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01x01 - Fairy House/Pinkabotta and Peterbotta

Posted: 06/05/23 07:03
by bunniefuu
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♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Fairy House."


PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): I'm going to see the springtime fairies this year!

I just know it!

♪ ♪

Do you see them?

Not yet, but fairies are too small

to see from up here.

Come on! (giggling)

♪ ♪


Where are you!

Peter, don't yell, you'll scare them away.


(whispering): Fairies!

Where are you?


They're probably in the garden.

Fairies love flowers!

They help flowers bloom.

Pinkalicious, have you ever seen a real springtime fairy?

Not yet.

But this year I'm going to, and so are you!



(quietly): Yes!

Let's find fairies.


♪ ♪

No fairies here.

No fairies here.

No fairies here.

But there is a butterfly.

Off, Mr. Butterfly, please.


♪ ♪

I give up.

We're never going to see the springtime fairies!


Since when do we give up on something as important

as fairies?

Since never.


So we have to find a way to get the fairies to come.

But how?

We're going to build them somewhere to live.


We'll make a fairy house!

♪ ♪

Calling all fairies!

Why aren't they coming?

Maybe it's not the right kind of house for fairies.

(bird singing)


Fairies love nature!

So what if we build them a house

out of things we find outside?

What kinds of things?

♪ ♪



...and leaves!


I found some sticks.

Let's collect more things!

♪ ♪

All righty, let's start building.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What are you doing?

We're building a house for the springtime fairies!

Springtime fairies?

There's no such thing.

Yes, there is.

Well, even if there is,

they won't want to live in your dollhouse.


it's not a doll house, it's a fairy house.

There's a big difference.

We built the fairy house out of things we found in nature.

And the fairies will come!


I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, come back later, then.

'Cause the fairies will be here

enjoying their new house.

Right, Pinkalicious?


♪ ♪

The fairies are taking forever.

Why haven't they come yet?

They'll be here.

I just know it.

Told you the fairies wouldn't come.


MOM: Pinkalicious, Peter!

Time for bed!

Already?! Already?!

What are you up to?

We built a fairy house,

and we're waiting for the springtime fairies,

but they haven't come yet.

Can we camp out and wait for them?

Pretty pinkaplease?



Yes! Yes!

Sweet dreams!

Love you!

We're right inside if you need us.

Love you, too! Love you, too!

Good night! Good night!

We just have to...

(yawning): ...stay awake until the fairies come.

(Peter snoring)

(quietly): I'll wake you when they get here.

But I'm not going to fall asleep.

I'm not going to fall asleep...

(fairy humming)

(quietly): Peter.


What? (humming)


Are you...

a springtime fairy?

I sure am!

My name's Fairyanna.

I'm Pinkalicious.

And this is my brother, Peter.

Did you build this beautiful fairy house?

Uh huh! Uh huh!

Do you like it? Do you like it?

I love it!

Everybody will!


(whispering): Who's everybody?


They're here!

They're here!

FAIRIES: ♪ Flap your fairy wings ♪

♪ Kick your fairy feet ♪

♪ Clap your fairy hands to the springtime beat ♪

♪ ♪

We sing when we're happy!

Join in!

ALL: ♪ Flap your fairy wings ♪

♪ Kick your fairy feet ♪

♪ Clap your fairy hands to the springtime beat ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Flap your fairy wings ♪

♪ Kick your fairy feet ♪

♪ Clap your fairy hands to the springtime beat ♪

♪ ♪



NEIGHBOR: Hey, keep it down out there!

NEIGHBOR: Who's making that noise?


Those fairies are little, but they sure are loud.

What's going on out there? (yawning)

Oh... we're all being a little loud.


We fairies sing and dance every night.

Every night?

Oh dear.

The problem is

you're waking up the whole neighborhood.

Well, we never want to be a bother.

Come on, fairies.

We need to find somewhere else to stay.

(groaning) (groaning)

See you later, Pinkalicious.

Wait, don't go!

You can move into our house.

Uh, they can?

They can stay in my room.

Then they won't wake the neighbors.


I guess we could try that.


Oh, thank you!

You're the best friends a fairy could have!

I'll carry the fairy house inside.

Oh no!

That's okay.

Um... new plan.

Who wants to live in my doll house?

FAIRYANNA: What's a dollhouse?

♪ ♪



You have a lovely home.


♪ ♪



Day. (giggling)




Where are the berries?

Yes, I'm hungry!

We don't grow berries in our house.

But we do have berry jam.


What's a jam?

♪ ♪


Oh yeah.



Oh no!

I love jam!

You put it on toast first.

Why? Jam!

So good! (laughter)

My wings are sticky. I like it here!

Please, be quiet or you'll wake Mom and Dad!

We'll clean up.

I promise.

We'll clean up tomorrow.

Right now, everybody needs to go to bed.

Yes, it's late,

and don't you springtime fairies

have a lot of work to do in the morning?

That's true.

We've got a lot of spring to bring!

I'm a little sticky from the jam.

Where's your stream so I can wash up?

There's no stream in my bedroom.

(yawning): I'm sleepy.

Where's the flower bed?

We don't have one in here.

Why aren't the crickets singing?

That helps me go to sleep.

Because we're inside!

There are no streams, or flowers, or crickets,

or berries in my bedroom!

All of that is outside in nature.

And I think maybe that's where you belong, too.

I wish you could stay with us forever,

but you'll be happier living outside, won't you?

We do love nature.

But we're going to miss you.


I think I have an idea!

I'll show you in the morning.

♪ ♪

Still waiting for the springtime fairies, I see.

Nope, we're right here!


Springtime fairies are real!


But they belong in nature.

So we're going to find a spot in the woods

and build them a fairy house there

with the things we find outside.

Then we can visit them any time!

I could show you my special spot.

I mean, if you want.

Lead the way!

This is it.

I love it, Kendra!

Me too!

We love it, too!

That log would make a great fairy house.

♪ ♪

FAIRYANNA: It's perfect.

Here, I'd like to give you something to thank you.

♪ ♪

Fairy dust! Fairy dust!

Thank you! Thank you!

FAIRYANNA: Sprinkle some

on your flower buds to help us bring the spring!

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS: I knew I'd get to see the springtime fairies!

I wonder when the summertime fairies will come.

♪ ♪

KIDS: That's artalicious!

♪ ♪

GIRL: We're looking for a spot to build the fairy house.

Look at this spot, it's awesome.

Yeah, it's perfect.

Let's go collect things for it.

Look, a pine cone!

Yeah, there's a pine cone.

Here's a stick, it's perfect.

Yeah, and here's another heavier stick.

This rock is perfect for a door.

Hey guys, I found some leaves!

GIRL: We got the materials out of the basket,

and now we're building a fairy house.

♪ ♪

Use a pine cone for a door.


Sure. Yeah.

I see some wood over there.

These would be nice.

Yeah, it would!

GIRL: Fairies like little things and pretty things,

so we picked some flowers off the trees.

♪ ♪

The doors are these two pine cones.

The walls are made out of rocks.

We searched, and we found everything we needed.

(whispering): Let's sneak away.

GIRL: We're sneaking away

so that the fairies can come and live in our house.

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS: "Pinkabotta & Peterbotta."

PINKALICIOUS: Peter and I are building a robot--

a robot that can do anything!

Now, we just put this gizmo here,

then snap this widget there.

Yeah, that's just what I would have done.

Hand me that doodad, please.

How's the robot coming?


We're almost done.

What does this doodad do, Dad?

Anything you want.


Don't forget, when you're finished,

you need to clean up your rooms.

Okay, Daddy. Okay, Daddy.

We will. We will.

Squiggly tubes with round thingies, please.

Squiggly tubes with round thingies.

Long-handle widget.

Long-handle widget.

So she can scratch our backs.


Ooh, I've got an idea.


These will be the robot's eyes.

(string whirring)




What if we try these thinga-ma-bobs instead?

Oh yeah!

Thinga-ma-bobs could work, too.

♪ ♪

A lightbulb so we can play at night.

A cupcake holder!

(giggling) (giggling)

I think the robot's done.

I don't know...

Something's missing.



A tiara?


Now she just needs batteries.

♪ ♪




Beep blip bloop.

Powering up.

Powering up.

We did it!

Robotta is working!

Wait... Robotta?


That's a pinktastic name.

How about B Z ?

She looks like a Robotta to me.

B Z 's good, too.

Let's ask her.

What's your name, Robotta?


(giggling): Told ya!


Robotta, Robotta, Robotta.

Is that all she can do?

Say her name?

I thought she would move around.

Maybe we have to give her another command.

Robotta, move.

Robotta, move.

Maybe try "please"?

Robotta, move... please?



Beep blip blop.

Beep blip blop.


♪ ♪


Beep blip blop.

Wow! Look at her go!

Beep blip blop.

Beep blip blop.



Wish I could move like that.

Look, Peter.

Robot legs.

And robot arms.

Beep blip blop.

Beep blip blop.

(imitating robotic voice): Beep blop blip.

♪ Beep blop blip blop ♪

♪ Beep blop blip blop ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Beep blop ♪

♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Legs out ♪

♪ Legs in ♪

♪ Come on, robots, time to spin ♪

♪ Arms up ♪

♪ Arms down ♪

♪ Come on, robots, turn around ♪

PINKALICIOUS: ♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

PETER: ♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Walk and step and stop like a robot ♪


♪ Jump up ♪

♪ Bend down ♪

♪ Let's all make a robot sound ♪

♪ Clap hands ♪

♪ Stomp feet ♪

♪ Dancing to this robot beat ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Beep blop ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Beep blop ♪

♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Legs out ♪ ♪ Bleep blop ♪

♪ Legs in ♪ ♪ Bleep blop ♪

♪ Come on, robots, time to spin ♪

♪ Arms up ♪ ♪ Bleep blop ♪

♪ Arms down ♪ ♪ Bleep blop ♪

♪ Come on, robots, turn around ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪ ♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

Stop! Stop!


Complete! Beep.


DAD: Pinkalicious, Peter?

(gasps) Wow!

What an incredible robot!

We're inventors!

You sure are.

She moves and everything!

Beep blop, blip blop!

That's amazing!

I'm so proud of you guys.


Now if you're done, how 'bout some clean up?

Okay, Daddy. Okay, Daddy.

Thanks, kids!

Robotta, Peter and I have to clean up.

Clean up!

Hey... wait a minute!

Maybe Robotta can help!




She can bend-- please bend.


So she can bend over and pick up our clothes.

And she can move her arms.

Powering arms.

So she can help us make our beds.

Make beds make.


Do you know what we created?


The world's greatest cleanup robot!

Clean up, great, Robotta, clean up!

Robot! Beep blip blop!


♪ ♪

Robotta, please put my pajamas in my hamper.

Just bend over and pick them up like this.



Bend over.

Pick up pajamas.

♪ ♪


Yay! Yay!

Thank you, Robotta! Thank you, Robotta!

Robotta. Complete.


Robotta, please help me stack my books.

Books. Stack.

Books. Stack.

Robotta. Complete.


Thanks, Robotta.

My turn!

This way, Robotta.

Beep blip blop!


Robotta, please help me put away these balls.

Just toss them in the bin.

Balls. Toss!

(balls tumbling)


♪ ♪

Robotta complete!



Can you please help me

put away my toys and sweep my floor?

Robotta! Robotta!

Beep bleep!


Sweep toys!


Sweep toys!


Robotta complete! Beep!

Robotta, wait!

Not my toys!

PETER: Robotta, make my bed and fold my blankets, please!

Fold bed. Beep!

Fold bed. Beep!

Robotta complete!


♪ ♪

Stop, Robotta!


♪ ♪


What are you doing!

♪ ♪

Throw pillows.

ROBOTTA: Toss blanket.

Robotta complete!


Catch her!

I'm trying! Robotta clean up!



♪ ♪


Now we just have to clean up the kitchen.

Beep blip blop!

Beep blip blop!

Beep blip blop, beep blip blop!

Robotta, stop!

Now! Please!

What's going on?

Hey, I just folded that!

You're making a mess!

Robotta's out of control!

We can't get her to stop.

Robotta. Stop.

This instant!

ROBOTTA: Beep blip blop!

Beep blip blop!

Beep blip blop!

Beep blip blop!

Clean up complete.

(fading): Powering down...

(beeping, whirring)

Sorry, Mommy and Daddy.

Robotta was just trying to help.

It's okay.

We're not upset.

Well, maybe we're a little upset.

You just need to work on Robotta some more.

Yeah, I think maybe we put a doodad where she needed a gizmo.

Come on, Peter.

Let's go work on Robotta.

DAD: Hold on.

First, you need to clean up the living room.

And then do we need to clean up the incredible messes

she made in our rooms?

(chuckling): Yes, you need to do that, too.

♪ ♪


Cleaning up's a lot more fun with a robot.

(sighing): I'll say.

(gasps) Peter!

That's it!

What if we pretend we're robots?

Oh yeah!

And we're cleaning up!

(robotic): Hello, I am Pinkabotta,

your clean up robot.


(normal): And you can be Peterbotta.


That sounds like peanut butter.


Powering up.


(robotic): I am Peterbotta,

clean up robot.


(robotic): Peterbotta, fold blanket, please.

♪ ♪

(robotic): Good job, Peterbotta.


(robotic): Pinkabotta, pick up toys.


♪ ♪

PETER: ♪ Beep blop blip blop ♪

♪ Beep blop blip blop ♪

BOTH: ♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

♪ Move like a robot ♪

♪ Beep blop! ♪

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

PETER: ♪ Beep blop! ♪

BOTH: ♪ Move like a robot ♪

PETER: ♪ Blip blop ♪

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): If you can't have a robot,

it's just as much fun to be a robot.

Beep beep!

♪ I want to move like a robot ♪

♪ Blip blop ♪

Stop! Stop!

♪ ♪