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03x05 - Start Up

Posted: 06/08/23 07:49
by bunniefuu
We're building a strong,
prosperous Australia.

It is a massive project!

A new era of forward thinking.

- Truly big-picture stuff.
- We have a national to-do list.

A major infrastructure project.

It's an incredible,
transformative opportunity.

We're spending more than any
government has ever spent.

An extraordinary figure of...

- $ billion.
- $ billion.

- $ billion.
- $ billion.

This is a nation building...

- Nation building.
- Nation building.

- Nation building.
- Nation building.

Nation building.


Ah! Oh, this is ridiculous.

Zero bars. So?

- Emails are not getting through.
- What?

- I've still got no coverage.
- Oh, this is a disaster.

T-shirts have come up good.

You mean the idea that the telegraph
line has become a broadband network?

- Yep.
- Yeah.

The Prime Minister and
half the press gallery

are flying up to launch
the broadband network.

- I see the problem.
- Yeah.

- So, ditch the T-shirts?
- We've got to get onto them.

- I could try again.
- Yeah, try again, actually.

- Oh, I could drive to Adelaide.
- In minutes?

There's got to be some way to
get a message through to them.

I guess we could...

Guess we could what?

"To Prime Minister party,

"network down, no
satellite or ADSL, stop."

"Must stop broadband launch, stop.
Repeat, stop launch."



- KATIE: Hello?
- Katie, it's me.

Hi, Tony.

I'm running a bit late. I
had to get my car serviced.

Do you need a lift?

No, I just picked it up then.
Have we heard back from Brendan?

Department of Transport Brendan?

What other Brendan is there?

Our courier, Brendan.

Why would I want to speak to
a... no, yes, Transport Brendan.

His EA rang. They still haven't
locked off their priority order.

Shit. Any word from Perth?

- Yes.
- Great.

- They want to do a launch.
- No.

For the freight link.

I told Rhonda no more launches,
no more silly T-shirts.

We're not a marketing
arm. Anything else?

- Uh, Jim wants a meeting.
- When did he get back?

He's still in customs. He wants
to see you this morning.

Any happy stories?

Katie, you still there?

I'm trying to think of
some happy stories.

It's all right. I'll see you in .

- Okay, see you soon.
- Mm-hm.

NAT: You've shown me them.

COURTNEY: But I didn't
explain the colour...

Seriously, I get it... general
waste, plastics, used...

- Cans and bottles.
- Easy.

Here's a list of all the specific
codes for the recyclables.

If it's on this list, it
goes into the yellow bin.

If it's not on the list, it
goes into the green and blue.

And when I want to throw this out?

Both paper and plastic? I'll
check the web... Joking.

Oh, and Beverley needs to speak to you.

- Can't today.
- She said it was important.

You said that recycling was important.

And does that form part
of the order framework?

Yeah, but we need each line item
evaluated and signed off on.

Sorry, the dealership just rang.
Is everything fine with your car?

Yeah, it was just routine.

Oh, and Courtney wants to know
if she can have a quick word.

- Is this about the bins?
- Yes.

She wants to explain the colour codes.

We let her do the free
trade coffee thing.

I sponsored that moon bear in Cambodia.

- That's right, Bobo.
- Two minutes.

- No, I don't have two minutes today.
- I'll let her know.

- Thank you.
- Hey, Jim's back.

- Jesus.
- Is he wearing jeans?

- I think he might be. Hello, Jim.
- Hey!

- Hey, welcome back.
- Just landed.

You know, Silicon Valley is way
more spread out than you think.

- Is that right?
- This is their main office.

- What are those plastic things?
- They're thought spaces.

Well, Tony, we should get one of those.

- What?
- A special place to think.

- It's called a desk.
- And there's the Minister again.

Whoa, was that a table tennis table?

- In their office.
- Oh!

- Yeah.
- Is he on a hoverboard?

Yeah, we brought a few back with us.
In the Valley, everyone uses them.

- How long were you there?
- hours. Weren't you following us?

We were live tweeting.

We even Periscoped from
one of the trade summits.

- I'll flick you a link.
- Okay.

Anyway, the Minister's keen
to keep the momentum going.

What momentum?

In the whole tech start-up
innovation space.

- What's this got to do with us?
- Because you are my go-to guys.

We're just pretty
snowed under right now.

What's that?

The infrastructure
prioritisation framework.

Why's that ringing a bell?

Because we said, first thing this month,

we'd lock down our priorities.

Perfect, add it to your list.

- Okay.
- No, don't add it. That's full.

- Take one off.
- Leave the board, please.

I'm telling you, he's keen.

You know what, we'll look into it,
have a think and give you an update.

- Great. Good man.
- Okay.

- Are you on Bump?
- What?

Just so I can send you some e-briefs.

No, email's fine.

Granddad, get with the times.

The s?

Please, have a seat.

- Is everything okay?
- Nothing to be alarmed about.

For God's sake.

Um, I'm afraid, Natalie, there's
been an accusation of bullying...

- Oh, no.
- against you.

What? Who was it?

Kim Dalford.

Couldn't keep your big
mouth shut, could you?

- Rhonda....
- Learn restraint.

Kim left three weeks ago.

That's hardly surprising. What
did you do, you little snipe?

She left because her boyfriend
was moving to Darwin.

I wrote her a card.

With time to reflect, she's
decided to make a complaint.

- You can't just attack people.
- I didn't.

- You did! You yelled at her!
- Rhonda, please.

Bawled her out in front of others!
You've always been hot-headed.

- I don't remember...
- You snap!

- I don't...
- You cut people off!

- Rhonda...
- You don't even see it.

If I could handle this
from here, please...

It's complete lack of
self-awareness I can't stand.

All I'm asking for is a
harmonious workplace environment.

Is that too much? Is it?
Apparently, it is.

- SCOTT: So, you want me to check all?
- TONY: I think we're going to have to.

Sorry, yeah?

Tony, you know with your car service...

- Yes?
- Liz from the dealership rang.

You haven't filled in the
customer satisfaction survey.

- I don't want to fill it in.
- Are you dissatisfied?

No, no, I needed my car
serviced. They serviced it.

- I paid. I don't need a pen pal.
- You sound dissatisfied.

- Isn't it optional?
- Yes.

Well, then I opt out.

But you have to tick the
box that says "Opt out".

Well, then how is it opt...

I really don't have the
time right now, Katie.

Sure, I'll let them know
that you're dissatisfied

with the opt-out system.

No, no, I'm fine. I'm happy.
The car's serviced, okay?

- What's wrong?

- It's Jim.
- So?

You have got to get one of these.

- How's it going?
- Good. Are you licensed?

You should try it. Wow, check those out.

- The bins?
- I'm going to put that on my feed.

Every time I post something,
followers just flood in.

Here, check it out, K.

That's who you're following.

Well, how many are following me?

Ah, three.

- K?
- No, three.

- Make that four.
- Good man.

So, I was wondering if you'd had
any ideas, for the Minister.

You only mentioned it this morning.

He's like a bull at a gate. He's
been Snapchatting me every hour.

- Have you heard of Y Combinator?
- Yeah, a little.

- TechCrunch?
- Yeah.

What a world.

- Oh, there we go, the bins.

- Five?
- Yeah.

So, how can we, as a country,

take this tech thing to the next level?

Better broadband.

Doesn't that feel a bit old?

Well, encourage kids to
study maths and sciences.

Yeah, let's focus on the future.

I did say "kids".

I mean, how do we get
our own Silicon Valley?

Our own... There's no such...

You know what, I reckon with

the infrastructure
prioritisation list and COAG,

I reckon we focus on
one thing at the moment.

Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah,
you can get back to this lot later.

No, no. How about we wait
for Scotty's update?

- Because he's looking into it.
- Oh, okay, great, very good.

- All right, are you on Bump yet?
- No.

Oh, come on, Pops, get with the program.

Why don't you fax it to me?

Oh, Katie, can you go after
Jim? He left his hoverboard.

This represents formal notification
and enters your file as such.

What exactly am I supposed to have done?

- The victim feels...
- She's not a victim.

- The aggrieved...
- The deluded.

Kim feels that you subjected
her to unreasonable deadlines.

I can't tell someone I
need a task completed?

Depends. How did you say it?

"I need that task completed by Friday."

- Mmm.
- What?

- You can't see it?
- See what?

- Your tone, your body language.
- No.

It's something we can work on. Body...

- But anything specific?
- language.

Let me check your dossier.

My what?

She also claims she was excluded
from a workplace group task,

the Swan Valley Transformer
business case.

No, she was included. But she
couldn't complete a spreadsheet.

I had to totally rewrite...

Your voice has gone up again.

All right, she didn't do a great job.

Mm-hm. And this was communicated to her?

Well, we were so under the
pump, we just moved on.

- So, you excluded her?
- No, she was hopeless.

Tone! April , you told her
not to eat at the computer.

It was a croissant. She kept
getting flakes in the keyboard.

Mm. Have you ever said
that to anyone else?

I would have if they were
eating French pastries.

No one of her general...


There's an implication
of... body shaming.

That is ridiculous. And I
know my voice is going up.

But I would never ridicule anyone...

The good news is Kim's
accepted your apology.

My what?

We had to work fast. They
were talking legal action.

Oh, spare me!

But with this notification,
your formal apology

and the workplace training,
I think we'll be okay.

The workplace what?

Tony, have you got a
moment to speak with Liz?

- Who's Liz?
- From the car dealership.

- No.
- She's rung twice.

- Why has she rung at all?
- About the survey.

Yeah, no, actually, I've got
a meeting with Scotty, so...

Sure. They're reviewing
the opt-out system.

Oh, great. What?

So, updates?

Yep, I've done a ring around.
There's a ton of local mobs.

- Okay, that's good.
- There's Snazza, just up the road.

They're happy for us
to drop by for a chat.

I've also spoken to a couple
of kids from Q Bubbler

who are intrigued.

- What do Q Bubbler do?
- Virtual reality, I think.

Some think they could
be the next Shahoozle.

Oh, right. Yeah.

Mr Wiffle said it didn't sound
like something for them.

Mr Wiffle? You mean the ice-cream
place across the road?

Ah, that explains it.

- Who am I thinking of?
- I don't know.

Wiffler. I'll give them a call.

As soon as possible 'cause I
want to get this off my desk.

Tony, do you know where I found this?

- A crime scene?
- It was in the green recycle bin.

- And that's not good?
- No, Tony, it's not.

Well, it could be anybody's.

Mm-mm. It's got your
initials on the lid.

"TW"? I thought that stood for
"Tea, white". It was yours!

It might have been mine,
actually. Yeah, no, sorry.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, green
bin, uh, cardboard, recyclable.

- Plastic lining? Food-tainted?
- Okay, well, lesson learned.

- It's on the chart.
- I know, I'll double-check next time.

What's this about?

Do you remember Kim?

- Kim?
- Remember? She sat next to Stuart.

- Oh, croissant Kim.
- Don't do that.

- What?
- That, with your hands.


Anyway, she's made a formal complaint.

- Against me?
- No, me.

(SIGHS) Phew. I mean, what?

Apparently, I bullied her.

- Yeah.
- What do you mean, "Yeah"?

Nothing. I mean, she was hopeless.
I don't blame you for bullying her.

I didn't. I didn't bully her.

Yeah, no.

But because of the complaint,

we now have to do some
workplace training session.

- Everyone?
- Yeah.

But I don't want you saying anything
to the others about the reason.

- Kim?
- Would you stop doing that?

Seriously, this is not
the week for this.

TONY: You sure this is the one?

Yeah, they said it's down the
lane, just before the graffiti.

- There.
- That must mean it's this one.

- Hey.
- G'day. How you doing?

We're just set up in here.

Thank you.

Let's, uh, let's start mixing it up.

Yeah, please take a seat.

- How does that work?
- You can just have my chair.

No, no, no, this is absolutely
perfect. No, I'm used to these.

These are right up my alley.

Thanks so much for agreeing
to give us some time.

Sure. What's this meeting all about?

Well, I guess we just want to understand

the start-up community a little better,

find out if there's anything
you guys might need

in terms of, you know,
resources or infrastructure.

How do you mean?

Well, take this app of yours.

- Q Bubbler.
- Q Bubbler.

Pretty cutting edge,
pretty exciting stuff.

- Where was it developed?
- In my bedroom.

The whole thing?

Sometimes, I took my computer
into the lounge room.

Yeah, no, initially, but, I mean,
how's it going now? Where are we...

We just sold the prototype to
a logistics company in Seoul.

Quite a success story. Was that
sale through any government agency?

- What do you mean?
- Well, who organised that trip?

- We did.
- With the help of...

- TripAdvisor.
- Interesting.

Was there any Austrade
or consular assist...

In Korea, were you hosted
by any organisation?

Airbnb. My girlfriend booked it.

- From the lounge room?
- No, I think we...

Let's come at this the other way around.

Um, if you could click your fingers

and get the government to
do anything you wanted,

what would it be?

- Close the camps.

- No.

- Legalise gay marriage.

Stop clicking. No, no, in terms
of the tech start-up community.

- Ah...
- You would like to government to...

- Keep out of our way.
- No, then what?

Stay out of our way?

No, we need to be in...

Let's assume we're in the way.

Um... what could we do
for you, the start-up tech?

Bit of resources? Bit of infrastructure?

- Two clicks?

Honestly, not this week.
I thought I opted out.

Apparently, you can only
opt-out at the opt-out stage.

- Oh, that's ridiculous.
- And I promised Liz.

She gets marked down if customers
don't fill in the survey.

All right, let's make this quick.

On a scale of one to ten, how
would you rank the following?

Courtesy level of staff?


- Promptness of service?
- .

Cleanliness of loan vehicle?


Quality of coffee in customer lounge?

Oh, nine.

- What was wrong with the coffee?
- Nothing.

- But you gave it a nine.
- Well, I can't give everything a .

- Was it the bean?
- No.

- Burnt notes?
- What? No.

Tony, you gave it a nine.

All right, the lid was a little wobbly.

- So, nine?
- Yeah, nine. Keep going.

Overall general impression
and experience?


- Any other comments?
- No.

- So, just the lids?
- Just the lids.

We done? Good, no more Liz.

Oh, Katie, can you stop putting
my initials on my coffee cups?

- Yeah, sure.
- Okay.

- Sorry to interrupt.
- Nah, yeah.

Uh, Jim and Rhonda are here.

They want to know if you're free
to do some thought-storming.

- What?
- Jim date-darted you on Bump.

- Where are they?
- In the kitchen.

Why are they in the kitchen?

- JIM: Hey, grab a bat.
- I don't want to grab a bat.

Oh, don't be such a noob. This
is how they do it in the Valley.

So how'd you go?

We caught up with a few start-up
developers this morning.

- Oh, bit of an ideas shower?
- It was a meeting.

- Oh, look out. Granddad's back.
- Couple of things came up.

Great, let's start
incubating, disrupting.


Can we just stop playing for a second?


Um, if we want to help
the start-up community,

according to the people we spoke to,
we could ease visa restrictions.


Make it simpler to bring
in tech-savvy workers.

How is that disrupting?

I thought these people were
supposed to be creative.

- They are.
- Yeah, what else?

Change the law to allow
people under the age of

to act as company directors.

- Snore.
- What happened to the ideas shower?

Modified bankruptcy laws to
encourage entrepreneurship.

Honestly, you try and help these people.

- They didn't ask for our help.
- Oh, that's 'cause they're too immature.

They stay up all night,
staring at screens.

- No wonder they're getting nowhere.
- Keep going.

More bike lanes.

- (GROANS) These people have jobs?
- Well, you won't like the next one.

Nat? Nat?


The cleaners found it in
one of your red bins.

Ash thinks it's yours.

Does he? Well, what bin's
it supposed to be in?

This is why we need to use the chart.

Have a look at the
bottom of the container.

Okay. Um, it's a five and a triangle.

- PP, polypropylene.
- Where's it supposed to go?

- Green bin...
- Okay.

- Except...
- Oh, God.

it's food-tainted, which means
it's co-mingled, so, yellow.

- Yellow. Would you mind?
- Sure.

Oh, and Beverley rang. Your
training session is :.

- It's not just my training session.
- Did someone else bully Kim?

I guess we were hoping it'd just
be a little more visionary.

Well, that's all they want.

- What an uninspiring generation.

Just posted the table tennis table.

- Can we turn that off?
- What about a tech precinct?

- There you go.
- No.

- Australia's own Silicon Valley.
- Yes, please. Thank you.

We don't need a valley.

They've got to have
their ideas somewhere.

- Course they do.
- They had theirs in a bedroom.

Oh, where's their
get-up-and-go, these people?

You're not listening to me.
Facebook began in a dorm room.

Apple was invented in a garage.

- So we build a garage.
- No.

A campus, a precinct of garages.

- Yes.
- No.

Well, choose one.

Jim's running circles around these kids.

We can't build... I'm not
going to choose any.

Well, there must be something we can do.

Course there is. Service?

There we go.

Oh, for flip's sake. All
right, I got half an idea.

- Great. So, what are you thinking?
- Don't text yet.

Just letting the Minister
know we're making progress.

We establish a fund.

Um, we effectively, in a sort of
targeted way, offer tax incentives,

- like write-off for early investment.
- Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm.

Could this fund have a name?


- That could be launched?
- I guess.

- In the valley.
- What? No.

- Oh, smiley face.

I said don't text.

But this is exciting... the government,
the Minister, accelerating, guiding,

- incubating our smartest minds.
- What?

It's a smart fund.

- Write that down.
- Yeah.

WOMAN: What will these innovative
businesses of the future look like?

MAN: Built a technology platform...

MAN : Accelerate and
incubate, as a model...

MAN : We can also tap into
that new, fresh thinking.

Um, hey. Can I bounce something off you?

Sure, grab a seat.

Um, when you think of someone who
is sharp-tongued in this office,

who do you think of?


No, sort of... more sort of
abrupt or even abusive?


- Back from that just a little. Bossy?
- Courtney.

- Is this about the bin?
- So, not me?

- You? Bossy?
- Well, there's been a bullying issue.

- Who bullied you? Courtney?
- No.

- 'Cause she can... What?
- Apparently, I bullied someone.

- Who?
- Kim.

- The croissant girl?
- Yeah.

- I thought she left.
- She did.

- Thank God. She was hopeless.
- Do I need to make any changes?

Well, stop hiring idiots like her.

- But apart from that?
- No.

- Thank you.
- Do I need to step in?

- No, I got it.
- Okay.

(MUTTERS) This is ridiculous.

So, can we go camera five?

Five, yeah.

- Yep. Keep going.
- Okay.

Keep going.

Keep going... There!

(GASPS) I knew it!

- That's Scotty.
- And that's the cup. Can you zoom in?

- No.
- Really?

No, but you can lean in.

- That is Scotty.
- Disappointing.

TONY: Who?

KATIE: Trent, the State
Manager of Customer Service.

I think he's Liz's boss.

What does he want to talk to me about?

- Your dissatisfaction.
- I'm not dissatisfied.

- You gave beverages a nine.
- Well, make it a .

It's too late. It's gone to head office.

That triggers a follow-up report.

- Meaning?
- Trent wants a face-to-face...


in order to preserve and
deepen customer relationships.

- No, I'll call him back.
- He's happy to drop in.

- No, I'll call.
- They're trialling new lids.

Great. Oh, I'm expecting Jim and Rhonda.

They're here.



There we go.

How good's this?

Making some content for the
Minister's YouTube channel.

So, the smart fund, Minister loves it.

- Check out his selfie.
- Is that stubble?

Just for non-sitting weeks.
So, how does mil sound?

- It sounds like a lot.
- Just to kick-start this thing.

We're like angel investors,
seed capital, tier-one funding.

- We launch next week.
- Launch?

- It was your idea.
- It was half an idea.

- And we doubled it.
- You don't even know what it is yet.

Ah, so, it's a beta version.

Yeah, we launch now, run
some bug-fixes later.

Do a system update with
a patch, then scale up.

Do either of you know what
you're talking about?

We're sending a signal
that we're in this space.

We're doing things,
incubating, ideating.

- Globalising.
- Disintermediating.

I think you've got heat stroke.

- The big question is...
- Mmm.

"What's the best way
to launch Smart Fund?"

Well, for a start, I
wouldn't launch it quickly.

Oh, we need to do it
quickly. Speed of bytes.

Is that our slogan?

I'd start by speaking to
more people in the field.

And we're back to G.
I think he's on dial-up.

You must have some ideas.

Sorry, is that a drone?

Yeah, ready to livestream.

MAN ON TV: Thanks, Renee.

I really appreciate and acknowledge

all that hard work you've
done on the project.

WOMAN: Thanks, Greg.

Hopefully, we can get to collaborate

on further rewarding
work-based initiatives.

I know you've already indicated
no, but let me ask you again.

Would you like to come back
to my place for a date?

Mmm! Now, what do we
notice went wrong there?

The acting.

- Hm.
- Neither are wearing lanyards.

More in terms of behaviour.

Greg overstepped accepted
workplace boundaries.

Exactly, and that can happen so easily,

whether in terms of unwanted advances,

r*cist or sexist language or...
casual body shaming.

- You said this wouldn't be about me.
- All right. Any questions?

Yep. Do Renee and Greg end up together?

- Spoiler!
- So, are we done?

- Yes.
- Great.

With the theory. Let's
put it into practice.

Time for some role-playing scenarios.

Let's set the scene.

Come on. Come. Come.
Have a seat. That's it.

It's a busy office. We're
all working very hard.

- This will be a stretch.
- Now, you are?

- Ash.
- No, think of a role-play name.

- Randy.
- Not a porn name.

All right, Nuroshina.

- Sorry, what?
- It's my Dad's name.

That's nice. What about Dale?

Dale is going to walk over to...

- Kim.
- Probably not.

- Jenny?
- Yes, Jenny.

Now, let's hear an acceptable
workplace exchange.

Hi, Jenny. Can you finish this report?

I'm a little busy right
now, thanks, Dale.

Sure, no problems.

That was perfect! Well done, guys!

Sorry, sorry. But nothing got done.

- You're not seeing the point.
- Of an office?

No one was offended or made
to feel uncomfortable.

- Or fat.
- Yes.

Making for a stronger, happier,
more productive workplace.

But we haven't produced.

Then we get back to the
prioritisation framework?

I promise.

All right, if you want
to launch this thing,

why not do it with a classic
start-up pitch session?

- Great.
- Wonderful.

- Do either of you know what that is?
- Just explain it for Jim.

- Basically a demo day.
- Oh, wow!

So, anyone with a tech or
start-up idea can come along.

Oh, this is where we need the valley.

No, we don't need a
valley. We need a venue.

Anyway, people come along to pitch
to a panel of industry experts.

Maybe get some government
advisors in as judges.

The best idea gets funded

and the top get some
sort of facilitation.

- This sends a signal.

Oh, the Minister!

Thumbs down?

He must have hit the wrong button.

No, turn your phone the other way.

- Ah.
- There you go.

This exercise is about
raising our awareness

of unacceptable workplace behaviour.

Now we're going to get Buck, yes, and...

- Nat.
- Naomi to play colleagues.

I want you to ding your
bell when you hear anything

you might deem inappropriate.

Okay? Let's go for one.

And action.


- What?
- She didn't knock.

- There's no door.
- Let's go again.


Oh, hi, Naomi. How you going?

- Good, Buck. You?
- I'm good.

It's a good start.

So, anyway, that's a nice shirt.

- What?

Characterising someone on
the basis of appearance.

- I wasn't characterising.
- Unwelcome advance.

- I was making small talk.
- Stay in it, Naomi.

Buck, I need that report.


She's placing a demand rather
than inviting collaboration.

Well done.

- I need that report, please.
- (DING!)

Passive aggressive.

- No rush.
- (DING!)

- Sarcasm.
- You can't ding me.

Uninvited physical contact.

Buck's been excluded from a group task.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Natalie, it is so important

that the workplace is a welcoming place.

At the end of the day, what
are we trying to do here?

Cost a freight rail bypass?

Create a safe environment.

You ready to give it another try?

- Yep.
- Come on, Naomi.

So, Buck, I greatly appreciate
your ongoing contributions.

And without in any way wishing to impose

unrealistic or unreasonable deadlines,

would it be possible for you
to complete it by :?

I'm a little busy.

And I totally understand and
appreciate your hard work.

I'm really busy.

But if we don't get this finished
by today, the project might...

- (DING!)
- Oh, what now?!

I think someone's at reception.

I've got a hamper for Tony, from Liz
and the crew at Bayside Motors.

Let's take a look at
the latest schedule.

: o'clock, arrivals,
everyone's seated.

:, Minister makes a
few welcoming remarks.

:, lights down, smart
fund dancers on stage.


Well, how else do we get
the young folk involved?

By not referring to them as 'folk'?

:, you introduce the judges.

Me? How did I get roped into this thing?

- Well, it was your half idea.
- What about the PM?

Whoa, whoa, the Prime
Minister's in it now?

Oh, yeah, he's very
keen to be part of it.

So, he will now be
joining us via Slacker.

What's Slacker?

It's a video streaming app,
live from Parliament house.

- Right, yeah.
- Rhonda, these just arrived.

Oh, wonderful! What do you think?

- Run out of vowels?
- Oh, hilarious. He'll need a large.

I'm not going to wear one.

Tony, can I get some quick signatures?

- Yeah, sure.
- There you are, Tony.

And another one, Tony,

and that one, Tony.

- Why do you keep using my name?
- We learnt it at the workshop.

The greatest sound to anyone is
the sound of their own name.

- Oh.
- Tony.

- Right, Katie.
- Oh, by the way, Trent's here, Tony.

- Trent?
- Liz's boss, Tony.

He wants to personally
apologise to you, Tony.

Okay, Katie.

- Bye, Scott.
- Bye, Katie.

I'll be right back... Scott.

Sure... Tony.

Almost finished, Nat?

Yeah, just a few more
things to take care of.

- See you tomorrow then, Nat.
- Yep, see you, Courtney.

Bye, Nat.


What? F fault? F?

Oh, for f*ck's sake!

You were just f*cking
fixed, you piece of shit.


Intimidatory and threatening language.

I didn't know the cleaner was there.

I don't even think he speaks English.

- Careful.
- He didn't understand.

It was your tone. Anyway, we'll
deal with it at the workshop.

What's the date?

It's the th.

When you're busy...

- But why can't I use these?
- Rhonda wants you to use the iPad.

- But it's so big.
- It's more techie.

All right.


Yeah, let's hear it for the,
uh, Smart Fund dancers,

who really kicked off the night in
style with their theme: Disruption.

Oh, very appropriate.

All right, pretty soon,

we're going to get our tech
entrepreneurs to come up here

and start pitching yo ideas.

And that's going to be very exciting.

But first, oh, no, a surprise
in store. Are we ready?

All right, now we're going to cross
live to Parliament House Canberra

using the video sharing app Slacker.

The next person you will see is
a tech leader in this country.

In fact, the next person you will see

will be the Prime Minister of Australia.


What? Oh, Prime Minister, you need
to turn it the other way round.

No, not that way, the other
way, turn it to you.

No. To you, Prime Minister.

To... Prime Minister... Don't, don't...

Okay, the person that was holding
that phone was the Prime Minister.

Let's hear it for the Prime Minister.


refuse coal compromise,

doctors warn of deadly new flu strain.

And smart thinking,

the PM's push to start up

our very own Silicon Valley.

Can I do one?

"Katie, stop. Scott here, stop.

"Did I leave folder on desk? Stop.

"Should be near computer, stop.

"CC Nat, stop. And Ash, stop."
