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05x18 - Wild Card

Posted: 06/03/23 07:26
by bunniefuu
(Audrey): Previously on Haven...

- We found William's aether.

Charlotte said if she has aether,
she can make a cure.

- There's not nearly enough.
- Look over there.

- I don't believe it.
Nathan was right.

I can end the Troubles.

- Check it out.

- "A man in North Carolina
claims he can remove

the black tar of evil."
You think this is for real?

- Think it's worth a road trip.

(Vince): That word, "Croatoan,"
we found it again,

here, carved in a rock.

We're afraid it might be
some kind of warning,

that whatever it is...

we're next.



(clock ticking)

- That was only a half
an hour ago.

That woman
might still be alive.

I had another vision.

We got to go.

(bell tolling)

- Please say
that coffee's for me.

- Yeah. And it comes with an apology.

Nathan called.

Some lunatic downtown's
stirring up a crowd.

Probably just a drunk,
but it could be a problem.

- It's fine. I have to meet up
with Audrey anyway.

If we're gonna find
a cure for the Troubles,

the first step is converting
William's aether stash.

- You make it sound so easy,

but if you and Audrey can pull it off...

- Then no more shroud,

no more Troubles.

We get to live
happily ever after.

- You know, I hope you're still saying that
a couple of decades from now.

I don't mean to spook you,

but I'll be hunched over a walker,
and you'll still be what you are.

- Don't worry.

I got a thing for older men.

- I can hear them approaching.

The end...
It isn't coming.

The end...
It's already here.

Why can't you hear?

- Is this a Trouble,
or just run-of-the-mill crazy?

- I don't know.
- Why can't you hear?

The galloping hooves,

the horsemen
of the apocalypse!

- Okay, uh, get these people
to head home. We'll take care of him.

- They're coming!
Why can't you hear?

- I... I don't hear anything.

(horses neighing)

Your tattoo...

It's the lucky number seven, right?
So I think you're gonna be fine.

- They're coming!

They're here!

(horses neighing, snorting)

(Dwight): What the hell?

Oh, my God.

Was he trampled?

By horses?

- And he heard them coming.

(somber folk music)

(Audrey): So what are we supposed to do...
Just wave our arms a bit, and, poof,

we've converted the aether?
- If only it were that easy.

This is just the first step.

And it's just a theory.

Truth is, I've never even seen
this much aether before,

much less controlled it.

But I believe we can condense
all this aether into a single form.

And that will be the first piece
in creating a new Barn.

- A new Barn?

I thought the Barn was designed
to k*ll everyone with a Trouble.

- It was, but our new Barn...

It'll be a cure.

People don't have to die.

You don't have
to leave Haven with it.

(Audrey): That's great.

- Don't start celebrating yet.

I never said
it was gonna be easy.


- Are you sure
this is the right place?

- Pretty sure.


- No marks,
just like all the others.


- You hear that?


The woman... She's alive.

- W-what if it's not her?

What if it's the k*ller
in there waiting?

- Vincent, someone who actually
saw Haven's serial k*ller

could be suffocating to death
behind that door.

We've got to get her out.

- Oh, my God.
- Are you all right?

- Where...

- How on Earth
did you escape?

- Could you describe his face?
- What did he look like?

- What are you talking about?

I can't even remember
how I got here.

- And she doesn't remember

- No, she's lost time.

- Just like all of us back
in the cave where Jennifer died.

- And everyone on the beach
where we found the Colorado Kid.

Another dead end.

- Maybe not. Unlike us, this
just happened to her. Bring in Gloria.

Maybe she can do something...
Help her recover that lost time.

I'll check back later.
I got Troubles to deal with.

(cell phone beeps)

So second one
in as many hours.

- Looks like this guy
was struck by lightning,

burned, and...

fell from a skyscraper.

Look at this.

Roman numeral...
Just like our guy this morning.

- Yeah, but he looked like he got
run over by a horse and carriage.

- Different numbers,
different effect.

- So you think this Trouble
marks its victims?

- Maybe... which means our victims
might have a mutual friend.

- Maybe our Troubled person
is on here... or the next victims.

- I'll have someone
check the names

with the records we salvaged
from the police station.

Wish we still had
a database.

It'd be much easier if we had
contact with the outside world.

(Duke): I know there's a guy here
who can supposedly fix me,

but I don't understand how
driving 30 miles

in the wrong direction
is a shortcut.

- Okay, well, technically
a shortcut is defined

as time spent traveling.

So, when you're driving
with expired plates

and no insurance in a van
that doesn't go over 50,

then avoiding cop-infested
interstates is a shortcut.

And, you know, may I add
that we made it,

so maybe we shouldn't
be complaining.

Oh, thanks, dude.
We're good for gas.

Okay, yeah.
Yeah, maybe we'll just...

We'll just... we'll just top it up
and, you know,

maybe just...
Just check the oil

or whatever it is
that you do.


- What do you think?
ls that my healer?

- I don't know.
He looks old...

kind of magical.

Then again, all old people
pretty much look that way, so...

I don't know, dude. ls he supposed
to be wearing a wizard hat?

- I just hope this guy can get all these
Troubles the hell out of rne.


We heard that we might be able
to find someone here, uh...

a healer.

- This look like
a hospital to you?

- No, it doesn't.

But someone around here
is claiming that they can...

draw the evil black tar
out of the cursed.

That's me... cursed.

So what do you say? Can you tell me
something about that?

- Same thing I tell
all the others.

There is no magic cure
for your sins.

Whatever you've done,

that's on you.

Save your money.
Keep driving.

- You were a half quart low.
I left the keys in the visor.

- Okay. Thanks.

- It was a waste of time.

- Oh, dude.
Check it out.

Looks like your healer found us.

- I'll check in later, Parker.

Sounds like Audrey and Charlotte
have their work cut out for them.

- Well, that sucks.
Think it was a Trouble?

- Sometimes in this town,
you forget about plain old bad luck.


- What's wrong?

Where'd you get that?

- It's weird. I'm not sure.
It hurts like hell.

- You know, these, uh...

These women
from other worlds, they're...

they're not like other girls.



Maybe you're not
cut out for it.

- Oh, yeah?

About that...

You and Audrey...

with her never aging, do you, uh...

you ever worry about...

Do you think Charlotte
and I can make it work?

- I think if you're asking, then...

you already know the answer.



- The bolt broke.
Not my lucky day.


we have a problem.

- This Trouble...

Whatever it is,
it's coming for us.

See? Relatively simple...

with just one, anyway.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you okay?
- I hope so.

A little light-headed is all.

- Oh. Ah.
(exhales sharply)

- What is it? What's wrong?

- Gah!

My eyes.
I can...

I can barely see.

- Oh, my God,
what's happening to us?

- And Audrey's got one too?

- Same place,
different number.

She's going blind,
and I feel drained.

- I feel like someone
is beating the hell out of me.

- So this Trouble's affecting
people all over town?

- Don't know,

but with my injuries
and Nathan's bad luck,

the job's not getting any easier.
- Same here.

Converting the aether...
it's a tall order

if Audrey can't see
and I feel like hell.


- Dwight?

- What if that's the whole point?

What if it's not random?

What if we're being targeted?

- Because someone's trying to stop us
from building the new Barn.

- Put a rush job on the aether.

We'll find whoever's Trouble this is
before it takes us out.

(cell phone beeps)
- Thanks for the help, Rafferty.

Our victim's list
of mystery names...

They're all occult authors,

write about the meaning
of the Tarot.

- Tarot cards.

Numbered like
a regular deck of cards

only with Roman numerals.


from Seattle.

- So let's start talking
to palm readers.

- Okay, so, Sam, how does this,
um, work exactly?

- The first step
in the healing process...

is truly wanting to get better,
believing that you can.

Looking in your eyes,

I know you do.

Now stand up
and open your shirt.

We all carry demons...

Addictions, anger.

But for some of us,

our curses
are more tangible.

They cannot be overcome.

They must be extracted.

- Uh... Mm.

- And that is my curse,

my burden...

to draw the darkness
from others.


(Seth): It's black.





- Listen, boys,
I'd love to help

you poke around
that woman's brain.

But the morgue, my lab,
thanks to a Trouble,

they're still overrun
by poison gas with a face.

- There must be something
you can do.

- Well, I did get intern

to lug out this old
EEG machine of mine.

Thing's a blast at parties.

If we use it on somebody
who's lost time

and discover atrophy
in the hippocampus,

that's physiological evidence
of memory loss.

- If that's true,
can you reverse the effect?

- Maybe.
But I don't even know

if this thing's safe
to use anymore.

Who wants to go first?

- Damn it.

How am I supposed
to control something

when I can barely see.

- You've done this before.

You've told me about it.

When you were on that hill
with William,

when his men made of aether
were gonna k*ll Nathan,

you stopped them.

You controlled it.
You can do this again.

- Listen, maybe we should,
you know, take a break.

I just feel like
we're spinning our wheels.

Are we going about this
aether thing all wrong?

- I don't know.

Mara knew
what she was doing,

but she learned everything
from her...

- Her father?

My father.

- He was a great scientist.

He had an incredible mind.

But his research...

went too far.

And when the others discovered
what he had done,

he was banished
to the Void forever.

He died there.

It was a long time ago.

- But why...
why did they banish him?

- He became obsessed
with his research...

began experimenting with forces
beyond his control.

- The aether?

From the Void?

- Yeah.

To my people,
aether is like...

What's the equivalent here?


Powerful, and,
in the right hands,

can do wonderful things,

but it can also destroy

- Well, then...

we better not
screw this up.

- Great, the blind leading
the crippled.

This'll be good.

- So you two are cops
or used to be cops, I guess.

It doesn't take a third eye
to read people.

What can I do for you?

- Do you recognize
either of these men?

- Yeah, that's Ben Swing.

That's Mike Russo.

They used to be regulars

before the shroud
and the expl*si*n of Troubles.

Oh, no, did something
happen to Mike?

I knew it.

I did a reading for him,
and I pulled the Tower card.

That's usually bad news.

I gave him a list of authors
with different interpretations

hoping that
might cheer him up.

- We found your list.

The Tower card,
what number is it?

- Um...

In the Major Arcana, 16. See?

- Struck by lightning,
long fall...

just like our victim.

- What card is number seven?

- Number seven is the Chariot
in the Major Arcana.

- Galloping hooves.

That's what
our trampled guy heard.

It drove him crazy.


- ls he okay?

- Your Tarot readings,
they're coming true,

and they're k*lling people.

- No, I...

I'm not Troubled.

- Well, you are now.

Both of your customers died,
and they were both numbered... like this.

- No, that's impossible.

Even if what you're saying is right,
I've never drawn cards for you.

I don't even know you.

- Nathan, look at this.

These cards...

they match the numbers
under our wrists.

and Charlotte's too.

- The worst versions of these
would be



bad luck, and t*rture.

(Nathan): Audrey,



and you.

Why are you doing this to us?

- I'm not doing anything to you. I didn't
even know those cards were here.

- This is your place.
How could you not know?

- I would never leave cards
lying around.

Look at this. This isn't like
dealing blackjack, okay?

People come to rne
with questions,

looking for guidance,
then I draw cards for them.

- But they're your cards.
You did this.

- Please, look, I-l know
what this looks like.

But I swear to you,

I don't remember anyone
asking me to do those readings,

and I don't remember
drawing those cards.

- If she doesn't remember
doing this, then...

- She lost time.

We know who can do that.
- The no-marks k*ller.

He was here,
had her do our reading

to target us.

(Dwight): After she did the reading,
the fortune teller lost time.

(Audrey): Okay, so we know
he's behind this Trouble,

but who is
this no-marks k*ller,

and why is he after us?

- I don't know, but he's connected
to the lost colony of Roanoke.

That was hundreds of years ago.

Everybody there disappeared.
The only thing left

was a warning carved
in a tree... "Croatoan,"

whatever that means.

Vince and Dave said
they saw it here too.

- I'm sorry.
Did you just say "Croatoan"?

- Yeah. Why? What is it?

- It isn't a warning.
It's a name, a monster.

(Audrey): A monster?

- He is to the Void
what your Satan is to hell.

Aether, it's a part of him.

After your father
was banished there,

I think Croatoan k*lled him.

- When we opened the door in the cave,
he must have come through.

Croatoan is the no-marks k*ller.

- Thank you...


You saved my life.

- Ah, you're too kind.

- Put her there, friend.

You son of a bitch.
It's motor oil.

- What the hell are you
talking about? Piss off!

- You come clean,

or I'm gonna rip this thing
right off of you?

- Okay, okay.

I'm just trying to make
a quick buck, all right?

How did you know?

- I know how I feel
around Troubled blood.

Yours isn't.

But you know about curses
and Troubles... How?

- I got the story
from some nut job.

He said a demon couple
came here 500 years ago,

cursed people
with some black stuff.

Spooky wise man story...
It just seemed like easy money.

- Two demons
from 500 years ago,

you couldn't have made
that up.

I want to talk to this wise man
who told you that story.

- Walter?

He's up at Blue Ridge.

He's always there.

It's a hike.

- I'm telling you, Croatoan shouldn't
have been able to leave the Void.

- It doesn't matter how. He did,
and he's here, k*lling Troubled people

and leaving a black stain
in their eyes.

- Maybe that's aether.

Maybe he's pulling Troubles out.

- With a shroud around town,
Haven's a feeding ground.

We know who he is, but how
the hell do we get rid of him?

- We already have the answer...

The new Barn.

The way it'll work,
it'll send everything

that came from the Void
back to where it belongs,

including the Troubles
and Croatoan.

It'll take care of them both
at the same time.

- Guys, he knows.

He knows who we are
and what we're doing here.

That's why he's targeting us
with this Trouble.

- Okay, you two need to get back
to work fast.

I'll stay here, guard the tunnel
in case he comes back.

- Okay.

Come on, Audrey.

(cell phone beeps, line trilling)

(cell phone vibrating)

- Dwight?
- How's it going with Lainey?

- It's not. I don't know
how to solve her Trouble.

I thought it was
about her estranged husband.

He died, but apparently
Lainey's sister is a medium.

Used her to talk to his ghost
and find closure.

I'm worried her Trouble
is always on,

like yours, mine, Vickie's.

- So we might not be able
to turn it off.

- Dwight, with my bad luck,

maybe I shouldn't be
the one doing this.

- Yeah, but who else is there?


- Dwight?



- I can't...


- His Tarot card is k*lling him.

- If we can't turn off my Trouble,
what do we do?

- Our readings.
They aren't finished, are they?

- No, no. There's only one card
drawn for each of you.

- Draw his next card.
- Are you insane?!

Do you know that this
could be so much worse?

- He's dying, Lainey.
Pick a card.

The Devil.

Oh, my God.

Dwight? Dwight?




(Dwight): How's it going?

I'm okay. But...

there's a catch.

I got, uh, chained up.

And they're getting tighter.

- Of course. The Devil card
could mean bondage.

His servants are literally
chained in the picture.

- Good news is you're alive.

- Bad news is,
if Croatoan comes,

I can't protect Charlotte
and Audrey.

- Or yourself.

(Seth): Okay, well, there's Walter.

- No. No, it can't be.

- Maybe we're looking
for a different Walter Faraday.

I don't know.

What is this?

It's kind of pretty in a weird,
creepy, labyrinth-y sort of way.



What's it mean?

- It means we're too late.

My answers are buried
in that grave.

- Come on, dude,
you don't know that.

- Yeah.
Yeah, I do...

because this has turned out like everything
else I've ever done in Haven.

I don't know what the hell
I was expecting.

(cell phone vibrating)

- HEY-

- It's Charlotte.

She's weak.
I can't help her like this.

I can't see.

Please, you need to figure out
a way to stop this Trouble.

- We pulled another card
for Dwight,

but it might have made
things worse.

- Nathan, if you don't,

I could lose her. Can you draw
new cards for us?

- Draw cards for Charlotte
and Audrey too.

- Please...

do I have to?


- Charlotte first.

- The Lovers...

this card... it represents
a-a couple coming back together,

the way it was meant to be.

- Must be Charlotte and Dwight.

It's finally a good card.

- I can't tell if it's working.

(Audrey): It's my turn.

- The Moon.

It symbolizes reality...

fading into illusion.

It's... I'm sorry, this...

This could mean
a lot of things.

- Yeah, but what does it mean
for Audrey?

- Nathan?

It worked. I can see.

Oh, I can see.


Are you feeling better?

- I'm okay.
- Good. I'll call you back, Nathan.

He drew new cards for us,

but that means that
we have to move quickly

before the effects kick in,
whatever they are.

- All right.

Why isn't this working?

- Maybe we're going about it
the wrong way.

Okay, when I controlled
those men made out of aether,

it was because I was about
to lose Nathan.

- We should be able to replicate
that result. It's science.

- No, it was about emotion.

We need to focus
on what we're feeling,

on what we want.

- And why we need
to condense it down.

- And what we'll lose
if we don't...

This place...

these people...

the ones we love...

each other.

. Okay-

- Think about that.

We did it.

The aether core...

The first piece
in the new Barn.

But our Tarot cards...
What did we draw?

- I drew, um, a Moon...

Something about
becoming an illusion.

And yours...
was the Lovers...

About a couple
coming back together.

I think that's a fate
that you can handle.

What is it?

Charlotte, what's wrong?

- It's nothing.
I, um...

We should go.
Come on.


- Ladies. Always a pleasure.

Stop, no, no.
It's no use.

It's the Tarot card.
If I struggle, it gets tighter.

- I need you to take this and go.

- No, we're not splitting up.

We have no idea what
these new cards will do to us.

That's why you need to go now
before anything else happens.

Dwight's in danger.
I'm staying with him.

It has to be you.

Hide it...
someplace safe.


- Wow.

You really will stay with rne
when I'm old and helpless.

- I wanted to...

- What?

What do you mean?

What are you doing?


where are you going?


Charlotte, wait!

- What the hell?

Oh, no.

My new card.
Please, not now.

Not... not now.

- Okay, Bert, Ernie,
I got something.

But I'm a doctor,
not a magician.

So I have linked the lost time
to temporary damage

in the brain's hippocampus.
That's where new memories are formed.

- Well, that's great.
So can we undo the damage?

Get those memories back?

- I'll get our witness
back in here, pronto.

When she remembers Croatoan...

- Guys, I wasn't able
to recover the memories.

Once they're gone,
they're gone.

The only thing I can do
is test if someone's lost time.

- Well, Dave and I know
we've lost time before.

- I've lost time too.

All three of us have...

in the last 24 hours.

- That means Croatoan's
already been here,

and we don't even
remember it.

- Or we already captured him,

but he just erased
our memories of it.

- And how many times?


- So I'm trying to find
a place to hide this thing.

Where are we
with this Trouble?

- We're right where
we started.

- Nathan, we have a problem.

- Parker?



Parker, are you okay?

It's the Moon card.

You have to pick a new card.

Pick a new card
for her now.

- How can we keep doing this?
It feels like we're losing her.

- We, uh...

If you can't win at the game,
then you change the game.

- What?
- For your readings...

someone asked you a question
to start, right?

- Yeah. So?

- Croatoan asked you
the question for our reading,

it's k*lling us.

So reshuffle the cards and start
a new reading for all of us.

- How do you know
it will go any better?

- Because I will ask
the question,

and make sure there's only
one possible answer...

A good one.

Please. Please.
I'm losing her.

- It better be
a damn good question.

It's now or never.
What will it be?

- There's one thing
I know about us.

We'd do anything
for this place.


with everything we've done
for Haven over the years,

what fate have we earned?


Is that bad?

- Not with the question
you asked.

As long as your cause is just,

it means you can overcome
any obstacle.

- Nathan?

I don't know
what you did, but...

But it worked.

(cell phone beeps,
line trilling)

- Come on. Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Damn it, Charlotte.

(cell phone beeping,
line trilling)

- Dwight?
- Audrey, are you okay?

- Yeah, are you?

- Charlotte... she was acting weird,
and she left.

I don't know where.
- What?

Well, why would she do that?

- Don't know.
She gave me something.

Audrey, it's her ring.

She wouldn't go anywhere
without it, right?

- No.

But she had to leave it
with you for a reason.

(creepy male voice)
- Leaving?

- I thought you were dead.

But when I heard
what was happening to people,

it all started
to come together.

- How did you know
I would come for you?

- My Tarot card...

the Lovers.

- So you're one
of them now.

- They're good people.

I'm staying here with them.

Why don't you come out
where I can see you?

- You think
after all these years,

after all that waiting,

you can goad rne
into a mistake'?

- You're not strong enough...

not yet.

- And you think that means
you can stop me?

- I think you do.

- You turned the aether
that you found into something.

Give it to me.
- No, it's too late.

Audrey has it.

My daughter, Audrey.

- Good. I've been looking forward
to meeting her.

- That will never happen.

- Ah, come on,
don't look so glum.

- Where's Seth?

Who are you?

Am I hallucinating?

- Sadly, no.

You want answers,
don't you, Duke? Hmm?

Want to know what it is
you really are.

- Yeah.

- Well, friend, it is
your lucky day,

'cause I'm here
to tell you.

- No.

No, no.
No, no, no, no, no.

- Audrey.

Oh, my girl.

I am so glad
I got to know you.

- Don't, don't.

- I'm sorry.

Just when you needed me...

- Shh.

Listen, you're gonna
be okay, all right?

You brought me back
for a reason,

and I'm so glad you did.

- Audrey, the new Barn...

it's the only way to stop him.

He's furious
about what we did to Mara.

- I don't understand.

- I thought that Croatoan
k*lled my husband,

but I was wrong.

My husband became
the monster.

Croatoan is Mara's father,

your father.

He has plans for you.

- No. No.

Hey, hey, he)'-

No, Charlotte, please.

No, don't.
