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03x20 - The Hero

Posted: 06/05/23 18:49
by bunniefuu

Joe, what's the matter?

- Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
- That's all right.

- I scared you.
- What were you dreaming about?

What's the matter?

I don't know.

- Oh, no, I got the baby up.
- It's all right.

- I'm sorry.
- He needed to be fed, anyway.

Where's that toothache medicine,

Oh, I put it back
in the medicine chest.

- Oh, no.
- Sorry.

Oh, hi, big guy.

- Look at that guy go.
- I know.

His face is getting thinner.

He's starting
to look like a grownup, isn't he?

- He's starting to look like you.
- You think so?

Sure he does.

Your mother said
he just looks like you.

Of course, she's my mother.

- They're k*lling you, aren't they?
- Oh, are they ever.

I hope that paperwork comes through
at that VA tomorrow.

- I can't stand it.
- I can't believe the red tape.

I mean, six weeks
just to get clearance for dental work?

What if I needed
a heart transplant or something?

Thank God you're covered.

Thirty-eight hundred dollars?

I don't know how people do it.

They are? They're doing it?

Yeah, they are.

Why don't you go back to bed
and let me rock this child to sleep?

Good night, big guy.

I hope you're not waiting
for an answer.

Say, "Dada." Dada.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Missed again.

Come on, look,
I've come down here four times

trying to get this thing squared away,
you know?

- I know.
- Yeah, I know you know.

I mean, I gotta take off work
from the bank to do this, that's all.

All right. All right, Mr. Mason. Okay.

All right, well, let's see here.

Yeah, the findings of the board

are that you are not entitled
to dental care in this instance.


I'm sorry.

- There's gotta be a mistake there.
- No, there's no mistake.

How can that be?
I mean, how can that be?

Well, you see, the problem
is that the dental problem you have

is not directly connected
to your time in the service.

What, you mean I gotta get
my face blown away,

then you'd fix my teeth for me,
is that it?

In a way, that's what it means.

This is crazy.

Something's wrong here.

I'm a disabled veteran.

I know that.

I wish there was something
I could do, but...

Look, I want the board
to review this again

because there is definitely
something wrong here.

It won't do any good.
Those are the rules.

I lost a damn arm and leg, man.

I know that...

Look, I didn't make the rules.

What can I say? I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I do not believe it.

- You never do.
- I mean, all these people screaming

that we gotta get rid of
all our nuclear weapons.

- So?
- So?


if we get rid of all those weapons,

you know what
we're gonna wind up in?

A conventional w*r.

And I do not want to have
a conventional w*r

with a country that's got more people
in their marching band

than we got in our entire Army.

I mean, I thought the b*mb was
supposed to do away with world wars.

It's all so stupid,
you'd think people would learn.

Boy, if they wanna get rid of w*r,

I mean,
if they're really serious about it,

they should use my suggestion.

Your suggestion?
What are you talking about?

Use the hunter's philosophy.

- The hunter's philosophy?
- Yeah.

You gotta eat what you sh**t.
I guarantee, that'd put an end to it.

Hold on, we got an assignment.

All right, I want you to go up to a
Dr. Bonner's office. He's in Room .

You make an appointment
for : this afternoon.

- For who?
- You.

Wait a minute, wait, hold it.
What's wrong with me?

That's the assignment, isn't it?
The boss told you something.

You're not the assignment,
and it's not serious.

Jonathan, you tell me the truth.

I'm checking out. That's it, isn't it?

That's not it. Will you stop worrying?
I'll see you here later.

- Jonathan.
- What?

This Dr. Bonner,
he's a heart surgeon, right?

Wrong, he's a dentist.

A dentist? I hate going to dentists.

My teeth are fine.

The storm front is moving in
from the Northwest.

It should drop a considerable
amount of snow on the sierras.

As it moves into the basin,
there's a percent probability of rain.

The temperatures: highs in the s,
overnight lows in the s.

And now, the local news
at : this morning.

After a three-week delay,
the trial for accused k*ller,

Raymond Bourne,
will resume tomorrow.

indicted on counts of m*rder,

has spent the past days
in the dentist's chair.

Known in the press
as the Hilltop k*ller,

Bourne had complained constantly
during his trial

of pain due to dental problems.

His attorney, claiming his client could
not concentrate on court proceedings,

was granted the needed time
to correct his problems.

Bourne, in turn, thanked the taxpayers
as he left the dentist's office.

Hi, how you doing?

Jonathan Smith, I just started.

- Yeah, Joe Mason.
- Good to see you.

Where do you guys go
to eat around here?

- Anyplace that's cheap and still good?
- Yeah, Sally's around the corner.

Price is right and it's not bad.

You mind some company for lunch?

No. No, that'd be fine.

All right, terrific. Thanks.

What's the matter?
Sandwich no good?

No, no, it's fine.

I just got a bad toothache.
It hurts to chew.

There's nothing worse.

You really ought to get in
and see a dentist.

What's funny?


Hey, if you need a good dentist,
my buddy's going to one.

A man named Bonner over on Third.

- Bonner? That's my dentist.
- You gotta be kidding.

- No.
- Out of all the dentists in this town?

- Don't tell me it's not a small world.
- I'll be darned.

Look, I'm supposed to meet him
over there after work today.

If you're gonna go to the dentist,

I'd like to have a ride over
with you, if it's okay.

- Well, sure, yeah, that'd be all right.
- All right, great.

We'd better get going. Hey, Eve.

- Yes?
- Can I have the cheque?

Your cheque's been taken care of.

By whom?

That gentleman at the counter
over there. He insisted.

A friend of yours?

I never saw him before in my life.

Do I know you?

- No. Rudy Reinhardt. How you doing?
- Oh, I'm doing just fine, Rudy.

I want to know why
you picked up my cheque.

Just being friendly.

- Why?
- Why what?

Why aren't you picking up
my friend's cheque that's with me?

- Maybe he's a better guy than I am.
- Joe, it's getting late.

I don't give a damn.
I want Rudy here

to tell me why
he picked up my cheque.

- Hey. Hey, hey, look, I'm sorry, okay?
- I don't need sorry.

I want an answer.

Now, spit it out, Rudy. Come on,
tell me why you picked up my cheque.

- I said I was sorry.
- And?

I made a mistake,
and I didn't mean anything by it.


I just saw your combat pin and--

So you thought you'd buy
a disabled veteran a free lunch.

Well, let me tell you something, Rudy,
I don't need a free lunch.

And I don't need a damn medal,
and I don't need your pity.

I tell you what I do need, though,

I need someone to treat me
as well as you treat

your murderers and your thieves.

That's what I need.

Well, I bet you're glad
you came to lunch with me.

Don't worry about it.

You think I got a right to act like that

because I'm missing
a few parts too, huh?

You said that, I didn't,
so don't get on my case.

- It's my teeth.
- What?

My teeth, my teeth.
They're k*lling me, they hurt.

That's all it really is, is my teeth.

There you go.Thank you very much.

- This is a stickup.
- Hey.

Kathy, come on, that's not funny.

I hope you were dreaming about me.

- What?
- Well, you had your eyes closed,

and I was just hoping
you were dreaming about me.

Who else?
Well, what are you doing here?

We came to say hello
to my husband and his father.

How'd it go this morning?

Oh, yeah, real good.
Everything's covered.

- It's about time.
- Yeah.

Did they give you any excuse
for the delay?

The usual, honey.
Red tape, you know.

Well, at least it's over, huh?
Did you make an appointment?

No, I just thought maybe I'd,
you know, drop by after work.

I'll call now.
See if he has an opening at : .

Kath, I can do it.

I'd like to do it, all right?

Here, give your son a kiss.
Give Daddy a kiss.

Okay. I'll make some
marrow bone soup tonight.

- It'll be easy after the dentist.
- Oh, good, good.

- I love you.
- Yes, I love you too, honey.

Well, I'll see you
when you get home.

- Yes, dear.
- Yes, dear.

- My wife and kid.
- He's a cute-looking boy.

He looks like you.

- You've been talking to my mother.
- Excuse me.

- I would like to make a deposit.
- Yeah, sure.

Why didn't you tell her?
Tell her it was all for nothing.

Tell her nobody gives a damn.

She's making the appointment.

Where the hell
are you gonna get the money?

Is there something wrong?

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

There's something wrong.

Yeah, you're damn right,
something's wrong.

I was born here.
I fought for my country and for what?

You die, they give you a memorial.

You live, they give you the shaft.

You stopped again.
Something wrong?

Nothing's wrong. Nothing's wrong.

- Hey, take it easy.
- What's going on here, Joe?

It's his tooth, Mr. Kagin,
it's driving him up the wall.

Don't be a hero, Joe.

If you're feeling that bad,
you should just tell me.

- No, no, I'm okay now. I'm sorry.
- Smith will take over here.

- No, I'm fine.
- Joe, we close in ten minutes.

Take it easy.

Come on. Go relax.

I'll see you in the parking lot.

I'll take care of this for you.

Just a little more, Mr. Gordon.

No, listen, doc, it doesn't have to be
perfect, you know, I hardly ever smile.

It's not hurting you, is it?

It hurts me
to be in the same room with you.

I could dull it
a little more for you if you like.

No, no, no, just leave the needle
right there on the tray.

Okay, almost done. Open wide.

Come on, wide, come on.

- Hey.
- How you doing, buddy?

- Oh, fine, it was a piece of cake.
- Be right with you, Joe.

Oh, Mr. Gordon,
your teeth could use a real cleaning.

Yeah, well,
maybe some other time, doc.

Hey, we got nothing but time.

You got a lot of plaque there.
You shouldn't put it off.

Sandra, you got any openings?

Yes, in fact,
I'm clear the rest of the afternoon.

If you have the time, Mr. Gordon,
I'd take care of it.

Oh, time. Hey, I got a lot of time.
Nothing but time.

These old chompers
could use a good brushing.

Right this way.

You bet.

Make yourself comfortable,
Mr. Gordon.

Oh, you bet.

All right, here we go.

What kind of toothpaste
are you gonna use?

- You know, I like spearmint.
- Oh, no, no, no. No toothpaste yet.

No toothpaste?

No, this is a deep cleaning.
Here's what we use.

- How you been, Joe?
- Oh, doctor.

Oh, not too good,
this whole side of my face is k*lling me.

Yeah, well,
I told you that would be the bad area.

We'll have a look.

Yeah, you got quite a lot
of infection in there.

One really bad pocket.

I can't start
any of the dental work today,

but I can do something
to ease that pain.

We'll drill a hole there
and ease the pressure,

but you'll be on antibiotics
until the infection dies down.

Whatever you say.

Some xylocaine, Helen.

Doctor, could I see you?

Be right back.

Would you excuse us a second,

Your wife called today
to make your appointment, and...

Yeah, I know, I was gonna call,
but, well, you know how wives are.


Well, she said you'd straightened out
your problem with the VA.

That's right.

Yeah, well, according to their office,
that isn't so.

Well, they said it might just take
a couple more days, that's all.

Well, that's fine.

You'll be on antibiotics till then,
I'm sure.

You do understand, though,

that I can't begin any major
dental work until this is cleared up.

I understand, doctor, I understand.

I understand.

That was a cute hygienist.

Yeah, I thought so too until
she turned into the Marquis de Sade.

"Deep cleaning," she says.

I mean, she was scraping my brain
before she was done.

I hope you're feeling better
than my friend here.

- I feel great, I feel better already.
- Glad to hear it.

- Well, see you at work tomorrow.
- Yeah, okay.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

You guys feel like having a drink?

Sure, why not?
We'll follow you in our car.


God, I haven't been in a place like this
in almost two years.

Especially after work.

Ever since Kathy got pregnant.

Boy, I tell you,
having a baby sure changes your life.

- Well, what did you have?
- A boy.

- Jonathan saw him.
- Oh, he's a cute little guy.

Little guy? He's a big house.
The guy's a terror.

She's got her hands full.

Oh, she's so glad
I made her quit her job, I'll tell you.

- What did she do?
- Physical therapy.

Yeah, that's where I met her.
That's where I fell in love with her.

It was love at first sight.
It happens, you know.

Come on,
don't you guys want a drink?

No, it's getting kind of late.

Well, I'm gonna stay right here
and celebrate my dental work.

- Innkeeper.
- You want us to stay with you?


Don't you think
I can take care of myself?

Yeah, sure I do.
I just thought, you know...

- Hit the road.
- The same?

- No, just a double.
- You got it.

Hit the road.

Go on, I'll see you.

See you tomorrow.


Hey, friend.

- You got a cigarette?
- I don't smoke.

Well, I'm gonna have to
buy a pack, then.

I got no matches either, buddy.

Well, I'm gonna need
some money, then.

You got some money, don't you?

Yeah, you want some money?

- That's right.
- Well, then get a job, buddy.

Just go get a job.

Hey, don't be funny
or you're gonna get yourself hurt.

Come on, you punks.
Come on, I'll fight you.

You want my money?
You wanted my money?

You come and get it, come on.

You just made a big mistake, mister.

So did you, sonny.

You stay out of this. I don't want
you here, you just stay out of this.

You'd better do what he says.
Get out of here.

Sorry, I can't do that.

Hey. You'd better stay back, man.

- You stay out of it.
- Come on, you guys.

- Hey, I'm not kidding around.
- Come on, Lenny, let's get out of here.


I'm telling you one last time.

Okay, that's it.

You guys want a part of this?

Mark, let him go.

I'm not gonna let him get away.

He can't get away.

He's chosen his road,
he'll reach the end tomorrow.

- Hey, you all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.

You saved me.

Why the hell...?

Why the hell didn't you just get away
like I asked you to?

Come on, there were three of them,
and you're in no shape to fight.

Oh, yeah? Yeah?

Maybe the old gimp will surprise you.

I mean,
maybe I got some things left.

I'm not talking about your limbs,
I'm talking about your brain.

You're drunk.

- I know what I'm doing.
- If you know what you were doing,

you'd have given them the money
instead of trying to act like a hero.

I'm a hero.

You didn't know that?

I am a hero.

I am a hero.

Give me the car keys,
I'm driving you home.

Just leave me alone, will you?

It's not you I'm worried about,

it's the innocent people
you're gonna hurt.

Now, give me the car keys
and stop acting like a jackass.

- Mark, follow us.
- All right.

- Oh, Joe, thank God.
- Oh, I'm home.

He's all right,
he's just a little bit under the weather.

I'm Jonathan Smith,
I work with your husband at the bank.

- This is Mark Gordon.
- Hello.Thanks for bringing him home.

I'd better get him in the bedroom.

- You should have seen it.
- Right this way.

He had the guy by the neck
and strangled him.

He just...

Here we go.

- Here we go.
- Just put him over there.

Oh, yeah.

He's out like a light.

Thank you. I was worried when I heard
the door, I thought it was the police.

- Oh, here's his car keys.
- Oh, thanks.

Joe's never done this before.

Are you sure he was drunk?
He went to the dentist today,

maybe it could have been
the medication.

He's taking antibiotics,
but it was definitely the booze.

What in the world got into him?

He's been pretty upset all day
because of what happened at the VA.

Why would he be upset?

He just finally got clearance
for his dental work.

- He told you that?
- Yes. Why?

He didn't get clearance,
he was turned down.

No, you're wrong.
I talked to Joe at the bank.

He wouldn't have
any reason to lie to me.

But he did.

Mrs. Mason, I think your husband
is going through a very tough time.

Over what? His benefits?


Mr. Smith, you don't know
my husband very well.

He wouldn't let something like this
get him down.

That's just not Joe.

I mean,
the man lost an arm and a leg.

He never once lost courage,
he never complained,

never had any anger.

He's the strongest man
I've ever met.

Then why did he lie to you?

I don't know,
but I'm sure he'll tell me tomorrow.

I'm sure he's gonna tell you something
tomorrow, I just hope it's the truth.

Mr. Smith, my husband and I
have a very good relationship.

We don't keep secrets
from each other.

Mrs. Mason, we all try to be honest
in our relationships.

But sometimes we hide things
because we're afraid.

Now I know you don't know
my husband very well.

After all he's been through,

what on Earth
would he have to be afraid of?

Of not being the hero
you fell in love with.

Good night, Mrs. Mason.

Come on, Jonathan, I still say you're
getting all worked up about nothing.

I mean, he got mad,
so he tied one on.

Who can blame him?

Besides, you heard what his wife said,
he's the Rock of Gibraltar.

He's a real John Wayne.

Come on, John Wayne was
a human being just like the rest of us.

I know that, you know what I mean.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Look, after you drop me off
at the bank,

I want you to deliver this letter
to a Patrick Daley.

Who's Patrick Daley?

An old friend of Joe's.

From his platoon.

Oh, it's : .

- Kath, honey.
- Here's some coffee.

It's : .

Well, I gave you an extra hour.
I figured you'd need it.

- How did I get home?
- Your friend at the bank.

Oh, Jonathan.

Honey, I'm sorry about last night.

We just stopped for one drink,
started to talk, you know.

- Yeah.
- Sorry.

How'd you make out
with your dental appointment?

Good, yeah, I'm on antibiotics.

They can't do anything
until after the infection goes away.

Joe, why'd you lie to me
about the VA?

Who told you that? Jonathan?

I would have found out anyway.

I know,
I would have told you last night.

Why didn't you just tell me
when I saw you?

No, we were
in the bank together, that's why.

And I know you
and I know your temper,

so I just wanted to wait
until I got home.

- Is that the truth?
- That's the truth.

Your friend seems to think

you're going through something
and you're not telling me.

What is it with this guy?

I mean, first of all,
he's not my friend, I just met him.

Second, I told you why I lied.

Now, come on,
you know me better than that.

I'll tell you what I told the VA.

I don't think it's fair,
but rules are rules.

I just don't want you to be upset.

- I'm not if you're not.
- I'm not. I'm not upset.

I'll get a loan at the bank,
get my teeth fixed, big deal.

Come on, go on out of here now.

Let me get dressed or they'll fire me
at the bank for being late,

- and I'll never get the loan.
- Okay.

You know, I tried to tell that Jonathan
he didn't know you.

Your friend seems to think

you're going through something
and you're not telling me.

I don't think it's fair,
but rules are rules.

I just don't want you to be upset.

I'm not if you're not.

I'm not. I'll get a loan.

Known in the press
as the Hilltop k*ller,

Bourne had complained constantly
during his trial

of pain due to dental problems.

Bourne, in turn, thanked the taxpayers
as he left the dentist's office.

Your friend seems to think

you're going through something
and you're not telling me.

I'm not. I'll get a loan.

I'll get a loan.

I'll get a loan.

Hey, let's go, the light's green.

The hell I will. The hell I'll get a loan.

Hey, Joe,
how you feeling this morning?

I'm fine.

I met your wife last night
when we took you home.

Yeah, she told me.
She also told me the rest of it.

I don't know
what the hell it is with you,

but I want you to stay out of my life,
you hear me?

You understand?

I don't know you, you don't know me.
I want to keep it that way, you got it?

- You Pat Daley?
- Yeah. Can I help you?

I'm Mark Gordon,
you don't know me,

but a friend asked me
to give you this letter.

- I'm supposed to stay till you read it.
- Sure.

- Hey, is this your boy?
- Yeah, Matthew.

I'm off on Wednesdays,
so I get to pick him up after school.

Joe Mason.

My God,
I didn't even know he lived here.

Look, this says you know
where he's working.

- Yeah, you can follow me if you like.
- Yeah.

Yeah, let me get Matthew changed,
and I'll be right with you.

All right.

There you are, sir. Thank you.


Joe, it's Pat Daley.

I was in your platoon.

Oh, Pat, damn. I'll be damned.
How are you doing?

I'm doing fine, thanks to you.

It's been a long time.

Yeah, I'll say, a hell of long time.
Who's this?

Oh, this is my boy, Matthew.

How you doing, Matt?
I got a boy, a year old.

Hey, that's great, man.

Say, Matthew, you know who this is?
This is Joe Mason.

This is the man that saved
your daddy's life during the w*r.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here,
and neither would you.

Thank you, Mr. Mason.

All right.

Now, look, I know you're busy, but...

Say, why don't we get together
sometime, with the wives?

I want May to meet you.

You're darn right, Pat.
Yeah, we'll do that soon, huh?

Look, here's my card.

It's pretty fancy
for an electrician, huh?

I'll say. All right, real good.

I'll give you a ring.

Okay, good enough.

God bless you.

I couldn't help but overhear
that buddy of yours just now.

- He thinks you're a real hero.
- Yeah, big deal.


Of course, so does your wife.

What a guy.

Never a complaint,
never lost his courage,

never even had any anger.

What the heck?
It's just an arm and a leg, right?

What is it with you?

That's the question I was gonna
ask you. What is it with you?

You really think you're
getting away with that money?

- What?
- Oh, come on.

You know what I'm talking about.

- They owe it to me.
- You're damn right they do.

Look, you're angry and you've got
a right to be angry. The system stinks.

Then try to change it.
And if you can't change it,

share your hurt and anger
with the one person who really cares.

You're not alone in this,
you got a wife, you know.

What, do you want me
to go cry on her shoulder?

Yeah, if that's the way you feel.

Come on, be honest with her,
be honest with yourself.

What are we supposed to do
when we hurt?

Just keep a stiff upper lip
and a smile on our face?

- That's crap, and you know it.
- You don't know anything.

When I first met Kath,
I knew exactly how I felt.

You wanna know why she loves me?

Do you? Because I was strong.

She could lean on me,
she could count on me.

I was solid. She needed me.

Your wife doesn't love you
because she needs you.

She needs you
because she loves you.

Stop trying to be a hero, Joe,
stop trying to go it alone.

It just doesn't work that way, buddy.

For what it's worth,
your buddy was right today.

If it wasn't for you,
he and his kid wouldn't be here.

So you don't have to try
to be a hero, Joe,

you already are.

I still say they owe it to me.

And I still say
you're damn right they do.

It looks like he's gonna be all right.


Hey, what time is it?

- Ten to .
- Hey, come on, let's go, we're late.

- We got an assignment?
- No, no, you got an appointment.

- For what?
- To get your teeth finished.

Oh, come on, Jonathan,
I don't want to.

- Mark, will you stop it?
- I can't.

Look, you're acting like a coward.

I am not acting, I am a coward.

You want me to sit here
and pretend I'm a hero?


No, I guess I don't.

I don't need a free lunch
or a medal or your damn pity.

I need to be treated as well as
you treat your murderers and thieves.

That's what I need.