03x04 - Double Exposure

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Benson". Aired: September 13, 1979 – April 19, 1986.*
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Spin off from Soap - Benson DuBois is hired to be the head of household affairs for widowed Governor Eugene X. Gatling and his daughter Katie.
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03x04 - Double Exposure

Post by bunniefuu »

Morning, Kraus.

You're looking bright
and chipper today.

So, how's it going, huh?

Knock it off, Benson.
I have not time
for chit-chat.

I have no time for anything

now that I am
Director of household affairs.

Oh, come on, Kraus.

It's not that tough.
I did that job
for two years.

Yeah. But I am doing it right.

Also, I'm
head housekeeper.

I have to wear two hats.

I hope they both
come with veils.

Oh, Pete, I don't
see any reason

to bring a photographer
to Washington.

Yeah, but then,
we won't get any pictures
of you, Benson and Clayton

at the hearings.

Well, I don't mind.
Do you, Benson?

I certainly don't.
I already have
a picture of Clayton.

He gave it to me
last Christmas.

Oh, yeah.
In his yarning outfit.

Yeah. I kept it framed.

Is that what
he gave everyone?

I never opened mine.

I just switched nametags
and gave it to my accountant.

I guess that explains
why I'm being
audited this year.

Benson, have you
finished that report for
the finance committee?

Almost, sir, and I think
we're gonna make
a convincing argument

for those matching funds.

Well, I hope so,
but, as the
President once said,

is a tough town."

Which President
was that?

Lee Iacocca.

Good morning, everybody.
Hi, Daddy.

Hi, sweetheart.

Miss Kraus, Can
you help me later?

I'm not sure what
to pack for Washington.

Walking shoes.

You und I are going to
do a lot of sight-seeing.

Are you looking
forward to it, honey?
You bet.

Now I'll see Washington

before I become cynical about
government and bureaucracy.

Well, if we're
leaving tonight,
I'd better finish packing.

I am already packed.

I can't wait to go
to the space museum.

I want to see
those moon rocks.

Why? Homesick?

Clayton, we've already
been through all that.

I realize that, sir,
but I do feel

that Mr. Foster makes
a very convincing argument.

Thank you.

Providing tax breaks
for his company
will encourage industry.

It will create new jobs.

I looked into that, Clayton.

The state still loses
more than it gains.

I'm sorry we can't
help you, Mr. Foster.


Now, fortunately, Benson
does not have the last word.

Clayton's right.

I'm sorry, too,
Mr. Foster.

No problem,

And thank you all
for seeing me.

I hope you don't take
this rejection personally,
Mr. Foster.

I always take
rejection personally.

Benson, you have
no comprehension

of the fundamentals
of big business,

and your attitude
is intolerable.

Whenever I take one position,
you take the opposite.

Like when I'm right
and you're wrong?

Case in point,
if I say black,
you'd say white.

Are you talking formal
wear or family portraits?

you are impossible.

Do you realize what
you've just done in here?

My job.

Oh, making me look
like a fool is your job.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Being budget
director is my job.

Making you look like
a fool is my pleasure.


Oh, come in.

Oh, I'm glad
you heard me knocking.

Well, if you wanted me
to hear you, Denise,

why didn't you
knock louder?

I didn't want
to disturb you.

I have the tax
projections you wanted.
That's terrific.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Is there
something else?
I think so.

Otherwise, I probably
would have left by now.

Oh, I know! There's
a man waiting to see you,

but he doesn't
have an appointment.

What's his name?

Agent something.
He flashed
his badge too fast.


Uh-huh. His badge number
is if that's any help.

it doesn't ring a bell.

Better send him in.

Oh, you can come in now.

Mr. DuBois,
this is Mister, uh...

The name is Smythe
with an "E".

Wouldn't that be Smeth?

That'll be all, Denise.
Thank you.

FBI, Benson.
I'll get right
down to business.

Benson, your
country needs you.


Last time I heard that,
I wound up in Korea.

We know.

Now, did you have
a meeting this morning
in the governor's office

with a Randall Foster?

Yes, I did.
I know.

If you knew,
why'd you ask?

I wasn't asking.
I was confirming.

I go by the book, Benson.

Are we almost
at the chapter

where I find out
why you're here?

I'm here because we
want you to take a bribe.

You want me to do what?

We think Randall Foster
is gonna offer you a bribe.

What makes you
think it'll be me?

You control the purse strings.

Well, gee,
I'd love to help you,
Mr. Smythe,

but, unfortunately,
I'm going to
Washington tonight.

Well, if we need you,
can we count
on your cooperation?

Well, I don't know.
I, uh...


We'll contact you
in Washington.

You'll be staying
at the Hotel Brisbane.

Oh, by the way,
you'll be in room .
I will?

I know things about you
that even you don't know.

What's my favorite color?

You're right.
I didn't know that.

Now, these
itineraries include
a second day of hearings

should they be
deemed necessary.

Boy, what a town, huh?

No matter how many times
I come to Washington,

I still get goose bumps seeing
the monuments lit up at night.

That's a miniature
golf course.

Yeah, I wondered
about that windmill.

Well, I guess
I'll go check out the bar.

Hotel's having
an E.R.A. Convention.

You never know.

This is a very
full schedule, Clayton.

Yes, it is, sir.

And first thing
in the morning,

I will make the
formal proposal to
the finance committee...


...a bit of rhetorical
tour de force,

if I do say so myself.

And then I'll hand
it over to Benson

with his little
graphs and charts.

Clayton, my meeting
with the President
isn't on this itinerary.

Oh, not to worry, sir.
I have a friend
at the White House.

I knew you had
one somewhere.

Sir, did you get a chance
to read my presentation?

Once, and I wanted
to reread it tonight,
but I forgot my socks.

Read it barefoot.

No, no, no.
You don't understand.

I put my socks on
top of your presentation
when I was packing.

And I wouldn't have forgotten
the presentation

if I hadn't forgotten
my socks, but I did,

so do you have
an extra one?


No, no.
I mean the presentation.

Ah-ha, yes.

I know it's been
a long day, Benson.

Try to keep up.

I'll see if there's
an extra copy.

Thank you.

Oh, and, Benson,
by the way,
while you're at it...

I'll bring you
a pair of socks.



Evening, Benson.

what are you doing here?

I'm your roommate.


Yes, we must
stay in contact.

Couldn't we just leave
messages at the desk?

Benson, we're set up to
film you taking the bribe.

In the closet.

You don't understand.
I need that wall.

I'll have it mailed
to you in the morning.

Look, Benson,
let me show you.

I have a camera
set up in here

to sh**t through
a -way mirror
into the governor's suite.

That's where you
will accept the bribe.

Let me tell you
what's going to happen.

No, let me tell you
what's gonna happen.

I'm not sharing my room
with a guy from the FBI.

Okay, great, I'll just
call the whole thing off.

I'm not gonna tell
you how long
we've been after Foster

or how much of the taxpayers'
money's gone down the drain

just because you're too busy.

Okay, okay, stop bellyaching.
Which bed do you want?

I'll take that one.

See you later.

waiting for me.

I know.
Just a second.

What now, "Smeth"?

You forgot the socks.

Take a pair of mine.


All right.
Here you are, sir.

One report
and one pair of socks.

Oh, red!
My favorite color.

Yours too, eh?

Listen, Benson,
if I have a question
about this report,

is your room nearby?

Yes, sir.
Right next door.

Oh, but call first.

I may be taking a bath
or something. (CHUCKLES)

Good night, Benson.
Good night, Governor.



What is it, Clayton?

Well, sir,
I was in my room.

I heard a key in the lock, and
who should walk in but Peter?

Well, naturally I asked him
how he got a key to my room.

Do you know
what he said?

He said it was his room, too.

Yes, how did you know?

Well, I arranged it.

You see, with Katie
and Miss Kraus coming,

I had to make
space somehow.

Oh, but, sir,
the man is impossible.

He thinks he's discovered
some sort of magical scent

by wearing Old Spice
and Aqua Velva
at the same time.

He stands in front
of the mirror splashing
it on, singing...

♪ Yo, Ho, Yo, H ♪

Well, Clayton, it's just
the way things worked out.

It could just as easily
have been Benson.

Me and Benson?

No, Pete and Benson.

Ah-ha, now, that's a much
more sensible arrangement.

I'll talk to Benson
right away.

♪ Yo Ho, Yo Ho ♪

I don't know how I get
myself into these things.

Really, Benson,
the plan is quite simple.


Who is it?

Clayton. Open the door.
I need a favor.

You got the wrong room.

Benson, this is important.


How would you like to
share your room with Peter?

Where is he now?

He's in my room.
I like that better.

All right,
back to the plan.

First Foster makes contact
to test the waters.

You let him know
that you're for sale.

I'll film the whole
deal when he comes
back for the payoff.

What could be easier?

He could mail
me a check.

I think foster might
make contact at any time now.

Good, till he does,

I'll go back to my disguise as
mild-mannered budget director.

Very good.
I'll be in the bathroom.


Hi, Benson,
I've got a problem.

I just found out I'm sharing
a room with Clayton.

So suppose
I get lucky tonight.

Nobody's luck
changes that fast.

But suppose.

I mean,
it happened once before.

Could I use your room?

I've got work to do.


You son of a g*n!

You don't waste
any time, do you?

Ooh, hey, let me
ask you a question.

What kind of
aftershave do you use?

Pete, that's got
nothing to do...

Oh, come on.
Don't apologize.
I'm impressed.



I wasn't... I, uh...

I wasn't here, Benson.

This never happened.

Listen, call the housekeeper
and get your John fixed.

Last time he came
with his four kids.

Oh, well, you got
to admit it looked
a little, uh...

Pete, forget it.
Not that I ever...

Get out!

that's a good idea.



Is he gone?

(WHISPERS) Not yet.
He's in the bathroom.

Well, I can't stand out
here in my underwear.

What'll I do?
There's a linen closet
down the hall.

Will you come and get me
when he leaves?

Trust me, baby.
Trust me.

I'm sorry, Mr. Foster.

The reason you couldn't
reach me all day

is because I was in front of
the finance committee all day.

Well, that does
sound interesting.

Right. I'll be here.

He's on his way up
from the lobby.

Good, I'll pin on
the microphone.

Now, do you
remember the plan?

What's the big deal?

I let him know
I'll take a bribe.

We settle on a price,
and he comes back
later with the money.

Boy, you're quick.

I'm gonna have to
test the microphone.

I'm gonna want you
to say something

as soon as
I put my headset on.

Like what?
Like anything.

♪ Some enchanted evening...

That's good.
Thank you.

♪ You will hear a stranger

♪ You may meet a stranger ♪

Okay, we're set.

Okay, yes.

Now, make sure he says,

"The money is an exchange
for your support."

I will.

Would you get in there?
Foster will be
here any second.

Now, the Governor
is going out to dinner
with Senator Markum,

so his suite
will be free.

Arrange to meet
Foster there at :
so I can film the payoff.

Get in the closet.

Mr. Foster,
nice to see you.

Well, it's nice
to see you, too.

Are we alone?

No, there's an FBI
guy in the closet.


I like a man
with a sense of humor.

I like a man with
a large bank account.

Well, you certainly
don't beat around the bush.

Tell me, what would
you say to this number?

I could live with that...

A long time.

Then we have
an agreement.

Later on tonight,
I'll bring you an envelope.

I have an envelope.
I'd rather have the money.

You'll get the money.

All I have to do

is get the Governor
to support your proposal?


Now, I'll be back here at,
shall we say, :?

No, not here.

I promised a fellow that
he could use this room.

Let's make it next door at
the Governor's suite at :.

Of course.
I'll see you at :.

All right.

One more thing, Mr. Foster.

There'll be an FBI guy
there taking pictures.

You might want to
dress appropriately.


Aren't you cutting it
kind of close?

Foster will be
here any minute.

I just want to go over
this one more time.

Now, when you
accept the bribe,

you must be seated here.

The camera is located
behind this mirror

focused on
that gold chair.

If you sit anywhere
else in the room,

you will be out
of the view of the camera.

Now, where do you sit?

In the gold chair.

Opposite what?
The mirror, fool!

Will you get behind
there with the camera?

Just relax, Benson.

I've been at this a long time.
I know what I'm doing.

Then why haven't
you caught Foster?



No wonder
you can't catch nobody.

You ain't got no rhythm.


Good evening, Benson.
How are you tonight?

Can we get
this over with?
No problem.

I can certainly understand

why you'd want to complete
this transaction quickly.

Whatever you do,
don't move.


There's a bee
on your head.

Now, back to business.



Does he know
about this?

No, and
don't tell him.

Benson, what am
I doing in your room?

This is
your room, sir.

Oh, hello, Mr. Foster.

Aren't you supposed
to be having dinner
with Senator Markum?

Oh, no, I canceled.

I had a little jet lag,
so I thought a nap would help.

Well, that's exactly
where you should be, sir,

in bed.

Well, what about you
and Mr. Foster?

Oh, we aren't tired, sir.

But, Benson,

if this is my room,
why are you in it?


There's somebody
at the door, sir.

Hello, Benson,
is the governor here?

Oh, Miss Kraus,
is there anything wrong?

No, no. Katie was wondering
if you would tuck her in.

Sure he will.

I'm not dressed for it.
It doesn't matter.
It's just down the hall.

Why don't you
tell her that story

about the time you fried
the egg on the sidewalk?

Oh. That takes so long.

You have to start
with the chicken...

Well, the whole idea
is to put her to sleep.

Oh, right.

Good night, Kraus.

Oh, wait. Wait a minute,
for goodness sake.

What? Don't you want
to be with people?

I want you
to meet someone.

Foster, Kraus.
Kraus, Foster.

How do you do,
Mr. Foster?

Well, are you
gonna hang around
all night, Kraus?

Well, you invited me in.

Now I'm inviting you out.

You're inviting me out?

Thanks anyway, Benson,

but I'd rather go back to
the room und do my laundry.

Okay, Foster,
the envelope.


Look, maybe I'd better
come back later.

No, don't worry.
Whoever it is,
I'll get rid of them.

How you doing there,

Hey, come on in.

Just wanted the governor

to say hello to a good
friend of mine here.

We just met in the lobby.
Is he here?

No, the governor
isn't in.

Oh, well, that's okay.
You'll do.

Dorothy, one of the
great guys I work with.

Pete, get out!

Get out!

Well, I just said
I was on the staff.

I didn't say
they liked me.

Excuse me, Benson,
where is the governor?

He's not here.

Tell him we should
be hearing from the
White House any moment.

Mr. Foster?

Oh, hello, Clayton.

Well, what a surprise.

I hope this indicates
that we're buying
your company's proposal.

It's bought
but not paid for.


would you get that?

What if it's the White House?

Oh, I better get it.

Governor's suite.

Yes, put it right through.

It's the White
House switchboard.
Yes, I'll hold.

Come on, Foster.
The envelope.

What about him?
Don't worry about him.

A message?
Uh, just a moment.

I need something to write on.

Oh, thank you.

: exactly.

Is that it?

Yes, we'll be sure to keep
the line open. Thank you.

The President's
calling at :.

I've got to
find the governor.

Clayton. Clayton.

That envelope.
Oh, I'm sorry.

It's not mine!
It's his.

Mr. Foster? Benson?

What exactly
is going on here?

You won't
believe it, sir.

I know I don't.

The President will be
calling any minute.

I'm surprised he didn't
come over here in person.

That might
be him now.

Hello? Yes, this is
Governor Gatling's suite.

Yes, he is.
Hold on, please.

Foster, Foster,
give me that.

Wait a minute.

Give me the money, man.


The President is waiting.

Oh, hello?

Uh, yes, yes,
this is Governor Gatling.

Oh, hello,
Mr. President.

Oh, yes, well,
I would like to discuss
it in person, but...

Do you want to buy
my support or don't you?

All right, here.
Take it.

Uh, sir...
Am I wrong?

Did you just hang up
on the President

of the United States
of America?

Benson, I can't believe
what I just saw.

All right, Foster,
hold it right there.

You're under arrest
for attempted bribery.

Uh... Uh...

Bribery? I...
I seem to have
the wrong room.

Does anyone know where
the Johnson wedding is?

No matter.
I'll find it.

you just took a bribe!

No, sir, a legal one.
I'm working with the FBI.

Nice work, Benson.
We got Foster.

Not exactly.

Wilkins, special
prosecutor's office.

Not again.

What do you mean,
not again?

Well, this sort of thing
happens from time to time.

You mean you're
working with the special
prosecutor's office?

That's right. I'm working
under cover to expose
corruption in government.

Sorry, Benson.


I did this whole
thing for nothing?

Absolutely nothing.

Look, don't you ever
check with your department?

Don't you ever
check with yours?


Oh, that's probably
the President again.


Oh, yes, Mr. President.

No, we weren't
exactly disconnected.

I hung up on you.

Well, you see,
there was some confusion
about an FBI agent,

and, well, frankly,
I'm not entirely clear
about it myself.

Could you hang on
just a minute?

Mr. DuBois,
my budget director,
can explain it to you.

Go ahead, Benson.
It's the President.

Hello, Mr. President.

Yes, this is Mr. DuBois,
the state budget director.

Well, thank you. I think
you're doing a fine job, too.

Of course, I don't agree
with all of your programs.

Which ones?

Well, you got
a couple of minutes?

And, so, basically,
Mr. President,

it was just a mix up
between the prosecutor's
office and the FBI.


That reminds you
of a what?

Oh, yes. Yes. (CHUCKLES)

I'd love to hear that story.

Just a minute.

BENSON: Oh, yes,
Mr. President,
I'm listening, (CHUCKLES)

Sir, Agent Smythe
explained everything.

Benson, what
are you doing?

Doesn't he realize
the President might
be trying to call back?

Give me this phone.

I'm sorry,
we have to keep
this line open

for an important call.

But, Clayton...
Not that it's any
of your business,

but this happens
to be the Governors
Chief of Staff,

Clayton Endicott III.

Governor, why does
everybody keep hanging
up on the President?

Hello? Hello?
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