01x07 - w*r Cries

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x07 - w*r Cries

Post by bunniefuu »

(Man on radio) front gate,
this is mother goose.

We're 10 seconds out.

(Cortez) front gate, roger.

[Man laughing]

[Woman laughing]

(Man) ambassador.

[Woman laughing] there he is.

[Crickets chirping]

(Man on radio) post number
2, front gate. Come in.

Post number 2, roger.
Mother goose is home.

[Tienna whispering]
david. David.

Tienna, what... What
are you doing here?

I had to see you.

I'm on duty. I'll meet you
at mass in the morning.

[Leaves rustling]

David, please, I need to talk
to you. My mother, she said...

Shh! Wait. David.

Go home.

[g*n cocking]

On the wall, freeze!

Put your hands on your head!

Parr, don't sh**t,
man. It's douglas.

He was coming over the wall.

I... I challenged him, and
he started sh**ting at me.

[Man chattering on radio] what
happened to his w*apon?

Parr, where's his
w*apon? I don't know.

(Man #1 on radio)
emergency procedures.

(Man #2 on radio) will do. Over

Post 2, report. Over.

(Douglas) ah, geez,
parr, he's just a kid.

[Man chattering on radio]

Oh, god.

[Tires squealing]

Lieutenant rabb, lieutenant
austin, welcome to lima.

I'm gunnery sergeant granger
with the embassy detachment.

Follow me, please.

Do you have something against
saluting, gunnery sergeant?

No, ma'am. But everyone
within 1,000 yards

Would know you're an officer.

And that would make you a prime
target for a sn*per, lieutenant.

We're lawyers, gunnery sergeant.

Yes, ma'am.

But they sh**t lawyers
in this country, too.

[Officer sounding off]

I guess your men don't know
about the sn*pers, hey, gunny?


Move out!

[Car door closing]

[Men yelling in spanish]

Rockproof, anyway.
And bulletproof, sir.

Side panels are
armor-plated with kevlar.

Did you arrange this welcoming
committee, gunnery sergeant?

No, ma'am. It's
been a little hairy

Since we zapped that t*rror1st.

I thought he was a peruvian boy?

One and the same, ma'am.

[Tires screeching]

Sendero luminoso has been
quiet for several months.

[People yelling]

But my government fears they
will use this unfortunate incident

To create more public support.

You have my personal guarantee

Of a full and fair
investigation, senor vargas.

And if I find our marine
was in the wrong,

I promise he'll be prosecuted.

We appreciate your
cooperation, ambassador.

[Door opening]

Good morning,
ambassador bartlett.

Lieutenant rabb,
lieutenant j.g. Austin,

From the judge advocate general's
office, ma'am. Thank you, gunny.

Lieutenants, this
is salgado vargas

From the peruvian
foreign ministry.

Welcome to peru. Thank you, sir.

I'm sorry we meet under these
somber circumstances, lieutenant.

Such a tragic accident. It's
difficult for everyone involved.

You believe the sh**ting
was an accident, sir?

I would like to
believe, lieutenant,

That u.s. Marines do not sh**t
unarmed children who are curious.

So would i.

If there is anything I can
do to help your investigation,

Please feel free to
contact my office.

Ambassador. Yes.

[Birds chirping]

Would either of
you like a drink?

Uh, no, thank you, ma'am.
No, thank you, ma'am.

The peruvians are nervous,
washington is nervous, and I'm nervous.

My job is difficult enough without my
marines sh**ting peruvian teenagers

Off the embassy wall.

Has the victim been
identified yet, ma'am?

No. Gunny granger
said he was a t*rror1st.

Granger would like to believe he's
a member of the sendero luminoso.

Makes his corporal a
hero instead of a screw-up.

I thought the shining
path collapsed

After professor
guzman was arrested.

That's what the peruvians
would like the world to think.

They're still trying to assassinate
and b*mb their way into power,

And they will use this sh**ting
to rally the people behind them,

Which means we may have to
make an example of corporal parr.

Assuming he's guilty.

What's your opinion, ma'am?

I don't have one, lieutenant.

That's why you're here. You're
going to tell me what happened,

And then you're going
to tell me how to fix it.

Any more questions?

Yes, ma'am. Where can
we find corporal parr?

I was patrolling near the
rear gate when I heard a noise.

I went to investigate and I
saw an intruder on the wall.

(Harm) in the dark?

I was using a starlight-scope.

I... I yelled for him to
freeze. He started sh**ting.

I returned fire.

Do you know how many
rounds you fired, corporal?

Not exactly. No.

Well, according to gunnery
sergeant granger's report,

You emptied half your magazine.

(Meg) how many rounds
would that be, corporal?


Did you recover the
intruder's w*apon? No, sir.

How can you be
certain he had one?

I told you, he was
sh**ting at me.

Did anyone else hear
him sh**ting? No, sir.

Doesn't that seem a little
strange to you, corporal?

He was usin' a sil*ncer.
I saw the flash.

Maybe he was lighting a
cigarette or taking your picture.

No. It was a muzzle flash.

Have you ever
seen a muzzle flash

Through a starlight-scope
before, corporal?

No, ma'am. Then maybe
you were mistaken.

Someone's on the wall, he doesn't
stand down when you challenge him,

You see a flare of light,
you panic and you sh**t.

No, it wasn't just a flare.
It was a muzzle flash.

I was returning fire.

Then why didn't
he have a w*apon?

Why didn't you find
any shell casings?

We're still looking.


Can I have a word
with you outside?


What's going to happen to me?

That will be determined
after the investigation.

I didn't know he was just a boy.

If he was sh**ting at
you, it doesn't matter.

[Birds chirping]

[Door closing]

You're acting like a prosecutor,
lieutenant, not an investigator.

I respectfully disagree, sir.

We have a volatile
situation here

And the sooner we wrap
things up the better.

There's no evidence
that boy had a g*n

And corporal parr damn
near emptied his magazine at him.

Corporal parr doesn't
strike me as a hothead.

Gunnery sergeant granger does.

He's probably got
these kids so fired up

They'll sh**t first
and ask questions later.

Well, we don't. I don't care
what the shining path wants,

What the peruvians want, or
what the ambassador wants.

We will not sacrifice
corporal parr

For the sake of expediency.

It's not my intention, sir.

I'm just trying to
get at the truth.

Well, try it with a
little more objectivity.

Good afternoon, lieutenants.

Your presence is requested in
the ambassador's office immediately.

This was delivered to the
front gate 10 minutes ago.

The shining path wants corporal parr
delivered to the peruvian authorities

To stand trial for m*rder.

We can't do that.

If we don't, they're
threatening retaliation.

What sort of retaliation?

A b*mb, assassination,
poisoned drink.


[People chattering in spanish]

[Goat bleating]

b*mb! b*mb! b*mb!

[People yelling]

(Marine #1) hey, good
boy. That's good.

(Marine #2)
distributor's clear, sir.

[Dog panting]

If security gets any tighter,
they'll be strip-searching us.

I wouldn't get my hopes up, sir.


(Bartlett) oh. Oh, you've got
to get me out of here, mack.

I don't care. Call in
favors, thr*aten people.

Speak with the first lady if you
have to, but I want out of here.

[Man chattering on phone]

If I'm going to get my ass blown
off, I might as well be in paris.

Sit down.

(Bartlett) the sh**ting
victim has been identified.

His name was ramon escamilla.

He was a 15-year-old
high-school student.

Have you spoken with
his family yet, ma'am?

No, lieutenant rabb. I'm
reserving that honor for you.

Ma'am, the peruvian gate guard
injured last night, how is he?

(Bartlett) he'll live.

Which may be more than I
can say for the rest of us.

I'm supposed to dedicate an
american-funded hospital tomorrow.

I might as well paint a
bull's eye on my forehead!

Defuse this by
tomorrow, lieutenants,

Or you'll be seated in
front of me at the dedication.

She just threatened to
use us as human shields.

The ambassador brings new meaning
to the term "political survival."

I'm going to pay an
official visit to the family.

You go over the scene of the
sh**ting with corporal parr.

Are you leaving me
behind to hold the ponies?

No, lieutenant. But if we're gonna
diffuse this situation by tomorrow,

We're gonna have to split up.

Would you be saying
this if I were a man?


But if you were a man, you'd
have some explaining to do

About the way you
fill out that uniform.

[Marines grunting]

[Granger yelling]

(Granger) move it, move
it. Catch up, ladies!


What the hell do you call that?

You're supposed to be slittin'
his throat, not dancin' with him.

Hold this.

Come on. Come at me.


Suck it up, marine.
This isn't a chow line.

Well, come on, parr. k*ll me!

You can't hesitate, parr.
You can never hesitate.

It will get you k*lled.


Gunnery sergeant granger.


[Marines murmuring]

What was that about, gunny?

We call it unarmed
combat training, lieutenant.

Looked more like intimidation.

Well, ma'am, the enemy can
be pretty damned intimidating.

Corporal parr is supposed to
be restricted to his quarters

Until our investigation
is complete.

Training doesn't
stop, lieutenant.

If the shining path
starts over the wall,

We have to be able to take 'em.

You've got corporal parr and
the rest of these marines so wired,

They're trigger-happy. They're
not trigger-happy, lieutenant.

But they are ready.
To k*ll teenage boys?

That's how the shining
path operate, lieutenant.

They recruit 'em
from rural towns

And brainwash 'em into fanatics.

These kids carry a*t*matic
weapons, lieutenant.

And most of them have k*lled
before they've slept with a woman.

That boy didn't have a
w*apon, gunnery sergeant.

Yes, he did, lieutenant.

We just haven't found it yet.

I'm taking corporal parr with me

To tour the scene
of the sh**ting,

And when I'm done I will
return him to his quarters,

Where he will await further
orders from me or lieutenant rabb!

Do you understand,
gunnery sergeant? Yes, ma'am!

Dismissed! Corporal parr!

With me!

Are you my
interpreter, corporal?

Corporal cortez, sir. Interpreter,
driver, anything else you need, sir.

What I need is a smoother ride
than we had from the airport.

Can't guarantee that, sir. They're
not going to be glad to see you.

I'm a lawyer, cortez. No
one's ever glad to see me.

I was about here
when he started firing.

But I can't be sure because
it was dark and I was running.

And no slugs were
recovered? No, ma'am.

Was the area gone over
with a metal detector?

Yes, ma'am.

And p.f.c. Douglas was the
first to arrive on the scene?

Yes, ma'am. How long
before he got here?

A few seconds.

Where were you when
you heard the noise?

By the rear gate.

[Birds cawing]

Is something wrong, lieutenant?


It's just that this seems a strange
place to sneak onto the grounds

When there are other
areas easier to access.

Maybe he thought this
area wasn't guarded.

Why would he think that?

It's just a guess, ma'am.

What rooms are those?

Ambassador's living quarters.

♪ [Peruvian folk music playing]

[Man yelling]

[Door squeaking]

[Tires squealing]

[Knocking on door]

[Speaking spanish]

Mrs. Escamilla?

No, my name is tienna.
Ramon was my brother.

[Mrs. Escamilla
speaking spanish]

She says ramon was her only son.

He was a good boy,
never got in trouble.

Does she have any idea

Why he might have been sneaking
into the embassy that night?

[Speaking spanish]

No, she doesn't know.

My brother, he was
a very curious boy.

Please, I'd like your
mother to answer.

[Speaking spanish]

She said it was god's will, sir.

[Speaking spanish]

Well, she doesn't agree.

Was your son involved
with the shining path?


[Speaking spanish]


[Speaking spanish]

(Cortez) no, he was
a good boy, sir.

She wants you to look
at the pictures, sir.

[Mrs. Escamilla
speaking spanish]

(Cortez) he took care of her
when her husband died, sir.

She said he was too busy playing
soccer and going to church

To be involved with
the shining path, sir.


She wants to know the name of
the marine that k*lled her son, sir.

Tell her I'm sorry,
but I can't reveal that.

[Speaking spanish]


Did she say parr?

(Cortez) yes, she did, sir.

How do you know corporal parr?

No, enough. I... I want
you out of my house.

Get out of my
house. Get out. Go, go.

[Women yelling in spanish]

(Harm) corporal, tell
me what she's saying.

(Cortez) i... I think I'd better
tell you in the car, sir.

(Tienna) get out, get out now!

[Speaking spanish]

[Tienna sobbing]

Is that where he fell?

Are you ok, corporal?

He looked so small laying there.

He's the kind of kid
that would climb a wall

Just to see what was
on the other side of it.


My brother jason. He
reminded me of my brother.

You having second thoughts
about what happened, corporal?

No, ma'am, I'm having second
thoughts about having k*lled someone.

Well, if you fired
in self-defense,

You did what you
were supposed to do.

I know. But I don't know
if I could ever do it again.

You're not going to tell
gunny about any of this, are you?

He doesn't tolerate
any kind of weakness.

What you're feeling
isn't weakness, corporal.

It's what makes us human.

If we lose that,
there's nothin' left.

Ma'am, I'd like a
chance to apologize,

To express my regrets
to that boy's mother.

That's not necessary, corporal.

But if it makes you feel better
to put something in writing,

I'll see that his
family gets it.

I'd rather do it
in person, ma'am.

I don't think that's such
a good idea, corporal.

I'd feel better if I could
tell her face to face

How truly sorry I am.

It's an honorable
desire, corporal.

But like I said, I don't
think it's such a good idea.

Why don't you
come give me a lift?

Ma'am? Come on.

[Birds squawking]

[Leaves rustling]

You ok, lieutenant? Yeah, fine.

Ma'am, I don't think
it's wise for you

To remain outside the
embassy without me.

I appreciate your
concern, corporal.

Now, why don't you go
get a metal detector

And start re-sweeping the area.

I-i'd better stay here with you.

That's an order, corporal.

Yes, ma'am.

(Harm) so, corporal,

What was tienna's
mother so upset about?

(Cortez) sir, evidently
her daughter's pregnant

And she's blaming corporal parr.

[Pig grunting]

I found a shell casing
outside the wall.

7.65 millimeter, czech markings.

Probably fired from a
scorpion machine p*stol.

Silenced, it would make a damn
good assassination w*apon.

And he was coming over the wall

Right next to the
ambassador's living quarters.

He wasn't after the ambassador,
meg. He was after corporal parr.

Corporal parr?
Ramon has a sister.

A pregnant sister. Corporal
parr was her boyfriend.


The only one who's gonna be
relieved about this is the ambassador.

A czech scorpion? That
would have been my guess

When I thought that he
was after the ambassador.

That's the type of w*apon
the shining path would use.

But it could have been
fired from any p*stol

That sh**t a 7.65
millimeter round.

I'm going to inform
the ambassador.

You get corporal parr
and bring him to her office.

You'd better get gunny, too.

(Marine #1) let's go.

(Marine #2) got it.

(Marine #3) let's go!

What's going on, marine?

Attention on deck!
We're on alert, ma'am.

Where's corporal
parr? He's gone, ma'am.

I told gunnery sergeant granger

He was restricted to quarters.

He was, lieutenant. Until
the shining path kidnapped him.

The shining path threatened a retaliation,
ma'am. They've just made good on it.

The minute your men
leave the embassy,

They become an invading force.

They have kidnapped
one of my men, lieutenant.

I am not suing to get him back.

And I will not let
you start a w*r!

With all due respect,
lieutenant, stay out of my turf.

And I will stay out of yours.
This is my turf, gunnery sergeant.

Have your men stand down now.

Lieutenant! Now,
gunnery sergeant!

That's an order!

Yes, ma'am.

[Meg breathing heavily]

I just got the word. The
ambassador's throwin' a fit.

So is gunny granger. He thinks the
shining path kidnapped corporal parr.

He wants to take his
men out to find him.

Gunny! Sir!

I've already ordered
him to stand down, sir.

Get out of that combat
gear. I'll need you,

Corporal cortez, and 2
other marines to accompany us.

Aye, aye, sir!

Fall out!

Cortez, mason, douglas, with me.

(Marine) yes, sir.

You don't think
parr was kidnapped?

There's no evidence
to support it.

He asked me 3 times if he could
visit ramon's mother to apologize.

Yeah, well, she's not a woman
in the mood for apologies.

But it's not the mother he
wants to see, it's ramon's sister.

Do we really need to take
gunnery sergeant granger with us?

He's dangerous, sir. It's
a dangerous town, meg.

Let's go.

[Chickens clucking]

[People chattering]

[People murmuring]

I came as soon
as I got your note.

[Sobbing] how could
you k*ll my brother?

I didn't know it was him.

Would it have made
any difference?

He was trying to k*ll me.

He thought he was
defending my honor.

(Parr) but he knew about us.

I'm pregnant.


I'll marry you.

How can I marry the man
who k*lled my brother?

(Granger) sooner we get
out of here, the better, sir.

Tell your men to
stay cool, gunny.

Keep your weapons out of sight.
And don't fire unless fired upon.


Lieutenant, don't
ever grab my...

You would have shot that child.

Only if his w*apon
had been real.

[Speaking spanish]

He had a g*n.

[Mrs. Escamilla sobbing]

[Mrs. Escamilla
speaking spanish]

They're going to
k*ll her daughter.

[Speaking spanish]

They're in a church
in santa rosa.

[People chattering]


(Tienna) h-he's a member
of sendero luminoso.

You must go before he sees you.

Not without you.


[Speaking spanish]


[Speaking spanish]

Drop it!

[Meg speaking spanish]

I want the two...

[Speaking spanish]

I can take him. No.

[Tienna grunting]

It's ok. It's ok. They
can't hurt you now.

They'll be waiting
for me when I go home.

Why are the shining
path after you?

They want to k*ll me because
I'm carrying david's baby.

They hate the americans
and now they hate me.

We won't let them hurt you.

They are everywhere,
david. Everywhere.

Not in our embassy.

I'm sure the ambassador
will offer her sanctuary.

With me, parr.

What about tienna?

We'll take care of
her, corporal parr.

(Granger) snap to it, parr!

I'll join you in a minute, harm.

He's not going
to sh**t him, meg.

I'm not so sure.

I'm sorry, gunny. Sorry
is something you say

When you bump into a little
old lady in the liquor store.

You were a.w.o.l,
corporal. A-w-o-l!

I'm sorry I let you down,
gunny. To hell with me!

You let down your
fellow marines.

You let down this embassy.
You let down the corps!

(Meg) gunnery sergeant granger!

Into squad bay, parr.
I'm not through with you.

He's young, gunny.
They're all young, ma'am.

There were extenuating

He's a marine, lieutenant.
He's got a duty to perform.

Which is hard enough without
you making his life miserable.

If you baby him,

He'll start second-guessing
his training and his instincts.

And that gets people k*lled.

In texas we had a dog that'd take
on anything to protect our cattle.

Eventually, we had to sh**t him

Because he got so damn vicious,

He didn't care what he k*lled.

Permission to speak
frankly, lieutenant.

Put it on the table, gunny.

I know you don't like
me or the way I operate.

But it's my job to keep this
embassy secure and my boys alive.

This is not a courtroom.
It's a battle zone.

I don't get to
appeal when I lose.

[Birds chirping]

Tienna, who were those
men at the church?

I don't know.

They knew you were pregnant.

Sendero luminoso
know everything.

How do you know they
were sendero luminoso?

They were friends of ramon's.

Your brother was with
the sendero luminoso?

He was only a boy
who wanted to be a man.

Did the sendero luminoso
send him over the wall?

He was defending my honor.

He knew about you
and corporal parr.

He knew you would
meet, didn't he? Si.

Then why didn't he come
after parr in the town?

I don't know.

Could it be because he
wasn't after corporal parr?

He was after the ambassador?

Let me get this
straight, lieutenants.

Corporal parr kills a boy

And now he wants us
to give the boy's sister,

Who is corporal parr's
girlfriend, sanctuary?

She's having his baby, ma'am.

Corporal parr
wants to marry her.

I ask you to solve a sh**ting

And your solution is a wedding.

What's next, lieutenant?
You'll recommend a caterer.

Ma'am, there may be
more to this sh**ting.

The boy who was k*lled
was with the shining path.

He may have come
here to k*ll you.

(Meg) he was coming over the
wall near your living quarters.

From the shell casing, it's possible he
was carrying a scorpion machine p*stol

With a sil*ncer.

That's an assassination
w*apon, ma'am.

I strongly suggest you call
off the hospital dedication, ma'am.

At least until the peruvians
can track the others down.

If you think that's best.

[Phone ringing]

I'm in the middle
of something. Who?


Yes, sir.

It's good to hear
from you too, sir.

I'm... I'm not easily
intimidated, sir.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

That was the president.

I hope you brought your
dress whites, lieutenants.

You're going to need them
for the dedication tomorrow.

[Men clamoring]

[Men chattering in spanish]

(Granger) we've sent a
motorcade out as a decoy.

In 10 minutes, we will slip through the
rear service gate and follow this route.

My government will
provide an armed escort.

Meaning no offense, mr. Vargas,

But what if the shining path

Have people within
your government?

I'm not offended, lieutenant.

What you say is
unfortunately true.

That is why no one
outside of this room

Is to know your approach route.

Corporal cortez and I will ride
with the peruvians as observers.

I will give them the route
after we leave the embassy.

Is this vest thick
enough, gunny?

That's a top of the line,
all-spectra guardian vest, ma'am.

It'll stop a 9-millimeter
slug at point-blank range.

What if someone aims at my head?

Duck, ma'am.

[Birds chirping]

You're riding with
me, lieutenants.

Yes, ma'am.

[Car door closing]

[Car engine starting]

(Granger on radio) home
plate, we're movin' out.

Our e.t.a. For checkpoint
alpha is 10 minutes. Over.

Home plate. Roger.

Tienna. You can't be in here.

They've all left. I'm on duty.

Look, I'll come to you as
soon as this is over. I promise.

Your sergeant will
never let us be together.

No one will keep us apart.
Not even gunny. I promise you.

Ok. Ok, go, go.

You gotta get out of here
before someone sees you.


[Both speaking spanish]

[Tienna laughing] hey.

[People chattering]

Would you like to hear my
dedication speech, senor vargas?


(Bartlett) "if our
children are the future,

Then their health..."

[People chattering in spanish]

[Chickens clucking]

(Bartlett) "will be a
place of healing."

Heads up!

[Tires screeching]

[Bartlett screaming]

Back it up! Back it up!

[Tires screeching]

[g*nshots firing] get
to the ambassador.

Yes, sir.

[Men yelling]

(Bartlett) lieutenant,
get us out of here!

(Meg) hold on, ma'am.

Get down! Get down!


(Bartlett) oh, god!

Get him out! (Bartlett) vargas!

He's dead!

(Meg) get out!


In there!

(Harm) give me a clip!

Your vest stopped the
slugs. You're going to be ok.

I am?

None of us are going to be ok if
we don't get the hell out of here.


Let's go!


Where's gunny? Somebody
get the ambassador, sir.

Then go! What about you, sir?

(Harm) get going!

(Bartlett) go, go, go!
Go, go. Go, go, go, go!

[Tires screeching]


The ambassador? She's all right.

[g*n cocking]




He's dead.

It's tienna's mother.

She and her son were
both in the shining path.


Tienna must have seen the map
with our route and tipped them off.

This is lieutenant austin calling the
american embassy. Does anyone copy?

[Tires screeching]

(Parr) this is the
embassy. Over.

Corporal parr?
Affirmative. Over.

Corporal parr, our
convoy was ambushed.

(Parr) do you need
assistance? Negative.

The ambassador is on her
way back to the embassy.

There's no other way
to say this than to say it.

Tienna is with the shining path.

Negative. You
listen to me, marine.

She is shining path, and she's
there to k*ll the ambassador,

And you have to stop her.

Parr! Parr, do you read me?

Parr? Do you read...

[Radio switches off]

[Tires screeching]

(Bartlett) careful.

(Cortez) get a medic upstairs.

(Bartlett) corporal...

Ambassador, take
my hand. Get a doctor.

(Bartlett) get a doctor!

(Cortez) watch your step.

They shot me, mack.

We're talking a
purple heart here.

Well, what the hell do
they give ambassadors

Who are shot in
the line of duty?


David. I'm looking for you.

Come down here. What's wrong?

You're sendero luminoso.

No, my brother. Not me.

Bring your hands out
where I can see them, tienna.

David, you're scaring
me. Bring your hand out!

I love you. We love you.

Oh, tienna.



I loved her.

They were all in a
shining path cell.

They weren't even related.

But most important,
tienna wasn't pregnant.

It was just another lie so
she could get the ambassador

If they missed
her on the street.

Pretty stupid, huh, ma'am?

Thinking that someone like
tienna would fall in love with me.

I don't think
it's stupid at all.

I could see a lot of women falling
in love with you, corporal parr.

(Harm) she had everyone
fooled, corporal.

Except him.

Detail. Ten-hut.

Thank you, lieutenants,
for everything.

Detail. Ten-hut.

Suck it in, douglas.
This isn't a chow line.

He's starting to
sound like gunny.

Hope he's as good a
marine as gunny was.

Semper fi, gunny.
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