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07x18 - Lady and the b*mb

Posted: 06/04/23 06:51
by bunniefuu
So, uh... Does he give you
the verdict right away,

Or does he screw around first?

I see.

Well, yeah, I mean, I think
we got a good chance, too,

But, uh, still,

Should I be preparing
myself for the worst?

No, no, no. I wasn't
referring to your bill.

Yeah. Right.

Uh, I'll see you at 12.

Decision coming down today
on "blood on the badge"?

Uh, yeah.

Keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks, arthur.

Sergeant, what's your sign?


I'll read your horoscope.

Uh, taurus.

"Taurus... Excellent
prospects for success today.

"Look for a happy conclusion
to a personal problem.

Avoid court."

I was just kidding. No, it
doesn't really say that.

Ah, come on.

Morning, gentlemen.

- Morning, captain.
- Barn.

Today's the big day, huh?

Well, yeah.

I got to be in court at 12:00,

But I expect to be back by 2:00.

Listen, uh, I hope
everything goes well.

Thanks, barn.

I'm feeling pretty
good about the case.

I mean, ripner had
some good arguments,

But I think we did
a pretty good job

Of discrediting his witnesses.

I know. I was one of them.


By the way, barn,

You know, now
that it's all over,

I'd like to apologize

If my lawyers were
a little rough on you.

Oh, hey, listen, they
did what they had to do.

- You know.
- Right.

Of course, I do think that
bringing up my prison record

Was a bit uncalled for.

Barn, we were just
establishing character.


- Barn?
- Yeah.

This is, uh, this is
mrs. Doris carlisle.

- This is captain miller.
- Hello.

Mrs. Carlisle wants
to lodge a complaint

Against lexington
general hospital.

They're endangering
my husband's health.


Uh, see, for six months or so,

Her husband's been
a lab technician

At the research section.

He's always wanted to
work in a doctor's world.

Anyway, uh...

He's... He's in the nuclear
medicine department,

And according to mrs. Carlisle,

There is a lot of
low-level radioactive waste

That's being stored there
from treatment and research,

And she says that it's doing
something to her husband.

It affected his... Performance.

- What she means, barn...
- I know what she means.

He used to be warm
and loving, a real ace,

And the stuff is draining
his energy, sapping his...

Mrs. Carlisle, it's not
that we're unsympathetic.

It's just that there
are other agencies

Better equipped to handle...

No, I've been there!
I've been to all of them!

You're my last chance!

Well, to be perfectly
candid, this is just not an area

That the police department
can get involved in.

Uh, I already told her we would.

All right, you and
harris check it out.

Anything you say.

We'll, uh... We'll
do what we can.

Oh, thank you.

Captain, there's a disturbance
at a post office on bleeker.

You and dietrich.

Morning, gentlemen.


It is as horrible as I remember.


What are you doing here?

I mean, it's, uh, it's
great to see you.

You too, barney.

3 1/2 Years we haven't seen you.


Well, to tell you the truth,

I sort of decided I'd
never come here again.


I just felt I left
all this behind.

Life was for the young.

People don't want some
old-timer hanging around,

Being a nuisance.

Come on, fish.

But something happened
that made me change my mind.


Someone older than me
was elected president.

So how's bernice?


Oh, she's fine. She
gives you all her love...

For whatever that's worth.

And, uh, uh...

Jilly and victor and
the rest of the kids?

Oh, them? They're gone.

Money for the group
home was cut off,

So the city took back the kids.

Oh, I'm sorry.

So is the city.

But, I mean, they're
okay? They're doing okay?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Victor was arrested
for as*ault and battery,

But they're not gonna
try him as an adult.

And jilly got pregnant,
but the guy married her.


And the other kids
are doing fine, too.

Let me buy you a
cup of coffee, huh?

All right.

It, uh...

It's not as bad as nick's,
but we're working on it.

So, uh, what are you doing
these days to keep busy?

I'm into leather.


Bernice made me take a
course in leather crafts

At brooklyn college.

She said it would do me good
to get out and meet new people.


So now I sit in my
room and make wallets.

Sounds lovely.

You want one?

Yeah, sure.

Listen, if I'm keeping
you from something...

No, no. No.

All right, all right.

You're uglier than your picture.

I should have known by your
handwriting... You're a cheat!

All right, what
have we got here?

Captain, this is
frederick houston.

This is milton corshak.

Picked them up
at the post office.

They're pressing
mutual as*ault charges.

Yeah, he's a liar and a cheat!

He doesn't know his
pawn from his rook.

Mr. Corshak and
mr. Houston play chess by mail.

Apparently, they've had a
number of disagreements

Over who moved where,

So they met at
mr. Corshak's post office box

To settle the dispute.

Mr. Corshak was squeezing
mr. Houston's head in this.

He tried to s*ab
me with his queen.

I was using the
indian defense...

Caught him completely off guard.

All right, all right, all right.

Look, I don't
understand any of this.

Look, captain.

I had just moved
my knight to queen 6,

Thus creating a juggernaut
from which no one could escape.

Until I made my master stroke

Of putting queen
bishop to knight 3,

Thus putting his king in check.

In check? I never got that move!

According to mr. Houston,
his check is in the mail.

Like I said, it's
mutual as*ault, sir.

You two are still intent
on pressing charges?

Book 'em.

All right, mr. Corshak.
Let's check in over there.

Okay, mr. Houston, move
your king's rook to seat 3.

- What?
- Just sit down.

Remember me?

So are you enjoying
your retirement?



But I accept it.

I mean, you can't stop the
years from taking their toll.

Actually, with advances
in medical technology

And organ replacement,

It's very possible
that by the year 2000

We'll be able to
significantly delay,

Even halt, the aging process.

Get away from me.

Do you work here?

I used to. I'm retired.

You remind me of my husband.

I'm sorry.

He should retire, too.

Been shopping, have we?

Why do you say that?

Well, you have a shopping bag.

I was a cop for 35 years,

So I'm pretty good at
putting things together.

Oh, I see.

Excuse me.

extraordinary situations

Call for extraordinary measures.

- Don't you think so?
- Yes.

I mean, a person has to do
what a person has to do, right?

I agree with you completely.

Officer levitt,

May we have the chess
board and pieces, please?

What for?

He's challenged me to a game.

Gentlemen, I'm afraid
this is evidence,

And regardless, this
is a police station,

Not a country club.

Problems, levitt?

They want to play a
chess game in the cage.

Can you believe that?

Let 'em.

Glad to see you're
getting a break.

What happened?

- I checked it out.
- Harris make court?

Oh, yeah, he went straight over.

Uh, everything that mrs.
Carlisle says seems to be right.

Place is full of the stuff.

They got a basement that...

Just crammed with barrels
marked "radioactive."

What did they say about it?

Well, I talked to the
hospital administrator.

That's that mr. Giles.

He said that there's
no danger from it.

But at the same time,

There's no disposal site willing
to take the stuff right now.

And the federal law requires

That they store it on
a site at the hospital

Until disposal can be arranged.

When is that gonna be?

They don't know.

That's what they told me.

Uh... Mrs. Carlisle, uh...

Thank you for bringing
this to our attention.

Well, what are you
gonna do about it?

I'm afraid nothing.


That's what I thought
you'd end up saying.

I'm terribly sorry, but...

You did what you could.

Well, there doesn't seem
to be any laws broken.

As I said before, this is
not in our jurisdiction.

However, I'll see to it
that a copy of the report

That sergeant wojciehowi...

What is that?

An expl*sive device.

I want that radioactive waste

Moved out of the
hospital in two hours,

Or I'm gonna blow us up.

You guys didn't have
to do this for me.

Uh, mrs. Carlisle...

I don't know exactly what
it is you're doing, but, uh...

This isn't the way to do it.

I want that stuff moved.

And so do we.

And I promise you that if you...

Keep away! I'll
throw the switch.

Whatever you say.

I don't want to, but I will.

You know, mrs. Carlisle,

I-i don't want to be
impertinent about this, but, uh...

We're not even sure
that what you've got there

Is really a b*mb.


I mean, it could be just a...

You know, a pot rigged
up to look like a b*mb.

Oh, that's true.

Is it a b*mb?

I'm not sure.

I made it from this
manual I bought

At a little radical
bookstore in the village.

"Recipes for the revolution."

Cute title.


Well, anyway, the b*mb
is basically a mixture

Of potassium chloride,
nickelomonium sulfate,

Some gelatin, a pinch
of manganese dioxide,

Along with two
dry-cell batteries

Connected to an ignition switch.

Does that sound
like it would work?

If she followed directions,

It gives the room
a new paint job.

Mrs. Carlisle...

It's really important for
you to put that b*mb down.

I promise you we will do
everything in our power

To help you to
resolve your problem.

You'll call the hospital?

I promise.

And you'll get that
stuff out of there

And away from my husband?

We will.

All right.

Okay. If you'll just...

Only first you got to do
that. Then I'll give you the b*mb.

Wojo, you want to get on
the phone and get me mr...

- Giles.
- Mr. Giles at the hospital.

While sergeant wojciehowicz...

While he's calling the
hospital, if you don't mind,

I'd like to call
the b*mb squad...

J-just in case.

And then I'd like
to clear the room

And the rest of the floor, okay?

And leave me alone in here?

No, I'll stay with you.

I-i don't think so.

I-i would like to,

But it just seems to me
that the more people in here,

The better chance there is
of getting something done.

You can understand that.

- Of course.
- Makes sense to me.

I just joined a record club.

Is that your move?

It's not my move till
I take my hand off.

Well, then, take it off.

Don't rush me. I got 10 minutes.

That woman out there
can blow us up in five.


Now it's my move.

Barn, I got mr. Giles here.

Excuse me. He's talking to her.

I filled him in.

Mr. Giles, captain miller here.

Uh, yes, a b*mb.

That indeed appears to
be what she is holding.

Well, I was hoping
you could help me out.

Yes, I do have full

Look, mr. Giles, the point is

Mrs. Carlisle is demanding

That the radioactive
waste material

That you have stored
in your hospital

Be removed from the premises
within the next two hours.

Did I say something funny?

Yes, sergeant
wojciehowicz has told me

About your disposal problems.

Well, e-excuse me,

It appears to me that if
the dump-site operators

Were made aware of the urgent
nature of the situation here...

Yeah, I have a pencil.

I don't want to talk about it.


I lost.

The court awarded
ripner $320,000.

Sergeant, mrs.
Carlisle over there...

She has a b*mb.

She's threatening to set it off.


We've already tried
those dump sites.

Yes, I'm familiar with
the term "full up,"

But I cannot believe that,
considering the circumstances,

You... You can't squeeze
in a little bit more.

No, just a little. Uh...

Well... 3,000 Gallons.

Doesn't seem like a lot to me.

Yeah, but...

Look, I've explained
the problem.

Nothing you can do about it.

Yeah. Good luck to you, too.

I really appreciate all this.

Our pleasure.



Thank you.

South carolina won't take it.

Then we are in trouble.

No one will take it, will they?

Mrs. Carlisle...

We have called everyone
we know to call...

The nrc, the department
of transportation,

Every dump site in the country.

In other words,

You're telling me
that there is no point

In continuing with this?

What I'm telling you is

Everyone has done his best.

Then, uh...

Guess I'll have to blow us up.

Uh, of course, we can do better!

- Oh?
- Oh, sure.

There are avenues we
haven't even begun to try yet.

- What are they?
- Um...

Who is it?

It's me... Lou.

Why aren't you at work?

They... They said you
were here with a-a b*mb.

I didn't want them
to bother you.

- Captain miller.
- Yes, yes.

I'm ron giles. We
spoke on the phone.

Oh. Look, there was no
reason for you to come up here.

I know.

And although it has always
been the hospital's policy

Never to negotiate
with t*rrorists,

Nevertheless, we feel that
this situation can be resolved

Without mrs. Carlisle having
to resort to using that thing,

Which we believe would
be in no one's best interest.

Our position exactly.

Doris, I'm begging
you to stop all of this.

I'm doing this to help you.

That stuff... You know
what it's doing to you.

It's taking away...

Shh! There are
other people here.

That's all right.
They already know.

Mrs. Carlisle, I'm ron
giles from the hospital.

You're the one that's
always in conference.

Yes, that's because
I've been busy...

Been very busy trying
to solve the very problem

That you have expressed
your concern about.

You're k*lling my husband.

Mrs., Uh... Mrs. Carlisle...

We adhere to very
strict federal guidelines,

And we store that material
safely and securely.

- I want it out.
- And so do we.

But we can't just wish it away.

I mean, is it our fault if
the dumps won't accept it?

According to them, it is.

Beg your pardon, sergeant?

The guy from the
dump in south carolina,

He told me they stopped
taking your waste materials

'Cause you guys weren't
shipping it the right way.

You weren't packaging it right,

And a lot of it was leaking
before it even got there.

But we fixed that.

Yeah, but not until
they caught you.

Oh, sure, it's so easy
to point your finger.

What's your solution?

We shut down the nuclear
medicine department?

We stop doing research?

We you stop treating
people for cancer?

No, I didn't say that.

But it seems like you could take

A little bit better look

At what you're gonna
do with all of this stuff

Before you start
churning it out.

- We have thought it out.
- Gentlemen, gentlemen...

We seem to be a bit sidetracked.


We'll talk later.


Believe me, doris,

The trouble I'm having has
nothing to do with the job

Or radioactive waste.

It must.

For a man to go from
being strong and virile

To weak and incapable

Has to have something
to do with that stuff.

Not necessarily.

Mrs. Carlisle: huh?

A person doesn't have
to be around radiation

To have this kind of problem.

How do you know?

Believe me, I know.


And you never worked
around radioactive materials?

My watch doesn't even
have a luminous dial.

Then what did it?

I don't know. It just happened.

People change.

The years take their toll.

It's all just a part of
nature's rich pageant.


Look, what you're doing
isn't going to help anyone.

So how about
just giving me that?

Well, how do I know

You didn't just say
that about yourself

So that I would
give this to you?

Would this body lie to you?

- Someone take this, please.
- I got it.

Levitt, call the b*mb squad.

Yes, sir.

Mrs. Carlisle, I'm afraid
we're gonna have to book you.

Wojo: back over
here, mrs. Carlisle.

Well, I knew we
could work that out.

Thank you for your
cooperation, mr. Giles.

My pleasure.
Guess I'll be going.

Hey, there's still all
that stuff at the hospital.

What about it?

Well, we plan to move
it, sergeant... Eventually.

Okay, and then you
and everybody else

Will go on making more and more.

And eventually you're gonna

Run out of places
to put it, right?

That is a problem that
we're trying to solve,

And there are a number
of long-range solutions.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Opening new dump
sites, use of salt domes,

Abandoned mines for
long-term storage.

We may even find a
permanent solution

By rocketing our
waste into space,

Out of the earth's atmosphere,

Traveling harmlessly
out of our solar system.

And what if there's
life out there

That's not
particularly interested

In dealing with our garbage?

Well, then I guess they
will just have to send it back.

Well, I'll be heading
home, barney.


I'll leave the
paperwork to you boys.

Thanks for reminding us
how it's supposed to be done.


Well, it's been nice
seeing everyone.

Dietrich: take care
of yourself, fish.

Give my love to bernice.

Haven't you been listening?