04x05 - Pound of Flesh

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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04x05 - Pound of Flesh

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not Woodall coming after us.

It's... Sean Cahill.

Welcome to the new S.E.C.

We target law firms.

Mr. Forstman.


You'll miss the opportunity to get back at Harvey Specter.

You've got my 230 mil.

Once the deal closes, you cut Sidwell out.

What happened to "You think I'm staying if you leave"?

Yeah, that was before I knew you were gonna screw over Sidwell.

Forstman doesn't throw money around without getting something in return.

I have no other choice!

So we're just gonna go back and forth trading favors?

Are you my lawyer or not?

Seriously, Rachel, I couldn't have done it without you.


Logan, I should go.

[Cell phone vibrating]


Right here.

Did you turn off my alarm?

I did.

It's after 9:00.

I have been sleeping for--

Almost six hours.

I know.

And the truth is, you need more.

Why would you do that?

Rachel, you've been running back and forth between school and the firm like a maniac.

I don't even remember the last time you got a good night's sleep.

It doesn't give you the right to do that.

Plus, Harvey's gonna k*ll me. He'll get over it.

And I've got three briefs to write, plus a paper for torts and a contracts exam tomorrow.

I don't have the luxury to sleep in.

Then you need to ask Harvey for a day off this week.

Did he ever give you time off because you were overworked?

No, he didn't.


I don't want to be any different.

Mr. Jamieson, you are hereby remanded to the federal penitentiary in Danbury, Connecticut.

[Gavel bangs]

You might want to call me about an appeal.

The prosecutor has a reputation for bending the rules.

You must be the infamous Harvey Specter.

And you must be the chump Eric Woodall ordered to come after me.

Chump's my name on my mother's side.

I do prefer Cahill.

And I prefer you stop manufacturing bullshit to get my clients to turn on me.

I'm sorry, I'm not in the manufacturing business.

I'm just a humble civil servant.

And if you're as clean as you say you are, your clients won't have anything to give us.

Unless you bully them into making things up.

Oh, see, now I think you've got us confused, because that sounds like something that you might do.

The point is, Sean, you had a secret little plan, and I've taken away your element of surprise.

Have you?

You may know I'm coming, but do you know where or when?

See, while you're battening down the hatches at B-4, I might be at D-12 or H-3, and before you know it, I have sunk your battleship.

That's a cute game.

I was more of a rock 'em sock 'em robots guy.

So you think you can knock my block off, Harvey?

I know I can, because I had Eric Woodall fired.

So stay the hell away from my clients, or I'll pave the same career path for you.

Okay, your hands weren't full with Eric.

They will be full with me.


You want to talk about it?

Talk about what?

That 10,000-pound weight on your shoulders.

Mike, if you feel this way now, what are you gonna feel like when you cut Sidwell out?

If I cut him out.

What are you talking about?

I've been thinking about it.

I haven't actually taken Forstman's money yet.

If I can get Harvey to back off before I do, then I might not even need it.

You want to use the idea of Forstman's money to cut a deal.

But, Mike, they have money too.

Yeah, which they can't spend until their T.R.O. expires.

Yeah, but that's next week, and it's not like there's some huge block of shares available now.

Wexler's merging two of their funds.

So what?

So their investment parameters don't allow for more than 4%

of their holdings in any one industry.

They have to sell a block of something.

But how do you know it's gonna be Gillis Industries?

Because I did the math. That's what I would do.

You think Harvey will go for it?

There's only one way to find out.

Hey, I don't have any cash on me, but if you want to bring my luggage up, I'll get you on the way back.

Nah, you know what? That's okay.

I don't need a tip now that I have enough money to buy your whole building.

Yeah, what are you doing here, Mike?

Well, you came to give me some friendly advice.

I thought I would return the favor.


I don't remember asking.

Mm, yeah, neither did I.

Walk away, Harvey.

Excuse me?

You're gonna lose.

If you think you getting a little loan is gonna stop me, I didn't teach you much.

It's not a little loan.

I've got one of the most powerful players in the world behind me.

Which is exactly where he needs to be to s*ab you in the back.

Well, wherever he's standing, this is what I'm prepared to offer Logan Sanders to go away.

I know I don't need to remind you that you're legally required to run that by your client.

I just ran it by him.

No deal. Harvey.

You haven't taken Forstman's money yet.

He's got some kind of g*n to your head, and you're just trying to use his promise of cash as leverage against me.

[Elevator dings]

This isn't a bluff, Harvey.

I came here to give you a way out.


You came here to give yourself a way out.

But I wasn't born yesterday, and I'm not giving it to you.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ all right ♪
♪ Suits 4x05 ♪

Pound of Flesh

Original Air Date on July 16, 2014

♪ the greenback boogie ♪

Did you go to see Sean Cahill in court this morning?

I'm not in the mood for a lecture.

I'm not lecturing. I'm asking you a question.

Yes, I did, and before you tell me this is what we brought Malone in for--

I'm not going to tell you that.

Good, because--

Now Cahill's coming directly after you.


And you're on your way to tell Malone to concoct some bullshit to legally get us that Wexler block.

Look who's been reading the papers.

I'm not the only one who can read the papers, Harvey.

So can you. So can Mike Ross.

He's gonna go after those shares.

He is now.

What are you talking about?

He tried to buy us off.

And you turned him down.

Yes, which is why I'm going to see Malone.

No, you're not.

Jessica, we have to--

I'm not saying we don't.

I'm saying I'm going to be the one to do it.

You know he's not gonna like it.

He doesn't have to like it.

He has to do it.

Therefore, prepare thee to cut off the flesh.

Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more.

But just a pound of flesh if--

Louis, how long have you been standing there?

Long enough to become part of you.

Okay, you know what?

I don't have time for you to be creepy.

So does this mean you're doing theater again?

Yes, I am playing Portia in merchant of Venice.

Now, can you please just let me get back to--

Holy shit, Donna, that is a meaty part.

Yeah, it's 588 lines, which I have yet to memorize.


So you're not off book?

Louis, if I were off book, would I be pacing around the copy room with a script in my hand?

All right, just calm down.

No need to panic.

When do you open? Tonight.

Tonight, and you're not off book?

What the hell's wrong with you, Donna?

Okay, this isn't helping.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be... I knew it.

I bit off more than I could chew.

No, no, no, no, no, no, just relax, okay?

I don't care if it takes all day.

We are gonna memorize these lines together.

Thank you, Louis.

No need.

For one canst choke on the joy of life without thy mouth full.

Is that the bard?

Nope, it's the Litt, and roughly translated, it means, when we're done, you're gonna kick Shakespeare's ass.


I take it it didn't go well.

What gave it away?

Because I know you, and you don't have your usual "I'm super cool Mike Ross" face.

If you knew me that well, you'd know I'm not in the mood.

Mike, I'm not your enemy, and I don't appreciate being treated like I am.

I know.

I'm sorry.

So what did Harvey say?

It's not what he said. It's what he did.

He knew what I was trying to do, and he called my bluff right there.

He didn't even share the offer with Logan?

No, he didn't.

But you said he had to.

You want me to sue him for that?

So what are you gonna do?

You know what I'm gonna do.


I don't want to hear it.

I wasn't disapproving.

I just want to make sure you've exhausted all your options.

I have.

Then maybe you can--

Amy, the second I bid on that block of shares, I've already taken Forstman's money.

[Phone rings]

Mike Ross' office.

I'll tell him.


He wants to see you.

You look good.

This isn't a social call.

All right, I take it back.

Wexler is divesting a huge block of Gillis Industries, and I need you to find a creative way to buy them for Logan Sanders.

If I'm not mistaken, Logan Sanders has a T.R.O. that actually prohibits him from buying any additional shares.

Which is why you're going to set up a trust for us to buy it for him.

That's called parking, Jessica.

I know what it's called.

Then maybe you also know it's illegal.

I know it can be illegal, and I need you to figure out a way to make it questionable.

And here I thought you came in here to tell me how much fun last night was.

Oh, speaking of last night, you said you blamed yourself for helping Cahill drop those cases.

So here's your chance to make up for it.

Remind me never to have a moment of self-reflection around you.

I'm not using this as amm*nit*on.

I am using it as motivation.

So figure out a way to set up the trust, and do it quickly, because we're running out of time.

You wanted to see me?

Come here.

I want to show you something.

Lionsdale Electronics, 3 million shares, bought out by management.

My first LBO. I was right out of school.

All I wanted was that first tombstone because it meant--

Your first deal.

Broke my cherry.

Must have been nice.

It was.

But you know what the difference between you and me is?

I was just an analyst.

I mean, sure, I did all the work, but I didn't do any of the work.

Know what I mean?


Don't be modest.

I know I've been on your case, but the truth is, you made this all happen.

I haven't made anything happen yet.

No, you haven't.

And there's a rule against giving out tombstones too early.

You're not supposed to jinx it.

But there's no rule against this.

We'll fill it in later.

Thank you, Jonathan.

You're welcome.

Now go bring this bad boy home.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Rachel, they loved it.

We are gonna go after Piedmont in a week.

We're gonna have a lot of work to do.

Give me a call when you get in.

Harvey, can I help you with something?

Yes, you can help by telling me how much longer it's gonna take for you to find me a way to bid on that stock.

It's going to take as long as it takes.

Well, it better not be more than a day, or I won't need it at all.

It's so good to hear this from the horse's mouth.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means the next time you want me to break the law, at least have the balls to ask me yourself.

The balls?

First off, Jessica insisted on asking you herself, and I agreed with her, because we're on the same page.

And nobody's asking you to break the law.

We're telling you to sidestep it.

That's not the job I signed on for.

The job you signed on for is the job we tell you you signed on for.

Well, that's a bullshit justification, and you know it.

What I know is, there's a reason we make the kind of money we do.

It's because we figure out a way to get things like this done.

So stop questioning my integrity and start doing your job.

Harvey, do you have a second?

That's about all I have.

All right, I was wondering if... if maybe I could possibly just--

Time's up.

Could I get a day or two off?

A day or two?

A day.

I just need one day away.

Are you sure that's all you need?

I'm sure.

Would you also like me to make your bed?


Maybe I can triple your salary while we're at it.

No, that's not--

No, really, what can I do to make your life easier?

That is not fair.

I have been juggling work and school for months now, and I-I haven't asked for any special treatment.

You're asking now.

I'm not asking for time off to go to the Hamptons.

This is law school I'm talking about.

You said a day away.

You didn't say anything about law school.

Well, it's for law school.

Well, this is your law school.

This, right here.

And by the way, we're paying you for it.

I know, and I'm grateful.

If you're grateful, then you'll stop complaining about how much work you have to do, and you'll figure out how to best manage your time, but as far as getting time off, that's not gonna happen if you still plan on working for me.

Now, you still need a day or two off?

No, I can manage.

Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture to be so taken at thy peril, Jew.

Why, then, let the devil give him good of it.

I'll stay no longer question.

Come on, let's go. This be-eth awesome.

Where's your script?

I don't need a script. I'm off book.

How can you be off book? You're not even in the play.

Because I know all of Willy's work by heart.

All 37 plays?


Troilus and Cressida.

For to be wise and love exceeds man's might.

Titus Andronicus.

Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand.

Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

What--what's the matter?

Are you kidding me?

You have every word this man's ever written memorized, and I'm on in an hour and a half, and I'm gonna make a fool of myself.

Donna, forget about my extraordinary gift and focus on yourself.

We have done this whole play.

You know your part. It will be fine.

It's not gonna be fine.


I haven't been on the stage in years.

So you're nervous.

All great performers get nervous.

It brings out the genius.

What if I'm not genius? What if I'm not even good?

I was pretty damn good, Louis.

I was.

But I knew the odds of somebody making it were close to zero no matter how good they were.

My father lost our money when I was 13, and I-I found out what it was like to struggle, so instead of pursuing my dream, I chose this...

And that let me pretend that maybe I was good enough to make it.

But what if I wasn't?

Mm-mm, all right, look, I'm gonna tell you something about myself that I never told anyone.

I have stage fright.

Got it when I was in third grade.

Let it get the best of me.

I never got over it.

And I cannot let you make the same mistake.


Look at me.

Donna Victoria Paulsen, you have never been more beautiful and talented and perfect than you are at this very moment.

Your time is now.

And you're gonna k*ll it.

Thank you, Louis.


Thank you.

My middle name is Roberta.

I'm so sorry for that.



Were you working late?

You really have to ask?

Thought maybe it would be nice for us to lie down a little bit.


I would love that, but if I lie down, I probably won't get back up.

I know you don't want to hear this, but I was thinking about it, and Harvey did kind of give me special treatment.


He let me skip law school.



Maybe if you just find the right time to ask, you know.

I did, and he bit my head off.

So please just let it go.

Okay? Okay.

Just wish all this Harvey and Logan bullshit would be over.

Yeah, me too.

Maybe when it is, we can get out of town for a weekend.

I would love that.

I'm worried Cahill, Harvey.

I've checked with everyone I know.

He hasn't done a thing.

Me too, which is exactly why I'm worried.

Jessica, I don't know what to say.

If I have to look over my shoulder every 15 seconds, I might as well give up right now.

Okay, but it doesn't mean you stop looking altogether.


Hey, do you have a minute?

Did you set up that trust?


In that case, we don't.

I did something better.

We're listening.

One of the biggest red flags at the S.E.C. is a stock purchase with money kept in trust for clients.

We've gone over this.

Let him finish.

On the other hand, there's nothing unusual about a retainer.

A retainer?

From what I gather, this takeover is a massive undertaking, right?

Now, I don't know how you've structured Logan's payments, but I think it's time he pay this firm a hefty fee up front and something on the order of $20 million.

And we use $20 million of our own money to buy that stock.

There's nothing that prohibits us from investing as a firm.

And when the bulk of our legal work is done, turns out he has money coming back.

We may just end up giving him the shares instead of his unused retainer.

Which we cannot plan or even discuss with Logan Sanders in advance.

And that makes it legal?


It makes it questionable, because they still might figure out what we did and make a case.


You tell me, Harvey.

Am I on the team now?

Sounds like you're being a little bit of a dickhead about this whole thing, so I'd say yes.


Do you have a minute?

Oh, no.

It could not have been that bad.

Oh, it wasn't.

It was amazing.

I mean, it was like riding a bike.

I got two standing Os, and I got you to thank for it.

Well, that's great.
What's wrong?

Shylock got drunk at the after-party, fell down a flight of stairs, and broke his ankle, which means the show won't go on.

No, no, no, the show must go on.

Well, the show can go on.



Come on, you're the only one who can do it.

No, I can't.

I wanted to be a molar.

But that teacher's pet, Dorothy McHale, got the part, so I was forced to be plaque.

Had to wear this ridiculous flesh-colored unitard and drape myself over my classmates, and every parent in the audience laughed at me.


And then the next year, I got a bigger part.

Walked right out onstage.

Tommy Gallup screams out, "plaque man!"

Once again, everyone laughs at me.

So right then and there, middle of the stage, I--

I peed my pants.

So I ran right off the stage, never went back, and I am not going back again.


A part like this doesn't come around very often.

You gave me a gift, and I k*lled it because of you.

Donna, please.

I'm not a lawyer, Louis.

This is my chance to shine.

But I'm about to lose two more glorious nights.

I've never asked anyone for anything like this, but there's no other choice.

Please do this for me.


You want me to sell directly to you?

I don't want you to.

You're going to.

Why would I do that?

Because I'm the only one who's gonna buy your block at a premium, instead of you flooding the market with shares and ending up getting a discount.

That's funny.

That's exactly what someone else just told me an hour ago.


And now I'll tell you what I told him.

I'll shut everyone else out, but you two are gonna have to go head-to-head.

You're talking about a dark pool bidding w*r.

That's no different than what you were talking about.

You just wanted to be the only one bidding.

Thanks for the scampi, Mr. Ross.

It was delicious.

I'll be in touch with the details.

Who's the other entity?

If you can't figure that out for yourself, I don't think you're likely to come out on top of this whole thing.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

I think I'm washing my hands, which I'd like to do without you bothering me about whatever bullshit you're here for.


We'll see if the S.E.C. thinks it's bullshit that you're buying stock illegally.

You're throwing some pretty big accusations around for such a little guy.

You think I didn't do my homework?

The registered bidder traces back to a shell corporation we used six times last year.

We're allowed to play the stock market as much as the next fellow.

You think because you're using firm money, that makes it legal?

Damn right I do, because we have no plan to do anything other than keep those shares ourselves.

Now who's talking bullshit?

What are you gonna do, Mike?

You gonna run to the S.E.C.?

You think I won't?

These aren't your daddy's tapes, Harvey.

These are the rules of the game.

Then let me dial their number for you, because if you report us, they'll put a freeze on this sale, and by the time we get it all straightened out, my T.R.O. will be expired, and we'll be right back to where we're headed this afternoon.

You're a sore g*dd*mn loser.

I would be if I ever lost.

See you at 6:00.

Guess what piece of shit lawyer just got himself a seat in the Wexler pool.

Mike, what are you doing here?

What do you mean?

The sale's not until 6:00.

Didn't you check your messages?

No. Why?

Columbia University called.

Rachel was taken to the hospital.

Rachel Zane.


You have a patient here, Rachel Zane.

What room is she in?

Miss Zane is resting and can--

What room is she in?

As I was saying, she can't have any visitors.

Look at me.

I'm gonna ask you one more time. Mike.

She's in 1024.

You've seen her?

It's locked.

I don't care.

What are you gonna do? You gonna break the door down?

Yeah, if I have to.

I spoke to her doctors.

They said she fainted at school. She's fine.

If she fainted, she's not fine.

They said she's run down and a little dehydrated but that she's okay.

Okay, so then--then why won't they let us see her?

Because she's sleeping, and she needs it.

Mike, she's fine.

She's gonna be fine.

What are you even doing here?

I'm one of her emergency contacts.

They called me.

Yeah, I know, but--

What's a heartless shithead like me doing in a place like this?

Yeah, something like that.

I would have come for you if you ever worked hard enough to pass out, but you never did.


Look, there's a steakhouse across the street.

Why don't you and I go get something to eat?

What, you gonna break the door down and wake her up?

No, I'm gonna wait outside of it and be there when she does.

Yeah, which won't happen for another eight hours, because they sedated her to make sure she got some sleep.

Come on, let's go get some food.

Don't you need to be at an auction?

Right now, I don't want to be at that sale any more than you do.

You're saying you're willing to postpone it?

I'm saying I already did. Come on.

No, I'm telling you, Dr. Lipschitz, this is like the whole plaque incident all over again.

Yes, I have told you about the plaque incident, at least twice.

I've--no, that... you know, it doesn't... you know what, forget it. That's not the point.

The point is, is that I'm supposed to be leaving for the theater in ten minutes, and I am a complete wreck.

I have the worst case of cottonmouth in the history of... what? No, you can talk with cotton mouth.

That's frickin' lockjaw.

You know something, Doc?

Sometimes I just think that I've wasted every single Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the last 14 years.

You know, this is the first time we've ever had a steak dinner.

I didn't know you were keeping a tally.

It's pretty easy to do when the grand total is zero.

I know.

I said I wanted to take you out the night you told me you were leaving.

We never got around to it.

I never got around to it.

What's the real reason you were at the hospital tonight?

The truth?

Rachel asked me for some time off, and I all but spit in her face.

So you felt guilty?

Pretty much.

Plus, I knew you needed something to take your mind off her, but I can see this dinner with me isn't working, so...


Holy shit.

What is this?

Louis is in a play.

You wanted to cheer me up, and you didn't start the night with this?

Come on.

I wanted to save something for dessert.

Oh, my God, that's got to be a codpiece, right?

What are you asking me for?

I don't want to know if Louis is packing that kind of heat.

You think I do?

You're the one who went mudding with him.

It was covered in mud.

How much mud?


Why would I ask that?

Oh, man.

I shouldn't be laughing at him.

He still hasn't forgiven me for using Sheila against him.

Mike, you did what you had to do.

You don't think that was crossing a line?

It was way over the line.

But I got to tell you, it was brilliant.

It was harsh, but it was brilliant.

You know, Harvey, I-I never told you.

What you did with Gillis...

I know you had to do it.

Like I said before, we do what we need to do.

Louis, you're almost up.

Oh, Christ, you're sweating more than Nixon.

I've gone through four Elizabethan collars and a codpiece.

Okay, just breathe. You're gonna be fine.

No, I can't do it.

Louis, we are in the middle of the play.

You'll have to ad-lib. Make something up.

Say shylock went away.

Say that he went to Israel. Oh, my God.


I don't even know what... you know what?

I never thought you'd be so weak.

Okay, why do you got to say something hurtful right now?

Oh, screw hurt!

Turn that into rage. Why would I do-

You always turn hurt into rage, you idiotic piece of shit.

It is what you do.

Okay, now I'm mad at you.


Now, imagine you're in court. Court, how?

It's too hard with the curtain. Just do it, dipshit.

Okay, fine, I'm in court, God damn it.

You happy now? No, I'm not happy, you idiot.

Now, you're in court, and you're enraged, and you are fit to k*ll.

Now, do you see that audience out there?

That's your jury. They're a bunch of morons.

Yeah, they're beneath you, aren't they?

They're beneath everybody.

What else?

They're a bunch of civil servants who can't keep up with what I'm saying.

You have absolute and total contempt for them, don't you?

I want to rip out their stupid brains from their stupid heads.


Now, get out there and make your case.

Unless of course you're a p*ssy and you were meant to play plaque your whole life. 3,000 ducats.

I'm gonna head back.

Hey, tell Rachel she should take the day off tomorrow.

Thanks for this, Harvey.

Excuse me.

Which one of you is Franklin, and which one of you is Bash?

Did you boys have a nice date?

Couldn't be better. He even paid.

Oh, I guess he's flush with cash ever since he left you in order to do investment banking.

I'm sorry. Do I know you?

No, but I know you. Mike Ross.

Sean here is with the S.E.C., and he's using his position to harass my clients on behalf of Eric Woodall.

Actually, not anymore, Harvey.

I decided to take your advice and focus on you.

Are you following me?

Oh, I've got guys who do that.

Then you also better have authorization from the Justice Department.

Getting authorization was easy, because I told them you two are on opposite sides of a takeover battle and that your girlfriend is your associate.

Are you trying to say that we're colluding?

Oh, you went right there, didn't you?

Because you led him there.

Well, in the six hours that I've been there, this is what I've learned.

Your girlfriend, who I just mentioned works for you, faints at law school for five minutes.

You guys meet at the hospital.

Then you have dinner for two hours where you cancel a private stock sale that you both arranged, and one hour ago, that stock mysteriously gets bought by some shell corporation set up last year.

Wait, what?


Here's my favorite part, where you feign outrage and you feign ignorance to help sell the whole story.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you a little heads-up.

Smile for the cameras. Harvey.

You gave me your word.

And I kept it.

Oh, yeah, then what about this stock?

Jessica must have done it.


No, it's not bullshit.

Yeah, and when were you planning on telling me this guy was up your ass for collusion?

I didn't know about this until five seconds ago.

There are only so many things I can buy, Harvey.

Listen to me, we can deal with this guy's bullshit later.

Right now, let me deal with the stock situation.

I'll make it right. You can't make it right.

Mike, you used to trust me.

I need you to trust me right now.


Rachel, wake up.

Hey. Where were you so late?

I was out, thinking.

Thinking what?

I don't want to be a fraud.


I love you.

I'm married to her, but I don't want to do that anymore.

I want to be married to you.



Will you marry me?

I can't.

Why not?

Because you'll always be a fraud.

How can you say that to me?



You okay?


Come on, go back to sleep.

I'll be here when you wake up.

Who told you to buy that stock?

Excuse me?

Let me start again.

Hello, Jessica.

I just found out we bought the Wexler block.

Would you by any chance know how that came to happen?

It came to happen when I found out the dark pool had been canceled and I couldn't reach you.

So you took it upon yourself to make a preemptive bid.

Of course I did.

If I hadn't, Forstman would have.

So why are you here?

I gave Mike my word we'd postpone the sale.

Well, I didn't give Mike anything.

Do you even want to know why?

Not particularly.

It was because Rachel passed out at school and was in the hospital.

Is she all right?

Do you care?

Don't you make me out to be the villain in this, Harvey.

I am sorry Rachel fainted, but our obligation is to our client, and I'm not undoing that sale.

We can't tonight anyway.

Why not?

Because Cahill came out of nowhere.

He's been having me followed.

He thinks Mike and I are colluding on Gillis, and if we undo that sale, it'll just fuel the fire.

I told you I was still worried about him.

What did you want me to do?

Have myself tailed to pick up a possible tail?

What did you come in here to tell me, Harvey?

Now that Sean Cahill is involved, we also can't ever transfer those shares to Logan.

Which conveniently helps fix your deal with Mike Ross.


You know what?

Doesn't matter. We don't need to transfer them.

We'll just vote Logan's way when the time comes.

Jessica, I gave Mike my word.

Harvey, I don't care if you took a blood oath.

Our duty is to our client, not a handshake with Mike Ross.

And this discussion is over.

Checked you out.

You're free to go on your own recognizance.

How much was bail?

Oh, it's okay, I took care of it.

How are you feeling?

You know, I'm actually feeling--

I'm feeling pretty good.

In fact, I think that I'm going--

Rachel, no, you can't do any work today.

I'm just gonna stop by the office and put away just three files, send four emails.

That's it.

I have to do this just for my own peace of mind.

No more.

No more.

I won't even tell anybody that I'm there.

I won't.

Louis, can I talk to you for a minute?

Of course.

First of all, you were remarkable last night.

Who said?

Everyone in the cast.

The Flushing Chronicle?

Um, you know, I don't actually read the local--

You should, because they said I was a shock to the senses.

I bought six copies this morning.

I'm gonna send five to Esther, because she thinks she's such a great singer.


Louis, what I came in here to say--

Donna, I'm retiring.

You're what?

You helped me get over a fear that I never thought I'd get over.

But I don't want to see the audience as the jury.

I don't want to have disdain for them.

I am the audience, and I want to love them.


Donna, I'm sorry.

Because I know I'm taking away your last glorious night from you, but I can't go on again.

I, um...

I can't do it.

It's okay, Louis.

It's okay.

It turns out that the other shylock only sprained his ankle.

Looks like he's gonna be able to go on tonight after all.

Wait a minute.

He never hurt his ankle at all, did he?

You know, I just knew that you had a lot of things going on lately with Harvey and Malone, and sometimes the best way to deal with disappointment in one arena is to accomplish something else.

Thank you.

You're welcome, Louis.

Hey, remember when you said that you're not a lawyer?

You could be.

Got Donna's message. What's going on?

How's Rachel?

She's good. Resting.


God damn it, I knew it.

I knew you wouldn't fix it.

I tried.

You tried?

You're a name partner.

And she's the managing partner, and you know it.

That wouldn't have made a difference if you were fighting for you.

I fought Jessica for you and won more than once, but this isn't one of those times, Mike.

Believe me, this isn't what I wanted.

My mistake was believing you when you gave me your word.


I made the mistake by not believing in you the second you brought me your takeover plan.

Look, I don't have a lot of regrets.

It's just not who I am.

But this is one of them.

If I could go back and change it, I would, but I can't.

Is that supposed to stop me?

No, I just wanted you to know it.

Do what you have to do.

Mr. Ross, what can I help you with?

Actually, nothing.


What do you mean nothing?

I mean I made a mistake.

I'm gonna find another way to win this thing.

I'm grateful, but I'm not gonna need your money anymore.

You may not need my money, but you've got it.

What are you talking about?

You think I didn't know what you were up to?

You tried not to fund the money, so you could leverage Specter out of the deal and get out of our deal.


Did I know?

I've done the same thing a hundred times.

I'm actually glad you did it, because now I know the kind of person I'm in bed with.

A sneaky little shit like me.


Yeah, do you know the difference between you and me?

I'm not taking the money because I don't want to screw over my partner.

And if I were you, I wouldn't want to screw him over either.

That man has nothing but wonderful things to say about you.

You had him take the money, didn't you?

He couldn't believe it hadn't happened already.

He told me he's having a little tombstone made up for you.

Mike, we are partners on this, whether you like it or not.

[Rock music]

♪ ♪

What are you doing here?

I'm here to deliver these.

Who are those for?

Who do you think they're for?

For you, for your dressing room.

Let's go.

You're coming?

You think I'm gonna miss your closing night?

I didn't know you were a Shakespeare fan.

I'm a Donna fan.

You know, Harvey, you don't have to do this.

I know you got a lot going on with Mike.

The only thing I got going on tonight is you.
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