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02x13 - Jorge the Little Hawk Learns to Migrate

Posted: 06/06/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

♪Whoop-ha, ho-ho ♪

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Deep inside the jungle where nature's running wild ♪

♪ Coming to the rescue is a very special child ♪

♪ Talking to the animals and swinging from a vine ♪

♪ This rough and tough adventurer ♪

♪ Is working all the time

♪Ya viene Diego ♪

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

Go, Diego, go!

♪ Alicia's on the mission

♪ We're all going for a ride

♪ Diego's on the road with Baby Jaguar by his side ♪

♪ Discovering together, yeah, we're always having fun ♪

♪ Helping out each other is good for everyone ♪

♪ And there goes Diego

♪Diego! ♪

♪ Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go!

Hola. I'm Diego!

I'm with my sister Alicia.

And we're far away from the rainforest

at our bird rescue center.

Do you want to see the baby birds?


ALICIA: All these baby birds are hawks.

They were born here.

And when they get big enough,

they get to fly

all the way down to the warm forest.

When birds fly from a cold place

to a warm place, it's called migration.

Alicia, are there any hawks

big enough to migrate today?

Yes, Jorge the hawk is big enough.

Cool! Which hawk is the biggest hawk?

Right, that's Jorge the hawk.

(squawking )

He's so excited about migrating to the warm forest.

Yippee, yippee!

(squawking )

(both chuckling )

Jorge the hawk speaks Spanish.

Let's say hi to Jorge.



¡Diego, Diego, estoy listo,

estoy listo!

Squawk, squawk!

Jorge the hawk is ready to migrate.

ALL HAWKS: He's ready, he's ready!

(hawks cheering )

♪ Jorge the hawk's migrating today ♪

♪Y celebramos, hooray ♪

♪ Let's say good-bye before he goes ♪

♪ Everyone say,"adios" ♪

♪Adios, adios. ♪

(laughing )

All the baby hawks are so excited

'cause Jorge the hawk gets to migrate today.

Yippee, yippee!

Diego, young hawks migrate

with grown-up hawks.

Do you see any grown-up hawks?

(squawking )

There they are.

Jorge has to fly up to them.

¡Vuela, Jorge, vuela!

Oop... ugh.


Jorge was so excited, he flew

into a tree.

DIEGO: There go the grown-up hawks.

They didn't see Jorge, and they're flying

to the warm forest.

¡Ay, no!

Poor Jorge is so upset.

(crying )

He really wanted to fly down to the warm forest.

Boo-hoo hoo-hoo.

We've got to help him.

When little hawks migrate, they have to follow big hawks.

But there are no more big hawks around.

Boo-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo.

I know! We can build a plane

that looks like a grown-up hawk.

A hawk plane!

That's a great idea, Diego.

Will you help us build a hawk plane?


Jorge, vas a migrar. Yippee!


(squawking )

Come on! Let's build a hawk plane

so Jorge can migrate to the warm forest.

Help us build a hawk plane.

The plane should have wings

that look just like the hawk's wings.

What colors are the hawk's wings?

Brown and white. Right.

Which one of these are the brown and white wings?

Right there.Correcto.

ALICIA: The plane should also have

a beak just like the hawk's beak.

What color is the hawk's beak?

Yes, yellow.

Which one of these is the yellow beak?

There it is.

Wow! This hawk plane is looking pretty cool.

DIEGO: Just one thing is missing.

Tail feathers.

What color are the hawk's tail feathers?

Brown, right.

Which one of these are the brown tail feathers?

They're right there.


(squawking )

Now, let's see where the grown-up hawks went

so we can find the warm forest.

Our special camera, Click,

can help us find the grown-up hawks.

Say, "Click."

Say, "Click." Take a pic.

Say, "Click." Take a pic.

♪Soy Click,la cámara ♪

♪ I can take a pic

♪ I can see and hear the animal in trouble ♪

♪ Zoom in, through the forest, and out to the sea ♪

♪ To find the animal, just call on me. ♪

Say, "Click." Take a pic.

Hi, I'm Click the camera.

Jorge the hawk is ready

to migrate and join the grown-up hawks.

We need to find the grown-up hawks.

Hawks sound like this.

(squawking )

Let's zoom through the sky

and listen for the hawks that go...

(squawking )

(honking )

Do these sound like hawks?

No, those are geese.

Let's keep looking.

(humming )

Do these sound like hawks?

No, those are hummingbirds.

Remember, we're looking for the animals that go...

(squawking )

(squawking )

Do these sound like hawks?

Yes, they do!

Those are grown-up hawks.

To take a picture of the hawks,

say, "Click."

Got it.

Now, you tell Diego you found the hawks.

What did you find?

The hawks!

The grownup hawks have already migrated to the warm forest.

Allí están, Diego.

Yippee, yahoo!

Squawk, squawk.

Jorge the hawk is so happy.

Before Jorge the hawk can migrate,

we've got to make sure he eats lots and lots of food,

'cause it's going to be a long trip.

Let's use my animal snack pack

to find out what hawks like to eat.

Where is the picture of the hawk?


Look, grasshoppers!

Hawkslove to eat grasshoppers.


(wind whistling )

Ooh, ooh.

Hace frío, Diego.

Uh-oh, Jorge's getting really cold.

Look, Diego, a snowy snowstorm is heading our way.

You better leave for the warm forestpronto.

Right, Alicia.

Let's go,amigos.

Jorge the hawk speaks Spanish.

To tell Jorge the hawk to fly, we say,"vuela."

Can you say,"vuela"?





The storm is getting closer.

One last time.



Estoy volando.

Clap your hands with me.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.

Clap, clap, clap.


Let's sound like hawks.

Say, "Squawk, squawk."

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

♪ Go, Diego, go

♪ Vamos, Diego, vamos

♪ Una aventura, amigos

♪ An adventure, my friends

♪ Una aventura, amigos

♪ An adventure, my friends

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪ Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪ Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego

♪ Go!

Look, a foggy fog.

Oh, no!

Jorge the hawk is flying into the foggy fog.


We need to find Jorge the hawk in the fog, or he'll get lost.

Will you help me find him?


My special radar can help us find Jorge the hawk in the fog.

Do you see the hawk on the radar screen?

There he is, but look.

He's heading toward the phone wires.

He could get stuck.

Jorge can't see the phone wires.

We've got to call out to him so he'll fly toward us.

My special hawk horn can help us call out to the hawk.

(echoing squawks )

I'll honk my horn, and you yell

"Squawk, squawk."


Squawk, squawk. (echoing squawks )


Squawk, squawk. (echoing squawks )

(wind whistling )


Squawk, squawk. (echoing squawks )

There he is.

Squawk, squawk.

Le encontramos, Jorge.

You helped Jorge the hawk get away from the phone wires

and out of the foggy fog.

Thanks for helping.


Gracias, Diego.

De nada.

Come on, let's get Jorge the hawk

to the warm forest.

Diego, estoy muy cansado.

Jorge the hawk is getting tired,

but we've got to keep going.

Whoa! It's getting windy!


Windy winds can help hawks fly when they get too tired,

so they don't have to flap their wings.

Let's help Jorge catch a ride on the windy wind.

Put your arms out to the side and soar like a hawk.

Soar, soar.

Soar, soar.

Soar, soar.


(wind whistling )


Great soaring like a hawk.

Me siento mucho mejor, Diego.

Jorge the hawk is all rested and ready to go.

Come on,amigos.

Hey, there's the tall mountain.

We're getting closer to the warm forest

where all the grownup hawks are.

(watch beeping )

That's my video watch.

(beep )

It's Alicia.

Diego, a lightning storm is heading your way.

(thunder rumbling )

You've got to find a cave to take cover

from the lightning storm.

Okay, Alicia.

Thanks for the warning.

(phone beeps off )

We've got to find a cave quick.

(thunder crackling )

Do you see a cave in the tall mountain?

Right there.


To tell Jorge the hawk to fly down to the cave,

we say,"Más abajo."

Can you say,"Más abajo?"


Say,"Más abajo."

Más abajo.

Oh, no.

He's flying way too low.

We have to tell him to fly higher.

Say,"Más alto."

Más alto.

Oh, no.

Now he's flying up too high.

Say,"Más abajo."

Más abajo.


DIEGO (echoing ): Yippee!

Whee! Whee!


You're great at speaking Spanish.

Gracias por ayudarme.

Squawk, squawk.

Let's go,amigos.

♪Una aventura, amigos, an adventure, my friends ♪

♪Una aventura, amigos, an adventure, my friends ♪

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego ♪

♪ Go, Diego, go, Diego

♪Vamos, Diego, vamos, Diego ♪

♪¡Vamos! ♪

Look, giant dragons!


(moaning )

(squawking )

(dragons moaning )

Those dragons scared Jorge.

But wait.

There's no such thing as giant dragons.

Bobos, Bobos!

(Bobos laughing )

Bobos, Bobos! All right!


That sounds like the Bobo Brothers.

Those silly monkeys are always causing trouble.

Do you see the monkeys?

There they are!

Their dragon kites scared Jorge.

We've got to stop the Bobos. (dragons moaning )

To stop the Bobos, say, "Freeze, Bobos!"

Louder! "Freeze, Bobos!"

Whoops! Sorry!


(Bobos laughing )

Bobos, Bobos! Bobos, Bobos! Bobos, Bobos!

You stopped the Bobos!

Thanks for helping.

We've got to help Jorge make it to the warm forest.

We can help Jorge by playing the hot/cold game.

That's a thermometer.

It tells us how hot or cold it is.

If the arrow on the thermometer goes down,

it's getting cold.Frio.

Can you say,"Frio"?


Great. If the arrow goes up,

it's getting hot.Caliente.

Can you say,"Caliente"?



Uh-oh, the arrow is going down.

It's getting colder.

Tell Jorge"Frio."



Yay! Jorge heard you and he's turning around.

The arrow's going up.




The arrow is still going up.


Keep saying,"Caliente."

Caliente, caliente, caliente,

caliente, caliente, caliente.

He made it. Good job!


We made it to the warm forest.


(squawking )

(distant squawking )

Hey, that sounds like other hawks.

Let's call out to the hawks.

Say, "Squawk, squawk."

Louder! Squawk, squawk!

Do you see the other hawks?

There they are!

Mira, Diego, allí están.

(squawking )

(all hawks squawking )

Hola, Jorge.

(all squawking )

♪ Jorge the hawk migrated today ♪

♪Y celebramos, hooray ♪

♪ Let's welcome him here, so everyone knows ♪

♪Jorge, bienvenido ♪

♪Bienvenido, bienvenido. ♪

He did it!

Estoy tan contento, Diego.

Jorge the hawk is so happy

he migrated to the warm forest.

Gracias, gracias.

(squawking )


Come on, say it with us.

ALL: Hawks.

Say it louder!


Everybody scream!


(laughing )

♪ They can float through the air ♪

♪ With their wings stretched out wide ♪

♪ They soar like kites, the air gives 'em a ride. ♪

Let's all fly like Jorge the hawk.

Stretch your arms out and soar through the air.

Soar. Soar.


(laughing )

♪ Hawks need to migrate when the snow starts to fall ♪

♪ They fly to a warm place, let's cheer for them all. ♪

Say, "Squawk, squawk."

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

Squawk, squawk.

¡Misión cumplida!

Rescue complete.

You helped Jorge the hawk migrate

to the warm forest.

What do hawks do?

Let's review. Let's review.

Do hawks have red and blue feathers

or brown and white feathers?

(clicks, beeps )

Brown and white feathers, right.

Do hawks like to eat clams or grasshoppers?

(clicks, beeps )

Grasshoppers, right.

Do hawks migrate to the warm forest

or the ocean?

(clicks, beeps )

The warm forest.

Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle.

Do hawks like to be cold or warm?

(clicks, beeps )


We solved the puzzle.

That's a hawk.

Let's put the picture of the hawk

in our animal science book with all the other birds.

We learned so much about hawks today.

And there's so much more for us to discover.


¡Hasta luego, amigos!

See you soon.

(giggling )