04x17 - Eviction: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Barney Miller". Aired: January 23, 1975 – May 20, 1982.*
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Takes place almost entirely within the confines of the detectives' squad room and Captain Barney Miller's adjoining office of New York City's fictional 12th Precinct, located in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
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04x17 - Eviction: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh, barn.

What am I supposed to
do about mr. Rodriguez?

Look, ms. Elizando,

You must understand
that sooner or later

You're going to have
to vacate that bulding.

And go where?

Well, I can't tell
you precisely.

Neither can anybody else.

But there are departments,
city agencies that are there

To help you be relocated.

We talked to them already.


They're going to take
us "under advisement."

It's too cold outside to
be taken under advisement.

Dietrich, I don't have to
remind you about the, uh...

Danger of getting personally
involved with a suspect.

I can handle it, barney.

I mean, this is no
mickey spillane novel

Where the hard-boiled detective

Falls for the
beautiful amnesiac.

She's just another case to me...

With your average
sensational gams.

Barney... Easy. What's going on?

You won't believe
what happened, sir!

We get there. We take
them into the hotel.

We come out of the
door, and all of a sudden,

About two dozen patrol
cars come roaring up

In front of the building.

Sirens blaring,
brakes screeching.

I'll tell it, levitt.

I just wanted to do the color.

I'm here in an official
capacity, barney,

To inform you that,

"As of now and
pending final decision

"Of the official review hearing,

"You are being
relieved of command

And placed on
modified assignment."

Are you joking?

All right, now
I guess I'm, uh...

I'm supposed to pass these
on to the next in command.

Who's senior, barney?


Oh, my god.

I-is this the, uh,
detective squad room?




Uh, nick?



Anything I can do for you?

Well, who are you?

Detective yemana.

Actually, I'm acting,
uh, in the, uh...

Yeah, I'm vogel, lieutenant,
uh, temporarily in command.

Is that the office?

- Yeah, that's where...
- Yeah, thanks.

Listen, uh, I'm
sergeant wojciehowicz.

Oh, yeah, we'll talk
about that later.

Meanwhile, why don't
you guys just, uh,

Do what you always do?

I hate him.

- Harris.
- Yeah.

We got to go over to the hotel.

Report to sergeant rossmore,
manhattan south command post.

Well, that's exciting.

It's my, uh, first
real all-out as*ault.

Uh, nick?


Hey, listen.

I wanted to tell you

That I think you did a good job,

You know, taking over.

I didn't get a
chance to do much.

Yeah, well, you
didn't blow nothing.

I got a new tie.

Uh, look.

I-it's like william
henry harrison.

I mean, he was president
for only a month or so

And had a rather short,
undistinguished term.

Uh, but then again, I mean,

He didn't do anything
wrong, you know?

He had only one month?

Uh, yeah, he
sort of, uh... Died.

He caught a cold at
the inaugural ball.

Well, at least I didn't die.

Hey, that's the right attitude.

- Hey, it's barney.
- Nick.

How'd it go?

Oh, pretty much as I expected.

Oh, my god.

Nah, it wasn't that bad.

They asked why I did what I did

And why I didn't
do what I didn't do.

For the most part, it was civil.

We were ready to testify

In case you needed
character witnesses.

Well, thanks, but
it wasn't necessary.

Where are all the, uh,
character witnesses?

Manchester hotel.

Oh, yeah. Anything new?

Nothing new.

So, uh, how's it been going?

I mean, uh, taking over
the reins of authority,

As it were.

Uh, I'm lucky that I
still have my health.


William henry harrison.




No, that comes later.

First, you go, "knock knock,"

And then I say, "come in,"

And then we say "hello."

Uh, I didn't think
anyone would be in here.

I'm, uh... Captain miller.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I'm, uh... I'm
lieutenant vogel,

Temporary in command
while you're under suspension.


Uh... May i?

Sure. Go ahead.

You know, you act like
this is the first time.

This is the first time
I've been suspended.

No, no, I mean the first time

The department ever gored you.

I mean, I know all about
you. I heard all about it.

What was it you
were trying to do?

Act humane?

The department and I had
a difference of opinion.

I happen to have my
methods, and they have theirs.

What are you, brainwashed?

Somebody kicks you in the face,

And you don't even feel it, huh?

Lieutenant, I just don't
feel there's any point

In becoming bitter about it.

Why not? Makes you feel good.

Yeah, me, too.

Oh, barney?

Oh, hey, man. What happened?

How'd it go?

Oh, listen. Fine.

Uh, I should be, uh...

I should be hearing
something later today.

Yeah, well, I think it stinks.

They got a lot of nerve

Crucifying someone
with your record.

I appreciate it. Listen.

I appreciate all
of your support,

But don't worry about it, huh?

How are we not gonna worry?

I mean, you could have
been suspended, fired,

Kicked off the force.

Didn't the possibility of
acquittal occur to anyone?

Oh, yeah, well, sure.

It's a possibility.

Uh, well, what's going
on down at the hotel?

It's like a marine
invasion down there.

Yeah, but, uh, tasteful.

They got blue-and-whites
all over the place,

Tactical w*apon squads,
some sh*ts got fired.


Well, no one was hit.

Thank god for small favors.

They were breaking out
the tear gas when we left.


Sounds like quite a party.

Yeah, well, look, barn,
just for the record,

I just want you to know

That we think you made
the right decision, really.


Well, thanks. I appreciate it.


Look, let me clear your desk.

Oh, no. You can use my desk.

No, no, no, it's your desk.

Hey, come on. I like to stand.

Come on, I'll sit over
there by the window.

I'll sit by the window.

Wojo, you sit at your desk!

That's an order!

Make that a request
from an associate.

That's cute.

Good morning, miss,
uh... Still don't know.

Oh, right.

But she has been
recalling some images.

Doctor says that's typical.

Although she could remember
everything at any time.

I hope so.

At least, I think I hope so.

It's a little frightening

Not knowing what your
past is going to be like.


Why don't you have a seat,
and I'll be right with you?

You won't be gone
long, will you?


Uh, dietrich, uh...

Don't you think, uh,

Maybe she's getting a little
overly dependant on you?

It's only natural
that she would.

I'm the first person she met,

So naturally, she
could confide in me more.

Yeah, but...

She was telling me there
was this little squirrel

On the windowsill this morning.

She said he sat up,

He looked at her, and he waved.


Seems to be the
standard reaction.

Are you making any,
uh, progress on an i.d.?

She had a stub
of a bus ticket...

Harrisburg to new york.

- And?
- Nothing from harrisburg,

So I'm checking the
schedules of the buses

That went to
harrisburg that day.

One of the cities
should have something.

Good idea.

Sergeant dietrich?

Coming. Got to go.

♪ Bum, bum, bum ♪

♪ By the sea, by the sea ♪

♪ By the beautiful sea ♪


Hey, barney.

Looks like you didn't get
scratched up too much, eh?

Oh, not too bad.

I thought you were on vacation.

I am. I'm on it now.

Can't you tell?

No tan. No tennis racket.

Bah, I don't go in for
that sissy stuff, barney.

I just dropped by to see
how you're making out.

Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.


Hey, barney, i, uh...

I stopped in that
little travel agency

Down around the
corner, you know?

Picked up a few brochures.

Look at this one, barney...

The playboy club,

Lake geneva,
wisconsin, you know?

And get a load of this.

Look at them running around

In them skimpy little
bunny outfits in the snow.

I'd like to see what they wear
in the summertime, huh, barn?

- Huh, barney?
- Yeah.

Well, I sent notices
to all the towns

Within 200 miles of harrisburg,

So we should know
something in a couple hours.


It's... It's just that...

Who knows what I might find out?

It's a little frightening.

Suppose I'm married
with children.

Try and look at the bright side.

Hey, would you
have any objections

To me calling you mary?


In fact, it has a...

It sounds kind of familiar.

I always liked that name.

Is it your mother's?

Could be. I only
knew her as "mom."

Uh, lieutenant vogel...
Inspector luger.

Lieutenant vogel is
temporarily in command.

Vogel, how you doing?

Well, they sent me
here, didn't they?

Ah, lieutenant rossmore.


Who's in charge around here?

Depends on the time of day.

Lieutenant vogel?


Lieutenant rossmore...
Manhattan south.

Vogel, the 3-8, way
out on staten island?

So what?


I got orders to pick
up captain miller.

What's that?

This, uh, lieutenant, uh...

What's that, rossmore?

What's going on?

I have been ordered...

I mean, requested to ask you

If you want to come over
to the manchester hotel.

By whom?

Hey, look, it's not my idea.

My captain wants it.

One of our guys winged a tenant.

Everybody's starting
to get nervous

About the publicity
and the public opinion.

Not to mention the
danger to human life.

I didn't mention it.

I noticed.


Anyway, they want to know
if you want to try talking

To those nuts
inside with the g*ns.

Why me?

Because those nuts
inside with the g*ns

Said they won't talk
to anybody but you.

I wouldn't go.

Yes, you would.

Well, maybe I would,

But you don't owe the
department nothing.

They got a lot of
g*ns down there.

Wojo, they're reasonable people.

They can be talked to.

Hey, listen.

If I had my way,

We'd have had that
building cleared out.

We'd all be back at our desks.

I bet. Let's go, rossmore.

Be careful.

You said it.

Miss elezando...

I warned you that this
situation would get dangerous,

And it has.

The odds are all against you.

¿Quiere hablar un poco
más alto, por favor?

Excuse me?

He wants for you to talk louder.

Does he speak english?


Somebody's gonna get hurt.

They're not afraid
of getting hurt.

They're afraid of
leaving their home.

They're afraid of
leaving their friends,

Of losing their
community, of losing...

El alma, el, um...
El espíritu, la uni...

¿Qué es la palabra
que busco, rodriguez?


¡El acercamiento!

And you don't understand that!

That's true.

I don't understand that.

But I do know what
you're talking about.

And you know I know
what you're talking about,

Or you wouldn't be
talking to me now.

Can you tell them, uh,
where they're going to live?

Can you tell them where
they're going to, uh, work?

You know, personally, I
can make a living anywhere.

Miss elezando, the
fact of the matter

Is that this property
does not belong to them.

You tried to get
the eviction changed,

And you couldn't do it.

You tried to get an extension.

You couldn't do that, either.

We do not leave until
we have a place to go!

Everybody, all together.

There are 60 policemen
out there with weapons

Who are not gonna go away!

Now don't you
understand that situation?

Es importante...

Es importante que usted,

Uh, ustedes, uh, comprenden...

La... Uh... El, uh...

Qué pasa aquí.


No, thank you.

Uh... Gracias, no.

Please, miss elezando.

Please tell them that I will
do everything in my power

To see to it that each
and every one of them

Is properly relocated.

Sure, sure.

You don't think they've
been told that before?

Please tell them I
respect their position.

I know that they are determined.

I know they have courage.

And I know they have... Weapons.

But they can't win.

All right, look. You
have friends in here?

Well, I have friends out there.

Now, miss elezando,
somebody is going to get k*lled,

Because this place is gonna be
cleared out one way or another!

I don't know about you, but
I don't have enough friends

That I can afford
to lose even one!


That's a very good
question, mr. Rodriguez.

Very good question.

Sergeant dietrich?

Message and photo coming
over the wire for you.

Oh, my god.

Thanks, I'll go get it.


Jumpy little thing, ain't she?


Well... I'll be right back.

I'm scared.

Me too.

Hey, barn.

Hey, glad to see you.

Yeah, it's good to see you.

We tried to get through,
but, uh, we couldn't.

Yeah, what went on over there?

I went in, I talked to them,

And, uh, that's it.

I mean, I gave it my best shot.

How long manhattan
south holds off...

Well, that's the question.

Your name is jennifer dilucca.

Oh, my god.

That's right!

I think I'm a nun.

I wasn't gonna
mention it if you didn't.

Me again.

Oh, mr. Walsh. I'm
glad to see you.

Aw, that's the first time

Anybody has ever
said that to me.

Boy, I'll tell you,

Sometimes this job really
gets to me, you know?

Hey, I'm not proud

Of some of the filthy,
rotten things I'm forced to do.

You understand?

Mr. Walsh, you've been drinking.

Oh, yeah. For years.

I'm very good at it.

Mr. Walsh.

Look, mr. Walsh,

Those people down
at the manchester...


If I can assure them of a place

Where they can
all go together...


Your company has a lot
of empty buildings, right?

Oh, dozens and dozens.

My point is, i-if it were pos...

I see where you're going here.

You want me to get the company

To allow them to move into
one of the other buildings.


They wouldn't do that.

Why not?

Because we are not
responsible for those people.

But they're human beings!

So, what do we care, huh?

Drexler boz is a
very big corporation.

We're interested in the
development of real estate,

Not the petty problems
of human beings.

That is a singularly
stinking attitude.

Why do you think I drink?

Look, mr. Walsh,

It can't be very good
for your corporate image

To have armed police
invading your hotel,

k*lling a few stubborn people
in the name of urban renewal.

That's true.

Then it may not
be such a bad idea

To pass my suggestion along.

Harris, dial the
number for mr. Walsh.

Sure. If he can
say it, I can dial it.

Dietrich: barney?

Excuse me.

What is it?

Meet sister jennifer dilucca.


As in, uh...

As in, that's the way it goes.

Good work, arthur.

Yeah. Wasn't it?

What the hell do you mean,
"it's not our responsibility"?

Well, it's easy for you to say,

Sitting there in your office

With your secretaries
and your plants.

You don't have to do
any of the dirty work.

You don't have to see their
pathetic, ridiculous faces

When I tell them they're gonna
get shot out of their homes.

How do you like that for
a corporate image, baby?

Uh, barn?

Some of the people are
coming out of the hotel.

Not all of them.

The hooker went back
in to talk to the rest.

You're referring
to miss elezando?

Elezando, yeah.


They said yes.

They're gonna give
them another building.

Mr. Walsh, I'm proud of you.

My god, I got to sit down.

Right here, mr. Walsh.
Just have a seat.

Wojo, get on the phone.

Tell them we've got
someplace for them to go.

Right, barn.

We do have someplace
for them to go, right?

Yeah, until they tear it down.

But that won't be for
a couple of months.

One step at a time, mr. Walsh.

One step at a time.



I'm gonna take her over
to manhattan south.

Okay... Arthur.

If you don't mind,

I'd like to go back to
captain and dietrich.

If you like.

Yeah, well, sometimes
it just doesn't pay

To get too familiar.

Well, it's all yours again.


office just called.

Seems like you're back
in the saddle again.

Hey, congratulations, barney.

Way to go.

That little hippie trip here
you pulled this afternoon

Helped get you reinstated,

But you're still
officially reprimanded.

Reprimanded? They
got a hell of a nerve.

I take that as a
personal insult.

My apologies, inspector.

It's okay, barney.

Well, so long, boys.

Thanks for the use of the hole.

That's hall.



I want to thank you very
much for all your help.

Well, you're welcome,

But it's really
sergeant dietrich

You have to thank.

I think I did, but
I can't be sure.


I'm sorry.

Hey, don't worry about it.

When I lose, I lose
to the biggest.
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