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03x22 - A Father's Faith

Posted: 06/05/23 18:50
by bunniefuu
Bob, I'm gonna catch me
some breakfast.

- I'll see you in about an hour.
- Okay.

Look at the time. I gotta run, Mom.

Michele, sit down
and wait for your father.

- I'm gonna be late.
- You have plenty of time.

He keeps complaining
that he doesn't see you anymore.

He says he thinks he saw more of you
when you were away at college.

Good morning, hon.

Oh, hi, your eggs are ready.

Does our daughter live here, Marge,
or does she just drop in for breakfast?

Daddy, I've been working late
at the newspaper.

You're always asleep
by the time I get home.

You're right, pumpkin.

I can't remember the last time
I was up past . Thank you.

On mornings like this,
I'm sure not feeling any younger.

You know,
you never think of yourself anymore.

You should really take a rest

She's right.
Why don't we take the day off?

I'll make us a picnic lunch

and we can sit on the beach
like we used to.

Well, I sure would like to, hon,
but Tony's expecting me.

All right, all right.

Let's go to the : show,
the new one, if you want.

Tony sure loved hearing about
the one we saw together last week.

Dad, you've been there every day
since I've been home.

You should think of yourself

I do think of myself.

I seem to be the only one in this family
who thinks of Tony.

Gene, Michele,
let's not argue again.

My son needs me.

So do your wife and daughter.
He doesn't even know you're there.

This is perfect timing.
The half-day charter just got in.

I'm looking for some bloodworms.

An old friend of mine once told me
that's what the big ones bite on.

Mark. Mark Gordon.

I can't believe my eyes.

It's great to see you.
You're looking great.

Well, you're looking good too.
This is Jonathan Smith.

This is Gene Malloy.

This man right here taught me
everything I know about fishing.

Nice to meet you.
Heard a lot about you.

Thanks. What a surprise.

I've gotta get Marge out here.
She'll never believe it.

We gotta rent you an outfit.

Why? I like what I got on.

I'm talking about fishing equipment.
You knew that.

Mark, I thought Gene
was imagining things.

I can't remember
the last time I saw you.

- It's been too long.
- Yeah.

- Jonathan Smith.
- Nice to meet you.

- Hello.
- What brings you guys to these parts?

Well, I wanna see my old buddy
and maybe get in a little fishing.

What time
does the afternoon charter go out?

No, no, we don't do
afternoon charters anymore.

Oh, well, we got the easy life now.

How about you and me going out?

You know,
we could make a little wager or two.

I'd like to, but I was just heading out
to see Tony.


He must be out of school
and working by now.

I haven't seen him since high school.
What a great kid.

Tony went to college on scholarships
in track and music.

- What's he doing now?
- He's over at the Convalescent Home.

Say, would you guys
like to come along with me?

- Might do him some good to see you.
- Convalescent Home?

What's he doing there?
What happened?

Well, there was an accident
a few years ago.

Tony and Michele,
they were swimming.

You know, those kids
were around water all their lives.

Michele's okay,
but Tony's had a rough time of it.

He's been in a coma ever since.

Anyway, look, would you guys
like to come along?

- Yeah, sure.
- We'll see you later, darling.

- Okay.
- Bye-bye.

You guys gonna stay for supper?

When we come back,

I can fix up some of that fish stew
you like so much.

Sounds good to me.

Look who's here, son.

My old fishing buddy, Mark Gordon.

And that's his friend
Jonathan Smith.

you used to call him Uncle Mark.

Come here. Come here, Mark.
Come here.

Come on.

Say something to him.

Take his hand.

Hi, Tony.

Do you remember me?

Of course he remembers you.

I knew you would.

You remember how mad Mark
used to get when you'd out-fish him?

- And you were just a little fella then.
- Listen...

He's had a rough time, like I said,
but he's hanging in there.

He's a fighter.

Aren't you, son?

We're gonna be back fishing together

The boat's just sitting there
in the water--


Is there a bathroom in the hall?

Yes, back down the hall on the right.

We'll be back, Gene.

I just--I can't go back in there.

It's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

Why can't he see
that he's hopeless?

Because to Gene,
he's just having a rough time of it.

- I mean, Tony can't hear him.
- We don't know that.

He's unconscious.

Mark, people have come out of comas
and remembered what they heard.

People they love talking to them.

I just can't handle Gene
not being able to deal with it.

He is dealing with it in his own way.

Well, I can't.

I'm sorry, I can't.


I'll tell him something came up.

We'll come back, pick him up later
and take him back to the house.

It's almost four years,
but I remember it like it was yesterday.

When the police came to the door

and told us the kids
were in the hospital.

Well, it's a parent's worst nightmare.

How'd it happen? I mean, Tony
was always such a good swimmer.

They were both
like two fish in the water.

But Michele got a cramp
and she called to Tony to help her.

He was a lifeguard.

Before he could get to her,
he was caught in the undertow.

Another swimmer heard her
and got to her in time,

but by the time they found Tony,
it was...

Couldn't they do anything for him?

Michele finally,
after a year, convinced us

that Tony wouldn't wanna live
like that anymore.

So it was the hardest decision
we ever had to make,

but we decided to take him
off the life-support system.

It didn't change anything.

And Gene goes to see him
every day?

Doesn't miss a day. Not one.

Maybe having somebody there
could help in Tony's recovery.

That's all Gene had to hear,
and so he just--

He'll never give up.
Never, even if it kills him.

Well, I can't go
and see my son like that.

And that's what's k*lling me.

I can't understand why things like this
happen to nice people.

That's a question I can't answer.

I mean, Tony was such a bright kid
with a great future ahead of him.

It just doesn't seem fair.

Come on, let's go get Gene.

- What happened?
- Looks like a heart attack.

My God.

I'd better call Marge.

I was feeling fine.
I don't know how this happened to me.

The doctor said
you were very lucky this time

that it wasn't a heart attack.

You're not as young as you used to be.
You try to do too much.

We told you, Daddy,
you needed to rest.

You know, you haven't taken
a vacation in years.

If you take care of yourself,

the doctor said
this doesn't have to happen again.

It won't happen again.

I just wanna know
when I can get out of this place.

- You've only been here for five days.
- Well, I've got things to do.

Like going to see Tony?

I don't suppose
either of you have been there.

- Daddy, you're really being un-
- Oh, no, please.

Michele, let's not start.

Will you quit faking?

Hey, Mark, come on in.

Listen, old buddy, if you didn't wanna
go fishing with me,

that's all you had to do
was just say so.

Some visit this turned out to be.

You guys were gonna surprise me,
and look what I pulled on you.

Hey, don't worry about it.
You'll be out of here in no time.

Can't be soon enough for me.

This man can't sit still
for two minutes.

Well, unless he's got a fishing pole
in his hand.

Mark, you done any fishing yet?

No, not yet,
but we're gonna hang on for a while.

So if there's anything
we can do to help...

No, no, no.
Everything's under control.

Happy to give you a hand
with the boat.

- No, we can handle everything.
- Gene, it might not be a bad idea.

I mean,
if Mark and Jonathan don't mind.

Mind? No, we'd be happy to.

Are you sure?

You guys are
supposed to be on vacation.

Will you quit arguing?

Okay, okay, I won't argue.

- Good night.
- Michele.

Look, I don't wanna say goodbye
like this.

- I don't wanna say goodbye at all.
- That's not what you said an hour ago.

I was angry. Do you blame me?

Yes, I blame you.

You could've been
more understanding.

How long do I have to be

How many times
are you gonna tell me

we have to postpone the wedding?

This has been going on
for two years now.

- My father needs me now.
- Michele, I need you now.

First, it was your brother,
now your father.

I'm tired of being in third place
in your life.

I mean, you act like everything
that's happened was your fault.

The conversation's over.

- Hi.
- Mr. Smith.

Trouble with having houseguests,

you can't even have an argument
in private, I'm sorry.

Don't be.
It's been coming on for a while now.

Can't blame him. He loves you.

Then he should understand.

Come on, you can marry him now.

You can still help your father

I can't.

Not until...

Not until what?

I can't.


You deserve happiness too,
you know.

Good night.

It's great to be out
in the fresh air again.

I can't wait to get back
to the old routine.

Hey, will you slow down, pal?

It's that old routine that got you
in that condition in the first place.

No, I'm as good as new.
I feel like I had a vacation.

A few nights in a hospital bed
is not a vacation.

You heard what the doctor said.
A little trip will do you good.

That is a great idea, a little trip.
That's just what the doctor ordered.

I've got things to do, that's all.

Jonathan and I have got everything
under control.

You've got nothing to worry about.

Maybe. Let me think about it.

But first, I wanna stop off
and see Tony.

Mark, you take him, okay?
I wanna get back to the store.

You just don't realise
how much you enjoy your own bed

until you've been away from it
for a few days.

You never had trouble sleeping up
at Valhalla Waters.

As a matter of fact, we could be
sleeping up there by tomorrow night,

since Mark and Jonathan are going
to take care of things down here.

They don't know
how to run the business.

And business has been bad enough.

But it's only for a few days.

Remember how much we enjoyed
the last visit?

A little rest would do us
a world of good.

Honey, I know it would,

but I just couldn't enjoy myself
right now.

- I feel so far behind with everything.
- Why don't you say it?

It's because of Tony you won't go.

- No, it's not just because of Tony.
- Then why?

What about all our plans?

The time we dreamed of together
when the kids were little?

- We still have time for all that.
- When?

Gene, we've had a scare.

It's a sign.
It's time to take care of us.

Then who's going to take care
of Tony?

He could outlive all of us.
What then?

He will. He will get better,
and he will take care of himself.

Gene, stop fooling yourself.
This is it.

This is the way
our son's life is going to be.

And I can't stand
to watch this anymore.

We've got a full load this morning.

- Isn't Marge here yet?
- No, I haven't seen her.

What's going on?

She knows the three of us
are going out this morning.

Gene, don't worry about it.
I can stay here and watch the store.

No, no, no.

No answer.

She's on her way, I'm sure.


Michele, did you see your mother
this morning?

She's gone. That's why I'm here.

- What are you talking about?
- She packed up and left.

Where did she go?

She wouldn't tell me.

Don't act surprised.

What did you expect?

You know, Mom hasn't even existed
these past two years.

It's Tony, always Tony.

Day after day, sitting with someone
who doesn't even know you're there,

while your wife sits alone.

She doesn't have to sit alone.
She can come along with me.

And do what?
Stare at what used to be her son?

What do you mean, used to be?
He's my son.

I just wish you could see
the progress he is making.

You know the doctors would tell you

if there were any change
in his condition.

The doctors don't know everything.

They don't sit with him every day.
I do.

Oh, Daddy.

The other day, I was telling him
about a movie we liked.

I saw him move his finger.
He was telling me he liked it.

Daddy, Tony can't tell you anything.

He's a vegetable,
and he always will be.

Why don't you take the day off?
We got the boat covered.

- Hey, you got trouble?
- Yeah, the stupid thing won't start.

Pop the hood, I'll take a look.

I shouldn't have said those things.

No, you shouldn't.

Doesn't he see
what he's doing to his family?

All we do is argue.
I'm telling you, it's always the same.

Tony, Tony.

I mean, doesn't he know that
I love my brother as much as he does?

Then why don't you go see him?

Michele, if you'd just visit Tony,
then maybe your dad

would have some time for himself
and for your mother.

I'm telling you, it's hopeless.

He doesn't feel anything,
he doesn't know anything,

he doesn't remember anything.

- You don't know that.
- Yes, I do.

Try the engine again.


It's good to see you.

Mrs. Malloy, welcome back.

Haven't seen you
in quite a few years.

Oh, I know it has been quite a while.

I didn't make a reservation.
This was kind of spur-of-the-moment.

There's always room for you.

Where's the mister?

- Gene couldn't make this trip.
- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Your favourite room is vacant.

Oh, thank you.

I think I'll take a walk.

- Just put my bags in the room, okay?
- You bet.

Hello, Marge.

Jonathan, how did you know
where to find me?

You talked about coming here.
I just took a chance.

What's happened? What's wrong?

- Gene, is he all right?
- No, no, no, he's fine.

I didn't mean to alarm you.

We came here on our honeymoon.

And then for years afterwards
with the kids.

This was our special place.

We thought that we might live here
one day and...

Then everything changed
the last few years.

I know.

Something like this can do
one of two things to a family,

either bring them closer together
or tear them further apart.

The three of you
are letting it tear you apart.

you don't know what it's like.

My son died.

- I can't even bury him.
- Marge, he's not dead.

He's not alive.

I love my son.

But I can't--
I just cannot go on living this way.

- Then do something about it.
- What, for God's sake?

Go see him. Go see him.

I did for over a year.

Then why did you stop?

Because it was no use.

Why do you think that I convinced
Gene to tell the doctors

to take him off the machine?

Is that when you stopped
seeing him?


That was the hardest decision
I've ever had to make in my life.

Sometimes you wish he was dead,
don't you, Marge?

- What?
- You heard me.

Don't you wish that sometimes?

Yes, yes, yes, damn it, yes!

So that we could stop the suffering
and the waiting and the praying.

Yes, yes.


Marge, don't avoid seeing your son
because of guilt.

That's what you're doing.

But guilt is such a waste,
it's so useless.

Marge, you love your son.

I-- I--

Then see him.

Marge, see him and love him.

Michele sends her love, son.

I wish you could see
what a beautiful young woman

your kid sister's turned out to be.

No more tomboy.

I'm real proud of her.

She's got a big job as a reporter
at the DailyTribune.

And she wants to get married
real soon.

Married, my baby daughter.

Maybe you'll be able
to come to the wedding, son.

We'd all like that.

I'm really worried
about your mom, son.

She'd never done anything like this,
not in years of marriage.

I really miss her.

I love your mom and sister.

Well, thanks for listening.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

I love you, Tony.

How long have you been here?

Not long.


Long enough.

Look, Gene.

I know
it's none of my business, man,

but when is the last time
you said that to your wife or daughter?

Said what?

What you just said to Tony.

That you're proud of Michele,

you're worried about Marge.

And that you love them.

Of course I love them.
They know all that.

Maybe they do, but we all need
to hear it once in a while.

It's not easy to say.

Who said it was?

You don't seem to have any trouble
saying it to Tony.

He's easy to talk to.


Why, Gene?
Because he doesn't answer back?

Gene, listen to me.

Tony needs to know how you feel.

But so does Michele
and so does Marge.

I don't know what to say anymore.

We always end up in an argument.

But you can't stop trying.

If you stop trying,

then this whole family
may as well be in a coma.

I don't wanna be the only one
who has hope anymore.

Gene, you need to tell them.

Tell your wife and daughter how much
you need them before it's too late.

- Jonathan.
- In here.

did Marge call by any chance?

- No, but I saw her today.
- Where?

Up at the Valhalla lodge.

The lodge?

So that's where she went.
I should have known.

Gene, you gotta go up there.

Just for a few days.

She needs you away from all this.

I can't, not now.

Oh, come on,
what did we talk about back there?

You have got a daughter.
She can visit Tony while you're gone.

She won't go. I've already asked her.

No, you accuse her, you yell at her.

Have you ever just sat her down
and asked her?

Told her how much it would
mean to you and her mother?

Have you?

All right.

I'll try.

- I waited up for you last night.
- I was working on a story.

Your mother's up at the lodge.
Jonathan talked to her.

Well, good for her.

I was thinking about driving up there
to join her.

- Daddy, do you mean that?
- Yeah.

I thought I'd drive up there
this morning to surprise her.

- That would be great.
- But there is one thing, though.

I can help Jonathan and Mark with
anything that comes up at the pier.

They can call me at work
if they need me.

That's not what it is, though.

Oh, no.

Dad, not Tony.
Don't ask me to do that.

- Michele, he's your brother.
- That body is not my brother.

My brother is dead.

Don't you ever say that again.


I brought you some new tapes.
I thought you'd like them.

You are going to get better.

I don't care what anyone says.

I'll always be with you, son.

I won't let you go.

Never, never, never.

How you doing?

It's really lovely, isn't it?

Oh, yes. Yes, it is.

You got the best seat in the house
to watch the sunset.

I bet I've watched a thousand sunsets
from this spot.

This must've been a fun place
to grow up in.

- Like being on vacation all the time.
- I didn't grow up here.

My dad bought this place
when I was in high school.

I guess we've lived here
about eight years.

Where'd you live before that?

Another little town by the ocean.

With my dad's business,
we always live near the water.

Your dad's a great guy.

I bet your brother Tony
is a lot like him.

Was, not is.

I think you're writing your brother off
a little too soon.

- Now, you sound just like my dad.
- What's wrong with that?

My dad blames me
for what happened to Tony.

Does he?

It sounds to me like
the only one blaming you is yourself.

Oh, no.

He blames me.

If Tony wasn't trying to save me,
this never would've happened.

Come on, you don't know that.
He was out there swimming.

He could've been by himself and
the same thing would've happened.

But he wasn't.

And I called to him for help,
and look what happened.

That's why he thinks it's my fault.

You can't go through your whole life
feeling guilty.

I don't feel guilty.

My father's just
never gonna forgive me.

I know that.

He doesn't blame you.

He never says it, but he does.

All he cares about is Tony.

He's not even gonna leave him
to go up and see Mom.

Well, he would
if you'd help out a little bit.

- I've already told him no.
- Why?

That's my business.
You wouldn't understand.

You talk a lot
about wanting to help your family.

Why don't you do something
for a change?

I mean, what's it gonna hurt?
A few visits.

Unless it is you that feels guilty.

I said I don't. I have no reason to.

Then prove it.

Tell your father he can go to the lodge.
Tell him you'll go see Tony.

All right.

All right.

I'll go stay with Tony.

Satisfied now?

Look, leave me alone, will you?

Will you smell that fish?
I mean, there is nothing like it.

Are you sure you got enough?

The last time I saw a fish that large,
Gregory Peck was on his back.

Well, that's very funny.

Listen, Gene is getting along
better with his family,

so I got my appetite back.

See you later.
I'm going to visit Tony.

- Hey, want some company?
- No, don't worry about it.

I made a promise, remember?

Boy, what a change.

I think that's the first time I've seen
her smile since we've been here.

Yeah, she's a good actress.

What do you mean?

I mean, tonight Michele
is gonna have her moment of truth.

The real truth.

More beautiful than ever.

Yes, it is.

I meant you.

I missed you.

I missed you too.

I don't wanna talk about anything
except to say,

it's always been Tony,
nothing for you.

And I'm gonna try to change,
but you have to help me.

You have to let me keep my hope.

You understand?

I need us to hope and pray
as a family.

Will you try?

God, it seems like yesterday.

Come on, scaredy-cat.

The red flag is not up as a joke,
you know.

- There's a riptide today.
- Will you stop?

That flag's for babies and old people,
and you know it.

It's for everybody, sis.

Well, nobody's here
and I just wanna get wet.

- See you.
- Hey, I told you no.

My supervisor comes,
I can get fired.

- Michele.
- Tony.

- Michele!
- Tony!

- Michele!
- Tony!



- Oh, God, oh, God.
- No more running.

- Please, I can't stay here.
- Yes, you can.

No, I can't.

- God, forgive me.
- He has nothing to forgive you for.

What happened happened.
You couldn't have known.

But Tony told me not to go in,
and I did and I k*lled him.

He isn't dead.

Michele, your brother isn't dead,
and he doesn't blame you.

Yes, he does.
That's why I can't look at him.

You have to.

You have to look at him,
and you have to tell him how you feel.

Michele, he's your brother.
You have to tell him.

Do it.

Tell him.

Go on, he's your brother. Tell him.


You know,
what happened was all my fault.

I did this to you.

God, I wish I had died that day.

You should have let me.

Oh, God, forgive me, Tony.
Please forgive me.



He loves you.

Your brother loves you.

I'll tell you something, Jonathan.

I always knew. Deep down inside,
I always knew.

Just don't expect too much.

Don't worry, I'm realistic.

But the doctors are shocked.

They said he'd never move again
and he has.

I'm gonna keep praying
and I'm gonna keep talking.

We all are.

As long as he knows we love him,

he's gonna keep on fighting,
I know it.

- Hi, hon.
- I'm going over to see Tony.

You want me to take those new tapes
you bought him?

You went by this morning.
I'll take them over.

No, no, it's okay. I'm going anyway.

Rick got off early,
and I thought it was about time

Tony met his future brother-in-law.

Hey, let her take them, will you?

We haven't had our afternoon
of fishing yet, you know.

Oh, okay, okay.
You take them over, honey.

Tell Tony I'll see him tomorrow.

Okay, see you later.

- Hey, Marge.
- Yeah?

You wanna go fishing?
What do you say?

What about the store?

Just put up the sign:
"Gone Fishing."

Hey, you wanna spend time
with your husband or don't you?

I'll be right back.