03x16 - No Way Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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03x16 - No Way Out

Post by bunniefuu »

I wanna go legit.

You can't.

Then I get Lola Jensen to hack into the bar and just put me in there just like she did with Harvard.

Rule number one of not getting caught, you don't move the g*dd*mn body.

Harvey, I'm stuck.

I can't live my whole life like this.

We're investment bankers.

Our job blows yours out of the water.

Just admit it, you want me to take the job, but you're too afraid to say it.

I want you to take the job.

You and your associate conspired with Harold Gunderson to file a lawsuit against your own clients.

That is a bribe.

Quelling knows about your bullshit lawsuit with Harold Gunderson.

You need to call Lola Jensen.

You said it yourself, hacking into the bar is twice the crime I've been committing.

I am telling you Quelling is on the trail, and you quitting isn't gonna change that.

You're letting Mike walk out the door without trying to stop him, and anytime I ask you about anything all you say is, "I can't talk about it."

Mike is gone, Harvey.

The jeopardy's gone too.

And now you wanna tell someone who keeps finding a reason to be pissed at you, and it's not the third time, and it's not the fifth time, and it's not the last time.

You took money from our client's competitors to trump up your bullshit suit.

The penalty is being disbarred.

Being a lawyer is what I am.

And if you take that away--

It's up to you.

I'll drop the suit.

I'm officially a member of the New York bar.

You went to Lola?

I want to stay.

I'd bring in champagne, but after all we've been through, I think scotch seems more appropriate.

Does it?

Harvey, we've had this conversation once.

If you want someone who doesn't speak their mind, I'm not that person.

I know.

And Mike staying doesn't change my opinion.

Telling Scottie about him is a mistake.

I know.

Then why are you being so quiet?

Someone who keeps finding a way to be pissed at me, and it's not the third time or the fifth time or the last time.

I wasn't gonna say that.

Yeah, well, you did.

Because you forced it out of me.

Donna, do you want me and Scottie to succeed or not?

I want you to be happy.

That's an evasive answer.

No, it isn't.

Just isn't up to me to decide what that means.

Now are we gonna drink to Mike staying or what?

Give me that.

Not that one.

The bigger one.


[Glasses clink]



I'm so glad you're home.

I made dinner because I want to celebrate.

I'm not taking the job.


I went to see Harvey, and, um...

I told him that I'm staying.

What about the fact that it was eating you up?

Look, Rachel, I know this isn't what you wanted.

What I wanted?

I didn't wanna give you my opinion at all, but you forced it out of me, and then you told me that you were gonna take the job.

Okay, Rachel--

No, and now you come in here, and you tell me you're gonna stay a fraud.

A lawyer.

A fraud.

What happened to accepting me for who I am?

What happened to you taking the job?

It was a way out.

You said you were afraid if you told me your opinion, I'd hold it against you, but now that I'm not doing what you told me to, you're holding it against me.

I am.

Yeah, that's not fair.

I wanna know what changed from when you told me you were gonna take the job to now.

I went to see Quelling.

He once had an offer on the table that would change his life, and he turned it down because he wanted to do what was right for his clients.

Cost him everything.

The only thing it didn't cost him was his ability to practice law.

And I didn't want to take it away from him just like I don't wanna take it away from me.


You said that staying is eating me up, but the thought of going is eating me up more.

I'm just--I'm not ready to leave, Rachel.


Michael Ross.


We'd like to ask you a few questions.

Who's "we"?

The U.S. attorney's office.

What can I help you with?

We'd prefer to have this conversation in private.




I know we got in a fight, but drinking before 10:00 a.m., is that really the answer?

It is on Mad Men.

Who's that guy think he is anyway?

Mike's staying.

You must be happy.

I am.

Scottie, I'm gonna do better about being open with you.


Are we good?

We're good.

Then let's go out tonight and have some fun.

I'm in.



Let's go somewhere new.

Donna, I don't wanna hear it.

I didn't tell her about Mike.

Harvey, Stephanie Liston just called me.

Your friend from the U.S. Attorney's office?

She said they just brought Mike in for questioning.

Mr. Ross, Eric Woodall.

I'm the U.S. attorney--

For the Southern district of New York.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Then you know you're in a shitload of trouble.

You wanna come clean, or should I lay it out for you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You conspired with Harold Gunderson, to defraud the United States government by paying off witnesses against Ava Hessington.



You sound surprised.

I am because it's bullshit.

It's not bullshit.

You're facing some major prison time, my friend.

I'm not your friend.

You can be.


I settled a lawsuit, okay? I didn't do anything wrong.

Hey, I don't think you did.

Well, not on your own anyway.

Is there a question?

Come on, you're a bright young man.

You see where I'm going.

I don't want the dealer.

I want the supplier.

Harvey Specter.

Roll over on him, I'll cut a deal right now.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ Living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ Suits 3x16 ♪

No Way Out

Original Air Date on April 10, 2014

♪ all right

♪ all that time imagine this ♪
♪ the greenback boogie

Harvey Specter. I represent Mike Ross.

Sir, you can't go back there.


Well, hey there.

Are you charging him?

Not at the moment.

Then he's coming with me.

And you had no right to bring him in.

I had every right to bring him in, but it doesn't matter 'cause he came in voluntarily.

And he's leaving immediately.

We were just having a friendly conversation about the witnesses who suddenly fell out of the Ava Hessington case.

Seems your associate was a little chummy with the associate at Bratton Gould.

Harvey Gunderson, I think, is his name.

Harold Gunderson.

You're right.

You're Harvey.

I gotta keep this all straight in my head before I make my case.

Because once we bring Harold in, he'll point the finger at Mike, who will then have no choice but to bring it right home to you, Harvey.

I promise I won't forget your name again.

Open that door.

Good talking to you, Mike. Hope it's the first of many.

Jessica, I have some dire news.

I was just walking by the conference room, and I saw Max Pollard sitting there all by himself.

Harvey was a no-show?

Don't worry, I took care of everything, but it's not like Harvey to miss a meeting.

Thank you, Louis. I'll look into it.

You see, that's just it.

I think something might be wrong with him.

You mean like he's a spy?

No, Jessica, listen.

Ever since my heart attack, I've been worrying about other people's health.

And I'd ask Donna, but I don't wanna burden her with the knowledge of his mortality.

You don't think Donna knows Harvey can die?

Look, Jessica, I know Harvey appears to be lean and relatively fit, but coronary disease can strike even the most handsome.

Louis, listen to me.

Harvey isn't sick. He didn't have a heart attack.

And if he missed that meeting, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation.

I'm sure you're right.

I'm gonna go check my blood pressure.

Oh, good idea.

Where the hell is Harvey?

Is he supposed to be somewhere he's not?

Donna, no games.

He missed a meeting with a longtime client, so either you screwed up, which you never do, or there's an emergency I'm not being told about.



I forgot to cancel that meeting because there's an emergency.

What is it?

Mike Ross got called in for questioning this morning.

Sorry about this, Harvey.

Could have been worse.

You thought they had me for being a fraud?

Well, I didn't think they had you for overdue library books.

Why'd you go with them in the first place?

Didn't your grandmother ever teach you not to get into cars with strangers?

I was being cooperative.

Well, don't do that again.

g*dd*mn Quelling.

He didn't just hand us to the bar.

He went to the Justice Department.

I can't believe it.

I looked him in the eye. He gave me his word.

Screw that guy. I'm turning him into the bar.

Right now he's not our problem.

Harold is.

No, I'm gonna talk to him.

Not a chance.

Harvey, they haven't brought him in yet.

All I need is five minutes to tell him--

To stick to your story?

That's exactly why they haven't brought him in yet.

You talk to Harold, they'll be watching, we'll be done.

If we don't talk to him before this Woodall guy gets him in the room, we're in deep shit.

Then we need to talk to him without talking to him.

Allison Holt.

Harvey Specter.

Can't say I'm surprised to see you.

So I assume that means you've spoken to the U.S. Attorney.

I have.

Then I suggest we make sure we're on the same page.

Unlike you, I don't automatically protect someone who may have jeopardized my firm.

What exactly did you say when Woodall came to you?

He didn't come to me. I went to him.


A man named James Quelling came at me, questioning the settlement between Harold Gunderson, Mike Ross, and your m*rder witnesses.

So you go straight to the U.S. Attorney?

My integrity was questioned.

First step isn't to go to the person I'm accused of colluding with to cover it up.

Answer me one thing... does Harold Gunderson know what's going on?

I don't know what he knows, and, frankly, I don't care.

I fired Harold Gunderson an hour ago.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Of course.

I just got taken downtown.


The U.S. Attorney's office brought me in for questioning.

I thought it was about me, but it wasn't.


Thank God.

No, Rachel, it's still bad.

They're looking into the settlement that I made with Harold before Ava's trial.

That deal wasn't exactly legitimate.

And they want me to turn on Harvey.

I knew you should have taken that job.

This has nothing to do with that.

Doesn't it?

If you weren't working here, they wouldn't be able to use your relationship with Harvey as leverage.

You think I would turn my back on him even if I wasn't working here?

I don't think you'd ever turn your back on Harvey.

That's the problem.

What does that mean?

Harvey wanted you to stay.

I wanted you to leave. You chose to stay.

So your priorities, they seem pretty clear to me.

Rachel, come on.

Hey, wait a minute if they charge you with something, they're gonna go through your records, and they are going to realize that you're not a member of the bar.

No, they won't.

What are you talking about?

I had Lola Jensen hack into the bar and put me in their records.

And when were you going to tell me?

I was going to tell you everything last night, but you didn't exactly seem like you were in the mood.

Oh, I'm not in the mood right now either.

I am gonna go outside and get some air.

Why don't you just stay here and figure out if there's some other crime you can commit to get out of this one?

You should have called me the minute this went down.

There wasn't time.

You had time to see Allison Holt.

I was trying to get out in front of it.

Allison Holt isn't our problem.

Mike Ross is.

The U.S. Attorney keeps poking around, he's gonna find out that his star witness isn't even in the bar. No, he won't.

If they look in the bar, they'll find Mike Ross listed as a member.

You had him commit another felony?

You want me to say that out loud?

No, I don't.

I'd rather get back to the matter at hand.

We need to make sure Harold Gunderson doesn't talk.

Then you need to learn more about the man who's trying to make him talk, because he's coming for you, and you don't know who he is, what he'll do, or what he's got.

I know one thing... if he had any kind of proof, someone here would have already been arrested.

Arrested? For what?

We're being investigated for the settlement between us and Bratton Gould in the Hessington case.

Quelling didn't go away?

Quelling threatened to go to the bar.

This is the U.S. Attorney's office.

Well, that only matters if the allegations have merit.

I never thought I would have to ask this, but do the allegations have merit?

We're handling this, Scottie.

I didn't ask who was handling it.

I asked if they have merit.

Scottie. Scottie.

What, are you gonna be charming?

Quote a TV show?

What happened to "I'm going to do better"?

God damn it, I'm trying.

Harvey, I don't think you understand what trying means.

You know what, Scottie? You keep on thinking that there are things being withheld from you, but--

But what? It's just business?

It is just business.


As a senior partner, I want to know if this firm outright broke any laws.

Harvey, I need to talk to you.

Not now, Donna.

If you want me to talk to Stephanie, you have to tell me what you want me to ask her right now.


I guess it's "not now, Scottie."

Mike. Mike. I need to talk to you.

No, no, I can't even be seen with you.

Go, now. But you have to talk to me.

Allison Holt just fired me out of the blue.

I'm freaking out, man. Harold, listen to me.

You have to calm down, all right?

Harold Gunderson, you're not welcome here.

You know what, Louis?

We're kind of in the middle of something right now, so--

Well, I don't give a shit. Mike, do me a favor.

Do not let this unappreciative ex-employee into our offices.

Harold, you have to go, right now.

No, wait, Mike. Please.

I got a call from the U.S. Attorney's office asking for me to come in.

Somehow, they're onto what we did, and I think we need to... Harold, Harold, Harold.


All I know about that settlement is that you stuck it to us because you saw the chance to get back at us for firing you.

Mike, that's not true.

I don't want to hear it, Harold.

What you did was harsh and vindictive, but it was completely legal because you initiated it.

And nobody can prove anything other than that as long as we both remember it.

I lost my job, Mike.

I'm sorry about that, Harold.

I wish there was something I could do.

Now I have to go back inside.

Michael Ross, Harold Gunderson, you're under arrest for conspiracy to defraud the United States government.

Hey. Thanks for meeting with me.

Donna, you can thank me all you want.

I don't know anything about Eric Woodall.

Stephanie, come on.

You know everything that goes on in that office.

You just don't want to tell me.

What do you want to know?

Well, how about we start with why he's coming after Harvey?

Because he hates dirty lawyers.

He thinks they're the scum of the earth.

And Harvey got on his radar?

And the reason Woodall's not on your radar is because the last case he won took him four years.

So you're saying he'll stop at nothing?

Not that I've ever seen.

Then we need to know what he's got.

No way.

I called you when they brought your guy in.

I could lose my job for that as it is.

You have something else a lot more important than your job, thanks to me.

When are you gonna stop holding that over my head?

In another 30 seconds if you tell me what I need to know.


He's got nothing.

But the thing is, he wins with nothing.

You just said he hates dirty lawyers, and now you're saying he'll break the law?

He may, he may not.

But he'll definitely bend the shit out of it.

I want to know what's going on.

I told you what's going on.

Harvey and I are taking care of a situation.

That's a bullshit answer, and you know it.

I don't know how it went with you and Edward Darby, but you come into my office with that attitude, and it won't go well for you with me.

My attitude comes from the fact that I worked for Edward Darby.

I don't want to work for another one.

You're way out of line.

Your name is not on the door here.

No, but if this all comes down because of something you and Harvey did, I'm tainted by it.

Then walk away, Scottie. I'm not stopping you.

No, the noncompete you had me sign is stopping me.

Is that what's stopping you?

Jessica, I moved my life back to New York.

I don't want to move again.

So I'm asking you one more time... what is going on?

What's going on, is you and Harvey made an impulsive deal for you to come here, and clearly, it's not working out, or you'd be having this conversation with him and not me.

Well, look what the cat dragged in.

I've been in here for two hours.

You said I was under arrest, but I still haven't been processed.

I demand to call Harvey.

Sorry, we can't have that.

Then I guess you can't have a guilty verdict against me or anybody else, because I know my rights.

Well, I'm afraid your rights have run smack into a little something called the Patriot Act.

Whatever bullshit you're trying to pull only applies to t*rrorists.

Then it's a good thing there are allegations of terrorism against those Hessington witnesses.


You're not gonna get away with this.

I'm not getting away with anything.

I'm just being thorough by looking into these allegations.

Try to be patient.

Maybe, uh, think about the fact that Harold Gunderson is trying to be patient right next door.

Pacing. Right on schedule.

First sign that a man is losing it.

It's called walking.

You can call it what you want.

I know what I'm looking at.

Yeah. So do I.

A guy who looked into those t*rror1st allegations and came up with nothing.

I'll admit the rumors about those witnesses were unsubstantiated.

But I'd be negligent if I didn't look into an American with ties to such questionable characters.

And you never know what a thorough background check is gonna turn up.

Then go ahead.

Do your background check, so I can get out of here, because all this is doing is making me bored.

Well, I can take care of that for you.

Why don't I let you watch a little TV?

Now, that's pacing.

Did you find out anything useful on Eric Woodall?

I found out we need to start going on offense.


Donna's having Mike compile every piece of communication during that settlement to prove Harold contacted us first, not the other way around.

Is that true?

You really want to know?

After that, we're gonna read up on every tactic Woodall used in his last case.


Took him four years.

Dog with a bone.

That's why we're going on offense.

Well, I found out something too.

Scottie wants to leave.


She asked out of her noncompete.

And what did you say?

I said I had to discuss it with my partner.

It would have been nice if she discussed it with her partner.

She accused me of some pretty shady shit.

And she's right.

What are you talking about?

I told you earlier, I didn't want to know about Mike and the bar, and just now, you asked me if I wanted to know about Mike and Harold, and again, I didn't want to know.

And "I don't want to know" is exactly what Edward Darby said.

We're not him.

Edward Darby didn't commit those murders.

He just covered them up.

And it seems to me we keep doing things, and then we have to keep covering them up.

We're not him.

What do you want me to tell Scottie?

If she doesn't want to be here, let her go.

[Elevator dings]

What the hell did you do?

You know what I did.

I handed you in to the bar.

Mike Ross and I had a deal.

Yeah, well, that deal went away when he got brought in for questioning by the U.S. Attorney.

What? That wasn't me.

I didn't go to them.

I don't give a shit if you went to them or not.

This whole thing started when you walked into my office with a lawsuit you were bribed to create.

And after that, I made a deal with Mike.

And I held to my end of the bargain.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

That deal went away when they picked him up, hauled him in, and then tried to get him to turn on me.

Well, you can still stop this.

Yeah, well, I'm not going to.

Well, then you better look over your shoulder every day for the rest of your natural-born life.

What did you say?

You heard me.

Listen to me, you son of a bitch.

You pulled out a g*n and threatened to sh**t my guy, and I don't give a shit if you didn't mean to sh**t it, because it went off.

They're looking into me because of you.

And I ever so much as hear your name again, I will find you, and I will break every bone in your body.

You are nothing but a badass on his high horse.

Well, Mr. badass, I may have started them looking into what you did, but you were the one who did it.

Quelling, be on your way.

[Phones ringing]

Rachel, have you seen Mike?

No, Louis, I haven't.

Okay. Is something wrong?

Yeah, something's wrong. We got into a fight.

I haven't seen him since.

Well, I haven't seen him since he was talking to Harold, but I need him to give me... He was talking to Harold?

Yeah, I don't know, they were having some idiotic fight outside. Why?

No, it's nothing. I have to go talk to Harvey.

Whoa, wait a second. Harvey?

Does this have something to do with why he missed his meeting this morning? I can't.


You need to tell me what the hell's going on right now.


Donna, I know you saw what happened in the lobby.

I don't want to hear about it.

Harvey, I can't find Mike.


I've tried his email, I've tried texting, I've looked everywhere.

I'm telling you, Mike is nowhere to be found.

Louis, not now.

Yes, now, Harvey.

I know where he is.

He's under arrest, along with Harold Gunderson.

We need to get down there right now.

Let me get this straight.

You two were in a heated conversation when we picked you up, and that had nothing to do with this.

It had everything to do with it.

You mean you were trying to cover your tracks.

No, we were having a heated conversation about what bullshit charges these are.

Okay, I'm done playing your games.

He was your only friend at that firm, you got fired.

You got him another job, and that's why you went to him to set this whole thing up.

You've got your information wrong.

He wasn't my friend.

I had the chance to save his job...

But instead, he threw me under the bus.

That is why I instituted this lawsuit.

So you can take your bullshit allegations somewhere else because I am not gonna roll on Harvey.

I'm not rolling on Mike.

And Harold is not gonna roll on me.

You guys are well rehearsed.

So I'll ask you again, is that what you were doing on the street today?


Jesus Christ, you know, you drive like my Nana... he drives like my Nana, and she's 102.

Relax, Louis. Ray's on it.

Nobody's getting us there faster.

I mean, I can't believe this whole thing's been going on and I've been completely out of the loop.

Louis, I don't want to rehash it.

Right now, Mike's in custody.

We need to get him out.

Yeah, and you need to tell me what the hell happened.

Are you asking if we broke the law when we made that settlement with Harold?

That's exactly what I'm asking.

We have exposure.

Well, then you better hope that Ray drives a little g*dd*mn faster, because you and I both know what's going on in there.

Let me tell what we're dealing with here.

Conspiring to bribe witnesses... seven years.

You filed a sworn declaration in support of your suit.

That's perjury... another two years.

And to top it all off, the money was transferred overseas, which would be... well, you're a lawyer. Fill in the blank.

Wire fraud.


Big winner. And your prize is 20 more years.

And here's the thing. I am gonna make sure that it's not a cushy white-collar prison.

[Car horn honking]

This is just ridiculous.

If Harold isn't broken by now, I'll shit my pants.

If Harold's broken, then when we get there, Mike's gonna be on his way to prison.

Someone needs to get in there and hold his hand.

Not someone...

You. Are you serious?

I'm the last person in the world that Harold Gunderson wants to see right now.

Louis, when we were associates, who did you fear most?

That's easy. My mother.

I meant in the firm.

Daniel Hardman.

So who would you most want to come in and take on Eric Woodall, if you were in that room?

Daniel Hardman.


Look, Harold may not like you, but he respects you, and he's all alone.

Now, when we get there, I need you to channel your inner Hardman, get him to trust you, and then shut him the hell up.

Can I talk to you for a second?

You look concerned.


Do you know why I never batted an eye when I found out Harvey had hired a kid who didn't go to law school?

Because you're loyal to him.

Because I knew what was inside him.

And I thought if he had a protege--

He could have hired a protege from Harvard.

But he wouldn't have been forced to protect him.

And he wouldn't have become the man he is today.

Well, now that protege is in trouble.


They have Mike and Harold Gunderson in custody.

Then Harvey's in trouble too.


Mike would never turn on Harvey.

You never know what might happen to a person once they get in that room.

Not now, Scottie.

Donna, I'm just writing him a note telling him I wanted to talk.


"To talk."

I don't think you know how hard he's trying.

I know he's trying.

I'm just not sure that it's good enough.

You knew who he was, Scottie.

And I thought he would change.

I think he has changed, and if it's not enough for you, then--

That's not the problem.

I think that he's changed too much, and I think it happened before I got back.

He's a good man, Scottie, but he's not perfect.

Sometimes you just have to take what you get, or walk away.

You know, they did an experiment a few years back.

Took five mice, put 'em in a cage, fed them just enough to survive, and you know what happened?

One by one, they cornered the weakest mouse and ate him alive.

You know what you're gonna be when you get to prison, Mike?

The weakest mouse. Bullshit.

They have done studies, and I've read them, and that's not what happens.

The only way a mouse eats one of his own is if he's been contaminated by another species.


Yeah, you're right. It's bullshit.

But you know who believed it when I told it to him, five minutes ago?


[Knock at door]

[Door opens]

Looks like you're out of time. Harold's ready to talk.

You want to tell me something first?

Get to him before he changes his mind.

I demand to see my client.

You can see him, but I'm not letting him go, 'cause in five minutes, I'm gonna come back to him with a sledgehammer.

Not so fast.

I demand to see my client, and my client isn't Mike Ross, it's Harold Gunderson.

And you are?

Louis Litt, Pearson Specter.

You're telling me that a man who works at the law firm he's accused of colluding with just happens to be his attorney?

That's exactly what I'm saying.



What's bullshit is you thinking it's up to you who gets to represent Harold Gunderson.

So if I walk in there right now and ask him who his attorney is, he's gonna say it's you?

Doesn't matter what he says.

It's 4:07, and if you don't let me see my client, anything he says after this second will be inadmissible.

And I will rain down fourth amendment claims on you for the rest of your g*dd*mn life.

[Door opens]

If you wanted some me time, all you had to do was ask.

You'd better have some good news for me, otherwise I'm gonna be having plenty of me time.

Harvey, this Woodall guy is serious.

I'm serious too.

Then why am I still in here?

Because we're waiting for Louis.

Louis? To do what?

Convince Harold not to talk.

Holy shit. Louis is in with Harold?

Harold hates Louis!

It's our best shot.

So what do we do now?

We wait.

Louis, what are you doing here?

First off, how you doing?

How do you think I'm doing?

I'm in the seventh circle of hell.

Well, the cavalry has arrived.

I don't need the cavalry. I've decided to get out.

Okay, Harold, you cannot sign a deal.

You'll never work as a lawyer again.

What do you care? You fired me as a lawyer.

Now all of a sudden you're my best friend when you need something from me? Go to hell, Louis!

Okay, you know what?

You're right.

I'm not your friend. Never was.

But the one thing I've never done is lie to you.

Now, you have a chance to walk out of here today, as if none of this has ever happened, and all you have to do is trust me.

You have no idea who that man is.

No idea?

How do you think I got in the room?

Okay, well, you know, Louis, I am glad you got to take a good look at it, because if I don't give them Mike, I could be in here for the rest of my life.

Lawyers don't get paid to look out the window.


I can't concentrate either.

I just wish there was something we could do.

Rachel, if this thing moves forward to trial, I will do everything in my power to win.

But there's two minutes left in the game, and our star players are on the field.

So right now, we just have to have faith.



You're going to work here.

We're going to be family.

And the way to get to know your family is by being with them when their loved ones are in trouble.

How long do we wait?

As long as it takes.

I want to talk to you about my defense strategy.

This is your defense strategy.

If this doesn't work, you're gonna want to talk to a different lawyer than me.

Harvey, I don't care what Harold gives them on me, I'm not giving them you.

I want to tell you a story.

I don't want to hear a story.

It's about the time I decided to tell my dad about my mom.

You remember what I told you about her?


I was 20, out of the house, and I told her I would never tell him as long as she never brought anyone--

I came home to do laundry one day, and I heard--

I heard, and then I saw, and I told him that night.

Because sometimes it's better to tell.

She deserved that.

So do I.

This whole thing was my idea.

I gave the go-ahead. It's me Woodall wants.

Well, he's not getting you!

Yes, he is.

No, I don't care what happens in that room, I'm not giving you up!

Don't be a fool.

Don't be an assh*le!

Listen to me, God damn it, I'm giving you permission--

I don't give a shit what you're giving me!

I hired a fraud.

And then we crossed the line with Clifford Danner, then with Lola Jensen, and then with these witnesses, and to top it all off, we suborned perjury with Edward Darby.

If it comes to it, you point the finger at me, you got that.

Let's just hope it doesn't come to it.

It's over. Let's get the hell out of here.

Hey, Mike. How's it going?

Mr. Specter!


Just because you stopped Gunderson from testifying doesn't mean I'm dropping this case.

Then don't.

And I'll come after you for malicious prosecution.

You have no basis for that.

You arrested my client, he was here four hours, and you have no log with an outgoing call to me, all on the basis of a fabricated terrorism claim.

Now, if that's not malicious, I don't know what is.

You say what you want.

You're a dirty lawyer, and now you're on my radar.

If I'm a dirty lawyer, then you're looking in the mirror.

[Rock music]


I'm so sorry.

[Crying] I just thought that Rachel.

I would never--

Everything's gonna be okay.

Hey, honey, I'm home.

Did you remember to pick up the kids like I asked?


The youngest one's turning into a real pain in the ass.

It's good to have you back.

Good to be back.

What's on your mind, Harvey?

You were right. We are becoming Edward.

I know.

And we need to get back to being us.

Did you let her know about our decision yet?

I assumed you'd want to take care of that yourself.



You want a drink?

They do it on Mad Men, right?

Jessica and I are gonna let you out of your noncompete.

What about the buy-in?

We'll take care of the buy-in.

Harvey, I, um--

Mike Ross never went to law school.

I knew it, and I hired him anyway.

Why are you telling me now?

Because you accused Jessica of being Edward Darby.

It wasn't her. It was me.

I still can't stay, Harvey.

I know.

I just want to stop lying to the people I love.

I'm sorry.

I told her.

I know.

She won't tell anyone.

I know.

She's leaving.

I know.

Harvey, you're a good man.

Am I?

I turned Quelling into the bar.

I took my rage out on him.

He didn't deserve it.

Which is why I stopped it.

What are you talking about?

Do you seriously think that Stephanie Liston is the only person who owes me a favor?

Well, that doesn't make me a good man.

That makes you a good man for me.

Harvey, sometimes we need a little help.

[Soft rock music]

Big day.

Horrible day.

It ended well.

Thank you.

You and Louis really came through.

So did you.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

No, you don't.

You don't want to go to jail.


I sat in that room today and listened to you tell me that ever since the day we met, you've had to cross one line after another, and... Mike-

No, just... Let me finish.

First there was Clifford Danner, then the witnesses, then suborning perjury, not to mention the 17 things we did to stop the merger in the first place.

All of it, since you hired me.

Look, that's not what I said.

Yes, it is.

[Sighs] I wasn't blaming you for those things.

It doesn't matter.

I'm tired of putting the people I care about in jeopardy.

I called Jonathan Sidwell this afternoon.

I took the job.

We just got out.


You gave me permission to point the finger at you.

Give me permission to go.

You're a good man, Harvey.


Hey, when's your last day?

I don't know. Why?

Well, I want to take you out to dinner, you know?

I'm not gonna see you anymore.

I don't think you realize, but I'm not exactly leaving.

Sidwell. You're a client.

Which means technically, you work for me now.

No, I don't. "No, I don't, boss."

Don't even try it.

Or "sir."

Whichever feels least comfortable.

You know, since I'm working alone now, I guess that makes me Superman.

Or Aquaman, seeing as you're in over your head.
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