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03x03 - Nation Shapers

Posted: 06/08/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
MAN: We're building a strong,
prosperous Australia.

MAN : It is a massive project.

MAN : A new era of forward thinking.

MAN : Truly big picture stuff.

- We have a national to-do list.
- Major infrastructure project.

It's an incredible,
transformative opportunity.

We'll spend more than any
government has ever spent.

- An extraordinary figure of...
- WOMAN: $ billion.

- MAN: $ billion.
- MAN : $ billion.

MAN: $ billion.

WOMAN: This is a nation building...

- Nation building...
- Nation building...

- MAN: Nation building...
- Nation building...

Nation building.

TONY: I mean, it's sort of one
way of thinking about it.

We think about that a lot.

But, I mean, you have to think
about downstream effects

and how that feeds into
competing infrastructure.

- MAN: So, do we build it or not?
- Well, this is what I'm trying to explain.

There's no point in building anything

unless you're gonna integrate it
fully into other existing assets.

So, you're saying, no, don't build it?

- No, I'm not saying that.
- So, we do?

No, I'm saying... No, no. I'm saying...

I'm saying let's not be piecemeal.

- So, you're attacking the government?
- No, I'm not attacking the government.

- But you said 'piecemeal'.
- Yeah. No, well, I said 'piecemeal'.

What I was trying to say...
Oh, okay, I'm saying

we need to take a more holistic
view of the costs and needs

associated with infrastructure, as we...
If that answers your question.

If you've just joined us,
this is Nation Shapers.

We're speaking with
infrastructure supremo

Tony Woodford from the NBA.

Plenty of texts streaming in
on both sides of the issue...

- BRIAN: Morning, Tony.
- Morning, Brian.

Heard you last night on Shape Shifters.

- Nation Shapers.
- Yep, that's the one.

Tough interview.

Yeah. It was more a
conversation than an interview.

- Right. I reckon he shaded you.
- It wasn't a competition, Brian.

He sort of backed you into a corner.

Still, I guess that's
what those radio guys do.

- They're pros.
- Yep, I guess.

- How tough were the callers?
- I didn't take calls.

After you left. What is
it with some people?

Make your point, but there's
no need to get personal.

- Sorry?
- You're just there,

trying to do your best.

You know, I better
get on with the stuff.

That's the way, yeah.
Get back in the saddle.

- Put it behind you, Tony.
- Yep.

- Good morning, Minister.
- Ladies, how are you?

- It's right this way.
- Good to see you again.

- Hello. Hi.
- Ash.


NAT: So, in short, this automated
traffic sequencing system alone

will cut travel times by up to a third.

Wow. I mean, this feeds straight
into the innovation agenda,

tech transformation, Aussie ingenuity.

That's actually a Canadian system.

But installed by Aussies,
operated by Aussies.

Pretty Aussie.

Every time I come in
here, I get energised.

Oh. Thank you, Minister.

- Speaking of exciting projects...
- Very exciting.

- GovPort.
- GovPort.

It's our big, new online initiative.

The digital transformation agenda.

Huge affair. It's gonna
revolutionise the way people...

- Access?
- Access...

access multiple government
agencies via their own unique...

- Portal.
- Portal.

It's an integrated online
system for every Aussie

- to access all the...
- Government agencies.

- You don't mean GovLink?
- Was GovLink.

It's been rebooted and
it's doing pretty well.

- Very well.
- Got a good new team involved.

Great team.

But we just feel we need some
robust project management.

And who are the best project
managers in the country?

- Who?

- You. The NBA.
- Quite a compliment.

Right. Not to take over?

- No, no.
- Of course not.

'Cause I assume the office
of digital transformation

would be in charge.

And they're doing a wonderful job,
but I feel we need some fresh eyes.

- Aren't the new team fresh eyes?
- Fresher.

So, what do you think?

- We could have a look.
- Oh, every time!

- Yep.
- And that one, not quite. See, now...

Oh, Nat, did you get a chance
to think of any words?

- Just remind me.
- For the graphics wall.

Oh, yeah. What sort of words?

Oh, just inspirational ones
that we can just put up here.

- Okay, sure. Um, 'innovation'.
- Got that.

- 'Originality'.
- Got it.

'Thinking outside the square'.

- Quite a few had that.
- 'Individuality'.

- And that.
- You know what? I'll have a think.


- Tony?
- Yep.

- Have you got a second?
- Yep. Uh...

- It is a compliment, isn't it?
- Yeah, yeah. I guess.

- It's just that...
- Just that what?

- That's not a word.

- Still not really a word.

- IT.
- Letters.

I tend to avoid those projects.

- Why?
- Very complicated. You know what?

I just don't think this
country's very good at them.

- Really?
- No.

I don't think we're naturally
software architecture minded.

- Well, that's your generation.
- My gen...

I don't care what generation it is.

That stuff has a way
of biting you on the arse.

- Sorry, what is it?
- GovPort.

Users can access all government
services via a unique,

personalised digital interface.

You know what? It... it...
it is a compliment.

Be running a big, uh...
What is it again?

- Digital interface.
- Digital...

Yeah, well, there you go.
I'm... I'm already lost.

So, you think it's a good idea?
You've stopped using words again.

- Have I?
- Yes.

Ah, well, that's my
generation, isn't it?

There she is. Your ears will be burning.

- Jim.
- Just spoke to the minister.

- GovLink.
- GovPort.

Huge compliment to be running that.

Oh, no. I'm not running it.
He just wants fresh eyes.

- Lead agency.
- Is that right?

When did we become lead agency?

Big vote of confidence in you.
Better watch your back, eh?

- Yeah, I better watch...
- Tony?

- Yep.
- Rhonda's looking for you.

Yeah, don't have time for Rhonda
right now. Just hold off...

- COURTNEY: Rhonda. He's in with Nat.
- No, I'm...

Just give me five.

- What was that about last night?
- Huh?

Oh, you let yourself get
backed into a corner.

Corner? I was answering the question.

Exactly. Stick to the talking points.

We can't have you out
there doing interviews

if you're gonna go rogue on us.

It was a conversation. I was
trying to explain the issues.

- What would you do that for?
- What would you have said?

That this government
is determined to meet

the critical infrastructure
needs of our country.

We're still in the middle of a
rigorous assessment process,

but if the business case holds up,

and we are confident that it will,

we'll be up at the crack of
dawn, day one, shovels ready.

Yep. Do you know the actual
project he was asking me about?

I don't need to know.
Talking points, Tony.

- Don't get bogged down in details.
- They're called 'facts'.

Whatever they're called,
they're not helping you.

Anyway, new day, put that behind you

because look what we have.

Horizons , all done.

- Yeah, it looks great. Yep.
- What do you think?

The boldest infrastructure
blueprint since Federation.


Oh. I thought you'd be
a little more excited.

Rhonda, do you know how many
bold infrastructure blueprints

I've had to oversee?

I think the graphics team
has done a wonderful job.

Yeah, well, they've had practice.

Rhonda, it's just a laundry list

of all these ideas that
everyone wants to hear.

No, no. This is visionary. This...

"This is an exciting step

"towards addressing the
needs of all Australians."

(CHUCKLES) What a crock. Who said that?

- You did. It's in your forward.
- I didn't write a forward.

I had one written for you.

Anyway, there's already a mountain

of embargoed media interest in this.

Obviously the PM and
the relevant ministers

will handle the bulk of it,

but we're still gonna get
quite a few requests.

Which brings me back to... Ugh.

- To what?
- Last night's whipping.

Whipping? It was a conversation.

When was the last time you did
any formal media training?

- Never?
- Well, there's a mystery solved.

- All right, leave it with me.
- It doesn't even sound like me.

Oh, finally a positive. Thank you.

What do you think... We
can't even plan next month.

You really don't have
to do a PowerPoint.

- I think I do.
- You can't just give me a summary?

This is the summary.

Okay, the scheme was first
announced six years ago.

- Six?
- My GovSpace.


There were some initial
implementation issues.

- Meaning?
- The trial site crashed.

And then some ongoing
operational deficiencies.

- Meaning?
- It kept crashing.

And finally, some capacity
and capability constraints.

It was taken offline for
upgrades. They didn't work.

So, it was relaunched as smartGov.

- And?
- It worked.

Provided not too many
people were using it.

- What happened if they did?
- It crashed.

So, they replaced the software,
they replaced the hardware.

They should've replaced the minister.

They replaced the minister and
rebranded the scheme as SmarterGov.

- And?
- It stopped crashing.

- That's good.
- It just didn't work.

Again, the multiple user issue.

So, a year later, it was
rebranded as Govporter.

Just out of interest, how
many more slides are there?

Twelve... plus eight.

And two after that.

Mate, you're allowed
to sit on the fence.

Brian, I wasn't actually
sitting on the fence.

- Did you go on their Facebook page?
- No, I didn't.

- Some people really stood up for you.
- That's nice.

Against all the attack dogs,
the haters and one...

- Sorry, sorry, Brian. Courtney?
- Yes, Tony?

- Sorry. Just, with the, um...
- With the what, Tony?

With the Courtney...

I mean, the Court... I
need to speak to Courtney.

- I'll leave you to it.
- Sure. Thanks, Brian.

- What did you want me for?
- This?

Are you hot? I can go
get Brian back in...

No, no, no. It's a signal
when I want to be saved.

- Did Katie not mention the...?
- Oh! Yes. Sorry.

- Ah, saved from who?
- Him, Mr Media Monitor.

What's Brian doing up here anyway?

Working on the graphics wall.

Have you had a chance to
come up with any words?

- What was it again?
- To sum up our office.

Sum up our office? Oh.

'Distracted', 'inefficient',

- I might make two lists.
- Yeah, let's do that.

Tony, that was Rhonda.

She thinks that we should have a dinner.


To celebrate Horizons
in light of our stellar work.

Is it all right if I organise a venue?

- Okay, but let's keep it small.
- Sure.

- Just the key people.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, Katie, you didn't happen
to hear my radio interview

- last night on the ABC, did you?
- A little.

- Yeah? How'd you think I went?
- Good.

- Oh. And?
- I think he won.

- Well, it wasn't a contest.
- Well, not by much.

No, but... See, this is why
I don't like doing media.

I mean, I try and level
with the general public,

you know, explain the difficulties
inherent with any major project,

and then the interviewer
just comes along and, uh...

- Wins?
- Well, he didn't...

I was all right, though, wasn't I?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- Have they asked you back?
- No.

- Phew.
- What do you mean 'phew'?

Oh, just 'cause you're
so busy and everything.

- Right, with scheduling.
- Yeah.

- Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
- Hm. Hm.

GovLink version . had
architecture issues,

- so that led to...
- GovPort.

I'm getting there. GovMate, GoodGov,

then Govgo, then GovGo!
with an exclamation mark,

let'sGo, and finally, GovPort.

Thank God. And what's
the problem with it?

Problems with the architecture,
capacity issues, cost blowouts,

- delays, poor oversight.
- Right.

Vulnerable to DOS
attack, data insecurity,

potential for ID fraud.

Oh, and it wouldn't stop crashing.


Yeah, got a moment, Scotty?

- How good's this come up?
- Oh, yeah, yeah. It's come...

"This comprehensive plan
for the next years

"sets a serious agenda."

Yeah, well, they're just
words, aren't they?

Your words.

Tell me the page where it says
the government has committed

- to a single project.
- Where is it?

- It's not there.
- Ah. Bloody printers.

- No.
- They had one job.

Yeah, no. Actually, Scotty,
you didn't happen to hear

the radio interview I did
last night, did you?

(SIGHS) Damn, I missed it.

That's okay. You wouldn't
mind giving it a listen?

- I'd love to.
- It's on the podcast Nation Shapers.

Oh, great.

Um, just be interested in any
feedback or tips or something.

- I'll do it right now.
- Yeah, no rush.

- BRIAN: I was thinking...
- Oh, sorry, Brian. Buzzing.

- Yeah.
- Yes. Hello?

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Yep.

- Yep. What?
- Oh, when you're finished.

- No, there's no one here.
- Have we changed our signal again?

No, no, we haven't, no.

Oh. Rhonda says you need media training.


It's in caps with three
exclamation marks.

Sure. Whatever.

And I've started a list
for the staff dinner.

It's not a staff dinner.
It's actually a gathering...

- How many names are here?
- You said key people.

I also said small. There's
a dozen names here.

Actually, I think we have
to make it . I forgot Bec.

- Bec's no longer here.
- She worked so hard, Tony.

- She wrote your forward.
- Can we keep a lid on this?

- Sure. And Bec?
- Yeah, sure. Whatever.

MAN ON RADIO: turning in
his grave. Who is this guy?

- Oh.
- Thoughts?

Uh, it's good. Yeah, it's fine.

It's just that I saw you, you know,
by accident, wincing a little.

- Was I?
- Yeah, just...

- No, it's... it's fine.
- So, in summary?

- I think he won.
- It wasn't a contest.

- It was a conversation.
- That's what they do.

They lull you into a
false sense of security,

- and then bang, you look silly.
- I looked silly?

Not silly. Off balance. Inept.

- Inept?
- Those guys are pros, Tony.

Thanks, Brian. Thanks, yeah.

- Eh, you got a few points across.
- Oh, well, that's good.

- What was Beryl on about?
- I didn't stay for the callers.

Waffled? I'll tell you
who waffled, Beryl.

Thanks anyway. That's... Thanks, Scotty.

That's all I wanted to know.
Just a bit of feedback.

- DAVID: David.
- NAT: David.

- Take a seat.
- Fantastic.

Welcome to GovPort central.

I was told the team leader was Sonya.

- It was.
- She's on stress leave.

Right. And how's it
looking from your end?

- It's a big project.
- Huge.

We've all been under the pump a little.

But hopefully now with
you guys taking over...

- Oh, no, we're not...
- Lead agency.

- Lead agency?
- That's what we were told.

Okay, can you show me
how the system works?

Sure. So, you're wanting to use
GovPort for the first time.

All you do is just log
on by hitting this.

And now, set up your own
unique GovPort identifier.


Eight characters, letters or numbers.

Oh. Okay. 'Nat'.

- ASH: That's seven.
- ''.

Now, select your user profile
from the scroll down menu.

Hmm... individual taxpayer.

- What's 'Error '?
- Uh, that shouldn't be there.

- It is there.
- I see what you've done wrong.

Just hit Tools.

Quit individual session. Now, just...

Adding the word 'just' doesn't make
this any more straightforward.

Okay, sure. Just...
Simply hit that button.

"Required field missing".

- What?
- Oh, I see what she's done.

- Oh, yeah. Okay, go back.
- I've been logged out.

- 'Cause you went back.
- Yeah, 'cause he told me...

Can I hit undo?

- Uh, there is no undo.
- We didn't feel it was needed.

- I need it.
- Yeah, I can see that.

Why don't you give it another bash?

- Oh, hey.
- Hey, Brian.

Hey, Scotty was showing me that
new report of yours, Horizon .

- .
- ?

- Yeah.
- Well done.

- Cop that, Beryl.
- Yeah.

There's already been a
bit about it on Twitter.

Has there?

I'll show you some of
the interesting ones.

I've actually got to head on upstairs.

- I could come up, too.
- Okay, yeah.

Um, oh, here's a good one.

Cobber calls us the
Nation Bullshit Authority.

- How is that good?
- Oh, it's good funny.

- Oh, right. Yeah.
- Here's another good one. Good funny.

Okay, now, while holding down
command, just hit Alt-P.

- Now, just hit Esc.
- You want me to help?

- Yes.
- Now, just hit F.

Okay, hold it there. I'm my grandmother.

She only has two hands and
very basic computer skills.

Show me how she can use this system.

Okay. What's your grandmother's name?

- Jocelyn.
- Okay, Jocelyn, you just...

Without saying 'just'.

You open a new session.


- "Nat".
- .

Now, request SMS verification.

- Does Jocelyn have a mobile phone?
- Yes.

Now, you should've received a code.


- You sure?
- Yes.

Okay, I can see what she's done wrong.

My grandmother hasn't
done anything wrong.

Look, I'm gonna have to get
our tech people in because...

(CHUCKLES) Hold on.

Uh, where have all my contacts gone?

- Oh, that could...
- It might be.

Yeah, we've got a bug
with our SMS protocols.

Okay, let's just open settings,
then just hit notifications.

Then, just...

- Oh, gee, that's weird.
- Oh, wow.

That was retweeted a few dozen times.

Oh, what else have we got?

Why don't you send the
link through to Katie?

And then she can print
them out or something.

- Morning, Courtney.
- Morning, Tony.

- Courtney?
- Yeah?

Oh. Uh, Brian?

- Yes?
- You need to stay away from Tony.

- What?
- What?

What? No. You need to go to the office.

- Why?
- I don't know, but now.

Was it something to do
with the graphics wall?

- No.
- Might have been the graphics wall.

- No.
- Actually, just check on that

'cause I think... I think I
heard something yesterday,

- it was about the graphics...
- All right, I'm straight on it.

Courtney, you've got to
have a reason ready to go.

Oh, sorry. Oh, the graphics wall!

- Graphics wall.
- Right. Yeah.

That's okay. That's okay.

Oh, also, Rhonda needs to see you.

- Uh, joking?
- Sort of.

- How's it looking?
- Mm.

- Now you're not using words.
- It's in serious trouble.

It's IT. Of course it's in trouble.

No. Like, serious, serious trouble.

Yeah, it's IT. So,
what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna tell the minister
he should shelve it.

- Whoa!
- Seriously, it's a disaster.

It'd just be pouring
good money after bad.

You won't convince him.

Do you know you can buy this
software off the shelf from Korea

for a tenth of the cost?

- Your point being?
- A tenth!

- What do you drink?
- What?

You know, like, French Champagne?

- No.
- Wine?

- Craft cider.
- Don't even know what that is.

Bottle of Veuve says you
won't stop this thing.

Are you serious?

- It's a bet.
- It's a bet.

Tony, can I just check,

do either of you have
any dietary intolerances?

- No.
- No. Why?

It's for the staff dinner.

With the degustation menu,
they don't have a gluten-free...

Scotty. Great. I was meaning to mention,

we're planning a small staff
dinner for this Friday.

Oh, is that...

Yeah, just a casual get-together
to celebrate Horizons .

I didn't have much to do with it.

Oh, no, everyone put in and
we'd love you to be a part of it.

Sure. I'll check if Kelly's free.


- Katie.
- I didn't realise he was there.

- Now, Kelly's coming.
- So, it's partners?

- Well, it is now!

I'll see if they can add some tables.

JIM: Nation Builders.

Heard you asked for a
meeting with the minister.

- Yes.
- This is great.

Can I tell you, the digital
transformation agenda

is playing so well.

Just so I can give the
minister a heads-up, all good?

Well, we reviewed the
entire GovPort project.

- Great.
- Met with the design team.

- Yeah.
- Quite a few times.

- Excellent.
- And our advice is...

shut it down.

- Right. What's option B?
- There is no option B.

- Then why have an option A?
- I didn't call it option A.

- But you said it first.
- Jim, that's my advice.

- What's your advice?
- Same folder.

- What happened to good cop/bad cop?
- Jim...

Look, before we go scaring the horses...

We're not scaring the horses.

Before we go scaring the minister,

let's ask ourselves the question,

what do we gain by
shutting this thing down?

- We save million.
- But apart from that.

It's a dog. It's never going to work.

But we can't give up now. Aussie
know-how. We're so close!

- Close?
- Ad campaign's nearly finished.

You guys are making progress.

Jim, million just
fixes the basic platform.

Right. Now we're getting somewhere.

- I'm not saying we should spend that.
- But we could.

- Yes.
- Let's call it option B.

Jim, million is just the start.

- It's a good start.
- What would you do with ?

- Jim...
- Look, if we pull the pin now,

people will think this
whole thing was a mistake.

- It was.
- But they don't know that.

We're in a privileged position.

This all feeds straight
into Horizons .

It's digital. It's the future.

- I think we shut it down.
- All right!

Before we all start losing our
heads, let's just calm down.

- What's option C?

- Morning, Courtney.
- Morning, Tony.

- Anything for me?
- Left it on your desk.

- All good?
- Yep?



Katie, is Courtney coming to the dinner?

- No.
- Does Courtney know about the dinner?

- I think so.
- Add her to the list.

Oh, and we've had to find a new venue.

What? What's wrong with
the place down the road?

- It's not big enough.
- What?

Well, the accounts team found out.

- How?
- Bec told them.

- Bec's not even here.
- She put it on her Facebook page.

Oh, and I think we have to invite Steph.

Steph? What for?

Well, she'd be really
upset if she found out.

Then make sure she doesn't find out.

She's one of Bec's Facebook friends.

(SIGHS) I was in a good
mood, like, one minute ago.

Welcome, Mr Woodford. I'm Courtney.

I know.

Rhonda wants to make this
look as real as possible.

- Oh, okay. Yeah.
- Can I get you a coffee?

- You... you just got me one.
- Come inside and meet our host.

- Yep.
- This is Katie.

- What the hell is...
- Nice to meet you, Tony.

- How was the trip in?
- Katie. Oh, it was fine.

- From the...
- I'm Scott, the floor manager.

- Yep.
- Ah, can we get a mic on this guy?

Yeah, I got that. I'm Brian.
I'll be doing your sound.

- Okay, thank you, Brian.
- Just take a seat.

Yep. No, I'll get it down here.

Actually, do we really
need all these lights?

Oh, sorry, Katie. Tony's a
bit busy at the moment.

No, she has to stay here.
She's interviewing.

- Who do you want to leave?
- Nobody.

- Do you want me to leave?
- Uh, yeah, sure.

- I'll go get that coffee.
- Yeah, I didn't... Okay.

Okay, folks, I think we are good to go.

- Now, Tony, looking comfortable.
- How's that?

- RHONDA: He said comfortable.
- I am.

- No, you're slumping.
- What?

- Lift from your core.
- Okay.

Shoulders back. No, too
far. You look intense.

Chin up. Split the difference.

Confident, poised, warm smile.

- Warm.
- I am.

- Don't look at the camera.
- I wasn't looking at the camera.

- Don't look at me.
- Well, I gotta look...

- BRIAN: He's slumping again.
- Thanks. I think we're fine, Brian.

- Okay, let's go for one.
- Please.

And we're on in five, four, three...

- Good morning, Tony. Welcome.
- Thank you.

Horizons , why do
we need this report?

Well, I guess that's a good question.

- Rhonda wrote it.
- Yeah, I picked that up.

I guess it's an attempt
by governments to set out

their long-term infrastructure agenda.

Unfortunately, the problem is
sticking to what they've said...

- Stop. What are you doing?
- I'm answering the question.

Oh, look, if you're not
gonna take this seriously...

- I am taking it seriously.
- Then stick to the talking points.

- I was.
- You weren't.

- I was.
- You weren't.

- I was.
- This is great TV.

- He's gone rogue again.
- Slumping.

- Yeah, thanks, Brian.
- Up. Out.

Ask me a question.

Okay. Let's now go to
Rhonda from Canberra.

Rhonda, why do we need this report?

Well, Katie, that's a good question.

For too long, infrastructure
has been a political football,

kicked around by those with
short-term vested interests.

But now, we have a line
in the sand. Horizons .

Finally, a blueprint, an action plan.

- Wow.
- When does an interviewer say "Wow"?

Can I ask Rhonda a question?

Okay. Let's hear from Tony from the NBA.

Rhonda, can you tell me anywhere
in this nebulous wish list

that is actually binding
on the government?

(CHUCKLES) You see, this is the
point that people like Tony miss

because they're narrow-minded,
short-term thinkers.

- I'm short-term? You're the short...
- Let Rhonda finish.


Past governments have been haphazard,

some might even say piecemeal,
with infrastructure planning.

But all that business
as usual has to stop.

Horizons is a w*r cry.
It's transformative.

It's... it's a blueprint for the future.

- Oh, bravo!

- What is this? Q&A?
- Katie, go to a break.

Can I just raise something about...

I'm sorry, Tony. I'm
afraid we're out of time.

- Why did we run out of time?
- And we're out.

- You're wincing.
- I think Rhonda won that one.

- Slumping! Tone?
- Well...

- Yeah?
- Just round one. All right?

- There is no option C.
- But Jim said that we need to...

Look, we just present the
minister with a simple summary,

how bad the system is, how much
money and time it will take to fix.

So, give him both barrels?

Isn't that what ministers
sometimes have to do?

Face up to the media and
eat a shit sandwich?

- So, that's the new figure, is it?
- Yes, Minister.

- And the time line?
- That's what it would be.

- This is very exciting.
- Absolutely.

- Exciting?
- Your recommendation that we proceed.

Oh, no. I didn't give a rec... I'm
saying, if we were to proceed,

it's going to cost millions of dollars.

Well, I think we all
agree we should proceed.

- Absolutely.
- A lot of positives in here.

Minister, if we could perhaps
put the report aside,

I think I need to give you...
What's the expression?

- ASH: Both barrels?
- No, the other expression.

- A shit sandwich.
- No.

Uh, some frank and fearless advice.

Ooh, old days. Always ready for it.

To proceed any further with GovPort

would require a minimum
of - million.

My guess, all up, it'll be
north of a billion dollars.

To complete it.

No, that's just to
redo the architecture.

- But completed.
- Yeah.

So, what you're really
saying is we can get it up.

- No.
- But we're on the right track.

It would then take another
call it half a billion

to get it up to roll out.

So, now we're talking
roll out? This is exciting.

But I just wonder, in
terms of priorities,

whether this is something
that we should be pursuing.

Are you serious? This is
absolutely a priority.

It's... it's Aussie ingenuity,
it's digital transformation,

it's infrastructure of the
future, it's... it's...

- eFrastructure.
- What was that?

- Nothing.
- No, no, no, no, no. He said it.

- E...
- Frastructure.

There it is, right in
front of our faces.

- eFrastructure.
- Great word.

Well, I'm on the :
flight to Canberra.

I feel like I could fly there myself.

Nat, we're just locking
off our list of words

for the graphics wall.

How about 'blow-out'? 'White elephant'?

- No one's come up with those.
- 'Black hole'.

- Or that.
- 'Waste'. 'Fundamentally flawed'.

- I might add them to Tony's list.
- Okay.

- Heard the meeting went well.
- Jim, you've gotta stop this thing.

Are you kidding? 'eFrastructure'?

- It's just a word.
- A good word.

PM's borrowed it for the
Horizons launch.

- Oh, it's the Treasurer.

"Is there a hyphen in 'eFrastructure'?"

I've gotta make a delivery.

So, hyphen?

- Lower-case 'E', upper-case 'F'.
- Oh, nice.

NARRATOR: Imagine a
world where the future

is only the touch of a button away,

where every Australian can stay
connected, no matter where you go,

who you are, or what you do.

Australia, our digital
transformation is underway.

GovPort, think of it as eFrastructure.

Because there can't be
an 'us' without a 'U'.

It's on the minister's
website and YouTube channel.

- I blame myself.
- So do I.

Tony, I just spoke to the event manager.

We've got an event manager?

He wants to know do you prefer
a lapel mic or a podium?

Why would I need a microphone?

For the speeches, so the
tables up the back can hear.

I'm not giving a speech.
It's Rhonda's dinner.

Oh, she can't make it.

She's not turning up to her own dinner?

Well, now that she's doing
all your interviews...


No podium, no microphone.
I'll just speak loudly.

Okay. See you at the dinner.

Oh, is there a dinner?


- Hey, Tony.
- Oh, yeah. Hi.

Just wanted to say thank you.

This was a really great idea.

Oh, no. Anytime. Great to see you.

- Thanks.
- Good on you. Yeah.

- Who's that?
- No idea.

Steven. Bec's new boyfriend.

- New boyfriend?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Bit of all right, Tone?

Oh, yeah, yeah. No, good you could come.

- Wouldn't miss it.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Rhonda did well.
- Rhonda?

Yeah, I just saw her
interviewed on the telly.

- Yeah, very professional.
- Oh, went well, did it?

Yeah. Twitterverse is
blowing up. Good job.

Oh, that's great. Yeah. Cheers.

Cheers. Hey. Whoo. All right.

- Nat?
- NAT: Yep?

Oh, my God.

I think they might have
used the wrong list.
