04x10 - Mary and Her Lambs

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Benson". Aired: September 13, 1979 – April 19, 1986.*
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Spin off from Soap - Benson DuBois is hired to be the head of household affairs for widowed Governor Eugene X. Gatling and his daughter Katie.
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04x10 - Mary and Her Lambs

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh, Miss Kraus,
the kitchen looks lovely.

Oh, thank you, sir.
I just hung up
the mistletoe.

Well, let me
be the first.


Don't worry,
your secret's
safe with me.

Come on, Benson,
you're next.

Step under
the mistletoe.

Kraus, I'd sooner step
in front of holiday traffic.

I'm waiting, Benson.

You're the Governor,
give me a reprieve.

Come on, Benson.
It's Christmas time.

Well, maybe later,
after I've had my coffee.

Benson, you are not
leaving this kitchen until
you give Miss Kraus a kiss.

That's right, Benson.
What are you,
some kind of Scrooge?

Okay, hold this.

Batten down
the hatches.

Come here, wench!

Ha, let that be
a lesson to you.


You're hilarious, Benson.

I won't be able to make
that conservation meeting
this afternoon.


The President
called me last night,

and he wants to see me
in Washington this morning.

But I'll be flying in
Christmas Eve.

Oh, sir,
I'm glad I caught you.

It just occurred to me,

you really ought to
take the president
a Christmas gift.

Oh, I don't
think so, Clayton.

Uh, uh, uh, now, sir,

an appropriate gift
at Christmas time

can provide dividends
in the fiscal year to come.

Sounds like
a holiday greeting
from E.F. Hutton.

All right, Clayton,

I'll pick up something
at the airport gift shop.

Oh, sir.

Governor, your limousine
is out front.

Ah, thank you,
Miss Kraus.

Uh, uh, sir,
about the gift...

Clayton, don't worry.

I'll get something

Bye! See you all
on Christmas eve.

KRAUS: Bye-bye.

Why is it that
no one understands

the importance
of a business gift?

Oh, Clayton, that isn't
what Christmas is all about.

It's peace on earth,
good will to men.

Sharing with those you love,
remembering your family.

Yeah, my mother
used to cook her
caramel-swirl coffee cake.

That smell still means
Christmas to me.

I haven't tasted anything
like that in years.

Oh! Oh,
good morning, Gretchen.

Mary, you haven't
met everyone.

This is Mary Colton,
our new assistant cook.

Mary, this is Benson.
Und this is Clayton.

Pleased to meet you.
How do you do, sir?

Well, I'm sorry I'm late.

But I baked a little treat
for coffee today.

A caramel-swirl
coffee cake.


We were just
talking about that.


Smell that.
Now that's Christmas.

Enjoy it.

Thank you
very much, Mary.

Kraus, get a knife.
Let's divvy this thing up.


Now, now, now,
none of that for me.

The fat content
in that pastry goes
right to the heart.

Then you have
nothing to
worry about.

Oh, look at this.

I made it when
I was five years old.

I gave it to Daddy
for Christmas.

Oh, that's cute.
A little mushroom.

You have it upside down.
It's a candle.

Oh, you're right.

I don't know what I'm gonna
get Daddy for Christmas.

What did you get Pete?
A muffler.

Oh, is it wool?

No, it's anodized aluminum.

It's for his car.

Benson, do you
have any idea

what my Daddy would
like for Christmas?

Well, I don't know.

What did you get
him last year?

A Pac-man t-shirt.

Well, maybe he'd like
a matching tie.

I can see I'm gonna have
to work this out by myself.

I'll take these
into the living room.

Oh, thank you.

Denise, I'm gonna have
that conservation meeting
this afternoon,

so hold my calls,
and no casual
visitors, okay?

Okay, no problem,

but I won't be here
during lunchtime, though.

I'm going shopping
for your present.

You don't have
to get me anything.

Oh, I want to.

Well, don't spend
too much money.
Don't worry.

Couple hundred dollars
should do it.

Hi, did you leave
a message for me?

Oh, yeah,
I thought maybe
you'd like to help me

take these boxes
of ornaments down
to the living room.

Oh, sure.

You can consider
it an early
Christmas present.


I don't know
what to get you.

What did you get me?

Oh, it would spoil
the surprise if I told you.

Okay, you don't have
to tell me what it is.

Just tell me
how much you spent.

What difference
does that make?

Well, I don't want
to embarrass you

by spending more on you
than you did on me.

Oh, Pete,
that wouldn't
embarrass me.

That would amaze me.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

It sounds like
you're implying I'm cheap.


Denise, I'm gonna need...
Oh, darn it.

We can hide
in here.

What's going on here?

BOY: Look out!

Where did you
come from?

SLADE: I know you kids
are around here somewhere!

Okay, where are they?

Who are you?
I'll ask
the questions, Mac.

Not in my office, Mac.

Uh, well, my name
is E.G. Slade.

I'm with the
County Welfare office.

Now I'll repeat
my question.

Did two kids
come in here?

That's not
the same question.

(SCOFFS) Look, Mister,
I'm a poor slob
trying to do a day's work.

Give me a break.

And your work involves
chasing children

up and down the halls
of the Governor's mansion?

Hello, Mr. Slade.

Okay, Mary,
where are they?

You mean my children?

They don't
belong to you, Mary.

Mary, would you
mind telling me
what's going on here?

Oh! It's very simple.

I have two
wonderful children,

and Mr. Slade here
doesn't think
I should keep them.

I have a court order
right here.

Why don't you stop
making a big fuss,
Mr. Slade?

The children
are fine.

I get paid
to make a fuss.

Mr. Slade, this court order
is for Jefferson County.

That's because
the kids used to live
in Jefferson County.

Yeah, but this
is Lawrence County.

Okay, if you want
to get picky,

I'll get a court order
from Lawrence County,

and I'll be back.
You can count on it.

And I intend to
write a report
of this entire incident.

Okay, you can call it,
"What I did on my
Christmas vacation."

All right, children,
you can come out now.

I want you to meet your knight
in shining armor, Mr. Dubois.

Benson, this is Vin,
and this is Margaret.

Hi. We owe
you one.

Hey, we'll wash your car,
and we'll be even, okay?

No, you don't have to do
anything for me.

Uh, Mary, these are not
your natural kids, are they?

Well, no, but
I've known Margaret
since she was a baby.

She and her mother
used to live next door.

And when her mother died,
she came to live with me.

That was nine years ago.

And where
are you from, Vin?

His older brother,
Kwo, brought him in
during the airlift.

And he asked me
to look after Vin
for a while.

Kwo went back to look
for their sister.

That was two years ago.

And he's coming back.

And you've never
legally adopted them?

Oh, I tried.
I tried with Margaret,

but some people
just can't see past color,

so I never even
told them about Vin.

Looks like you're gonna
have to hire a lawyer.

Oh, we don't
need a lawyer.

We're blessed
in having you.

I'm just a plain old,
ordinary, everyday,

rank-and-file, run-of-the-mill
budget director.

I'm not talking
about your job.

I'm talking about you.

There's something
special about you.

That's why
the children
came to you.

No, no, no, they were
just trying to get away
from that guy.

Oh, Benson,
everything in this world
happens for a reason.

That's what my mother
used to say.

I know.

If you want to
talk to us, we'll be
in the cook's quarters.

Come on, kids.

Don't worry.

If mom says you can do it,
you can do it.


Morning, snow's really
coming down out there.

Oh, how did your
meeting go with
the adoption people?

Uh, not very well.

They were having
their office party.

Oh, so you didn't
have any luck?

Well, not really.

Well, I won the
door prize, you know.

Two tickets to see
Annie performed
on ice skates.

So, what did you
find out?

Are they going to
let Mary adopt
the kids or not?

Well, they'll let her
apply to adopt,

but she can't do
anything unless
the kids are in custody.

Hi, Benson.
How was the meeting?

Mary, I tried,
but there doesn't seem
to be an easy answer.

Well, there never is,
but you'll come up
with something.

I wish you'd
stop saying that.

I'm not coming up
with anything.

Oh, you will.

You won't let them
take my children away.

That's right, Mary.
Benson will stop them.

Kraus, I'm not
a lawyer,

and the adoption laws
are very, very complex.

Yeah, well, maybe
he'll find a loophole.

Oh, a loophole.
Say, that's a good idea.

So is a miracle
a very good idea,

but this ain't th Street,
and I'm not Kris Kringle.

GIRL: Slade just pulled in!

Hurry through here,
up the stairs
and go to my bedroom!

Hide in the closet!

Quick, lock the doors!

Close the shutters,
turn out the lights.

Kraus, that's not
gonna stop him.

Well, what am I
supposed to do?

Greet him at the door
with open arms?

Well, that might stop him.

I know none of you
are glad to see me,

so let's just
get this over with.

Mary, I have a court order
from Lawrence County

to take the children
into custody.

Let me see it.

You know
something, Slade,

I'm usually pretty easygoing,
but you tick me off!

Now, now,

Mr. Slade is just
doing his job.

Yeah, well, everything
seems to be in order here.

Oh, I'm not

Mr. Slade is one
of the best.

Don't let him do it,

Slade, it's two days
before Christmas.

Yeah, so?

Well, Christmas is
a time for families.

And those kids are
the only family Mary has.

Why don't we postpone
this until after
the holidays are over?

Well, that's a nice sentiment,
but I can't do it.

Now where are the kids?

They ran away.


They crossed
the international date line.

Is he gone?

You kids!

Get in here.

Now stop that.
You're not prisoners.

You're wards
of the court.

Benson, do something.

I can't do anything.

Here's some
Christmas cookies
for you to take with you.

You promised
we'd stay together.

Oh, everything's gonna
be all right.

Don't let him
take us, Mom.

Oh, darling,
now you children
just keep smiling.

Come on, let's get
the show on the road.


Have a Merry Christmas.


I'll walk you
to the car.
Come on.

Benson, it is
gonna be okay, isn't it?


Denise, you having any luck
with those calls?

No, I am not
having any luck.

I called the head
of every department
on this list.

It really
makes me mad.

Just when you need
the government,

they all pack up
and go home
for the holidays.

Yeah, what makes me mad
is they come back.

Uh, Benson, excuse me.
Have you got a moment?

Sure, Clayton.
Well, keep trying, Denise.

Yeah, gee,
whatever happened
to responsibility,

dedication, caring?

What's with her?

Well, we're not having
any luck getting
those kids back.

Well, neither am I.

I just got off
the phone with Boothby,
Boothby, and Zewicki.



No, I heard that, Clayton.
What did they say?

Well, you wouldn't
take my word for it,

so I went to the experts
in the field of child custody,

and they agreed with me.

Mary is up
the proverbial creek,

et cetera, et cetera.


we've got a problem.

I know.
I already filled him in.

Any ideas?
Not a one. You?


But I have a question.

What on earth
are you wearing?

Oh, that's my Christmas
present from the President.

Ah, sir, did you
get him something?

Oh, yes, Clayton,
I got him a belt buckle

with our
state motto on it.

You got him a belt buckle
that says,

"If it's not broke,
don't fix it?"

Sounds a lot better
in Latin.

Listen, let's get back
to the problem.

Now, what are we gonna do
about Mary and those kids?

Well, I'm afraid,
in the last day
and a half,

we've exhausted
every possibility.

Sir, there are
no legal options.

Well, there must be
some way

to get Mary and those children
back together again.

We can't let those kids
wake up Christmas morning

in some institution.

Where no one knows them.

Where they think
nobody cares.

It's gonna be
pretty lonely.

(SIGHS) I can see
their little faces,

pressed up against
the frosted windows.


Dreaming of
a Christmas tree
and a family.


But they'll be stuck
in some cold, gray,
government building

with a scrawny little tree
and a tinny recording
of Jingle Bells,

playing in the background.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

♪ Jingle bells

♪ Jingle all the way

ALL: ♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh

Benson, I tried,

♪ Jingle Bells

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

I'll come back later.

Hold it, Denise.

All right, that's it.

I'm the Governor
of this state.

Maybe I can't clear up
their legal problems,

but I can certainly
have them as guests in
my house on Christmas Eve.

Call my limo!
Sure, Governor!

I'm gonna pick up
those kids personally.

I'm gonna go out
and I'm gonna get

every single one of those
kids a Christmas card.

I'm gonna make sure
those little tykes

have a Christmas
they'll never forget.

By golly,
I love Christmas!

Just when you're about
fed up with Clayton,

he pulls
something like this.

I disagree, Commissioner,

I think they're
very much a family.

I'm disappointed in you, sir.
I'm upset, and I'm angry!

Merry Christmas.

There, that ought
to fix it.

Now, let's see here.

Oh, you look wonderful.

Oh, the children
are gonna be
so thrilled.

It was sweet of you

to invite the other
youngsters from
the orphanage.

Come in.

Oh, hello, Benson.

Well, Santa, I think
they're about ready for you.

Oh, okay.

Oh, I don't have my...
Oh, they're upstairs.

Mary, can I speak to you
for a minute?

Oh, isn't this
the most wonderful
Christmas Eve?

Yes, it is, but, you know,
the day after tomorrow,

Vin and Margaret are
going to have to go
back to state custody.

Benson, you worry
too much.

You don't worry at all.

Well, there's nothing
to worry about.

Everything's gonna turn out
for the best.

Why do refuse
to understand?

Nothing can be done.
The law is very clear.

You're gonna lose
those children.

No, I won't.

The law
is not on your side.

Benson, don't you believe
there's something
greater than the law?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I believe,

but right now,
what I believe
isn't important.

Well, as long as
He knows you believe,

there's nothing
to worry about.

So I'm going to
the party.

What is wrong
with that woman?

She thinks
the answer's gonna fall
right out of the sky.


Why do things like this only
happen when you're alone?

Oh, isn't it
a beautiful tree?

Ja, I wish we had
something to
put on the top.

What happened
to that shiny star
we had last year?

We're missing a whole
box of ornaments.

Ho, ho, ho!


Merry Christmas!

Ho, ho...


Look, there's
another one.

All right,
hold it, kids.

Now wait a minute,
I was here first.

Well, that's true.

Did you both
bring presents?

Then who cares?


Uh, Governor.

There's no Governor here.
Just Santa Claus.

And his helper!

Well, Santa and his helper,
can I see you for a moment?

Oh, yeah.

Mary, there's plenty
of Christmas candy
in my sack

for all the boys
and girls.

Hey, I think
I found something.

Clayton, read that.

What is it,

It's a law which allows you,
as the governor,

to designate any facility
you see fit as an orphanage.

That's exactly
what it says.

Where did you find this?

Well, let's just say
it fell into my hands.

Well, that's wonderful.
How does it help us?

Well, sir,
as I read this law,

you could designate
the cook's quarters
as an orphanage.

Oh, right,
and then put the kids
in Mary's care!

Very good, Santa.

Mary, Mary, Miss Kraus.

Benson has brought
us the best Christmas
present of all.

Mary and the kids
can stay together.


Come on, everybody,
let's sing Christmas carols!

KRAUS: Oh ya!

Do you know
Joy to the World?



♪ Joy to the world,
the Lord is come

♪ Let Earth receive her king

♪ Let every heart

♪ Prepare him room

♪ And heaven and nature sing

♪ And heaven and heaven
And nature sing ♪

♪ God rest ye
Merry gentlemen

♪ Let nothing you dismay

♪ Remember Christ
Our savior

♪ Was born on Christmas day

ALL: ♪ To save us all
from Satan's power

♪ When we are gone astray

♪ Oh, tidings
of comfort and joy

♪ Comfort and joy

♪ Oh, tidings
of comfort and joy ♪

♪ Oh, come all ye faithful

♪ Joyful and triumphant

♪ Oh, come ye,
Oh, come ye

♪ To Bethlehem

♪ Come and behold him

♪ Born our king of angels

♪ Oh, come let us adore him

♪ Christ the Lord ♪




It's Christmas
time now.

Look on top of the tree.

Merry Christmas, Benson.

Merry Christmas, Mary.


♪ Oh, holy night

♪ The stars
are brightly shining

♪ It is the night
of the dear savior's birth

♪ Long lay the world

♪ In sin and error pining

♪ Till he appeared
and the soul felt its worth

♪ A thrill of hope

♪ The weary world rejoices

♪ For yonder breaks

♪ A new and glorious morn

♪ Fall on your knees

♪ Oh, hear the angel voices

♪ Oh, night divine

♪ Oh, night
when Christ was born

♪ Oh, night divine

♪ Oh, night

♪ Divine ♪

ALL: Merry Christmas.


uld like to take

to wish you all
season's greetings.

I'd like to wish you all
a very happy and healthy
holiday season.

And to all my Jewish friends,
Happy Hanukkah.

Here's hoping that
the spirit of Christmas
lasts you all year round.

My wish for everyone

is that the new year
brings peace on Earth.

May your holiday season
be filled with
love and happiness.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Kraus would say
Frohliche Weihnachten.

But from Inga, an American,
Merry Christmas.

I hope the new year
bring you good health,

and good fortune.

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a goodnight.
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