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01x02 - Slumber Party/Puptastic

Posted: 06/05/23 07:04
by bunniefuu
PBS Kids opens worlds of possibilities for all children.

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♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Slumber Party."

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Tonight is going to be a pinkatastic night

because I'm having a slumber party!

And not just any slumber party--

it's a Princess of Pink slumber party!

Hosted by...


Princess Pinkalicious of Pinkerton Castle!

And I made these crowns for Princess Lila and...


Because I'm His Royal Highness

Prince Peteriffic!

No, that's for Princess Jasmine.

What about me?


I know!

You can be the royal kazoo player

and play your kazoo while they arrive.

Really? How's this?

(kazoo fanfare)


Every princess needs someone to announce her arrival.

(kazoo fanfare)

That'll do, Prince Kazoo.

(doorbell rings)

(gasps): They're here!

(giggling): Come in!

Princess Jasmine of Jasmania

and Princess Lila of Lilaland have arrived.

(kazoo fanfare)

Welcome to Pinkerton Castle,

Your Royal Highnesses.

I am royally happy to be here.

(giggling): Me, too.

I've never been to a

Princess of Pink slumber party.

Me either.

I've never been to any slumber party.

Princess of Pink slumber parties

are the most funtastic

slumber parties of all!

Let the royal funtivities begin!

First up--

a royal tea in the royal castle!

Sounds royally royal!

Just be careful,

the castle moat has an alligator in it.

Alligator? Huh?

Here's the moat.

PETER: Roar!

(giggling) Your turn!

I'm a princess, not an alligator snack!

Roar! Roar!


You made it, Princess Jasmine!


Your turn, Princess Lila!

♪ ♪

Come on, Princess Lila!

You can do it!

Yummy yummy tootsie toes! Roar!

LILA: Roar!


BOTH: Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Whoo-hoo! Lila!

Princess Lila, you sure showed

that alligator!

Gertie helped!

Gertie's not afraid of anything.

Dinner is served, m'ladies!

Oh, and m'alligator.


Princess and the Pea soup,

chicken nuggets a la king,


castle cupcakes for dessert!

ALL: Mmmm!

Remember, keep your pinkies out

at all times!

That's how we royal princesses eat!

Well, this is how this royal princess eats.


ALL: (giggling)

LILA: I'm stuffed.

And so is Gertie!

Gertie is always stuffed...

with fluff.

(giggles) (giggles)

It's almost time for bed.

Perhaps you princesses

should roll out your royal sleeping bags.


Sleeping over is the most fun part

of the Princess of Pink slumber party!

I've never slept away from home before.

I'm... sorta scared.

I was scared at my first sleepover, too.

My first time,

I went home before it was even dark.

You know what we princesses do

when we're scared?

What? What?

We ride our royal horses

to get our minds off being scared.

But where are we supposed to find horses?


Whoa, Lady Giddy-up, hold your horses!


Easy there, Sir Gallopsalot!

Whoa, Prince Prettyhead.

Follow me, Princesses!


♪ ♪


I'm Sir Speedyguy!

And this is Lightning,

the fastest horse in the kingdom!

We'll see about that, Sir Speedyguy.

We challenge you and Lightning to a race!

Two times around the royal racetrack!

You're on, princesses!

On your mark, get set...


I don't like to go fast.

That's okay, Princess Lila.

Just do your personal princess best.



♪ ♪


Keep going, Princess Jasmine!

Sir Speedyguy is taking the lead!


We'll never catch up to him now.

(gasps) Look!

Go, Princess Lila!

♪ ♪

Yay! Princess Lila won!

By a nose!

Gertie's nose!


I told you Princess of Pink slumber parties

were the most fun!

DAD: Ten minutes until bedtime, princesses.

Um... Pinkalicious?

I... I kinda want to go home.

I'm scared to sleep over.

I miss my mommy.

Are you sure?

We're going to do a lot more fun things!


Musical Thrones!

It's time for musical thrones!

I love that game!

(kazoo playing) When the music stops,

find a throne and sit!

(kazoo playing continues)



only one throne left.

(playing kazoos)

You won, Lila!

Yay! Yay!

Let's play again!

DAD: It's bed time, princesses!

♪ ♪

I'm sorry, I tried...

but I want to go home.

I miss Mommy.

DAD: Lights out, Princesses!

Um you have to turn out the lights?

I'm afraid of the dark.

Maybe I better go home, too.

Oh, but it's going to be okay!

I promise!

I really want you to stay.

It's a Princess of Pink slumber party!

You don't want to miss the slumber!

The slumber is the most fun part.

Wait! I'll show you!

That is pretty...

but I'm still scared.

Me, too.

And I still miss my mommy.

I think Gertie and I should go home.

(sighs) Okay.

I don't want you to feel scared.

Too bad that's not a real dragon.

Yeah, then I wouldn't be scared at all.

Me, either!

That's it!

A dragon!

We need a dragon, a special dragon

to help you feel safe while you sleep

flying right outside that window.

How is that even possible?

We just have to imagine it.

Anything's possible if you imagine it.

Close your eyes and imagine

Gertie is a huge pinkerrific dragon...

♪ ♪

Oh yeah!

She has sparkly eyes with long eyelashes.

A fire-breather that can toast marshmallows

with her breath!

♪ ♪ (flames roar)


She should have glittery wings!

And she should talk!

In a kind, friendly voice!

That's also deep and brave.

But what's her name?

This is Gertie the First,

so she's Gertie the Second!

GERTIE THE SECOND: Just call me Gertie!

I am the dragon of slumber,

I will keep you warm and safe

from all the bump-di-dee-bumps in the night.

And I won't leave your side

until the morning's first ray of sunlight.

Do you have the courage to believe in Gertie the Dragon,

the brave and true protector of sleeping princesses?

I have the courage, Gertie!

So do I!

I have the courage, too!

Well then, have a marshmallow!


Yay! (giggling)


Tasty! Yum!


Dragon marshmallows are the tastiest!


Thanks, Gertie... the Second!

You're welcome.

(hiccups) Oops!

Fire breathing always gives me the hiccups!



DAD: That giggling doesn't sound much like sleep.

Know what?

I think I'll sleep over after all,

if that's okay.

When I think of Gertie,

I'm not scared of the dark.

I'm not scared anymore, either.

Yahoo! Oh yeah!


DAD: Time to settle down and slumber!


Good night, Princess Jasmine

and Princess Pinkalicious.

(yawns): Good night, Princess Lila

and Princess Pinkalicious.

Good night, Princess Lila

and Princess Jasmine.

Good night, Princesses of Pink.

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Gertie the Second kept watch

all through the night--

which made my Princess Of Pink slumber party

the most fun slumber party ever!

(Gertie hiccupping)

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): And if I ever feel scared,

I'm going to imagine Gertie the Second,

and that will give me courage.

(Gertie hiccupping)

♪ ♪

KIDS: That's artalicious!


GIRL: I like doing dress up because you get to act out

what you are when you have a costume on.

GIRL: I like this belt because it's golden.

♪ ♪



GIRL: Sometimes, when I put on a costume,

I don't feel like me.

I am a crazy clown.

So, do you do acrobat-like stuff?

I do juggling,

I can balance someone on my head.

♪ I'm the magic pumpkin ♪

♪ Big and strong! ♪

♪ Go listen to the magic pumpkin song! ♪


I'm a cowgirl,

and I got a pink sweater,

sunglasses... a brown wig,

and I got a cowgirl hat.

♪ ♪

(laughing): You look like a chicken rock star.

You're a rock star, you need a guitar.

You, too.

♪ ♪

♪ Chickens are the best ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack ♪

♪ Chickens are the best ♪

♪ Quack, quack, quack ♪

♪ ♪

GIRL: I can't wait until we play dress up again!

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS: "Puptastic."

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Today, Peter and I

get to take care of a puppy!

When will Pinky be here?

Any minute, Pinkalicious.

Come on guys, have some breakfast!

We made your favorite-- pink pancakes.

With pink milk.

♪ ♪

Oh, but I can't wait!

I can't wait!

Can you believe it, Peter?

We get to take care of Pinky all day long!

I've never taken care of a puppy before.

It's going to be so much fun.

We get to feed her, and walk her,

and play with her!

And talk to her, too!

Woof! Woof!



It's a good thing you know how to speak dog.


You're really good at pretending

to be a puppy, Peter.



What if you really were a puppy

and I was your owner?

Pinkimagine that!

♪ ♪

Good dog!

Roll over!


Aww, who's a good brother?

Woofy woof woof.


Give me your paw.

Speak, Peterpup!

Woof! Woof!


♪ ♪

Here, Peterpup! Come!

♪ ♪

MOM: Peterpup!

How about a doggy treat?



(doorbell rings)

(gasps): Pinky's here!

She's here, she's here, she's here!

Wow! She's just a puppy

and she can already ring the doorbell.

♪ ♪

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Plum.

Hello! Hello!


Thank you for taking care

of our little Pinky today.

Hi, Pinky.


Aw, what's wrong, Pinky?

Is Pinky okay?

Oh, she's just a little scared.

She hasn't been here before.

(baby talk): Have you, my little Pinky-Winky?

But we brought all her favorite things

to make her feel comfortable.

Great! Come on in.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

Here's Cheesy, her favorite toy.

And her blankie.

MR. PLUM: And her ball...

and her doggy num-num treats.

MRS. PLUM: Oh, and

just in case...

Dog shampoo?

In case she gets dirty.

(laughing): Pinky loves jumping in mud puddles.

Really? So do I!


Don't worry about a thing.

Pinkalicious and Peter

will take good care of Pinky.

Oh, I know they will.

Bye! Goodbye!

Have fun!

♪ ♪

Daddy and I will be right outside gardening

if you need us.

We'll be fine,

won't we, Pinky?

Whoa! Whoa! (barking)

♪ ♪

Come on out, Pinky.

Come out, Pinky-Winky.


I think she's scared.

Can you grab one of her toys, Peter?

♪ ♪

Look, Pinky! It's Cheesy!

♪ ♪

Maybe she doesn't like cheese.

Do you want your blankie, Pinky?

Guess she does want her blankie.

Maybe she'll play fetch!

Oh yeah! Then she'll have to come out.

♪ ♪

Ball, Pinky, ball! Fetch!

(sighs): Never mind.

I'll fetch.

(sighs): How are we ever

going to get her out of there?

♪ ♪


Please come out, Pinky!


We can't get Pinky to come out

from under the couch, Daddy.

We tried everything.

She won't even fetch!

She's got to come out sometime.

How about a doggie treat?

Great idea, Daddy!

♪ ♪

Pinky? Want a doggie num num?

It worked!

Good dog!

Hey, maybe we can take her for a walk.

Where's her leash?

Got it!


Pinky! Aww... Aww, Pinky...

Want another doggie num num?

Aww, even the treats aren't working!

I give up!

We're never going to get to walk her

or play with her or anything!

(Pinky whimpers) She sounds so sad.

How are we going to make her happy?

If only we were dogs, we'd know what to do.

That's it!

What's it?

We have to think like dogs

so we'll know what makes her happy!

Peter, we have to be dogs.

Um... you mean pretend, right?

Woof! Woof! (growling)

Woof! Woof! (howling)

Arf! Arf! Arf!

That means chase me!

BOTH: (barking)

(kids panting and growling)





Is everything okay? I heard howling.

Pinky's happy! She loves to sing!

I think she wants to play!



Maybe you dogs should play outside.

(kids barking, howling)

♪ ♪

♪ You can tell by my paws ♪

♪ And the way that I bark ♪ Ruff!

♪ That I'm not a bird, or a squirrel ♪

BOTH: ♪ Or a shark! ♪

♪ Woof-Woof!♪

♪ I'm a dog, that's what I want to be ♪

♪ I'm wagging my tail ♪

♪ And my tail's wagging me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'll chase any cat but I'll never catch it ♪


BOTH: ♪ I'll roll on my back ♪

♪ When I need to scratch it ♪

♪ I sniff and I sniff and I sniff everything ♪

BOTH: ♪ I love to howl 'cause that's how doggies sing! ♪


♪ Woof-Woof! I'm a dog, that's what I want to be ♪

♪ I'm wagging my tail ♪

♪ And my tail's wagging me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'll sit and I'll stay ♪

♪ If you ask me to do it ♪

♪ And give me a slipper ♪

♪ I'm happy to chew it! ♪ Grr!

♪ I'll give you a paw ♪

♪ If you give me a treat ♪

♪ I'm sure you won't mind ♪

♪ If I lie down on your feet ♪

♪ Woof-Woof! I'm a dog, that's what I want to be ♪

♪ I'm wagging my tail ♪

♪ And my tail's wagging me! Woof-Woof! ♪

♪ Yes, I'm wagging my tail, and my tail's wagging... ♪


♪ Me ♪

Pinky! Oh no, Pinky!

♪ ♪

(water running)

Can Peter and I give Pinky her bath?


Don't forget her shampoo.

I'll get it.

Hurry! Before Pinky changes her mind!

♪ ♪

Okay, Pinky! Here's your sham... oh no!

What's sham-oh-no?

Peter, this isn't Pinky's Happy Dog shampoo.

It's pink food coloring!

Are you sure?


Absolutely safe for people, dogs,

and people who think they're dogs.

Good, it's fine for Pinky...

Um, Pinkalicious...

you might want to take a look at Pinky.

(gasps) She's pink!

Mommy! Daddy! Come see Pinky!

(gasps) What happened?

We used the bottle of Pink by mistake.

I don't believe this...

I know!

Doesn't Pinky look pinkatastic now?

I don't think

Mr. and Mrs. Plum will think so.

We need to return her the way we got her.

Oh, I'll get the green soap.

That'll get rid of the pink color.

(water running)

Okay, let's wash that pink off you, Pinky.

We better hurry,

the Plums will be back soon.

(doorbell rings)

It's soon.

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Plum.

We had so much fun taking care of Pinky.

We played fetch and we rolled over...

And we chased cats...

And where is our little Pinky-Winky?


Here she is!

But... she's...


We can explain--

See, we gave her a bath

with the bottle of Pink by mistake.

In case you're worried,

it's perfectly safe for dogs.

Whew! I'm glad to hear that.

We were just about to give her another bath,

to get the pink off.

You know, she does look kind of cute

as a pink puppy.

She's a pinkadoodle!


We can give her a bath tomorrow.

You'll need this.

Thank you for taking care of our little Pinky Winky.

Bye! So long!

Take care, Plums!

Bye! Bye!

I wish Pinky was our dog.

(gasps) Mommy! Daddy!

Can we get a puppy?

Pretty pinkaplease?

Yeah! Now we know all about puppies.

Hm, maybe someday.

(sighs): Okay.

(gasps) We'll just play with the puppy we have.

What puppy?

Woof! Woof! (howls)


Oh, okay, fetch!

♪ ♪


Good puppy.


Roll over!

Ruff, ruff, ruff!


PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Maybe someday we'll have

a puppy like Pinky.

But for now, Peter and I can have fun

pretending we're puppies.

Woof! Woof! (howls)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪