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02x06 - Dying to Know

Posted: 06/11/23 07:22
by bunniefuu

I call it the Jayne Payne Weathervane.

'Cause when this baby sells,
Mama's gonna make it rain.

- This looks amazing, Jayner.
- Staged it myself.

You sure did!

Thank you so much for letting
us host the talent show here.

Please, my sellers were dying to lend it

when they heard that Tegan and Sara

are headlining the
Boathouse's last talent show.

Last talent show.

I can't even say it
without starting to cry.

But we are gonna go out in style.

I am bringing the Juno award winners,

- and you're bringing...
- Land sell cheques.

Right here.

Gosh, Maisy, it must be so
cool working with celebs.

We're just people.

Well, if you want a chance to meet them,

you could do me a little favor,

could you pick up Tegan
and Sara from the airport?

You are my favourite
person, after my facialist,

and no one knows the
roads better than you.

I drive all my clients
to their viewings,

rain or shine, always on time.

That's the promise of Payne.

Payne, promise, I'm
still workshopping it.

Timing is tight, Teegs
and Sara are doing

a -minute set, and then,
they're off to Cleveland.

I will not let you down.

Could this be the start of Jayne Payne,

realtor to the stars?

[GASPS] Can you imagine?

Oh, no, I need to prep my car.

All of my Aqua Spin bras
are drying in the back seat.


Maisers dummies Jayne, and
she's out of the game. Nice.

Well, I had to get rid of her

to redo this "Bed, Bath
and Beyond" basic staging.

You're so hot when you
take off the gloves.

We have been so wrapped up with my mom,

- and your midlife hissy fit.
- Search for purpose.

That I forgot that we
work best as a team,

- towards a common goal.
- Reverse cowgirl.

- My new Boathouse.
- New Boathouse?

But the land sold, and
everyone's coming out

to pick up the cut of the payout.

Because my mom is a very
persuasive libertarian,

but I will not let her
liber-tear this lake apart.

As soon as they see an
A-list celebrity talent show,

they're gonna be screaming
for a new Boathouse.

The queen is back. Let me kiss the ring.

Call me queen again.


♪ Got all the love I need ♪

♪ Coming to me closely
asking how you can succeed ♪

[JUSTIN] Daddy is ready to par-tay.

- Gross.
- No,

sob-watching three
seasons of "Slut Island,"

'cause your ex left for Paris, is gross.

But that was yesterday me.

Tonight, we rock asymmetrical mullets,

and we fangirl hard,

and when Riley sees
that we've become besties

with Tegan and Sara, he's
gonna regret everything,

but too late, mate!

I've already found love

with their steamy trainer, Dashiel.

Why do you have Riley's mail?

'Cause he knew you'd get into it.

- That's sus.

You know that "sports lab" means STDs

or 'roids for gym queens, right?

Is my pee hole about to spit lava?

- Ew, boundaries, Justin.
- I'm opening it.

[BILLIE] Boundaries!

It's illegal to open
someone else's mail.

Well, it's illegal to keep
my pee hole in the dark.

Or wear that much lash
on Daddy/daughter day.

Please, please stop using "Daddy".

And I have plans today.

Can we rain check, please?

On Tegan and Sara day?

I know, I know, I'm sorry,

but I kind of asked someone over,

and you would be the best
ever if you left the cabin.

- For an hour.
- Only if you tell me,

does someone's name
rhyme with Shmorrest?

That is none of your schmizniz.

[JUSTIN] Well, your schmizniz is here.

- [GASP] Why is Forrest here?
- 'Cause you're a teenage horndog.

- I invited Ivy over.
- The one that fired you?

- Right before she kissed me?
- Go off, girl!

You have to help me get rid of him.

I'll just tell him that you're exploring

the richness of human sexual expression.

- It's beautif...
- I'll tell him. I'll talk to him. Just... just, uhh,

just.. just, just stay here!
In case Ivy shows. Thank you.



- [BILLIE] Put it back, Justin!
- I didn't touch it!

I didn't.

Oh, God.

Hey, hey, hey.

- [FORREST] Hello.
- [BILLIE] Um, what are you doing here?

I'm asking this girl
to the drive-in tonight.

Yeah, that sounds like
a text conversation,

you kn... whoa.

And I need some clean clothes.

- Of course.
- Yeah.

So, Kombuch, what do you say?

You want to eat popcorn, and
make out in the parking lot?

I do like popcorn.

- Yeah, okay. Yeah.
- Yeah?

- We'll just be quick.
- Sure.

- Like, one load, though.
- Okay.

Just the whites.


[MIMSY] ♪ Ah, whatcha gonna do now... ♪

[OPAL] Let's try this
again. I need more emotion.

What does it mean to you,

what is the meaning of this song itself?

Let's try it again.

♪ Whatcha gonna do when I'm gone? ♪

♪ Whatcha gonna do? ♪

♪ Whatcha gonna do when
I'm gone? Whatcha gon... ♪

What is this?

A serve.

Yeah, we're rehearsing for tonight.

As a Bee Gees cover band?

Nana will bring the house down

with Chilliwack's devastating
"Whatcha Gonna Do?"

It's the fundamental
questions that resonate.

It's the Boathouse's last talent show.

What's better than a
dying woman's last song?


Opal, can I get your advice
on appies for tonight?

- Appies?
- Yeah, your dad thought

it would be a good idea
to have themed bites,

so how about "Vegan Tegan-tots

- and Sara Cream"?
- I'll handle this.

♪ Ooh, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ♪

Rest your voice, Nana. We need
it fresh and raw for tonight.

Like the oysters I need to order.

Okay, here's what's gonna happen.

You are gonna tell Opal
that you are too sick

to perform in tonight's
sad little hairband fantasy.

Oh, it's more prog rock than metal.

But you can't put Chilliwack in a box.

Mom, Tegan and Sara are very
important clients of mine

doing me a personal favor.

I cannot have you embarrassing me.

As you wish.

That was easy.

Maisy, I'm trying to help.

What you're doing for
the lake is wonderful.

You know, when you were
a girl, you would moan

about community soirees
like talent shows.

I thought it was because
you had no real talent

of your own to share.


You've really grown.


Oh, my... [SIGHS]

Do you want some snacks?

I made a vegetable tray. Not
that all lesbians are vegetarians.

[LAUGHS] I mean, not that
you're even a lesbian,

I would offer you meat,

I mean, if you want meat,
not that kind of meat, I mean,

I could offer you this hummus I made.



[BOTH] Hey.

Sorry, I was just doin' my laundry.

And you know, I've
decided that I love...

love my old stuff,

so we can go ahead, and
return the new clothes.

But I love the new stuff.

Like, love it.

So maybe, you should try
it on first, see if it fits.

But the old clothes
are super cute, Justin,

and they make me feel snatched.

Oh, I feel you. I've
got this ratty old pair

of overalls I just can't let go of.

Super tough.

Justin, can you go check on my load?

- Boundaries.
- [WHISPERING] Justin.


I'll be gentle with your delicates.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Oh, and make sure you separate them.

Yes, I will...

- separate.
- [BILLIE] Thank you.

- It is important.

It's important.

- He is, like...
- Yeah, I know.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Uh, sorry, Whoreen,
Maisy said no home brews.

It's just dessert wine.

Oy, I love me a
proof fruity cough syrup.

But I think we know how Claire gets

- when she gets into it, huh?

- Yeah, so...

... Maisy just wants
tonight to be a class act.

Turn around! Take 'em back!

Thank you.

Hey, babe, you might wanna light a match

before it gets in the leather.

Maisy asked me to
pick up Tegan and Sara.

So I'm giving the car just,
like, a light lavender misting,

because artists are very
sensitive to smells, so...

Well, then, don't stop
for a burrito on the way.

- Remember, last time...
- Maisy is doing me

this incredible favor,

so everything has to go perfectly.

She offloaded a four-hour drive on you.

If anything, you're
doing Maisy the favor.

She's giving me a shot at the
celebrity real estate game.

If I play this right,

I could have my very
own Bravo franchise.

"Cabin Flip Bitch."


Wait, Jaynie, if this is your moment...

you can't grab it with
your hands at ten and two.

Hear me out. I come with, I drive back.

That way, you can work
your magic on Lady Oasis.

Fine. But no talking to the sisters.

- [WAYNE] Zip.
- This has to be super profesh.

should take my sea plane.

You can't fly it.

Tegan and Sara don't know that.

[SIGHS] Okay.

Yeah, we should drive.

Uh, good hummus.

My mom got Justin,

- like, really into legumes.
- Ooh.


So, uh...

- Okay, so, Ivy...
- [IVY] I know.

- Things have been weird since I fired you.
- Kissed me.

Uh, for the record, I wasn't your boss

when I kissed you, so not...

not creepy.

But, uh, here.

It's a reference letter.

I may have slightly exaggerated
your tree-planting skills,

but not your commitment
to climate action.

Maybe, it'll help get
another internship.

Ivy, this is so...

And I'm sorry for kissing you, too.

I should have waited
for enthusiastic consent,

but your non-verbal cues

felt like a green light, so I just...

No, they were totally flashing.

Like, "Go."

Like, "Turn right at the sign.

Or left."

I don't drive yet.

Okay, so maybe, uh, not sorry then.

Ivy, you know the only reason
I threw the laundry party

was to impress you?

- You were trying to impress me?
- Yeah.

I've been trying to impress you

since you saved me in the woods.

Oh, my God. I'm sorry about that, too.

- For saving me?
- No, no, no,

for getting, like, weird about NCI.


[SIGHS] I applied for
the same internship,

but they straight up ghosted me.

And here's this literal queen

with my internship,
so I know she's smart,

and of course, she's stunning.

And I was just all up in my head

about running my first crew,

but I couldn't stop
thinking, girls like that

don't go for sweaty
tree planters like me.


I don't know, Ivy, I, uh...

I think you'd be surprised
what girls like me go for.


If the non-verbals are right.



Oh, no, no, no. That's
cool, Mr. Lovejoy.

I never sort my socks.

First, it's Justin.

I'm, like, barely a decade and a half

older than you, we're
practically the same age.

Second, never, never, ever

say that in front of Billie.

The girl colour sorts
with a label maker.

Okay. Noted.

And thanks for being so
cool about her ditching

- Tegan and Sara Day.
- Oh, yeah.

It's okay, and I owe you

for the next super exclusive VIP event

that comes to the lake...


- Wonder what's keeping her?
- Whoa!

[LAUGHING] Forrest. Forrest.

You gorgeous creature.

Choosing the right date look takes time,

which gives us time to choose your look.

- Let's go!
- Okay.

See what we're workin' with here.

- We got a couple of
T-shirts. - I was thinking...

[JUSTIN] No, no, no,
we're not gonna wear blue.

Um, got whatever some of this is,

no plaid 'cause we're not into fall,

ratty old sweatpants?

Look, friend, I am not gonna lie,

this isn't looking good.

I've got some jeans in the dryer.

- Great. Put those on.
- Okay.

[JUSTIN] Perfect start,
but I am gonna need you

to put a T-shirt on,
because I need my full focus.

Thank you so much for coming.

Are you excited for the Boathouse's

last talent show?

Oh, we can't wait.

We love "Barracuda".

That's Heart.

This is a different sister
rock duo, Tegan and Sara.

Who owe it all to Sweden's
sibling sensation, Ace of Base.

- Where are the cheques?
- With Captain Crypto over there.


You have them. Halla!

Hey, Teegs, hey, Sara.
How was your flight?

[TEGAN] Great, but our ride's not here.


No, there must be some mistake.

Sit tight, I will call you right back.

[TEGAN] Okay.


- You gonna answer it, babe?
- It's Maisy.

And don't call me babe.

Okay, well, tell her
we got a huge flattie.


Maisy will lose it if we're
late to pick up Tegan and Sara,

she trusted me. [GRUNTS]

Okay, well, maybe she can send Victor.



He'll never make it
with their turnaround!

I have to just pretend
we're in a dead zone.


You have to fix this, Wayne.

This was my shot.

I mean, that's why she
sent me to pick them up.

She believes in me. It's
why she's so hard on me.

Yeah, or because she's
Tie Domi in yoga pants.

- Victor has a type.
- That's it.

- [WAYNE] Uh-oh, babe.
- Don't call me that.

Don't you normally, keep a spare?


Hey, all right,

Forrest and I have
found a date night lewk

that pays homage to
Forrest's tree planter roots,

but also feels young
and super hot-forward.

- What do you think?
- Hot.

- Damn.
- So...

did you finish with the hummus?

No, there's this new spice

that makes me want to keep eating it.

That's the jalapeno... oh.

- 'Cause it's a...
- Mmm, mmm,

so can you go put the hummus in my room,

and I'll pack up the laundry?

- Not the fridge?
- Uh, my room...

- Cooler?
- Fridge.

- So if you could go do that?

- Justin.
- I mean, you could also try the hummus

in the laundry room. They'd
probably, go well together.

- Oh, my God, Justin! Go. Go.
- Fine. I'm... I'm going.

- Missed you.
- [BILLIE] Oh. That's too bad.

Um, because there's
something I want to...

- talk about?
- Do you really wanna talk?



Take this off, it's summer!

It's hot.

No, no, I... Tegan,
I totally understand.

I... I'm... I'm so, so sorry.

Tegan and Sara aren't
coming. Jayne never showed up.

Neither did Opal's oysters.

He's on the phone with
Prince Edward Island now.

Look, your mom really wants to sing.

I promised Canadian twin icons,
not The Devil Wears Jumpsuit.

We're just gonna have to
call the whole thing off.

- I'll strip.
- No, no!

- Whoreen has a weak heart.
- Hmm.

Oh, maybe, you can ask Billie
to sing Tegan and Sara hits.

She did win the talent
show competition last year.

People are expecting
A-list indie darlings,

not an open mic.

It's a talent show.

It's a chance for the lake to showcase

- its underappreciated talent.
- No Magic Mike.


Fine, I'll text Billie,
but in the meantime,

we have to stall.

Remember when they stalled
the MuchMusic Video Awards

when Strombo got caught
in the Timmy Ho's bathroom

for three hours?

Yeah, we held a silent auction.

You almost bet the house
on Grimes's elf ears.

I would've looked dope in those.

[GASPS] Jayne's staging.

Where did you say Opal is?

And for our next item...


... a relic from the Boathouse canteen.

Can I get an opening bid of $
for this dark hole of nihilism?

Is that ? Can I get ?

How is he getting these prices?

He was headhunted by
Sotheby's in the fourth grade.

- Oh.
- [OPAL] Here we go, it's a bet, there it is.


Hummus is in your room
listening to music.

Did you get rid of laundry?

[SIGHS] I tried,
Justin, but he's so cute!

I can't choose.

Billie, why don't you just date both?

'Cause I'm not like you that way.

[LAUGHS] Well, I think after today,

you're exactly like me like that.

- [FORREST] Hey.

- Can I use the washroom?

- [IVY] Did you hear that?

- It's just me, I'm just...
- [BILLIE] Mmm!

... me, I'm just choking!

You, Ivy, me, Forrest.

- [IVY] Billie?

know, I will be right there.

- Right through here.
- Okay. Cool.

- Thank you, Mr. Lovejoy.
- No, it's Justin!

- This is...
- Bad!

I've escaped stickier threesomes.

We're just gonna tell him
you've been brainwashed,

- and you're in a cult.
- Fourteen missed calls from Maisy?

I think I could pass as a cult leader.

- I'm charismatic, I thrive in chaos...
- Wait, wait, wait.

Tegan and Sara never showed.
Maisy needs me to sing.

[GASPS] My baby, filling in for
Canada's q*eer pop power duo?

- Gagged.
- I mean, I have to go, right?

I mean, it is the last talent show.

Yeah, as much as I want to see my girl

take the spotlight and
Kris Jenner all the credit,

I know where I'm needed,
so you go, you go now!

- You run, Billie! Run!


What are you doing? I
already called the tow truck.

Emergency kit has a tire inflator.

Maybe, we can still make it.

Don't bother.

I should have just told
Maisy when I had the chance.

Now, she'll never forgive me.

Blame me.

She already thinks
that I'm a blown tire.

Oh, Wayne, that's...

that's so...

thank you.

You tried your best, Jaynie.

You always try your best.

And you know what? Whatever Maisy says,

not your fault. Sometimes
shit just happens.


[JAYNE] And sometimes,
shit happens on purpose.

[WAYNE] You run over a box of nails?

In perfect line, and my
spare tire goes missing?

Someone didn't want us
to get to the airport.

No. Makes no sense.

Who wouldn't want to see Tegan and Sara?

"Everything is Awesome"?

That song still slaps!

- [THUD]
- [WAYNE] I love the Lego movie,

- Jaynie, you know that.
- No, I do. I do know that.

I'm turning into Justin.

[SIGHS] Who am I kidding?
I can't run kilometers.


- [WOMAN] Right here.
- [OPAL] How about $ ?

from Claire!

Oh, wow.

[SIGHS] Billie can't make it.

I think we're gonna have
to cancel the whole thing.

No, this is your talent show.
There's only one way to save it.

Oh, fine. Mom, go ahead.

Do your prog rock fantasy
for the swamp people.

I'll duo you one better.

- [OPAL] Sold! To Claire.
- Oh, dear.

- [CLAIRE] Yeah!



- Hey.
- Hey.

So you left out a tiny detail, did ya?

Like a fool, I was
trying to open your eyes

to the joys of polyamory,

but I draw the line at incest.

[FORREST] Okay, we had no idea,

- Mr. Lovejoy...
- It's Justin!

Now, as much as it ages
me to be the parent...

you got's to clean up your mess.

I know, that's why I came back, I...

I didn't want to pull a Justin.

Oh, well...

I'm glad that my trauma and my name

could be a teachable moment.

Now, because your drama is
about to get hella awkward

in about two seconds, I
will humbly excuse myself

to go fill in for Tegan and Sara.

Good luck.

- Serious, Billie?
- What the f*ck, Billie?

I wasn't trying to play
games. Honest, you guys.

But what was I supposed to do?

First, my boss's brother kisses
me, and then, my boss kisses me?

Oh, she was not your
boss when she kissed you,

and she asked if you
were into her brother.

Easy, Ive, it's not Billie's fault

- she's our type.
- Get a new type!

This can't keep happening.
First, Maya, and then there was...

That was grade six.

Okay, I don't even know if
Forrest and I are a thing yet.

- Like, you know...
- The shed was definitely a thing.

- Oh, God.
- Yes, it kinda was, no, and then, Ivy,

you kissed me at the laundry party,

and I don't know, I just... I
just got so confused, you know?

- Well, we are irresistible.
- This is not cool, Billie.

You can't play both of us.

Yeah, you're right.


Maybe you should go.



We cool?

Yeah. So cool.


[OPAL] And, next up,
we have the original

hand-stitched Boathouse
secretary's cushion.

- This Warholian throwback,

dripping in irony, is starting
at $ , $ , everyone!

We want Tegan and Sara!

- Anyone?
- [AUDIENCE MEMBER ] Get off the stage!

[AUDIENCE] Tegan, Sara!
Tegan, Sara! Tegan, Sara!

- Get off, Dad.
- [AUDIENCE] Tegan, Sara!

Tegan, Sara! Tegan, Sara!

Tegan, Sara! Tegan, Sara!

Tegan, Sara!


♪ All I wanna get is ♪

♪ A little bit closer ♪

♪ All I wanna know is ♪

♪ Can you come a little closer? ♪

♪ Here comes the breath before we get ♪

♪ A little bit closer ♪

♪ Here comes the rush before we touch ♪


♪ Come a little closer ♪


♪ The doors are opening the
wind is really blowing ♪

♪ The night sky is changing overhead ♪


♪ It's not just all physical ♪

♪ I'm the type who won't
get oh so critical ♪

♪ So let's make the Boathouse physical ♪

♪ I won't treat you like
you're oh, so typical ♪

♪ I want you close, I want you ♪

♪ I won't treat you
like you're typical ♪

♪ I want you close, I want you ♪

♪ I won't treat you
like you're typical ♪

♪ It's not just all physical ♪

♪ I'm the type who won't
get oh, so critical ♪

♪ So let's make the Boathouse physical ♪

♪ I won't treat you like
you're oh, so typical ♪

[MIMSY] Wow, look at that!

We are blowing up online.

Total BDE.

Anyone seen the sex falcon?

Uh, halla.

Um, I would like to thank
Maisy for reminding us

how the lake needs a place to gather,

and enjoy our sad
little talents together.

I would like to pledge my portion

of the land sale to find a home

- for the new Boathouse.

Count us in! [LAUGHS]
Anything for Heart.

[WHOREEN] Maybe, we
talk about this at home?

my money, I'm in, yeah.

Wow! Looks like you
got your Boathouse back.

And we passed for twinsies.




Did my performance move you to tears?

[JUSTIN] I didn't see it.

Can only deal with one thing
I love dying in front of me.

Riley's blood tests.


Got low T-cells...

which we know from Grey's
means cancer.


And that's why he told Billie
to hide this letter from me,

and it's all making sense
now, why he proposed,

'cause he felt like he
was running out of time,

and I feel like this idiot.

These are my mom's test results.

I had them sent to Riley, so
she wouldn't intercept them.

Oh, thank God!

Oh, holy shit.

Oh, my God, Maisy.

I mean... this is...

we already knew this,
right? I... this isn't...

and it means Mimsy wasn't lying.

Do you need a hug? I mean, I...

I know that's not something
that either of us want,

you know, given your
bones are so brittle

and avian-like, but...

I could do that for you,

- if you wanted me to...
- I don't.

- Oh.

[GASPS] Oh, I have to answer this.

Yeah. Okay, yeah.

You take it, good... good call.

- Hey!

Hey, we just saw your post, girl,

so cringe, it's genius.

I mean, we're at half a
million views already.

You really are the best, Maisy.

No, you are. And you are.

Okay, never again, though.

- Oh. Oh.

- Hi.
- Hey.

So? Sophie make a choice?

She did and, just like the movie,

- she went with the boy.
- Oh, damn!

I was really hoping
you'd taste the rainbow,

but I can totally see why
you'd want a little less

drama-llama-ding-dong in your life.

You wouldn't know it after today.

Ivy was big mad.

And I feel like a garbage human.

Can't blame her.

Hard to give up.

So, how'd it go at Maisy's?

Oh, Maisy rallied the lake.
Everybody wants a Boathouse.

Mimsy's really dying. Maisy wins...

- again.
- What about your pee hole?

Don't even. I know you stole it.

They were Mimsy's test results.

But there was a hot second there,

before Maisy came out to tell me,

where I legit thought
that Riley was dying.

Told you not to open it.

The thought of losing him is...

I really love him.

I'm getting too old for drama.

Oh, I hope not, because
there's still more.

My parents are coming to
take my Parks Canada tour.

What Parks Canada tour?


Oh, I feel sick.



♪ If you need a friend ♪

♪ Don't look to the stranger ♪

♪ You know in the end ♪

♪ I'll always be there ♪

♪ And when you're in doubt ♪

♪ And when you're in danger ♪

♪ Take a look all around ♪

♪ And I'll be there ♪

♪ I'm sorry but I'm just thinking ♪

♪ Of the right words to say ♪

♪ I know they don't sound the
way I planned them to be ♪

♪ But if you wait around a while ♪

♪ I'll make you fall for me I promise ♪

♪ I promise you I will ♪