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04x05 - I Was a Middle-Aged Werewolf

Posted: 06/07/23 06:29
by bunniefuu
Hey, Jonathan, look at that.

Full moon.

Halloween night and a full moon.

That reminds me of Halloween
a year ago.

Remember that?

Do I remember it?

Every time I think about it
I get scare bumps all over my body.

That's the night we had to beat
the devil.

I'll remember that as long as I live.

I remember walking
into that spooky old bookstore

he uses as a front for his operations.

I can still smell the sulphur
and the brimstone.

Then I heard it:
The sound of hell.

I'll never forget that face.

Never. As long as I live.

That gives me the willies.

I'm gonna have to think
about something else.

I'll tell you what I'll think about,
I'll think about food.

Food? You just ate dinner
an hour ago.

Come on, Jonathan, I'm driving here.
When you're driving,

- you work up an appetite.
- Oh, Mark, please.

Come on, Jonathan,
can't we have a little fun tonight?

Come on, it's Halloween.

A little snack in front of the TV.
A lot of scary movies on tonight.

- Doesn't it sound great?
- Absolutely wonderful.

Hey, Satan's Subs.
Don't tell me you're going in there?

Jonathan, it's just a name.

Yeah, a name
you were just talking about.

Jonathan, I seriously doubt
if the Prince of Darkness

is in the sandwich business.

Yeah, well, I'm not going in there.
I'm not.

All right, fine. I'll go in by myself.
I'll be right back.

You know what your problem is,
you're afraid of the competition.

You know you got a short memory
for an angel.

Remember, I was the guy
who got food poisoning

when you took me to Gabriel's Horn.

May I help you?

Oh, yeah, look, I was trying to...

Have you got a fire or something
back there in the kitchen?

No, under the kitchen.

Under the kitchen.

Oh, under the kitchen.

I get it, a little atmosphere
for Halloween, right?

- That's great.
- Let me show you our line.

We call this A Little Bit of Heaven.

Not very satisfying.

Yeah. It is kind of small, isn't it?


is Purgatory.

Hey, now that's more like it.

It's really neither here nor there.


is our biggest seller.

Devil's Delight.

That's awful big.

I can't eat all that.
That wouldn't be good for me.

Now, why would you wanna
eat something that's good for you.

Come on, it's Halloween.

And this is a hell of a sandwich.

What the heck. I'll take it.

Three dollars even.

All right, there you go.

Have a happy Halloween.

I always do.

Hey, what are you watching?

I'm watching this horror film.
I Was a Teenage Werewolf.

Oh, I love scary movies.

You love scary sandwiches too.
You know how your stomach gets.

Come on, one little sandwich
is not gonna bother me.

One little sandwich?
That's like calling the Titanic a dinghy.

He k*lled her.

You know the guy in this movie
reminds me a lot of you.

- Thanks, that's very kind of you.
- No, when he's a regular guy,

not when he's got the fuzz
all over his face.

You feel like taking a walk?

Come on, Jonathan,
I'm into this movie.

We don't have an assignment tonight?
Come on, it's Halloween.

We don't have an assignment
I know of. I just feel like taking a walk.

It's fun to watch the kids

Well, you go ahead.
I wanna see the end of this.

I can tell you how it ends.
He goes and see--

Hey, hey, hey. Don't do that.

Don't do that, now,
you'll spoil it for me.

All right, fine? Sit there
like a couch potato. What do I care?

Just remember, I'm the one
that warned you about the sandwich.

Let a man have a snack.

Take care. Be careful. Have fun.

Oh, I love this costume.
There you go.

There you go.

Cheese and crackers?
Don't you have any candy?

Candy's bad for your teeth.

Oh, boy, what do I get,
a tofu burger?

You'll thank me
when you don't have cavities.

We will not. Our father's a dentist.
You're putting him in the poorhouse.

Oh, you're such a funny boy.

Alan? Cindy?
Aren't you two ready yet?


You look great.

This thing's hot.

Oh, well, don't put it on
until you get outside, honey.

Alan broke my wand.

- I did not.
- You did too.

Mom, she hit me with the wand
and it broke.

Because you pushed me.

Because you were standing
on my gorilla mask.

Would you just stop, please?

Oh, your brother's awake. Come on.

Guerrero started this race on the pole.
He has led every lap.

He certainly doesn't wanna
give it up now.

Al Unser Jr. comes around
Jacques Villeneuve.

- Bob, kids are ready.
- Honey, I'm watching the car races.

Bob, it's : .
The kids are ready to go.

Let them go. They're big enough.

I don't like them out at night
without supervision

and I've got the baby.

Anne, there are other kids
out there alone. Come on.

I don't wanna go without Dad.

I do. I'm not scared.

You see, Alan,
your sister's not scared.

I'm not scared, either.
I just don't want to.

You are too scared.

- I am not.
- Then come on.

I've got to get the baby.

I don't see why
you can't go with them.

Because I worked all week

and I wanna relax
on a Saturday night, okay?

Now, go on, Alan,
stop acting like a baby.

Go on.

Al Unser Jr. is out in front
as Roberto Guerrero,

- spinning the car back and forth,
- Go on.

trying to pick up the last few drops
of fuel in his t*nk.

For Al Unser Jr. it is on to victory.
He continues--

Alan, will you come on?

- Did they go?
- Yes, they went.

It'll be good for Alan.

You baby him too much.
That's why he's scared.

No, he's scared because you let him
watch horror movies with you

that he shouldn't see.

I've gotta get the baby his bottle.

- Oh, I'll get those, Mom.
- Oh, don't worry about it.

Listen, I've got three more in the oven.
They'll be ready any minute.

- You having fun?
- Oh, Mom, it's great.

This is the best party.

- Go enjoy it.
- All right.Thanks, Mom.

What's going on here?


I think you better go.

Oh, come on, momma.
We're not doing anything.

Don't give me that "momma" stuff.
I want you out of my house.

Hey, now that is no way
to treat a guest.

We're just having a drink.
Is there a problem with that?

- It's a problem for me. Out.
- Hey, you don't mean that.

Okay, we'll be good little boys
and we'll go dance.

Does that feel like I mean it?

Mom, is something wrong?

Nothing, dear,
just throwing out the trash.

I know, I know, I know. Oh, well.

I can't believe it. That's so crazy.

Alan, will you come on?

I don't wanna go up to that house.

You're such a baby.

I just don't wanna go.

Suit yourself, scaredy-cat.

- My brother is such a pain.
- All brother's are.

Yeah. Hey, let's scare him good.
I've got an idea.

Just do what I do.

Trick or treat.

Sure, little ladies. Here you go.

Help! Help!

- What's the matter? What's going on?
- Help!

Cut it out now. Don't fight me.
What are you doing?

I don't know what's going on.

Will you please stop it.
I don't know what's happening.

What is this?

What is this?

Sorry, mister,
we just wanted to scare my brother.

Well, you scared both of us.
Now, go on, get out of here.

Go on.

- We sure got rid of him, didn't we?
- Yeah. Now we can have some fun.

Hey, you wanna come to my house?
My folks are at a party.

And we can watch Spookies.

Yeah. I'll call my folks.
Maybe I can sleep over.


Hey, where you going,
monkey man?

- He got my sister. You gotta help.
- Your sister, huh?

- How old is she?
- Eleven.

- Oh, forget it.
- What you got in that bag there?

Please. You gotta help.

- Hey, look at this haul.
- Please?


- Hey.
- Give him back his bag.

You talking to us?

Yeah, I said give the kid
back his bag.

Oh, he wants the kid's bag.


- It's the Unknown Comic.
- Yeah, really.

- Hey, buddy, go on, make us laugh.
- Yeah, come on.

Man, let's get out of here.

Hey, you all right?

Hey, don't be scared,
I'm on your side.

You're a--You're a--

A werewolf.

Me? No, I'm not a werewolf,
I'm an angel.

You don't look like an angel.

Oh, this?

I was just pretending.

There, that better?

I'll help you pick up your stuff.

- You really are what you said?
- Well, you bet I am.

Cross your heart, hope to die?

That doesn't really mean anything
in my case,

but I can guarantee you
I'm an angel.

Then you gotta help my sister.
He grabbed her.

What are you talking about? Who?

A man. A bad man. He grabbed her
and pulled her into the house.

She was screaming.
Please you gotta help.

All right, you just take it easy.
You lead the way, I'll follow you.

This is it.

You're sure this is the house?

I could never forget it.

Okay, you just wait out here.

All right, but stay behind me.

Okay, be quiet.

- Take everything!
- Don't k*ll us.

No, no, no.
Please listen to me.

No. I'm not a robber.
I'm not--I'm not--

Listen to me. I'm not a robber.

You're not?


You see,
I was looking for this little girl.

- He's a pervert. He's a pervert!
- Please, will you listen to me?

Listen to him! Listen!

Look, see this--
This little boy told me

that his sister was dragged
into this house, screaming.

Oh, those two.

It was a joke.
She wanted to scare her brother.

It was a joke?

Oh, look-- Oh, I'm--
I mean, I am sorry.

I mean, I am--

I mean, I don't know what to say.
I mean, I'm sorry.

I mean, we're--

We're both sorry. We're sorry.
We're-We just--We are.

Arnold, where you going?

To change my shorts.

I tell you, your sister
sure has a weird sense of humour.

You're telling me.

I feel awful
scaring those two people like that.

It wasn't your fault.

Are you really
an honest-to-goodness angel?

That's right, I am.

And you're not a werewolf?

No such thing as werewolves.

- How do you know?
- Well, because I know.

When you grow up,
you'll know it too.

If there can be angels,
how come there can't be werewolves?

Well, because God makes angels.
He doesn't make monsters.

That makes sense.

But I'm still scared of them.

- Well, that makes sense too.
- It does?

Well, sure it does.
Everybody's scared of something.

- I'm not acting like a baby?
- No, come on, not in the least.

Will you come trick-or-treating
with me for a while?

I wouldn't be scared with an angel.

- Okay, for a while.
- Thanks.

- My name's Jonathan.
- Mine's Alan.

Sure is nice to meet you, Jonathan.

Nice to meet you too, Alan.


No, Tony.

Tony, don't. Don't.

Oh, Jonathan, you gotta sit down
and watch this.

It's I Was a Teenage Werewolf.

Oh, I love horror films.

He k*lled her.

You know the guy in this film
reminds me of a lot of you.

When he's a regular guy,

not when he's got the hair
all over his face.

Jonathan, why don't you sit down
and watch this?

We don't have an assignment.
Let's just take it easy.

Don't tell me angels get sore throats.
You sound awful.

Jonathan, you all right?

Hey, buddy,
is there something wrong?


All right, get yourself together.
It's a dream, that's all. It's a dream.

It's a dream.

It's not a dream.




Police! Help! Up here!
Come on! Help! Here!

Come in! Help! Help me!

Over here.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Bring b*ll*ts. A lot of them.
Silver b*ll*ts!

Over here! Come on, hurry up.


No! No!

No! No!

No! No!

No! No, Jonathan. No!

- No, Jonathan, please.
- Mark.

- No, Jonathan.
- Mark, wake up.

- Jonathan. Jonathan, please.
- Wake up! Wake up!

- Jonathan?
- Take it easy,

you were having a dream.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

That was some dream.
I mean, it was real.

- Yeah, it's the sandwich.
- What?

The sandwich.
The submarine sandwich.

You can't eat like that
before you go to sleep. I warned you.

That's right, you did.

I mean, it was real, Jonathan.
It was just like in the movies.

Well, except you were older.
You're like a middle-aged werewolf.

Why did you have to put it that way?

Are you gonna be all right?
I gotta go out again.

Go out?
What do you mean, you gotta go out?

Will you stop acting like a baby?

I've got a little guy waiting for me
in the lobby.

I promised him I'd take him

- He's scared.
- Well, I don't blame him.

- You wanna go with us?
- No, I don't wanna go.

- I don't wanna go out there, it's dark.
- Mark, you're acting silly.

Maybe I am acting silly,
but you didn't have my dream.

Now, you go ahead.
I'm staying right here.

All right.
But take it easy, relax a little bit.

You're all right. Stay awake.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

- Hey, Jonathan.
- Yeah?

You really should've seen the kid
in that movie.

I mean, he really did look like you.
Well, except he was younger.

Mark, I was never that young.

- Excuse me.
- Trick.

- What?
- Trick. Trick or treat.

I'm not treating, so if you wanna trick,
fine, go ahead and trick,

but I'll call the police
and have you arrested.

I don't want a trick or a treat.

I just put money in the soda machine
and nothing came out.

- So?
- So I would like my money back.

I didn't see you put any in.

- I'm not lying.
- That's what you say.

Now, don't bother me.

What the matter?

I lost my money in the machine.
It's just not my night.

Mister, we got a little problem
with the machine here.

- I think it's out of order.
- The boy already told me

and I'll tell you what I told him.

I didn't see him put any money in,
so he's not getting any back.

And now, if you don't mind,
I'm trying to read.

Well, thank you for your kindness.

Come on, let's go trick-or-treating.

- Trick.
- What the--?

Ice cream with cookies in it.
That's what I call pigging out.

- Who are you calling?
- My mom.

- Hello.
- Hello, Dad. Is Mom there?

She's still up with the baby.

His ears are bothering him
or something.

Oh, I was wondering
if I could sleep over at Eloise's?

Are her folks home?


Well, let me talk to her mom.

They're in bed already.
But Eloise asked and they said fine.

And what about your brother?

Alan? Isn't he home?

You mean he's not with you?

No. He ran away.
I yelled at him to stop, but he wouldn't.

I don't know what got into him.

I thought he was going home.

How long ago did this happen?

About an hour.

Oh, boy, what's the matter
with that kid?

He just ran off for no reason?

Well, I certainly didn't do anything.

He'll probably make up some story
like he always does.

Can I sleep over, Daddy?

Yeah, I suppose.

Oh, thank you, Daddy.
I love you. Bye.

Alan's gonna be in a lot of trouble
when he gets home.

Yeah, it gives you a good feeling,
doesn't it?

Oh, I finally got the baby to sleep.

I'm gonna have to take him
back to the doctor's.

Those ear drops
just don't seem to be working.

Cindy just called. She's gonna be
sleeping over at Eloise's.

Where's Alan?

He's not with her.

- Where is he?
- I don't know.

Cindy said he ran off
about an hour ago

and she thought
he was on his way home.

Oh, my God,

I told you not to let them go alone.

He probably he met a couple of guys
and went trick-or-treating with them.

Bob, I want you to go find him.
It's getting late.

For crying out loud,
he's gonna be home soon.

Do you want me to go
and you can stay with the baby?

Forget it. I'll go.

If he had have stayed with his sister
in the first place,

this wouldn't be happening.

I'm gonna give him the "what for"
when I find him.

Bob, I don't want you spanking
that child.

Oh, of course not.

He might cry. You are raising a sissy,
you know that?

He is not a sissy.

I don't know what you call him.
Other kids push him around.

He doesn't like to fight
with the other boys. Is that so bad?

Yes, that's bad.

Would you keep your voice down?
I got the baby to sleep.

Face it, Anne.
He's afraid of his own sister.

She's bigger than he is, that's all.

He's afraid of the dark.
He's afraid of monsters. And he's--

I mean, come on. Come on.

Can we please discuss this
after you find him?

Fine. Another wonderful evening
for me on my day off.

Oh, great.


Wow, she was nice.

She gave me about five candy bars
and long ones.

Oh, yeah, let me take a look.

Hey, those are nice.

- You got this bag pretty well filled up.
- Yeah.

It's getting late.
I think we'd better start home.

- I don't wanna go. I'm having fun.
- Hey, I know you are,

but your folks are gonna be worried
about you.

My mom will, not my dad.

Oh, come on, Alan,
you don't mean that.

Yes, I do.

My dad--

Well, he's a lot different from me.

Well, you bet he is.
He's a lot older for one thing.

That's not what I mean.

My dad--


He's kind of like Charles Bronson,
in the movies.

He's real tough
and he wants to make me real tough

but I just can't.

Well, how do you know
he's so tough?

Well, he drinks beer,
watches sports

and he even yells at other people
when he's driving his car.

Oh, well,
that sounds pretty tough all right.

Of course, you know, he might
just be doing that to impress you.

- Impress me?
- Yeah, with how tough he is.

Maybe he figures if he acts real tough,
you'll try to be more like him.

You really think so?

I don't know. It could be.

I'll tell you one thing for sure.
He loves you.

I know. I just wish I could be me.

I mean, I love him,
but I can't be like him.

You ever cry?

Me? Yeah, lots of times.

Yeah? Me too.

But I couldn't cry in front of my dad.

He's never cried.

Oh, come on.
How do you know that?

He told me.
Only girls cry and sissies.

- You think I'm a sissy?
- No way.

Well, then I guess
your dad's wrong.

Alan, moms and dads can't be right
about everything all the time.


I sure like talking to you, Jonathan.

And I sure like talking to you, Alan.

But it is time
to get started home, okay?

- Okay.
- All right, let's go.

- Hurry up, Spookies is starting.
- Did you eat all the ice cream?

Yeah. Sorry.

Well, we got any candy left?



It's no fun watching Spookies
without snacks.

Oh, don't answer it.
It's just more kids.

Hey, come on.

I'll show you
how to get some more candy.

- Maybe nobody's home.
- No, the TV is on.

- Trick or treat.
- Trick or treat.

- Here, these are for you.
- Thank you.

And these are for you.

- Thank you.
- Have fun.

That was great.

Take your pick.

- Oh, my God.
- Hey. It's Cindy.

Oh, my God.

Oh, wait.
We're gonna miss the movie.

- Come on.
- Oh, yeah.

She's staying at Eloise's.
She's a pain too.

All they like to do is tease.

Yeah, I guess that's the way
brothers and sisters are.

I'm not.

She's the one
that's always scaring me. Like tonight.

I wish I could just get her back
one time.


Oh, no. No, no, Alan.

Oh, Jonathan, please?

I mean, I'll never get a chance
like this again.

I mean, how many angels
does a guy meet?



I guess we do owe her one,
don't we?


Oh, God.

That's so gross
it would gag a maggot.

Tell me, what is that stuff?
It's guts or something.

More kids.

You want another candy bar?

No, I'm ready to barf.

Cindy. Cindy. Let me in.

That's my brother.
He's not home yet.

What do you think you're doing?

He's right behind me.
He almost had me.

- Who almost had you?
- A werewolf.

- Oh, Alan, you're such a nerd.
- Cindy, I'm telling the truth. I swear.

Right, you're gonna be in big trouble
with Dad if you don't get home.

I'm telling the truth.

- The truth about what?
- Oh, a big werewolf is chasing Alan.

Oh, no.
And we're all out of silver b*ll*ts.

Alan, admit it,

we scared you
and you're trying to get back at us.

But you can't. Now, run on home.

He's out there, Cindy.
He's right outside that door.

Well, maybe we should invite him in.
Oh, he might be hungry.

Yeah, we'll give him
a can of dog food.

Oh, I'm sure he'd prefer some nice--

Oh, my God!

- Somebody do something!
- I'll save you.

You're not gonna hurt my sister.

He's gone.

Oh, good.

Oh, Alan.

- Alan.
- It's all right, sis.

You'll be okay now.

- Was it--? Was it real?
- Afraid so.

Full moon tonight.
I better get home.

No. Don't leave us.

I have to. I don't want Mom and Dad
to worry.

- Please don't go.
- Eloise.

There. Eloise, your folks are back.
See you later.

- Hi, Mr. Powell. Mrs. Powell.
- Hi, Alan.

- Having a good time tonight, Alan.
- Unbelievable.

Come on, you gotta stay awake.
You gotta stay awake

till Jonathan gets back.

If you don't stay awake,

you're gonna fall asleep.

And if you fall asleep,
you're gonna dream.

No more dreams.

No more dreaming.

What's that noise?

Oh, you're snoring.

You're asleep.

Of course you're asleep, stupid.
You don't snore when you're awake.

All right.

All right, everybody up.
Come on, come on.

Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.

Oh, that's good. Way to go.

Now, I gotta do something
to stay this way.

What am I gonna do?

A soda.

I'll have a soda because soda's
got sugar in it and sugar--

Sugar will keep me awake.
Now you're thinking.

No. No, Jonathan.

No! No!

It was a dream.

It was another dream.

That's it. That's it.
No more sitting down.

No more lying down.

Oh, I gotta do something
to keep myself awake.

What am I gonna do?

I'll jog, that's what I'll do.
I'll jog, I'll jog.

I'll jog until Jonathan comes back.

That's what I'll do.
And it'll keep me awake.

I know that will keep me awake.


Jonathan. Come home,
Jonathan, please.

Oh, Alan.

Alan, where are you?

Oh, please come home.

Will you come home, please?

You didn't find him?


Oh, God. Oh, my God. Oh, God.

- He's all right. I know he's all right.
- He's not all right.

It's getting late. It's after : .
Something's happened to him.

- I know something's happened.
- It hasn't. Now stop that.

He could be anywhere.

I'm gonna call the police.

The police?

I thought you said
nothing happened to him.

- Why are you calling the police?
- Because he's lost.

He was probably having a good time,
he went too far and got lost.

You mean he's missing?

- He's not lost. He's missing.
- Anne, for God's sake, stop it.

The baby's crying.

Go see to the baby.

Hello, my name is Robert Bailey.
I live at Alden Road.

My son is


You know, Jonathan,
this is the greatest night of my life.

Well, it was different, that's for sure.

You know, I don't think
I'll be afraid of the dark anymore.

Now, that I know there's no monsters,
just angels.

Tell you something,
I've got a feeling your sister

won't be trying to
scare you anymore, either.

Yeah, that was so great.

I wish I could have had a camera.
I could have--

That's Maple, south of Five Street
at the parking lot.

Why do you think they're there?

Well, my guess is because of you.

I told you your folks
were gonna be worried.

Oh, boy. My dad's gonna k*ll me.

Well, you better go on
and get inside.

Come with me, Jonathan.
I'm scared.

Oh, come on, Alan.
There's nothing to be scared about.

Yes, there is. You're the one that said
it was all right to be scared.

All right, come on, let's go.

This is the latest picture
we have of Alan.

It's his little league picture.

All right.
We'll cover the neighbourhood.

You're sure he wouldn't spend
the night with a friend?

No, no. He never has done that.

Well, we can't officially report him
missing at this point, but...


Oh, Alan.

Well, I guess
I won't be needing this.

Mr. Bailey?

Kids. No wonder we get grey hair.
Good night.


Where have you been?

It's--It's a long story, but...

Oh, this is my friend Jonathan.
He helped me get home.

Thank you.

It was my pleasure.

Don't you ever do anything
like this again, young man.

Your father has been out half the night
looking for you.

I'm sorry, Dad.

It was my fault. I'm sorry.


Dad, you're crying.

So what?

Of course I'm crying. I thought
something had happened to you.

I'm okay, Dad.

Everything's okay now.

Jonathan, will you get back here?

I can't keep this up much longer.

Boss, will you get him back here?

I should be his assignment.

Who's that?

- It's me, Jonathan.
- Jonathan.

Oh, thank you, boss.
I'll never forget you for this.

I owe you one.

All right, Jonathan,
now where have you been?

You only said you'd be gone
for a little while.

All right, get yourself together.
It's a dream, that's all. It's a dream.

It's a dream.

It's not a dream!




Police! Help!

Come here! Come on, help! Here!

Come in! Help!

Come on! Over here!

Hurry up, hurry up!

Bring b*ll*ts!

A lot of them. Silver b*ll*ts.


Happy Halloween.