03x12 - Sweet Irish Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Benson". Aired: September 13, 1979 – April 19, 1986.*
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Spin off from Soap - Benson DuBois is hired to be the head of household affairs for widowed Governor Eugene X. Gatling and his daughter Katie.
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03x12 - Sweet Irish Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, Kraus.
Am I early?

What am I, a clock?

Could be.
You alarm me.

Back off, Benson.
I'm in an ugly mood.

You didn't have to
tell me that. It's written
all over your face.

Ex-governor Mulligan
has arrived.

I hate ex-governor Mulligan.

He is rude und vulgar
und a know-it-all.

I see. Then you two
must have been
separated at birth.

Put it in a sock, Benson.

And I must say that,

in the relatively
short time I've been
with Governor Gatling,

we've had an
exceptionally high degree
of legislative success.

As much as you toot
your own horn, sonny,

you must be out of breath.

Let me guess.
That's Mulligan.

Sir, I'll be
in my office.

Governor Mulligan,

this is my Budget Director,
Benson DuBois.

Happy to meet you, sir.

Don't give me
any of that bull.

You're only here
because you have to be.

But I don't have to stay.

And of course
you remember Miss Kraus.

Remember her?
I have nightmares about her.

Is it the one about the oven
and the gingerbread house?

Nice to see you again,
Governor Mulligan.

Good Lord, woman,
you got old.

Oh, yeah?
Well, you got short.

Und fat.
And dumpy.

Excuse me.

I can never remember...

Was she an immigrant
or a prisoner of w*r?

Gee, it's hard to know
who to root for here.

Governor Mulligan...

I can't look.
Is he wearing a raincoat?

Hello, uncle Pat.


I thought you were
in the Middle East

taking pictures
for that snobby magazine.

Well, I flew straight home
when I heard you were
being honored.

Yeah, I'm getting some
damn humanitarian award.

I hope that's not
his acceptance speech.

Oh, uh, gentlemen,
I'd like you to meet
my niece, Rose Sullivan.

Rose, this is
Governor Gatling.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, sir.

Oh. Me too.

Oh, uh,
this is Benson DuBois.

Nice to meet you.

Governor Mulligan,
you must be very proud

having such a talented
and attractive niece.

Who are you trying
to butter up, sonny,
me or her?

He's been known to work
both sides of the bridge.

Cute, Benson.

So, Miss Sullivan,
how long will you be in town?

I live here.

That's wonderful.

I do hope we'll be
seeing you here
on a regular basis.

This guy shouldn't be
in politics.

He should be
a head waiter.

Sir, if you'll excuse me,
I'll be in my office.

Miss Sullivan, it was
a pleasure meeting you...

And you, ex-governor.

Uncle Pat, are you free
for lunch today?


Let me go to my room
and get cleaned up.

Oh, Gene, you take care
of my niece.

Rose, I'll see you back
in the car in five minutes.

DuBois, stop goldbricking
and get back to work.

Humanitarian award?

Who was the runner-up,


So you...
You take pictures?

I'm a photojournalist.

You like your work?
Very much.
You like yours?

It's a living.

Guess you get to see
a lot of the world, huh?

Oh, yes.

In the last six months,

I've covered most of Europe,
the Middle East,
South America.

Oh, it's exciting to watch
history in the making.

And I eat at some
fabulous restaurants.


Oh, I'm sorry.
Did you stop talking?

It's just that you're
so pretty...interesting.

Pretty interesting.

Thank you.

Governor Gatling...


No, Gene.

You're Rose.

I know.

What were you saying?

Well, I was asking you
if you'd like to
join us for lunch.

What did I say?

You said, "Gene."

Oh, I didn't mean Gene,
I meant yes.

Then it's settled.

I'll call you Gene,
and we can go to lunch.

Right, right!

Oh, I hope I'm free.

Oh, what the heck?
I got to eat.

How could the Census Bureau
lose a quarter of
a million people?

I don't know, Denise,

but they're gonna cut
our federal funds

if we don't find them.

Run down
to the federal building

and get me
a census breakdown, Denise.

Good idea.

Hi, Governor.

Oh, Benson,
she's a wonderful woman.




Governor Mulligan's niece.

What about her?

I think I should marry her.

It's about time. You've known
her over four hours.

I don't mean
today or tomorrow.

Well, I'm going away
for the weekend.

I mean after we get
to know each other.

A year or two.

First I have
to ask her out.

That's a good start.

I know I'm being silly,

What would make you say that?

Oh, I am, I am.

This thing has really
got me off-balance, Benson.

I want to see her,
I want to be with her.

I want to hold her
in my arms forever.

First you got to ask her out.

that's the tricky part.


Benson, this is
just between you and me, huh?

Of course,
of course.


Sir, Governor Mulligan
just fired me.


He can't do that.

He seemed
pretty sure of himself.

Fired Clayton, too.

Well, that he can do.

Pete, nobody's fired.

I knew you'd back me up.

You know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna march up
to Mulligan's room,

I'm gonna take
this press schedule,
and I'm gonna...

Slip it under his door.

Well, now, where were we?

You're gonna
ask Rose out.

Oh, yeah, right.
I don't know how to do it.

What do you mean
you don't know how to do it?

Just get her alone
and ask her.

All right.
I'll try that.

Do you have a backup plan?

Watch Love Boat.


Your uncle
will be right down.

Thank you, Clifton.

Uh, Clayton.

Ah, Rose, Rose,
are you in for a treat.

I have discovered this little
Italian restaurant, Calucci's.

Do you go to Calucci's?

Go there?

I'm on a first-name basis
with the owner.

You know him, too.

I worked for him
as a waitress
during college.


You wouldn't believe
what goes on
in that kitchen.

Disgusting little place,
isn't it?

No, I only mentioned Calucci's
as a point of reference.

You see,
just around the corner,

there's a little-known,
but fabulous fish restaurant.

To tell you the truth,
I long for a home-cooked meal.

Oh, better yet.

I make a devastating
spinach quiche.

How nice.

You must send me
your recipe someday.

This will make
a wonderful picture

for your campaign poster.

Shh! Shh! Shh!
Rose is in there.

Oh, and you two
are playing hide-and-seek?

No, no, no.

I want to ask her
to the awards banquet,

but I can't because Clayton's
in there with her.

Then get Clayton
out of the room.

You know,
that's a good idea.

So go in there,
make some excuse,

and get Clayton
out of the room.

No. no. no.
I don't want to have
anything to do with it.

No, wait a minute.
I know that you don't
want to do that,

but I'll end up trying
to convince you

by telling you
some long, boring story,

and we'll waste
a lot of time,

so why don't you
go do it now?

You mean if I get Clayton
out of the room,

you won't tell a story?

Step aside.

Now, the secret
of my quiche

is always use fresh spinach,
of course.

Be sure to wash off
the sand,

get rid of
all those little worms.

I'll try
to keep that in mind.

Excuse me, Rose.

Uh, not now, Benson.

speaking of food,

the awards banquet
is Friday night,

and I was wondering...

Clayton, can I have
a word with you
a moment?

It's of
the utmost urgency.

Excuse me, Rose.

Now, what is so important?

The governor is interested
in that woman.


He's planning to ask her to go
to the banquet with him.

He's out in the hall.


And if you ask her
to go to the banquet...

So what's it gonna be,
lover boy?

You going
to the banquet alone,

or you want to take
your chances

with what's behind
door number ?

Uh, Miss Sullivan,
I have an important call

that demands my immediate
attention. Top priority.

Don't forget what I told you
about that spinach

or those little worms.

Benson, I don't know
what you said to him,

but thank you very much.

My pleasure, Rose.

Governor, what a surprise
to see you here.

Now you can
keep Rose company.

I'll see you later.
No, wait, Benson.

Hello, Rose.

Waiting for your uncle?

We're going out.

Oh, good, good.
You'll like it there.

I, uh... Um...


Would you excuse me
for just a moment?

Benson, I can't ask her.

Well, you did your best.

I'm gonna get something
to eat.

Tell me what to say.

Just ask her out.

Give me the exact words.

"Will you go to the banquet
with me?"

No, I want to go with Rose.

Uh, Rose, the governor
was just telling me

he had something
to ask you.

What is it?

Well, I was wondering...

You know about the awards
banquet Friday night?

For my uncle? Of course.

Oh, good. As long
as everybody knows about it.

Well, back to work.
Hold on. Hold on.

Rose, do you have an escort
for the banquet?

Is that an invitation?

Well, I... I understand
it's short notice.

Please don't feel bad
about saying no.

Well, actually,
I was going to say yes.

You see, Benson?
The lady has plans.

She said yes.

You said yes?


Are you sure?
You don't want
to think it over?

No, I think
it would be wonderful.

Well, so do I.

I'm really
looking forward to it.

Listen, and afterward,
if it isn't too late,

do you want to go dancing?

I love to dance.

Oh, so do I!

And this little place...

Benson, could you
leave us alone, please?



Hiya, Benson.


Looks like you had
a great time with Rose.

Oh, glorious! Marvelous!

Too wonderful for words!

I can name that tune
in three notes.

Benson, she is the one.

She's warm, she's smart,
she's soft.

She smells fantastic.

A woman should have
every one of those qualities.

You know
what she said to me?

She said I was adorable.

Now, nobody ever
told me that.

Adorable people are always
the last to find out.

Oh, Benson, I never thought
it would happen for me again.

It has, though.

I'm in love.

Congratulations, sir.

And, Benson...

The best part about it is
she understands me.

I always knew you'd find
somebody who would.

Good luck to you.

Well, Benson, I hear
you lost a quarter
of a million people.

I wish one of them
was you.

Now, what happened,

Ah, some follow-up
with the Census Bureau.

Well, don't look at me.
I filled up my form.

Yeah, and in
all the wrong places.

Benson, what do you think
about this thing between
the Governor and Rose, eh?

I think it's
none of our business.

Well, you gotta be
kidding me.

The voters will
lead this up.

The governor dates
a beautiful woman,

they fall in love,
they get married.

Chances are we can get her
pregnant by election day.


Kraus, you got any of
that mud you call coffee?

Ja, ja.
You want anything in it?

I'd answer very carefully.

Oh, nothing...
I thought I fired you.

It didn't count.

I sure hope he doesn't come
to the wedding.

See you later, pal.

Here's your mud, Governor.

Oh, thanks, Kraus.

Good morning!
I'll be in my office.

I wish I could get him
to do that.

Where is that niece
of mine?

She's supposed to take me
to the airport.

If I miss that plane
to Tallahassee,

I'm gonna be stuck here
for three more days.

Threatening us won't help.

If she doesn't show up,
I'll drive you

all the way to Florida,
if necessary.

Let me ask you something,

You ever done
any deep-sea fishing?

I pulled a lobster
out of a t*nk once.

Does that count?

I hooked a marlin one time.

You should have seen
this baby. Big, tough, nasty.

Did it speak
with a German accent?

I like you, bub.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, don't be sorry.
Let's get a move on.

This place
is getting on my nerves.

Oh, thanks for
the hospitality, Gene.

My pleasure, Pat.

I'll call you later.

Come on, Rose, move it!

You really want him
as an in-law?

It would be worth it, Benson.

Is Governor Mulligan
still here?

Oh, honey,
you just missed him.

Oh, what a shame.

Subtle, Katie. Subtle.

Daddy, can I talk to you
about Miss Sullivan?

I've got work piling up.

I'll be in my office.

Subtle, Benson.

What about Miss Sullivan,

It seems to me that
you two are getting serious.


And that you might be
falling in love.

Well, honey...

I think it's wonderful.
She's great.

You like her, too?

Yeah, Daddy.
Go for it.

I hope you don't mind
our coming back here
for a nightcap.

I was beginning to feel
a little crowded.

Well, you're
a very popular man, Gene.

My constituents like to gripe,
and I'm a good listener.

That's it.

I wonder where Miss Kraus
keeps the brandy.

KRAUS: The cabinet.
Opposite the stove!

Thank you, Miss Kraus!

I'll get the glasses.

KRAUS: Above the coffee urn!

She's a good listener,

Thank you, Miss Kraus!
Good night!

KRAUS: Ja, ja.
See you in the morning.

She is very fond of you.
In fact,
everybody seems to be.

Oh, I get my share of
complaints, believe me.

You want to take these drinks
into the living room?

No, I like the kitchen.



Been a long day.

I know what you mean.

When I'm on an assignment,
usually I'm up before dawn,

and then I spend half
the night in the darkroom.

But I guess we wouldn't do it
unless we loved it, huh?

No, guess not.

At least I get a break
between assignments.

But it seems
your job never ends.

Oh, I won't always
be governor.

I'll go back to my hometown.

Nice people.

Great place to raise kids.

You ever thought
of settling down?

Oh, yeah.

I have to admit
that inside this
independent world traveler,

there is
a small-town girl.

Sometimes the idea
of settling down
is very appealing.

Rose, this last week has been
just wonderful for me.

It's made me
feel young again.

Oh, you're not
exactly ancient.

I love you, Rose.


I found the people!
I found the people!



They lost Springfield.

Springfield? That's one of
the biggest cities we've got.

According to
the U.S. government,

one of the biggest cities
we've got is now in Illinois.

And in return,
the computer gave us
Yucca Wells, New Mexico.

Yucca Wells?

Nine prospectors
and a snake farm.

Well, call Washington.

Tell them
we want Springfield back,

and tell them to give
Yucca Wells back
to the snakes.


Hi, Benson,
you got a minute?
Oh, sure.

Come on in.

I'll get right on that.

Thanks, Denise.

Well, what brings you to
the budget director's office?

Tax problems?

Personal problems.

I'm leaving. My editor has
a job for me in New York.

Well, he can't do
without you, eh?

Benson, I asked
for the assignment.

Oh, I see.

I'm here to ask a favor.

I'd like you to give Gene
this letter for me.

Rose, you know
I shouldn't be
involved in this.

You are his closest friend.
He told me.

That doesn't entitle me
to bring bad news.

Please, Benson.

Are you aware of how
he feels about you?

Oh, yes.

And that, Benson,
is the problem.

He has
an entirely different view

of our relationship
than I do.

I've tried to explain it
in this letter.

So, please,
would you give it to him?

No, Rose.
No letters.

I've seen enough of these
letters delivered in Korea

to last me a lifetime.

I prefer not to handle this

Afraid you'll change
your mind?


Gene is a wonderful,
sensitive man.

It would be very easy for me
to fall in love with him.

What's wrong with that?

'Cause it isn't
what I want right now.

I'm not prepared to give up
everything I've worked for.

Just let's say that
I'm not ready to settle down.

This letter
is gonna hurt him.

But at least when he reads it,
it'll be over.

No, it won't.

He's gonna read this letter
over and over again.

He won't be able
to throw it away

because it'll be
the last thing
you will have given him.

This letter's gonna
stay with him for a lifetime.

Come on, Rose.
Don't do this.

Take him out,
buy him flowers.

Don't write him.

See him face-to-face and
tell him how you really feel.

Thanks, Benson.

What are you
still doing here?

I thought you might
want somebody to talk to.

About what?

How did dinner go?


Lovely meal, nice wine.
Pleasant conversation.

Then she dumped me.


You're taking it
pretty good.

Well, I've been there before.

I remember my first love,
Ginger Costello...

Well, now that you're
feeling okay, I'll be going.


You wouldn't walk out
on a love story, would you?

I thought I'd get
some popcorn.

Ginger was a redhead.
I am a fool for redheads.

And I'm a fool
for listening.

And one day,
ginger gave me a picture.

I said I didn't want
a picture, I had her.

So the next time I saw
that picture,

it was on the inside
of Daryl Jacobson's locker.

That was my first clue.

My second was when she went
to the prom with Daryl.

But, being an optimist,

I waited outside the dance
in my truck.

I was sure
she would come back to me.

But she never did.

And I caught a cold sitting
in the truck all night.

But you got over it, right?

Oh, it was just
a -hour virus.

But I never got over Ginger.

And I don't know whether
I'll ever get over Rose.

A man shouldn't have to
get over a beautiful woman.

You know,
when you're falling in love,

you never stop to think

that you might end up
with a broken heart.

You do if you listen
to country music.

Thanks for waiting up.
I'm all right.


Good night.
Good night.

♪ I can't stop loving you

♪ I made up my mind

♪ To live in memory

♪ Of a lonesome time ♪

All right, Peter,
what is this?

A newspaper.
Good answer. Good answer.
Good answer.

Benson, please.

I am referring to this item in
Capitol Chatter and I quote,

"Do we hear wedding bells
at the Governor's mansion?

"Somebody's in love and
wants to start a new family."

I told them not to print that.

Well, I do not appreciate
having my private life
bandied about in the press.

Priscilla's father
will probably never
talk to me again.

Clayton, it's not about you,
it's about the Governor.


Well, it's still nothing
but gossip.

All right, blabbermouth,
who spilled the beans?

It's a lie.
Arnold und I
just go bowling.

I think, in New Jersey,
that's considered
common law marriage.

It's about the Governor,
Kraus, not you.

Pete, did you see
Capitol Chatter this morning?

Uh, yeah. Sir, uh...

Who is it about?
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