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01x15 - Colors Everywhere with Blue

Posted: 06/06/23 13:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Have you seen my dog, Blue? ♪

♪ She's looking for you too ♪

♪ Let's begin With a paw print ♪

- ♪ Everybody's looking For Blue's Clues ♪ - ♪ And you! ♪

♪ Come on in, come on in ♪

- ♪ It's Blue's Clues ♪ - ♪ Hey you! ♪

♪ Step by step Yes, clue by clue ♪

♪ Let's think it through It's... ♪

♪ It's Blue's Clues & You ♪

Oh, hi!

We're finger painting in the backyard,

do you want to help us?

You do? Excellent!

Come on!


Hey, Shovel. Hey, Pail!

Hi, Josh!



Hi! Look at Blue!

She's got paint on her paws.

What colors do you think Blue is using?

[kids] Red!


Red and yellow. Right.

Hey, Blue, you have red and yellow paint on your paws.


Ta da!

Look at that!

Blue made a new color!


What color do red and yellow make?

[kids] Orange!


We need orange.

Now we can add orange kitten to our painting!


That's a great idea!

We are going to use these finger paints

to make a painting of our friends.

We're calling it, "Our Portrait of Pals."


Nice work, Blue!

It's orange kitten.

We are going to paint all of our friends.




Do you want to add someone else to our painting?




Oh, how did I not see that coming?

We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out

who Blue wants to add to our painting.

♪ We are going to play Blue's Clues! ♪

Because it's a really great game.

So remember, Blue's pawprint will be on the clues.

Blue's Clues.

Oh, we need to clean up this paw print!


huh, oh boy,


a ha!

Hey, you know what we need for Blue's Clues?

Our handy, dandy?

[kids] Notebook!

Notebook! Right. Come on!

Hey Josh, What's your favorite color?

My favorite color?

Hm, what do you think my favorite color is?


Like my shirt, of course.

My favorite color is rainbow.


Wow! That's all the colors.

Yup, I love rainbows.

Here's your notebook!

Oh, thanks side table drawer.

To play Blue's Clues, we got to find a...

[kids] Paw print!

Right a paw print Cause that's the first...

[kids] Clue!

Yeah, a clue!

Then we put it in our?

[kids] Notebook!

♪ Put it on our Notebook cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues! ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, ♪

♪ that's the second clue. ♪

♪ Put it on our notebook cause they're who's clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues! ♪

♪ We got to find the last paw print. ♪

♪ That's the third clue, ♪

♪ put it in our notebook cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues! ♪

♪ You know what to do. ♪

♪ Sit down in our Thinking' Chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think ♪

♪ Cause when you use your mind, ♪

♪ Take a step at a time, ♪

♪ You can do anything ♪

♪ that you want to do! ♪

So, are you ready to play Blue's clues

and figure out who Blue wants

to add to our painting?

You are?


♪ We are looking for Blue's Clues, ♪

♪ I wonder where they are! ♪

[kids] A clue!

You see a clue?


[kids] Right there!

Behind you.

Oh! There it is!

There is a pawprint on the color red!

You know what we need.

Our handy, dandy...

[kids] Notebook!

Notebook. Right!

Oh, I can use my red crayon

for this red clue.

Ahem, the color red.

A red line that goes back and forth.

There, the color red.

So who do you think Blue wants to add to our painting

with the color red?


Let's keep looking for clues, so we can be sure.


Let's go!


That's am amazing painting of Side Table, Blue!


Josh, can we add Shovel to the portrait of pals?

Aw, thanks sister!


Alright! Ok!

Not a problem.

Um, which color is shovel?

[kids] Yellow.

Yellow, right.

I knew that.

Ok Shovel is the color yellow.

Ok, Shovel here is your top,

and your handle.


Yeah! It's me!

Nice work Pail!


♪ Mail time. Mail time, Mail time, Mail time! ♪

The mails here!

♪ Mail time! ♪

♪ Here's the mail it never fails, ♪

♪ it makes me want to wag my tail, ♪

♪ when it comes, I want to wail, ♪

♪ Mail! ♪

Hey Mailbox!


What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is purple.

Like purple grapes, and oh yeah like me.


And, the color of this letter!

-Thanks mailbox! -You're welcome!


We just got a purple letter.

♪ We got a purple letter! ♪

♪ We got a purple letter! ♪

♪ We got a purple letter! ♪

♪ I wonder who it's from! ♪

Oh, it's a letter from our friend!

Hi Josh, I made a picture of myself.

I have brown hair, blue eyes

and a red mouth.

Bye Josh!


Wow, he used so many great colors.

I wonder if we can find some other things that are purple

like this letter!

Come on.

Let's find more purple!

Oh, look at that.

Purple, purple, purple.

[kids] A clue!

Oh, right, more purple.

[kids] No, a clue!

Wait, do you see another clue somewhere?


[kids] Right there.

Oh, right there!

It is a clue!

Our second clue is the color purple.

It's a great color.


You know what we need.

Our handy, dandy?

[kids] Notebook!

Notebook! Right.

For this purple clue I'll use my purple crayon.

The color purple.

We have some lines like this, there.

The color purple.

So who could Blue want to add to our painting

with the color red

and the color purple?

Maybe, but let's find our last clue and see.

♪ ♪

Silly Josh, bam!


Look at all those colors.


[musical barks]

Blue just skiddood into that app,

let's go too!

♪ Blue skidoo we can too! ♪


Look at all these colors.

Oh, there's the color red.

-Hi, Red! -Hello!

And there's the color blue. Hi, Blue! - Hi!

Our friend is named after you.


Oh, hi, Orange!

Hi, Josh!

I'm trying to find two of my friends.

Can you help me?

Of course,

will you help find Orange's friends?

You will?

Oh, great!


Thanks, follow me!


My friends are the two colors that mix together to make me.


Oh, hm...

Which two colors mix together to make orange?

[kids] Yellow, red.

Yellow and red?

We make orange!

Yellow and red make orange!

Great job!

Thanks for helping us!



Wow I wonder what these other colors

make when they mix.


We make purple.

We make green!

Wow, this color mixing stuff is so cool!

Josh! [barks]

Wow, you're a cool color.

What color are you?

I'm the color violet.

Can you help me find my two friends?

Sure Violet,

Great, come on!

My friends are the two colors

that mix together to make me, violet!

Oh, ok, let's take a look.

Is violet a reddish orange color?

A purpley blue color?

Or blueish green color?

Which two colors mix together to make violet?

[kids] Purple, Blue!


[Josh] Purple and Blue make violet!

I'm a purply blue color!

Thanks for helping me!

Bye Violet!


We make vermillion!

Vermillion. Sure.

Vermillion is a reddish, orange color!

And we make, aqua marine!

Aqua Marine!

Aqua marine is a bluish green color

like the ocean!


Don't forget about me.

I'm chartreuse.


Oh are you looking for your friend too?

Yeah! Follow me.

My friends are the two colors that mix together

to make me.

Oh, well chartreuse, I think we can help.

Is chartreuse yellowy green color?

A yellow orange color?

Or a reddish-purple color?

What two colors mixed together mix together

to make chartreuse?

[kids] Yellow, green!

Yellow and green make chartreuse!

Yeah, they do!




We make, marigold!

Marigold is yellowish orange!

And we make Magenta!


Is reddish purple.

Wow there are so many great colors!

What's your favorite color?

I like that color too!


♪ Colors mix above my head ♪

♪ Colors mix above my head ♪

♪ Like orange made with yellow and red ♪

♪ Orange made with yellow and red ♪

♪ Chartreuse ♪

♪ A color I had not seen! ♪

♪ Looks to me like yellowish green ♪

♪ If we want violet, we know just what to do ♪

♪ Just mix our two friends purple and blue ♪

♪ Just mix our two friends purple and blue ♪

♪ Mix blue and yellow and they're suddenly green ♪

♪ Mix blue and yellow and they're suddenly green ♪

♪ And Blue and green make Aqua Marine ♪

♪ Colors bright, colors bold ♪

♪ Vermillion, Magenta, Marigold ♪

♪ So amazing when you stop and stare ♪

♪ Colors, colors everywhere ♪

♪ Colors, Colors everywhere ♪

♪ Colors, colors everywhere ♪

[musical barks]

♪ Blue and Green make aqua marine ♪

[kids] A clue!

A clue?


[kids] Right there! - There.

Right there,

there's a clue on this puppy.

That means we need our handy, dandy?

[kids] Notebook!

Notebook! Right.

Ok so a puppy.

A circle for the head,

two ears two eyes

and a nose,

oval for the body,

four legs and a little tail.

There, a puppy.

We have all three clues.

We're ready to sit in our?

[kids] Thinking chair!

Thinking chair!

Come on!

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair,

let's think.

So, we're trying to figure out

who Blue wants to add to our painting.

And our clues are,

the color red,

the color purple,

and a puppy.

Hm, who could Blue want to add to our painting

with the color red, the color purple

and a puppy?

What if we mix the colors,

what color would we get

if we mixed red and purple?

[kids] Magenta.


Oh, ok, so who do we know that's a puppy

and is the color magenta?



Magenta! Of course!

We just figured out Blue's Clues!

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues, ♪

♪ we just figured out Blue's Clues, ♪

♪ we just figured out Blue's Clues, ♪

♪ because we're really smart ♪

Come on!


Magenta, Blue wants to add you

to our portrait of pals.


Here, Blue, you can paint Magenta with this magenta paint we made with

red and purple.



Our portrait of pals is complete!




See, there's Magenta right next to Blue

and there's you and there's me.


It's so colorful.

I just love this portrait of pals painting, don't you?

Thank you so much for all your help today.

Now it's time for so long.

♪ But we're going to sing one more song, ♪

♪ thanks for doing your part, you sure are smart, ♪

♪ you sure worked hard, ♪

♪ when you use your mind, ♪

♪ take a step at a time, ♪

♪ you can do anything that you want to do! ♪

♪ [musical barks] ♪

♪ Oooh! ♪

Bye bye!

Come back again soon, it makes me so happy when you do!

♪ ♪