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01x11 - Daddy Issues

Posted: 06/07/23 14:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

Can we do two minutes on Brody's dad

being the head of The Court?

HARVEY: I've been experiencing
something that I can't explain.

I'm losing time, I'm waking up in places

that I... I don't remember going to.

Whatever is happening, it's not me.

- Hiya, Harv.
- Why are you here?

- To protect you.
- From what?

From things you can't handle.

CULLEN: You're giving Stephanie
the cold shoulder again.

I guess you're really
taking my advice to heart:

don't fall for straight girls.

No one is falling for anyone.

I thought that if this did happen

that I would feel something.

You have no grasp
of social cues whatsoever.

- Not offended.
- You only give a damn

about others when there's
something in it for you.

Not offended.



DUELA: Think it was my eighth birthday.

My mom had somehow convinced
an Arkham orderly

to give me a cupcake
from the vending machine.

I don't know. Maybe it
was just the sugar high

or me being a stupid kid, but...


something convinced me to take
the long way out that day.

JOKER: Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

DUELA: I wanted to see him.

I mean, I didn't care that he
was locked in solitary

or that my mom called him
"The Most Dangerous Man

in Gotham".

He was still my dad.

JOKER: Hee hee! Ha ha!

You know, and frankly,
I never really found him

all that dangerous...


especially since he remembered
to give me a birthday present.

I'm sorry. Arkham let

an -year-old wander the halls alone?

Ah! Why am I telling you this?

Because today is your birthday.

How'd you know that?

It's on all your mug sh*ts.

You were born in Arkham.

You've spent every birthday

either alone or with orderlies,

and for the first time ever,

you get to spend it with
someone you actually like.



So, what's your birthday wish?



MAN: Thanks.

Press is having a field day
with this b*mb threat. Any news?

Well, someone dropped off
a box reeking of gunpowder.

Turns out it was just filled with these.

I thought the Royal Flush g*ng

was serving years at Blackgate.

Never doubt a copycat.

Not used to being summoned
by the District Attorney.

HARVEY: Yeah, well, this couldn't wait.

Are you absolutely sure
that you're ready to do this?

I'm sure.

Commissioner Soto,

Stephanie Brown

is willing to sign a sworn affidavit

that Lincoln March is
the head of a secret cabal

that's responsible for
the deaths of Mayor Hill,

Cressida Clarke,

and Bruce Wayne...

among countless others.


Think I'm gonna need another sugar.


Oh, look who finally
remembered he's a fugitive.

That was weird.

Hee hee hee!

That was weirder.


- So, Duela... she's a look.
- TURNER: And?

And you two came in here
hugging yesterday's wardrobe.

Not really anybody's business.

Guess who took a ride on the bat-wang.


Oh, my God.

And yes, Bat-Brat is a very good kisser.

I know you were wondering.

I was not wondering.

- Oh!
- Wait.

Where were you?

- Around.
- "Around".

Well, we're wanted fugitives.

We don't really get to just
be "around". Around where?

The library. Mm-hmm.

Turns out libraries... kinky as hell.

Sorry-not-sorry to whoever
has to reshelve YA Fantasy.

You know, I read those books.

Oh, my God. Do you want to
know something really juicy?

Why do you want to know this?

You disappeared for hours
without checking in.

- You're not my keeper.
- We didn't know where you were, Turner.

If you were caught or in GCPD custody...

Dude, relax. Nothing happened.

Several times, like,
uh, many, many times.

I honestly lost count
at a certain point.

Like a couple times in your favorite
section, and then we moved

to the other side of
the library and, like,

nonfiction, then we moved to history.

You almost died, Turner, and
you didn't even say, "Thanks".

You missed the part where
everybody lied to my face.

- What are you talking about?
- Don't you get it, Cullen?

I... I'm done talking about my dad,

about Cressida, about clearing my name.

Where has it gotten me, huh?

I live in a belfry with
a bunch of criminals.


- Carrie.
- Carrie.




WOMAN: Carrie's grounded. Who's calling?

- Her mom answered the phone.

- Why?
- I don't know,

but it can't be good.
I'll be right back.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You're gonna leave me
with Horny and Hornier?

Uh, I don't know. Wear headphones.


Oh. Ew.

Damn it.

Yes, I need help.


Thank you.

After my dad got out of Arkham,

I promised myself that
if I ever ran into him,

I was gonna sh**t this b*llet
straight through his heart

as a go-to-hell for abandoning me.

But then Batman took
care of him for you.


Hold on. This is fun.

Did Batman k*ll / of our parents?



I say we go party about it.

A citywide manhunt
doesn't just hit pause

because it's your b-day.

DUELA: Well...

if we keep an ear to the scanner,

we'll know when they're
coming to crash the fun.

- Does Harper know you have that?
- Come on.

We're meeting with one
of Batman's biggest haters.

And, hey, news of him k*lling
the parents of an -year-old

would have been all over
the streets back then, right?

So maybe my contact knows what happened.

Who's this contact?

Come with me and find out.

Or stay holed up here,

being... [SIGHS]

dark and broody, like dear old Daddy,

in the very place that's
kept you from seeing

the truth about everyone
you thought cared about you.

What's it gonna be, Bat-Brat?

HARVEY: I won't let
anything happen to you.


Rebecca's still not answering.

Did Brody say where they were going?

Just somewhere safe, and
then he ditched his phone.


I need to, um... I need to handle this.

- Rebecca?
- Uh, no, it's work stuff.

I'll be back in .

Oh... don't talk to anyone without me.


Good morning, Doc.

I can't keep doing this, Mr. Brown.

I gave your wife
a prescription last week.

If anyone's paying attention...

I promise, this is the last time.

You said that last time.

Oh, hey, come on, Doc.

Celebrity "Quiz Bowl's" tonight.

You want to come to the taping?

- I'm on a shift.
- Next time, then...

as a contestant.

You really are a life saver, Doc.




I'm really sorry.

OFFICER: Arthur Brown,
please step out of the car.



I believe she's on her lunch break.

Or she's in your pocket,

unless you're here to
tell me that you're not

CEO of a cult with a BDSM
Birdman as their mascot.

That's very colorful.

And your evidence of this
is... where, hmm?

If you could prove any of that,

I'd be the one in handcuffs

and not your dad.

My dad?

Oh, you didn't hear?

He was just arrested on drug charges.


You set him up?

Me? No. No.

I love "Quiz Bowl".

Big fan, but prescription fraud's
a real problem these days.

With all the doctors Arthur
shopped over the years,

I hear he's facing to life.

You're a monster.



Now, there is some good news.

GCPD kept his arrest
off the press's radar,

which means that the wholesome
image your family

has worked so hard to project

is still safely intact.

Your dad could be back hosting
"Quiz Bowl" by day's end...

charges dropped, record wiped,

the public none the wiser.

What do you want from me?


Cullen, you can't be here.

Oh, my mom threatened to call the cops

- if I tried to contact you guys.
- CULLEN: Why?

I told her I'm Robin.

Okay, so how did coming out go?

Didn't exactly end in a hug.

I guess being a -year-old vigilante

isn't what she had
in mind when she told me

to help out around the community.

Carrie, I... I'm so sorry.

Would it help or hurt to hear

that The Joker's daughter
banged Batman's son?


That visual is gonna haunt me forever.

Please tell me you're joking.

Yeah, I wish I was.

I... I really don't know
what's up with him.

It's like he's given up.

Okay, Batman was responsible

for the death of Turner's parents.

That's why Bruce Wayne adopted him.

Turner found out from The Court,

but I already knew because Bruce

had confessed it in his journals.

You ripped out those pages?


[SIGHS] Harper.

So, Carrie has all the tea.

Duela and Turner are M.I.A.,

and they took the scanner with them.

[SIGHS] Meaning whatever they're
doing has them dodging cops.

Meaning you two need to find those
dumbasses before the cops do.



[CHUCKLES] Stole these off a table,

so I have no idea what they are.

Wouldn't want it any other way.

You know what's crazy?

That a beanie somehow
makes me unrecognizable.

Well, that and that we
never would have met

if we both hadn't been
framed for m*rder.

Oh, yeah.

BOTH: To The Court of Owls.

- Ah.

Hey, can I ask you something?


So, this... Turner with
the beanie... right?

In a club with way too much bass,

getting a little drunk,
being a little dangerous.


Would you say this is

Bat-Brat spring break?

Or is this the new you?

MAN: Come on! I bought you a drink!


Remember that next time

you think about getting
handsy with a stranger.


Oh, my God. That woman is crazy.

I know. Heh!

I love her. Ha ha!

WOMAN: Lookie who flew the coop!

- Hi, Mom.
- Ha ha!





Oh, my beautiful baby girl.
I am loving this blonde.

You are a model. I mean,

is she or is she not a supermodel?

She's very pretty.

You know, every birthday,
this was my wish,

and now it's finally come true.

- Oh, my girl.

So, um, Mrs....

- Oh, call me Jane.
- Jane.

Okay, um, how did you find us?

- Well, I found her. Mm-hmm.
- Always said, when I got out

of Arkham, I would send
Duela a smoke signal.

- Mm-hmm.

DUELA: A b*mb threat down at the GCPD,

like a little care package
containing a clue.

You know, I heard it. I heard it come in

- over the scanner. Ha ha!
- JANE: Uh-huh.

And I'm pretty sure
GCPD is still playing

-card pickup with all
those ace of clubs.


DUELA: So, how did you get out?

Oh. Good behavior.

Your behavior? Heh! Mom.

Hey, come on. I don't
see you for two months,

and now you, uh, you're gonna
show up with a boyfriend?

- TURNER: Oh, I'm...
- DUELA: Oh, he's not a...

I'm not. We're... roommates?

DUELA: Well, we're Gotham's
most wanted fugitives,

on the run, together.

- Mm-hmm.
- JANE: Because you k*lled Batman.

TURNER: Duela didn't k*ll Batman.
She's never k*lled anybody.

Well, only because the opportunity
hasn't presented itself, but,

technically speaking, yes,
the whole Batman thing is

a big, gross misunderstanding, so, uh,

okay, that is actually
why Turner's here.

He just found out that
Batman k*lled his parents

back in the day, now
he's looking for answers.

- JANE: From me?
- DUELA: Uh-huh.

What do I care about a guy who
looks better in tights than I do?

- DUELA: Uh, the part where he k*lled my dad.


I'm gonna go get another round.

- DUELA: Turner, wait.

It's fine. You guys catch up.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on. Let me do your lips.

- Okay. Okay.
- Come on. Ha ha ha!

STEPHANIE: Daddy, what did you do?

It's a setup,

so that the GCPD can wipe the egg

off their face about those missing kids!

What, they told you about the deal?


although I am relieved

I won't miss getting
to roast Rick Pimento

on the show tonight.

I can't help you, Dad.

What are you talking about?

If I give up their location,
my friends will die.

Your mother will die if you don't.


I cannot take care of her from prison.

You're not taking care of her, Dad.

- You're keeping her drugged.
- ARTHUR: I am keeping her alive!

I'm keeping her from pain,




You're a teenage girl

with a long,

vibrant, and successful life

ahead of her,

who should not be dealing

with this right now.

So let me be there

to help her, Stephanie.

Let's help Mom now,

before it gets any worse, okay?

DUELA: Yeah.

What do you mean, you're broke?

Well, I mean, I can't really go out

and make a score while I'm dodging
a manhunt to clear my name.

You disappointed?

Don't be silly.

I've been itching
to get back in the game,

make a little money, get my
baby girl the hell outta Gotham.


what would you say

if I invited Turner?


I'd say you haven't listened
to a word I said about men.

Well, Mom, come on. He's not even .

Well, if Turner makes you happy,

- that makes me happy.

Here's your lipstick.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Next round's on me.


you look familiar.

I owe you money or something?

We worked a grift at
Oswald's back in the day.

You paid me double.

Ah, Five-Finger Franny.

Ha ha ha ha! Tell me, Franny,

what's % of a $ million reward?


Juice of the bean for the Sarge.

Attention, rookies!

If you gotta be a rook,

be a rook like Hines.

That's all.

[CHUCKLING] Cool. So, look,

the, uh, police scanner over at Somerset

kind of involuntarily
put in its paperwork.

You got one around here that we
can borrow until the update arrives?

- Let's see.

- It's our last spare.

Careful with it.

Of course. Thank you.

Yo, Hines.


Bunch of the boys are catching the game

at O'Malley's tonight. You in?

[CHUCKLES] You know, I...

I wish I could, but I got plans.

- Maybe next time.
- For sure.

Hey, uh, what's that about?

"Quiz Bowl" host got
pinched in a sting op.

Commissioner's keeping a lid
on it till his kid cuts a deal.

A deal? Wh-what kind of deal?

Heard she got a bead
on Bruce Wayne's K*llers.

Hey, look, I'm... I'm sorry
I didn't tell you

you were meeting my mom, okay?
I didn't want to scare you.

She stabbed a guy through the hand.

Oh, come on. He wasn't
even right-handed.

You don't know that.

Well, he might not have
been right-handed.

We both know she wasn't
released on good behavior.

- Turner, I don't really care

why she was released, frankly.

For the first time in my
entire life, I have a mom.

She's a con artist who went to
Arkham for delusions of grandeur.

Who's to say she's not scamming
her own daughter right now?

No, don't stand there and tell me
you haven't dreamt of a moment

like this every single day
since your parents died.

You're right. You're right.

I'm sorry. I get it.

Say... say my mom could get us
out of Gotham tonight...

with no cops, no strings,

no trace, nothing.

Would you be down?

What about everyone else?

Oh, who cares about everyone else?


- Know what?

Forget it. [SCOFFS]

Yeah, you know, you're too pretty
for a life on the run anyways.

- Honestly, I think you'd just slow us down.

I mean, look at you.
You're already drunk.

Actually, it's kind of pathetic.

Um, so much for not offended.

Good luck, Turner.

I'll see you never.


- Turner?


I have no idea what the
hell you're doing here,

- but you're going home.
- TURNER: Harvey, get off me!

Turner, you have any idea
how reckless you're being?

No more reckless than trusting
people who say they care about me!

What's going on?
Where's this coming from?

Did you know Batman k*lled my parents?

- What?
- Huh?

Did you help Bruce cover that up, too?

Batman had a code. He didn't k*ll.

- He k*lled The Joker.

Where'd you hear that?
The Joker's daughter?

At least she and I have
something in common.

Come on, Turner.

You knew your dad better than anyone.

If you heard that Batman
k*lled your parents,

there's got to be a whole
lot more to that story.

Hey, Turner.






Hey, Mom. Heh!

Uh, what the hell are you doing?

It's your birthday present.

Ta da!

Harvey Dent in a straitjacket?

The Riddler wasn't using it,
so I figured

sort of symbolic, seeing
as Harvey made me

wear one of these for years.

Slow down. What?

Harvey Dent was the guy
who cried looney tunes

and locked you away?

How did I not know this?

Oh, well, Harvey's got a whole pile

of dirty laundry.

Luckily for us, I've got two hands,

pins, and a clothesline for days.

CRYSTAL: You would even
hesitate to help your dad

says it all, you ungrateful
little bitch!

You have the perfect life!

We have given you everything!

The best school,
the best shot at M.I.T.,

the best chance at actually
having a success!

My life is not perfect!

My whole life is a lie,

meticulously and painstakingly
crafted by you and Dad.

Everything I've ever done, ever said,

ever worn, has all been

to put on some twisted show!

To what?

To make people believe
that we're the ideal family

that they can only aspire to be?

But I am done.

I'm done acting.

I'm done hiding who I really am.

I'm done being manipulated by you both.

Do you even love me, or was I
just some overpriced investment?


HARPER: Do not touch her!

What are you doing here?

You are just like every other deadbeat,

numbing their insecurities.

You hate seeing her happy

and successful because you are not.

You hate that she is selfless

and kind and everything you're not!

So you project everything that
you hate about yourself onto her.

She does not deserve that...

and you do not deserve her.

Thank you.


Cullen called.

I thought you were gonna sell us out.

I was wrong.


Did you find Turner and Duela?

units are en route to the Bowery

for a possible Turner Hayes
sighting at the Ace O' Clubs.

We've gotta go. Turner's in trouble.



[CHUCKLES] Oh, years later

and he still gives me
the turn-on tingles.

Okay, ew.

You have to go find Turner.

- He passed out at that bar.
- JANE: Oh, come on.

Like you care about anyone but yourself.

I mean, the only reason that you came
to the club was because you got

a threatening text from a voter, saying

they'd uncovered some evidence
about some crazy bitch

named Jane Doe, and lookie how fast

you came running. [CHUCKLES]

Arkham doesn't respond well
to escapees, you know.

Oh, no, I didn't escape. Heh!

I was released,

thanks to your very kind

and very convince-able political
opponent, Lincoln March.

Did you mention that you
were my lunatic stalker?

What, you stalked Harvey Dent?


I fell for him,

for the handsome,


hilariously crude Harvey Dent.

Jane, you are delusional.

We were never together.

Oh, we had a love affair.

And then one day,

he stops taking my calls,

and then he's denying
knowing me to everyone

- in his office when I stop by.
- HARVEY: When you stopped by?

Jane, you gave
my secretary a cow's heart.

- You were dangerously unhinged.
- JANE: No, and then,

come nighttime, when
no one else is around,

and Harvey gets that insatiable itch...

- DUELA: Still ew.
- JANE: guess who comes knocking

at my door?


Not once...

not twice...

but dozens of times,

telling me he cares about me,

wanting love. [SIGHS]

It was like I was dealing with
two completely different men...

a two-faced liar,
masquerading as a city savior.

DUELA: So you gaslit my mother
into believing she was crazy...

- DUELA: and then you flexed

your power to lock her behind bars

for years?

I think I can explain all of this.

JANE: Oh, no, I already did explain it

to Lincoln March, who can now run

behind the campaign slogan

"Harvey Dent,

The Most Dangerous Man in Gotham".

But you always said my dad was

The Most Dangerous Man in Gotham.

And I meant it.

Duela, meet your real father,

Harvey Dent!


Nope, I'm not seeing it.

Yeah, I was two weeks into Arkham

when I started to realize that
the morning sickness wasn't

from the cafeteria sludge. Heh!

It was from you!

And the only way I was
gonna send my baby

out into a world where
I couldn't protect her

was to ensure that she
didn't need protecting.

So you told everyone that

Gotham's most prolific m*rder*r

- was my dad?
- JANE: Yep.

I still remember his laugh
when I asked him.


The Joker knew I wasn't his?

Of course he did.

But he liked you,

and once he realized you
could fend for yourself,

he... he stopped paying attention.

Is any of this true?

Did you sleep with my mom
and then lie about it?

[QUIETLY] I don't know.


No, you either did

or you didn't.

[WHISPERS] It's not impossible.

"Not impossible"?

My mother spent my
entire life behind bars!

I grew up alone, being told on the daily

that my mother was some unfit sociopath!

I'm sorry. I know this must be so...

No! No! No! You ruined my life!

I didn't know about you!

I didn't.

That part, I swear. I...

I didn't know, Duela.

What is this?

Opportunity presenting itself.



STEPHANIE: We need to find
Turner and Duela.

APB was only for Turner.

All units, all units.

Suspect Turner Hayes has been
spotted at Ace O' Clubs.

We gotta get out of here now.

Okay. You run, they chase,

so we hide in plain sight.

How do we do that?

We dance.

TOVE STYRKE: ♪ Go ahead
and feel what you feel ♪

♪ I want you closer to me ♪

OFFICER: GCPD. Turner Hayes!

♪ Say my name ♪

♪ Wear it out like a sweater
that you love ♪


Hey, keep it down, okay?

Secret-identity sitch
going on over here.

Okay. Guess we need to get you one

of those codenames like Robin.

Or Bluebird.

♪ Wear it out like a sweater
that you love ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't get enough when you ♪

♪ Say my name ♪

Don't, okay?

Just keep your eyes on me.

You don't even know the cops are here

'cause you're too busy looking at me.

♪ Don't need no list of where
you've been, no information ♪

♪ You got me running out,
out of patience ♪

♪ So up, up, up, up, up ♪

♪ Got me up, up, up, up, up ♪

♪ I like the interaction,
you got my attention ♪

♪ I'm not in love, but I'm
loving the situation ♪

♪ Up, up, up, up ♪

♪ If you down, don't dare to stop ♪

♪ Go ahead and feel what you feel ♪

DISPATCHER: Perimeter with roadblocks

south side of the Ace O' clubs.

Dispatcher, I got eyes on Hayes.

CULLEN OVER COMMS: Did you hear that?

He's out cold in a storage
room, but I got a pulse.

Possible O.D.

We're running out of time.

TOVE STYRKE: ♪ Like a drink
you should've skipped ♪

♪ You're the one I want to get
when you say my name ♪

♪ Let it roll, let it roll
off your tongue ♪

♪ Let me know, let me know
what you want ♪

I couldn't help but feel the Freek
in your pants. Hand her over.

Uh... [STAMMERS]... say again?

I'm guessing this place never
disabled their SSID broadcasting,

so if I boost my phone
signal with Freek,

I can bypass their firewall,
get their gateway address,

and run an arpspoof command

to forward their security
cameras' IP addresses

directly to m...

I know, I know.

My brain just moves too fast
sometimes, but I just...

- I can't explain it all.
- HARPER: You don't have to.

Okay. You're just...


And you're just you.

TOVE STYRKE: ♪ ... should've skipped ♪


Okay, got into their cameras.

Cycle back to where the cops arrived.

Oh... [SIGHS]... magic number .

Ready to spoil the party?


[HARPER SIGHS] All right, folks.

Consider this last call.


Excuse me, officer. I think I saw
those fugitives from the news.

Show me.


- Oh!

Yep. Right there.

OFFICER: Let's go.


Kid's fine. Just drunk. Heh!

[SLOW AND DISTORTED] Bringing him in.

DISPATCHER: Copy that.
I'll notify Central.

Battery's dead on this one.

Cruiser's D.O.A. in the alley
on the south side. Anyone copy?



MAN ON RADIO: Be advised.
just handed

Turner Hayes off to Car .

ETA minutes to Central.

Central Booking will press intake.

Contact Commissioner Soto to advise.

- Any word on the other fugitives?

Listen. Listen to me.

You take me in, I'm dead.

Then you're lucky it's me

and not some Court executioner.

- Cullen?
- That's Officer Hines to you.


Oh! Ha ha!


HARVEY: Okay, I think... I think
I know what happened here.

And please, please, I...
it's gonna sound insane,

but please hear me out. Please?


- HARVEY: Okay.
- DUELA: .

Okay, I used to suffer from
a psychological disorder

where there were...
there were two of me.

One was the Harvey that you see

sitting before you,
begging for his life,

and the other was
a rogue, reckless version,

who, at the time, I didn't
know how to control.

That's who hurt you.

DUELA: Friendly advice... um,
try and use your seconds

to come across slightly less
psychotic than The Joker.

That's what I'm saying, okay?

You're in control now, Duela.

You spent your entire life believing

that you were The Joker's daughter.

Of course you're gonna
live up to that name.

You don't have to do that anymore.

You don't...

'cause that's not your name.

Pull the trigger, Due!

You are in control, Duela.

We spent years apart because of him!

This is your clean slate.

So make him pay for what he did to us!

Be the woman that I know you want to be.

JANE: Be your mother's daughter, Duela!

[g*nsh*t ECHOES]


So, um, if you wouldn't mind

not pulling a runner so I can actually
eat dinner, that'd be great.

Didn't ask you to save me.

You don't have to ask, Turner!

That's the point!

Look, you... you want to push me away?

You want to sleep
with Duela and make all

these idiotic choices and
straight-up lie to my face?


I'm not abandoning you.

And one day, when this all
gets me k*lled, maybe then,

maybe then you'll realize how
much you actually matter to me.


Um, feel free to take the couch.

Turner thinks Duela
ran off with her mom.

She just got released out of Arkham.

- Damn.
- Yeah.

Sounds like I'm not the only
one that had a crazy day.

Guess I can't blame her, though.

Took my dad asking me to put
my friends' lives in jeopardy

for me to realize that...

I wasn't their daughter.

I was...

their puppet.


Of course, I'd even hook up with the guy

that had the perfect
last name in their eyes...

even though he never made me feel...


Anything at all.

[SIGHS] Now that my strings are cut,

I don't even know

who I am or...

what I like...

what I want.

But you do...

in your gut.

For once in your life, don't
think before you answer.

What does Stephanie Brown want?

when I see you now ♪

♪ I feel something ♪

♪ When I see you ♪

♪ I used to light you up ♪

♪ And now I can't even get you ♪

♪ To play the drums ♪


So that's what it feels like.

♪ 'Cause I don't know what I want ♪


♪ But I feel something ♪

♪ When I see you now ♪


Franny said we could
hole up here for a bit

till I tie up a few
loose ends, then we'll

put this hellhole in our
rearview. [GIGGLES]

"Queen of coffee" or "I love my kitty"?

Oh, whatever.


Listen... I know it probably feels

like the whole earth underneath
your feet went kaput...

- but Harvey Dent was evil, right?

He kept us away from each other

for years.

He took your childhood.

He took my motherhood!

And you...


- Oh!

You showed me you are exactly who I

raised you to be.

I am so unbelievably
proud of you, baby girl.


To my daughter,

my hero,

the most dangerous girl in Gotham.



- WOMAN: Welcome back, sir.

You're at Gotham Gen.

Couple utility workers found you
on the old red line.

HARVEY: I should be dead.

Yeah, not if fate had a say.

EMTs found it in your pocket.

You gotta be kidding me.
The coin saved me?

I don't think that's a good thing, sir.

Something tells me you're
gonna wish you were dead.

It looks like one
of the fugitives suspected

in the high-profile m*rder
of Bruce Wayne

has a new name...

Duela Dent.

Harvey Dent allegedly sired
the young woman

with Arkham inmate Jane Doe,

who claims she was locked away in order

to cover up Harvey's illicit affair.

This will no doubt impact the polls.

REBECCA: How's it healing?

The wound will heal,

but the idea of my wife secretly tasking

her Talon to run me
through with his sword

will take a little more time.

I had to distance you from The Court.


But if I'd known you'd just leave out

your trophies for your son to find,

I'd have told the Talon
to aim a little higher.


Hey, Rebecca, it's me.

Can you please call me back
so I know you're okay?

I know about Lincoln and The Court,

and I promise you, I'm gonna do
everything in my power

to stop your husband.

I won't let anything happen to you.


I won't let anything happen to you.

I won't let anything happen to you.

MAN: Greg, move your head!