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02x07 - Tour De Force

Posted: 06/11/23 07:23
by bunniefuu

[BILLIE] Okay, let's go
over it one more time.

Your parents arrive stage left

and are instantly charmed
by my sparkling small talk

and unpasteurized cheese plate.

We then whisk them away on your 'tour'

where I serve amazed wonderment

as your forestry know-how
puts Daisy Crockett to shame.

Forrest plays the role

of your adorable Park Ranger Supervisor,

your mom and dad believe the lie,

and your rep as golden child is safe.

Or... [SIGHS]

We could just tell them the truth.

Nuh-uh. If my parents find out

I've been lying all summer,

it's enforced tutoring
gigs 'til I graduate.

I'm not ready to be a disappointment.

On the upside, nobody cares

if you waste your best skin years

banging baristas and bartenders.

- Hmm.

[GASPS] Game time. Grab the cheese!

- Oh, my God.
- Welcome!

Can I tempt you with
a smoky camembert...


[BILLIE] Riley, you're back.

- From .
- Hi.

[GASPS] You have to go.
My parents are coming.

And she told them that we
made up so she could stay.


Okay, SparkNotes are:
Justin re-proposed,

and you had an intimate
ceremony on the rocks.

I sang "Say You'll Be There,"
very cheeky, we laughed,

Justin cried, you made a chocolate tart,

and Justin's vows
took, like, minutes.

But Riley, please, just do this for me.

- I need cheese.
- No, not the soft one.

- Gives you the toots.
- Yeah.

[MIMSY] Oh, but that final dress?

- [OPAL] Yes.
- [MIMSY] Spectacular.

- [OPAL] Amazing.
- [MIMSY] Ah.

We're so in agreement.

[OPAL] Well, the Balenciaga Crocs

were both ironic, yet
unapologetically sincere.

- I was gutted.
- Mmm.

If I want to be ironic,

I only need to see your
mother's hairdresser.


Nice that a part of Mimsy
will live on when she's gone.


- You okay, babe?

You haven't said zip about
your mom's test results.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm just gonna go get a jump on lunch.

Hey, can we do breakfast
for lunch again?

- [MAISY] You're a grown man.
- I love you.





♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ♪

♪ I wanna be sedated ♪

[NAOMI] Hmm.

Now, Daddy wanted to come,

but a patient of his
got caught trying on

a new fursona at work.

Animal fixation is a lonely road,

isn't it, Riley?

Uh, I don't work with animals anymore.

I just showcased a series,
called Hit and Runaways.

To Paris. Uh, he... he was...

He was in... He was in Paris.
He just got back from Paris.

- Riley was in Paris?
- [RILEY] Uh-huh, yeah.

[JUSTIN] Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm, yeah, mm-hmm.

Uh, uh, for... for the
wedding, uh, honeymoon.

Yeah, because the art
world's having a honeymoon

with its newest star over here.


[JUSTIN] Hmm, yeah.

It's not far. It's
just half day's drive.

- You drove to Paris?
- Ontario.

It's, uh, the cobblestone
capital of Canada.

- It's... gorgeous.
- [NAOMI] Hmm.

We're saving Paris, Paris,
the... the Europe Paris,

for our honeymoon, right, honey?



- Mmm!

Sounds like you two have got
a lot of catching up to do.

Why don't Billie and
I give you some space?

Oh, but I booked Justin
on the tour with us.

It is important for couples to take time

for each other after they've been apart.

And it is also important
for mothers and daughters

to take time for each other
after they've been apart

all summer, and miss
each other terribly.

- Yeah. Yeah. You go.
- Mmm.

- Oh, the fun you'll have.
- Well, okay then.


I wanna hear all about
the vows at dinner.

[SCOFFS] Hear about 'em?

- Oh, God.
- Well, you're gonna.



Okay, one foot at a time, yeah?

- Okay, all right.

Not bad, Mom.

So, how you doing?

The nausea will pass

now that we are out of that hell taco.

Yeah, that's why I
wanted Justin to come.

He has a steady paddle.

You can stop pretending, Billie.

I know you're covering for Justin.

He and Riley didn't work
things out, did they?

How'd you know?

That earring was a
classic coping mechanism.

The angle of the dangle
was a dead giveaway.

Look, I know you love Justin,
but giving up a dream job

to help him is not the way to show it.

I'm really sorry, Mom.

Okay, we need to be
honest with each other.

You know you can tell
me anything, right?


Hope you're not looking for the woods,

because all you're getting is a Forrest.

Hey, uh, Mom, this is my supervisor,

Forrest Buisson.

Park ranger, kombucha microbrewer,

and Billie's number one fan.

It is so lovely to
meet you, Mrs. Barnes.

Uh... Mrs. Jackson.

Thanks for rolling
with Billie's one act.

That was really cool.

Listen, Riley, I... [SIGHS]

I realized something
while you were away,

and I was kind of hoping
we could talk about it,

'cause I've been rolling around and...

That's all you're taking?

I got clothes at the Gas Go.

Oh, like, regular ones,

or more from the Backstreet
Boys home collection?

[SIGHS] I'm a different person now,

and if you can't accept that...

Billie? Anyone home?

- [RILEY] Hey.
- [GASPS] Love le look, Riley.

Very Paris, Ontario.

- [JAYNE] Justin.
- Jayne.

I need, like, a teeny
little favour from you,

and my favourite teen girl boss.

Ooh, she's on a tour with Naomi.

[SIGHS] Then it's over.

I found the perfect
spot for a new boathouse,

but the owners will only
sell to legacy lakers.

Maisy's MIA, Whoreen and Saggy said no,

Billie and you posing as
a couple was my Hail Mary.

FIRST: gross. Second: thank you.

The seller's specified no
greedy real estate agents,

no soulless house flippers,

no influencer-fashionista-Paris
types like Riley.

The lake trusted me

to find a new home for the boathouse.

What am I gonna do?

[JUSTIN] Come on, Jayne.

You're gonna... you're
gonna think of something,

you got that... that presidential...

... sparkle.

- I do?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Twinkle, twinkle, who's a star?

[SIGHS] Maybe I could
manifest something.

- I did read The Secret.
- Shh, shh, shh.

[SIGHS] I knew I could count
on my sassy gay besties.

Okay, back on the pony. [GRUNTS]

Thanks, girlfriends.

- Work, queen.
- Work, diva!

- I feel dirty.

It just flew out of my mouth.

You know, I'm a legacy laker.

It would be great to
have a new boathouse.

- Maybe we could...
- Set aside our shit?

- For the boathouse.
- Just for the boathouse.


[WHISPERING] For the boathouse.

Yeah, just like that, Mom.

Hey, Forrest, hey, Forrest, hi, Forrest.

Can I talk to you for a second?

- Yeah.
- Okay, Mom,

I'm gonna be right back.
I gotta chat itinerary.

Do not put my purse on the ground.

Right. [LAUGHS]

Where's the gear I asked you to bring?

It shipped out already.

Our contract's done this week,

and head office wants
base camp packed up ASAP.

Company lease is almost up.


okay, okay, just fix your collar,

and follow my lead, okay?

- Okay, boss.
- No, no, you're my boss.

All right.

Okay, and button those up, yeah?

[SIGHS] Here we go.

Okay, the lake has an
amazing system of wetlands

with swamps, marshes, bogs, and fens.

Now, you might think that...

So... sorry, baby. Did you say bog?

Bog, like, quicksand bog? Sinkhole bog?

No, not in the marsh.
Not where we're going.

But there's a cool beaver habitat.

Sorry, baby, you're doing great,

but I am gonna need waders,
a wetsuit, and a rabies shot

if I am plunging into
a bucktooth rat's nest.

Oh, um, all the boots were signed out.

You know, big, big duck migration.

It draws a crowd.

We could duct tape plastic
bags over our boots.

That's how we stop trench foot

when we're planting in serious shnarb.

- Shnarb?
- How about we, uh...

we, uh, ditch the marsh for today, boss?

Uh, let's do something
more beginner-friendly.

- Yes, for sure.
- Like, um...

We could forage.

For what?

Roots, nuts, mushrooms.

Can't mushrooms be poisonous?

For six hours, if we're lucky.

[JUSTIN] God, it's a beautiful,
beautiful spot, Phoebe.

Oh, actually it's pronounced Fo-ee-bee.

Oh, I'm so sorry.
That must happen a lot.

You're the first.

Yeah, I wish I could
keep Gam-Gam's cottage,

but we live out west now.

So, how long have you two been together?

Oh, it feels like forever.

It's just 'cause his
hair is frozen in time.

Well, have a walk of the property,

and I'll be inside when you're ready.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hey, if we're gonna pull
this off, lose the hair jokes.

I know, I'm sorry. It's
just that I have this thing

that I really want to tell you
and every time I go to do it,

all that comes out
is, "Why the mustache?"

Hey! What are you guys doing here?

- Hey, um... uh...
- Hi.

We're trying to save the boathouse.

What the hell are you guys doing here?

- Manifesting my sparkle.
- Yeah.

Wait, are you trying
to steal my thunder?

[SNIFFING] Smells like
thunder theft to me.

No, that's just Riley.

I told him to lay off the brie.

We thought your sparkle
could use some backup.

And decided to fake being a
happy couple to get the place?

You stole my manifestation.

Jayne, Jayne, Jayne.

- We can all manifest together.
- Yeah.

We each pretend to be a happy couple...

- Who's pretending?
- And then we double our chances of getting the place.

I'm supposed to trust the h*m* Torch

and George Michael to seal the deal?

Wow, sounds like Ruffles is a
little afraid of competition.

Please, we are a way
better fake couple than you.

I've been faking it for years.

Care to put some money on that?

- Faking what, babe?
- Even better.

Whoever gets the owner to sell,

gets naming rights to the new boathouse.

Brace yourself, Blondie.

It's on, Donkey Dongs. Ha-ha!

It's a compliment,
Wayne. It's a compliment.

Are you kidding?

- Of course.
- Kombuch, we're in luck.

Okay, so you can boil
these, make tea with these,

and they go great with steak.

Oh, we're foraging for steak, too, now?

Okay, um, yeah, plan B.

I can eat the chocolate
to make it look more real.



[BILLIE] Brazil nuts and goji berries?

We look like liars, Forrest.

Aren't we kinda?


Just go, I'll...

I'll tell her you got called away

on a poison oak emergency or something.

- Okay, sweet.
- Yeah.

We're still pre-gaming for Bush Prom?

- Sure.
- Yeah, okay.

- No!
- Shit, I'm sorry.

Forgot I was your boss.


Oh, uh, look what we foraged.

Hmm... I see Craisins
are still in season.


[PHOEBE] Ugh, I am just so glad
you're all legacy cottagers.

- Yeah.
- And Gammy would be, too.

When she died in this very room,

she made me promise
we'd only sell to people

as in love with the lake as each other.

So, before we get to money,

and we will, Gam-Gam wants a Tesla...

we'd love to hear your story.

Who you are, how you met.

I'm sorry, you keep saying "we."

Me and Gam-Gam.

- She's always listening.


O-M-Jeepers creepers.

Um, but Wayne and I were just saying

- how much we love ghosts.
- Yeah.


Not in a sexy way though. Don't worry.

- No.
- No, no.

Well, 'cause, you know, some people

are probably into that, so...

[JAYNE] Mmm-hmm.

Oh, well, Gam-Gam was an old perv,

so how about the ghost
fucker goes first?

Yeah, I...

uh... [SIGHS] su... sure.


Hi, Gam-Gam, I'm
Justin, and this is my...

this is Riley.

Uh, but that mustache is all for you.

I'm sorry. I know,
I can't help it. Um...

So, we met last summer,
which I know doesn't seem

like a very long time, but, you know,

in gay years, that's
like a straight five.

Maybe even like a seven.

Um, and Riley is...

... pretty great.

Which totally freaked me out.

'Cause the men in my life, you know,

they haven't always been there for me.

And whenever I would get close to a guy,

I just developed this
really obnoxious habit

of running the other way...

which meant that I was the
only one that could let me down.

And I don't know.

You know, I don't know

if we're gonna be together forever.

And Riley is about to take
the art world by storm.

His work's been described
as if Cindy Sherman

and Amy Sedaris had an Etsy page,

which is actually very correct.


You read my reviews?

I read every single one.

- There was only one.
- Yeah.

I remember meeting Jayne like
it was yesterday, Gam-Gam.

- Wayne.
- Er, sh, I got it.

CSIS had just promoted me
to head assassin, right?


Back then, I had ice in my veins,

and, uh... and early onset diabeetus,

which they overlooked,
because my k*ll shot

made Liam Neeson look like a pussycat.


But my... my job took me to
some dark and dangerous places.

So, for the safety of my
family and friends, I had to...

I had to disappear forever.


So, at a roadside bar
on this very lake...

[SIGHS] that's where I had
my "Going Underground" party.


That's where I saw this majestic goddess

for the first time.

She was riding the crap
out of a mechanical bull.


The ice in my veins
melted. [SNAPS] Instantly.

I couldn't be an assassin again.

I mean, I was blinded by love, or...

maybe, it was the diabeetus.


One thing's for sure, I
knew my calling in life.

My job was to make Jaynie happy.



Well! That will be
Gam-Gam with her decision.

We keep a rotary dial just for her.

Excuse me.


Right between the eyes.


It's diabetes.

Seemed like you and that supervisor

had a close working relationship.

Yeah, it was actually, two rangers

I could have gone with.

Think I chose the wrong one.

- Mmm, what makes you say that?
- Oh, it's...

Oh, my God. Oh, my
God, you're mirroring.

You promised you'd stop therapizing me.

What... what am I supposed to do?

How else will you see
that it's a bad idea

- to date your supervisor?
- You were Dad's thesis advisor.

- For one year!
- Is that... is that Naomi?

Oh, Maisy. What brings you here?

Oh, I was just going for a little dip.

Oh, do you always go
swimming fully dressed?

I needed a break from my mother.

Oh, Billie told me about her diagnosis.

- I was sorry to hear it.
- Oh, don't be.

I've been praying for
it for many, many years.

Why are you dressed like a zookeeper?

Oh, I'm doing tours for Parks Canada,

and we are actually, in
the middle of one now,

so we should pick this up later.

And you're buying this?

I'm sure my daughter,

whose mother worked very hard with her

to get an important internship,

wouldn't keep anything from me.

Yeah, no. Great. We're on the same page.

So, let's go.

Oh, so you don't know that
Billie ditched her internship

for baby's first Burning
Man, and then she got fired.

Billie, what is she talking about?

Tree planting. She lasted two days.

A week and two days.

I thought we were past
keeping secrets, Billie.

You would have never
let me tree plant, Mom.

Because it would have been a mistake.

Yeah, but my mistake.

"Oh, wah, wah, wah,

my parents are invested in my future."

Don't you come for me, Nell.

If you want to make your own mistakes,

start by owning them.

Oh, like you do.

Going for a dip fully
clothed like a crazy person?


- Sit.
- What... me?

Yeah, you, her, sit in the ship.

- It's a canoe.
- I don't care what it is.

- Get in the boat.
- Okay.

Wayne did it!

He saved the boathouse.

We'll call it Wayne Manor.

Uh, I saved the boathouse.
We're calling it The Lovehouse.

- That sounds like a brothel.
- The Joyhouse?

So much worse.

Um, I just got an anonymous call

saying that you all know each other,

and you wanna tear
down Gam-Gam's cottage

to build some kind of group home?

- What?
- [WAYNE] No.

- That's crazy.
- No!


Gam-Gam hates liars.


- [PHOEBE] You'd better go.
- Go.

[PHOEBE] Get out. Get out!

- I can't get my jacket on!
- Leave!

[JUSTIN] I can't get my jacket on!

- [SCREAMING] Leave!

Let's start with why we're here.

Please remember to use "I" statements.

Maisy, won't you go first?

I am here because my mom told the truth

for the third time in her life,
and I'm supposed to feel bad,

because she's actually, really dying?

When has anyone ever been
able to make you feel bad?

- About anything?
- "I" statements, please.

Fine. [SIGHS]

I think that Maisy is
a textbook narcissist

who is using her issues with her mom

to justify doing whatever
the eff she wants.

Okay, well, I think that
Billie is a sucky little baby

who blames her mom for smothering her,

instead of admitting she
stayed for tree planter tail.

Maybe we put a pin
in the "I" statements.

I'm sorry, I'm a sucky baby?

Your mom is dying, and she just
wants to make it right with you.

By stealing my children like a witch.

Maybe, they just like being with someone

who isn't worried about
who they should be,

but is cool with who they are.

From the girl whose mom is so cool

she trusts her with Justin,

a man with the self-awareness
of a Polly Pocket.

Maisy, you can't get past
the stuff with your mom,

because if you did, you'd
lose your trauma card,

and your free pass to be the
biggest bitch on the lake, okay?

Sorry, Mom.

Maybe not the words I would have chosen.

We'll talk about properly
framing a diagnosis at home...

But my baby's not wrong.

[SIGHS] My insurance
only covers an hour,

so I better be getting home.

My mother's blood sugar
isn't gonna spike itself.

I can show myself out.

That's what we call a breakthrough.


Who would want to blow a shot

at finding a new home for the boathouse?

Probably, the same person
who stole Jaynie's spare,

nailed her tires, because
they hate Tegan and Sara?

Or because they hate the boathouse,

but who could hate the boathouse?

You know, ruining the talent show,

and tipping "Fo-ee-bee"
off, that could be a pattern.

If someone is trying to stop us
from bringing the boathouse back,

then maybe they could've
burnt it down, too.

Holy balls.

Justin said someone used his
fireworks to start the fire.

Which means they were
a guest at our wedding.

Which also means?

There's an arsonator among us.

- And?
- And Justin was right.

Oh, God, there it is!

- Yeah.
- I think we parked up here.

- Okay.
- God!

It's just been, like, a really...

really long summer.

[WHISPERING] This feels so good.

And where have we been today?

Oh, were you worried I was missing?

Hardly, I'd be worried
for the sad miscreant

- who tried to grab you.

Oh, Opal, I'm sorry.

I just get jealous of you and Nana.

You'll understand someday
when you have kids.

Or corgis.

They're gonna love me
so much more than you.


So, did I fool you even a little bit?

Until you tried to make me believe

that unqualified hunk was your boss.

Yeah, he did not read the handout.

Gotta get better at lying.

That is not the takeaway
I was hoping for.

What you need to get better at

is giving me the benefit of the doubt.

You know, it is healthy
to want different things

from your parents, but it is not okay

to assume that we won't
respect your choices.

[SIGHS] That said...

I think you made the right one.

Okay, now you're lying
because my tour was trash.

Okay, your tour may have been fake,

but making me feel safe was real.

I even peed in the woods.

Making people like me feel at
home in nature is a real gift.

[BILLIE] Thanks, Mom.

Come here, baby.

We'll figure out the
rest when you get home.

You have the rest of
your life to pad your CV.

Goodbye, Justin.

And next time, my daughter
asks you to lie for her...

I seek approval within myself,

and I draw clear boundaries.

- Mmm-hmm, excellent mirroring.
- Thank you.

- Bye, baby.
- Bye, Mom.

- Bye, Naomi.
- [NAOMI] Mrs. Jackson.

- Mrs. Jackson.
- Every time.


Does she hate me?

No, she likes that
she's the parenting-do,

and you're the parenting-don't.

That's great.

Oh, Mom must have forgotten something.

Oh, hi.





Well, I've got a thing in my room, so...

- Yeah.
- ... I'm just gonna...

- and you two can, uh...
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- [JUSTIN] Okay.

I just came to grab...

Oh, yeah, the...

from earlier.


there was this thing
in my review about...

[SIGHS] the artist seeming
uninterested in the victim.

"Choosing instead to draw the
eye to the escaping vehicle."

Yeah, I read it.

I think I did that when I proposed.

You know, I threw
myself in front of you,

stopped you speeding away.

I was scared I couldn't keep up.


it really was your fault.

And the only accident that
I would speed away from...

is that haircut and that mustache.

- [RILEY] Wow.
- And that earring.

I love the earring.

You look like budget Harry Styles.

If Gwyneth Paltrow's vag*na
candle was an earring,

that... would be the earring.

[BILLIE] Are we shit
talking Riley's earring?

- Yes.
- No.

I kinda like it. You look like
Fonzie from "Happy Gays."

- [LAUGHS] Burn.
- Okay.

- I'm leaving now.
- Okay.

You look like a grandfather
clock from a gay antique store.

Antique stores are gay.

- Can't help myself.

Well, that was some flirty bullying.

Yeah, we learn it in grade school.

The gays need a new
love language, though.

Hey, quick Q for you, Missy Lou.

How would you feel about
playing the Mulder to my Scully?

If you just want to wear
shoulder pads again, Justin,

- then wear them.
- No. Well, yeah, but no.

I know who the boathouse arsonist is,

but I need your help to
get the truth out there.

I can't believe Lovejoy called it

with the boathouse arsoner.

I know.

Oh, Clementine Farnsworth
is gonna be so pissed.

I wrecked her on LinkedIn

'cause I thought she nailed my tires.


Maybe, Special Agent Wayne

could come out of
retirement for one last hit?

I'm not gonna k*ll Clementine, Jayne.

Oh, you mean sex?

All right.

Good. Mama needs to nut.


I'm gonna pass, Jayne.

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, okay.

I'm not a special agent.

I'm still the same guy you met

puking behind the boathouse
after a bunch of Jägerbombs.

And I am...

I'm really sorry that
I clipped your wings

by just hanging around all summer.

I didn't mean to keep you grounded.

I know you need to fly free.

If you are playing hard-to-get

it is working.


Good night, Jaynie.

You're cleared for takeoff.

♪ Bows and flows of angel hair ♪

♪ And ice cream castles in the air ♪

♪ And feather canyons everywhere ♪

♪ I've looked at clouds that way ♪

♪ But now they only block the sun ♪

What the f*ck?

♪ They rain and they snow on everyone ♪

♪ So many things I would have done ♪

♪ But clouds got in my way ♪

♪ I've looked at clouds
from both sides now ♪

♪ From up and down and still somehow ♪

♪ It's cloud's illusions I recall ♪

♪ I really don't know ♪

♪ Clouds at all ♪


♪ Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels ♪

♪ The dizzy dancing way you feel ♪

♪ When every fairy tale comes real ♪

♪ I've looked at love that way ♪

♪ But now it's just another show... ♪