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07x15 - Reel m*rder: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/23 15:32
by bunniefuu
Last time on benson...

George kennedy filming
Right here in the mansion!

Oh, I can't wait!

This guy and I
Shared a foxhole

In a particularly unfriendly
Part of korea.

A very crowded foxhole.

Hey, corporal dubois,

What shall I do
With this kimch'I?

If it moves, sarge,
Slug it!

You'll never work
In this town again!

I hate
That balding egomaniac.

Get your hands off me.

I'm not finished
With you yet.

Trust me.
You're finished.

Either I do the bit again,
Or I walk!

Walk? What is this --
Your idea of a joke?

Tracy is dead.

We're snowed in,
The police can't get here,

We can't call out,

And there's a k*ller roaming
The governor's mansion.

History of jurisprudence
Is replete

With instances of totally
Innocent men

Who have gone to the chair

For crimes
They didn't commit.

[ snickering ]

It is only in the realm
Of fiction and "B" movies

That the identity of
The real m*rder*r is arrived at

Through a clever
Interpretation of clues

By an amateur sleuth
In the final scene.

Now, often, the k*ller
Is filled with remorse

And turns himself in.

Over there!

[ gasping ]

Governor: hey, stop him!

Stop him!

[ gasping ]



[ sighing ]

I -- I can't take
Any more of this.

I'm going to my office
And lock the door.

Are you ready for
Our big scene, mr. Kennedy?

Oh, oh, yeah.
Hi, katie.

Yes, honey,
I'm looking forward to it.

You guys look like
You've just seen a ghost.

Somebody took a shot at benson
With a crossbow.


Someone tried to k*ll benson?

Or one of us.

Holy toledo, ohio!

That must have been
Tracy's k*ller

Trying to cover his tracks.

That was my theory.

What about reba?

Well, she's a tough lady,

And she and tracy had
Their problems, but m*rder?


Tracy was always insulting him,
So maybe he snapped.

And he did benefit.

He's now directing
The movie.

Well, somehow he doesn't
Seem like the type.

What type?

The late mr. Cassidy
Used to say,

"Beware the quiet man,
For he hides his passions."

But, what did
Mr. Cassidy know?

He never even finished
High school.

This isn't
Getting us anywhere.

I'm gonna go and see if
The phones are working yet.

Maybe I can get ahold
Of the police.

I'll be in my office.

Uh, george,
If you're not busy,

We'd like to rehearse
Scene --

The death scene.

Miss gatling,
Have you learned your lines?

Yes, sir.

Very good.

If I could have it quiet
For rehearsal, please.

Man: quiet, please.

I -- I don't understand.

Who --

Who are you?

I am sara ketchum,
Your maternal grandmother.

I welcome you
To immortality.

[ gasping ]


All right, very good rehearsal.
Very good.

Katie, why don't you
Go to makeup.

Somebody touch up
George's blood.

Everybody take five,
And then we'll light this thing.

Well, what did you think?

Oh, it was wonderful.
How do you think katie did?

Oh, great.
She's a natural.

It is so wonderful of you
To give her this chance.

She's having so much fun.

She's charming.

Well, thank you.

Listen, uh, george,

I have a little suggestion
For you.


It's just a pointer about
That dying bit you do.


I think you can
Get more out of it.


More energy, pace,
You know?

Yeah, uh, thanks.


I just spoke with
Sergeant leary in security,

And he said
He's been unable

To contact
The local police.

Too bad.


He sent one of his men out
On foot this morning but --

Excuse me.

I want to ask
The governor a question.
Yes, george?

When you say "Pace,"

Are you talking about
How fast I'm talking

Or how fast I'm dying?

Benson! Benson!

I know who did it!

Well, you know maggie,
The wardrobe lady?

She used to be
Mr. Tracy's girlfriend.

Well, don't you get it?

He spurned her,

And she bopped him
With a skillet --

A crime of passion.

You're a crime of passion.

Just because
They went out together --

Well, I do believe
Their relationship

Had gone a little further

Than the "Afternoon
In the malt shop" stage.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean
She "Bopped" him, george.

And, even if she did, why would
She take a potshot at me?

Maybe you know something.

Maybe you know something too,
But, so far,

It's failed to bubble through
That murky mind of yours.

But suppose
You knew something

You didn't even know
You knew,

And the k*ller knew you knew,
But didn't know

That you didn't know
What you knew.

She may be right.

You might have some clue

That you don't even
Know about --

Something that you saw
Or heard.

[ snickers ]

It's a possibility.

Don't give me that look.

Things like that happen
All the time in real life.

I'll tell you what happens
In real life, george.

People who act like
They saw or heard something

That they didn't see
Or hear

Are very often never seen
Or heard from again.

[ clears throat ]

Shh! Shh! Shh!

Here she comes now.

I need to bloody you up.

Uh-huh. Right.

Uh, benson,
Would you like to come along

And see how they do this?

Why not?

I haven't seen
Any blood yet today.

No, no, no.

They'll -- they'll be
All right.

Yeah, well, I guess I'll go
Back to the coffee machine

And see what I can pick up.

Miss kraus, didn't benson
Tell you not to pry?

I'm not prying.
I'm just listening.

You want to come along?

No, I'm starved.

I think there's some
Turkey salad in the kitchen.

What are you doing?

Just back off, okay?!

Back off!

Well, let me guess...

For "West side story"!

I was just protecting myself.
He surprised me.

He tried to "Johnny" open
That cabinet.

You mean "Jimmy."

No, no, it's him.

Who's jimmy?

Open the cabinet.

No, no.
It was mr. Street.

I saw him.

What were you after
In the cabinet anyway?

Look, it's no big deal.

I just wanted the film
From scene .

I don't want
The big guys in l.A.

To see me
Doing crummy shtick.

It could be bad
For my career.

So you thought you'd
Pull a knife on the governor.

Yeah, if you've got
Career problems,

You should talk
To your agent.

You guys are missing
The whole point.

Street is worried
About his career,

And the one person
Who could ruin his career

Was the director
Of this movie.

And the director is dead,

So he's trying
To get the film!

Don't you see how
All the pieces fit together?

Well, one of the pieces
Is missing.

There's no film
In that cabinet.

Oh, no.
They've shipped it already.

I'm dead. I'm dead.

They couldn't have
Shipped it already.

We're snowed in.

Maybe he's got it on him.

Let's just search him here.

Wait a minute!
Now, hold on here!

I didn't take
That reel of film.

If it isn't in there,
Someone else must have taken it.

That argument
Just doesn't hold water.

Who else would be interested
In your crummy shtick?

Answer me that, huh?

Maybe it was your daughter.

She's crazy about me.

Okay, okay. That's it.

Prepare to defend
Yourself, mister.

Come on!

Take it easy here!

If you're gonna fight
With someone,

You're gonna have to
Deal with me first.

Okay. Okay.

Come on!

I wasn't talking to you.

All mouth, huh?!

Governor, governor,
He was talking to mr. Street.

I don't need this.
I'm out of here.

I am out of here.

Wait a minute.
He's getting away.

Hey! Come back here!

Forget it, governor.
He can't go anywhere.

Benson, I know you don't like
To listen to my theories.

But I know you're dying
To tell me.

Well, you know me...

All mouth.

Oh, I'm sorry about that.

I guess I lost my head.

Reminds me of the time

That timmy jacobson
Painted my saxophone.

Quick, george --
Your theory.

Well, supposing
The missing reel of film

Had something to do
With the m*rder.

Since the film is missing,
I guess we'll never know.



We have videotape.

What do you mean?

Well, nowadays, we
Videotape everything we film.

It's a quick way
Of checking what you shot.

But whoever
Took the film

Would have known
About the tape.

That's true.

The tape is here.

Let's have a look
At it.

Cut! Print that one.

I didn't see anything.

I don't know what street
Is complaining about,

It looked like
A pretty good take to me.

Well, I'm no gene shalit,

But they just didn't
Make me laugh.

Well, governor,
You watch too much tv, you --

Here they are.

Clayton knows
Who the k*ller is.


All right,
Listen to this...

In ,
Mikel and sofia kalishnakoff

Escaped from soviet lithuania,
Came to this country.

They started a mail-order
Lingerie business.

Now, the first few years
Were a struggle,

But eventually mikel's flair
For lace and silken ribbons --

Clayton, skip the frillies
And get to the point.

All right, all right.

Sofia and mikel had a son
Named stephan ivan,

Better known as "Corky."

And corky attended
Wisconsin state

On an archery scholarship.

It's the crossbow

The crossbow connection?

The man was k*lled
With a skillet.

We should be looking for
Someone who majored in home ec.

Well, it ain't corky.
I've known him for years.

Oh, look.
It's the movie on tv.


Oh, look, it's me!
Oh, I look so fat.

Run it back again.

Come on. Run it back.

What did you see?

Run it back to
Where it was interrupted.

Stop it right there.
Right there!

Clayton: aha!

George: aha?

Aha, duffy
Is wearing my scarf!

Your scarf?

Yeah, the one I incorporated
Into the butler's outfit.

Where did you get the scarf?

I picked it up
Here in the kitchen.

What's the big deal?

But this was made
Before you were in the movie.

So? So duffy dropped his scarf
In the kitchen.

I don't see what you're --


Miss kraus: are you saying
Arthur duffy is a k*ller?

Well, what would
His motive be?

He never even met tracy
Till a couple days ago.

Well, I don't know
What his motive might be,

But he's got a very strange
Look on his face.

Well, just because
Someone looks a little strange,

Doesn't mean
That they are a k*ller.

Oh, is that going to be
Your alibi?

You know, he does have
A funny look on his face.

Sort of, like,
I don't know, what? Angry?

He's surprised,
That's all.

I've seen that look before.
What is it?

Benson: you know what
It looks like to me, george?

Somebody who doesn't
Want their picture taken.

Yeah! That's the look!

Well, now, the original film
Is missing, right?

So maybe he just didn't
Want his face on film!

Did you say
The producers were...

Uh, well, that's the rumor.
I don't know if it's true.

I mean, there's no proof
Or anything.

People just say it.

Who knows?

Hey, nice waffle.
Did you ever consider politics?

How about this scenario...

Duffy works for the mob,

And, for some reason,
He's on the run.

A photographer?
For the mob?

Why would they need
A photographer?

Public relations.


Now, look, look.
Hear me out, hear me out.

Now, duffy comes to this town,
Takes a low-profile job,

And everything is fine until
Along comes a movie company,

And they get his face
On film.

Now, if the mob sees the film,
He's a dead man.

He tries to steal the film
But is interrupted by tracy.

They struggle.

Duffy kills tracy

With a convenient skillet.

A "Convenient skillet"?

And you don't want to hear
My theories?

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Benson may be
On to something here.

Why does she have to be the one
Person to agree with me?

It is very much like
What I was thinking.


Suppose duffy is a spy

Who is licensed to k*ll.

Und he has been living quietly
In capital city

For the past three years

Just waiting for the opportunity

To eliminate richard tracy,

Who, in reality,

Is a deep-cover soviet agent

Posing as an obnoxious
Movie director.

A soviet agent?

Tracy was too tall
To be an agent.

[ laughs ]

It's a show-business joke.

Not much of one.

Hey, have you got
An oscar?

No, but I've got
A sense of humor.

There's no proof that duffy
Was anywhere near the kitchen

At the time
That tracy was m*rder*d.

No proof whatsoever.

What about the scarf?

What about
The look on his face?

What about
His license to k*ll?

No, no, no.
Clayton's right.

There is absolutely no proof.

I don't know
About you guys,

But I'm keeping my eye
On arthur duffy.

That'd be okay.

Now, I suggest
You take that tape

And put it in the safe
In your office.

Whatever you say,

[ bang ]
Aah! Aah!

We're ready
For the next scene.

I'll be right with you,

We're lit
And ready to roll.

[ gasping ]

I suggest that we keep this
Conversation confidential.

Ja, ja.

We should all
Button our brains.

That should be easy
For you.

Governor: benson,
I just think we're wrong

About this duffy thing.

I called personnel --
Had his files brought over.

I studied them.

He is exactly
What he says he is.

He's a photographer.

I mean,
The man checks out.

He's solid. He's real.

Of course, he could have
Falsified information

On his job application.

Well, if he did,
He's in big trouble.

Miss pim,
This is the wrong filter.

It doesn't fit.

Where did you get this?

In the kitchen
In the filter case.

This is not
A motion-picture filter.

This is
A still-camera filter.

Don't you know the difference,
Dodo woman?

Benson: hey!

Let me see that filter.

The last man that called her
That died suddenly.

George, isn't this
The same filter

That we found
Under tracy's body?

Yeah, it looks like it.

Yeah, I put that away.

And you say it's
From a still camera?

Probably --
A -millimeter.



Can I see your camera
A moment?

Sure, no problem.

[ women gasping ]

Don't anybody...

Do anything stupid.

Up against the pool table.

Put your hands
On the pool table.

How did you know?

We didn't...Until now.

We discovered
The film was missing,

So we looked at the tape.

The tape?

[ laughing ]

They tape everything!

What's going on?

This man seems to have
k*lled richard.

Hey, pal, you mind
If we save the lights?

Nobody move!

Why did you do it,

[ sighs ]

Jerry, jerry loomis.

I was an accountant.

I kept good books --
Two sets.

One day,
$ million was missing

And my employer suspected me.

And they weren't
The kind of guys

To ask for your resignation.

In fact, word has it
That they asked for my head!


So, I ran.

I figured nobody
Would look for me here,

In the armpit
Of the nation.



Until your picture
Was taken.

If they'd seen that film,
I would be a dead man.

When you saw clayton pick up
Your scarf in the kitchen,

You tried to silence him
With a crossbow.

Well, I thought the g*n
Would make too much noise.


Um, as an attorney,

I think I should advise you
That what you have just said

Could be construed
As a confession.


This g*n is loaded!


Well, ah, j--

Just -- just pretend
I'm not here.

Arthur, what are you
Going to do now?

You can't get
Out of the mansion,

And the plows won't be around
For a day or so.

That's a problem.

Why don't you
Just surrender?


I think I'll take
A hostage.


[ clears throat ]

Excuse me, mr. Kennedy

Um, I'm very sorry
About this.

I've always been
A big fan of yours.

Oh, that's
No problem arthur.

Benson and I have been
In tough situations before,

Right, benson?

Yeah, right.

Remember kimch'I?


Right. Kimch'I.

George, I don't --

Oh, yes. Kimch'I.

[ women gasping ]

Oh, if this had been in a movie,
Nobody would believe it.

Well, one good thing --

My heart is still beating.

Take him down
To the basement shelter.

Hey, why don't we
Put him in --

No, no.

Benson, what you did,
It was --

Well, it was stupid.
You could have been k*lled.

Yeah, well, I did it
Without thinking.

Well, sometimes I wonder

If you've got both chopsticks
In the chow mein.

Hey, that's no way to talk

To the guy
Who signs your check.

[ imitating benson ]
"I did it without thinking."

[ normal voice ]
Oh, boy. Benson. Oh.

You know something?
That was great.

I feel fabulous.

Well, it's easy for you to say,
But kraus is right.

I could have been k*lled.

Well, I could have been
k*lled, too.

Well, that's
What bothers me.

You would have got
Top billing.