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05x15 - Power

Posted: 06/03/23 07:24
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven.

- Mara's gone for good.

- It's just Audrey now.
- It's me!

- Mara got the last laugh.
She messed with Duke,

turned him into some kind of b*mb.

All these Troubles came bursting out,

infected people.
- Ow!

- Aw.
- Ow.!

- This fog around town
must be someone's Trouble.

No one can get through.
- This might just be the beginning.

- Dave's vision led us here, to this.

- His Trouble is what created this barrier.

- We're all trapped in Haven,
with a k*ller.

- Duke, we can't do it without you.
- I'm sorry, Audrey.

- Duke!

So that's it? No way out?

- This is Dwight Hendrickson.
Haven as we knew it...

is gone.
The Guard will protect you.

The Troubles are real.

- You come from Haven?
Haven, it's the town right behind us,

you couldn't have missed it.
- I never heard of any Haven.

(indistinct chatter)

(Audrey): We'll be heading inside shortly.

If you know your Trouble,

it would be helpful if you could
tell the men at the door.

- Easy, one at a time.

There's enough for every guest
at Hotel Elementary School.

(blows whistle)

- All right, you heard him.
Form up, single file.

We're conserving power, so you each get
a flashlight and three batteries.

Use them wisely. I don't need to tell you
you want them to last.

This new Trouble kills
in complete darkness.

- Easy on the batteries. It's three each.
There's enough for everyone. Put them back.

- So we lost power in the northwest block?

- Yeah, but I think that
we've got everybody out.

' An)' Problems?

- Well, there's been a couple fights,

and after two weeks of nonstop Troubles,
I think everybody's starting to lose it.

Hell, I'm barely holding it together.

- It's not showing.

These people will be thanking
you when night falls.

- I guess we need to keep 'em
here to keep 'em safe,

but I just worry that it's only
gonna go from bad to worse.

- Right now, I think it's the best way
to keep people alive.

- Here, let me help you with that.


I got it. Yeah.

Okay, do you need water? It's right there.

- Give me some good news.

- Wish I could.

Talked to the group at the docks.

They have no idea who's
causing the darkness Trouble.

- And the Crocker Journal?
- A mention, nothing useful.

- That means the Trouble came from Duke.
He'd be immune if he was here.

- He's not here.

I'm gonna grab Audrey,
search another part of town.

- Ah, I gotta advise against that, man.

Nightfall's coming.
Power in town's been spotty.

Besides, it's not what hides in the dark
we need to worry about.

- Yeah, it's the dark itself.
- Yeah.

Listen, you and Audrey are
pros at solving Troubles.

You'll figure this one out.

- I hope so.

Still haven't figured out
how to bring down that fog wall yet.

- Maybe that's a blessing.
Keep this chaos contained to Haven.

(woman): Hey, put those back.
You can't take more than three batteries.

- Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Put those back! Hey!

Come back here with those!

- Matter of time till somebody tried that.

You take the other guy.


- Hey!

- I didn't do anything.

- Don't move.

There's not enough light in here.
Come on up, man.

Hey, hey!

Listen to me, we gotta get you out of here.
You'll die if you...


...go into the dark.

(somber folk music)

(mellow rock music)

(man on nacho): That was the latest
from ln-Flight Safety.

Well, it looks like we're going to have
more nice weather in Halifax today.

- Morning, sir.

- Hey, Crocker.
- Yeah?

- Listen, I'm happy to pay
you under the table,

but what has rne a little worried
is why I can't find any information on you.

- Do you care? Right?

- I do if you're a t*rror1st.

- Well, I'm not.
- Okay, so what are you?

I mean, you're not the usual
ex-con grease monkey on the lam.

I mean, I like them as employees.

Zero attitude.

But I can't find your rap sheet anywhere.

You have bigger problems, don't you?

Why are you working here?

- You know, I just wanted a job
where I could work with my hands.

Turn a wrench, fix things. That's it.


- Yeah?
- I'm gonna...

- You're off fixing now.

(tools clatter)

Go muck out those three bays,
and we'll see if you have a job tomorrow.

- Okeydokey.



(line rings)

Hey, Monty, it's Duke Crocker here.

Listen, I'm in your neck
of the woods, and...

as it turns out, I may need a new job.

You know, something
outdoors, simple, legal.

Thing is, uh, I'm not hustling anymore.

Trying to simplify my life for a while,
if you know what I mean.

Anyways, call me. Thanks.

- I just got a Trouble, harmless, I hope.

My skin becomes reflective.

- Any clue what triggers it?

- Vanity.

It's under control,
but I'd love another pillow

for my beauty sleep.

- Sure.

Here you go.

- You helping out?

- Trying. No shortage of things to do.

- Especially when you're
stuck here with no ticket home.

- How long?

- I don't know.

- Do you realize how hard this is?

- What are you gonna do,
turn me into someone else?

- No, I would never do that.
I'm trying to fix things.

- Try to fix the Troubles.

- We've already talked about this.

It's almost impossible to remove a Trouble
without k*lling someone.

- "Almost" is not absolute.

You have been on this for two weeks.

You must have figured something out.

- Sure, I just need tools I don't have,

materials that are impossible to get,

and knowledge that might not exist.

- You wouldn't be this
frustrated if you didn't think

maybe you could do it.

- This Club Med looked way better
in the brochure.

- Oh, come on, you don't like the view?

- I like the view.

- Good day at work?

- Yeah.

Ran into the poltergeist Trouble.

Got trapped in a souvenir store.

- Hey, Nathan, Dwight wants you.

- Thanks, Tony.

- What did you do now?

- I think it's about that thief we caught.
Dwight's pissed.

- Okay, yeah.

(electricity crackles)

If we lose power...

- We're all done for.

- Darkness kills.

We need to repair the power plant,

get it back to 100%.

- That's no easy trip.
The plant's across town,

and the number of Troubles
between here and there, it's...

Who's the hero?


- You're the best we got.

You've been through Trouble alley.

You're the only person who could come back.

- Gonna need a team.
- You got it.

- Sure we're going about this the right way?
- What do you mean?

- We get the power plant working,
sure we got light, but it's just a Band-Aid.

We need to stop this darkness Trouble
and then the rest of them...

- I got to keep people alive.

That's job one,
and I'll do whatever I have to.

. Okay-

Just hope we can keep
everybody under control.

- I'm not relying on hope.

- Any idea what's going on?

- Nope.

- I know these last two weeks
have been rough,

and I'm sure no one enjoyed
leaving their homes,

but every time this town has
been tossed a new challenge,

we've defeated it, when we work together.

However, there's a bad element.


- Let me go!

- Individuals who have
maliciously harmed us,

stealing supplies, including
life-saving batteries...

Well, no more.

Either we pull together, or we fall apart.

- Go ahead, Judge Judy.

- For your repeated crimes against the group,
you will be banished at sunrise.

The Guard will no longer assist you.

You will be completely on your own.

- This is insane. They were batteries!

- This is the only way to
keep the rest of us safe.

- Come on, man!

(crowd murmuring)

- If they throw him out...
- The darkness Trouble will k*ll him.

I'll be fine.
It's just a scenic walk to the power plant.

- Down Trouble alley,
and cell phones don't work.

And with the magnet Trouble
active, cars are risky too.

- It's a good thing I got a crack team.

An engineer to help repair the power plant.

He volunteered
as soon as he found out.

So did Kira Futcher, Tony's fiancée.

She's plan B.
- Oh, that's smart.

You got your own Energizer bunny.
You can use her Trouble to power the plant

in case things go sideways.

Dave, I mean, I love him but...

- He wanted to go says he's got blueprints
of the power plant at the Herald

from a recent story they did on a retrofit.

- What in the Sam Hill are you thinking?

Why did you join Nathan's expedition?

- Well, someone has to get him
those blueprints from the Herald.

- A monkey can do that.
What's the real reason?

- The no marks k*ller's out there.

- And we haven't had a lead in two weeks.

Why are you actually going, Dave?

- Charlotte.

She has answers.

(Audrey): Charlotte... why is she going?

- She's good at science.

And I think, really,
she just wanted to prove to you

she genuinely wants to help.

- Okay, well, whatever the reason,
just keep an eye on her for me, okay?

'Cause she and I, we're not
immune to these new Troubles.

- Yeah, don't worry, I won't let
your mom become Trouble bait.

- Well, it's not just about her being my mom.

I think that she may have figured out
how to end all this.

- She figured something out?

- Maybe, but she's not talking about it.

- Good to know.

- While you're gone,
I'll just keep searching the school

for the person with the darkness Trouble.
People have been coming in all day,

so they could be here by now.

(zips up bag)

Hey, so this is it. ls it time?

- Daylight's burning.

- Just don't let the nighttime burn you.

I need you back here.

(Vince): He stole those batteries
and endangered us all.

There was no other choice, Dwight.

You did what you had to for these people,

and hell, it was better
than just k*lling the thief.

- Then why do I feel like I'm the criminal?

(phone rings)

- I'll be right there.

- We found him after sunrise.
No marks on him, so we moved him here.

. His eyes?

- Like the others, stained black.

- Then that's three in two weeks.

- And now the serial k*ller
is in this building.

- Dwight needs to know about this
but no one else.

What's this guy's name?

- Rolf Starr.

- Hey.
- Hmm?

- I don't know what kind of freak

has this k*ller darkness thing,
but if you need somewhere safe...

- Rain check?

- Uh, I think my husband saw
who you're looking for.

He watched a man walk out
of the dark unharmed.

- Somebody immune to the darkness?

Okay, great.

Can I speak with your husband,
so I can get a description'?

- I wish. We got separated
on the move to the gym.

Dwight's looking into it. We'll find him.

- All right, well, I will go ahead
and talk to Dwight.

Do you happen to have
a snapshot of your husband?

- Oh, um...

His name's Rolf.

- Thank you.

- Duke?

- Who's asking?

- I'm Hailie Colton.

Monty's daughter. You left a voice mail.

- Wow. Yeah, Hailie.

You're all... grown up.

- Yeah.

- Where's your old man?

- I don't know. Gone.

Going legit didn't really work out for him,
so he split six months ago.

- Oh, no. I'm sorry to hear that.

- Yeah, me too.

- You Okay?

- No, not really.

When good old Monty split,

he owed some money
to some not-so-nice people,

so they're looking for me now.

- How much you owe?


Yeah, he bet on the Bills.


- Come back later.

I'll get you the money.

- Thanks.

My dad always said you were a good guy.

- I'm trying-

(Charlotte): ls that your ring?

- It was my father's.

We always assumed Lucy,
one of Mara's personalities,

gave it to him.

I know it matches
the pair you and Audrey have.

- It belonged to my husband.

- Mara's father.

What happened to him?

- He passed a long time ago.

Mara kept it as a memento.

Thank you, but it's yours now.
Keep it safe.

- So Audrey says you're working
on a way to end the Troubles

without k*lling everyone.

- There might be,
but if you ask me to explain it,

it'll just seem all the more daunting,
so please don't.

- Great.

Now somebody's Banksy-ing up the place.

- I'm the artist. Put that here last week.

It's a warning: Once we cross that line,

we have to go silent,
or we risk waking up a Trouble.

- What kind of Trouble?

- One that wakes up very cranky.

So mouths shut. Walk quietly. Ready?

Let's go.


- It's all good.

(heavy footsteps)

- Run!

(Dave): Where?

It's invisible!

(Nathan): Come on!

(invisible beast roaring)

Behind the car.

(heavy footsteps continue)

- Ah!

My foot's stuck!

Hurry! It's getting close!

(beast roaring)

- Don't worry.

- It's coming!

(beast roaring)

- Nathan, it's aether.

We need it to cure the Troubles.

If something happens to me,
get Audrey as much as you can.

(beast roaring)

(beast roaring, heavy footsteps)

(Dave): It's coming!

(Nathan): Go!

' Oh. jeez!

(roaring and footsteps continue)

Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore.

(heavy footsteps recede)

- What do you mean you can't find it?
You're a bank.

You can't just misplace money.
(man): We don't, sir,

but we also don't even have
a branch in Haven, Maine,

where you claim to have made the deposits.

- Listen to me.

I have got 400 grand in that account.

- Moreover, I can't even find
a "Haven, Maine," on a map.

- You're telling me you can't find
a town with 25,000 people?

- Look, as far as we're concerned,

Haven, Maine, like your money,
doesn't exist.

I'm sorry, we can't help you.

- This wasn't caused by Troubles.

- Looters and vandals.

Troubles aren't the only
problem in Haven now.

Grab the blueprints,
then we'll push on to the plant.

- Yeah, be back in two shakes.

- Aether caused the Troubles.
It can end them too?

- It's like uranium... powerful,
and if manipulated correctly,

it could be our salvation.

- Then why didn't we use aether
to end the Troubles from the start?

- Because to do so we'd need a lot of aether,
more than I've ever seen.

- You can't bring more in?
- Not with the thinnies sealed.

- Then we need to find
the stash William left here.

- William left a stash here?

- Mara was looking for it.
She never found it.

- Then how are we going to?

- Maybe this could help.

- Seth's rougarou detector.

How do you have that?

- Well, Gloria brought over a box of stuff
that Duke left at the Gull.

My guess is he got a five-finger discount.

- It detects aether... if it's close enough.

It could lead us to William's stash.

- Nathan, don't get your hopes too high.

I can't believe that William
had the amount I need, and...

aether's just step one.

We need to get to the power plant.

- What am I looking at?
- Rolf Starr.

A missing person
you're supposed to be tracking down.

He may know who has the darkness Trouble.
- I'll check with McHugh and The Guard.


- You told his wife that you would find him.

I'm working on it.
Try and find another lead.

- Okay, what's going on, Dwight?
First the thief and now this?

- It's easy making choices
from the sidelines,

but sometimes,
things aren't what they seem.

I got a town to protect.

(Nathan): Plant's been abandoned,
so it hasn't been maintained.

- There's our problem,

two out of the four generator
turbines are offline.

- No wonder the plant's working at 50%.

- Then we could still have
a brownout tonight.

Thousands could die.

- You know how to fix it?
- Haven't got a clue.

There's a reason I brought that engineer.

- If we could get a big enough charge,
we could jump-start the turbine's motors.

- And how do we do that?

Guys, I'll try,

but remember, I've never done
anything like this before.

- You can do it. Trust me.

- How?

- There, grab hold.
Do your thing.

- Come on. You can do it.

- Huh.


Get mad.

Fat-free yogurt.

The shroud. The Troubles.

- Was that a good whoosh or a bad whoosh?

- Good! The turbines are kicking in.

What's it looking like over there, Dave?

- It's working!

The generator's now operating at 80%.


Almost 100%!


- We're red-lining! Kira, pull the plug.

We're overloading!
- Cut it, Kira!

- Not like I have a switch!

- Kira, stop!

Let go!


(electricity crackles)
(alarm blaring)

- What happened?

(alarm blaring)

(Charlotte): We overloaded the grid.

All of Haven's without power.

(alarm blaring)

- So you don't remember Haven either?

- No, no, I remember you and Dad in Derry

and that one time that we went
go-kart racing in Cleaves Mills

but no, not... not Haven.

- Look, I...

I'm not gonna be able to get you the money.
I'm sorry, I thought I could,

but I don't know,
something's wrong with my bank.

- Well, you can still help me
if you wanted to.

- How's that?

- When I was 12, I heard you and my dad
talking about using my mom on a job,

using her special powers to get stuff.

- So you remember the Troubles?

- "Troubles"?

No, I-l don't remember
calling them that, but...

I remember my mom coming home
with other people's jewelry.

My dad said the ability ran in the family.

What if it's in me?
- Just pray that it's not.

- I want to use it, Duke. I need to.
I just...

I need to know how.
- No.

- I can't pay for the oil change they
made me get to park here and talk to you.

- Don't worry about the oil change; I got it.
- You can't pay for it either, Duke!

You have no money!
- Hailie, go home.

You don't want anything
to do with that ability.

Trust me.

(Charlotte): We got lucky.

Kira's Trouble triggered
the generator's circuit breaker,

didn't cause any physical damage.

We're making power,
we just gotta get it out.

- So what's the prognosis?

- I don't know. It's all so primitive.
An hour'?

- Well, that's just before sundown.

I'll help in any way I can.

- Then I'll get out of your way.

- You have dinner reservations or something?

- I've been getting a blip.
It's weak, but it's there.

If all goes well, I'll be back
with some aether by sunset.

- It's a fool's errand, Nathan.
Aether's not important now.

- It's better than sitting on my hands.

- What's aether do?

- It could end the Troubles.

- You need help?
- No, they need you here.

- No, they don't.

The turbines are back up and running,

and besides, it's the least
that I can do after...

- Get your pack.

(door opens)

- What the hell is going on, Vince?
- Oh, Audrey.

- That's Peggy's husband, Rolf.

- This isn't what it looks like.
- Really?

Because it looks like you and Dwight
are covering up a m*rder.

- There's enough panic and fear as is.

We didn't want to activate more Troubles.

- What did him in?
- We don't know.

There are no marks on him
except for... but he's not alone.

Three other deaths in the last two weeks,

and that's not including
Joe Sena and the Colorado kid.

- My Son?

The same person m*rder*d
my son 27 years ago?

- We're calling his m*rder*r
"the no marks k*ller."

- A serial k*ller?

That's what you're hiding from me?

What else are you keeping from me, Vince?


- Dwight is doing his best
to keep order to enforce the rules,

but he doesn't have it in him to k*ll.
- Yes, he does.

In this Haven, banishment equals execution.

- Not exactly.

- What the...

- Thanks to our friend there,
we're keeping them in a...

prison of sorts.

- Two weeks ago,
I was hit by a black tendril.

Now the people I touch enter a slumber.

They do not need to eat or drink,

and they cannot hurt anyone.

- It's humane.

- Are you sure?

What kind of sleep are they experiencing?

- Dreamless sleep.

They're fine.

- Are you?

Did they force you to do this?

Because I can get you out.

- I offered to help.

- Listen, if you change your mind,
just come and find me.

- Thank you.

- People need to know about this,
Vince, all of it.

- And then what happens?

Without the fear of banishments,
we'll have anarchy.

- Not to hurry you, but...

- Sun's about to set, and thousands will die.
Got it.

- Is there anything I can do to help?

Back rubs? Water?

Shutting up?
- You're good.

- Charlotte, if I'm from where you are,

does that make me like you and Audrey?

- Not really. You're a halfling.

- Half human and...
- Half like me.

It happens once in a blue moon.

- Well, ever since I was a child,
I-I've been drawn to thinnies...

and the Void.

Am I just trying to go home?

- I'm not sure.

Very little is known about your kind.

- What about visions? They common?

(electricity crackles)

- The solenoids are charging.

- All four channels!

Yet... we're still
in the red light district.

(alarm blaring)


This can't be right.

It says the generator's
only operating at 40%.

- Damn it, the generator must
have dumped its energy reserves

when it overloaded.

- That explains why the power's coming on
in town one block at a time.

- How long between blocks?

- Well, at this rate, five minutes or so.

- How long before power gets to the school?

- Hours.

When the sun goes down, they all die.

So I'm kind of running out of these,

and they're the only thing that
are keeping the darkness from k*lling us.

- Trust me, I'm not looking
to become Trouble food.

There, I reconfigured
the generator settings

to get power to the town faster,
but... that's the best I can do.

- What about Kira?
Could she help us now?

- She might be able to speed up
recharging the system,

if she and Nathan get back soon.

- They better get back soon.

(people yelling)

- Give me that flashlight!
(people yelling)


- It's a powder keg.
We got to do something.

- Hey! All right,
everyone take a deep breath!

Tonight may be our greatest test,

but we will face it...
as friends, as neighbors,

as a town.

The darkness will not take another life.

So help each other.
Crowd around the lamps.

Share supplies. Stay in the light.

(indistinct chatter)

Now we just gotta pull it off
if we want to survive till sunlight.

(woman): Stay by this light.
(man): Come on.

- Maybe.

Maybe not.

You ready for that rain check?

- Yeah, of course.

. Okay-


Your blouse is so beautiful,
and your hair...

- You do go on.

- No, it's so soft, and it's silky, and...



(crowd murmuring)

(woman): Wow.

(crowd murmuring)


- It says we should be right
on top of the aether.

(rapid beeping)

Come on. Not now.

We're running out of lights.

- Get mad, get mad, get mad.



I don't know how long
I can keep doing this.

We have to head back to the plant.

- This was supposed to work.

- It hasn't all been bad.

The cots at the school are comfy.

Besides, if it weren't for the shroud,
I'd be miserable in Venice right now.

- What's in Venice?

- Long story.

I'll put it this way, I'm happier here.

Let's get back?

- Hey.

(wind blowing)

Where's that breeze coming from?


(rapid beeping)

- Now what?

- There's aether down there.

We follow.

(Vince): Okay, let's try this again.

(cheers and applause)


Hi, Tony.

- They're not back.

- No.

- Well, they must be okay.
They got the power back on.

And it's daytime. They can make it back.

- Yes.

- All right, shift change.
I'm worried you're gonna wear out that spot.

- I'd like to take you up on it,
but knowing Dave's timing,

he'd arrive then,
and I'd never hear the end of it.

(chuckles): Yeah.

Kira's the exact opposite.

She'd blow a gasket knowing that all I did
for the last two days was worry.

- Sometimes, that's all we can d...

They're back.

Oh, good work, old man.
You pulled through.

The power's back on stronger than ever.

- I played Watson. Charlotte was the hero.

- Where's my fiancée? Where's Kira?

- And Nathan?
- They're not here?

- No.

- They left us yesterday afternoon.

- And didn't come back.

- What?

What do you mean, they left you?
Where did they go?

- Hello?

- Over here.

- I, uh, got your call.
What's wrong with my car now?

- It's a piece of junk.

But work with me...
you'll be able to buy a nice new whip.

(both chuckle)

- Yeah, I don't think so, creep hat.

- Think again.

I heard you got skills
that let you steal stuff.

- I don't.

I should, but I don't.

- Too bad.

You know, I looked you up, Hailie Colton.

Seems you owe money
to some mutual friends of ours.

Get in the damn car now.

- Fine.


(both grunting)

- Bitch.


- They're not gonna pay you. I'm broke!

- They know. You're an example now.

I get paid for you, dead or alive.

And I'm thinking dead is gonna be easier.

(tires screeching)

(tires screech)

- Get in the truck!

- What...
How the...

The car went through me!

- Well, actually, technically,
you went through it.

- Is that my thing?

You did it!

- I did it to save your life.
Let's just hope it doesn't end it.

Now, come on, get in!

- Yeah, okay.

(tires screeching)

- Can we talk?

- I already heard about Nathan.
I'm going after him.

(gentle music)

Move or I will make you.

- Audrey...
- Let go of me.

Let go!

- Come here.


It's okay.


- It can't be true.

(people murmuring in the distance)

(woman): Hey, Nathan's back!

- Nathan?



- Where's Kira?

- In a minute.
I need to report to Dwight.

- No, not until we get some answers.

Why did you leave the power plant?
That wasn't the mission.

What did you do to Kira?

- We got stuck in the dark.
- What?

- Kira's dead.

(all gasping and murmuring)

- You bastard!

You son of a bitch! This is your fault!

All of it! It's your fault!

You k*lled her!

(overlapping shouting)