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05x20 - Just Passing Through

Posted: 06/03/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
(Audrey): Previously on Haven...

- Hi, excuse me.
Stuart Mosley?

(Stuart): Oh, my God.

(Audrey): He sent Duke and Nathan
back in time.

Stuart, this is you.

These two men need your help
to get home.

- 30 years ago,
the day I woke up on the beach,

lying beside me
was The Colorado Kid, dead.

Did I k*ll Audrey's son?

- No, I won't believe it.

- Duke? I'm Hailie Colton.

I did it!

(man): So you like to watch, Dave?

(Dave): I see what Croatoan's doing,

and he knows I'm watching.
I have to do this, Vince.

- Then I'm coming with you.

Oh, my.

- How?
- Why did he put it here?

- Because Croatoan didn't,
Dave did.

Dave k*lled Charlotte.

- I need some answers
about Charlotte's death, Dave.

- Nathan, please understand.

It wasn't me.

I was being controlled
by Croatoan.

- But why would Croatoan
want Charlotte dead?

- I swear,
I don't remember anything.

It was just like last time.

- What, something like this
happened before?

- 1983.

Woke up on the beach once
near a body.

- Whose body?

- James Cogan,
The Colorado Kid.

Your son.

I think
I k*lled him too, Nathan.


I'm so sorry.

- I need to know everything
that you remember

about the day he died.

- I don't remember much
about that day.


It's all so jumbled.

- Who was there?
Anyone suspicious?

- There was one stranger,

a woman, just for a minute.

She ran past me
just as the thinny opened

and I was drawn in.

- Wait, wait, wait.

You saw a thinny
on the beach? Are you sure?

- Yeah, the only thing I'm sure of.
- Who was this woman?

Why was she there?

- I don't know.

- There's another way
into the Void.

(Nathan): This is where Dave
said he saw the open thinny.

- But Charlotte sealed
the Thinnies 500 years ago.

- Maybe.

Dave saw one.

We need to find it.

We have to get
into the Void, Parker.

- Charlotte said that we needed
to get, um...

- She called it a controller.

Said it's the other piece
we need besides the aether core

to build a new Barn.

- Okay, well, let's say that
somehow we are able to get it.

Do you really think that
we're gonna be able to build

a-a new Barn without...

My mother?
- We have to.

Charlotte said that the new Barn
would remove the Troubles

and everything else that belonged
in the Void, including Croatoan.

- He won't be able
to influence Dave anymore.

Nathan, I don't think
that there's a thinny here.

I would see a shimmer.

I would feel something.

- So what,
it just disappeared?

None of the others have.

Unless it was caused
by a Trouble.

Dave knew everyone
except that woman at the beach.

She's our
unknown element here.

We have to find her.

- Well, where are we gonna find
a mystery woman

from almost 30 years ago?

- Right here...

where we know she was.

- What?
She was here in 1983.

- Exactly.

I'm going back in time.

(somber folk music)

As requested, my sketch.

- The woman Dave saw
on the beach?

- Yes. I know I've seen her before,
but it was years ago.

I don't think she's still in Haven.
- Yeah, but she was in 1983.

I had Audrey
bring Stuart Mosley in.

- You're gonna use Mosley's
Trouble to go back in time?

- To the day the Colorado Kid died,

the day Dave saw this woman
on the beach.

- I was laid up
in East Shore Hospital that day.

But why is the woman
so important?

- The thinny Dave saw on the beach
that day... it was open.

Now it's gone.

This woman may be the only
person who can tell me why.

- Nice outfit.

I guess nylon was in in '83.

- We raided Goodwill.

What do you think?

- Kind of glad I'm immune
to Mosley's Troubles

so I don't have
to go back with you.

He's in the break room.

- How are you gonna switch on
Mosley's Trouble?

- Oh, he gets upset
every time he sees me.

I think it's because I keep
crossing through his time line.

his Trouble activates.

- When it's time to come home,
show 1983 Mosley this photo.

It's the same photo we used before.

- Thanks.

- Look, I should come with you.
I can help. I know 1983.

You were just a boy then.

- Okay. Good.

You'll need some clothes
from that time period.

- This is what I wore back then.

- Of course it is.

- Keep your interactions small.

Be like mice.

If you change anything in the past,
it can make things worse now.

All you need to figure out is
what that woman knows about the thinny.

- Absolutely.

- Okay.

This might help.

- Thanks.

- Remember, you can't change
what happens.

- I know.

You ready?

- Yeah, can I get
a wake-up call for 6:00?

No, that's A.M.

You know what? Never mind.
I can do it myself.

(phone beeps)



Okay, fellas, you know what?
You could have just knocked.

- Clear!

- Or not.

Look, if this is about
a certain bank

and a certain $31,000... ish,

I don't have it.

I said, "I don't have it."

- Skip McMannis, huh?

You need new IDs, Mr. Crocker.
You've been using that one since 2007.

- You guys have been keeping tabs
on me since 2007?

If the shroud is still up,
you shouldn't even remember me.


Who the hell are you guys?

(Nathan): I have to surprise him, Vince,
so you go in first.

- Who the hell are you?

- You don't ask the questions here.

Remember this?

- It's from the paper.

- I know that.
Do you remember this day, Mr. Mosley?

The day they found the Colorado Kid?

- I was here.

I spent the entire day
in this damn police station,

about parking tickets.

- Hello, Mr. Mosley.

- You!

- Whoa, how'd you do that?

(camera shutter clicks,
camera whirs)

Where did you come from?

- We're from the government.
(Vince): Yeah.

- And we need that photo.

Your country thanks you.

Now, uh, is
Detective Wuornos around?

('80s pop rock music)

May 22, 1983.
It's the right day.

(Stuart): Damn it! I don't
even own this car anymore.

And they ain't my tickets.
- That's young Mosley.

(Nathan): That's our way home.
(Stuart): Are you even hearing me?

. Okay-

So we know Dave is gonna wind up
near that thinny.

So I'll go and find him.

- Okay, but keep your distance,
no interacting.

I'll find the woman
in the sketch.

With any luck, we'll meet up on that beach.
- Okay.

(indistinct chatter)

- I just want to make sure
you're okay.

(speaking indistinctly)


- Oh, um...



- Yes?

- Are you...

Detective Wuornos?

- Sure am.
Can I help you?

- Yeah.
I'm looking for this woman.

(Garland): Super.
Who the hell are you?

- Special Agent
Nathan Butterworth, FBI.

- Okay. Give me a minute
to see my lady friend out.

I'll be right back.

Get you a coffee?

- Black. Yeah, thanks.
- Sure.

- I recognize that woman
in his sketch.

It's Barbara Colton.

She's Troubled.

- So why do the Feds
want her?

We don't need that kind
of attention.

- Especially today.

I just want to call James
and say good-bye

and make sure
he gets out of town

before I go back
into the Barn.

- See James.
I'll get rid of this joker.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

Okay, so you guys know about me.

How about a little town
called Haven?

Haven, Maine?

Ring a bell?


You're wasting your time.

False arrest,
illegal search.

This'll never hold up in court.
- We're not from the government.

There's no court...

just us.

. Okay-


- There you go.
Black as sin.

- Thank you, Detective.

- Call me Garland, Nathan.

I got a boy named Nathan.

- Oh, yeah? Good kid?

- Ah, sometimes.

He's always putting his butt
on my desk, like you.

- Maybe he likes sitting up there
so he can be closer to his dad.

- Ah, I don't know, maybe.
So this woman, what'd she do?

- Uh, that's, um...

It's confidential,

FBI business.

But I hope that the Bureau
can still depend on your help, Garland.

- I'll put every available man
that I can on it.

But I have no idea
who this person is.

- Don't you have a local paper?

Maybe they can help.

- The Herald's dosed.

One of the publishers is
in the hospital.

- Yeah, uh, Vince Teagues.

Is he at County
or out at the Ping?

- County.

I'll tell you what,
Agent Butterworth,

before you go bothering
those boys,

I'm just gonna check on one thing.

- Hey, mister.

I know you're not a cop
around here,

but they're always too busy
to help me, anyways. So maybe you can.

- Yeah. What's wrong?

- My camera got stolen,
my good one.

- Did you file a report?

- I already know who stole it...

A kid in my grade, Duke Crocker.

- Come here.

You know that abandoned shed
out on East Beach?

(whispering): That's where Duke
hides all the things he steals.

Go get your camera back.

- How do you know that?

(normal voice): Told you,
I work for the government.

Get out of here.

- Yes, I'm sure, James.

I have to leave for a while.

- If you say so.

I just...

I wish we had more time

- Me too.

Can we go for one last walk
on the beach?

- Yeah, I'll meet you at 4:00. Okay?

I love you, Mom.

- I love you too.

- We have a problem.

That FBI agent just referred
to East Shore Hospital

as "the Ping."

- Only Haven cops call it the Ping.

- Yeah. Something's not right here.

I'm gonna make some calls
and check him out.

You got a minute
to stall him for me?

- Sure.

(Vince): Excuse me.

I'm looking for a David J. Teagues.

- I'm Dave.
- Well, pleasure to meet you.

Wallace Telman, literary agent.

You wrote a piece
on the vanishing lobster man

of Spruce Island that was, well...


- Well, lots of lobstering
going on around here.

Write what you know.

- Indeed. And if I may be so bold,
I think you should get to know

the dude ranches in New Mexico

- Excuse me?
- Mr. Teagues, I'll be blunt.

You're a wonderful writer...
Muscular, nuanced...

And I could get you published
in Time magazine

if you covered
an inter-dude-ranch rodeo

in New Mexico tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?
- You'd have to leave tonight.

- Wow.

Wait a minute.

Oh, my God.



- Oh, darn it all!

- Barbara Colton.

And there's your address.

(clears throat)


- Find anything interesting?

- Uh... just looking for a pen.

- Oh.
Well, here...

use... use mine.

I'm Lucy.

- Nathan.

- What just happened?

- Nothing.

I should go.

- Wait. Um...

Garland sent me in here to help you.

Maybe I know this woman
that you're looking for.

- I-I-I, um...

I have everything I need.

I should really go.

- Um, my pen.

- It was nice to meet you.

. Okay-

(phone beeping, line trilling)

- Hi, it's Barbara.
Leave a message.

(answering machine beeps)

- Barbara. It's me, Lucy.

You need to get out of town...


- Barbara Colton?

I need to talk to you.
- Now's not really a good time.

That ring...

where'd you get it?


Barbara, wait!

- Hands where I can
see them now!

- That woman... you have
to let me go after her.

- Don't think so. There is no
Nathan Butterworth at the FBI.

- Garland, I need to talk
to Barbara Colton.

I think she can do something.

- No, you're not going anywhere
until you tell me who the hell you are.

- Okay, I know it sounds like I am talking
nonsense, but I am on your side.

I am trying to save Haven.

- "Save Haven"?
What's your interest in this?

You're not with the FBI.
You're not with the State Police.

I can't find a record
on you anywhere.

Why don't we just start with you
telling me your real name?

- My first name really is Nathan.

I was born here at the Ping,

12:43 A.M.,

December 14th,

to Elizabeth and Max Hansen.

But I took my adoptive father's
last name.

I'm Nathan Wuornos.

I'm your son.

- So I'm supposed to believe
that you're my son come back in time?

- You know better than anyone
what Troubles can do.

- Don't move.

So whose Trouble was it, then,
sent you back from the future?

- Stuart Mosley. You know him?

- Know the family.

Then again, so does anyone
with a phone book.

- Did I pass the test?

- I just pricked you.

- Do I need a Band-Aid?

- Didn't seem like
you even felt it.

- Didn't.
- But you knew I was gonna do it.

- 'Cause I know you.

You're my father.

It's a lot to take in, Chief.

- So I made Chief, huh?
- Yeah.

- I'm sure glad you finally
grew into those ears, son.

Oh, what... what about flying cars?

Did the Commies get them first?

- Yes, they had whole fleets of them,
armed with death rays.

Dave, I didn't come hereto reveal
the secrets of the future to you.

- Then why did you come here?

- To tell you that you're going
to be in terrible danger.

You need to leave Haven.

- Hello, you just revealed
secrets of the future to me.

- I'm being serious, Dave.

You have to get packed.

There's no time to waste.

- Hold on there, Buck Rogers.
Yeah, l-l'm not going anywhere

until you tell me what's going on.
And no more being vague.

I want details.

- Fine.

I'm not supposed to be telling you this

but later today you are going
to be possessed

by Croatoan, a monster
from another dimension.

I'm hereto stop that,
because if it happens,

your fate will be sealed.

- That was probably
a little too much detail.

Well, I guess I'd better pack.

(helicopter blades
whirring overhead)

(man): He's here.

Go help.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.

- Hey, I got an idea.

You can just let me slip out
that bathroom window,

say I-l sucker-punched you,
all right?

And in return,

I can set you up with a life

where you never have
to wear a suit again.

You know what I'm saying?

- I like suits.

- Whoo!
Duke Crocker...

I've been looking for you.

(Garland): And you think that
Barbara Colton's Trouble

has something to do
with making these Thinnies.

- I saw her vanish
from right in front of me

and then appear over there
a second later.

- Barbara robbed a jewelry store
last year.

The door was alarmed,
but she came right through the wall.

I didn't know that she could
move through thin air, though.

- Maybe it's something new.

Somethings changing the way
her Trouble works.

I saw her wearing a ring...

like this.

- Lucy has that ring.
Barbara must have stolen it.

- These rings allow people
to travel between dimensions.

I think when Barbara wears it,
it alters her Trouble

so that she's not just
passing through things,

she's passing in and out
of the Void,

creating temporary Thinnies.
We need one of those Thinnies.

Finding a way into the Void,
that's our only hope now.

- So it's that bad, then...
Haven in the future?

- Yeah, it's worse
than it's ever been.

- I might have an answer.

There's a man named Howard.

- I know him in my time too.

- He said something to me
the other day,

something that could save Haven
right now.

He said that the Troubles
would go away forever...

If Lucy k*lled the one
that she loved.

- And the one that she loves is you.

- Maybe I was once.

But it's her son.

Ever since she found James,

there's room
for no one else.

- Have you told Lucy
about this?

- No, of course not.
I could never do that.

All the suffering
that she could end,

all the lives
that she could save,

but she'd have to k*ll
her own son.

What kind of a choice is that
for a parent to make'?

- Audrey refused
to make that choice.

- Audrey?

- Lucy in the future.

- So what about you and me?
How are we in the future?

- We have some rough times.

You never gave me a break...

Not once.

- That right, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- I was always afraid
I was being too soft on you.

- You were trying to get me ready
to do the job you'd been doing.

When the Troubles came back,
I didn't think I was ready,

but it turns out that I was...

Because of you.

I never gave you credit
for that.

- Well, I guess you just did.
And that's real sweet,

but we're kind of busy right now.

(car engine whirring)

- That's Lucy.
Where's she going?

- Why would she be leaving?

What if she heard

what we were saying
about what Howard told you?

- Well, that's not the way
I'd want to hear it either.

- No, no. You don't understand.
Howard didn't tell you everything.

The Troubles end if Lucy kills
the one she loves

because Troubled people

every one of them dies.

- Wait. That means
if she kills James...

- Then a whole lot of people
are gonna die today, including us.

- Let's go.

- I have to stop Lucy.

Can you bird-dog
the Colton woman?

- On it. You need a car?

(Nathan): I already got one.

- That's Lyman Grood's Bronco.

- Not forever.

I know how to hot-wire it.

- Damn, I did an outstanding job
of training you.

- But why did you pick that story
to get me to leave?

You really think
I could make it as a writer?

- I know you can, Dave.

- I do have a muscular style.

- Hmm, yeah.
Well, just keep packing.

(Vince): That's Lucy.

- Right, she... she can't know about you.

Just stay here.


You all right?

- No.

What would you sacrifice
to save this town,

to stop the Troubles?

- I've been through
the Troubles twice,

seen how it devastates
this town.

Don't know what I wouldn't
sacrifice to stop the Troubles.


Do you have a way?

- I need a g*n.

- Lucy, what are you going to do?

- Please, Dave...

just give me your g*n.

(engine turning over)

- That took a long time.
What did Lucy want?

- A g*n.

Lucy wanted a g*n.

Our Lucy.

- We don't have time to find out.

- Well, whatever she's doing,
she was scared to death.

But I know one thing for sure.

She's fighting for this town,
fighting for us.

- Dave!
- Vince, if I run today,

what's to say
this... this... this Croatoan

won't find me tomorrow
or the next day?

- Nothing, but...

- So your whole plan might wind up
accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Isn't that right?


This Croatoan, can it be k*lled?

- Charlotte was of his kind,
and she was mortal.

But I don't know for certain.

- Well, I know something for certain.

I can either run and save myself,

or I can stay and fight, like Lucy.

Which one
would you rather do, brother?

- Dave, if we can't k*ll him,

you're doomed.

Then let's go k*ll the bastard.

(g*n cocks)

- Hey, don't look so sad.

I'll see you again someday.

Maybe all this
will come back to you.

Maybe you'll remember me this time.
- Maybe.

Let's enjoy the time
that we have left.

Come on, walk with me.

I don't know if I ever told you
how I felt when you found me.

I was relieved.

- Relieved?

- When I discovered who I am,
I felt like a visitor in my own life...

Just passing through,
no connection, but...

You changed all that.

You made me feel connected.

And I love you for that, James.

- I love you too.

I'm sorry we couldn't find
another way to stop the Troubles.


Keep you out
of that damn Barn.

Mom, are you okay?
You're shaking.

- Oh, I'm just... I'm cold.

Would you be able to get
my sweater out of the car?

- Sure.

I'll be right back.

Oh, don't be surprised
if when you come back,

you have a few grandkids.

Arla wants three.


(breathing shakily)

- I love you, James.


- Lucy, no.
You can't do this.

- I have to.
You don't understand.

- Yes, I do.


he's my son.

- What?
- Our son.

We have to stay out of this.

- I... I heard you talking
to Garland.

You said that you were
from the future, not the past.

- I've gone back in time before to Sarah.

- I knew from the minute I met you,

there was something between us.

- Yes.

- He looks like you.

And you came back to save him.

- No.
- To save us.

- That's not why I came back.
- But that's what you just did.

You stopped me from k*lling
my son, our son.

- Because it would have ended
the Troubles

by k*lling
every Troubled person.

I'm not here to save you, Lucy...

or James.

(brakes squeal)

- Barbara Colton, stop!

- I was right.

She makes temporary Thinnies.

- What?

- Doors to another world.

I need one in Haven in the future.
That's why I came back.

- Mom!

- James.
- Hey.

- Who is that?

- Wait. What is he doing?

- Damn it.
He's trying to change the past.

- Dave!

- What's wrong with him?

- Dave's gone through the thinny.

Croatoan has him.

It's started.

- He's heading towards James.

- Lucy...

this is what I was trying
to tell you.

He's gonna k*ll James,
and we can't stop it.

- Oh, yes, we can.

- This has to happen.

- No! There must be something
we can do.

- It's too risky.

Changing the past with something
as big as this,

it could destroy us all.

It almost did when you tried
to k*ll our son.

- No.
- But now I know

that a Colton makes Thinnies,

and I can take that information
to my world,

and maybe I can save Haven
for good.

- But he's my son.

He's your son.

- We can't save him.

He has to die.

He already did.


- Oh, God.


(seagulls crying)

(indistinct chatter)

(indistinct chatter
over police radio)

(camera shutter clicks)

(Nathan): It's time to
find Mosley and go home.

(Stuart): Who's that?

(Nathan): That's you in the future.

(footsteps approaching)


- You Okay?

- Watching...


see our son die again...


- I'm sorry that you had
to go through that.

- I almost wish I was still
on that beach

when Croatoan
wiped everyone's memory.

- Then you wouldn't remember
how Barbara Colton made the thinny.

- She used a ring.

This one.

I guess my dad must have
gotten it back from her.

- You think he would have
if you hadn't made it so important?

- I don't know. All this time
he remembered me coming to him.

He knew what was gonna happen.

That actually explains a lot.

We got to put this ring on a Colton.

- I don't know how to tell you
this, Nathan, but...

I wasn't able to find
a single Colton in all of Haven.

- I know.

There haven't been any
in town for years.

- You knew them?
- I knew of them.

Stories around the station.

They're pretty notorious
petty criminals.

I didn't realize
they were Troubled.

- Without a Colton,
we cannot get into the Void,

we cannot save
the future, so...

your trip didn't change

- No.

It changed everything.

- So you want to tell me
who the hell you are?

- Saul Goodwin.

- Saul, the kid whose stuff
I stole in elementary school.

You were really
into photography.


Way to hold
a grudge, buddy.

- I don't remember you
from grade school.

It's weird.

- Because you don't remember Haven.

- No, I don't.
- Then what the hell is all this?

- I have something for you,

but I couldn't give it to you
until today.

I've kept track of you
for almost three decades.

I got good at it,

so good I finally started
my own firm.

What's weird is
I have no idea why...

I started watching
you anymore.

I think
I used to know why.

But anyway, now it's over.

Right now.

Good luck...

Mr. Crocker.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry about stealing your stuff.

(door closes)

(Nathan): "Duke, it's Nathan
writing from 1983.

"I guess it's my turn
to write a letter from the past.

"I know we didn't end up
in a great place,

"but I need your help.

"I found a way to save Haven
once and for all,

"but I can't do it without you.

"I need you to find a member
of the Colton family

"and bring them back
through the shroud to Haven.

I'm counting on you."

- Hailie.