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03x04 - Clause For Concern

Posted: 06/08/23 07:48
by bunniefuu
MAN: We're building a
strong, prosperous Australia.

MAN: It is a massive project.

MAN: A new era of forward thinking.

MAN: True big picture stuff.

We have a national to-do list.

Major infrastructure projects.

It's an incredible
transformative opportunity.

We're spending more than any
government has ever spent.

An extraordinary figure.

- WOMAN: $ billion...
- MAN: $ billion...

- MAN: $ billion...
- $ billion...

WOMAN: This is a nation building...

- Nation building...
- WOMAN: Nation building...

- Nation building...
- Nation building...

Nation building...

Are you sure you're okay?

It's just a bit sore. I probably
didn't stretch enough.

- Hi, Scottie.
- Tone.

Well, I mean, it's great
that you even finished.

What does that mean?

Well, with a charity event,
your time doesn't matter.

I wouldn't know my time.

- An hour, seven.
- What?

It's on their website.

Would you like us to order
a commemorative photo?

There's a link there.


You know what, Katie?
I reckon we put a hold

on corporate fundraisers for a while.

So, it'll be a no for
Breakfast with the Boss.


- Boardroom Blood Drive?
- Not this year.

Oh, and Jim rang again
about the contract?

I told him. I'll get
back when I'm finished.


So, with the increasing connectedness

and the de-siloing of data,

we're going to see a revolution
in workplace efficiency.

Sure, there's always going to be
those resistant to the change

that need to be dragged
along, kicking and screaming,

but make no mistake, folks,

digital transformation

will revolutionise the
way we all do business.

And it's not a wave.

This is a tsunami.

And it's going to wipe away

anyone that tries to
swim against the tide.

Thanks, guys.


- How's it going?
- Good.

- How was the fun run?
- Oh, fine. Yeah.

Heard you were a bit off the pace.

It was a fundraiser. There was no pace.

- Hour and seven.
- How did you know about that?

Someone sent me this.

I'll flick you the link.

I wouldn't bother. Sorry, what's up?

Just wondering how we're
going with the old port sale.

- Well, getting there.
- Great.

Boys in Finance tell me you've
really been working them over.

By asking for the whole contract?

So, we're ready for the old...

If this is going to
have our name on it...

Are we close?

I just got the latest
draft this morning.


pages, plus spreadsheets.

Yeah, but the executive summary?

Well, I can tell you right up front.

We're not going to agree
to a -year lease.

They wanted .

I'll talk to them.

- But the rest of it?
- New building,

new year, new approach.

I'll let you know when I'm finished.

- Sure, I'll wait outside.
- Two weeks.

I gotta tell you, at
the price we're talking,

the sooner we get this thing signed...

Or you can take it back now.

All right, you win.


You can gesture.

I don't want to see you for a fortnight.

You seem positive.


And remember, guys, it's not
a wave, it's a tsunami.

And it's going to wipe away

anyone that tries to
swim against the tide.


Just looking forward to
getting you all up to speed.

Thank you, Justin. Very exciting stuff.

So, any questions?

- I've got a couple.
- Oh, sorry, sorry.

Sorry, Justin, we might
put a hold on the Q and A.

We've all got a fair bit to
do, so let's get on with it.

I'll get back to you.

... .

Hang on. Okay.

Who is he?


What's he doing here?

Rhonda's organised an IT overhaul.

Does he know not to come near me?

- I'll double-check.
- Okay.


Can you get on to Jim? I think this
contract is missing an appendix.


Katie, why are you
holding a sleeping bag?

You know how you said no
more fundraising activities?


We may have already said
yes to the CEO Sleepout.

- Oh... Katie!
- Rhonda says

corporate social
responsibility is important.

- Then Rhonda can do it.
- She'll be at a conference.

- She can go after.
- It's in Fiji.

I'm not doing the CEO Sleepout.

Of course you're doing it.

If you can dawdle a few
kilometres around a lake...


you can spend one night
glamping for a good cause.

- What's the cause?
- I don't know.

Let's assume it's good.

Now, I've got a note here
from Jim, "Port sale."

What about it?

Says he's waiting for
your tick of approval,

followed by a sad face emoji.

Rhonda, I'm wading through
a -page legal document.

You have had two weeks. Have you
seen the price they're talking?

- I need time.
- I need... (CLICKS TONGUE).

It's actually .

Yeah, I don't think the
exact page numbers matter.


So, Nat, Rhonda's given
me a bit of a head's up.

Just so I can get your read on it.

In terms of digital operability,
how would you rank this office?

Um, fair?

Medium... Could...

I'm not quite sure what you mean.

For example, how do
you guys communicate?

- We talk.
- And?


In terms of network platforms,

do you Dropbox, Sandbox,
Google Hangouts?

- We email.
- You can see why I said

it was urgent.

Where are you guys at with
document management systems?

That's DMS, Nat.

- We have computer files.
- And?

And those filing cabinets.


Why are you laughing?

Because Justin is.

So, nothing cloud-based?
Off-site encrypted service?

Uh, meaning?

If I said to you, two-step
authorisation protocols,

you would say?

What are they?


Sorry, I've got to jump on this.

- Fine.
- Absolutely.

'Course you do. Thank you, Justin.

Would you at least try
and show some gratitude?

- Rhonda, I don't have time.
- What's your problem?

We've got so much going on right now.

I really can't afford any distractions.

And that's exactly why you
need Justin and his team.

What do you mean team?

You can't expect him to
fix this mess on his own.

Since when is there a mess?

Natalie, you won't even
know they're here, shh-shh.

But even without those power stations,

we're looking at excess
base load capacity.

Are we treating each of the
grid networks separately?

For the purposes of the upgrade, yes.

ASH: So, you want individual costings.

Yes, but we also need to
factor in new methods...

Have you got a moment?

- I...
- Sure, come on in.

Grab a seat.


I've been watching you
guys for a while now,

and just with this whole, uh...

- National Electricity Grid.
- Yeah.

Just a couple of initial observations.

You use a lot of paper.

We try and recycle.

No, I'm not... (CHUCKLES)

Why are you laughing?

'Cause everyone else is?

I think, step one is we get you
all on a fully digital system.

Get you all up in the cloud.

- Wow.
- Sounds great.

I really appreciate what
you're doing, but we're...

- Can I cut you off there?
- You just did.

This will streamline everything you do.

Maybe, but I'm just concerned

that we might we putting
the cart before the horse.

The cart of the future
won't need a horse.

What happens to the horse?

- It's in the cloud.
- Cloud.


- And the cart?
- Maybe we could discuss this later.

It's a fully digital integrated system.

Can I just get my head around this?


I've got this piece of paper.


And I want to...

Feed it into your digital architecture.

Sure. So the first step would be?

- Encrypt it.
- Okay.

Log it.

Logged and encrypted,
and then it goes...?

To the th floor.

The cloud.


TONY: Well, it's hard to be
sure without those appendices.

But if we factor in the extra %...

Yeah, from the asset
recycling initiative, yep.

Sorry, Matt, do you mind
if I give you a call back

in five minutes?

Sure, thanks.

- What's that?
- Equipment.

- What for?
- CEO Sleepout.

Will you be needing an EPIRB?

- A what?

- It's an emergency beacon.
- I doubt it.

What about a compression bandage?

- What for?
- Snakebite?

I'll be in the CBD.

Water purification tablets?

There's a -Eleven across the road.

Seriously, I need the
rest of this contract.

- I'll give them another call.
- Okay, thanks.

- Mosquito net?
- Nope.

NATALIE: No, next to her.

ASH: With the blue top.


Alexandra... Alexandria?

We're now up to eight people.

It's Justin's team.

That's not a team, it's a battalion.
I don't know what half of them do.

I don't even know their names.

- Oh, shall I go and introduce myself?
- No! Oh, yes.

- And, um, at least get her name.
- Sure.

And a vague job description.

Nat, for you.


You know, I still can't
get used to that tan.

- Have you been to Lau?
- No.

So unspoiled. I've got heaps of photos.

- Oh, well, I'd love to see them.
- Oh, sure.

At some point.

- Oh. Um, that's from Patrick.
- Great.

And this is an e-vite
for tomorrow night.

What's tomorrow night?

We're having welcome drinks
for Justin and his team.

- E-vite?
- Are you using that chair?

- Yes.
- Right.

- We're just a little short.
- Mm-hmm.

I'll go grab some from the boardroom.

- Mmm?
- So, it's just Alex.

- Right, and what does she do?
- She's assisting Keira.

And which one's Keira?

I'll find out. I think
she's assisting Justin.

REPORTER: The sale of the
port is proceeding very well.

REPORTER: ...supported the
long-term lease of the port.

REPORTER: The port's privatisation
has raised anxieties.

REPORTER: What are they worried about?

REPORTER: It should stay Australian.

REPORTER: These are big undertakings.

REPORTER: Everyone wants
a piece of the pie.

- 'Morning, Brian.
- Quick question.

Have you used a butane stove before?


They can be a little temperamental.

Why would I need a butane stove?

For this sleepout thingy. Katie
said you were chasing gear.

I don't think I'll need a stove.

Famous last words. Take it.


Right, I've also got you one of these.

A camp shower?

Lifesaver. Trust me.


All right.

No, Katie, no, it's very kind.

But why would I need a camp shower?

- It's on the list.
- What list?

Of camping essentials.

- Whose camping essentials?
- Bear Grylls.

Bear Grylls is a survivalist.

Do you own a hunting knife?

No. For the last time,
I'm not going camping.



- Hi.
- Hey.

Who's that?

I want to say Ricky... Richie?

Seriously, they keep multiplying.

I'll see if I can get
an updated staff list.

Could you?

- Shit!

Okay, who's Naomi?

Who's Pete?

Two things.

That's a catalogue of thermal underwear.

Katie said you needed it.

- Yeah.
- And that's the updated contract.

Ah, at last, you ripper.

Jim said I should wait.



- Yeah. No, you can go, okay.
- Okay.



Have you got those updated
costings from Patrick yet?

- Yep.
- Great.

- Can you grab me a copy?
- We're not doing hard copies.

Then how am I supposed to read them?


The cloud. I put them in your Dropbox.

Are you sure you put them in?

Ages ago. That's weird.

The file's taking forever to load.

- Ah.
- "Ah," what?

Katie, is Courtney uploading
her holiday photos?

I think so.

- What?
- She said Nat wanted to see them.

Just give it an hour or so.

TONY: What does that say?

"Shall apply to the party
listed in appendix B."


Which says, uh...

Ah, "In accordance with tables
set out in schedule -A."

And what does -A say?

Okay, one second.

"See provision note, appendix D."


That would be ... , .

- Yeah, right?
- Oh, there's a footnote.

What does the footnote say?

"As per clause H."

Where the hell's clause H?


- Oh, was it your knee?
- Katie!

Get Jim!

And some ice.

No, it's not the same contract.
They've added a clause.

JIM: It's in the appendix.

- No one reads that.
- I did.

"No competing port facility
shall be allowed to operate

"within the economic zone
for the next years."

- I don't even know what that means.
- It's just lawyer-speak.

It means no one can compete
with them for years.

They wanted .
They're talking $ billion.

I'd pay if you gave me that clause.

Oh, what's your problem?

We're just trying to get the
best price for the taxpayer.

But you don't do that by
signing up to a lousy deal.

- All right.

We allow this clause...

- Great.
- I'll let the Minister know.

No, no, I'm giving you a hypothetical.

- Well, you didn't say that.
- It was in my inflection.

Well, I didn't pick it up.

- Hypothetically...
- Got it.

we allow this clause,

effectively giving the
new owners a monopoly.

Next year, they triple the charges.

What do we do then?

- Wait years?
- Jim...

It's not going to happen.

That's exactly what happens
when you don't have competition.

- Hypothetically?
- No.

Pick an inflection.

Sorry, guys, but I'm just not
going to sign off on this deal.

It is this close to falling over.

I wouldn't be surprised if
they've already pulled out.

Well, let's find out, shall we?

I'm not asking much, just...

Doesn't matter how small you make the...

Right, you want the this?

- Mm.
- That clause goes.

But isn't off-peak demand
about half of daytime demand?

We can't assume that going forward,

so you need to come up
with a range of scenarios.

Which would mean we'd have to
change the relative prices.

Yes, but let's start with
the current projections.

Another meeting?

Yeah, as I was saying, we've got
a few major projects under way.

Yeah, but the face to face meetings.

What does... mean?

- You know, there's a smarter option.
- Why are you nodding?

Because Justin is.

- What do you know about Contech?
- Sounds amazing.

Do you know what it is?

Not exactly, but con and tech.

What exactly is Contech?

- Maybe I should bring Aaron in.
- Just in your own words.

It's a digital networking
and conference platform.

- Wow!
- Install it on that computer,

and you can talk to
anyone on the office.

It's like a digital intercom.

I can talk to anyone in the office.

- Using what?
- My voice.

She's pretty loud.

- I mean, without leaving your desk.
- She's very loud.

What if they're on the
other side of the world?

I really think face to face
is still a better option.

It is face to face. It's
real time audio visual.

It's got the data windows.

- Aaron's built this specific...
- Sorry, which one is Aaron?

- BOTH: Black chinos.
- Black...

- What if he changes his pants?
- Let's just try it.

Let's get it installed on that computer.

But we are right in the
middle of a critical project.

Perfect timing then.

Now you can link everything you're doing

onto a single seamless platform.

And then?

I'll go get Aaron.


Where are my meetings for the week?

- I put them in your iCal folder.
- My what?

- Justin wants to migrate...
- Stop.

- But he...
- Delete.

- He wants...
- Apple Undo.

Justin says if...

Justin's not allowed to come
within five metres of my office.

No upgrades, no new apps.

Nothing with the letters I
or E in it. I want my diary.

- In PDF form?
- No P...

A diary. Ink.

Paper, with a little ribbon that
tells me what page to open to.

Okay, don't tell Justin.

I don't want to talk to Justin.

White flag.

- You've had a win.
- Really?

Called their bluff with a
pair of twos and checkmate.

They're two different... You
mean the non-compete clause?

- Hasta la vista, baby. Make my day.
- They're two different films.

- It's gone.
- That's great.

And we haven't offered
anything in return?

Well, there's bound to be
a bit of give and take.

- But the lease, still years?
- Yep.

And people can set up other
ports? No exclusion zone?

I don't know how they're going
to make a cent out of this deal.

And there'll be independent
pricing regulation?

Is this an emergency beacon?

- How small is it?!
- Jim?

How do you activate one of these?

- Independent pricing regulation.
- I don't even know what that means.

You're spending too much
time with the lawyers.

Without it, they can
control their own prices.

That is ringing a bell.

Outside of agreed CPI adjustments.

- Louder bell.
- I took that clause out.

- It's at the back now.
- Doesn't matter where it is.

Look, if you want our
name on the contract...


If you want our name on the contract...

- Move the clause.
- remove the clause.

Sounds drastic.

- I'm not budging.
- All right.

But I'm telling you,
this time, they'll walk.

You may as well go camping.

I'll give them a call.

Thank you.

All right, guys, is everyone
at their work stations?

- ALL: Yes...
- Standing by.

All right, fantastic.

And let's go live.

ALL: Whoo...

All righty, so click, join session.

Now go, invite others.

That's it.

We're linked in. Take it away.

All right, hello, everyone.

Katie, are you there?

- Yes, Nat, I'm here.
- Scottie, can you see me?

- Uh, yep.
- Contech.


- Courtney, are you there?
- Yes.

Do I accept cookies?

Ignore that.

- Tony?
- No!


- Sorry.
- Can you see me?

I can hear you, but I can't see you.

That's weird.

Ash, did Aaron download the
video plug-in on your computer?

I don't think so. How do I do that?

COURTNEY: I can show you, Ash.

- I can't see you.
- I can tell you.

- I can show him.
- I can't see you either.

- I'll come.
- Stay where you are, people. Sorry.

- WOMAN: Can I be of assistance?
- Who are you?

- I'm from the live support help line.
- Oh, for f*ck sake!

Nat, we can hear you
but no longer see you.

Justin, why am I hearing a funny noise?

That's weird.

I don't think it's Contech.


Just spoke to them.

It is a rescue helicopter.

And did they say what it's doing
hovering over our building?

Someone activated a
personal distress beacon.

Bloody Jim... All right, that's it.
I want all this crap out of here.

No more stoves.

- No more mosquito nets.
- And the crampons?

I just want a mattress
and a sleeping bag.

Sure. And I'll apologise to Triple Zero.


Well, they blinked again.

How's this guy? Rocky Balboa.

Ba-da-bim, ba-da-boom.

What did they say?

They agreed to everything you wanted.

years, competition,

independent pricing authority,

linked to inflation and productivity.

- Well, that's great.
- Hope you're happy.

Because they were this close
to pulling the pin on this deal.

- Sure.
- So, we're ready for the old...

Well, I still want to
read the final contract.

- We sent it through an hour ago.
- What? Katie!

Did we get an amendment to the contract

come through in the last hour.

I put it in your Dropbox.

Could you just print it out for me?

- Justin says it's better if...
- All right, okay, all right show me.

It's really simple, Tony.

Here you are.

Dropbox. Shared.

Tony's folder.

- Oh, yeah.
- Today.

That's good.

Oh, that's where Courtney's photos are.

- Katie?
- Yep.

- The contract.
- Oh.

Contech is live.


Hi, Nat.

I'd really prefer you in here.

Uh, sure, it's just that Justin
said to use the system, so...

Okay, well, we'll see how you go.

- Do you want me to come in?
- No, I mean, there's no point.


What did...? There's no point now,
because you're at your house now.

So, we might as well just do it from...

- You go.
- No...


Nothing, I...

I need to ask you about the NEM
spot market pricing estimates.

Was that page ?

Yep. Can you show me
the revised estimate?

It's in your Dropbox.

It's not.

Okay, then open a new data window.

No, no, no. Just show me.

Too close.

Back off, back off.

Still too close, go back.

Way too... Back off, back off.
That's too... I still can't.

Look, can you just read it to me

and I'll write them down?


So, there's... I think
there's someone at the door.

I'll just... You wait there.

Sorry about that.

That's okay. Who was at the door?


What are you doing there?

I had to bring the new
spreadsheet around.

- Patrick left it at the office.
- Sorry.

- Tony, are you chasing these?
- Brian?

- What's that?
- Some sort of contract.

Why have you got that?

It was in my Dropbox,

along with some
spreadsheets from Patrick

and some photos from Courtney.

Thanks, Brian.

Sorry, Tony.

Why's our building supervisor
got access to our Dropbox?


- Through the...
- Yeah.


I'll call Jim!

- Immediately.
- Yep.


What are you seeing here?

Um, a new electricity pricing structure.

What are you seeing, Justin?

I'm seeing a bottleneck.

A static board.

Analogue thinking.

- We just find it works for us.
- How?

Well, you press this button.

Yeah, but how do you store and
disseminate that content?

Again, button, and then we
print and photocopy it.

You may as well be putting
post-it notes on your computer.

Look, hypothetical, you're in
a time critical situation.

How does that get to Ash?

Well, like now, he comes
in and he looks at it.

- What if Ash is in Queensland?
- Why would he be in...?

If he wasn't here, then
I would read it to him.

Yeah, but if that was an eBoard,
Bluetooth directed at Contech.

- See where I'm headed?
- No.

- The cloud.
- Exactly.

Board, Queensland.


Leave it with me.

Would you stop encouraging him?

We can't keep doing this.

Oh, that's for sure. Tony,
they've upped it to $ billion.

- Where is it?
- Page .

What are you even doing back there?

"The purchaser shall have the
first and last right of refusal

"over any competing port facility."

They gave in on the years
and the no-compete clause.

Jeez! When does the Geneva
Convention kick in?

- When you get rid of this clause.
- We've got to give them something.

When you look at the
risk they're taking.

- What risk?
- Market forces.

It's monopoly forces. You ruled
the market out. Listen, Jim...

No, you both listen.

I have a minster standing by,

ready to declare this
contract... (CLICKS TONGUE).

He doesn't care about your picky clauses

and your market blah-di-blah.

He cares about nation building.

I want the two of you to
sort this out once and for all.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

This thing's on a knife's edge.

You're the one that put the clause in.

It's one clause.

It doesn't matter how
many clauses it is,

- If you...
- it's what's...

You caused that.



Courtney, where is everyone?

- At the meeting.
- What meeting?

Did you not get the iCal alert?

The what?

Oh, you're not in group chat
yet. I'll send you an e-vite.


It'll be in your Dropbox.

Is it there?

- Where's Justin?
- At the meeting.

- Get him here, now.
- Shall I group chat?

No, walk down and
grab him by the collar.

It's gone?

Nat, nothing's ever gone. It's up there.

Well, I need it over there.

All right, open your Dropbox.

That folder there.

The one labelled miscellaneous.

You can rename it.

Won't open.

Double click.


It's telling me I need
an encryption code.

It would have been sent to your phone.


That's weird.

Does this button still work?

What about the help line?

Oh, my God!

Oh, was that stuff important?

Tony, have you got time to
sign Justin's farewell card?

He's leaving?

Left. We'll upload it to his Dropbox.

Oh, and I wouldn't go into
Nat's office for a while.

I can't see Nat's office.

Have you had a chance to
look at those mattresses?

Yeah, they're all a bit luxurious.

I'm supposed to be sleeping rough,
not floating in a resort pool.

So, something more basic.

Well, what do people use normally?

- Cardboard.
- No, not homeless...

- Oh.
- Where exactly is the sleepout?

I'll get you the grid reference.

An address is better.

I know it's bearing .

Yeah, that's...

Tony, that's Jim on line two.

Oh, great.


JIM: It was the bottom of the th

and you got it into the endzone.

They're two different sp...

But the clause?


Okay, so any party will have
the right to build a port.

You bet.

And no first and last right of refusal.

They're not happy.

So, just to clarify, if
there is a new entrant,

we're not going to offer

some sort of compensation
arrangement, are we?


I think I lost him.

No, I'm here.

Give me a... few hours.

MAN: You sure you got enough room?

Yeah, no, I'm fine.

So, you did the fun run, too?

Yeah, yeah.

I was a bit disappointed with my time.

Oh, but it's a fundraiser, isn't it?

Yeah, but minutes.

I was hoping to do better.

- Oh... Next year.
- Yeah.

So, you're at the Breakfast
with the Boss next year?

Nah, I'm not doing it this year.

I'm going to give it a... give it a...

- Hey, there you are.
- Jim, what are you doing here?

They've blinked again.
Compensation clause gone.


I reckon they are that close
to signing this thing.

- Do you want to have a squiz?
- Here?

Yeah, have you got a spare torch?

Uh, you don't have a
spare torch, do you?

- Got a torch?
- Sorry.

Page .

- Page .
- No, that's all right.

That's okay.

In reference to Table
., C, Table ....



- You got shipping...
- What page is that?


- What do you reckon?
- I reckon it's okay.


- I'm not going to sign it here.
- I've got a pen.

No, no, no, I need to
speak with their CEO.

- He's here.
- Where?

Blue sleeping bag. Hey, Frank!

Is that you, Jim?

We're pretty close.

I'll come over.

That's all right. That's OK.

That's financial year...

/ year.

What's your return?

It's hard work, Frank, I tell you.

I don't know, Frank.

I think we're gonna have to
adjust those loan rates.

I can give you another .%, that's it.

I think it's going to have to be ..

How's this bloke?
Genghis Khan. Art of w*r.

That doesn't make sense.

.% will make it very difficult
for us to realise a return.

Seriously? On current
projections, you're going to make

$ million a year minimum
on that item alone.

That does sound a lot.


- All right, fair enough.
- Okay.

Sorry, who are you?

Oh, I sleep here.

Oh. Oh, well, thanks for having us.

We better write this down, actually.

Has anybody got something
blank we could write on?

Oh, I've got something.

Okay, thank you.

Did you get any sleep?

Not much. That mattress kept going down.

You should have taken
that pump I got you.

That was an air compressor.

- Portable.
- Ah, there you are.

Okay. I think we're close.

Read that.

"I'm down on my luck and homeless.
Six months ago, I lost..."

- Other side.
- Oh.

"In the event of a subsequent
competing facility

"built in or adjacent to the
proscribed economic zone,

"the lessee shall retain no
compensatory..." (MURMURS)

- Well?
- It's good.

Let's get it typed up.

That's lovely. Just tuck
in, Tony. There we go.

Minister, anything to say to the team?

I think we've achieved a
wonderful result here.

In fact, I think we get
the tick of approval.

- Yes, we do.

All right, now reading.

Let's have a shot of everybody reading.

JIM: Well done with this.

- Oh, it's a wonderful document.
- TONY: Thanks, Jim.

Must say, you took your time.
Put us all through the wringer.

Jim, it's a -page document.

I've got .

No. . That doesn't make sense.

Ah, look. There's an extra page.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Okay, everyone,
at the camera, and smile.

RHONDA: Smile, Tony.



Is that a helicopter?

Not again!