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03x11 - Magenta's Case of the Giggles

Posted: 06/08/23 10:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Have you seen my dog blue? She's looking for you, too ♪

♪ Let's begin with a paw print

♪ Everybody's looking for Blue's Clues ♪

♪ And you

♪ Come on in, come on in It's Blue's Clues ♪

♪ And you

♪ Step by step. Yes, clue by clue ♪

♪ Let's think it through It's Blue's Clue's & You ♪

- Oh, hello.

Dr. Josh here and this is my associate, Dr. Blue.

- [Blue squeaks]

- We're giving pretend checkups all around the house today.

Oh, like so.

Please stick out your tongue.

Very good.

Now say, "Ahh." Ahh.

Now, cluck like a chicken. - [makes clucking noise]

- Hey, you sound great! Have a sticker.

It's fun pretending to be doctors.

They're important helpers who keep us healthy

and take care of us when we're sick.

Wait, would you like to be a pretend doctor with us?


Oh, you could be Doctor Friend, M.D.

- Whoa!

I mean, doctors, your patients are ready to be seen.

- Oh, thank you, Nurse Soap. To the waiting room!

Hello, patients. Who's ready for a checkup?

- Me first, doctor.

- Alright, here we go. Ok.

Yup, you've got a strong ticker.

- What about me? - Oh, alright.

Uh-huh. Yeah. You look pale.

- What about me, Dr. Josh? - But of course. Ok.

Put your right arm in. Put your right arm out.

Now, shake it all about.

Yep, you've got the hokey pokies, but don't worry,

you'll turn yourself around.

- [Magenta laughs]

- Doctor! Magenta can't stop laughing.

- Yes, it seems Magenta has a case of the giggles.


- But doctor, how can we help her stop?

- Yeah. What can stop the giggles?

- ♪

- Oh!

Oh, Dr. Clue, you're a genius!

We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out

what can stop the giggles.

♪ We're gonna play Blues Clues

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game ♪

- Yes.

Now remember, Blues paw print will be on the clues.

Blue's clues.

Oh, you're all done, paw print. Oh, would you like a sticker?

Hey, you know what we need for Blue's Clues?

Our handy dandy notebook! Right. Come on.

Hi, side table drawer

Ooh, a doctor's bag.

- Yeah, look inside.

- Oh ah, alright. Let's see.

Oh, bandages, okay.

Oh, we've got an ice pack. Alright.

Oh, and a hat shaped like a taco?

- For fun.

- Oh, well, you know what they say,

sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

- There's one more thing.

- My notebook!

Thanks side table drawer. - You're welcome.

- You know, I can tell I'm really going to need

your help today to figure out what can stop the giggles.

Will you help me?

You will?


To play Blue's Clues, we've got to find a...

- CHILDREN: Paw print!

- Right! A paw print. 'Cause that's our first...


- Yeah, a clue. And we put it in our...

- CHILDREN: Notebook!

- ♪ Put it in our notebook 'cause they're who's clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues!

♪ We gotta find another paw print ♪

♪ 'Cause that's the second clue ♪

♪ Put it in our notebook, 'cause they're who's clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues!

♪ We got to find the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ Put it in her notebook because they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues!

♪ You know what to do!

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think ♪

♪ 'Cause when you use your mind, take a step at a time ♪

♪ You can do anything-- - [Blue squeaks]

- ♪ That you wanna do

- ♪♪

- Now, let's go look for some clues.

- ♪ We are doctors for Blue's Clues ♪

♪ I wonder where they are

- CHILDREN: A clue, a clue!

- Achoo? Oh, was that a sneeze?

- CHILDREN: No, a clue.

- Oh, a clue. Oh, a clue. Where?

- CHILDREN: There, right there.

- Oh.

On that smiley face!

- Oh, we need to put this clue in our handy dandy...

- CHILDREN: Notebook! - Notebook, right.

Ok, so our first clue is a smiley face.

We'll draw a circle

with two dots for eyes

and a curved line for a smile.

There, a smiley face.

Hmm. So, what can stop the giggles with a smiley face?

Oh, good thinking, doctor.

But I think we need to find two more clues, just to be sure.

- NURSE SOAP: Whoa! Paging Dr. Josh, Dr. Blue, and Dr. Friend,

we've got a booboo in the backyard.

- A backyard boo boo? Let's go, doctor.

- Oh doctors, thank goodness you're here.

Our stuffies have boo boos. Can you help them?

- Oh.

Doctor, do you think we can

help these stuffies with their boo boos?


- You're the bravest team I've ever worked with.

Okay, bring on the boo boos.

- Mr. Crabbycake scraped his claw and got an owie.

Is there anything you can do, doctors?

- Stay calm. We're professionals.

Alright, here we go.

Don't worry, Mr. Crabbycake, we'll have you back in a jiff.

Okay. Hm.

Which of these should we use for a scrape?

A stethoscope, a bandage, or a thermometer?

- CHILD: A bandage!

- Of course!

A bandage to cover up scrapes and help them heal!

You'll be fine, Mr. Crabbycake, but no pinching for a week.

- Thank you, doctors!

- You're welcome. Now, who's next?

- My stuffed banana slipped and fell down. Now he's got a bump.

- Oh, I see. Alright, let's see here.

Hm. Which of these should we use for bumps?

The ice pack, the tongue depressor or the tweezers?

- CHILD: The ice pack.

- Right! Ice packs help bumps go down!

- There. He'll be peeling better in no time.

- Thank you, doctors. - You're welcome.

Ah, so Nurse Soap, what seems to be the problem here?

- My rubber ducky has the sniffles.

- My goodness. Ducky sniffles.

Okay, let's see what we have here.

What do you think would help with the sniffles?

Cotton balls, cotton swabs, or tissues?

- CHILD: Tissues.

- JOSH: Good call.

Okay, little Ducky, blow your beak.

- [duck blows beak]

- Whoa, it worked! Oh, thank you, doctors.

How can I ever repay you?

- Oh well, I'd send you a bill, but your duck's already got one.

- Laughter is the best medicine.

- It's so true. So true.

I'll see you later. Come on.

Wow, doctors can really make a difference,

and helping others feels great.

- CHILD: A clue, a clue!

- Oh, you see a clue. Where?

- CHILDREN: There, the mouth. There.


Aha! Our second clue is in that mouth.

We need to put this clue in our handy dandy...

- CHILDREN: Notebook! - Notebook! Right.

OK. And there.

So, a mouth.

We'll draw one curved line like this,

a bigger one underneath

and a tongue in the middle.

There, a mouth.

So, what was our first clue?

- CHILD: A smiley face. - A smiley face, right!

Yeah. And our second clue is a mouth.

So, what can stop the giggles with a smiley face and a mouth?


But I think we better find one last clue, just to be sure.

- [Blue squeaks]

- And we better find it stat.

- ♪ Mail time, mail time, mail time, mail time ♪

- The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail It never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes I wanna wail, "Mail!" ♪

- Hiya, Doc.

Hey, I think I've got a letter for you. Can you take a look?

- Oh, sure. Say, "Ahh."

- Ahh. - Yep.

That is definitely a letter.

- Thanks, Doc. See you later.

- We just got a letter!

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter

♪ I wonder who it's from

- Oh, it's a letter from our friend.

- Hi, Josh and Blue,

I just got a shot at the doctor's office today

to help keep me healthy.

It pinched a little, but I was brave and now I'm okay.

Bye, Josh and Blue.

- Great job! Bye.

Wow, doctors and nurses work really hard to keep us healthy.

They are real heroes.

- WOMAN'S VOICE: Is there a doctor in the house?

- Oh, we better check that out.

- [Blue squeaks]

- Whoa! Dr. Blue just skidoo'd into that picture!

Let's go.

♪ Blue skidoo, we can too!

Wow, it's a doctor's office!

- Oh, hello. Welcome to Silly Town Medical.

- It's Mayor Billy Chicken!

- That's Doctor Mayor Billy Chicken.

My waiting room is full of patients.

Can you help me with a few of them?

- Can we help the doctor mayor with some of his patients?


- At your service. - Great!

Send in the next patient!

Ah, Mr. Avocado. Right this way.

- So, what seems to be the problem?

- What?

- Oh, what seems to be the-- - I cannot hear you!

I've got a pickle for an ear!

- Hmm.

Have a look through the autoscope, Doctor. Yeah.

Yup, that's pickle ear, alright.

But we need an ear that looks just like his other ear.

- Ears, Doctor?

- Ah, thank you, Doctor. Let's have a look, Doctor.

Which one of these ears looks just like his other ear?

The bunny ear, the ear of corn, or the mouse ear?

- CHILD: The mouse ear.

- I agree.

There, how's that?

- Oh, that's wonderful. I can hear perfectly. Thank you.

- Great job, Doctor.

- Send in the next patient!

- Hi, little toy chick. What seems to be the matter?

- [growls]

- Wait. That doesn't seem right.

Oh, she needs a new sound.

- Try these.

Oh, why don't you listen to these sounds

with the stethoscope, Doctor?


So, which sound is best for the chick?

- [chirp] - JOSH: A chirp?

- [monkey screeches] - JOSH: A screech?

- [child hiccups] - JOSH: Or a hiccup? Hm.

- CHILD: A chirp!

- Let's try it.

- [chirps]

- Hey, it worked!

- [chirps]

- Send in the next patient, please!

- Oh, it's Jacques in the Box.

- Oh, but I'm not in my box. My box has lost its bounce.

- Try these.

- Ah, let's use our eyes and ears

to find something that might help.

Which would be best to help the box bounce?

The gear, - [gears creak]

- JOSH: The spring, - [spring boings]

- JOSH: Or the slide whistle? - [slide whistle toots]

- CHILD: The spring! - Yeah!

Oh, try this, Jacques.

- Oh, it works! Merci, doctors.

- Oh yes, thank you for helping! - Au revoir.

- Bye bye. - Bye!

Wow, you are a really great doctor.

- CHILDREN: A clue, a clue!

- Oh yeah, the waiting room is really a zoo!

- CHILDREN: No, a clue!

- Oh, there's a clue on all of this... noise.

Oh, that means noise is our third clue.

Well, you know what we need?

Our handy dandy... - CHILDREN: Notebook!

- Notebook! Right.

Okay, and there.

So, noise.

We'll draw a bunch of lines for the loud sounds.

There. Noise. Our third clue.

Wait, we have all three clues.

That means we're ready for our-- - CHILDREN: Thinking chair!

- Thinking chair! Come on!

- [Blue squeaks]

- ♪

- Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.

So, we need to figure out how we can stop the giggles,

and our clues are

a smiley face,

a mouth, okay,

and noise. Hmm.

So, what could stop the giggles

with a smiley face, a mouth, and noise?

Oh. Oh, oh, maybe the mouth from the smiley face

can grow big and gobble up all the giggling noise?

- CHILD: No!

- Oh. No. Okay. Well then.

What can stop the giggles

with a smiley face, a mouth, and noise?

Well, when you're smiling,

and you make noise from your mouth...

- [laughs] - What are you doing?

- CHILDREN: Laughing, giggling!

- Laughing.

Oh, maybe we need to make Magenta laugh even more

until all of her giggles are out!

After all, laughter is the best medicine.

- [Blue squeaks]

- We just figured out Blue's Clues!

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clue's ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart

Okay doctors, let's go help Magenta!

In the name of medicine. Come on!

Magenta, we are here to help.

Time to make Magenta laugh even harder. Ready?

Doctor, do your silliest dance.

♪ Let's make her giggle, giggle ♪

♪ Show me your ears, can you make 'em wiggle, wiggle? ♪

♪ Make your funniest face and jiggle jiggle ♪

♪ Like a chicken on a xylophone ♪

♪ Those giggles giggles wave your arms a little more ♪

♪ Now squiggle squiggle can you wiggle like a worm ♪

♪ Now wiggle wiggle That's all I want to hear ♪

♪ Because you're giggle giggles are music to my ♪

♪ Giggily jiggily wiggily ears! ♪

- [Magenta's squeaking slows down and stops]

- It worked!

- Magenta's giggles are gone! Hurray!

- We did it, Doctor!

Come on. - Awesome.

- Thank you so much for making a house call today, Doctor.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Now, it's time for so long.

♪ But we got to sing one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart You sure worked hard ♪

♪ When you use your mind take a step at a time ♪

♪ You can do anything that you want to do ♪

♪ Ooh

- Oh, look at that. Josh's hat is a taco!

- Oh no, not again. I'll see you later.

- ♪