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02x15 - An Underwater Mystery

Posted: 06/06/23 08:28
by bunniefuu
♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Deep inside the jungle where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals and swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time

♪Ya viene Diego ♪

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Alicia's on the mission

♪ We're all going for a ride

♪ Diego's on the road with Baby Jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together, yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes Diego

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go!

Hola, I'm Diego.

And this is mi hermana, Alicia.

We're animal scientists and we're exploring the ocean,

looking for new animals.

Some animals that live in the ocean are big.

And some are really small.

So small that we have to use my underwater magnifying glass

to make them look bigger.

Mira, Diego.

Look over here.

DIEGO: Do you see an animal?

Yeah, that's a pygmy seahorse.

Let's see if we can find a sea star.

If you see a sea star, yell, sea star!

Yeah, you found one.

Those are really cool ocean animals, Diego.

ANIMAL: Help, help!

Uh-oh, that sounds like an animal in trouble.

We've got to help it.

Come on. To the rescue submarine.

Our special camera, Click,

can help us find the animal in trouble.

BOTH: Say, "Click."

Say, "Click."

Take a pic.

Say, "Click."

Take a pic.

♪Soy Click,la camera, I could take a pic♪

♪ I can see any animal in trouble ♪

♪ Zoom in, through the forest, and out to the sea ♪

♪ To find the animal, just call on me. ♪

Say, "Click."

Take a pic.

Hi, I'm Click, the camera.

We need to the animal in trouble.

The animal in trouble is making this sound.


Let's zoom through the ocean

and listen for the animal that's going...



Does this sound like the animal in trouble?

No, that's a humpback whale.


Does this sound like the animal in trouble?


Yes! That's it.

I've never seen a fish like that before.

It's a mystery fish.

To take a picture of the mystery fish, say "Click."


Got it!

Now, you tell Diego you found a mystery fish.

What animal did you find?

A mystery fish?

Diego, I've never seen a fish like that before.

Me neither. It's a mystery fish.

We've got to find out where this fish is.

We can do that if Click zooms out.

BOTH: Say, "Zoom."

Look, the mystery fish is swimming near the icebergs.

She's bumping into them.

That's what's making that cracking sound.

She must be so cold.

And she looks lost.

We've got to go to the icebergs to save her.

Come on.

We've got to go rescue the mystery fish.

Al rescate, amigos.

Clap your hands with us.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Great. Let's call to the mystery fish.

Say, "Mystery fish."

BOTH: Mystery fish.

♪ Go, Diego, Go

♪ Vamos, Alicia,vamos ♪

♪Al rescate, amigos ♪

♪ To the rescue, my friends

♪Al rescate, amigos ♪

♪ To the rescue my friends

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪ Vamos, Alicia,vamos, Diego ♪

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪Vamos, Alicia ♪

♪¡Vamos, Diego,vamos! ♪

Look, there are the icebergs.

So, the mystery fish must be nearby.

Do you see the fish?

Yeah, there she is.

Come on, we've got to help her.

Hola. I'm Diego.

And this is my sister, Alicia.

We're animal rescuers and we're here to help.

What's your name?

My name is Lucy.

Hi, Lucy.

We've never seen a fish like you before.

Do you know what kind of fish you are?

No. There are so many kinds of fish,

but I want to know what kind of fish I am.

Where do you live, Lucy?

I don't know.

I'm lost and the water's too cold for me here.

Don't worry, Lucy.

Yeah, we can help you.

If we find out

what kind of fish Lucy is...

Then we can take care of her

and bring her back home.

Let's think like animal scientists.

We need to collect clues

to figure out what kind of fish Lucy is.

Let's see how Lucy looks.

Is Lucy big or little?

Big, right.

As big as a whale.

But she doesn't have a blowhole.

So she's not a whale.

She's a fish.

Clue number one:

a big fish.

And look at her skin.

Is it plain or does it have spots?

Spots, right. Spots and stripes.

Clue number two:

She has spots and stripes.

Now let's see how she moves.

Swim for us, Lucy.


Look at how slowly Lucy swims.

She swims by wiggling her tail and body.

Clue number three:

Swims slowly by wiggling her tail and body.

Diego, we've got three clues.

We need to collect more clues

to find out what kind of fish Lucy is.

We need to take her home to the warm ocean waters.

It's too cold for her here.

We can use my thermometer to tell us when we're back

in the warm ocean waters.

When the yellow line

reaches the red,

the water will be warm enough for Lucy.

Come on.

We've got to find out what kind of fish Lucy is.

♪ I'm a mystery

♪ Swimming in the deep, blue sea ♪

♪ Wonder what I'm going to turn out to be ♪

♪ I'm a great big mystery

She's really big. She's got

stripes and spots.

She moves her tail from side to side.

♪ I'm just a big silly but I really, really, really ♪

♪ Want to swim home with the tide ♪

What's the deal with me?

What's the deal, huh?

♪ Diego and Alicia would be

♪Diego and Alicia ♪

♪ The greatest animal scientists in history ♪

♪ And they could solve this mystery ♪

♪ I'm a great big mystery

♪ That's me.

Look, an ocean garden.

Look, the fish are going in the garden.

Maybe I'll find more fish like me in the garden.


Uh-oh, Lucy swam ahead into the garden.

She could get lost again.

We've got to find her.

Let's check the clues.

What does Lucy have on her skin?


Spots and stripes.

We have to look for Lucy's spots and stripes to find her.

Does that have spots and stripes?


That has spots but no stripes.

Does that have spots and stripes?

No, that has stripes but no spots.

Let's keep looking.

Does that have spots and stripes?

Yes. And there's Lucy.

You found me.

See I'm a silly fish. Silly, silly, silly.

DIEGO: Lucy's wearing seaweed hair.

You are silly, Lucy.

(all giggle)

But Diego, I still haven't found any fish like me.

What kind of fish am I?

We're going to find out.

Come on.

We've got to figure out which kind of fish Lucy is,

and take her home.

Let's go.

I can't wait to find out what kind of fish I am.

Lucy, no.


Uh-oh, I think I'm stuck.

Now I'll never find out what kind of fish I am.

Don't worry, Lucy, Alicia's on her way.


My rescue rope can lasso the rock so Lucy can swim free.

To lasso the rocks, say, "Lasso."




I lassoed the rocks,

and now I'm going to use the rope to lift them up.

All right, Alicia.

When Alicia lifts the rocks, we have to help Lucy swim.

Let's check the clues.

To swim, Lucy wiggles her body.

What else does she wiggle?

Her tail. Right.

Let's help Lucy swim by wiggling.

Move your body side to side and...

wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Keep wiggling.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

It worked.

I'm free, I'm free!

I love wiggling.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Diego, we're still not in the warm ocean waters.

So we'd better keep moving.


I can't wait to find out what kind of fish I am.

(stomach growling)

That's my tummy grumbling.

It's time for a snack.

I want some yummy plankton.

ALICIA: Plankton is teeny-tiny plants and animals.

(gulps) Yummy!

Wow, look at Lucy's teeth.

I've got , teeth.

Hey, that's another clue.

Lucy has , teeth.

Clue number four: , teeth.

Come on.

We've got to find more clues

to figure out what kind of fish she is.

Whoa, look at all the fish.

(bell rings)

I think it's time for school...

for these schools of fish.

Uh-oh. I don't want to bump into the little fish.

I'm really very gentle.

ALICIA: We know, Lucy.

We can lead you through the fish together.

DIEGO: Yeah.

We have to go up or down,

so we don't bump into the fish,

by saying the Spanish words, arriba orabajo.

Is the clear path arriba orabajo?


Let's go.

ALICIA: Is the clear path arriba orabajo?

Arriba. Right.

Come on.

DIEGO: Is the clear path arriba orabajo?

Sí, arriba.

Let's go.

We didn't bump into any fish.

Good Spanish-speaking.

MALE VOICE: Help, help.

Someone's calling for help.

Do you see who's calling for help?

(grunts with effort)

Please help me.

I can save him.

I'll get you out of the net.

Thanks for rescuing me.

You're very big but very gentle.

What kind of fish are you?

I don't know.

Me, I'm a hammerhead shark.

Nice to meet you.

Look, Lucy's got a fin on her back

just like the little shark.

BOTH: Maybe she's a shark.

DIEGO: Lucy, you might be a shark.

Just like me.

(school bell rings)

Oops, I gotta catch up with my school.

Let's check the computer to see what kinds of sharks there are.

Wow, look at all the sharks.

Let's use our clues to figure out if Lucy's a shark.

Some sharks wiggle their tails to swim.

Does Lucy wiggle her tail to swim?

Right, so let's take off the sharks that don't.

All sharks have teeth, but some have lots of teeth.

Does Lucy have lots of teeth?

Yeah, Lucy has over , teeth.

Let's get rid of the sharks that don't.

Some sharks are big and some are little.

Is Lucy a big shark?

Yes, she's big,

so let's get rid of the small sharks.

Some sharks have spots on their skin,

some have stripes,

and some have spotsand stripes.

What does Lucy have on her skin?

Spotsand stripes.


Does that shark look like Lucy?


Alicia, what kind of shark is that?

That's a whale shark.

So that means Lucy's a whale shark.

You tell Lucy she's a whale shark.

What kind of fish am I?

A whale shark.

That's the biggest fish in the ocean.

Really? I'm the biggest fish in the ocean?

That makes me very happy.

And a whale shark is called a gentle giant

because you're the gentlest shark in the whole world.

It's true.

Even though I'm big, I am gentle.

I love being a whale shark.

I'm a whale shark, I'm a whale shark.

Yay! A whale shark!

And look.

The thermometer says we're in the warm ocean waters.

That means Lucy's home.

Let's see if we can find more whale sharks.

If you see any whale sharks like Lucy,

yell, "Whale sharks!"

BOTH: Whale sharks!

Look, there are my friends.

I'm home! I'm home!

And the ocean water's so nice and warm here.

BOTH: ♪ We solved the mystery

♪ I'm the biggest fish in the sea ♪

♪ I'm a whale shark, don't be afraid of me ♪

♪ I'm as gentle as can be

ALICIA: ♪ She's really big

DIEGO: ♪ She's got stripes and spots ♪

ALICIA: ♪ She moves her tail from side to side ♪

♪ I'm really good at grinning and I'm happy to be swimming ♪

♪ Where the water's warm to glide ♪

ALL: Way to go, Lucy.

LUCY: ♪ Diego and Alicia might be

ALL: ♪Diego and Alicia might be ♪

♪ The greatest animal scientists in history ♪

♪ 'Cause they solved this mystery ♪

♪ I'm just a whale shark named Lucy ♪

♪ That's me.

Thanks for helping me figure out what I am

and bringing me home to my whale shark friends.

I love being a whale shark.


DIEGO: ♪ Whale shark.

Come on, say it with me.

BOTH: ♪ Whale shark.

Say it louder.

ALICIA, DIEGO, & LUCY: ♪ Whale shark!

Everybody scream!

ALL: ♪ Whale shark


DIEGO: ♪ They wiggle their bodies and swim real slow ♪

Let's wiggle with them.

Come on, lets go.

ALL: ♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle

LUCY: ♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

♪ They're the biggest

♪ And gentlest ♪ Fish in the sea

♪ They've got , teeth

♪ Show your teeth to me

Come on, let's see your teeth.

Open up your mouth and smile.

BOTH: ♪ Smile, smile

♪ Smile, smile

♪ Smile, smile

ALL: ♪ Smile, smile

¡Misión cumplida!

Mystery solved.

We used our clues to figure out that Lucy's a whale shark.

BOTH: Hurray!

What do whale sharks do?

BOTH: Let's review.

Does a whale shark live in warm waters or icy waters?

Warm waters.


Does a whale shark's skin have diamonds, or spots and stripes?

Spots and stripes.

Does a whale shark have , teeth or no teeth?

, teeth.


We've almost finished the puzzle.

Does a whale shark eat plankton or fruit?

Plankton. You got it.

We solved the puzzle.

It's a picture of a whale shark.

Let's put the picture of the whale shark

in our Animal Science Book with all the ocean animals.

We learned so much about whale sharks today.

And there's so much more for us to discover

BOTH: Together.

Hasta luego, amigos.

See you soon.

(child giggling)