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03x04 - The Good Luck Ring

Posted: 06/02/23 07:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Come ride the little train ♪

♪ That is rollin' down the
tracks to the Junction ♪

♪ Forget about your cares ♪

♪ It is time to relax
at the Junction ♪

♪ Lots of curves, you bet ♪

♪ And even more when you get ♪

♪ To the Junction ♪

♪ Petticoat Junction ♪

♪ There's a little hotel called
the Shady Rest at the Junction ♪

♪ Petticoat Junction ♪

♪ It is run by Kate, come and
be her guest at the Junction ♪

♪ Petticoat Junction ♪

♪ And that's Uncle Joe,
he's a-movin' kinda slow ♪

♪ At the Junction ♪

♪ Petticoat Junction! ♪

That's another
game you lost, Joe.

And that brings it to exactly
$4,372.20 you owe me.

Play you next week,
double or nothing.

Sam, how much is this...

Why don't you give up, Joe?

You know I can beat
you any day of the week.

Yeah? Name the day.

- Monday.
- Wednesday.

- Friday.
- Saturday.

Sam, how much
is this dictionary?

Yeah, I'll be right
with you, Kate.

Okay, you want it Wednesday,
we'll make it Wednesday.

Don't do me any favors.


Sam... Oh, yeah,
Kate, can I help you?

Joe, get away
from those peaches!

- Sam, I'd like to know...
- Oh, before I forget,

that dictionary you're
holding is $3.98.


Well, it's got over
100,000 words in it.

If you break that down per
word, it'll cost only about...

I'm breaking it
down per dictionary,

and I can't afford it.

Well, it's a... it's a
fine dictionary, Kate.

It's got a lot of
real fancy words it.

Well, I hope that Bobbie Jo
knows enough of those words

so she can win the spelling bee.

But, uh, I don't want
to spend that much.

Kate, there's no need in
laying out all that money.

If Bobbie Jo wants to know how
to spell a word, she can ask me.

I'll give you two dollars
now and $1.98 next week.

Kate, when I was
in the fifth grade,

I was the best
speller in my class.

When you were
in the fifth grade,

your class was in high school.

Morning, Joe.

Morning, Kate.

Morning, Sam.

- Cora.
- Oh, hello, Cora.

- How are you?
- Fine.

You know my daughter, Henrietta.

- Hello.
- Oh, yes.

Hello, Henrietta.

You buying that for Bobbie Jo?


You're just wasting
your money, Kate.

It's a foregone conclusion

Henrietta's going to
win the spelling bee.

Well, I haven't foregone
any such conclusion,

because Bobbie Jo is gonna win.

Bobbie Jo?



- Cacophonophilist.
- Cacophonophilist.


- Polysyllogism.
- Polysyllogism.


- Epidemiologically.
- Epidemiologically.


Would you like that backwards,

or starting in the middle
and going both ways?

Sam, she's been
spelling those words right?

I don't know.

I can't find 'em
in this dictionary.

Well, how are you gonna
judge the spelling bee?

What do you mean,
how is he gonna judge?

Oh, didn't you know?

Mr. Lundquist is sick, and
Sam is taking over for him.

I protest.


Why, Henrietta
wouldn't have a chance

with Sam judging.

He's Kate's best friend,

and naturally he'll
favor Bobbie Jo.

Why, Sam wouldn't
do a thing like that!

Nah, Sam's fairly honest.

Henrietta is withdrawing,

unless we get a
completely impartial judge.

Well, who would you suggest?

Oh, good morning.

What do you think?

It's all right with me.

- Cora?
- It's all right with me.

Congratulations, Mr. Douglas.

You're elected.



Thank you, I... I...


I don't know where it is, Mom.

You must have put it away.

Spell it.

Are you kidding?

Oh, all right.


Mom, will you stop
making up crazy words?

Now, look, Henrietta Watson
knows how to spell those words,

and if you expect to beat her,
you better start learning 'em.








H-E-M-A... "O"! "O."

Mom, I'm tired.

Look, if you don't
learn these words,

how do you expect to win?

Maybe I'll be lucky.

It's gonna take more
than luck, honey;

it's gonna take good spelling.


Mom, wait till you
hear what happened.

I put a penny in the station
scale to weight myself and...

Yes, in a minute, honey.

Look, I got this book

on a hundred of the
most misspelled words.

But the scale didn't work,
and then I found this ring.

- Very pretty.
- It's a scarab ring,

and they're supposed to be
very lucky, and this one sure was.

Now, look, these
aren't big words,

but they're very tricky.

And even good
spellers misspell them.

So, let's try it.



Then I banged on the scale,
and all of a sudden it worked.

You know, that's very good.

Most people spell kimono
with an "A" on the end.

Uh... Supersede.


And not only that, but a whole
flock of pennies came out.

Yes, dear, that's
very interesting.


I'm telling you, this
is a real lucky ring.

Why, I'm even spelling better.

Oh, don't be silly.





Let me see that ring.

Billie Jo, I want to
show you something.

I don't want to see it.

What's the matter?

Nothing's the matter.

Oh, how could he do this to me?

Oh, Henry Brewster.

Don't mention that...
that thing's name to me.

I never want to see him.


This time I mean it.

Last time you meant it.

Well, this time I mean it
more than I meant it last time.

We're through.

I hate him!

Inviting Agatha Bisby

to the Volunteer Fire
Department Dance...

and after Mom made
me a new dress, and...

What's that?

What's it look like?

A ring with a bug on it.

It's an Egyptian scarab.

Well, it looks like a bug.

I found it, and scarabs are
supposed to be very lucky.

Want to try it on?



Billie Jo, Charley came by

with a message for you
from Henry Brewster.

I don't want any messages
from Henry Brewster, ever.


What did he say?

Well, he wanted to know if
you had a date for the dance,

and if you didn't,
would you go with him?

Well, what happened
to Agatha Bisby?

She came down
with the chicken pox.

Oh, that's tough luck.

For her, but not for you.

Lucky ring.

Well, it is.

If it weren't for the ring,

Billie Jo wouldn't be going to
the dance with Henry Brewster.

That's lucky?

Ever since I found it, I've
been spelling like crazy.

Well, how about letting me
wear it during the baseball game

with the Pixley
Pirates this afternoon?

Well, if you promise
to take care of it.

I want to wear it
for the spelling bee.

Yes, and I want to
wear it to the dance.

Well, what for?

Henry already asked you to go.

Think I want to be stuck
with him all evening?

Will you make a move?

I've never seen
anybody take so long.

The only reason I'm playing
with you is for practice.

Not that I'm getting any.

Anybody ever asks you to
play with 'em for money, don't.

You win.

These are just practice games.

I'm saving my secret moves
for the big one with Sam.

Why don't you try
them out on him?

He might go and
blab it all to Sam.

He ain't got no interegity.

Where's Mom?


Well, don't just sit there.

Put the checkers away.

Now, Billie Jo, you see that
Bobbie studies her spelling.

And I'll be back as soon as

I see Mr. Guerney
at the bank, huh?

If that hat won't get you
a loan, Mom, nothing will.

I always wear this hat
when I go see Mr. Guerney.

And you say you're
not superstitious.

I'm not.

I just figure Mr. Guerney is.

Hey, guess what.

We beat the Pixley
Pirates this afternoon.

This sure is a lucky ring.

Well, you always beat Pixley.

49 to nothing?

Mom, why don't you
take the ring with you?

Just for luck.

I told you, I don't
believe in such things.

Now you all scoot out of here.

You... I've got to be going.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

I'll leave it here, Mom, just in
case you change your mind.

I won't.

And then our water
heater broke down,

and we needed a new
part that cost eight dollars,

and then Uncle
Joe tried to fix it,

and we needed another part

- that cost $12.
- Mrs. Bradley...

And Bobbie Jo had
to have a new dress

for the spelling bee because
Billie Jo's was too long,

Betty Jo's was too short
and mine was too wide.

- But there's...
- So I was wondering

if I could put off this month's
payment for a few weeks?

Mrs. Bradley, I've
been trying to tell you...

I came at a bad time?

No, no.

I'm a pest?

No, no.

You're tired of seeing this hat!

Mrs. Bradley, our auditor
was here yesterday,

and he discovered that last
year you overpaid us $122.

Now, Mr. Guerney,
that's ridiculous.

I don't have that
kind of money...

- You owe me?
- That's right.

This is your lucky day.

- I have the money for you right here.
- Oh.

Isn't that wonderful?


You ready for
another drubbing, Joe?

Not today.

I got a secret w*apon.

You engaged?

It's a lucky ring.

Bobbie Jo found it.

The guy who lost
it wasn't very lucky.

Well, I-let's get started.

Okay, Sam, I'll go first.

I'll go first.

Why don't you play a game
first to see who goes first?


That wouldn't be very good

'cause you'd have to play a
game to see who goes first

to see who goes first
to see who goes first.


I'll go.

That's a beaut, Joe.

Pretty good move.

There's a lot more
where that came from.

Whose side are you
on... His or mine?

Don't yell at the dog, Joe.

He's only human.

Well, the best man wins.

That was double or nothing,

so you owe me
twice what I owed you.

We're even.

Sam, it took me
seven years to find out

that you're nothing
but a sore loser.

Did you see the
look on Sam's face

when I jumped all his men?

Yeah, I reckon that
ring really was lucky.

Aw, the reason I won was
pure unamalgamated skill.

The ring had nothing...

The ring... it's gone!

Stop the train! We got
to get back to Sam's!

Stop the train!

Hey, cut it out, Joe!

Those are my best tomatoes!

I got to find that ring.

Joe, there's no
ring in that box.

For Pete's sake, those
are my best tomatoes.

Now, that wasn't very nice.

Fellers, I just got to get
that ring back to Bobbie Jo

before the spelling bee tonight.

What do you want us to do?

Don't stop when you
come to Shady Rest.

Keep going.

I've got to get
another Egyptian ring.

But, Joe, this train
don't go to Egypt.

There's a jewelry
store in Pixley.

You sure you got
Egyptian scrabble rings?

Scarab. Got a lot of them.

There you are.

Genuine imitations of
authentic scarab rings.

50 cents a piece.

You guarantee they're
genuine imitations?


What are them initials in there?


Lucky Egyptian Ring
Company of Duluth.

Hey, aren't you ready yet?

Oh, I don't know what to wear.

Well, wear what other
women wear to a spelling bee.

What's that?

Uh, uh, a spelling bee dress.

Darling, I have a dress for
the 21 Club, one for the opera,

one for the Stork, the Waldorf,
but nothing for a spelling bee.

Wear something simple, huh?

How's that?


Ooh, darling!

There are gonna
be children there.

Why don't I stay home?


You can't. You don't
realize what an honor this is.

We've only lived
here five weeks and...

Is that all it is?

We are practically strangers,

and yet they've asked me
to judge this spelling bee.

Oh, darling, I'm
so proud of you.

I can't wait to tell our
friends in New York.

If I left now, I could
tell them tonight.

A-N-T-I-D-I-S... All
right, all right now.

The train will soon be here,
and we'll all be on our way,

and I don't want
anybody to get nervous.

We'll just make believe that
it's just like any other night,

and instead of the spelling
bee, we're going to the movies,

and that's nothing
to get nervous about.

- Yes, Mom.
- Hmm?

Oh, thanks. Did
anybody see my purse?

- Is that it?
- Ah!

I guess I was
thinking about Bobbie.

Betty Jo, would you run
upstairs and tell her to hurry.

- Well, there's Bobbie.
- Huh?

Oh, thanks for getting her.

You're not nervous are
you, Billie? I mean, Bobbie.

No, Mom, now that Uncle Joe
gave me back my lucky ring.

Just give me a word. Any word.


Here you go.

Um, "extraneous."



It's, um... "E-O-U-S."

M-Maybe you'd
better take this along

so you'll have something
to read on the train, huh?

Oh, there's the train. Come on.

Come on, everybody, let's go.


Uncle Joe, aren't you coming?

Oh, I think I'll stay around,
straighten up the place,

put away the groceries I
brought in from Drucker's.

B-But don't you want to see
Bobbie Jo win the spelling bee?

Kate, I want that more than
anything else in the world.

That's why I don't think
I could take it if she lost.

Why should she
lose? She's smart.

She's been studying.
She's even got her lucky ring.

- Come on.
- Don't keep them waiting, Kate.

Just tell Bobbie Jo I wish her
everything I wish for myself.

Maybe you'd better
cancel that last.

Maybe she don't
need the real ring.

After all, a ring's a ring.

The ring! The ring!

I found it! I found it!

Bobbie Jo, wait!

Wait! Bobbie Jo!

Stop the train! Stop the train!

Come back! Come back!

Now what?

What are you trying to
do, tell me something?

Well, speak up.
What is it you want?

Fine thing.

Bobbie Jo's gonna
lose that spelling bee,

and all you can think
about is riding on a handcar.


I just thought of a great idea.

I can handcar in to Hooterville.

All right, Chester,


What kind of fur is
this, Mrs. Douglas?

Chinchilla, darling.


Chinchilla: C-H-I-N...
No, no, Chester.

Will the members
of the audience kindly

pay more attention
to the contestants.

I am watching, darling.

Please, Mrs. Watson,
watch the little boy.

Chester, your word
is "obsequious."

- O-U-S.
- Correct.

Henrietta, "irrationally."




I told you.

Henrietta's got first
prize all wrapped up.

Nice of her to do
that for Bobbie Jo.

She's taking it home.

All right, uh, Bobbi
Jo, "antithesis."


- I-S.
- Correct.

No wonder Uncle Joe
didn't want to come.

All right, Henrietta...






Nellie, "frantically."

Now, Bobbie Jo, "neophyte."



N-E-O-P-H... Y-T-E.


All right, Chester, "spheroid."


S-P-H... Uh... S-P-H...


Chester, "spheroid."

S-P-H-E-R... I-O-D.

I'm sorry, Chester.


Mr. Carson, where are you going?

Uh... Bob-Bobbie Jo can't
spell when she's thirsty.

Uncle Joe, what are you doing?

I gave you the wrong lucky ring.

Pick it up, drink the water
and take the other one.

Mr. Carson, you're
holding up the contest.

Take it easy. She only
gets thirsty once a night.

Which one?

Uh... the one on the right.

Let's get going. You're
holding up the contest.

Now, if we may proceed.

Henrietta, uh, your
next word is "kimono."

They really ought to give
those easy ones to Bobbie Jo

to make it more even.



Oh, I'm sorry, Henrietta.

Bobbie Jo, can
you spell "kimono"?



Absolutely correct.

The winner and new spelling
champion of Hooterville Valley,

Bobbie Jo Bradley.

- Thank you.
- Pardon me. Excuse me, please.

Oh, thank you.

Bobbie Jo, I'm so proud of you!


I don't know if I
could have done it

if Uncle Joe hadn't given
me back the lucky ring

with the glass of water.

Lucky ring? I thought
you were wearing it.

No, I bought that one in Pixley

when I thought I'd
lost the real one.

When I found out about it,

I rushed down here
to make the switch.

- You see, this one has initials in it.
- Oh.

What initials?


You got the wrong ring.

Well, Bobbie Jo, I
hope that proves to you

that there's no such
thing as a lucky ring.

You knew the words.

All you needed was the
confidence to win and you did.

Well, even though
I'm not superstitious,

I'll wear the lucky ring.

Now, let's go down to Hansen's
Ice Cream Parlor and celebrate.

Eating a banana split!

Eating a banana split!


♪ Petticoat Junction. ♪