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03x11 - The Fog of Pupa

Posted: 06/06/23 06:55
by bunniefuu
- Brenda, sweetheart,
would you like to say grace?

- Wow! Lucky girl.

Papa didn't let me say grace
until I was 35.

- Bless us, oh Lord,
and these-- ah!

Go, green! Go, green!

Hippos! Hippos! Hippos!

- Jesus Christ!
What the hell is going on here?

- We used a Come Alive ray
to sci-fi some Hungry Hungry Hippos

into IRL life Hungry Hippos,

and things got a little titsy!

- Oh! Mine just ate an ugly vase!
That's ten points for pink!

- Those were my father's ashes!

- That means double points, boyyy!

- Best game night ever!

- It's way better than when we all got
diabetes from real-life Candyland.

- Ugh. What do you want?
I'm gaming!

Hey, do we know a "Pupa"?

- Yes!
- Come on, man!

- Uh-huh. Oh. Alright.
Thanks for calling.

Jesus Christ.

Alright! Let's go, pink hippo!

- W-what was that all about?

- Nothing, the Pupa
got arrested at the mall.

- What? We have to go save him!

- Okay, I see how it is.

We only worry about the Pupa
when Terry's winning game night.

This is bullshit!

Planet Shlorp was a perfect utopia.

Until the asteroid hit.

One hundred adults and their replicants
were issued a Pupa

and escaped into, uh, the space,

searching for new homes
on uninhabited worlds.

We crashed on Earth, stranding us
on an already overpopulated planet.

That's right,
I've been talking this whole time.

I'm the one holding the Pupa.
My name's Korvo.

This is-- this is my show.
I just dropped the Pupa. Do you see me?

This is ridiculous.

I hate Earth.
It's a horrible home.

People are stupid
and confusing.

Why are there
so many wildfires?

Where is your planet-sized hose
so that we can just put everything out?

You should really think
about building one of those.

So yeah,
the blue space creature, aka "the Pupa,"

walked into the Claire's jewelry store
at 2:00 p. m.

and exited minutes later
with the stolen merchandise.

- Earrings? What the hell,
he doesn't even have ears.

Or does he?

- Our Pupa would never
steal anything.

He's got his own Bubba Gump Shrimp
Platinum Rewards Mastercard.

It must have been another Pupa.

- I saw it all.

He stole sweet pearl earrings,
a body piercing g*n,

and three unicorn chokers.

- Why are Principal Cooke
and Miss Frankie from school here?

I thought your second job was
driving a forklift for the mob.

- I've got a ton of jobs, kid.

Teacher, storm chaser, this,

plus I sniff luggage
at the airport for the DEA.

- This little sack of fucks
has been running

a black market piercing ring
at school.

Most of his customers
have gotten infections.

- Titties!
- I'm gonna hurl.

- I was a child psychiatrist
before my crippling addiction

to celebrity feet forced me
into a career in civilian security,

which is why I can tell you that this is
an out-of-control teenager situation.

- This just doesn't make any sense.

He's normally such
a sweet little supercomputer.

I mean, yes,
he did k*ll a RoboCop

and, yes, he will one day terraform
a new planet that destroys us all

but come on,
look at the cute little guy.

- What the hell is wrong with you, Pupa?
How could you do this to us?

- We take our eyes off you
for two weeks to sci-fi some hippos,

and this is how you repay us?

- I am livid!
Wait, is that a real word?

Well, then I'm f*cking livid.

- Okay now, guys,
let's take it easy here.

Maybe we just don't know Pupes
as well as we thought.

- And I say it's livid time to find out.

- Now he's going to use livid wrong
for everything.

- Rap music posters,
a Game Gear,

The Twilight series?

These books are way
too sexy for you!

- Bag of weed, a Harry Potter Whistle
you turned into a bong.

- A SteelBook HD-DVD
of The Joker,

a Mech suit that looks to be
some sort of con-man businessperson,

what could this be for?

- Why you asking me?
I don't know!

- What the hell? Are you stealing
all this stuff, Pupa?

- This isn't the Pupa
we know and love.

Who even are you?

- I wish I'd never been Pupa'd.

- That mall cop was right.

The Pupa's an out-of-control
motherfuckin' teenager!

- Okay, team, what're we gonna do
with the Pupa?

No idea is a bad idea. Go!

- He's a sensitive little dumpling.
We should be nurturing him.

Bad idea. Next.

- Let's smash him in the head
with a hammer and throw him in a quarry.

We'll use that as a backup, next.

- We shouldn't punish him.

We should learn from him,
so we can steal stuff too!

I'm gonna start reading
sexy books and shit.

- All these ideas suck.

He wants to be a teenager,
then let's treat him like a teenager.

Pupa, as team leader,
I have come to a decision.

You shall be grounded
for one earth month.

- Grounded?
- Yes, grounded.

- Oh no, oh!
It's gonna be okay.

Korvo, you made him cry.

- I-- I didn't know he would--
It's the right thing to do.

He has to learn--

I told you
he needed to be nurtured!

Did the power go out?

I didn't save a backup
of my seven-part Animal Crossing fart fic!

I'm no Pupa expert, but even I know
he isn't supposed to be two colors.

- You are the Pupa expert.

- Thank you,
I won't let you down.

- AISHA, we have a problem.

Oh dang, Korvo!
You melting again?

Your skin looks nasty.

- What? I've been using Ole Henriksen's

Collagen Boosted True-C Complex
Facial Serum twice a day!

No. It's the Pupa,
he's all f*cked up.

The Pupa is stuck between
powder blue and sea-foam green.

- No shit,
but what does that mean?

You guys can't go one day
without being all,

"AISHA this
and AISHA that,

and AISHA, help, my wooden penis
is stuck in the hyperdrive."

- It's not my fault the thing has
an oak - shaped hole.

When the Pupa's pigment blinks yellow,

it means he's lost wi-fi signal.

When it's stalled
between two colors,

it means his evolution
has been tainted.

- Ugh, of course!
That makes sense,

because the taint is between
two things.

It's just like Shakespeare wrote,
"'Taint thy balls, 'taint thy butthole."

- Okay, fess up,
who tainted the Pupa?

- Don't look at me, I let him suck
on old batteries all the time!

He should be healthy.

- It's probably society's fault.

- Yes! I bet it's because of all
the human shit he's been doing.

He eats an insane number of garlic knots,
and his only source of news

is Cameos from Finn Wolfhard.

- And he watched the HD-DVD
1K de-master of Joker

and absorbed Todd Phillips' values.

- Don't listen to them, Pupes.
You just need some TLC, dontcha?

- The Pupa's being
a little shit pebble,

and he needs to be taught
that interrupting

a life-size Hungry Hungry Hippo game
has consequences.

- Pupa, grounding clearly
wasn't enough.

So as punishment
for stealing all that stuff,

you will paint the ship!

- And smoke a pack of Marlboro lights
with a pillowcase over your head!

- But the Pupa doesn't smoke.

- And now he never will again.

- Look, I don't like being the bad guy,

but you better have that ship painted
by the time we're back.

- And I want these cigarettes smoked
to the filters.

- Guys, the orange hippo got
into a Panera, and the cops shot him.

If we hurry, we can still save green,
pink, and yellow!

- Pupa, you stay here
and learn your lesson,

and I'll hug you later.

Last one there is a rotten spore!

- Yes! That counts.

Point for the Yumyulone Ranger!

- Uh, guys, is it me
or does the house look different?

- Holy f*ck, the ship is gone!

- Is it crazy that I kinda like it
without the ship?

- Yes, it's crazy!
Where the f*ck is the Pupa? Pupa!

- No way! Pupa got a Titan XL gaming chair
with Napa leather upholstery?

- Where the hell is the ship, Pupa?
And how did you get a PS7?

Those aren't even out yet!

- You traded the ship to a witch
for a gaming setup, didn't you?

- So what? I didn't ask
to get assigned to you.

- Is anyone else weirded out

that he's suddenly talking
in complete sentences?

- I don't know what's going on
with you, Pupa,

but we will talk about this
when I get back.

Terry and I have to go fight a witch
for our spaceship.

You two stay here and make sure
he doesn't get into any more trouble.

You ready to face this witch?

- I guess. I mean,
we talk about her all the time,

but I never thought
we'd actually confront her.

f*ck, man. A witch? I'm scared.

- We're gonna have to marshal
all our firepower for an epic showdown

that's been three seasons
in the making.

Hopefully, the Disney dark lords
don't make us trim anything out,

because this shit is going to be
f*cking wild, I'll tell you that much.

- Let's do this shit!

Man. Who knew Brigga Balba
would be so nice.

And her home? Lovely!

- Oh, that little fountain
in her tea garden was so peaceful.

- I was thinking the same thing!
We really had her pegged wrong.

- I can't believe all we had to do
was lease this rad pumpkin car

and buy all that Stella & Dot crap
from her to get the ship back.

- It is not crap. Look at my
"I'm a Girl Boss" chunky cufflet.

That's on trend, baby!

- Terry, d-do you hear that?

- Woo! Alright!

- An '80s movie-style rager?

- Not in my house!

Hey! That's the turntable
I got for Passover

to mix ship noises with space sounds.

- Where the hell are Jesse
and Yumyulack?

- Cannonball!

- My turn! Oh!

Uh, to tell you
that this is irresponsible!

- You two were supposed
to be watching the Pupa!

- Yeah, and we watched him throw
an awesome party!

- Okay, everyone out!

This is stupid. Whatever.

That's the last straw, Pupa.

How could you throw
a crazy '80s party without me?

You are super-duper
chaluper grounded.

- Yeah, tell him, Terry!
- Gah, ah!

I hate doing this because
I'm the cool one who bites the cheese

right off the block
instead of cutting off a piece,

but you leave me no choice.

No more iPad,
no more sexy books.

No... more... Hulu!

- Look at him,

he's learning his lesson
so hard right now!

Maybe I am the Pupa expert.

- What the hell?

- I did not know
that was an option.

- Aww, he laid an apology egg.

Apology egg-cepted, Pupa!

- Yeah, buddy!

What the hell is that?

- Little Buddy!

- Yeah, buddy!

- Yeah, buddy!

- How the hell am I supposed
to punish him

when he's palling around
with a little buddy. Aw!

- Shit, if we had just smashed
Pupa's head with a hammer

and thrown him in the quarry,
none of this would've happened.

- We've clearly done everything we can,
the Pupa isn't afraid of us.

We need someone
who can whip Pupa into shape.

- Someone with a heart of gold,
abs of steel,

and the calves
of a hip-hop legend.

We need--
Mark Wahlberg!

- Okay, so Mark Wahlberg has
a restraining order against us,

but military school should work
just as well.

- Alright, maggots, I own you!

You're nothing but pieces of maggot shit
on the bottom of my shoe!

I will wipe your maggot asses
off the face of this earth!

Do you understand me, maggots?

Yes, sir!

- At some point, yelling "maggots"
has diminishing returns.

- I like it, I'm-- I'm going
to start doing it at home, maggot.

- Well, f*ck me sideways.

In all my years
of screaming at maggots,

I've never gotten to actually train
an honest to g*dd*mn maggot.

What's your name, maggot?
- I'm the Pupa.

- Wrong. Your name is maggot.

And what the hell are you?

- Little Buddy!

- What in the almighty f*ck is
a Little Buddy?

- He yells an awful lot.

Aren't you worried this is gonna be
too hard on the little guy?

- We need someone hard
to set him straight.

- Hey, you think these guys
would want to buy

some Stella & Dot dog tags?

We have some delish
bespoke white gold necklaces.

I'm telling you!

- Shut up and get
in the gourd, maggot!

Oh yeah, that works
for ya boy. Mm.

Jesse, trust me, this is
the best thing for the Pupa.

- Yeah, he's gonna thank us later.

We'll have a laugh about it. Like--

I bet he's already learning--

- What the hell was that?
- Pupa and Little Buddy!

How did they get out
of military school so fast?

They made friends
with that hard-ass drill sergeant!

- The Pupa's too charismatic!
People love his charm!

- We should never have stopped for Terry
to hawk Stella & Dot to that brunch club!

You can't talk to me like that.

I'm 10K away from being
an associate ambassador.

- Who's the Pupa expert now, bitch?

- Okay, look, Pupa,
it's not that we're mad.

We're just so disappointed in you.
You're better than this.

- I don't get it.
We've tried everything!

Tough love, soft love,
crazy stupid love--

- We even had Courtney Love watch
Love Actually with you and nothing!

- You were acting bad before but now
with Little Buddy, it's way worse.

- Yeah, Little Buddy's
a bad influence.

- Yes, Little Buddy's the problem.
Because it's definitely not us.

- Little Buddy is my friend.

- No! I forbid you from seeing
Little Buddy ever again! Get him, Terry.

- Give me that Little Buddy!
Give him to me!

- And to make sure he never comes back,

I'm trapping him inside
of a crystal paperweight.

- Yeah, budd--

- No!

- Now, he can't give you bad ideas,
and he'll keep our bills from flying away.

- You know, Stella & Dot has
a dandelion paperweight--

- Jesus f*ck, Terry,
it's a pyramid scheme.

- Alright, this is just a tantrum.
Let him tire himself out.

Pretty soon, he'll be back
to normal and we can--

- Oh! The pupa exploded into a mist!

- It's not a mist.
- It's a fog.

- No, it's more like a steam.

- Whatever it is, we're trapped inside,
and it smells like the Pupa's ass!

- Great, what a classic teenager way
to act out,

turning himself into a blanket of steam
that hangs over the town.

Pupa, you recombine
into your own physical form this instant!

You hear me, mister?

- No! Don't go that way!
There are monsters!

- Great, now he's making monsters
in the steam.

I told you we should have
gotten him into soccer.

- Ohhh, I just saw
a tentacle over there.

- The Pupa is such a bad teenager.

God, I wish I could be like him.

- No, he sucks.

Pupa, you're in a lot
of trouble, young man!

You better stop being steam this instant
or... no more playing Roblox!

Was that steam monster
wearing a PewDiePie hoodie?

- The Pupa's delinquency
must be manifesting

as adolescent creatures.

Look out! There's one wearing
Tech Fleece and listening to Future!

- Hey, guys. Geez, Ms. Frankie.
You work here, too?

"Aw geez, you work here, too."

Of course I don't, you idiot.

- Not that it's any
of your business,

but we're making ossobuco
for dinner!

It pairs well with a night
of consensual edging.

- Okay, it definitely seems like
they are teens,

but somebody needs
to go out there and find out

what we are really dealing with here.

- Uh, no, we don't!

These monsters are
all over TikTok.

- That Pacific garbage patch is huge!

- These monsters are expressing
all the Pupa's bad teen behavior.

We better pray he's not one
of those arson kids.

- I think the Pupa just needs a friend.

Maybe if we can get home
and release Little Buddy,

he'll stop misting himself.

- You have a point.

But if we let Little Buddy go,
all our bills might fly away.

Ugh! What do we do?
What do we do?

- Come on, we can get to my car!

- Who the f*ck is this guy?
- I'm Desmond!

- Quick, give me the breathalyzer!

- Here. And also, wow.

I'd like to hear the story behind that!

- Aw, come on!
Point nine's my baseline!

Who else can drive?
- Oh, let me try!

2.8! Yes!
Alcoholic high score!

I got this.

- Wait! Sign my change-dot-org petition
to help de-stigmatize cyberbullying!

- Whatever, man.

- You just don't get it!
- No cap!

- I'm not sus, you're sus!

- Word, lit!

- We got problems, people!

- No, god! Why did I get
emotionally invested in Desmond?

- Tell my wife I... re-financed
our boat loan.

- Uh, okay listen,
if these monsters are really teens,

maybe we can just say things
they don't like.

Did you clean your room?

- It's working!
What did you do at school today?

Tell me about your classes.

I want to meet your friends.

- Who's gonna accept
my Facebook friend request?

- Release Little Buddy!
That'll calm the Pupa down.

- This ray has no reverse mode?

- Well, shit, I'm so sorry
I didn't foresee a time

where we would have to turn
a paperweight back into a Little Buddy.

- No, no, no. We have to get Little Buddy
out of there or we screwed!

- We can undo this,
but it won't be easy.

Terry, I'll need you to go to the ship
and activate the de-fractolyzer

which will take at least 12 hours.

After that comes
the really hard part--

- Yeah, buddy!

- My bills! Damn it!

I can't remember
how much I owe in dues

to the WGA North for that whole
Ted 3D fiasco!

Little Buddy, come back here!

You're supposed to help us!

- The mistfogsteam
is still everywhere!

- You a-holes better figure
something out real quick!

- This isn't our fault.

- Yeah, we did everything for the Pupa.

He just watched
too many violent video games

and read too many sexy books.

- This is Hollywood's fault!
The Joker! The Joker!

- Let's go get Todd Phillips
and sacrifice him to the steam.

I bet he lives in a Tony Stark-style house
overlooking the bay.

- Will you aliens shut the f*ck up?

- Venmo me!

- I am so sick of listening
to you blame everyone else.

This is on you.

- I ship a thicc snack!

- The Pupa wouldn't be acting like this

if he had some structure in his life.

He needs present,
tangible role models.

- We see this all the time.
The problem starts at home.

- Home? But that's where we are.

- Oh my god, you are truly
the shittiest parents I have ever met.

Korvo has spent more time
eating me out

than being involved
in the Pupa's education.

- Exactly. Wait, what?

- Well, guess what,
you're f*cking wrong,

because we're not human parents.

The Pupa is a member
of our team.

- Do you feed him?
Do you bathe him?

Do you lay in bed at night and worry
he's gonna get run over by a car

or kidnapped by a pervert?

- No, I worry he's gonna get kidnapped
by a car and run over by a pervert,

but now that I'm saying it
out loud, yes.

- Then, honey, you are parents.

All the Pupa does is watch you dumbassses
run around sci-fi'ing shit

with no consequences.

You are the bad influences.

He doesn't have to change,
you do.

- f*ck that. It's not us.
Let's go k*ll Todd Phillips!

- Woo!
- Yeah, let's get him!

- Ugh. I hate Earth.
It's a horrible home.

We have to fix the ship.
We're out of Doritos.

f*ck you, Terry.

- Guys, that Supreme steam monster
sounds exactly like us.

- Holy shit. Were we
the Todd Phillips all along?

I want to trap someone
in a paperweight!

- Aw, geez, we suck.

- I can't believe it, but these two
shallow side characters were right.

- Regular Hungry Hungry Hippos? Ew.

- Come on,
we have to play. Now!

- Really?
- Yes!

- This is f*cking boring.

It was better
when we turned them into--

- Look! What's happening?

- The Pupa is reacting to us
being bland and normal. See?

Oh yeah! I guess it's working.

- From this moment forward,
we have to change our ways.

- So no more awesome sci-fi stuff?

- No. I think we have
to cut everything from our lives

that makes us a special,
unique, weird family

and basically sand
our whole situation down

so it's palatable to a broader,
more corporate-approved audience,

I mean, the Pupa.

- I just signed up for
a Mommy and Me music class

with the Pupa three days a week.

And then I guess we'll go get
no sugar added,

lactose free fro-yo
with the other moms.

- Oh my lilies, he's firming up.
What else can we do?

- We could go back to school
and actually give a shit?

Keep going, keep going!

- Terry and I can get jobs. Real ones.
Not comedy writing or firemen.

Something in an office.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

With desks. And a computer and a printer
and a receptionist named Gayle

that I keep trying to bang,
but she won't let me hit it!

- We can do this.
For the Pupa!

For the Pupa!

- Korvo, I can't make heads or tails
of these mid-quarter distribution reports.

I think Jenkins ran
all the numbers wrong.

- Well, he's Mr. Sarner's nephew,
so we'll just have to do it again.

- Where have you guys been?
Dinner will be ready in ten.

- We were at the library. Again.

- I have to write a 50-page paper
on the effects of beach erosion.

Can I please just borrow
the Useless Homework ray once?

- No. No rays in this house!

- Yaya.
Oh, hello Mr. Sarner.

You wanna come over tonight?

Oh, tonight is not good actually,
Korvo has the shits--


Ugh. That was Mr. Sarner.

He invited himself and his wife
over for dinner,

and they want veal parmesan.

- But I'm making ginger-glazed salmon
with a cucumber dill salad.

- Well, now you're making
veal f*ckin' parmesan!

And you have half an hour do to it,
or we'll get fired from our work job!

- Are these really
the stakes of our lives now?

Remember when we saved humanity
from ice lava and napadoodles

and fought over who had
more Christmas spirit?

- I spent 14 minutes in heaven
with a janky BTS!

- Korvo turned into goo, and I had
to fight my ex-lover Malcolm Gladwell!

- Oh, those were the days.

We used to do so much crazy
sci-fi stuff.

- I love you guys.

And I love Moana.

- It's worth it. For the Pupa.

For the Pupa.

- Ahhh! f*ck!

- Yeah, buddy.

- Goddammit, is Little Buddy
just gonna be, like,

f*ckin' around all the time now
or something?

- Yep. This is our life now.