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01x01 - Wedding Bell Blues

Posted: 06/11/23 11:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonics,
the triplets born ♪

♪ The throne awaits,
a seer warns ♪

♪ Of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ Learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders
of the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena here.

Becoming the legitimate
king of mobius

Is dr. Robotnik's deepest,
most dangerous dream,

Which is soon to become the
sonic underground's nightmare!

Sonic: wow!

Sonic: three doggies
with the works, bud!

Sonia: chili dogs now?

Sonic! We're on
an important mission.

Manic: important mission?

You mean after
your hair appointment?

I mean my hair appointment.

Appearance is important
to most people.

Sonic: I know what you mean,
'cause I'm so cool!

I always look good.


Sonia: oh, gross!

Oh, well, I guess that's
to be expected

From the lower classes.

Sonic: I'd rather be low class
than no class.

Looks like we got a bad case
of sticky fingers here.

Manic: hey!
Where I come from,

Ya never know when
you might need somethin'.

Sonic: put 'em back.

Sonic: cool move.
Just see they stay there.



Robotnik: hear ye,
citizens of robotropolis;

Be informed that tomorrow
i, the great robotnik,

Will be married
to queen aleena herself.

And because I am a kind,
generous, and caring tyrant,

I will even allow...ugh...
Music to be played

At this joyous event.

Sonic: did he say "married?"

Sonia: did he say
"to the queen?"

Manic: dude,
did he say "trap?"

Or was it just too obvious
to mention?

Sonia: manic, you're right.

There's no way mother would
marry someone she doesn't love

With all her heart!

And who could love--

Sonic: a domineering ol'
butthead like doc botnik?

unless she were forced!

Sonic: you know,
on second thought,

If there's a chance in
a million that mom's there--

Sonia: we have
to be there, too.

And I think I know
just who can get us in.

Sonic and manic:
you don't mean ...

Sonia: bartleby.

Robotnik: excellent!

A fine day
for snaring hedgehogs.

But the cost of this bogus
wedding is bankrupting me!

Sleet: yes,
but it must look real

Or the hedgehogs
will smell the trap.

Robotnik: suggestions?

Dingo: uh...
Cut off their noses?

Sleet: why not
raise more tribute

From one of your
pathetically loyal nobles?

Robotnik: bartleby?

Sleet: precisely.

hackney carpet cleaners.

Sonic: ok, nobody's home.
Let's go!

Sonia: but wait, wait, wait!

sorry, my good fellow,

There must be some mis--

Sonia: bartleby, it's me!

Bartleby: sonia?
How delightful.

Do come in!

Sonia: look, stay in
the background, both of you.

As far as bartleby's

You're rug cleaners,
and nothing more!

Bartleby: sonia, darling,

It's simply marvelous
to see you,

Although your ensemble
leaves a bit to be desired.

Manic: hmm.

Bartleby: by the way,
I hear your mumsy's wedding

Will be tres chic!

Sonic: this guy
is tres bozo.

Bartleby: I'm so glad
your mother has finally
come to her senses.

Sonic: grrr!

Bartleby: after all, given your
disreputable brothers...

And the unfortunate fact
that all three of you
are wanted criminals,

Your tarnished family
needs a major polish!

Sonic: one more word
out of you

I'm gonna polish this floor
with your face!

Bartleby: sonic?


How could you let
your ruffian brothers
into my home?

Sonia: oh, bartleby,
sweetie, don't mind sonic.

He's just
a little overwhelmed

With the beautiful
surroundings and all.

Bartleby: yes. They are
quite nice, aren't they?

Sonia: and what all of us
want most of all

Is for mother's wedding
to be perfect...

Which is where you,
my sweet, can help!

Bartleby: you know I'll do
anything, my pet. Anything.

Sonic: huh?

Sonic: ahem.
Excuse me, manic,

But you've just entered
a "no shopping" zone?

Manic: hey, we could sell
this stuff to a crooked
antique dealer I know

And make a bundle
for the resistance!

Sonic: toss it.

Manic: ohhh.

Sonia: in that case,

All you have to do is volunteer
to supply the music.

Bartleby: music?

Well, I don't know...

Ok, so I do know.

Manic: do ya think
this guy is really cool?


Sonic: I think we're
about to find out.

Sonia: this should get rid
of that nasty spot, sir.

Bartleby: what spot?

Bartleby: oh, uh,
and be sure it does, miss.

Oh, sleet and dingo.

Sleet: hello, bottleby, you
wart on the nose of society.

It's tribute time again.

Bartleby: what's that?

But I just...

[High-pitched whining]

Dingo: aah!

shut those machines off!

[Machines turn off]

Sleet: you know
as well as I do

That marrying a queen
is very expensive.

Bartleby: but I'm not
marrying a queen.

Sleet: but your lord
and master is!

Double tribute,
and I want it now!

Bartleby: but...but...

Sonia: music...

Bartleby: oh!

What if I pay
half the tribute

And supply some very
expensive musicians as well?

Sleet: hmm.


Good-bye, burbleby.

Come, dingo.

Sonia: thanks, bartleby.

Sonic: hmm. You're not
half bad,

You wart on the nose
of society, you!

Manic: wow!

Sonic: wow! So this is
the royal home, sweet home!

Sonia: if robotnik hadn't
stolen it from mother, that is!

Manic: yuck.

Sonic: what are we
supposed to do with--

Sonia: that will be all,
thank you.

Sonia: oooh.
Excellent sounds!

♪ When tomorrow comes,
we'll be walkin' in the sun ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ Oh, when tomorrow comes,
we got nothing but fun ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ When tomorrow comes ♪

♪ Oh, when tomorrow comes ♪

♪ When tomorrow comes,
we'll be walkin' in the sun ♪

♪ Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ When tomorrow comes ♪

♪ When tomorrow comes ♪

Manic: cool timing, dude.
Ha ha.

Sonic with french accent:
but of course!

Let's hear that drum solo
one more time.

I only had time
to cover the north wing.

No sign of mom, yet.

Sonia: nobody saw you,
did they?

Sonic: someone see moi?

The speedman? The speedster?
The speedmeister?

I don't think so.

Robotnik: play it forward


Take it back two frames.


Well, well,
mr. Sonic hedgehog.

Before the sun sets today,

You too will be
walking down the aisle...

To the robotisizer!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Sonia: according to this,
boys, no more rock 'n' roll.

Sonic: well, excuse us.

Hey, is it hot in here
or what?

Man, this jacket's hot.



One, two, one-two-three.

[Music plays]

Sonic: we've gotta find mom

Or find out what robuttnik's
really up to.

Any ideas?

Manic: dig this.

All right!
Secret passageway, anyone?

Sonic: way to go, bro!

Manic: so let's do it.

Sonia: not so fast, manic.

It's a good idea,
but it lacks style!

Sonic: style?

Sonia: style!

Manic: not bad, dudette.

But now that you're all
dressed up, where ya gonna go?

Sonia: while you explore
the secret passageway,

Sonic can check outside

While I bluff my way
into the bridal chamber!

Sonic: ho ho. Sis,
you got style by the mile!

Meet ya both back here, when
we're all a little older
and wiser!

so the hedgehogs are here,

Which is exactly
what we wanted!

What have you got?

Sleet: a special trap
for the fast one.

Robotnik: which is?

Sleet: ha ha. Something
he can't resist.

Sleet: all right,
we'll set up here.

Dingo: ouch!
This stuff's hot!

Sleet: oh, dingo,
you're such a cry baby!

To catch a mouse,
you use cheese.

But to catch a hedgehog,
you must use...

Sonic: chili dogs!


Gimme a triple banger
with quadruple chili!

Extra spicy!

Sleet: yes, sir.
Coming right up!

Sonic: awesome concoction,
my good man!

This is what I call
a chili dog!

Sleet: oh, I almost forgot.

There's one more thing.

Sonic: really? What?

Sleet: giant venus fly trap!

Sonic: huh?


Sonic: but I didn't order
a giant venus fly trap!

Must be one of those
"super-meal" promotions!


Oh, man, I hate to do this.

Oh, well.
For mom and country...

Chili bombs away!

Sonic: hate to not eat
and run, but so it goes!

Ohhh, uhhh...

Manic: wow!

One of these may lead
to the bridal chamber,

And there's only one way
to scope it!

Time to lose this costume.

Robotnik: ahhh!

Uhhh! Aah!


Ahhh. Now that's what I call
a kingly physique!

Manic: uh-oh. Wipe out!

Robotnik: yeow!

Sonia: mother?

Manic: cool.

Sonic: whoa. That looks like
the bridal chamber.

And that looks like
an actual...


Manic: ma, you're not really
gonna marry

That ugly dude robotnik,
are you?

Female voice: actually, my
darling children, I can't...

Male voice: because I'm
already married to my job!

Sonia: oh, thank goodness!
It's only a trap!

All: a trap!

Sleet: swat-bots,
seize them!

Sonia: sleet! How dare
you allow that

To impersonate
the queen!

Sleet: that's nothing!

Check out what
he's impersonating now!


Sonia: aah!

Let me go, you no good--

Sonic: sonia!

Is that all ya got?

Ha! Me and my big mouth.

Manic: sonic! Over here!

Sonic: manic,
I thought I told you--

Manic: like I said,
you never know

When this kind of stuff
is gonna come in handy!

Sonic: so where's
the secret passageway?

Manic: behind those bots!

The light activates it!

Sonic: no problemo.

Special delivery
for swat-butts!

Manic: hey!
What's the happs?

Sonia: no, no, no.

I refuse to be named
crown princess,
successor to the throne!

Bartleby: but, sweetikins,
don't you see?

By her continued absence,

Your mother has given up
her right to rule.

You have to take her place!

Sonia: my mother's absence
is because of his presence!

Robotnik: if it's my fault
you are missing a mother,

I will remedy that lack

By adopting you,
our new crown princess,
as my daughter!

In fact ...

You may call me "dad"!

Sonia: aah!

Sleet; ahem.

Honored guests, we have
a slight change in schedule.

Instead of the wedding,

You shall witness

The adoption
of crown princess sonia

By our beloved leader,

Doctor--and soon-to-be king--

[Crowd murmurs]

Bartleby: unless, of course,

Queen aleena fulfills
the ancient law

And proves she has not
abandoned the throne!

Sonic: there's too many
swat-bots to rush the stage.

We need a diversion.

Manic: got it!
Sonic: got what?

Manic: you'll know it
when you see it.

Gotta jam!

Manic: oh, oh,
this is definitely "me."


Sonia: sonic? Manic?

Where are you?

Sonic: any time, manic.

Manic: ugh!

Hey, hey,
watch the dress, guys.

It wrinkles.

Sleet: and with the continued
absence of queen aleena,

It is decreed
that princess sonia

Shall rule in her stead!

Sonic: runnin' out
of time here, manic.

Manic: excellent!
Still got the touch. Ha ha!

Bartleby: with this crown,
princess sonia--

Woman: halt!
I forbid this ceremony!

Sonia: 'bout time, guys.

Sonic: nice goin', manic!

Lovely frock!

Bartleby: the royal scepter!

It's the queen! Ohhh!

Sonia: my hero!

Robotnik: no!
It can't be!

Woman: you are a blight
upon our land, robotnik!

I, queen aleena,

Shall never abandon mobius
or her children,

As long as I may live!

Man: long live the queen!

Crowd: long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Robotnik: swat-bots!
Seize her!

Sleet: blast that door open!

Robotnik: hedgehog,
you're defeated!

Admit it!

Sonic: only if you catch me!

Robotnik: aah!

Sonic: one burrito el grosso,
comin' right up!

Robotnik: uhh! Oh! Aah!

Sonic: I just love these family
get togethers, don't you?

Sonia: you're the best.
But where's manic?

Sonic: milkin' his
balcony scene to the max!

Sonia: that was manic?

Uh...maybe we should go.

Dingo: there she is!

Sleet: party's over,
your majesty.

You're coming with us.

Robotnik: heh heh heh!

Well, well, well!

Your children may have
escaped, queen aleena,

But at least I have you!


Sleet, you idiot!

Sleet: no, sire!
I'm the conniving one.

Dingo is the idiot!

Sonia: brilliant work, guys!

Manic: which part?

Sonia: your impersonation
of mother, what else?

Sonic: it sure was, manic!

Exceptional job!

Manic: so kind,
but I never made it.

I thought it was you!

Sonia: but wait a minute!

If it wasn't manic
or sonic...

Sonic: then it had to be...

Sonia: mother?
Manic: wow.

Queen aleena: the nightmare
has been averted,

But a long darkness
still remains

Before our freedom's dawn.

Robotnik: perhaps
a few days in the dungeons

Will give both of you time
to reflect on your shortcomings.

Take them away!

Sleet: I want my own cell!

Dingo: no, sleet, please!

When I'm alone,
I get scared of the dark!