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02x21 - The Torch

Posted: 06/05/23 18:35
by bunniefuu
, ' , ' was another time,
Mr. Stone.

In Germany we lived with fear.

- We slept with it.
- And camera two.

You see, today,
it is difficult for anyone.

But especially for the young people
who have known no other life

to imagine what
Hitler's Germany was like

for a teenager who
happened to be Jewish.

Ready three.

I was one of only seven survivors

of a transport of , people
of about my age,

who entered Auschwitz with me.

- God.
- Three.

This is Speak to the Nation
and I'm Jed Stone.

- We're talking with Everett Soloman.
- Hey, Mark, listen to this.

A philanthropist, industrialist,

a world leader and thinker,

and spokesman
for international peace.

Mr. Soloman,

what are your feelings concerning
the rise of neo-n*zi cultism?

The world has always
mirrored its own history.

It isn't surprising

that the mirror some of these people
hold up to themselves

is n*zi Germany.

- People like GaryYarbrough?
- Mark?

- Yes. Gary--
- What?

- I want you to listen to this.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Boy, this being a paramedic is tough.
We made three calls, saved two lives.

I mean, I'm only human. I get tired.

- Just listen, okay?
- The talk show host who used

his programme as a forum.

He once told a Seattle Times reporter

of teaching his daughter,
his -year-old daughter,

how to k*ll Jews.

He said,
"Someday she'll be a fine marksman,

firing b*ll*ts into the heads of kikes."

What does the name Jan Baldt
mean to you?

Yes, Jan Baldt. Self-styled t*rror1st.

Hey, Mom. Mom, they're talking
about Dad on TV.

--and even those people
didn't like him.

Today he's surrounded himself
with thugs.

- You've met him?
- Never.

Met many like him.

They speak for God.

They pick out a group and they say,
"These people are no good.

They are inferior.

Get rid of them."

And only they know.

No one else knows.

The true fanatic.

Dirty Jew.

Joseph, don't go out! Joseph!




Oh, no.


Joseph. Joseph!

Atlas, they cut his throat.

It continues.

After all these years,

the hate continues.

- Papa--
- It's all right.

- No, I'm gonna call.
- Really, it's all right.

- I'm gonna make a call.
- It's all right, Joseph. It's all--

- No, no. No hospital.
- Dad, you at least gotta go in and--

No. No, what are they going to tell me,
I need a new heart?

In ' , I was an experiment.

Since then, I've needed a new heart.

But I'm here.

I saw my father led away
to the ovens.

The last thing he said to me was,

I'm here.

I'm here.

Mr. Soloman, you should be
kept under observation.

I said, no hospital.

All right, then at least let us
watch you here.

Just to keep an eye on you in case.

That's why a man has a son.

He's very capable, I assure you.

A three-day, high-level
peace conference, here.

I have to be here.

I'm the voice of moderation.

Too many old fighters
ready to draw their weapons.

Everything is a plot.

A comic-book mentality.

No, no, my friend.

The world is not an old Western street
with a sh**t at high noon

that will answer all questions. No.

I have to remind them.

They occasionally listen to me.

And this time you should listen to me.
You have to be under observation.

You have a place
where you can put us up?

That's not necessary.

Dad, come on now,
you won't go to the hospital,

you won't let me call the police.

That's all we need, an armed camp.

We'll be okay.

Look, then at least let these men
keep an eye on you, okay?


All right. All right.

- We have a gardener's cottage.
- That'll be fine.

Here, Mr. Soloman, why don't you
take a little more of this?

I'll take three.

- I'll stay with these.
- Okay.

I'll raise you two.

Damn dog.

- I can't hardly hold these cards.
- You did good, Cal.

I thought it'd be on TV.

That Jew's got a rep.

What do you got? All hearts.

Oh, we'll get on TV, all right.

The whole country's gonna be
watching our rally.

I never thought we'd get a permit.

This is a democracy, isn't it?

We're even gonna have
special police protection.



Just a minute.

What do you want?

Rolf should be upstairs, honey.
He's got homework to do.

- He'll be up when he's done.
- Done what?

Cleaning g*ns.

Jan, I don't like him down here.
He's too young.

Too young for what?
To know the truth?

To know that we're in a fight
for our very lives?

He's only a boy.

That's why he should be
down here with us now.

So that he knows who the enemy is.

So that when he grows up, he'll
be fighting right alongside with us.

Why do you keep talking
about fighting all the time?

How can you fight
with a handful of men?

Hitler started with less.

Sometimes you scare me.

Sometimes I scare a lot of people.

But that's okay.

This country's going
straight to hell, May.

There's a lot of godless people
out there.

Inside our government,

eating it away.

I'm gonna put a stop to it.

You'll see.

So he'll come up

when he's done.



I would just like to know who did this.

Look, it could have been anybody.

Just don't get involved.

It's his locker, Lubin. He is involved.

In Germany, the Jews didn't wanna
get involved. They didn't want trouble.

They were rounded up without trouble
and went to death camps.

Look, Joe, they're just baiting on you
because your dad was on TV.

You don't have to do anything.

You do what you want.
I'm going to that rally tomorrow.

You're asking for trouble.

I'm a Jew.
A Jew has to be used to trouble.

No, I think Arthur's right.
What are you gonna gain?

You're starting to sound
like your father.

- What do you mean?
- Soft, that's what I mean.

There's one way to stop these Nazis
and that's to get rid of them.

- An eye for an eye.
- No.

No, that is their way, not ours.

We have minds
and we've gotta use them.

We've gotta learn to live together
and stop the hate.

Sounds like one
of your father's speeches.

So, what if it is?

I thought your father
was at Auschwitz.

- He was.
- Then he's got a short memory.

Like I said, I'm going to that rally.

So all my life, my father's been
training me for a life in diplomacy.

- Blintzes.
- Thank you.

- Here you go.
- Ready.

Sour cream and
strawberry preserves. Be liberal.

How do you feel about it, bud?
Following in your father's footsteps.

I don't know.
It's just always been expected.

I am to be the bearer of the torch.

I walked through those halls today...

...just looking at faces.

Wondering if it was him or him.

Was it somebody
that pretends to be my friend?

God, why so much hate?

Did you tell your father
what happened at school?


I mean, he's got this three-day
marathon session starting tomorrow.

He's the reason everybody's coming.
How could I burden him with that?

Joseph, that line
in the note on the brick.

"The Day of the Rope,"
what does it mean?

It comes from this wild novel.

It's called The Turner Diaries.
You should read it.

It's this crazy, outrageous fiction.

Never heard of it.

It was written by a white supremacist.

It's a blueprint for a takeover
of the United States,

using m*rder,

robbery, counterfeiting
to disrupt the system.

And ending with the Day of the Rope.

When all minority groups
will be wiped out.

Latinos, blacks and Jews.

I mean, man, this insanity is actually
used as a bible by most neo-Nazis.

A friend of mine's
going to the rally tomorrow.

And he wants me to go with him.

To stand up to them.

Wait a minute.
After what happened the other night,

I think you'd be best off
just steering clear of that.

I guess you're right.

Well, hey. Come on,

let's eat these blintzes
while they're still hot.

- Joseph. Off to school?
- Yeah.

I just wish I didn't have to go.

You've heard my speeches.

You have much more
to learn at school.

I know.

What's wrong?

It's nothing, Dad.

"Nothing, Dad,"
with a voice that says "plenty"?

What is it?

What is it?

It's--It's Paul Hiller.

Oh, Paul, your friend.
Oh, the fighter, the critic.

What now?


He says that you're soft.

That you've forgotten what it was like.

- He said that?
- Yeah.

After all he's been through?

I know it's stupid to let it bother me.

I understand. Better than you know.

He thinks I take the easy way.

Do you think I could ever forget
what it was like?

- No, sir.
- Never.

There isn't a moment
that it isn't with me.

Not a moment.

The day the Nazis took
my father and mother to the truck,

they said the women
were going to work at the mill.

My father kissed my mother,
she got on the truck,

and they closed the doors.

The SS officer in charge
then told the waiting husbands

to take a hose

and connect it from the exhaust pipe
to an opening in the rear of the truck.

Of course, your grandfather
and all the other prisoners refused.

Then the officer said, if they
don't, they will k*ll all of them

and their children.

And so they connected the hose.

And my father
had to stand by the truck

until the screaming stopped.

So, you see,

what I do is not easy.

But I must do it.

Now, go and learn something.

Cal, circulate in the crowd, start your
applause and keep your eye open.

Don't you worry none.
You--You just give them hell.

And Cal, be cool.

- You are going to be on TV.
- Yeah, right.

Hey, Rolf,
what do you think of your daddy?

Well, he's gonna be
an important man after today.

Right, Dad?

Gentlemen, today we take
a meat axe to the system.

Rolf, I love the way your daddy talks.

The conference started.

I just hope everything's all right.

You look nervous.
What's the matter?

The boss tell you something?

No, no.

It's just a feeling I've got, that's all.

See all those limos out there?
Must be , they're parked all over.

Yeah, big day.

What is it, anyhow?
Some kind of think t*nk?

I don't understand. Who's here?
Are they politicians or what?

Intellectuals, educators.

People gathering to try to find answers
to impossible questions.

And they all come to his home.
No flags, no fanfare.

I mean, one minute nobody's here,
and the next minute...

Boy, he must be quite a guy.

How does he look?

Pale. Stayed up all night
working on his speech.

Boy, I'm amazed he's still around
after all the stuff he's been through.

He won't let himself die.

Not as long as men are still
wearing swastikas on their arm.

I'm going to the rally.
I want you to go with me.

Hiller, I've gotta get home.

They're recruiting after school.
There was a star on your locker.

You can't let it ride.

Did you read the newspaper last night?

I cut this out. I want you to hear it.

It was written by a German pastor
in Berlin in the s.

"They came first for the communists,

and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a communist.

They came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came
for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak up because
I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn't speak up
because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,

and by that time,
no one was left to speak up."

We have to go, Joe.

Great events occur because
many small events occur.

The hate-spitters
reject this view of life.

They simplify everything.

They will always find some group
responsible for every tragedy.

Why? Why?

Because if you can blame someone,

you can make yourself a leader
who will avenge the wrong.

So they fan the flames of hatred
until the people no longer use reason.

They think of only one thing,
destroy that group.

The enemy.

Blacks, Jews,


We will no longer tolerate government
by the minority for the minority.

There is no way

a free society can evolve peacefully

from a society that succumbs

to Jewish corruption.

We do not pay taxes
to support our government.

No, we pay them to support Israel.

Think about that!

The Jew, he is smart.

He hides behind politicians

with names like Smith, like Jones.

But the money

for their campaigns

comes from men with names
like Goldberg and Cohen.

We will not,

we must not,

we cannot let this continue.

- Hey, Mark, have you seen Joseph?
- No.

He's not up in his room.

He should have been
home from school by now.

You don't think he changed his mind
about going to that rally, do you?

Let's find out.

We can never forget
the horrors that took place.

But if we are to go on,

we must somehow learn
to live together

in this world, in peace.

We must destroy
the myth of the Holocaust,

which of course never happened!

A myth cultivated by the Jew

to gain pity for himself.




Liar. Liar.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

Joseph Soloman's life ended here
in a pool of blood,

just a few blocks from his home.

The same home where his father,
Everett Soloman, was delivering

a speech on world peace,
as his son lay dying.

- This is Ed Gaines reporting.
- We've done it!

That is national news.
We are big time!

I didn't feel nothing, except good.

You sure shut that kid up.

That ought to throw the fear of God
into the rest of them.

Hey, hey, come over here.

- Upon hearing of the sh**ting,
- Listen to this.

Everett Soloman collapsed
and was rushed to the hospital.

Mr. Soloman, a widower, has been
in poor health for some years,

the result of time spent in a
concentration camp in n*zi Germany.

His condition was listed as critical.

- Hey, Rolf. Where's your dad?
- Upstairs.

Go tell him it looks like
we k*lled two birds with one stone.


Go ahead.

To the Order.

To the Order.

We're keeping this to celebrate.
Well, tonight's the night.

I can't believe it.

We finally got the old man.

Here we go, May.

Come on, I wanna make a toast.

What the hell is wrong with you?

He was a boy!

He was a Jew boy.

And his father was a kike.

I don't care, Cal m*rder*d him!

He's the enemy.

Did you see

your son tonight

when he ran in here to tell you
that boy's father was dying?

He was thrilled.

He should be.

A -year-old boy, happy,

because two people are dead
instead of one?

What kind of man
is he gonna grow up to be?

Maybe a great man.

Maybe the kind of man
that will continue

on the most important mission
in the history of the world.

A mission from God.

- From God?
- Yes, God himself.

To purify this country, May.

To keep it safe at long last
from the powers of Satan.


Don't say anything to Rolf about this.

Because he'll hate you for it.

God, why am I here?

If only you'd given me a sign,
I could have done something.

Hasn't Everett Soloman
suffered enough in his life?

God, if ever a man deserved better,
this surely must be the man.



All right, let's put it down right here.

Wait till you see these, son.

- I can't wait.
- And there's more coming.

Look at that.
See what a little press can do, Cal?

- Do I ever.
- Wow, look at that.

You could sure quiet a crowd with that.

Where'd you get these, Dad?

From our friends.
From friends of our cause, boy.

- Can I hold it?
- Sure.

Man. Look at it, Dad.



We've got momentum now.
I wanna keep this thing going.

I don't want them Jews getting
any sympathy because of that kid.

Not much you can do about that.

Yes, there is.

We can call some police agencies,
federal agencies,

and tell them who k*lled that kid.


Yeah, we'll tell them it was the JDL
or another Jew group.

Who's gonna believe that?
I mean, what reason would they have?

A very good one.

They k*lled the kid and blamed it on
anti-Semites to further their own cause,

for sympathy.

It's no different than blaming Hitler for
k*lling the Jews during World w*r II.

We notify the press,
they check with the federal agencies.

They can't deny the calls, they won't.

- And you think people'll believe it?
- Well, hell, yes.

Anyone knows how cunning Jews are.

Think about it. Imagine.

They k*lled one of their own
to further their own cause.

Oh, what a story. What press.
What do you think?

I think you think like a Jew.

Don't you ever say that.

Hey, Jan. I didn't mean nothing.

- Don't you ever say that.
- Hey, I won't, man. I'm sorry.

- Hey, Dad?
- Yes, boy?

Where's the--?

In local news, Jan Baldt,
shot at his home last night,

has been rushed to the hospital.

- The leader of the extremist white
- Jonathan! Listen to this.

organisation called "The Order,"
lies near death, only two floors

below the room where
Everett Soloman fights for his own life.

He's being kept alive
by life-support systems

but hospital reports
list him as being brain-dead.

The circumstances of the sh**ting
are still unclear at the moment.

A pro-Israeli task force
at first was blamed,

but now police reports
suggest that Baldt

- was accidentally shot by his son.
- God, his own son.


The police were notified
by the wife of the victim,

who remains under house arrest
for her own protection.

Come out.

- It just won't come out.
- Hello, May.

How'd you get in here?

There are police upstairs.

I know, it's all right.

I wanted to talk to you.

It was an accident.

Rolf didn't mean it.

He loved his daddy.

This stain will not come out!

He was a good father.

He was loving and gentle.

He just wanted to make

everything better.


This country is going to hell
and he just wanted to save it.

Save it.

When did he start to change, May?


From the loving, caring father.
When did he start to change?

I don't know, really.

After he lost his job at the plant,
he came home, he said he got fired

because of some Jew auditor.
That's what he said.

After that, he blamed
the Jews for everything.

w*r, jobs, hunger.

It was always the Jews, the Jews.

I tried to laugh it off.

But then as Rolf started growing up,

he began filling his head
with the same things.

It was hate.

Just hate.

That's why he's dead.

That's what k*lled him.

The father of the boy who was shot
is fighting for his life.

I know. I heard it on TV.

Cal k*lled him. I told the police.

Everett Soloman
needs a new heart, May.

But he needs a donor,
a donor with a strong heart.

God, but my Jan
was a physical specimen.

He was.

He was always working out.

His weights are still in the closet.

I loved to hear his heart beating
after he worked out.

It would just go "bang, bang."

Jan. Jan.

It's still beating, May.

Jan's heart's still beating.

He could save that old man's life.


You mean Jan's heart?

That's right.

But only you can make it happen.

Jan's heart in the old Jew.

All the bad things they'll say about him.

Bound to.

This might make a difference.

They'd have to say that it was
his heart that saved the old man.

They'd have to say that.


You go on.

You take his heart.

It was a good heart.

You hear his wife talking now.

A very good heart.

And a strong and healthy one too.

Thank you, May.

Mr. Soloman.

How are you feeling, sir?


They don't allow me
to hear a radio or TV.

The latest rumour is that
Baldt was shot by his son,


Shot accidentally.

That's true.

Justice has not been meted out.

- Why?
- The man was an animal.

He needed to be shot.

But he was shot, sir.


There's no solace in that.

Vengeance. I need my vengeance.

"Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord.

You don't understand.

You don't know.

Your son was not m*rder*d.

Excuse me, Mr. Soloman.

Look, I'm really sorry about this.
Honestly, I am. But can you talk?

Max Billings, Journal.

- All right, let's go.
- Wait, please.

- I can really use a quote from you.
- Not now.

What about the fact that
they gave you Jan Baldt's heart?

- What?
- Jan Baldt, the n*zi.

How does it feel, knowing that
his heart beats inside your body?

No, no.


After a series of bizarre events in
which the heart of a neo-n*zi leader,

who must bear most of the
responsibility for the death

of a young Jewish
high school student,

has been transplanted into
the chest of that boy's father.

The man, philanthropist
Everett Soloman, accidentally learned

whose heart he had received.

Since that time, his condition
has deteriorated rapidly.

Doctors now have
given up hope of survival.

Jon, I understand how you feel,
but what can you do?

I mean, after everything that man
has been through,

you can't blame him for giving up.

Oh, yes I can, Mark.

It's because of all he's been through
that I can blame him.


Everett Soloman.

Leave me alone.

Let me die.

After all you've been through,
you give up now?

I am not giving up.

I am having my vengeance.

The heart of my son's m*rder*r

will stop beating. I will see to it.

You call that vengeance?
Giving them two lives instead of one?


Yes. He silenced my boy's heart.

Now I will silence his.

You sound like Jan Baldt talking.

Don't you dare say that to me.

You dare compare me
with that n*zi swine?

You're speaking from hate.

You're allowing the same kind of hate
that destroyed Jan Baldt to destroy you.

I spent--I spent three years
in their death camp.

And lived.

And now you have to try to live again.

Your father's last words,
his last hope was with you.

He needed your life
to validate his then.

The whole world needs your life now.

Don't you see, Everett?
Your life is the n*zi's greatest defeat.

After everything they did to you,

you rise and you go on.

Alive, you're a symbol of hope,

of courage.

Live for all those
that died at their hands.

Live for your father

and your mother.

And live for your son.

I haven't the strength.

Then find it.

Find the strength.

Pray for it, Everett.

Pray for it.

I can't.

Jonathan, I can't, I can't.

I can't.

You must live.

You promised me.


Grandfather's right.

You can't let them win.
You must fight.

You must carry the torch
for all of us now.

Don't let them win, my son.

Don't let the world ever forget.

Fight, my son.






Please, Mr. Soloman.
How are you feeling?

How should I feel?
It's a beautiful morning.

Can you say a few words
to our listeners?

I speak to you today for my father,
my mother and my son,

who can no longer speak
for themselves, but through me.

I speak to you today
with gratefulness to my doctors,

to my God,

to my friends.

I speak to you today
with a new passion for life

and new conviction.

We must all fight against hatred
and prejudice in this world.

We must never give up

until all men can live
without fear, in peace,

regardless of his religion or his race.

We can accomplish this lofty goal.

Not through vengeance,

but through understanding.

Through reasoning and good will.

I speak to you today

from my heart.