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01x07 - The Deepest Fear

Posted: 06/11/23 11:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

Captioning made possible by
dic entertainment


Queen aleena: the deepest fears

Are those which we will not
admit, even to ourselves.

But admitting to them is the
first step in overcoming them.

Captain sonic: show thy
monstrous self, o moby deep!

Come and face the wrath
of captain sonic,

If thou hast the courage!

Sea monster: grrrr...!


Sea monster: grrrr...!

Sea monster: grrrr...!

Captain sonic:
well, I hast for it.

Take that, moby deep!

Sea monster: grrrr...!

Captain sonic: umph.

Nice throw.


Sea monster: grrrr...!

Captain sonic: umph!

Thou can't catch captain sonic,

But I can catch thee!

Sea monster: grrrr...!

Sea monster: grrrr...!

[Sea monster whimpers]

Captain sonic:
give me a call sometime
when you're not tied up.

Sea monster: grrrr...!

Captain sonic: [gasp]

Captain sonic: [gasp] whoa.

Sonic: sea monster...water.

Oh, I can't...swim! I can't!

Water...i can't swim.

Manic: hey, bro! Wake up!

Sonic: whoa.

That was one nasty
nautical nightmare.

Sonia: well,
that's what you get

For eating chili dogs
before you take a nap.

Sonic: you said it, sib.

Takes at least
to make me sleep good.

Sonic: I dreamed I was
fighting hand-to-tentacle
with a sea monster...

The one they call moby deep!

Manic: can't believe
you're afraid of moby deep!

That's just an ol' wet story.

Sonic: [laughs]
did I say I was afraid?

Let me tell ya somethin',
bro, nothin' scares--
what's that?!

Sonia: that's the mobian sea.

[Seagulls call]

Sonic: [chuckles]
hey, I knew that.

Sonia: we'll be
in port mobius soon.

I hope the message
about meeting mother there
turns out to be true.

Manic: I hope so, too, sis.

But if it doesn't,
we can still hit the beach
for a swim.

Sonic: swim?! [Gulp]

Why would we wanna do that?!

Sonic: if this van's a-stoppin',
then sonic's a-boppin'!

Manic: is he actin' freaky,
or what?

Sonia: he does seem
kinda zippy about something.

Sonic: queen aleena monument.

All right, my kinda town
after all!

Good to see ya, mom!

Sonic: dingo...
What are you doin' here?!

Dingo: just hangin' around.

[Sonic gasps]

Sleet: we heard you were
headed in this direction.

You must not know robotnik's
the local hero around here!

Blast him!

Dingo: you got him, sleet!

Sonic: [whistles]

[Laughs] are you guys slow,
or are you guys slow?

Sonic: [laughs]
yep. You're slow.

Sleet: I said, blast him!

Sonic: is anybody here
with the resistance?

Sonic: guess not.

Sonic: nice try, guys...

But no problemo.

Sonic: problemo.

Sonic: whoa! Huh?

Sleet: won't miss this time!

Sonic: uh-oh!

Sonic: exit! Just what I need.

Sonic: argh!

Dingo: I gotcha!

Sonic: umph!
What took ya so long?

Manic: she wouldn't
drive any faster.

Sonia: the wind
messes up my hair.

Dingo: ow. Ooh...

Sonia: the message said
we could find queen aleena

At the port mobius docks.

Manic: sounds like a line to me.

Sonic: look out, sis!

Sonic: make tracks
while I play this axe!

Sonia: did you get him?!

Manic: look out!

Manic/sonia: aah!

Sonic: umph!

You could've at least
put us on the front row.

Squeege: har. Welcome
to the queen aleena!

Har, I'm captain squeege.

Couldn't help hearin' all
the lasers blastin' up in town.

Ye wouldn't be making trouble
and dragging me into it,
would ye?

Sonic: sonic's the name
and resistance is our game.

Squeege: well then!
Glad to meet ya!

I'm the head
of the local resistance.

Squeege: fact is,
I am the local resistance.

Sonic: huh?

Sonia: so this
is the queen aleena

We're supposed to meet...

A showboat!

Manic: looks like
the show's over.

Squeege: ye haven't
had a show in ages,

Not since everybody
in port mobius went over
to robotnik's side.

Sonic: why would anybody
wanna be on butt-nik's side?

Squeege: har. They think
robotnik can protect 'em
from moby deep.

Sonia: but moby deep
is just an old legend!

Squeege: har, he's real,
all right!

Maybe you're
just the hedgehogs

That can help me catch him!

Squeege: that'll show everybody
they don't need
robotnik's protection!

Sleet: those hedgehogs
are hiding somewhere
on the waterfront!

I want you to search the docks
until you find them!

Dingo: you heard him!
Start searchin'!

Sleet: do that again,

And next time I morph you
into a spittoon!

Sleet: sonic
is somewhere nearby.

I have a sixth sense
for these things.

Squeege: har. When moby deep
started sinkin' ships,

The whole town
begged robotnik for help.

Squeege: the only way
to win them back

Is for the resistance
to catch moby deep.

Sonic: we're here to fight
butt-nik, not sea monsters.

Sonia: wait a mobius minute!

There's something fishy
about this.

Sonia: what if
robotnik's sinking ships

So the port mobians
will be afraid

And come to him for protection.

Sonic: good thinkin', sis.

Now that that's solved...

I'm outta here.

Manic: hey, I got an idea
how we could prove it!

Sonic: yeah,
but will it take long?

Manic: you can tell the size
of somethin' under water

By bouncin' sound waves off it.

Check it out. I lower the mic,
send out some vibes,

And listen to the echo.

Ow! Whoa!


Like that!

How can we test it when
there's nothing in the t*nk?

Manic: dig it. Just jump in the
t*nk and act like a sea monster.

Sonic: go jump in a lake!

Manic: how about you sonia?

Sonia: and get my hair wet?!
Get real.

Squeege: yar,
what a buncha whiners!

I'll play moby deep for yas!

Sonia: huh?

Squeege: I hate
when that happens!


Manic: I'll help ya, captain!



Sonic: yah!

Sonia: huh?


Sonic: towel?

Sonia: thanks.

Manic: now, we just
take the boat out to sea

And see what's
really out there...

Moby deep or one
of butt-nik's subs.

As much as I'd like to
go on this gourmet cruise,

Count me out.

Somebody's gotta keep an eye
on sleet and dingo,

Somebody fast.

Manic: we knew sonic
didn't like water,

But he's actin'
like he's afraid of it.

Squeege: I've seen
this kind o' thing before.

Even sailors get afraid
of water every now and then.

Sonic can overcome his fear
if he has to.

Manic: you don't know
my bro sonic.

Manic: what if that moby dude
really is out there?

Sonia: forget legends.

Sonia: we're after something
a lot worse than moby deep...


[Seagull squawks]

Dingo: hey!


Why do I always
get the dirty jobs?

Now why would that old showboat
put out to sea?

I'd better tell sleet! [Grunts]

Sonic: hmm...

Swat-bots standin' guard,

But what are they guardin'?

Hey, bot-heads!

Sonic: a submarine!

Sleet: did you say something?

Dingo: sleet!

That old showboat,
the queen aleena,

Just left the harbor!

Dingo, gurgling: I can't swim.

Sleet: I've always
suspected captain squeege
was in the resistance!

If he has sonic
and his siblings aboard,

That will prove it!

Sleet: launch the submarine!

It's time our "moby deep"
claimed another victim!

Sonic: he's gonna
sink the queen aleena!

I've gotta get on board
that sub and stop him!

Sonic: whoa-ho...too wet!

Sonic: [gasp] what I gona do is
warn manic and sonia. Good idea.

Sonic: that sea's full of water!

I'd better signal manic
and sonia. Yeah, good idea.

Sonic: wait a sonic-second,
I need something to signal with.

Maybe an umbrella.

Sonic: yeah...

This should do the trick.

Sonia: now to
lower the microphone...

Manic: that lighthouse
must have a short circuit.

Sonic: they're not turnin' back.

Better try somethin' else.

Sonic: manic!



Squeege: must be a fog
rollin' in.

Sonic: sonia!

They're still goin'!

Nothing's workin'!

Sonic: ah! This patrol boat
should get me out to manic
and sonia in a hurry!

That water sure looks deep.

Sonic: moby deep.

Sleet: ah! There it is...

A sitting duck.

Dingo: why are we
gonna sink a duck?

Sleet: uh! Not a duck, you fool,

The queen aleena!

Prepare to attack,
ramming speed!

Sonic: chill, hedgehog.

You're not afraid
of a little water!

Sonic: did I say that?

The mobian sea's a lot of water.

Swat-bot: surrender, trespasser.

Sonic: are you serious?

Sonic: a perfect swat-dive!

Sonic: ohhh!

Sonic: hey...this isn't so bad!

Not so bad?!
What was I thinking?!

This hedgehog's gotta
get back to good ol'
terra dry land firma!

Sonic: but not like this!

Sonic: huh? Whoa-ohhh!

Sonic: whoa-oh!

Sonic: whoa!

Sonic: safe!

If I could swim.

Glub, glub, glub.

I've gotta swim faster! Glub.


Sonic: who are you?!

Moby deep: I'm moby deep.

Sonic: moby deep?!

You're supposed to
be a sea monster!

Moby deep: sometimes
it's hard to be what
you're supposed to be.

Sonic: whooaaa!


Whoa. Oh! [Grunts]

Watch it, mobe-ster!

I can't swim!

Moby deep: sorry.

Sonic: hey, no hard feelin's...

If ya do me a little favor.

How would you like to trash
a submarine full a trash?

Moby deep: I couldn't do that!

I'm afraid of boats,
especially submarines!

Sonic: how can you be afraid
of a little thing like a sub?

Moby deep: it can hurt me.

How can you be afraid
of the water?

Sonic: it's wet, it's deep,
and, well, i...can't swim!

Moby deep: can't swim?
Let me give you a lift to shore.

Sonic: how bout a detour?

I've got some friends
I want ya to meet.

Manic: now to see
if this really works.

Sleet/dingo: [gasp]

Manic: there's
somethin' big down there.

It's gettin' closer and closer!

Sonia: is it a submarine?
Or a sea monster?!

Manic: it sounds like...

Sonic: hey, guys!

Manic/sonia: sonic?

Sonic: thanks, deep-dude!

Moby deep: no biggie.

Sonia: is that moby deep?!
He's real?!

Sonic: in the flesh, sis...
And a whole lot of it.

Sonia: then it really was moby
deep-sinking ships!

Sonic: hey, no way!

The mo-man don't play that game!

Sonia/manic/sonic: ah! Oh!

Squeege: har!

Sonic: it's a sub made to
look like a sea monster!

That's what I
came out here to tell ya!

Sonia: thanks for the warning.

Squeege: we're
taking on water down below!

Man the buckets!

Squeege: man the bilge pumps!

Sonic: pumps are for chumps!

Sleet: there's something wrong.

They're not sinking!
Ram them again!

Sonia: we could
blast that sub...

If it wasn't underwater.

Manic: maybe we could get a rise
out of sleet...with music!

Sonic: good idea, bro!

Sleet and dingo hate music!

Manic: we could use the
old speakers in the theater
to make a boss sound system,

But to wire all that up
would take...

Sonic: about a sonic second?

Manic: yeah, 'bout that.

Sonic: let's jam
before they ram!

Face your fear to overcome it ♪

♪ Cain the sand ♪ head

♪ Or run from it ♪

♪ Show what you're afraid of ♪

♪ Exactly what you're made of ♪

♪ Juand face your fear ♪reath

Get on once again ♪

♪ Ifyou will win ♪ryin',

♪ Tell what's got you beaten ♪

Ain't retreatin' ♪

♪ Just take a big deep breath ♪

♪ And face your fear ♪

♪ You've got to face your fear ♪

We jammed em, now blam 'em!

Sonia: uhh!

Sleet/dingo: whoaaaa! Ahhh!

Dingo: pyehh!
Puh! Puh! Peh-peh!

What do we do now, sleet?!

Sleet: huh?

Sleet: make like a fish,
you fool...and swim!

Moby deep: mmmm, fish!


Sleet: aah!

Whoo! Faster!

Squeege: I guess everybody's
afraid of something.

Sonic: [laughs]
bein' afraid's no biggie,

As long as you don't
let it slow ya down!

Squeege: at least nobody'll
be afraid of moby deep any more.

Sonia: and they won't need
robotnik for protection.

Manic: yeah, and maybe sonic
won't be so freaky about water.

Squeege: it's a good thing ye
came to port mobius when ye did.

Sonic: huh?
Sonia: huh?

Manic: I thought he sent for us.

Like...didn't he?

Sonic: if he didn't,
then who did?

Sonic/sonia/manic: [gasp]