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04x03 - Fighting for Your Life

Posted: 06/07/23 06:28
by bunniefuu

Hey, guys.

Hey, Morty.

We got a pool.

What round's
he gonna take you in tonight?

Hey, I got a lot of money
riding on this.


You're doing good.
Just keep your hands up.

- Let's keep it an honest fight, Fatso.
- You got him, you got him.

Go for his eye. Go for his eye.

You gotta protect that eye, kid.
You've taken too many sh*ts.

Come on now, breathe.

You can take him.

You know you can take him.

Hey, I talk to him, not you.

Kid, fourth round.
This is it. Take a couple of sh*ts.

- Go down like a man.
- I could take him easy.

- Sure you could.
- I could take him easy.

- Please.
- Listen to me,

he drops his shoulder
every time he throws his right lead.

- Will you let me show you?
- Don't show me.

It's all over in this round.

Come on, you can finish him.

Come on, hit me with something,
will you?

Ladies and gentlemen,
we have the time of seconds

in round number four,

the winner by way of knockout,
Kid Swift.

The kid had nothing, Jerry.

He had nothing.


I'm telling you.
The kid should be a florist.

- I mean, I'm really embarrassed.
- He's embarrassed.

What's the matter,
I don't take care of you?

Yeah, but that's not the point.

You always got a piece of the action.

Listen to me.

Don't do any thinking.
That's what I'm for.

That's why I'm the manager
and you're the fighter.

Look, we should get his eye checked.
He took a lot of sh*ts.

Absolutely. Go see the doc.
Send the bill to me.

Listen, I like the way you guys
look out for my kid brother.

I'm sold.

I don't know where you guys
have been, but I'm sold.

And when Jerry Zadan is sold,
you're in.

Thanks, Mr. Zadan.

Anytime Sailor works,
you guys are in his corner.

I've been looking for guys
like these guys for you.

A champ's got to have the right team
in his corner.

Hey, you'll get your chance,
I promise you.

When the time is right,

then you're gonna be a big winner,

- Right?
- Right. Right, Jerry.

That's my sailor boy. I gotta run.

When you're out with Jerry Zadan,
Jerry Zadan picks up the tab.

Morty, take care of that eye.

He's okay.


he's okay.

He's done great for himself,
the man owns a gym and that's terrific.

Yeah, and you?

I got a dollar- .

I mean, I'm a fighter.
I got a place to work out.

Don't cost me penny one.

He's the brains of the family.

- Well, he can talk, I'll give him that.
- Yeah.

He always had a mouth on him,

even when I was a kid.

I was the muscle.

Yeah, your brother doesn't look
too marked up.

Yeah, but you can't tell
by looking at a guy.

He ain't had it that easy.

I got in the Navy. He couldn't.

In the Navy,
you don't got no worries.

They point you here.

They point you there.

You knock out a few guys,
you know, you're a big man.

I knocked out guys.

So, what happened?

This ain't the Navy.

It's real life.

My time will come, you'll see.

Jerry promised.

That's good.

That's it.That's it.

Keep your eyes on him.

That's it. Come on. Come on.

Yes, that's a move.

- Fatso.
- Yeah, Sailor.

You know that kid of yours last night,
he stinks.

Hey, you know any good fighters,
I'm always interested.

Yeah, sure, right.

I'll see you later.

Yeah, they both match up.

They're both bangers.
The fight will go six rounds.

Morty, later, right?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, you did good last night.

That means a lot
coming from you, Mr. Fitzroy.

Don't get smart with me, kid.

Hey, how could I get smart?
I'm just a fighter, huh?

Hey, come on,
he didn't mean anything.

Now, get open on the front.
More of that.

That's it.That's it. Working the body.

That's it. Yes.
Keep it there. Keep it there.

That's it. Keep it there.

Come on, that's it. Fake him out.

That's it. Careful.
Keep it there. Keep it there.

That's it.That's it.

Come on, elbows in. Elbows in.

Come on, fight out of there.
Be first. Be first.

Now, get over there.
Move underneath.

That's it.That's it. Working the body.

That's it. Careful. Keep it moving.

That's it, keep it there.

That's it.That's it.
Keep him moving. Keep him moving.

That's it. Keep him moving.

- He's good, that kid.
- Keep him moving.

That's it. Keep him moving.

He's gotta plant his feet, though.

Get up under--

You got special interest in him?

He's my brother.

That's it. Yes. Keep him moving,
keep him moving. Keep him moving.

Well, then see, he's gotta throw
a right lead.

Get up first.

Come on, deeper.
Come on, give it.

Elbows in. Elbows in.
Come on. Come on.

That's it.That's it.
Keep him moving. Keep him moving.


All right, time.

Move him. That's it, stay up.

Come on, that's it. Fake him out.

Get him first. Come on.

All right, what a fist, baby.

All right, now work
on the regular stuff.

All right.

Hey, did you see this kid?

You see his hands?

The way he hits, boom, one shot.

Billy's had three fights.

And he's won them all.


Maybe you need
a couple of pointers, huh?

No, what he needs is
some training and management.

Hey, why don't you train me?


Hey, come on.

I'm training myself.

Trainings a full-time thing,
you know.

Hey, look, if I was gonna do it,
I mean, I'd wanna do it right.

Maybe you could talk him into it,

I wish I could.

Well, I guess I have
a little spare time.

All right, I'll do it.

All right.


What, are you drinking beer?

You're in training.

Billy had a real good workout today.

Real good.

- Gum?
- Oh, no, thanks.

It's good for the jaws.

I got my brother on gum
instead of cigarettes.

He was smoking three packs a day.

I almost got him off it.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You ever meet my brother?

Wait till you meet him.

He's only got one fault:

He can't hold on to his money.

Always behind the eight ball.

He sees the big picture.

Always trying to make a k*lling.

So far, it's only happened once.

- What happened?
- Horserace, -to- shot.

I thought he was nuts.

Right away, he went out
and bought the gym.

Smart, huh?

From one horserace?

Hey, when he goes, he goes.

Five hundred dollars, -to- .

He tells me it's a sure thing.
I could have had a piece of it too.

But I don't have his...

- You must love your brother a lot.
- Oh, yeah.

We got it all panned out.

Hey, one of these days,
I'm gonna be champ.

You wait.

He's just gotta let me win
a few fights.

He's gotta let you win?

Well, yeah, you gotta pick your spot,
you know?

I'm not sure I do.

Well, sometimes
it ain't the right time.

You gotta

hang back, take a few.

And then when the time is right,
you collect.

You get your shot.

Well, this is my place.

Well, I'll see you soon.

Right, I'll see you in the gym.


Where else can you see
a face like this, huh?

I think it's a nice face.

Come on, stick it.

Stick it, jab.

In my face, come on.

You like my sister, don't you?


I like her.

She's a nice girl.

Why do you think I like her?

Yeah, well, me and Jerry lived
with my grandma until she died.

How old were you?

I was .

We quit school.

We hung on, playing pool,
all kinds of scams.

No family?

I got an uncle somewhere
but we never heard from him.

I spent half my life up here.

It's my whole world up here.

My whole world.

Then I went and joined the Navy.

That was the first time I realised that
there was something else out there.

Didn't you ever go to the movies?


But they wasn't real.

The movies, they was in the dark.

Outside, life was going on.

I guess I don't got much
of an imagination.

Not like Jerry.

I don't wanna hear about Jerry.

You ever been married?

You ever have anybody?
I mean, special?


Where are you from?


Big town, I hear, huh?

Nobody ever grabbed you?

Nobody grabbed me.

Stay on him, stay on him.

Keep moving. Keep moving.
Move your feet. Move your feet.

Keep on him. Keep on him.
Keep on him. All right, time.

Come on, I said, time.

Hey, hey, you're looking good, man.

You're looking real good. Come on.

All right, let's hit the showers.

Hey, Morty.

I wanna see you in the office.

I'll be right there, Jerry.

That kid you're working with, Ryan.

Billy Ryan?

You got him going good, real good.

Looks like he could hit.

Oh, yeah, when he sets up.

See, he don't always plant his feet.

He's a mover.

What do you think?

I think he's terrific.

I'd like to get him a couple of fights.

What, you mean, manage him?

Yeah, what do you think?

I mean, you stick with him, naturally.

You think you could sell the kid?


But no funny stuff now.

Clean, you know?
We take the long ride with him.


I mean it, Jerry.

Hey, I just said, absolutely.

I think it's a break.

I mean, I didn't have to go to him.
He came to me.

And I haven't seen Jerry this excited
about a fight in a long time.

What do you think, Julie?

Look, Morty,
I hate to be the one to tell you.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

Jerry wouldn't lie to me.

Everything's up and up.

Look, we just keep going
the way we've been going.

Jerry guides the career,
gets the fights.

I trust Morty.

Anything you say, Morty.

Come on, you wanna celebrate?

I'll buy you a glass of milk.

Hey, you guys wanna come?

No, why don't you go on?
We'll catch up later.

Okay, I'll see you later.

you shouldn't let him do that.

What was I gonna tell him?

Well, Mark, some people
have to learn the hard way.

- You wanted to see me, Jer?
- Yeah, come in.

Sit down.

Sit down.

You go in three weeks
on the same card as Billy.

Two events
from the Zadan House of Champions.


what's the matter?

Julie's gonna be there.


I ain't laying down
in front of her, Jerry.

Did I ask you to?

This is gonna be your night.


you love the dame, right?

- Yeah. So?
- So you wanna get married?


Sure, on what?

Funny you ask.

I got you Julio Hernandez.

Hey, didn't you hear me?


I heard you.

This is what we waited for. This is it.

Hernandez is important.

You win and it's immense.

No more lying down for us.

From now on,

it's your turn.


are you telling me the truth, Jerry?


come on.

Then this is it?

What you always promised?


you got it.

Oh, I can take this guy, Jerry.

I can take him easy.

You bet you will.

The fix is in.


I don't need no setup.

I can take him.

Hey, do you know the odds
we'll get?

Julio Hernandez.
Come on, we'll clean up.

We'll borrow
from everybody we know.

We'll rob a bank.

We'll put it all on you.

- Hernandez goes for this?
- Absolutely.

Don't worry about the fix.
You earned it.

You'll have a nest egg, Morty.

- Who fixed it?
- I fixed it.

What do you mean, "Who fixed it?"
Don't worry about it.

Let's do it, kid.

Let's collect one, right?

Yeah, right.


Go get a workout.

I could take this guy, Jerry.
Really, I can take him.

Hey, I know, but why sweat?

Go on, hit the gym.

Hit the gym.

Look, this is it, this is the big one.

I mean, this is what we've been
waiting for, me and Jerry.

We're gonna put everything on it,
we'll be loaded.

I just don't think
you should take a chance.

You said
Hernandez is a good fighter.

- What if you lose?
- Hey, I'm not gonna lose.

This is gonna be an easy fight.

I just don't think
you should gamble everything on it.

I have to.


Because I can't ask you
to marry a broke ex-fighter.


What do you mean, "What?"

I just proposed.

Oh, Julie,

look, if you're gonna say no,

could you do it on the phone?

I'll go call you.

Where are you going?

There's a phone booth on the corner.
I'll call you.

You go inside,
I'll call you from there.

You got any change?

You don't need any change.

You mean it's yes?


- So you're gonna fight Hernandez.
- Yep.

I told Jerry it'd be all right.

He could take care of it.

He's in jail.

In Des Moines.


What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Hernandez.

He was sentenced two days ago.

He robbed a store.
He got six months in jail.

The article is in the paper.

Of course, it's always possible
your brother didn't know.

Kid, it's part of the business.

How you doing, Sailor?

Hey, come on, kid,
I'll buy you a cup of coffee.

Hey, what's going on here?

Hey. Hey, wait a minute.
Hey, wait a minute.

Jerry, what's going on here?

I just sold Ryan's contract.

- You what?
- Hey, don't worry about it.

Jerry, Hernandez is in jail
in Des Moines.

Yeah, yeah, I just heard.

You're gonna fight Ryan.

I think I'll let you brothers talk.

See you, champ.

This will be a big fight for you.

It was never gonna be Hernandez,
was it?

Morty, come on,
what are you, crazy?

Yes, it was. Sure it was.


Hernandez was already in the can
when you made the fight.

You knew it.

It was always gonna be Billy.

Morty, listen to me.

Billy's won straight by knockout.

He's hotter than a firecracker.

- The odds will be eight maybe -to- .
- I don't care about the odds.

You wanna get married,
you better care.

Look, you come off
a big winner here.

Oh, yeah?

Only, the kid lies down, huh?

He has faith in me, Jerry.

I tell him, "You can trust my brother."

And what does Fitzroy tell him?

He tells him to lie down, don't he?

And if he don't,
he don't fight no more, right?


You know,

all my life,

I knew that you played all the angles,

but not with me.

I figured for sure you would
always play straight with me, Jerry.

Morty, Morty,

you don't understand.

I'm in way over my head
with Fitzroy.

If this don't come off,
I lose everything.

The gym, everything.

And then we're right back
where we started.

We're both too old for that.

I'll never ask you for another thing,
I swear.

Come on, Jerry.


Come on, we're brothers.

I always took care of you.

You owe me this. Please.

Come on, please.


What a setup.

I never thought Morty would do this.

You don't have to go in that ring.

Oh, yeah?

I'd never get another fight.

Couldn't we tell somebody?

The Boxing Commission, somebody.

I like living.


Just wait a minute.
You gotta believe me.

It wasn't me.

"It'll be an easy fight."

I thought it was Hernandez.

Billy is just a boy.

What kind of a man are you?

It wasn't me, though.

I would have never done
something like this.

Then call off the fight.

I can't.

The fight's gonna happen.

Julie, shut the door.

It stinks in here.



you don't understand.

You're right. I don't understand.

What's the matter?


What's the matter
with your pal, huh?

He looks worried.

Why should he worry? It's a setup.

Look, come on,
what do you guys want from me?


I gave.

You can't keep fixing
your brother's mistakes.

- You can't keep covering for him.
- He's my brother.

When I was years old--

Right, right, he took care of you,

That's right.

And I don't forget that.

No, you've spent your
whole life being his meal ticket,

taking the short money
to pay his debts.

He's my brother.

That doesn't make him your friend,

Look, I could've beat
the kid anyway.

Oh, come on, you have been on the
canvas so may times on purpose,

you don't know if you can beat
a top-class fighter anymore.

I can beat him.

Oh, really? Who said so? Jerry?

Then why'd he fix it?

You can still make it a fair fight,
Morty. You can do that.

It's too late now.

It's never too late, Morty.

Get out of here.

I gotta talk to you.

We got nothing to talk about.
Now, I'm telling you, get out.

You wanna fight,

you save it for the ring.

That's funny.

I'm taking a dive, remember?

No, you're not. You're coming
out banging.The fix is off.

Says who?

I do.

What about Fitzroy?

To hell with Fitzroy.

You know, when I was a kid,

there was honour in being a fighter.

It was just two men,

facing each other square.

No showboating,

no dives,

just two men.

Now, that's what it's all about.

That's the way it's gonna be.

So to hell with them.

What do you say?

To hell with them.

Where you been?

Talking to the kid.

He's gonna come out swinging.

What? Is he nuts?

I told him to, Jerry.

I can beat him square.

You can't beat him square.

He'll beat the hell out of you.

You never had any faith in me,
did you?

All these years?

You never thought I could win.

You would bet
a -to- shot on a horse

but never nothing on your brother.


they'll k*ll me.

I'm gonna do my best

to see that that don't happen, Jerry.

Come on, Morty. Come on.

Work that jab.
Come on, Morty, get off.

Come on. Harder, harder. That's it.

Come on. Move it. Move.
Punch, punch, punch.

Come on, Morty.

Get up.

Come on. Get those knees up.

Keep right. Keep right. Keep right.
That's it, all right.

Come on, move.

This had better happen, Jerry.

What the hell
do you think you're doing?

- You almost put his lights out.
- Shut up, Fatso.

Who do you think you're talking to?


So just shut up.

Breathe deep.
Come on, breath deep.

The kid's good.

I taught him good, Jerry.

Let's go, let's fight.

Stop it, ref.

I said, let's fight.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone.


are you all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.

I taught your brother too good.

Hey, wait, come here.

Let me look at you.

You still care about me?

Of course I do.

I love you.

But I'm a lousy fighter.

We don't got no nest egg.

I don't need a nest egg.

I just need you.

Hey, you realise you just beat the hell
out of your future brother-in-law?

Hey, Jerry,
why'd you throw in the towel?


What do you mean, "Because"?
You had a bundle riding on it.

Because I didn't wanna see you
get hit anymore.

What about Fitzroy, huh?

No sweat.

What do you mean, "No sweat"?

Just what I said.

Take a shower.

You shouldn't have done it, Jerry.

You shouldn't have thrown
the towel in, Jerry.

You cost me a bundle.

That's right, I did.

Nobody else.

Not my brother.

Not the kid.

I'm not interested
in your brother or the kid.

It's you.

You made a big loser
out of me tonight.

So now you're gonna lose.


Mr. Fitzroy,

you're a bad loser, you know that?

Get out of here.
It's got nothing to do with you.

Oh, but it does.

You see, Fitzroy, my boss doesn't like
the way you operate.

Take his advice, punk,
and get out of here.

Sorry, I can't do that.

You see, my boss wants you
to get out.

Out of boxing and out of this town.

Your boss? Who's your boss?

Believe me, you wouldn't know him.

Take him out.

Round's over.

Now you've made me mad.

My boss is gonna be keeping
an eye on you, Fitzroy,

and he can get
a lot angrier than I do.


who is your boss?

A friend, Jerry.

The best friend you ever had.

Let's go.