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06x21 - Dubois: Portrait of a Politician

Posted: 06/03/23 17:51
by bunniefuu
[ birds chirping ]

Good morning.

[ laughs ]

My, my, my!

Nice threads!

You certainly are

The nattiest chief executive
This state has ever seen.

Clayton, give it a rest.

I'm only acting governor.

And that is exactly
Why I am here.

What is it this time?

Well, I am aware that you
Have been temporarily

Thrust into
The seat of power.

I'm sure you're
A trifle overwhelmed,

So I am here
To help you.

For instance,
Have you had an opportunity

To peruse
The current legislation?

Yes, it's all
Right here.

I plan to sign everything
Except this senate bill, s-.

You don't have a choice
With this.

You've got to sign this one.
The governor promised.

Promised? Why?

The only people who could
Possibly benefit from this bill

Are senator tyler's
Golf buddies.

[ laughs ]

Oh, benson,
You are so naive.

It is a perfectly fair
Political trade-off.

We needed senator tyler's vote
For the tax cut.

Well, then let the governor
Sign it when he gets back.

You don't seem to be
Following this.

The governor doesn't get back
Until the th.

If this bill isn't signed by the
th, it's an a*t*matic veto.

In that case, let's not
Keep everyone in suspense.


Give senator tyler
My condolences.

Uh, benson,
You can't --

It is history.

I think I should
Point out to you

The stupidity
Of this action.

Then I think I should
Point out to you

That there is nothing lonelier
Than an unemployed yuppie.

Oh, mr. Two horses,
You may come in now.

You must be
Lieutenant governor dubois.

How do you do, mr. Two horses?
Very nice to meet you.

Can I have kraus
Get you anything?

This shouldn't
Take that long.


Well, I was just saying
To kraus

How much I was looking forward
To having you do this.


I've always been a great admirer
Of your work,

And that's why I gave
The committee your name

When they asked me
To do this.



So, uh, what should I
Call you -- joe?


Joseph, uh-huh.


Look, I'll tell you
The truth.

I don't know
If I want to paint this picture.

The money is chicken feed.

And capturing some politician
On canvas

Doesn't thrill me, either.

Whoa, joseph, hold your horses,
Both of them.

[ laughs ]

Did I do something
To offend you?

You did now.


Let me go.
Let me go.

Kraus, kraus,
Put senator tyler down.

All right, dubois,
Start explaining yourself.

No, senator.
You start explaining yourself.

And this better be good.

Otherwise, I'll have kraus
Drop-kick you out of the office.

I'd like that.

Just called me.

He tells me
That you vetoed s-.

That's correct.
You can't do that.

I was promised
That water-treatment plant

In exchange for my vote
On the tax-cut bill.

I didn't make
That promise.
The governor
Made that promise.

Well, the governor's
Not here,

And right now I'm the governor,
And you're interrupting me.

Dubois, you're not gonna get
Away with double-crossing me.

Thank you for coming by,
Senator. It's always a pleasure.


Hold it. Hold it.

You can't do this to me.
I'm a big man in this town.

I know you are.

You're so big you grew right
Through the top of your hair.

[ laughs ]

I'm sorry about all this.


Okay, I'll paint
Your portrait,

But the committee
Won't like it.

Oh, yes, they will.
You're a world-famous painter.

What I mean is,
I will do it my way,

And that may not be
What they're looking for.

Oh, don't worry
About it.

I've seen your work.
They'll love it.

I will spend the next few days
With you

To get a feel
For your spirit.

Well, good, good.
Get a feel for my spirit.


All righty.



Hmm? What?

Mm, nothing.

I can fix that.

We got governor,
Governor, governor.


What have we here?


Katie: hi.

Oh! [ laughs ]

Katherine olivia.

I thought dad
Was coming home today.

No, no, no, no. I'm picking him
Up tomorrow at the airport.

I thought
It was today.

You thought wrong.

Well, could you just check
His schedule?


That really
Isn't necessary.

Look, I'm positive
I'm right.

All right,
Little miss know-it-all.

You're so sure.

I've got $
That says you're wrong.


Put up or shut up.

All right.

Let's have a look here.

Where were you?


Is there any reason you didn't
Pick me up at the airport?


I waited minutes.

I finally ended up riding back
With senator tyler,

Who spent the entire ride
Chewing me out.

What in blue blazes
Is going on around here?


B-benson did it.

I know who did it.
I just don't know why.

Get him in here.

Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.

Welcome home, dad.

Hi, sweetheart.
How are you?

I'm great.
I just increased my cash flow.

Ah, good, good.

See you later.

Hi, benson.


Well, welcome back.

So, how was

How'd the speech go?

So, anything interesting happen
While I was away?

You're upset.

[ scoffs ]

Well, let me explain.

I made a deal
With senator tyler.

My word was at stake
On that bill.

You knew that.
Clayton told you.

And yet you insisted
On vetoing that bill.

Since when do we make deals
With senator tyler?

That isn't the point.

I am the governor
Of this state.

When you're
In the state.

And when you're out of
The state, I'm the governor.

As such, I wasn't willing to put
My name on that kind of deal.

There is nothing wrong

With senator tyler's
Water-treatment facility.

Well, sir, I don't agree.

It was the only way we could
Get the tax cut passed.

But, governor --

Now, look, you made a mistake!
And I for one --

Hold it, hold it,
Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Ohh, you're asking --

No, I didn't
Make a mistake.

Now, I acted on what I believed
To be the best interests

Of the people
Of this state,

And if you think that I'm
Going to tailor my ideals

To fit the fashion of the moment
Or even to please you,

You are sadly mistaken!

All right...

Mr. Lieutenant governor.

I think you'll find
That I run this administration.

Well, I'll be in my office
If you need me.

I'll keep that in mind
If the occasion should arise...

...Which I doubt.

[ door slams ]

Morning, kraus.

Benson, the governor
Is a very unhappy man.

Thanks for the bulletin.

It's been two weeks.

How much longer are you
Going to keep acting like this?

Word of advice, kraus --
Stay out of this.

What time is that meeting
This afternoon?

You don't have to
Worry about it.

Has the governor
Canceled it?

The meeting
Is still today.

He just canceled you.

Well, that's a very
Grown-up thing to do.

Good morning.


Oh, good morning.

I didn't mean
To startle you.

It comes with generations
Of training.

Good news -- today I stop
Staring and start sketching.

Joseph, I'm afraid we've got a
Little crisis around here today.

Just sit here
And hold your position.

You don't understand.

We've got some
Very important business

We've got to
Take care of.

And my work
Is foolishness?

Okay, okay.


Cross your legs.
Get comfortable.

Fluff me up, huh?

Nice, nice.

Now, hold that pose.

Try to look sincere.


All right, I wasn't
Going to get involved,

But I can't
Let this go on.

I think you should work things
Out with the governor.

I don't want to
Talk about it.


Not you. Her.

At least you could

I have nothing
To apologize for.

You're moving.
I'm sorry.

[ knock on door ]

Come on in, clayton.

Here's a copy of my notes

For the governor's meeting with
The environmental commission.

Thank you, clayton.

Just wanted to keep you



Mm. It's not my fault.
He keeps moving.

Ye-- oh.

What are you doing?


Um, I --

I was, uh, distributing
The notes for our meeting.

I don't recall
Telling you

That they were for
General distribution.

Get the copies back.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, benson.

Now, wait a minute.

Excuse me.

Don't come
And stand in my doorway

And treat me
Like I'm not even here.

I am the lieutenant governor,
And I'm due some respect.

I tried
To tell him that.

Clayton, you've picked
A very poor time

To get on benson's side.

If I were you, I'd keep
My opinions to myself.

Oh, now we have to clear our
Opinions through you, as well?

Well, after all,
He is your boss.

And I, mama,
Am your boss.

Let's face it, benson --
You played party politics.

Your party opposed that bill,
So you vetoed it.

I voted
My conscience.

And besides, I didn't like
The idea that it was a bribe

To get senator tyler
To cooperate.

A bribe? Now, hold on.
I don't like the sound of that.

Boy, you must really
Have it stashed away.

I don't like
The sound of it, either.

Thank you,
Miss kraus.

Sir, benson
Does have a point.

To the normal person,
This might appear as a bribe.

I warned you once.

Oh, here --
Take your damn notes!


If you'll excuse me,
I have other business.

Oh, right, right,
The official portrait.

Why don't you ask him
To paint a halo in?

That's it! Out! Out!

Ohh! Ohh!

Hold the phone here.

You can throw them out.
I am the governor.

This is
My official residence,

And I have a right
To sit in any room I want.

Sir --

Zip it!

This is my house.

The lieutenant governor's office
Is here through a courtesy,

A courtesy
That I can withdraw.

Excuse me.

Kraus, call beacons.

I'll be out of here
This afternoon.

Well, I will help you.




Stop it. Stop it.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!

What is going on here?

Now, I cannot --

I cannot stand this, to see
Close friends splitting up.

Now, maybe you can take it.

You have an abundance
Of close friends.

But what about someone like me?
I have no close friends.

I have always longed
For close friends.

Oh, clayton,
You don't understand --

Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!

Now, do you see
What you've done?


Forget it!

Well, I always knew
This would happen.

Your mouth has cost you
The best friend you ever had.

Oh, forget it, kraus.
The governor will come around.

I don't mean
The governor.

I'm talking about me.

Well, don't look at me!
They're wrong!

Hold that pose.

What is all this?

Oh, look, governor.

They're about to unveil
Benson's portrait.

I'm sure you
Won't want to miss that.

Lieutenant governor.

Yes, sir.

Miss kraus.
Mr. Two donkeys.


The man's name
Is two horses.

Clayton, remind me to check
The state constitution.

I would like to see

Where it says that
The lieutenant governor

Is obligated to correct
The governor in public.

Governor, don't you think this
Silliness has gone on too long?

Why don't we just
Look at the picture?

Governor: fine.

That's it.
Take it or leave it.

That is
A very good picture.

It certainly is.

[ clears throat ]

It has the classicism
Of a stuart,

The refreshing audacity
Of a warhol,

The, uh, wry humor
Of a leroy neiman.

What's he
Talking about?

I think he likes it.

Hmm. How about you?

Oh, he never liked me.

The painting.

Well, I didn't expect it
To look so...

Much like me.

Hmm. I knew
You wouldn't like it.

No, no, no.
It's quite lifelike.

Yes. It certainly is
Quite lifelike.

I just hope it doesn't veto
Anything while I'm out of state.

I just wanted to say,

When the going gets tough,
The tough get going.

Governor: clayton.

Coming, governor.

Well, if you ask me,

You have made him look
A lot nobler than he is.

Oh, really?

Well, he could paint
Your picture with a roller.

Ah, well, I'm sorry about
All this, mr. Two horses.

I think you've done an admirable
Job under the circumstances.

I can only hope that the
Unveiling will be more pleasant.

Thank you.

I like it.

[ sighs ]

[ inhales, exhales ]

[ busy signal ]

I guess I'm going to have to
Do something about this.

I was just --

No, that's not true.

I was looking for you.

Well, to be
Perfectly honest,

I was looking for you.

Well, we found
Each other.

[ chuckles ]

Uh, governor.


I wanted you to know
That I'm sorry --

Well, I actually --

Please, let me finish.

I'm sorry for putting you
In an awkward position,

But I'm not sorry
I did what I did.

I'm not sure that I know
How to take that.

It's an apology.

Well, it --
It certainly seems like it.

But, uh...

Well, now, let me see
If I understand this.

You are not sorry
For what you did.

And you'd do it again,

Which would put me
In an awkward situation,

For which you are sorry.

Yeah, that sums it up
Pretty well.


Okay, good.

What about you?



Ah, an apology.

Well, I, uh --

I am sorry
For what I said,

But I'm not sorry
For the reasons I said it.


I can accept that.


See you tomorrow.

See you then.


Gosh, I never thought
It would come to this.


Us being on different sides
Like this kind of makes me sad.

Yeah, I know
What you mean.

But I suppose we can have
Differences of opinion...

Oh, well, sure.

...And remain friends,

Oh, sure, colleagues.

Yeah. Yeah.

See you tomorrow.

Yeah, see you
In the morning.

Uh, kraus!

Oh, I'll get her
For you.

Thank you.