally
invited by dr. Robotnik.

He and I are...

Manic: uh, 'scuse me,
'scuse me, 'scuse me.

Um, coming through.
Coming through.

Bartleby: commoner.

Swat-bot: your tickets?

Bartleby: that's odd.

I seem to have
misplaced our tickets.

Swat-bot: no tickets.

Bartleby: aah!

Hey, put me down!

Sonia: oooh.

A private box!

And it's right
on the starting line, too.

Manic: whoa...

We must be right under
robotnik's own skybox.

Sleet: I'm going to
enter you in the race

So you can
keep an eye on sonic.

Dingo: huh?

Sleet: hmm.

Not really you.

Not the front half, anyway.

Dingo: yeow! Meow!

Sleet: cheetahs are fast,

But sonic might spot you.

That should fool sonic.

[Engine revving]

Dingo: huh? Hmm.



Right! Hmmm.

What if sonic
wears a disguise?

How will I know it's him?

Sleet: ohh!

The swat-bots have orders

To attack
the winner of the race.

That's sure to be sonic.

Manic: sonic's sure
to wear a disguise, sis.

How are we gonna tell
which one's him?

Sonia: robotnik knows
nobody's faster than sonic.

He'll go after the winner.

And then we'll rescue him.


[Creature ribbiting]

Dr. Robotnik: welcome

To the first-ever
mobius challenge race!

The race that will prove

Who is truly
the fastest being on mobius.

And which one of them
is sonic in disguise!

I bet you , mobiums

That sonic is the ugly one
in the dress.

Sleet: that's dingo.

Dr. Robotnik: ha, too bad
we didn't shake hands on it.

Heh heh heh heh!

Sleet: ahh, you welsher!

[Creature ribbits]

[Engines rev]

Dr. Robotnik:
and they're off!

Dr. Robotnik: I had a feeling
that wouldn't work.

Manic: cool.

Sonia: robotnik's speed-bot
is in the lead?

Sonic must be playin' it
real cool!

Sonic: maybe I'll just
watch the race.

Dr. Robotnik: the speed-bot
is really proving himself

To be the fastest being
on mobius!

Sonic: hey, no biggie.

I know who's really the fastest,
and he is nobody's bot.

[Crowd cheering]

Sonic: bummer majores!

Sonic and manic must think
I'm at the race.

They walked
into buttnik's trap!

All: ♪ oooooh,
built for speed ♪

Sonic: : ♪ he's fast
as greased lightnin' ♪

♪ Man, how that kid
can run ♪

♪ He travels faster
than the speed of sound ♪

♪ Just for fun ♪

All: ♪ ooh,
he's built for speed ♪

♪ He's built for speed ♪

Sonic: : ♪ he make a roadrunner
look like he's standing still ♪

♪ Make a race car look
like it's got no wheels ♪

All: ♪ oooooh,
he's built for speed ♪

♪ That boy
is built for speed ♪

Sonic: ♪ going faster,
faster, faster ♪

♪ Faster, faster, faster,
faster and faster ♪

♪ he's built for speed ♪

I have a private box!

I don't belong here!

[Crowd gasping, screaming]

[Bartleby gasps]

Bartleby: ohh!

Sonia: I told you
that was sonic.

Dingo: whoopeee! Hooray!

I won! I won!



Dingo: whoa!


Sleet: that fool dingo
won the race!

Dingo: no.



Sonia: quick, hop on.

Dr. Robotnik: swat-bots!

Hold your fire!


Sleet & dr. Robotnik: yaaah!

Sonia: I couldn't stand by
and let those swat-bots get you,

Even in that dress!

Dingo: I didn't know
you cared!

Sonia: of course we care!

Sonic: huh?

Sonia: brother?

Sonic: chill out, sis.

The big bro
with the big mo is here!

Sonia: if you're sonic,
then who is that?

Dingo: hee hee hee!

Dr. Robotnik: whoa-aah!

Oh, no! Whoa!
Aah! Oof!

Wha-aah, oof! Aah! Help!

Sleet: huh? Aah! Unh!

Dr. Robotnik: oh, sleet,
do something!

Sleet: you're telling me?

Dingo: let's keep riding
forever, sonia!

Sonia: oh, yuck!

[Sleet muttering]

Dr. Robotnik: aaah!

Unh! Ohh!

Sleet: help!
I can't see!



Dr. Robotnik: yaah!

Bartleby: ooh-uhh!

Dr. Robotnik: uhh!

Stop them, sleet!

Don't let them get away!

Manic: so much for my solo.

Dr. Robotnik: whooo-ohh!
I hate hedgehogs!

Sleet: close the gate!

Trap them in the stadium!

Sonia: stop, let me go.

Dingo: now you'll never
get away from me!

Sonic: are you serious?
You're so slow,

I could get away from you
with my eyes closed!

Sonia: I wouldn't
make him mad, sonic.

take your best shot...

While I'm not lookin'!

Sonia: whoa!

Dingo: ooh!
That hurt.

Not good! Aah!

Sonic: let's make
like a bee and buzz!

Dingo: sonia!

I thought you cared!

Sonic: none of this
would have happened

If I hadn't wanted
to prove how fast I am.

Now I'm not just
the fastest thing on mobius,

I'm the tiredest.

I'm too baked to rake.

Sonia: you're so tired,

I bet I could beat you
to the van.

Sonic: get serious, sis,

And watch me haul
some hyper-sonic haunch.

Manic: that's our bro...

Never too tired
to be himself.

Sonia: let's juice!