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01x08 - Who Do You Think You Are

Posted: 06/11/23 11:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:: as my children
learned about each other,

They also learned
from each other.

And sometimes
the road to learning

Took them
to faraway places.

Rafi, gasping: aah!

Swat-bot: up!

suspect vanished.


return to patrol route.

Maintain surveillance.

Sonic: could use
a little help here!

Sonia: and get dirty?

No way.

Manic: most excellent.

Sonic: oh, man,

This is gonna take about...

A second.

Hey, sis,
you can come out now.

Works done.


Sonia: very funny.

It's a mud pack.

Sonic: you hate
getting dirty,

But you smear mud
all over your face?

Sonia: it's a special
cosmetic mud from tashistan!

Sonic: mud...which
is dirt plus water?

Sonia: ungh!

Manic: ahem!

It is rumored
that in the catacombs
beneath the palace,

Lies the royal journal
of her majesty, aleena.

Sonic: palace?


Sonia: there it is!


Sonic: home of
your favorite mud, sonia.

Sonia: give it
a rest, sonic.

Sonic: huh?

Whoa! Check that out!

Manic: whoa!

Sleet and dingo's
tribute ship.

Sonia: great timing.

Maybe we should
wait until they leave.

Sonic: nah,
what's the difference?

Actually, having 'em right here
makes me feel right at home.

Sleet: double the patrols.

No one escapes tribute
this time.

Swat-bot: yes, sir.

Sonia: we need a plan
to get to the royal journal

Without being seen by
robuttnik's bad boys.


Manic: I vote for the sewer.


Sonic: sewer sounds
good to me.

Sonia: oh, wait a minute.

I say we use disguises.

We can walk in
right past the guards.

Sonic: but why
take a chance?

Oh, I get it.

No sewer, no dirt.

Sonia: you got
that right, sonic.

I won't set foot
in a smelly, dirty sewer.

Sonic: ooh.

How 'bout we go
as mud wrestlers?

Then we could be in disguise

And get beautiful
at the same time.

Sonia: oh, ha-ha funny.

You do it your way,
I'll do it mine!

[Sonic & manic laughing]

Sonic: was it
something I said?

Manic: I think
I'll check out the sewers.

Sonic: good idea.

I'll buzz the town.

[Rodents squeaking]

Swat-bot: identified:
rafi ajani.


Wanted for destruction
of surveillance bots.

Sleet: don't worry.

By this time tomorrow,
he won't be a problem.

Dingo: roboticizer!

Can I pull the lever
this time, sleet?

Can i? Huh?
Huh? Can i?

Sleet: no.

I have a plan.

Dingo: uh...i don't think
I like this plan.

I don't wanna be a bot.

Sleet: the bots don't bounce
back when they're hit,

But you will.

You can lead us
right to the kid.

Don't you want
to be a hero?

Dingo: no.

Sleet: well,
you don't get a vote.

Get out there.

Move it!

[Indistinct conversation,
music playing]

Sonia: huh?


[Gasps] dingo!

Dingo: ohh!

Umph! Oof!

That wasn't fun.

Swat-bot: halt!

Dingo: sonia!

Oh, sonia.

Rafi: I have never heard
one talk before.

Say good-bye, bot.

Dingo: ohh!


Sonia: ohh! Umph!

Swat-bot: halt!
You are under arrest!

Sonia: huh? What?

Rafi: uh-oh!

Quick, come with me!

Sonia: huh?

Rafi: listen,
I am your friend.

We must get away from here.

Sonia: I don't remember you,
friend, but...ok.

Sleet: unbelievable!

Priority one hedgehog alert,
sector -a!

Rafi: we are almost there.

Just to the end
of this street.

Swat-bot: halt!

Sonia: hello.


Rafi: ouch!

Sonia: hey, don't you
hurt my friend!

Rafi: how did you do that?

Sonia: I don't know.

Rafi: well, I hope
you can do that again!

Sonia: spin and win time.


Where'd that come from?

Rafi: what are you

Rafi: aah! Stop!!

Quickly! In here.

Sonia: ok.

Sonic: mongo mess!

Wonder what happened?

Sonia's shawl!


Sonic: sonia!

Rafi: listen.

Was zat not the name
zee bot called you!

Sonia: was it?

Rafi: well, whoever you are,

You better come home with me
until you remember.

These streets are dangerous.

Sonic: sonia!

Rafi: you'll be safe here.

[Music playing]

Rafi: mother?
This is sonia.

At least I think
that is her name.

She helped me escape
from zee bots.

She may have lost
her memory.

Raia: ahh.

Welcome to our home, child.

Sofia: thank you.

Rafi: and this is nana.

Sonia: ooh!
Look at this.

You know, this might
make a great facial.

[All gasp]

Rafi: uh, we use it
to make pottery.

Sonia: yeah,
that works, too.

Sonic: mondo problemo, bro.

Sonia's missing.

Manic: let's beat feet
and find her.

I'll check
from the rooftops.

Sleet: the hedgehogs
are here!

And the boy is with them?

What's going on?

Sonia: huh?



Rafi: I'm sorry.

It's all we have.

Sonia: oh.

Of course.

Raia: that is beautiful.

It looks valuable.

Sonia: it's odd-looking,
isn't it?

I suppose I should know
what it is, but...

Raia: it is all right,
my child.

Be patient.

I'm sure your memory
will come back.

Sonic: anything?

Manic: my bud,
leader of the thieves' guild,

Says there were
no arrests today.

Sonic: thieves' guild?

Rafi: come,
I must sell my pots.

Better cover your face.

It is the custom here
and zee bots will notice.

Sonia: but what about you?

Rafi: I am a boy.

Besides, I am so quick
they will never catch me.

Sonia: you really
remind me of somebody.

Abdul: no more pots today.

Rafi: but, abdul,

These are nana's best!

Abdul: all right, I'll give you
dinars for all of them.

Rafi: dinars?!

You take the food
from the mouth's
of my children...

If I had children.

Abdul: if you had children!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

All right.


Rafi: deal!

...and some of that bread.

Oh, and do you
have any brie?

Food vendor: huh?

Sonia: never mind.
I guess this will be all.

Food vendor:
dinars, please.

Sonia: I'm sorry, uh,
I don't have any money.

Food vendor: would you trade
your necklace?

Sonia: it is odd-looking,
but still...

Food vendor: and I will give you
gold rials, as well.

Sonia: oh, thank you!

[Manic gasps]

Sonic: nada, zip, nothing.

Manic: same here.

But I got an idea.

How 'bout a song?

Sonic: yeah, like I really feel
like singin' right now.

Manic: dude,
you don't get it.

We play a song,
sonia hear it,

And she finds us.

Sonic: not bad.
Glad I thought of it.

Sonic: hey.

Rafi: huh?

Where did you get...

♪ we need to be free ♪

Sonic: ♪ like the wind
across the desert sand ♪

Sonic & manic:
♪ we need to be free ♪

Manic: ♪ like a nomad
roaming mystic lands ♪

Manic: ♪ oh, freedom
is a golden bird ♪

♪ That lets us fly ♪

Sonic: ♪ and if someone
tries to take that away ♪

♪ We will stand and fight ♪

Rafi: they are good.

Sonia: yeah,
but something's missing.

I think it's me!

Manic & sonic:
♪ we need to be free ♪

Sonic: ♪ like the wind
across the desert sand ♪

Sonic & manic:
♪ we need to be free ♪

Manic: look!

[Crowd cheering]

Rafi: wow!

[People screaming]

Sonic: hang on, bro.

Swat-bot: halt!

You are under arrest!

Sonia: and you're...
Under cover.

Sonic: uh-oh!
They messed up.

Manic: whoa, stand back,
she's gonna blow.

Sonia: c'mon, let's go!

Manic: they got her dirty

And she didn't remove
body parts?

Is that our sonia?

Swat-bot: halt.

You are under arrest!

Sonic: outta here!

Sonia: whoa! Unh!

Rafi: come, we must go!

Sonia: well, who are you?

And where am i?

What is this?


Rafi: what is happening?

Rafi & sonia: aaah!

Sonia: my medallion!

It's gone.

Rafi: you--you sold it,

Sonia: oh, oh,
oh-no! No!

Sonic: sonia!

Sonia: sonic! Manic!

Sonia: oh, yuck!

This smells
worse than you, sleet.

Sleet: poor princess sybil.

Don't worry, you'll get
used to the smell.

Sonia: it's sonia.

And I won't be here long enough
to get used to it.

My brothers will rescue me.

Sleet: ah, the speedster
and the sewer rat?

Hmmm. Sewer rat!

Of course.

They'll try the sewers!

Make yourself useful.

Guard the sewer.

Dingo: whoa!

Rafi: that is
where you belong!

Sleet: ah, yes, rafi!
Such spirit,

But we'll take care
of that, won't we...

With the roboticizer.

[Rodents squeaking]

Sonic: yuck!
What a smell.

Sonia was right.

We should have used
disguises to sneak in.

Manic: aw, it's not so bad
once ya get used to it.


Sonic: yuck!

I hate water!

Manic: not so bad.

We can squeeze
right through.

[Sonic & manic gasp]

Dingo: yaah!

Sonic & manic: aah!
Uhh! Unh! Ow! Uhh!

Dingo: eat muck!


[Sonic & manic coughing]

Sonic: ptoo! Ugh!

So, what kinda disguise
do you think it will take

To get us into the palace?

Manic: actually,
you're lookin' pretty spiffy.

Sonic: so true.

Sonic: oh, hello!

Sleet: and who are you?

Manic: uh,
the sultan of tashistan

Has sent us
to dance for you.

Sleet: oh...uh...really?

Manic: ohh,
do you work out?

You're so strong!

Sonia: how's it coming?

Rafi: not so good.

It's a very old lock.

Sonia: old, huh?

Let me try. Hyah!

Rafi: I must learn that.

[Music playing]

Manic: and now, my sister,
uh...sonicia will do

Her version of the
whirling dervish for you!

Sleet: hmmm.

You remind me of somebody.

Manic: ok, uh, let's see.

[Monitor beeping]

Manic: entrance to the catacombs
is right next to the dungeon.

Great! We can rescue sis

And search for the journal
at the same time.

Sonia: oh my gosh!

Come on!

Rafi: aah!

Sonia: the journal!

Rafi, this is--


[Sonia gasps]

[Rafi coughing]

Sonia: dingo!
Put him down!

Dingo: no! Now I'm gonna
hurt your little friend.

Sonia: oh I can't do it!
I can't do it!

But I have to!


Oh,i just had to be
a freedom fighter, didn't i?


[Sleet gasps]

Sleet: wow!

Manic: and now,
for our grand finale!!

The spin of passion!

Sleet: ooh-ooh!
Ohh! Ohh!

[Sleet gasps]

Manic: ooh! You're so manly!

Sleet: mm-hmm.

Sleet: whoa-ohh!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Unh! Whoa-ohh!


Wow! What a woman.

Sonic: sonia?

Manic: gone.

[Manic & sonic gasp]

Sonia: ok, girls, just take me
to the roboticizer room

And you won't get hurt!

Sonic: sonia?

Sonia: sonic? Manic?

Sonic, manic & sonia: yuck!

Rafi: unh! Uhh!


Sleet: first we take care
of this one,

Then we get sonia.

Rafi: you may roboticize me,

But you'll never stop
the freedom fighters!

oh, that's so cliche.

Sonic: yet, so true!

Hiya, big boy.

Sleet: hedgehogs!

Well, you're too late!

You'll never save him!

Dingo: now I'm gonna
get you!

Sonia: hyah!

Dingo: whoa!


Sonic: aaaaaah!

It won't budge!

Manic: hey! Get away
from those controls.

Sleet: I think not!

[Sleet laughing]

Sleet: ow! You oaf!

Manic: no go, sonic!

He took all the controls
with him!

Sonic: spin and win time!

Rafi: huh?

Rafi: I will miss you,

Sonia: me too, rafi.

Sonic: uh, could ya get
the door, rafi?

Rafi: it would be
my great pleasure!

Perhaps they have
done me a favor.

Sonia: all right, rafi!

Sonia: there's
not much here.

Manic: read it.

Sonia: ok.
According to this,

The seer told her,
"I will rejoin my children,

"But there are many roads
we all must travel

Before we are reunited."

Sonic: hmm. Interesting.

We came all the way
out here for that?

Sonia: well, we did learn
one important thing.

Manic makes a much prettier girl
than you, sonic.

Manic: heh heh heh!
Oh, thank you, darling.

Sonic: ooh, that hurts.

[Sonic, manic,
sonia laughing]