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02x13 - Silent Night

Posted: 06/01/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
Once upon a time there was a
little town in Maine, called Haven.

My God, you're gonna
put everyone to sleep.

Fine, you do it.

Thank you, I will.

Some townsfolk of Haven...

- "Townsfolk?"
- Shut up.

Some of the residents
have supernatural afflictions.

We call them troubled.

Their afflictions are passed
down through their families.

The Troubles have been
dormant for some time,

but recently come back.

Fortunately, Audrey Parker came to
town and joined the police department.

She seems to have
special insights into Haven.

For some reason, she's
not affected by The Troubles.

Audrey's partner on the
police force is Nathan Wuornos.

And helping out from the wrong
side of the law is Duke Crocker.

Of course, we're the
real aces in the hole.

Vince and Dave Teagues,

brothers and owners
of the Haven Herald.

We keep the town's history,

and guard its most
enigmatic secrets.

"Enigmatic secrets?"
That's a little redundant.

I could say the same
thing about you, Vince.

Now, can we please get
to our Christmas story?

Isn't it a little early to be putting
up Christmas decorations?

Really? When should they go up?

Ah, Haven's finest!

On the house.

- No, no, Joe. No, really, I'm fine. I'm full. I...
- Mmm-mmm.

I insist. You take
care of people like me.

Keep our troubles away.

We got a call.

Okay, seriously,

what's the deal with all
these Christmas decorations?

Is there some reindeer
festival I don't know about?

Lay off, Scrooge. It's
my favorite time of year.


- Thanks for coming, Chief.
- So, you have a runaway girl?

Caught her sneaking around
the theater looking for her mother.

Were you able to get
a hold of her mom?

She doesn't have one.

I know her father.
He's a single dad.

This is Hadley.

Hadley, these nice people are...

Did you find my mom?


No, I'm sorry. We didn't. But we're
gonna go ahead and call your dad.

I'm Audrey.

I used to sneak into
movie theaters, too.

Hey, listen, you know, I...

I don't have a mom,
either, so I understand.

- Are you playing this right now?
- No.

The sound system hasn't
worked in three years.

That's weird.


What? It's Christmas Eve.

It's a Christmas miracle, huh?

Get her out of here.
Go, Nathan! I'll go up top!

Where are you, Parker?


I got you!

Breathe. You okay?

Thanks, guys.


Guy's got a cervical
fracture and tore up his neck,

but he'll be all right.

Christmas lights?

I know. It's a hell of a thing
on Christmas Eve, huh?

Okay. All right.

Listen, enough with
this weird joke, all right?

It's not Christmas
Eve. It's July.


Don't be a grinch.

- I know you hate Christmas...
- Correct.

I hate all the fake cheer.

I hate the fact that you
have to put up decorations.

Yeah, but you put them up with your
family. You have some cocoa, and you...

You don't have a family.

That's why you hate Christmas.

- Yeah.
- You think, Dr. Phil?

But you know what?
You're missing the point.

The point is that it's
not Christmas Eve.

If that's how you want
to deal, that's fine.

I really don't know what's
going on, okay? But you're wrong.

That man, he almost died.

You don't think that there really could be
some kind of Christmas trouble, do you?

Shh, shh. Don't say anything.

Hey, this is Parker.
We're on our way in.

Listen, if you see anyone suspicious
putting up Christmas crap anywhere,

I need you to bring them in.

Copy that. But why?
It's Christmas Eve.

This thing is possessed.

It erased our lead story.
We need a new printer.

We can't afford it. I
just checked the books.

Here we go. Every Christmas...

The Herald is up 12%.

We only lost $10,000 this year.

Vincent, we're not
in this for the money.

We're in it to "adjust" what
really goes on in this town.

Maybe it's

time for a change.

This came for us.

It's an offer to
buy out the Herald.

Someone wants to shut us down

so more people buy the
big paper out of Bangor.

That's an insult.

- No, it's a gift.
- It's an insult.

No, it's a gift. We practically
give the paper away.

There are less outdated ways
to adjust what really happens.

After all these
decades as newsmen,

you want to try blogging?

Well, I won't sell!

Just one Christmas,
it would be nice

if you laid off the
doom and gloom.

You don't need to thank me.

It was the people at the
theater that found her.

They said that she
was looking for her mom.

That's my Hadley,
always making stuff up.

You know, it's tough

not having a mother.


it's hard to talk about.

Right. So you should probably
get your daughter home.

Fire department, they got
multiple vehicle collisions,

a lot more than usual.

And half a woman's
body washed up onshore.

First report in this morning. Don't
worry. I sent someone out there.

Happy holidays.

A truck hit the Mohaine bridge?


Merry Christmas.


What can I do for you?

Found a guy that looks suspicious,
leaving Christmas stuff all over town.

Okay. Now we're talking.

All right.

- Want to lose the costume?
- Huh?

You mind telling me why
everybody seems to think

that it's Christmas Eve?

Tis the season!

Now, would you like
to come sit on my lap?

Whoa, whoa!

No, it's me. It's me. It's me.

It's me.

Very funny, guys.

Not gonna forget this
and neither will you.


Audrey, you tried
to beat up Santa.

Well, this is a
pretty elaborate joke.

You guys decorated
half the town.

What about that guy whose
neck we almost broke? Was that...

Wait. Was that a stunt guy?

That's funny. That was funny.

What are you talking about?

Well, you're in on
all this, aren't you?

What'd you do, cash in
half of your parking tickets?

What? You know...

Nathan told me that you were
struggling with the holidays and...

It was my idea to
bring in the Santa suit.

Wait. You think that
it's Christmas, too?

It's July.

Yeah. So?

If Christmas was in the summer,

then why would Santa
wear such a warm suit?

Because he lives in
the North Pole, Audrey.

Wow. You're right. She's...

You are obviously
going through a lot. And if

you're upset about the guys,
they're just trying to have some fun.

I mean, you keep to yourself.

This is a trouble.

It has to be.





Stan, what is going on?

More power outages.

And we can't get the
substation on the phone.

You know, it was like bumper
cars trying to get in here,

lights out all over the place.

Where's Stan?

Who's Stan?

And then, Stan just disappeared.

And he was just
talking to all of us?

Yes, he's worked here for years.


Is there someone that
we should call for you,

like a therapist or a guru?

I'm sorry, I just can't take
you seriously in that outfit.

Really? You're gonna
be mean to Santa?


Good luck finding your
imaginary friend. Have fun.

Okay, so the guy
that fell off the ladder,

if his spotter disappeared,
he would've fallen.

And then, Stan
vanishes into thin air.

I just don't understand what
it has to do with Christmas.

The holidays do
make people crazy.

Nathan, it's not Christmas Eve.

I want to believe you.

- I always believe you.
- But?


everyone knows
it's Christmas Eve.

I'm sorry.

Okay, why don't we just
go to ground zero, right?

Joe's bakery, he hinted
that he was troubled.

And that's when I noticed all the
Christmas decorations going up.

I have a dozen car accidents.

There's a power outage or
some problem at the airport.

So, I don't really have
time to go to a bakery.


You deal with that, and
I'll go find the source.

Do you want to take
someone with you?

Actually, yes. I think I
have a Santa who owes me.

Merry Christmas.

You know, I'm flexible
this year. Naughty or nice.

All right? Okay.


Hey, you wouldn't
let me change, okay?

Come on, get into it.

You know, look, there's
Santa and a creepy elf guy.

Look at this. Look at this.

A dog with antlers! Come on.

- No.
- Antlers!

- No.
- Nothing?

Wow, Nathan was right.

You really do hate Christmas.

Not exactly a big
holiday in foster homes.

Believe me, nothing memorable.

Well, you know, if you had
family Christmases like mine,

not remembering wouldn't
be the worst thing in the world.

- You like Christmases?
- Yes, I do.

Well, this isn't Christmas.
This is a trouble.

This is more Christmassy
than it was before,

and Joe might be troubled.

Wait. That wasn't
like that earlier.

That was "Haven
Joe's Bakery", right?

Audrey, the Haven bakery has
always been "The Haven Bakery".

Wait. Hey, where's Joe?

Where's your boss,
Joe? Where's Baker Joe?

Where's your boss, Joe?

I will never forgive you if you
get me banned from the bakery.

- Do you know where Joe is?
- I'm sorry.

Big personality. Owns the place.

Okay. Okay. Kung fu Christmas.

Come here. Look, listen to me.

You need to calm
down, all right?

Nobody knows what
you're talking about.

Listen, this is the first place that I
realized that there was something different.

But there was a report
that came in from earlier.

Yes. Come on.

I'm sorry, she's just not
in the Christmas spirit.


So, what, they only
found half her body?

What does that have
to do with disappearing?

Could only half of
her have disappeared?

I don't know. I've seen
a lot of big fish out there.

No, she wasn't bitten.

And this is too clean of a
cut to have been a propeller.

Where's the ambulance?

Where are the other cops?

Well, maybe they're busy
with other cases around town.

The guy said they tried to
call 911 again, but it didn't work.

- What?
- No one answered.

You're gonna leave me
here with the half dead body?

Hey, where are you?

I'm down at Chester's cove.

You know that 911
isn't answering?

Town really is falling apart.

Well, I got a crime scene over here.
Can you just send somebody over?

Funny. Send someone. Who?

I'm sorry, what?

Who else would I send?

You and I are the
only cops in Haven.

Parker? Parker?

Oh, no.

You know Nathan Wuornos, right?


I mean, does anybody
really know that guy?

Oh. Oh, thank God.

I thought you were saying
that he disappeared, too.

That would make
for a good Christmas.

Remind me,

what was under here?


All right, weird Haven Christmas
events, anything come to mind?

Not really.

There was the
gingerbread man incident.

You can imagine the cover-up!

A cover-up we couldn't do

if we sold the Haven Herald.

- We're discussing that now.
- Yes, we're having that discussion.

Okay, what about anything
where people are disappearing?

Here's something.

November 5, 1955.

A man claims to have made all of his
neighbors and most of his family disappear.

But they never existed.
But he insisted they did.

So, everyone
thought he was crazy.

Sound familiar?

Here's one other thing,
happened around the same time.

Something else did turn up.

A full-sized train
on its own track

surrounding a weird green
field with a bunch of horses.

No explanation
where they came from.

Okay, well, what can
you tell me about him?

Insane Arthur Chambers,
about 50, family man.

- Wait. Chambers.
- Yeah.

I met a guy named
Chambers this morning.

He came to pick up
his missing daughter.

If they're related, then he
could've made his wife disappear.

Maybe he's the one
who's causing all this.

And what happened
to the OG Chambers?

Tried to "bring
everyone back", he said.

But it didn't work.
k*lled himself soon after.


No one he described
ever reappeared.

If they ever lived,
they were gone forever.

Okay. Well, whatever this
trouble is, if we don't stop it,

everybody in the town
of Haven could disappear.

Well, that'll make
deliveries an awful lot easier.

And a lot cheaper.

Everyone in Haven gets a paper
delivered to their door, all 3,101 of them.

Wait. What? How many?

3,101 citizens in Haven.

Check the masthead
in today's edition.


last I checked, Haven
had over 20,000 people in it.

Glad you're here.

Not easy keeping up
with everything today.

I'm looking for the
address for a suspect.

Aha! Damn it, you're still here.

It was my one Christmas
wish, and it didn't come true.

He's on board with the
whole disappearing thing now?

Maybe you guys
should be partners.

Hey, hey. You didn't hear
Vince and Dave's story.

Who's your suspect?

Gordon Chambers.
He was in earlier today.

Looks like he moved to Derry.

Maybe he left town because he
knew what he was gonna do to Haven.

Hey, come with us.

Somebody's got to stay here.

We are the only police.

If you are the only police, Nathan,
then why are there all these desks?

Why are there all these offices?

Why are you the only
classmates in the class photo?

This is...

It's where the
photographer put us.

- Remember?
- Nathan, I'm your partner, right?

- Yes.
- You trust your partner?


Thank you.

This is a nice moment.

But we should probably go.

Hmm? Okay, I'll
go wait in the car.

Listen, I know that this
doesn't make any sense, okay?

But I need you to come with me.

Make it, you know, my
Christmas present or something.

I hope you're happy,

'cause I'm starting to
hate Christmas, too.

Hell of a way to start
Christmas morning.

What are my chances of getting
a wrecker on the radio out here?

Give it a shot.

I'll try and move these cars.

I'll supervise.

I hate this song.

You know what present I
always wanted when I was a kid?

No, but I have a feeling
you're gonna tell me anyway.

A Chrome Lightning race sled.

- Polished bottom.
- The beveled rails.

- Yeah.
- I wanted the same thing for Christmas.

Wait. You two wanted
the same thing?

That's weird.

Okay, I hate to cancel
Christmas morning,

but the population was almost
twice this just a few hours ago.


Hey, Audrey,
come check this out.

Doesn't it look like
the car just sort of

- smashed into thin air?
- Yeah.

That's weird, right?

It must be hard to be the only
person who knows when things get

- funky around here.
- Yeah.

Trust me, being right all the time,
it's not always the greatest thing.

Yeah, I know.

You know, it's tough for
people like you and me.

Maybe I could
help you with that.

- You could help me?
- You talking to yourself?



Did someone else disappear?

Duke, you know, our friend?
He's got a mustache, a goatee.

He wears a lot of jewelry,
makes all these jokes,

only looks out for himself.

I'm friends with that guy?

Okay, when this happened in the
'50s, the people that disappeared,

they never came back.

We got to find that
troubled person.

What happened?

What is it?

A wall.

A really big one.

We're trapped.

Not even a scratch.

I think this thing
is made of glass.

Really thick glass.

Not any kind of glass
I've ever seen. Stand back.

Well, you think
we can go around?

No. See how it curves?

I bet you it circles
the whole town.

This thing coming down, that would
explain that woman being cut in half.

And she was near
the town border, too.

So, why hasn't anybody
on the outside run into it yet?

Are they forgetting
all of us, too?

Pretty soon there's not gonna
be any of us left to forget.

That number's gone down 500
since we've been standing here.

We need to get to Derry,
find Chambers now.

Yeah, but if we're trapped
in Haven, maybe he is, too.

According to that file, he
still owns a store in town.

- What kind of store?
- Toys.



He's not here.

Just like the article Dave
showed me. Look at this.

Arthur Chambers brought
a train like this to life

and people disappeared.

Takes playing with your
toys to a whole new level.

You think that's
what's happening now?

With Christmas toys?

Something with a
giant glass dome.

Like this.


Maybe Gordon Chambers is
bringing snow globes to life.

And it's changing
the whole town.

It's okay.

We're looking for the
one that plays Silent Night.

When I heard it break,
I thought you had...

What? And leave you all alone on
what I'm pretty sure is not Christmas?

Thank you for
trusting me, partner.


I should've trusted
you from the beginning.

Yeah. Yeah, you should have.



Did you ever feel like you
forgot something really important,

but you're not sure what?

Yeah, I definitely do.

Hey, I need you to help me
find someone. Gordon Chambers.

He's got to be one of
the last people in Haven,

and I think the
Herald is the key.

Well, there's only 20
people in Haven, so...

Okay. Can I see
your delivery list?

You give everyone in
Haven a copy, right?


All 19 people.


Okay, great.

This must be his old house.

All right. Thanks, Vince.

You guys are a lifesaver.


Never mind.

Mr. Chambers?

You need to stop
what you're doing.

I'm just gonna forget
you like all the others.

I'm not like the others.

Why are you special?

Listen, I need you to tell me
what you think is going on.

People are gone
who shouldn't be.

When I saw you at the precinct,
you made me realize that.

That I never had a wife.

But that's impossible,
because I have a daughter.

She has to have a mom.

So, you know about
Arthur Chambers?

Grandpa, who loved
building his model trains.

I guess a little too much.

He said that we
were all troubled,

and that one day, we'd make
our loved ones vanish forever, too.

And nobody would ever
know that they ever existed.

I never thought that was true.

And then today, it happened.

And I don't know
if I can undo it.

Okay. Where were you? Where
were you when this all started?

I was on my way
to see my daughter.

I moved out of here last night.

But I love my Radley.

I mean, she's the best thing
that ever happened to me.

But I moved out.
Why would I do that?

Why would I leave her alone?

Do you know if I had a wife?

You don't know?

Your grandfather, he remembered the
people that disappeared, but you don't.

So, you can't be doing this.

And your daughter, she
remembers her mother...

It's not you.

It's your daughter.

- She's still alive.
- Oh, my God.

- I thought she disappeared.
- Okay, she's still here.

Does she have her
own snow globe?

Yeah, I made it for
her last Christmas.

Okay, no, listen, I need you to
tell me where she is, all right?

If we don't find her, these
people could be gone forever.

It's just you and me, kid.

Now, where the hell are you?

Hi, again, Hadley.

What are you doing here?


Is that the snow globe
your dad made you?

- You know you're a special kid, right?
- Yeah.

That's what they
say when they leave.

You know that you're turning the
whole town into that snow globe?

You're crazy.

That's your
fantasy world, right?

- You love it?
- Leave me alone.

Hadley, where do you think everybody
went? Where are all the people?

I don't know.

People always leave.

My dad walked out on us.

- Your dad loves you.
- He doesn't.

No one does. Even my
mom left me alone here.

And the reason everybody's gone is
because people are always leaving me.

It's not the snow globe.

- What's happening?
- Haven is turning into your snow globe.

Give it to me.

- Come on!
- Why isn't it stopping?

Because handing it
to me isn't enough.

You're living inside of
there, and you need to stop.

No. I like it in there.

You like it? All alone?


You're lying.
You're running away.

You don't know
anything about me.

Yes, I do, because
we're the same.

You want to be alone, because
you think that you have to be.

But you don't. We don't.

- I do. My dad left us and now...
- Things are different.

I know what it's like
for things to be different.

But just because they are, that
doesn't mean that the people in your life

stop caring about you.

Your dad loves you,
Hadley. So does your mom.


He said that you were the best
thing that ever happened to him.

And he was on his way
here when all of this started.

He was?

Yeah. He called you "Radley".

They might not be together,

but your folks will be there
when you need them, trust me.

I know that the real world isn't always
everything that you thought it would be.

But sometimes, it can
surprise us in good ways.

You just got to be open to it.



It's stopping.

- Hadley.
- Mom.

What happened to the movie?

How long was I in the bathroom?

You didn't miss anything good.

Hey. Where are you?

Yeah. Middle of route 19.

I don't remember anything, but

I think I may have
caused an accident.

Or not. I don't know.

You didn't cause an accident.

In fact, you helped
me clean one up.

I did? Good.

I mean, that's great. Audrey?

Maybe when you get here, you can
explain to me why I'm in a Santa costume.

I'm having one of
those Haven moments.


I'm here.

Maybe your surprise
can explain why I woke up

in a toy store this morning.

I just decided to
throw a little party.

You? That is a surprise.

A Christmas party.

- In July.
- Yeah.

I'm thinking about starting
a new Haven tradition.

Stan! No, ladle.
Right there, ladle.

Hey, Audrey!

There's cars in my parking lot and nobody
in my bar. What the hell is going on?

Why are there so
many cops at my place?

Parker is having
a Christmas party.


What? Okay, that's weird.

Very. I thought we
were her only friends.

Yeah, Audrey?

Why are you having a
Christmas party in July?

- Audrey.
- Hey, guys.

So, normally, it's after the party
that the memory gets a little foggy.

Nobody here can remember
what happened today.

Only in Haven.

Audrey, maybe you could
tell us what happened today.

I could,

but I think you would do a
better job of it in the Herald.

Well, this may be
the last edition...

No. Don't get rid of the paper.

Believe me when I say it's the
only reason that Haven's still here.

That's why we're celebrating.


I guess we could
call it a gas leak.

- We can do better than that.
- What?

Growth hormones in chicken.

We always blame the chickens.

How about ham? Goose?

Hey. I got you guys a present.

- Okay. Hang on a second.
- For us?

Just before you...

That's awkward.

It's for both of us?

That's thoughtful of you.

Come on, open it.

The Chrome Lightning.

I didn't even know
they still made them.

No, they don't. I
could only find one.

So, I thought that
you two could share it.

- With each other?
- Mmm-hmm.

Actually, could you play
something else, Hadley?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, anything other than that song.


Okay, you need to stop stalling.

Tell us what happened today.

Today, I was reminded how
important friends really are.

And how lucky we are to be here.


Come on.

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you a Merry
Christmas and a happy new year! ♪

Well, that's the
end of our story.

Correction. That's
the end of this story.

There's an awful
lot more to tell.

Not that we're telling. Another
secret to keep in Haven.