04x06 - Litt the Hell Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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04x06 - Litt the Hell Up

Post by bunniefuu »

That's not Woodall coming after us.

It's Sean Cahill.

If your hands weren't full with Eric, they will be full with me.

What happened to "You think I'm staying if you leave?"

Yeah, that was before I knew you were gonna screw over Sidwell.

Forstman doesn't throw money around without getting something in return.

I have no other choice!

You two are on opposite sides of a takeover battle, and your girlfriend is your associate.

Are you trying to say that we're colluding?

You went right there, didn't you?

So we're just gonna go back and forth trading favors?

Are you my lawyer or not?

Seriously, Rachel, I couldn't have done it without you.

Logan, I should go.

Damn right. You get one, Huntley.

Eisenheim, you silly son of a bitch.

You think I'd leave you out of the fun?

Riceman, after you k*lled the singer depo.


Out of my way, Johnson.

Coffee's for closers. You don't get a mug.

Am I to assume I'm getting my own personal Litt-up mug?

Absolutely not.

Those are mere mugs.

This, My Lady, is a chalice.


[Whispers] It looks like all the other ones.

No, Donna.

What makes this a chalice is not the mug.

It's what's inside.

Wait a second. Is that--

Mm-hmm, an exact replica of the one Dame Judi Dench wore as Ophelia.

Louis, this must have cost a fortune.

Donna, please.

You helped me overcome my stage fright.

You can't put a price on that.

I don't know what to say.

That's all you have to say.

I got one for Harvey too.

You know, Louis, I don't think that--

I know he is still upset with me for leading Mike to Forstman, but I just thought maybe if he could--

Give it to me.

I will take care of it.

Thank you, Donna.

Hey, Mike, Sidwell wants to see you.



He took Forstman's money last night.

Do you think he knows you're gonna cut him out of the deal?

There's only one way to find out.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me?

Damn right I did.

Something you want to tell me?

Jonathan, I don't know what to say.

Well, you better think of something 'cause I just got off the phone with some assh*le from the SEC who accused you of colluding with Harvey Specter.


That's bullshit.

Then why the hell were the two of you sharing a porterhouse when you were supposed to be buying stock from me two nights ago?

It's not what you think.

What I think is you better start telling me what's going on around here.

There's nothing going on.

Look, I know that guy. He's full of shit.

Well, I don't know him from a hole in the ground, but I know that you're keeping stuff from me.

Jonathan, I--

First you don't transfer Forstman's money.

Then you blow a straight-up stock purchase that any first-year trader could do in his sleep.

It wasn't straight-up.

I had to set up an auction, which happened to get postponed.

Yeah, 'cause you were sipping wine with Harvey Specter behind my back.

It got postponed because my girlfriend was in the hospital.


Rachel passed out at school.

Harvey and I went to the hospital, so we pushed the sale.

Then you should have told me.

You're right.

I should have. I'm sorry.

But that's what happened.

That's it?

That's it.


But if there is anything else that you're not telling me, now is the time.

There isn't.

[Soft guitar music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪


Allison is at dinner with some friends, but she'll be home soon.

I have to go.

Come on, we're working.


We're not working.

I am sneaking around, pretending to work so that I can spend time with you.

Sneaking around?

That's what I'd call it, wouldn't you?

I don't know.

I just don't really want to think of it like that.

I have to go.

Well, she's with her friends.

Aren't you allowed to be with your friends?

Is that what we are, we're friends?

I was actually hoping that we're more than that.

Mm, we shouldn't be having this conversation.

You wouldn't be here if you didn't want to be having this conversation.


We have had chemistry from the second we met.

You know it.

And I know it.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Rachel. Hey.


What are you doing here?

I am here because I wanted to talk to you before you came in to see Harvey this morning.

Do you want some coffee?

No, I won't be here long enough for that.

Are you sure?

Look, Logan.

I know why you're here.

If you knew why I was here, then I wouldn't need to be here.

I think you're here to tell me that what's happening isn't really happening, but it is.


I have a boyfriend that I love, so I need you to stop pursuing me.

No more flowers, no more looks, no more attempted kisses, no more anything, okay?

Look, you said that if I knew why you were here, you wouldn't need to be here.

I think you do need to be here, and we both know why.

You're wrong.

I don't think I am.

You once told me we had chemistry the second that we met.

Logan, please.

Tell me to stop, and I'll stop.

I can't.

Rachel. Rachel.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ all right ♪
♪ Suits 4x06 ♪

Litt the Hell Up

Original Air Date on July 23, 2014

♪ the greenback boogie ♪

Harvey, I need to--

What the hell is this?

It's from Louis. He wanted you to have it.

What do you mean he wanted me to have it?

You haven't talked to him since Mike landed Forstman.

It's a gesture.

Now, can I please get back to what--

Oh, why didn't you say it was a gesture?

Mike has access to Forstman and his $4 billion.

Logan's on his way over to discuss our next move, which we can't make for two more weeks because Louis thought Sheila was marrying Lorenzo Lamas, but I just got a mug with something stupid printed on it, so now everything's okay.


Are you done being a d*ck?

Because everything's not okay.

What did Louis do now?


And Logan Sanders isn't on his way here because he just got brought down to the SEC.

What the hell do you think you're doing talking to my client without me present?

Oh, he hasn't said a word yet.

We're waiting for you to get the party started.

And what gives you the right to bring him here in the first place?

The United States government gives me the right, so if you don't mind, I have a few questions I would like to ask him.

You got questions for him, you ask me.

Okay, here's one.

What makes you think you can get away with collusion on my watch?

I already told you we're not colluding, and you harassing my client won't change that.

Will me telling him about your date the other night with Mike Ross change that?


See, I think he and Mike Ross are colluding to allow you to purchase Gillis Industry stock at a cut rate price.

That's bullshit.

Then why would you set up a private auction while neither one of you ended up bidding?

And Logan here mysteriously bought the stock without any competition.

That's it. We're done.

You didn't bring us in here to ask him questions.

You brought us in here to ask me questions in front of him.

Am I smart enough to do that?

You're dumb enough to try, and we're leaving.

I have not dismissed you yet.

Then arrest us on the way out.



Hey, what's going on?

You look upset.

No, it's nothing.

I just found out I have to go to Columbia, so could you just tell Harvey that I won't be able to make the Logan meeting?

Rachel, there is no meeting.

Logan got hauled down to the SEC.


I just saw him this morning. That doesn't make--

Well, it must have been... wait a second.

They picked him up at his condo.

Why were you at Logan's condo?

Donna, please don't do your thing on me.

Rachel, what is going on?

The other night I was working with Logan, and things got intense, and he tried to kiss me.

Okay, so what did you do?

Nothing. I didn't do anything.

Then why were you at his condo this morning?

I went to tell him that I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Rachel, if you went to his place, you were giving him the wrong idea.


Something happened, didn't it?

I kissed him.

How long?

Too long.

God, I feel horrible.

I'm a horrible person.

No, you're not.

You are a great person who had a not-so-great moment.

Donna, please, you can't say a word to anyone.

Of course not.

But Rachel, you can't say a word to anyone either.

Go ahead, say what you're gonna say.

You know what I'm gonna say.

Is what he said true?

Logan, I am not colluding with Mike Ross.

Well, if I thought that, I wouldn't even be standing here.

I'm talking about you buying that stock.

Look, I can't talk about that.

Why not?

Because telling you about it would make it parking, but that doesn't matter anymore because now that that guy hauled you in, we can't do a thing with those shares anyway.

Well, what can we do?

You and Mike Ross can get in a room together, and put this thing to bed once and for all.

No, that's a bad idea.

Logan, if we don't finish this now, you're gonna have the SEC crawling up your ass day and night.

Look, you can try to scare me all you want, but I did nothing wrong, and the last guy I'm getting in a room with is Mike g*dd*mn Ross.

Don't you ever knock?

Logan Sanders got taken downtown this morning.

Sean Cahill.

Son of a bitch is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

And what stuck?


Logan found out we bought that stock.

Did you tell him why we kept it from him?

He didn't seem to care.

All right.

Well, it doesn't matter because you're going to end this takeover battle now.

What do you think I've been doing for the past month?

Harvey, I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

This guy's already looking at us for collusion.

The longer this thing drags on, the more likely he is to come after us for buying that stock.

In other words, end this thing?

Not in other words.

In those exact words.

So I guess Jonathan didn't know you sold him out.

How'd you know that?

Because if he knew, he'd have come by your office and ripped you to pieces.

Instead, you're out here enjoying a bagel without the courtesy of coming by to tell me that he didn't know. My bad.

So now what are we gonna do?

Well, we're gonna kick some ass.

Wait. What are you talking about?

The SEC called Sidwell, and I guarantee you they also called Logan Sanders, which means Harvey can't use those shares, and I'm in the driver's seat.

Well, that explains it.

Explains what?

Harvey just called. He wants to have a meeting.



Did you hear what Sean Cahill did this morning?

I did. Yeah.

Then you know he's poking around the Wexler purchase.

Ah, let him.

You don't seem very concerned.

I'm not concerned because I did a damn good job protecting this firm from any liability.

Yeah, well, the question is did you protect us from all liability?

Is there something that you want to ask me, Jessica?

I want you to go back over your work with a fine-tooth comb, and make sure it's airtight.

Jessica, you're the one who asked me to buy that stock, and I made it questionable, like you asked, but if Sean Cahill comes at us for attempting to park it, that is on you, not my work.

Jeff, just go back over everything like I said.

There's nothing to go back over.

We're as protected as we can be.

Okay, maybe you didn't hear me.

Every partner at this firm goes over their work if I say so.

And you know what, Jessica?

I'm not every g*dd*mn partner.

So either you trust me or you don't.

Hey, look what the cat dragged in.

Such a serious expression.

It's because we need to have a serious conversation.

Well, let's get to it.

I want you to come up with a number that we can pay you to end this thing.

And why would I do that?

Because Sean Cahill hauled Logan into the SEC.

Well, all that means is that you can't vote the shares that you stole from me, and that is a "you" problem.

Mike, it takes two people to make a case for collusion.

So if he's coming at us, he's coming at you, which means it's a "we" problem.

Yeah, you can try and spin it any way you want, but I'm happy right where I am.

I guess you agreed to this meeting just to waste my time, huh?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Who said I don't want to deal?

Don't play me.

Here's the new deal.

You don't buy me out. I buy you out.


We tried it Logan's way.

Now we're gonna try it mine... Mike. 'Cause the only way I'd get in a room with that guy is if you guarantee that I leave with Gillis Industries.

He's not gonna agree to that.

That's another "you" problem.

Rachel, I need to know what's going on with Logan Sanders. What?

You spent an extra 20 hours with him last week.

It wasn't billed to the takeover, and I need to know what it's about.

We were looking at future deals. "We"?

Yes, we.

He asked me if I could help him put together some ideas--


What are you getting at?

I don't know if you've been paying attention around here, but we need to wrap this thing up, so I need to know if whatever you and Logan were up to can force him to end this thing with Mike once and for all.

It can.


Logan is under pressure from his board, and if he doesn't close this deal soon, he might lose control of his company.

Jessica, I must say your impromptu lunch in the middle of the day is exactly what the doctor ordered. Thank you, Louis.

Now, I must admit that I brought you here because I have something that I didn't want to discuss at the office.

If you're firing Harvey, I can't be in on it.

I just bought him an amazing mug, and we're in a really good place right now.

And I'm happy for you, but this isn't about Harvey.

It's about the firm.

We recently purchased a large block of stock without realizing that we represent a client with the same interests.

You're worried about the appearance of parking the stock? Exactly.

And I just want to make sure that we are as protected as possible.

Sure, I can do it.

You seem upset.

No, I'm not upset.

I mean, why would I be upset, Jessica?

You take me to an amazing restaurant, then you give me some bullshit story about a stock purchase with a fabricated company, and when it's clear as day this is Gillis Industries.


The very same stock purchase that you went to Malone to structure, and now you want me to double check his work because you don't trust him.

Oh, question is can I trust you?


This lunch isn't about him.

It's about you.

You knew I'd figure this out.

Just like I know you'll figure out whether or not we have exposure.

Now, the question is can you do it without telling Jeff Malone?

I can, and I will.

If you're gonna discuss what happened, you can just forget it because I--

I am not here to talk about that, and you know it.


You told Harvey about my problems with the board.

I told your attorney about a situation you discussed with your other attorney.

And now he's using it to strong-arm me into caving to Mike.

No, now he's using it to give you the opportunity to impress your board.

Did you bring Harvey that information to get rid of me?

Logan, I didn't bring Harvey that information, he asked me for it.

And I don't need to get rid of you because what happened this morning is never gonna happen again.

Okay, Rachel, you got what you wanted.

I'm gonna get in a room with Mike and come to an agreement.

What do you mean you're gonna get in a room with him?

Well, how else did you see this happening?

Did you think I was gonna let Harvey take care of it?

Look, please, you can't tell him what happened.

Rachel, I would never do that.

Thank you.

Just to be clear, it's not for him.

It's for me... 'Cause you say what happened this morning will never happen again, and I'm still hoping that it will.

But I don't want it to happen because you two are fighting.

I want it to happen because you want it to.



Do you want me to heat some of this up or you?

Mike, I need to talk to you.

Are you upset about something?


I heard you might be making a deal.

And you're worried because you're on the losing side?

No, I'm actually happy that this thing will be over.


I think that you should have Jonathan Sidwell put this to bed for you.


You and Harvey have so much bad blood.

Yeah, and this is our chance to patch it up.

And what about Logan?

What about him?

I'm not gonna let him get to me.

That's what you said the last time you two got in a room together. This is different.


Rachel, stop it.

Look, we're at the finish line.

I'm not gonna pass the baton to somebody else, and I'm not gonna blow it because this time I've got all the leverage.

Well, if you have all the leverage, then...

Maybe you should ask for one more thing.
[Elevator bell dings]

You're a halfhour late.

I got stuck in traffic.

I was starting to think you didn't want this company.

Harvey, I wouldn't be getting in a room with that guy if I didn't.

Good. So we're not gonna have trouble in there?

Not from me.

Then let's get this thing over with and get back to normal.

Keep that in mind.

Logan, sorry I'm late.

Let's get to it.

All right, just so we're clear, we're agreeing to have you buy us out.


I think you'll find this more than generous.

It is.

You gonna try and spread this over 1,000 payments?

All up front.

Then all that's left is for you to pull out your checkbook.

Well, actually, there is one more thing.

You said it, Harvey.

Let's get things back to normal.

What are you talking about?

Once this deal is done, you go back to being my lawyer, and he's out.


You sign that, I'm Harvey's client, and you're looking for new representation.


That's--this is bullshit.

It's not bullshit.

Apple and Dell don't have the same attorneys, and neither will you and I.

Mike, you two aren't those two, and I can represent you both.

Yeah, but it doesn't matter because it's not about who you represent.

It's about who Rachel represents.

All right, enough.

We agreed to a number.

We can work this out another time.

No, we're gonna work it out right now.

No, we're not.

Then you don't have a deal.

God damn it, Mike.

This isn't the time to do this.

This is exactly the time to do it because this is the last time I'm ever gonna be in a room with him.

Well, finally, something we can agree on.

Then let's agree to something else.

We let Harvey choose which one of us he wants to represent after today.

Mike, do not put me in that--


And now that we've agreed to let Harvey decide, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

The way he got me into this room in the first place was he knows that I've got ten deals lined up after this.



I'm going with Mike.


Mike's my guy.

You knew that going in. I don't give a shit, and I don't think Jessica Pearson is going to let you pick him over me.

Jessica has nothing to do with this.

You just agreed to those terms.

Those were bullshit terms.

So you're going back on your word?

What does it look like?

Looks like there's no deal on Gillis.

Mike, you didn't have to blow up the deal like that.

Your client blew up the deal.

Because you blindsided him.


Then once he's had time to think about it, you go back and convince him. Convince him?

You should have come to me first instead of looking to rub it in his face.

I wasn't rubbing anything in anyone's face.

Oh, bullshit. You have leverage, and you want to make sure he knew it.

And when he had leverage, he made sure I knew it, and I didn't agree to a deal, and then break my word ten seconds later.

And I'm giving you my word.

Close this deal, and as soon as it's wrapped up, he's out.

And what about Jessica? Is she gonna agree to it?

Let me deal with Jessica.

Oh, just like you did on Wexler.

That was a different thing, and you know it. Do I?

[Elevator bell dings]

Get him to agree up front, or we don't have a deal.

Louis, I don't usually get summoned to people.

They get summoned to me.

But you wanted discretion, and your office is within an earshot of Jeff Malone.

And you don't want him to hear what you're about to tell me.

So first off, I went through this backwards and forwards, and Jeff did a better job than 99% of all attorneys.

Fortunately for you, I'm the one.

You found a mistake.

I found a blessing in disguise.

What are you talking about?

Jessica, we're not vulnerable to allegations of parking because we never bought those shares.

We can't sell them back.

I'm not talking about selling them back.

This mistake makes the entire sale invalid.

And we don't have exposure because the sale never happened?

Just give me the word, and I'll David Blaine this whole thing away.

Louis, this is great work, but I don't want you to do anything until you talk to Harvey. Are you sure?

Because I can just--

Louis, I bought these shares without telling him.

I'm not getting rid of them without telling him.

Are we clear? As a bell.

Well, someone saved the day. Do tell.

Jeff Malone just dropped a giant deuce on Jessica's desk.

Please tell me you're being metaphorical.

Nope. Made a huge mess of the Wexler purchase.

And you cleaned it up?

Even better.

Because of his blunder, I'm gonna make it as though his shit-y deal never even happened.

What did Jessica say?

Oh, she loved it.

And what about Malone?

That's the best part.

That assh*le doesn't even know about it.

What do you need me to do to make this unwind happen?


Jessica just wanted me to run it by Harvey first, but I haven't been able to reach him.

Able to reach him?

Louis, what do you think is gonna happen if Malone gets wind of this before you talk to Harvey?

Ah, shit, he's gonna try to fix it himself.

And once again, he'll be taking what's rightfully yours.

And I'll be left holding a big bag of Jeff Malone's giant deuce.

Where are you going?

To do what needs to be done.

Rachel, what the hell did you do?

What are you talking about?

Mike demanded that Harvey dump Logan as a client, and it blew up the whole deal, and based on what I know and Harvey doesn't, it wasn't Mike behind that demand.

It was you.

I'm so sorry.


What good does sorry do?

Donna, I thought it was the best thing for everyone involved.

You thought it was the best way to get Logan out of the picture and not deal with what happened.

No, I tried to deal with what happened without telling anyone, which is what you told me to do.

I did not tell you to let your personal life affect Harvey's business.

I was just trying to get Mike and Harvey back on the same team.

I want you to understand that the way to do that isn't to pull strings behind their backs.

I do.

Okay, well, there's got to be some way to fix it.

That's not the point. It's being fixed.

What are you talking about?

Harvey's going over Mike's head.

He went to see Charles Forstman 20 minutes ago.

Whoever said size doesn't matter never saw this table.

Is that an insult or a compliment?

Knowing you, Charles, you'll take it as both.

How'd you get in here, Harvey?

You crawled in through the vents?

I told your secretary I was George Clooney's brother.

She said it was obvious who got the looks in the family.

[Laughs] Great. Do me a favor.

Tell her she's fired on the way out.

Can do.

But first, I wanted to show you these.

You want to give me the Aston Martin? "Give" is a strong word.


You want me to buy you out.

You're going to buy me out.

So why come to me instead of Mike Ross?

Because I put him and Logan Sanders in a room together, and those two assholes let their personal shit get in the way of business.

So what makes you think these two assholes are gonna do any better?

Because as much as you hate my guts, you want this deal and that car as much as I do.

Harvey, taking your car is tempting, but I don't think buying you out makes sense anymore.

Why not?

Because you're standing there asking me to do it.

Now, walk your sorry ass out of my office.

Okay, Charles.

But I'm afraid you're forcing me to use my leverage on you.

You don't have shit on me, pal.

Who do you think bought that Wexler block three days ago?

I don't give a shit who bought it three days ago. 'Cause it just went back on the market 30 minutes ago, and you're looking at the man who owns it now.

Jonathan, what are you doing here?

Forstman bought the Wexler shares.


They went back on the market, and he snatched them right up.

Holy shit.

We win.

We do.


You did.

It's not over yet.

I want you to draw up a tender offer right away.



I've been thinking about Forstman.


You know we wouldn't have been able to do this without him, right?

No shit.

Just think about what else we could do with him.

You want to team up with him?

Well, you don't need to convince me, but how the hell are you gonna convince him?

By giving him a discount on this deal.

How much of a discount?

Thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of...100%.

God damn it, Louis!

What the hell did you do?

What are you talking about?

I just came from a meeting with Charles Forstman, and when I reached for my bargaining chips, he told me I didn't own them anymore because you unwound the Wexler sale.

Well, I was trying to save the firm from exposure.

And who the hell told you to do that?

Jessica did.

She told you to God damn wait, and you know it. Check your phone.

I tried calling you. I left three messages.

I don't care if you left me a million messages.

You were told to wait for my approval, and you didn't listen because you never God damn do.

You know what, Harvey? I always listen.

I always play the good soldier, and what do I get for it? Nothing.

I may not be a name partner, but I am a senior partner.

You get it?

I couldn't reach you, and I made a g*dd*mn judgment call.

You want to know why you're not a name partner, Louis?

Because every judgment call you make turns to shit.

Well, then what do you want, Harvey?

I'll do anything to make up for it.

You want to do something, Louis?

Instead of using Donna to give me some stupid g*dd*mn mug, stay the hell out of my business.

You mind grabbing me a couple packs of sugar there?

I don't work here. I'm with Pearson-Specter.

I don't give a shit who you're with.

If you're not here to give me something--

I'm here to give you Harvey Specter on a silver platter.

I already have Harvey Specter on a silver platter.

Not like you will if you let me buy you out.

Listen, assh*le, Harvey came by last night, tried to make a deal.

I told him to shove it up his ass, and don't think I don't know good cop, bad cop when I see it.

The good cop, bad cop doesn't work when one of them hates the other one.

And what the hell is this?

Your niece's diary?

It's a time capsule of my rage. "April 22nd, 2009. "Harvey told me to file a motion to dismiss the odor emitting from my armpits."

This is a joke.

Once again, he took my biggest fear, put it on display for the entire world to see.

Oh, yeah, I can go on.

He hates you that bad, huh?


He doesn't give a shit about me at all.

I hate him that bad.

You know, you don't have the authority to buy me out.

I went to Harvey's client behind his back, and I got him. Oh, I see.

I agree to this, you steal his client.

And he'll have lost to me, which is far more humiliating than losing to you.

You'd go to all this trouble to stick it to Harvey?

Read May 9th, 2012.

I'd go to the ends of the g*dd*mn earth.

I want to offer you something.

My lucky day.

Everyone's bearing gifts.

You want me to buy controlling interest in the Sidwell Investment Group.

I want you to buy it at a $80 million discount.

The exact amount I was gonna cut him out of.

Was? Wait.

Did you change your mind?

You're not gonna cut him out of Gillis?

Guess you haven't heard. I'm done with Gillis.

I sold my interest to Logan Sanders.

What the hell you talking about?

That wasn't our deal. What can I tell you?

When you're the biggest bully in the yard, people give you their lunch money without you even asking for it.

Oh, my God. You son of a bitch.

You promised me that I would control what happened to that company.

I promised you if we won.

We didn't.

You did.

Yes, I did.

Then our other deal is off the table, and you're gonna give Jonathan Sidwell his g*dd*mn cut.

How about I give you something even better.

What the hell is this?

A job offer.


You got to be kidding me.

What, did you think I was gonna hang you out to dry?

I could use a smart son of bitch like you working for me.

You're the last person in the world I'd want to work for.

I am the only person in the world you want to work for.

Why is that?

Because you're a nobody.

You're a former lawyer who's been an investment banker all of ten minutes, and is about to blow the biggest deal that ever came his way, unless you come over to me.

Go to hell.

Harvey, we need to have a little talk.

I said everything I needed to say last night.

Now get the hell out. I made a deal with Forstman.


You stuck your nose in my g*dd*mn business after I told you to never do that again?

No, I saved your g*dd*mn business after you told me to never do it again.

You got him to sign this?

Damn right.

And who authorized it?


I lied and told Forstman I had Logan's approval.

Can we get Logan's approval?

You're g*dd*mn right we can.

Louis, this has got to be the most genius thing you have ever done in your entire, wonderful, miserable life.

So you're not mad at me?

Mad at you? I could kiss you.

And I can let you.

Then go grab a couple of your mugs.

I'll crack open the scotch, and let's see where this thing goes.

Can do.

Hey, Louis, how the hell did you get him to go for it?

We found common ground.

One more thing.

Charles Forstman got Litt the hell up.

Mike, Mike, Sidwell wants to see you.

Don't tell me.

He knows.



You little piece of shit.

Jonathan, let me explain.

There's nothing to explain.

You sold me out the second you connected with Forstman.

No, I thought I could get out of it, all right?

But then you took Forstman's money, and I--

Oh, you're gonna put that on me?

I took his money because I thought we were partners.

I didn't know you were gonna s*ab me in the g*dd*mn back.

s*ab you in the back?

If I didn't make this deal happen, you said you were gonna fire me.

I don't give a shit what I said.

I took a chance on you. You spat in my face.


You stood right there selling me on Forstman to stop me from finding out you betrayed me.

No, I did that to stop me from having to betray you.

Jonathan, he still owes us money, all right?

We can still go after--

There isn't enough money in the world for me to ever trust you again. Listen to me.

I'm... No, you listen to me!

There is no g*dd*mn "we."

You're fired.

Jonathan, we can still talk to Forstman, all right?

You think I didn't try that?

Who the hell do you think told me that you sold me out in the first place?


Put this on your mantle.

Remember me every time you God damn look at it.

There is the man of the hour.

Why didn't you tell me what you were gonna do?

Because if it didn't work, I didn't want you to take any of the blame.

Well, why didn't you tell me afterwards?

It's all anyone can talk about.

Yeah, I don't care.


Forstman's insisting that I run the money through Switzerland and the Caymans before it comes out on the other side.

What? He's trying to avoid taxes.

You're obligated to report it.

I didn't, and I'm not going to.

Louis, that's illegal.

You didn't see the look on Harvey's face when he found out that I was the one who saved the day, and I am...

Not gonna be the one to see the look on his face when he finds out that I didn't.


Leave me alone.

Hey, did you hear the good news?

There is no good news.

Logan won, which means he's not going anywhere.


You want to tell Mike what happened, don't you?

I am going to tell Mike what happened.

No, you're not.

Harvey said he would drop Logan when this is over, and he will.

And there is no way that he's dropping Logan if Mike can't even be a client.

What are you talking about?

I just got a text from Amy.

Donna, Mike got fired.

Now you really can't tell him.

You said I shouldn't go behind his back, but not telling him is going behind his back.

Even if you were gonna tell him, this is the absolute worst time.

If not now, then when?

I mean, just wait till he recovers, and then smack him down again?

How about not smacking him down at all?

That would be great, but I already did when I betrayed him, and I--

Rachel, if you do this, I am telling you it will bore a hole in his brain, and you will be risking your whole life with Mike.

I am risking it if I don't.


Donna, Mike kept a secret from me that almost ripped us apart before we even got started, and he found the courage to trust me with it.

So I need to find the courage to trust him with this.

[Melancholy music]

♪ ♪
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