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02x08 - Girls Reunited

Posted: 08/05/14 09:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on the fosters...

He's been helping me.

That woman has lied and threatened my family.

She's done horrible things. 'Cause she's sick.

I want no part of this.

Brandon has something to tell you both.

It's about Dani. We... had sex.

Am I seeing you tonight?

Oh, no, I have that dinner.

Is Emma gonna be there?

This is a team dinner.

She's not on the team.

It's my parents. They're getting a divorce.

How'd it go? The wrestling thing?

I didn't even go.

What? Why?

Hayley stopped by. Her parents are getting divorced.

Hayley's known about this for months.


What's wrong?

[Callie] We tried to have sex. I freaked out.

Like a panic att*ck.

I was r*ped.

I thought I put it behind me, but I have still have some stuff I have to work through.

Take as long as you need.

Please, we'll take care of everything and we'll do all of the clean-up.

It'll be like a night off. We'll even let you have some leftovers.

[Gasps] Can I? Well, that's so sweet.


What's happening?

Mariana's cooking dinner for everyone tomorrow night.

Not for you.

[Brandon] Great. I'll order pizza.

I thought you were going out with mat.

Hayley and I are making dinner for mat and Jesus.

Good luck, bro.

Wait a minute. I did not say yes.

Please? Hayley's mom studied at the Gordon blue.

It's cordon bleu.


Her mom's a great cook and she taught hayley everything.

Oh, but wait. How did you know that I was going out with mat?

He asked if it was ok.

He sounds like a real gentleman.

See? Some people ask before they hook up with people's best friends and sisters.

Does mat know about this dinner?

Well, no, but...

Usually, when a guy asks you on a date, it means he wants to be alone with you.

She's scared of him.

[Mariana] I am not.

She is.

I'm not scared of him!


Yes. It's all right with me.

But only because you promised me leftovers.

Yay! Gonna call hayley, plan the menu.

Why is she scared of him?

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but my po just told me I get to go home next week.

[Rita] Right? Come on!

Yeah, yeah. Stop it.

[Girl] Cool!

Yeah. And, um, things with my mom are, like...


Pretty great, I guess. Um...

She, like, apologized for everything that happened when I was younger.


Her boyfriends used to, like, mess with me and stuff, and when she didn't wanna deal with it, she would leave me with my grandma, who was getting high all the time.

Um, anyways... [laughs]

She, like, took responsibility for all of that,

[exhales] And she got a new apartment, and it has a bedroom in it for me.

So I think I'm going home.

Good for you, Becka.

[All clap hands]

[Rita] It's just amazing, Becka, it really is.

You know, you have come such a long way since you started here, really.

I mean, how proud are you right now of yourself?

I'm proud of you.

We have some more good news, actually. Guess what?

I got a call from the LGBT home in lemon grove, and guess who has a bed?


[Rita] Yes.

You can move in the middle of the week.

Come on, aren't you happy?

Yeah. No, totally. I... I'm just surprised is all. I... Never thought it would happen.

[Rita] Well, just goes to show you, you keep after something, you just might get it.

And speaking of sticking with it, look who's back here.

Callie has agreed to come and help us out for community day.

I'm assuming that's cool with everyone? Yes?

Cool with me.

Yeah, I think that's great.

What, no snarky comment? Becka, what happened to you?

[Rita laughs] Carmen, good?

Sure. I mean, if you're crazy enough to come back.

Rest of you guys? Come on. Kiara?

Yeah, cool.


Actually, Dev, you know what?

Callie knows everyone else here, but she doesn't really know you.

Why don't you tell her a little about yourself?

I'm 16. I come from riverside.

My mom's a crackhead so I been on my own most of my life.

I got busted for, um, selling dr*gs, vandalism...

Oh, and stealing.

I been to juvie four times, and this is my third group home.

And I wish they would of sent me to the last one I was in, 'cause they didn't have so many rules and things.

Listen, I get that when you've been on your own for a long time, it's really hard to deal with the rules and expectations.

But guess what? That's what it takes to be a productive member of society. Ok?

This is stuff that your parents should have taught you, but as we know, that doesn't always happen.

I just don't understand why everyone can't just do what they want.

I mean, it's a free country, right?

Yeah... and I understand that you don't get it.

And that's why you're here, to figure it out.

Right, Callie?


[Theme music plays]

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ it's where you belong ♪
♪ nothing I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ you're surrounded by love ♪
♪ and you're wanted ♪
♪ so never feel alone ♪
♪ you're home with me ♪
♪ right where you belong ♪♪

Hey, Callie, um, would you wanna, like, bunk with me this weekend?

I thought you had a roommate.

Yeah. Devonee hates me though, so I'm sure she'd, like, love an excuse to take the empty bed in Cole's room.

Um, well, thanks but I don't wanna hurt Cole's feelings.

Yeah. We were roommates before and I kinda wanna be in my old room, anyway.

Ok, yeah, no worries. [Laughs]

Hey, Becka, um, I'm super impressed with how well you're doing.

It's really great to see.

I'm not cutting anymore, either.

That's good.

[Callie clears throat]

Um, I'm gonna...


Could you stay in Becka's room this weekend?

I mean, would you mind?

Uh, no. That's fine.

I'm gonna go check on the laundry.

[Phone chimes]


What's so funny?


She and jude just got to the campsite and she sent me this picture of the outhouse.

[Laughs] That's messed up.

Hey. Mama tells me that you and...

You and hayley are having sex.

We're using condoms.

Well, good. You better be.

That's not what I want to talk to you about.

Do we really have to have this talk?

We do.

You guys just started seeing each other, and, you know, sex is a big deal. It's a big step.

I know.

I just want to make sure that you're respectful, Jesus, and honest.

I am. I'm really nice to her.

Yeah? Like you were with Emma?

Emma broke up with me.


But, uh, you moved on pretty fast.

You're already having sex.

I, uh, I just... Just wanna make sure that you're not getting in over your head, Jesus, and... and feeling like you're obligated before you're ready.

That's all. Enough said.


Ok. Get out of here.

Go do some homework. There's an idea.


So, uh, what's Devonee's story?

She crazy, that one.

Seems like Cole is kinda into her.

He's into her in more ways than one, you know what I mean?

Devonee's gay?

Gay for the stay, more like it.


It happens all the time.

Lots of straight girls get a little while they're here.

But I guess since Cole identifies as a boy, that means Devonee's...

Don't ask me.

Does Rita know?

There's lots of underground stuff going on right now that Rita doesn't know about, or at least she pretends she don't.

Um, how many chairs did Rita?


So your foster family fell through?

Becka told me. I'm really sorry.

Me too.

I'm getting out soon and I got no place to go.

Not like you.

What does that mean?

I can't find one family that wants me. You got two.

The Quinns? They don't want me to live with them.

And even if they did, I...

You wouldn't want to live with them? Why not?

I barely know them. - Well, you barely knew the fosters six months ago and they're not even blood.

Ok, sure.

What about my brother?

He got adopted without you.

Because I made him.

Ok, I get that you are disappointed because your foster family didn't work out, but why are you being a jerk?

Why are you even here?

I know you didn't come back for the bad food or the lumpy beds.

[Rock music plays]

Sorry, didn't mean to startle you.

[Laughs] It's ok.

You're not going out tonight?

Oh, no.

Any plans for the weekend?


I just, I think I'm gonna stay in.

You could always crash your sister's dinner party.

Oh... no, thanks.

Hey, uh...

Have you, uh, talked to your dad?

Not really, no. I mean, you know, a little bit.

You know that he doesn't blame you...

For what happened with Dani, right?

Yeah. I know.

Think you may ever wanna talk with someone?

Like a therapist?



Well, think about it. Ok?

You don't have to blame yourself either. You know that?


Yeah. I know.

I'm fine.

[Rock music plays]

Good evening, Steve. How are you?

My motion detector light went off again.

I know.

And my dog was barking like a maniac.

That is not news to us.

We hear your dog barking every day night.

If the girls keep trespassing, I am gonna call the cops.

Well, if you keep harassing us every time a squirrel runs through your bushes, I'm gonna call the cops.

[Steve] My garage has been broken into twice.

[Rita] I know, Steve, you have told me, more than twice.

Listen, we're having an open house tomorrow.

Why don't you just come by, ok? Why don't you meet the girls, see that work that we actually do here.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I wouldn't count on it.

You have a wonderful evening. Ok?

I am gonna get you outta this house! One way or another!

Oh. Callie, I'm sorry you had to hear that. I didn't know you were in here.

They're not...

He's not really trying to get you guys shut down, is he?

Can he do that?

Our lease is up.

He's got all the neighbors in a frenzy, and they're putting pressure on the landlord not to renew.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna fight it.

What else can I do?

It's not that easy to get a landlord to rent to a group home.

And we don't have the money to buy our own.

We gotta convince the neighbors that having us here is actually a good thing.

Hence, community day.

Girls united, it's not gonna go away, is it?

[Chuckles] Not if I have any say in it.

[Dog barks]

Oh, my God!


No, it's ok. Um... Some guy just ran through the gates.

I'm gonna go get Rita.

Wait. Hang on.

I know who it was.

A double-date dinner party?


[Laughs] Wow. That's fancy.

I know, right?

Becoming quite the grown-ups all of a sudden.

So how is it? Ready to k*ll yourself yet?

Death by seventh-graders?

[Laughs] No. No.

The kids are really great. Jude is having a blast.

It's really... it's really nice to see him getting more and more adjusted.


And it's, um... It's been good for me, too.

You know, being out here in nature, the mountains and the trees.

Being able to actually see the stars.


It's a good reminder, you know?

Of what?

Of the circle of life.

You know, how nothing is permanent, not the trees, not the mountains, not us.

Not even our sadness.

I can keep...

I keep thinking about the fact that, no matter what happens during the night, every morning the sun comes up, again and again, you know?

I love you.

I love you, too.

So, anything else?

Um, well, we, uh, got a letter from Ana.


She wants to see the twins, to "make amends."


Oh! Wow. What did you do?

Well, I called Mike and told him that she's never coming anywhere near our kids, ever again.


So, um, Devonee told me you're using street hormones again.

Seriously? After you had a seizure? Listen, ok.

I won't say anything, all right, on one condition.

You have to promise me you will throw them away, ok?

You're gonna be in the new house in less than a week and you can see a doctor as soon as you get there. Deal?

So worked the program here at girls united really hard, and was able to go back to my current home.

It was really important that I was here, you know, to... to get me on the right track.

Mm-hmm. But what about gangs?

I'm sorry?

Well, Steve was telling me that some of the girls are in gangs.

Should I be worried about drive-bys?


Oh, I don't think that that's...

Hi. I'm Rita. Met you at the front door.

Actually, we have a wonderful relationship with the police department.

They do extra patrols in the neighborhood.

So, contrary to what Steve has said, crime's actually gone down since we've been here.

Excuse me, I'm just gonna refill this.

Sure, Callie.

Can I show you something?

Callie? Um, mom, this is Callie.

Callie, this is my mom, belinda. - Hi.

Nice to meet you, Callie.

Callie's the one I was telling you about, remember?

She's the one who got out, and is doing really good.

Oh. Oh, nice.

Yeah. It was...

It was really inspiring.


Um, I'm just, I'm happy that Becka gets to go home soon.

Not as happy as me.

[Laughs um, excuse me, but...


So guess what?

I met a guy. And I know what you're gonna say, but I promise, he's really great.

I promise.

I'm telling you, it wasn't there!

Someone stole it, and I'm pretty sure that it...

Man, these people can talk.

That's saying something, coming from you.

Come on, we should...

I don't wanna go back out there.

Oh, yeah? Rather stay in here and talk to me instead?


[People screaming]

Get down! Stay inside!

[Woman] Where'd it come from?

[Man] Get down!


Hi. Um, I'm Lou.

I'm in the band with Brandon.

Yeah. Yeah. I know. Why don't you come on in? How you doing?

Good, thank you.

Good, good. What's going on?

I just wanted to drop this off for Brandon.

Will you give it to him?

Oh, he's here.



Why don't you take it up to him yourself?

Uh, I don't want to bother him.

Oh, no, he needs to be bothered. Trust me.

Go ahead. [Laughs] - Ok.

Look, I know everybody's a little bit on edge, but I gotta say I think we did a lot of good today.

You know? We made connections with the neighbors.

In fact, one guy from down the block said he's gonna give us his old lawnmower tomorrow, so...

Who do you think threw those firecrackers? The guy next door?

I think we ought to start harassing him right back.

I might just have to play a little gangsta rap at three in the morning, you know what I mean?

[Rita] We don't that Steve was the one who did that.

You know? It could have just been some kids trying to be funny.


I'm sorry, do you have a problem?

If you have something to say, you should say it.

I just think you're fake, is all.

Why do you say that?

Look, I get why you want all the neighbors to meet the pretty white girl who made good after being in here for like 15 minutes, but do we have to pretend that she's like jehovah come back to save us?

She's not some amazing success story, 'cause she never had any real stuff to deal with in the first place.

Shut up, Devonee! You don't know what you talking about!

Why you gotta be such a...

Kiara, easy.

Well, she's making me mad!

I know.

But you know a better way to express your anger.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you should talk about things you don't understand.

That's better. Callie, what would you like to say?


What is this?


What's in it?

Potatoes, leeks and chicken stock.


Um, it's cold.

Oh, should we microwave it?

It's supposed to be cold.


It's not bad for cold soup.

Mm. It's really good. Where'd you learn how to cook like this?

Oh. Her mom's like a fancy chef.

Oh. So that's where you get it from.

How about you? Do you like to cook?


She likes to eat.


I should probably try to learn.

If cooking was genetic, mariana would be in trouble.

The only thing our birth mom knew how to cook was cr*ck.

I thought you said you didn't know anything about your birth mother.

Well, it's not like we grew up with her.

We were with her until we were, like, five.

Can we change the subject, Jesus?
I can't believe you lied to me.

What, like you lied about your parents getting divorced?

[Hayley] My parents are getting divorced.

Which you've known about for months.


What? You made it seem like you just found out so Jesus would miss his team dinner.

That's not true! I was upset...

Yeah, that Emma was going to be there!

Is that what you think?

Fine. You know what?

Hayley, wait! Don't! Where are you...?

Nice job.

I'm sorry.

It's ok.

I... I should probably...

Hey, you...


My dad, he took off when I was six.

It's not something I tell a lot of people.

It's not really any of their business, you know?

We should have gone out alone.

[Soft pop music plays]

♪ You look back at me like you're feeling the same thing ♪
♪ doesn't even really matter what you're saying ♪
♪ watching your lips got me going crazy ♪
♪ I'm up in the moment ♪
♪ gotta take it all in ♪
♪ right now it's all about you ♪
♪ I can make you smile ♪

Hey, so, um, I think I'm gonna go home.



You know, community day's over, and...

Well, if that's really what you came for.

I mean, you know, community day is just for a couple hours in the afternoon.

You could have just swung by, but instead you decided to spend the whole weekend with us.

Why was that, Callie?

If you're ready to go, go. And if not... Stay.

[Soft rock music plays]


You like?

I thought maybe we could use a little bit of this vibe in some of our songs.




Love songs. They're just... Funny, when you think about it.

How so?

Just all the "you're the only one, I'll die without you" crap.

It's so weird how everyone writes like that.


Do you believe that stuff? "I'll die without you"?


I guess not.

But I do think that... we're all looking for someone who gets us.

And, you know, once we find that person, you just really, really wanna hang onto them, you know?

Yeah, but you can't hang on to people.

People aren't things. It doesn't work like that.

Tell me about it.

Oh, I love this part.

[Music continues] -

♪ Pull the curtain ♪
♪ and confess ♪
♪ pull the strings out of my heart, so true ♪
♪ emotion and progress ♪
♪ as we fall into deepest blue ♪

You know, or a girl who doesn't believe in love songs, you sure sing 'em well.

So what are you doing home on a Saturday night?

I don't know.

What're you doing here?

On a Saturday night?

[Record stops]

I... I should probably take off. I've got plans.

See you.


It's ok.

[Clears throat]

I wanted to say thank you for shutting up Devonee in group.

You're right, you know.

I didn't come back just for the lumpy beds.

And I sure as hell didn't come back to be some sort of "success story," you know?

If anything, it just makes me feel worse, pretending like I've got it all together.

I'm sorry I was being such a bitch.

I'm having a hard time right now.

You're allowed.

But what's going on with you? Is it Wyatt?

How'd you know?

You haven't talked about him the whole time you've been here.

Um, we're kinda taking a break.

Taking a break? Why?

Um... How long did it take you to have sex after, you know...

What? After I was r*ped?


Well, I only been with one guy since, but we was high most of the time, so I'm not sure that counts.

You having trouble being with Wyatt?

I just thought I was over it.

I don't wanna be dealing with this anymore.

Girl, you ain't over it till you're over it.

You gotta get some help.

And I don't think hiding out from your boyfriend with a bunch a troublemakers is where you're gonna find it.

Where is it?


The stuff the guy left in the yard.

Wait, Cole threw it out, right? I thought it was his hormones.

Well, now you know it wasn't. So give it.

I don't have it.

This ain't over.

Get out.

Where's Dev?

I don't know.

What's going on?


Well, I came in because I wanted to talk to you about Devonee.

And then you went through my stuff? Nice.

No, then I saw your backpack.

Yeah, I know what running away looks like, Cole.

I'm kinda good at it, remember?


We're leaving.


We have to. They're gonna send me to a different home.

So? I thought that's what you wanted.

So, we wanna be together.

She's just using you, Cole, for dr*gs.

She loves me.

Devonee's not gay.

Neither am I!

Ok, no. No, you're right. I'm sorry, I get it. I do.

That's why I have to get out of this place, because no one here treats me like a man.

Ok, but they will at this new home, right?

The LGBT one?


They'll get you counseling, doctors, hormones.

Legal, safe hormones.

If Devonee loves you, if she really loves you, she will want you to go to this home.

And she'll wait for you...

To become the man you're supposed to be.


[Hayley] I guess maybe I was a little jealous of Emma.

You know, I saw you guys wrestling and I think I was... I was just scared.

That maybe you'd hook up after the team dinner or something.

You don't have to worry about that. I'm with you.

I know, but we sort of started this with sex, and we haven't really even been on a date.

That's why I wanted to make dinner for you tonight.

I just wanted to, like, impress you.

But I already think you're awesome.

I love how you make me feel.

Yeah? How's that?

I don't know... safe.

You take care of me.

I like that.

I like that, too.

Maybe you could plan a date for us tomorrow.

I really have to study tomorrow.


Well, I ruined tonight, so... I don't blame you.

I guess I can study another night.




Then let's plan something really special, ok?

So what was in the bag?

Coke? Crystal?


That bitch Callie stole it, and I want it back.

[Knock on door]

I want my stuff!

Well, I don't have it.


I don't wanna leave tonight.

Because of her?


Because I don't wanna be on the streets again.

And I wanna go to that home in lemon grove.

Why? So you can become a boy?


Well, let me tell you something. You're never gonna be a boy, you're never gonna be nothing but a freak.

What'd you think, that we were gonna run away together and live happily ever after?

I was just trying to get to Bakersfield, where my real boyfriend is, ok?

And I don't need you for that.

Get out.

Oh, I'm going.

And you best not to come back 'cause you ain't welcome here.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that.

I'm leaving tonight, and y'all never gonna see me again.

[Soft pop music plays]

♪ Just rewind ♪
♪ the time... ♪

I hope ya'll light sleepers.

Hayley go home? - Yeah.

Hey, uh, so listen, you didn't go to your team dinner?

I wasn't eavesdropping.

I was in the kitchen while you were having dinner.

I still got the award.

And you didn't go because...

Hayley was really upset. I needed to stay with her.

Mm-hmm. Sounds a little like you were being manipulated.

But... just an observation.

Well, you can keep your observations to yourself.

Excuse me? You don't have to get angry.

I am angry.

I really like her. She's really great.

I'm sorry she's not Emma. I know you loved Emma, but you don't have to like hayley, you're not the one dating her.

Ok. I just don't want to see you sacrificing things that are important to you in order to take care of a girl.

Well, I'm not. Ok? Are we done?


She left.

I'm really sorry.

I'm so stupid. I could have blown everything.

But you didn't.

Will anyone ever love me?

I do.

You know what I mean.

Will anyone ever love a freak?

You're not a freak.

You just know who you are.

And you have the courage to go through with what you have to to, you know, make yourself the person you wanna be.

That's more than a lot of us can say.

You're not the person you wanna be?

I'm working on it.

You want me to stay in here tonight?

No, we have to act like we don't know she's gone.

Ok. Try to get some sleep, yeah?

Hey, sorry.

It's fine.

Are you ok? You seemed kind of... Quiet at group.

Yeah. No, I'm just tired.

I gotta pee.

[Soft piano music plays]

♪ Look, you know ♪
♪ what happened ♪
♪ and the reasons why ♪
♪ no need to ♪
♪ repeat ♪
♪ the words ♪
♪ out of spite ♪
♪ remind me why ♪
♪ I was ♪
♪ why I was ♪
♪ here ♪
♪ and now you waiting ♪
♪ for ♪
♪ the right moment ♪
♪ to tell you ♪
♪ that I ♪
♪ won't be coming ♪
♪ home ♪
♪ this was not supposed to be ♪
♪ the final hurray ♪
♪ it happened ♪
♪ oh so quickly ♪
♪ the final ♪
♪ blow ♪
♪ I'll be coming ♪
♪ home ♪♪

[Alarm blaring]

Girls! Everyone out!

Out of the house!


Down the front stairs! Out of the house!


Where's Becka?

Uh, bathroom?

I'll get her. Callie, get out!

Where's Devonee, Cole?

She's not here, she ran away.

Are you sure? - Yes, 100 percent!

[Rita] Get everybody outside!

Becka! Becka!

[Alarm blaring]


What do we do?

Go next door and call 911.


Did you find her?

No. I looked everywhere.


Girls go down to smoke.

Get everybody outside now!

[Rita] Becka!

[Girl coughing]



Becka! Honey, wake up!

Becka! Oh!



[Wood creaking]

[Callie] Rita!



Come on, we can get her! Come on!

[Grunting, coughing]

[Glass shattering]

Callie! Get out now! Go!

[Siren wailing]

God, I can't believe this is happening!

What the hell's going on?

Like you don't know!

Did you do this?!

Kiara, come on. Come on.

There's two people in there! In the basement!


We've got her.

Clear away.

[Coughing] - [Man] I got her.

[Coughing, gasping]

Clear away, girls! Let them do their job.

It's ok. Here.

[Man] We got her. Set her down easy. There you go.

She's gonna be ok. Yeah.

[Man] Ready to move.


[Siren wails]

What was doing in the basement in the first place?

Duh. She was setting the place on fire.


Maybe she was trying to k*ll herself.

And all of us with her?

She took the dr*gs.


She's the one who took the dr*gs.

She was down there getting high.

But she was doin' so good. She was goin' home.

She was pretty upset, after she saw her mom.

Maybe something happened.


Ok. Becka's being treated for smoke inhalation, but they say that she's gonna be fine.

Also I spoke to the fire chief and he said you can go.

Just be quick about it. Get your stuff and then come back because your po's are on the way here.

Where we gonna go?

Back to juvie.


I'm sorry, ok? Just until they can find you another group home.

All right? Oh.

Well, I guess he's gonna get his wish, right?

There's no way the landlord's gonna let us stay now.

It's my fault. I should have...

Listen, Cole, at this point, the less I know the better.

Now, all of you, go get your stuff, please.

Callie, could I speak to you for a minute? Please?

Ok. Bye. Just let me know where you are, ok?


[Callie] Yeah?



You should not have gone into that basement, Callie.

Neither should you.

Ok, well, maybe I don't have a right to talk, but you know what?

That's how people get k*lled, trying to be heroes.

Do not ever, ever do anything like that again.

[Soft rock plays]

So is that...

So is this the end of...?

I don't know.

But whatever it is, you'll be ok.

What about the rest of them?

They have the same choice that you had.

To get it together.

You know, you are a success story, Callie. You are.

You're not perfect, but who is?

You really are doing great, honey.

Do not quit now.

[Car horn honks]

[Stef] Callie!


[Engine starts]

Callie, are you ok?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure?


Yeah? Rita?

Yeah. We're all gonna be fine.

I just gotta head to the hospital to see Becka.


I'll let you know, ok?

Yeah. Ok.


You ok?

Yeah. I'm fine. Mm-hm.

Ok. You ready to go home?

