03x05 - Shadow Of A Doubt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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03x05 - Shadow Of A Doubt

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm looking at a bribe, plain as day.

That's exactly what it is.

Tony Gianopolous got a hold of that video somehow.

I think he's trying to take over the company.

You son of a bitch, you leaked it.

Ava Hessington is Hessington Oil.

Not for long.

Excuse me?

This is my call.

I'm afraid it isn't.

You'd like her to remove herself from management?

I'm not going to stand for losing this takeover.

Then don't, but Ava isn't going anywhere.

I just got voted out of my own company.

I stand by my decision, and I'd do it again.

Don't tell me it doesn't have to do with Darby.

You're the one who gave him the 51% in the first place.

You can't stand being number two.

[Phone line ringing]

Please tell me you're calling me because you've been kidnapped.

I'm not the one who disappeared.

I told you I had a thing.

At 1:00. It's 1:45.

And it's called a lunch hour, Harvey. 60 whole minutes, which my teeth deserve.

You fit the dentist in at lunch?

He can be surprisingly quick, yet remarkably thorough.

Donna, Judge Atkins is ready to hear my motion for summary judgment, which she won't do if there aren't two copies of that motion in my hands in ten minutes.

All right, here's what you're gonna do.

Go to my computer and press "print."

Pick the motions up off the printer, then walk over to the corner, throw everything in the trash, because there's already two copies on your desk at this very moment.

So the trash can's in the corner then?



You had "a thing"?



Two things.

But who's counting?

What did he want anyway?

I thought we agreed not to talk about work at lunch.

Yeah, we did, but we also agreed to have lunch at lunch.


Yeah, you're right.

It's just that, uh, I've always made it my business knowing about things.

[Giggles] And you're good at your business.

Mmm, business is good.

Ooh, some might say booming.

Listen, we've only got 15 minutes left, so I'll endeavor to be surprisingly quick.

As long as you continue to be remarkably thorough.


[Soul music]

Your Honor, you said you would dismiss this case if he couldn't produce evidence beyond the bribery tape. Well, he couldn't.

We found five witnesses that tied the man that Ava Hessington bribed on that tape to the murders.

And those witnesses refused to come forward.

If we can't confront them, then their statements are inadmissible.

Just because they won't come forward doesn't mean they don't exist.

He's right, their statements may be inadmissible, but I can't ignore the fact that they were made.

Well, in that case, we move for an expedited trial.

Ten seconds ago, he was moving for a dismissal.

And in the ten seconds since, public opinion of my client has gone down even further.

She's a m*rder*r. How much lower can it go?

Well, you tell me.

You leaked evidence to Tony Gianopolous that lost her her company.

You might leak it to anyone.

Your Honor, we've been down this road before.

It's called bullshit highway.

All dragging this out does is delay Ava Hessington the opportunity to vindicate herself.

It also conveniently gives me less time to build my case.

But the case you just argued was solid enough to go to trial.

You're letting your mini-me make your arguments for you now?

Are you letting your moustache--


The trial starts a week from Monday.

Get out.

You still haven't told Harvey about Stephen?

I went to tell him, but he was in a bad mood, and then somehow I ended up telling him that I made some copies for Stephen, and he got really pissed.

What's he gonna do when he finds out about this?

Whoa, but I thought you said that you two had never--


So I get why he doesn't want to share you here.

You're his everything here.

But what you're doing with Stephen isn't here, it's there. Two completely different things.

Then why did you tell me I had to tell him?

To let him know that your there and his here can coexist in the same place.

I liked it better when we talked about you and Mike.

I'm sure you did.

So are you two going to keep--

Yes, it is some of the best damn...

Yoga I've had in a long time.

Well, sooner or later, he's gonna find out, because it is all over your face.

Oh, please, you're a woman.

Men are oblivious.

There's something different about you.

What is it?

Yes, please tell the man what it is.

Nothing, Louis.

I'm just... been doing some yoga.

No, that's not it.

You're practically glowing.

Tell me your secret.

Ii don't think that it's your cup of tea.

For that glow, I'd tea.

I'm gonna have to keep this to myself, Louis.

Okay, well, promise me you'll keep doing whatever it is you're doing. I think she can do that.

No, I'm serious, Donna. Morning, noon, and night.

Five times a day if necessary.

I will do my best.


Well, we did our best.

Our best?

Wait a minute, you never expected this case to get dismissed.

Then why would I ask for it?

Because she was more likely to grant an expedited trial after saying no to a dismissal.

And now, Cameron's got a shitty case to try with no evidence and less than two weeks to get any more.

Wait a second.

What if they didn't just have to scramble for new evidence?

What if they had to scramble for a whole new lawyer?

Any lawyer who got assigned this case with only two weeks to go would drop the whole thing.

Unless they had a personal beef with you, which they wouldn't. There's only one way to get Cameron thrown off this case.

Prove he colluded with Gianopolous.

Turn bullshit highway into... fact highway.

Fact highway?

Yeah, you know, it's right next to "I don't want to talk about this anymore" lane.

We're gonna have to talk about how to prove they colluded because we have a chance to get rid of this m*rder charge once and for all.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ Suits 3x05 ♪

Shadow of a Doubt

Original Air Date on August 13, 2013

♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ the greenback boogie

Katrina said you wanted to see me.

Hey, Simon, come on in. I have a question for you.

Come on, you need to see this.

Look at this. This is so funny.

Is that some sort of joke?

Nominal in the first paragraph, pagination on the left-hand side, Times New Roman's stupid little feet walking all across the page.

And what's that word? "Shall"?


At this firm, we instruct, we advise, we order, we must, but we do not "shall."

That's not really a--

Why must we "must"?

Because we thrust, we don't parry.

Rewrite this.

I can't.

Excuse me?

Mr. Nesbitt has clearly instructed us--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This was Nigel's doing?

Per his most recent memo.

He's communicating with you through memos?

You've been left adrift on lady law's fickle ocean with no rudder, no captain?

He hasn't been in the office since he took over the program, if that's what you're asking.

No, I think I was perfectly clear in what I was asking, Simon.

Am I supposed to respond to that?

Yeah, by going back to your desk right now and doing it correctly.



Simon, a memo from Nigel is not gonna stick its boot in your ass.

A memo from me will. Get out.

I told you, not at the office.

You mean I can't see Harvey at the office? 'Cause that's what I'm here to do.




You know what.

You haven't told him yet.

It's none of his business.

He and I are here, and you and I are...there.

I wish we were there.

I just told you, not here.

Donna, what's going on out there?

I think he means out here.

You have a walk-in.

What are you doing here?

What I've always been doing here, representing Edward Darby's wishes.

I lost Ava her company.

I assume my deal with Edward is dead.

Well, Edward doesn't see it like that.

You may have failed, but Jessica took a shot at her own team.

And the consequences of that are what?

Deal stays in place as long as you win her m*rder trial.

What if my plan is to not even have a m*rder trial?

Well, as long as you don't accomplish that by having Ava plead guilty, you'll be the next managing partner.

Good, because I'm going to accomplish it by getting Cameron Dennis thrown off this case for colluding with Tony Gianopolous.

And how are you going to accomplish that?

By suing Tony Gianopolous.

For what?

For this... or this...

And/or that.

Yeah, that's good.


It is.


But I can do better.

No way.

$5,000 says I can.


$10,000 says you can't.


What's your idea?

Well, it requires you to take me with you to see Mr. Gianopolous. Mike?


You're off the case.

What? You're gonna let him get away with that?

I have to. I just took a bet.

There's no going back on a bet.

Okay, what if I bet him that my idea's better?

Then can I come?

You gonna pony up $10,000?

Best of luck, guys. Hope it works out.

So you're off the case?

Yeah, thanks to Stephen Huntley.

Well, doesn't he have his hand in a lot of cookie jars?

What does that mean?


Wait a second, "nothing" never means nothing.

Sometimes it means something.

Ah, do you want me to force it out of you?

I may or may not need plausible deniability.


Donna slept with Stephen.

Holy shit.

You cannot let her know that you know.

Does Harvey know?

No, not yet.

Don't you dare tell him.

Yeah, like I'm gonna touch that with a 10-foot pole.

But he's gonna care that she didn't tell him.

[Clears throat]

So how are you gonna get back on that case?

Um, I got a different case.

Graham Stenton.

The accountant who embezzled

$30 million from our client? Yep.

And our job is to get the money back, quietly.

Our job as in Pearson Darby?

Our job as in you and me.

I'm interviewing his associate this afternoon, and I need your help.

You want me to be the Mike to your Harvey.

I do want you to be the Mike to my Harvey.

Yeah, well, it's not really a thing.

It can be.



I get to ask half the questions.

Oh, Harvey doesn't let Mike ask half the questions.

Fine, 1/3.

Harvey doesn't negotiate with Mike.

Mike doesn't have sex with Harvey.

[Soul music]

1/3 of the questions seems reasonable to me.

[Pleased chuckle]

[Shoes clacking]

Could you possibly keep your thwacking to yourself?

This is a private club.

With a sister club in London.

Courtesy mudding privileges.

And, yes, it's Turkish.

Outside mud is a clear violation of club policy.

There are rules, Nigel.

Just as there are rules forbidding interference with my associates.

Yeah, well, you don't give a rat's ass about them.

How dare you?

You know, let me tell you something you may not know.

Associates, they're like grains of sand.

They need pressure and heat to shape them into Chihuly glass.

Memos from a distant land don't shape shit into shit.


I attended boarding school from the tender age of four, during which time I received weekly memos from my father.

Yeah, and look how you turned out.

Graduating summa cum laude from both Cambridge and Harvard is quite the failure.

Your parents' choice to "homeschool," much better.

Okay, that was only till I was ten, and my mother's science fair was legendary.

You must be so proud of your uncontested blue ribbons.

Okay, you know what, I'm not gonna let you shatter the glass that I spent years blowing.

And I'm certainly not gonna let the likes of you tell me who I can and cannot blow.

[Shoes clacking]

He's not gonna come.

He will.

You pushed his assistant?

I charmed her.

You didn't.

He's right, you didn't.

She was irritated.

But I was curious.

Works for me.

You know what they say about curiosity.

I get it.

I come after Hessington Oil, you come after me.

Well, bring it on, boys.

I got a team of lawyers just itching to take your lunch money.

Well, unfortunately, you're not gonna be able to use them.

He's not gonna sue you here.

He's gonna sue you in London, where you have countless holdings.

Where the burden of proof isn't on the plaintiff.

It's on the defendant.

So instead of us having to prove you're guilty, you'll have to prove you're innocent.

Doesn't look very innocent.

So you guys think I'm gonna run scared at the prospect of losing a little money.

I'm a corporate raider.

This is a $50,000 bond.

You see, I'm not in this business for the money.

Money's just about keeping score.

I'm in this business to win.

Well, here's the thing, Tony.

This trial's gonna take a while.

You'll be going to hearing after hearing, deposition after deposition.

You won't be able to enjoy your business at all.

So even if you win, you lose.


Well, I... I could withdraw the suit.

And all that'll cost you is the truth, that you colluded with Cameron Dennis.

Ah, but I didn't collude shit.

Yes, you did, when you let him leak you that video of Ava Hessington, then tried to use it to take over Hessington Oil.

All right, so how do we celebrate?

Celebrate what?

Our first case as a couple.

We should go to that French place you like, get a bottle of wine, a couple of things that I don't know how to pronounce, and then go back to my place and celebrate.

That's what we're calling it these days?

Well, "victory sex" seemed less romantic.

Well, I can't tonight.

Why not?

I have dinner with my parents.

Maybe I could come with you.

Um...Yeah, I--

Unless you don't want me there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

You don't want me there.

Of course I do.

You don't look like you do.

Is it because I'm white?

That's not funny.

Empirically it is.

No, it's not, and you're acting like it's nothing.

Rachel, come on, look, I know it's something, but you're acting like it's everything.

It is everything.

Wait a second.

Do you not want me to meet them tonight or at all?

I don't want them to find out your secret.

They're not gonna find out.

How do you know that?

Because no one finds out.

You, Donna, Jessica, you were all told.

Besides, I met your dad. He didn't figure it out.

He met you as someone that he wouldn't give a second thought to, Mike.

As my boyfriend, he is going to put you under the microscope.

I can pass inspection.

Well, what about me?

Because you might be experienced at lying to the world, but I'm not.

And it's not the world, it's my family.

Okay, Rachel, you and I have told each other that we love each other, right?

Did we mean that or not?

If we did, then at some point, I am gonna have to meet your parents.

Interview's in 20 minutes. We should go.

Make yourself at home.

I wanted to talk to you in here.

Is this about your--

No, no.

You don't even know what I was gonna say.

How'd it go with Gianopolous?

Well, he's not a pushover, but I think we have a good plan.

So it went well?

Yeah, it went well.

And since when are you--

I'm sleeping with Stephen.

I can see that.

You can see that?

That's all you have to say?

Do you want me to say more?

It depends on what you would say.

I'd say, "when?"

Three days ago.

Why didn't you tell me before?

I was going to, but you got so upset when you thought I was working for him.

Because you work for me.

Well, I'm not working for him.


So you're not upset.


What you're doing with him is personal.

And this isn't?

Donna, I don't wanna make this a thing. I don't either.

I just want to make sure that it doesn't become a thing.

It won't as long as you don't let that affect this.


Miss Clark, do you know Graham Stenton well?

We've worked together for a while.

And you handle the books for his accounts, is that right?

Yes, that's right.

We just need to know when exactly you became aware that Mr. Stenton was manipulating the numbers.

I don't believe he was.

Well, the auditors disagree.

Well, I disagree with them. Graham's a good person.

I'm sure Bernie Madoff's friends all said the same thing.

That isn't fair.

And Graham isn't the only person who had access to those accounts.

Mr. Oxnard, Mr. Dipetro, several individuals from the controller's office.

I just have one question for you.

How long have you been sleeping with him?


You smiled when you started talking about him.

You called him "Graham."

You've referred to everyone else as "mister" or "individual."

And when my colleague asked you about sleeping with him, you didn't seem offended, you seemed caught.

I had nothing to do with this.

That doesn't mean you don't know anything.

Look, Miss Clark, we're trying to make this go away quietly, but if we can't, we're gonna make it go away loudly, which means putting you on the stand.

Beth, you won't be able to take the fifth because you won't be testifying against yourself.

And if you lie on the stand, that's perjury.

Look, if you really want to protect him, just get him to give us the money back now, while we can still take care of this quietly.

I can't.

That's it, I'm calling the D.A.

I think we should give her some time to think about it.

I don't think so.

Mike, it's a hard decision.

Fine. She has until tomorrow.



Oh, what's going on? Nothing.


Mr. Nesbitt gave us all gifts.

And they're funny?

I think they're meant to be.

Well, you know, he has trouble connecting, but he's making an effort.

Maybe he took my words to heart.

What'd you say to him?

Ah. Turned out quite well.

You crossed a line.

I did no such thing.

You took a private feud, and you made it public.

After you tried to undermine my authority.

Because you don't know what you're doing.

I knew what I was doing when I took them from you like biscuits from a schoolboy.

All right, you son of a bitch.

You better get yourself ready, 'cause I'm about to kick--

I know it's generally against regulations, but her nanny fell ill, and--

No, no, no, no. Say no more.

A father's love knows no rule.

I didn't know you were a cat man.

Do I have brains in my head?

Do I have a heart in my chest?

Who is this stunning creature?

Her moniker is "Mikado."

So does that mean she enjoys--

Yes, whenever we travel, I make sure she has some Gilbert and Sullivan playing in her sherpa.

Uh, do be careful, she doesn't normally like--

[cat purrs]

My God.

What? Oh.

Does she prefer the left side?

She doesn't normally let anyone touch her except me.

I happen to have a way with those of the feline persuasion.

Do you have any cream?

[Cat meows]
[Rock music]

You wanted to see me?

Yes. I had some free time.

Oakwood Foods canceled our 10:00 a.m. meeting, as did Omni Holdings at noon and Dunbar Securities at 4:00.

Sounds like you need to work on your people skills.

You need to work on your people skills.

Those meetings were canceled because we just got fired.

And why is that my fault?

They're not my clients. I've never even met them.

No, but evidently, you have met their new owner, Tony Gianopolous, who bought them for the sole purpose of firing us.


I pissed him off. That means it's working.

Oh, you mean that plan of yours you didn't think to tell me about.

Oh, I thought about it, and then I thought you'd just go behind my back and undo it.

So you went behind my back and went to Stephen Huntley.

I told you, I trust him.

Well, you're the one who likes to throw Darby's name around.

So why don't you and Stephen call him and let him know that you single-handedly lost us more business in a day than you've ever gotten in a month.

And feel free to use my phone.

Since you freed up my afternoon, I'm taking the rest of the day off.

[Clears throat]

Did you see the look on her face?

Are you kidding? We put that look on her face.


Good cop, bad cop.

Uh, Mike, Harvey.

So I guess it is a thing.

So we should have the money back by this weekend, and then, we can celebrate.

I was thinking that we could celebrate tonight...

After dinner with my parents.

Do you want me to come?

That look on Beth's face, it didn't just say that they slept together.

She loves him.

I told you I love you, and I meant it.

That's not something I want to hide from my family.

I actually made plans, so I'm not gonna be able to--


Bad joke?

No, terrible timing.

Bad timing.

Okay. I guessed.

I need your help with Gianopolous.

Relax, if he's making another run at Hessington Oil, that's not gonna happen.

Well, how can you know that?

Because you just restructured, and he can't force another takeover vote for at least six months.

Then why is he driving my stock into the ground?


He's been dumping it all day.

I'll take care of it.

What did you do?

We picked a fight with him.

We've just finished a fight with him that ended with me losing control of my company, so why in God's name would you pick another?

To get you out of these m*rder charges once and for all, and after I do, we'll figure out a way to get you back in charge.

You see that you do, because I would rather rot in a cell than let that man take over my company.

So I tell her, it's not my fault she might be early.

Man, I'm in the middle of closing arguments.

And I tell him that if he's not with me when she arrives, the next case he'll try is his own m*rder.

[Both laughing]

Then I walk in the room, and she sees that I was right outside the door the whole time.

I was not amused.


You weren't amused?

You actually didn't go into labor for another week.

I lost that case.

Robert, you've had enough potatoes.

She's trying to make me eat that foodie bullshit.

Oh, I find that hard to believe.

Made me a smoothie this morning, I got all excited. It was green.

That's what healthy looks like.

Thank you, Rachel.

You're not alone.

What was that?

I'm bonding with your father here.

Speaking of which--


What? You don't even know what I'm gonna say.

I know the next six things you're gonna say, and you're not gonna say them, because I told you, Rachel doesn't want you grilling this poor young man.



You're not taking it easy on me, are you?

A little.

You told me to rein him in.

I also told you not to tell him.

That's not how we do things in this family.

I'm not keeping things from your father.

You kept it from me when you scratched the car.

Robert, eat your potatoes.


What's so funny?

She's not consistent with the potatoes.

She's not consistent with anything.

Okay, you're not getting any potatoes.

[Both laughing]

Now what's so funny?

Uh, I see where she gets it from.

Both: Gets what?

You better shut up and eat your potatoes.


She actually said she'd prefer to rot in a cell?

Well, you've gotta give her credit for that.

You do, and she's right.

It's not making any sense.

If he's not making a run, why is he dumping her shares?

He's reacting.

He's overreacting.

He may have money to burn, but this isn't tens of thousands, it's tens of millions.

It's completely out of proportion.

Not exactly.

What are you talking about?

I subpoenaed his daughter.

You what?

He fired our client, so I struck back.

And you didn't think to run that by me?

No, I didn't think you'd say no.

I'd say no because I'm not an idiot.


We need this man to help us.

You just made him a permanent enemy.

Me? We did this together.

Don't put this on me.

You're putting it on me.

Because you g*dd*mn did it!

You were going to go after him no matter what I said.

I att*cked his business.

You went after his family.


Don't tell me you've never done the same thing, and what's the difference between me doing it, other than the fact that... ah.

I see.

This isn't about me getting personal with Gianopolous.

This is about me getting personal with Donna.

I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

Is that because she's listening?

I don't give a shit if she hears it or not.

You crossed a line with Gianopolous, and you just crossed another one with me.

You know, you've had it in for me from the start.

And you've only been with Donna for three days, that should tell you something.

Let me spell it out for you, okay?

You don't work my case without me, and since you seem to be having trouble understanding that, you don't work my case at all.

Now get out of my office.

[Both laughing]

So, Michael--


So now you're gonna tell me what to call you?

No, I-I--it's... people usually call me--

I'm just messing with you.

[Both laughing]

So where are you from? I grew up in Brooklyn.

Brothers, sisters?

Only child.

Parents still there?

They both died when I was a kid.

Nah, you're messing with me.

I just asked an orphan about his dead parents and made a joke about it, didn't I?

Does he like apple or blueberry?

Mom, shh, I'm trying to hear what they're saying.

Rachel, relax, he can handle your father.

How do you know?

Because you wouldn't have brought him here if he couldn't.

Besides, what are you so afraid they're gonna say?

You're right. Nothing.

Honey, what is it?

You don't have to tell me.

But just tell me this, do you love him?

As long as he hasn't k*lled someone, it'll all work out.



Come on.

I thought you were taking the day off.

That was the day, this is the night, and my name is still on the door.

It is.

What do you want, Harvey?

You were right.

We've had a lot of disagreements lately.

Which one are you referring to?

I'm not entirely sure Stephen Huntley's judgment is better than yours.

He went behind my back.

Going behind someone's back doesn't seem like something you have a problem with.

Maybe, but he hit Gianopolous below the belt, and now we have a problem.

We have a problem?

You said your name was still on the door.

I'm coming to you for help.

What's our problem?

He's dumping Hessington Oil shares just to drive her into the ground.

Well, if we can come together, maybe they can come together.

I'm listening.

Tony Gianopolous wants to own Hessington Oil.

Ava wants to control it.

She sells him her shares, he gives her the voting rights.

And he gives up Cameron Dennis.

They get what they want, and so do we.

You think he'll still go for it?

He'll know we're coming to him because he won.

He won't be the problem.

Ava said she'd rather rot than see him take over her company.

I'll take care of Ava.

Look, it seems like you two get along, and I like you.


So I'm gonna ask you this straight.

She's worked her ass off to become a lawyer.

I know.

Well, I don't want anything to stand in her way.

I would never do that.

So what happens when she gets into Stanford?

You didn't know she applied there.

Looks like you two have something to talk about.

You're awfully quiet this morning.

Just tired.


I mean, you went home right after dinner last night.

Yeah, trouble sleeping.

Is something wrong?

Hey, who the hell do you think you are?

Mr. Stenton, I guess you got our message.

Oh, I did, and now I've got one for you.

Beth and I got married this morning.

You married a woman to protect yourself?

I married her because I love her.

But you did it to make any conversation that the two of you had privileged.

Says the lawyer who threatened her.

Well, now you take this to trial, she won't testify.

Well, it's too bad spousal privilege doesn't apply to bullshit marriages.

Yeah, good luck arguing that.

We offered the two of you a chance to give back the money and walk away, but after we prove you did this--

Oh, you can't prove I did a thing.

And now, you can't force her to prove it for you either.

You never returned my call last night.

Well, what could be different about last night than the night before? Hmm?

Maybe the fact that you went to Harvey and you threw me in his face.

Um, I was just telling it how it was.

He's already got it in for us anyway.

Well, that's my business with him, not yours.

You're right. I'm sorry.

I never wanted to make things awkward for you and Harvey.

You made things awkward for you and me.


I like you, Stephen, and I have enjoyed our short-term arrangement, but I don't enjoy complications.

I don't either, but it seems we have one.

Now, I'm affected by you more than I thought, and I'm finding I'd like to extend our term.

I'll take your offer under advisement.

I am not selling my shares to that man.

I don't know you that well, Ava, and I won't pretend that I do, but we do have something in common.

What is that?

I merged with Edward Darby to save my firm from being h*jacked by my piece of shit ex-partner.

And what exactly does that give us in common?

I know what it's like to prefer rotting in the ground than letting my enemy take what's mine.

I said, "rotting in a cell."

I wasn't up on m*rder charges.

And you'd rather have died?

I was speaking metaphorically, as I'm sure you were.

Was I?

You won't be able to run your company from a cell.

My point is, I didn't want to merge, but I did what I had to do to keep my company mine.

And how is that working out for you?

It has its ups and downs, but I wouldn't be standing here in front of you if I hadn't done it.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement.


Do this. Get free of your m*rder charges.

Nobody is saying we can't try to get you out of this deal later.

I don't care what it takes, I'm not losing to that guy.

We need to find a way around spousal privilege.

I don't see how we can.


Stupid g*dd*mn law. Excuse me.

It's not entirely stupid.

Oh, what, so now, you're on his side?

No, privilege exists for a reason.

You don't want to have to worry about what you trust your partner with.

That's assuming your partner even trusts you in the first place.

What is that even supposed to mean?

It means, when were you gonna tell me you applied to Stanford?

Okay, so that's why you've barely said three words to me since last night. My dad told you.

No, no, he didn't tell me, he asked me how I felt about it because he assumed I knew, like I know about all the East Coast schools that you applied to.


First you didn't want me to meet your parents, and now this?

Yeah, and I changed my mind about you meeting my parents, which I'm now beginning to regret.

Oh, why, because I found out you hid something from me?

Like you never hid anything from me.

I hid something from you, it kept us apart.

What brought us together was me telling you everything.

I was going to tell you.


Before I went, on Friday.

You're going there?

I got an interview. I'm sorry.

I just didn't know how to tell you, mi--

I don't know, how about, "Hey, Mike, I might go to law school 3,000 miles away"?

I don't even know if I'm gonna get in, which is exactly why I didn't want to have this conversation.

No, you didn't want to have it because you might go there and you're too afraid to say it.

Okay. I might want to go there.

I've said it.

[Knock at door]

You may enter.

I'm afraid I've got a bit of a sticky wicket.

That sounds uncomfortable.

The Hong Kong office urgently requires me for a few weeks.

Normally, I'd bring Mikado, but--

Whoa, wait, are you asking me to--

I can't get her papers in time.

She'd be facing quarantine.

She'd sooner die.

You already understand her so well.

I do, yet a request of this magnitude--

No, you're probably right, it's too much to ask.

I'm sure there is a suitable luxury feline hotel.

Don't play games, okay? We both know there isn't.

So you'll do it?

N--yes, can I have her?

[Knock at door]

Do you have a minute?

I don't really feel like talking about us right now.

It's not about that. Our discussion gave me an idea.

Our discussion?

Can we please not fight about what to call our fight?

What's the idea?

We don't do good cop, bad cop anymore.

We do bad cop, bad cop.

The way I'm feeling right now, yeah, I can do bad cop.

Since when do you come out here?

Since they added Asiago cheese.

Your reward of choice for a job well done.

You remember that story?

First story you ever told me. You think I'd forget?

That wasn't the point of the story.

I assume you got Ava to agree.

Yes, I did.

Should I be buying you an Asiago bagel?

Poppy seed.

The "good news, bad news" bagel.

Gianopolous agreed to the deal.

He gave up Cameron Dennis.

What's the bad news?

Cameron protected himself.

He never explicitly told Gianopolous about the tape and never actually showed him the tape.

So what's the good news?

He never explicitly said anything, but he left Gianopolous alone in the room with that tape.

Late night?

No sleep at all.

The ulcer?

No, Nigel's cat.

[Silverware clanging]

You slept at Nigel's?

No, he's out of town. I'm cat-sitting.


Mikado won't drink her cream unless it's precisely 5.5 degrees celsius, she turned her nose up at Bruno's origami collection, and she won't use her litter box unless it's facing London.

Hate that damn thing.

You're loving every second with her, aren't you?

All 86,400 of them.


By the way, you don't have that glow today, Donna.

You stop yoga?

I took a couple nights off.

Is this because of Harvey? 'Cause I don't care what he says, Donna, you can't let work get in the way of that glow.

You know what, Louis, you're right.

I'm gonna schedule an extra long session tonight.

Ooh, can I come?

Harvey, what are you doing here?

I'm here to tell you that you lost.

I didn't lose. I may not have much time, but I still got... That tape?

Not anymore, unless you want to dispute Tony Gianopolous' sworn statement that you left him alone with it.

I can fight this.

Chain of custody is something I know a little bit about, thanks to you.

That tape is gone, and so are you.

I'm not going anywhere.

Admit it, Cameron, I beat you.

Save yourself the embarrassment, and cancel this trial.

If you think I would ever do that, I taught you even less than I thought.

This case was 50/50. All you did was make it 80/20. 99 to 1.

It could be a million to one for all I care.

We're in the ring, I'm still standing, and this isn't done.

Now get out of my face. I got a trial to prepare for.

What do you want?

This is a request for charges to be filed against Graham Stenton for stealing $30 million.

The penalty for which is 15 years in a federal prison.

If you had proof of that, you wouldn't have come after me in the first place.

We have proof that you knew something was wrong and you didn't notify your employer.

Which is why this is a request for charges to be filed against you as an accessory after the fact.

The penalty for which is five years in a federal prison.

But you can avoid that by testifying against him.

Even if I was willing to, I can't.

We're married. He'd stop me from testifying.

In New York, not in Connecticut.

Which is where the charges will be filed.

You're asking me to turn against the man I love.

Then go to jail and trust him.

I'm guessing he's not gonna be there when you get out.

Beth, even if he waits for you, he did this, and the fear of him getting caught is going to cast a shadow over every moment of the rest of your life together.

He may not be able to see that, but I know you can.

I'll get you the money back.

What are you doing?

Just leaving a note.

By the way, congratulations.

I hear you got the tape thrown out and Ava reinstated as the CEO.

In spite of you.

Yeah, I know.

You went to Jessica for help.

You have a problem with that?


I just think it's ironic that she doesn't realize she just helped me dig her own grave.

[Knock at door]

It's me.

Money got wired into the account.


I don't think she would've caved if you hadn't broken script and gone all good cop on me.


Look, I'm sorry... I'm sorry-

Rachel... No, Mike.

We're in a fight because I made the mistake of not telling you that I was considering going to Stanford, but we're really in a fight because I'm considering going to Stanford.

What you said to Beth, was that really about me?

Mike, come on.

Because you said the fear of him getting caught was gonna cast a shadow over every minute of the rest of their life together.

If you're asking if it's occurred to me that going to Stanford could be a fresh start...


It has, but the truth is I may or may not get into Yale or Columbia, and you were the one that told me that it'd be stupid if I didn't just cover my bases, so I just need to go and see if I even get in or not.

I get it.

I get all of it.

I just can't stop thinking about what will happen if you do.

You came to the decision to let me in on your secret on your own, and I just need you to give me the freedom to come to this decision on my own.

[Soft rock music]

I'm not one for sentimental gestures, but I was thinking about when Hardman came back and you and I got into it.

You got me my tea set back.

You here to thank me for that?

I'm here with a gesture of my own.

This isn't a tea set.

It's going up on the wall tomorrow.

I asked for that a while ago.

You said I wasn't ready.

I also said I wasn't just going to slap someone else's name up there next to mine, but I did.

And now you regret it.

And you're playing chess again.

What does that mean?

It means, I want to know if this is a gesture or if it's a move.

What it is, is my way of showing you that Darby's treating me the same way I treated you, and I understand how you felt.

You don't like it, and this is your way of getting me on your side.

Harvey, I can't make you believe me, but I don't want you on my side.

I want us to be on the same side.
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