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02x07 - The Tides That Bind

Posted: 06/01/23 08:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Haven:

Duke Crocker.

Somebody out there with a tattoo
wants to k*ll me.

This is Evi.

I'm Duke's wife.

Last thing Haven needs...

is the Rev and his self-righteous poison
running things.

He wants to be chief?

He wants to control whoever is.

Nathan, your father, he chose
to live among the cursed.

Seek forgiveness.

I can help you.

I need to know more her.

Lucy Ripley.

What do you think?
She your mother?

I am Lucy.

You can't save everyone.

But that's why I'm here.

♪ cold and dark
below the foam ♪

♪ they wait for us
but never alone ♪

♪ the sea is dark
the sea is deep ♪

♪ down below is
where they sleep ♪

♪ cold and dark
below the foam ♪

♪ they wait for us
but never alone ♪

- Aah!
- No!

Let me go!

I don't want to!




♪ the sea is dark ♪

♪ the sea is deep ♪

♪ down below is
where they sleep ♪

♪ cold and dark,
below the foam ♪

♪ they wait for us
but never... ♪

Supper's ready.

Lucassi said he found
the body on the beach

early this morning.



What you got?

Came out to do some clamming.

Found this instead.

I already got a liver temp.

He's been dead
about ten hours.

Who is he?

I don't know, I was about
to check for some I.D.


Well, we've seen
that before.

There's no wallet.

Just this.

He had a wife, maybe?

Yeah, or a girlfriend.

Either way, someone
who can I.D. him.

Oh, I got something else.

This handwritten note.

Not much left.

"I'm sorry to
leave you like this.

I know it will hurt,
but I can't go on."

su1c1de note.

Wouldn't be the first guy
around here

to go for
a one-way swim.


Maybe this woman
can tell us why.

I heard you pulled a body
out of the water

near Benny's Cove.

What, are you worried
he left an open bar tab?


Actually, I more concerned
about the tattoo he had on him.

How did you know
he had a tattoo?


Do you know him?

No. Who is he?

If I knew, then
I wouldn't have asked you.

Nobody recognizes him?


Nathan, I need to know
who this guy is, okay?

What if he's the guy
who's supposed to k*ll me?

Duke, if I find out
anything pertinent

relating to
your imminent demise,

then I will let you know.

I found out
the woman in the key chain photo

is Mary Collins.

I guess she runs
the soup kitchen

at Reverend Driscoll's church.

Reverend Driscoll's involved?

- Out, now.
- Okay.

And stay out of this

or you're gonna be asking
your cell mate

what he knows about tattoos.

- You hear that?
- Mm.

What do you think of that?

Leith's been on edge
the past few weeks,

but I can't believe...

You sure it's him?


We found the body
this morning.

Leith had a rather
unusual tattoo.

Family thing.

Not just Leith,
a lot of the Glendowers have it.

Did Leith give you any idea

what may have
been bothering him?

Why he'd commit su1c1de?


He knew things
were tight for us.

I mean, even though
we weren't together anymore,

he tried to give me money
for me and Daniel.

Our son.

He's only ten.

How do I tell him
that his father's dead?

The Glendowers
live in a compound

beyond the outskirts of town.

There's no paved roads
in or out.

A lot of people are afraid
to even go there.

You make it sound like

Leith's family's
some kind of cult.

A lot of people around here
think they are.

My dad would drive out there,

check on them
every once in a while.

I even went with him
a few times

when I was a kid.

- Are they troubled?
- My dad never said anything.

- Not that he would.
- Hmm.

The school said Leith didn't
drop Daniel off at school.

I tried calling
Daniel's cell phone,

but he wasn't picking up.

You don't think
that Leith took Daniel

and they're both dead?

Okay, when was the last time
that you saw Daniel?


Leith dropped him off
at his family's place

for the night.

Daniel likes hanging out
with his cousins.

He's been going back and forth
until Leith and I

can settle custody.

I need you to stay at home

in case he turns up there.

Listen, don't worry.

We're gonna find him.

It's not what I expected.

Back when I would
visit with my dad

there were always tons
of kids my age running around.

Well, maybe they're in school.

- No, they were
all home-schooled.

I always thought
that was kind of cool.

Maybe Daniel
feels the same way.


It's been a long time.


We were sorry to hear
about your father.

This is Officer Parker.

This is Gwen
and Cole Glendower.

It's nice to meet you.

Why are you here?

We found Leith
on a beach outside town.

He's dead.

I'm sorry.

Looks like su1c1de.


Are you sure?

We found this on him.

Can you tell me
anything about it?


Mary said Daniel was here.

We've come to take him home.

Daniel's place is with us,

now that his father has died.

We'll tell the poor boy
what happened.

That's up to his mother.

No, Mary can't
take care of Daniel.

That's why we were
trying to get custody.

I thought that was Leith.

Leith was a Glendower.

Where's Daniel?

And for that matter,

where are any
of the children?

I thought you
home-schooled, right?

I'm not gonna ask
again, Cole.

Where's Daniel?

We're not answering
any more questions.

Your father was a friend to us,

but it's time for
you both to leave.

Either you give us Daniel,

or I'll get a warrant.

And we'll have officers crawling
over every inch of this place.

Well, you make sure
you have that warrant

next time I see you here.

We're looking for Daniel.
Is he here?

You can't have him.

Daniel is one of us now.

♪ ♪

Haven; Season 02, Episode 07
The Tides that Bind
August 26, 2011

Let's get it together, guys.

Reverend Driscoll
is helping me.

We're going to get Daniel back.

I thought I told you
to wait at home.

I couldn't just sit there.

The Glendowers
do have Daniel.

Look what he texted me.

He sent it with a message,
saying that he wants to

live with them
and the other boys now.

Those... those people
have brainwashed my son.

You shouldn't have
involved Reverend Driscoll.

He's helping me
get my son back.

No one is going out
to the Glendowers'.

You are trying to protect
the scum of the earth.

What do you think you know
about the Glendowers?

I know they're
the kind of filth

that should have been cleansed
from this town years ago.


You don't wanna do this.

I want my son.

You know how they feel
about outsiders.

Storming over there
with a lynch mob

isn't the way.

I know you don't get along
with Leith's family,

but they're
Daniel's family too.

He's gonna need them
with his dad gone.

They started this.

Well, I'm sure they're
upset about Leith too.

Let's do this the smart way.

Pack it up.

Mary wants you all to go home.

All right, guys.

We're not gonna
wait forever, Nathan!

That boy's soul is at stake.

I'll call you when
I have him.

What on earth are these?

The least
of our concerns.

We need to find Daniel.

The Rev and his men
are this close

to going all Mad Max
on the Glendowers.

I think I know why
he's interested.

I found a case in 1983.

A woman went missing,
Penny Driscoll.

The Rev's wife.

The suspect in the case,
your dad's prime suspect,

Cole Glendower.

Why did the chief
think Cole was involved?

The report doesn't say.

But then three days later,

she was k*lled
in a car accident.

The Rev thought it was m*rder,

and your dad didn't pursue it.

If the Rev thinks
Cole is responsible

for his wife's death,

that would explain
why he's looking for a fight.

We don't find Daniel,
he's gonna turn that compound

into a battleground.

Then I say you and I
go out there tonight

and we take an unofficial look.

Last I checked,
breaking and entering

was a felony.

And last I checked,

the troubles weren't
covered in the police manual.

Look, I...

I wanna do something,
but I'm the Chief now.

I can't just...

If the Glendowers
are troubled,

like most of the people
we've met,

they might not even
know about it.

And if something happens
to Daniel,

something happens
to those other children,

and we could have
stopped it?

We'll never forgive

If I say "no," you're gonna
go out there anyway, aren't you?

Come on.

I bet you look good in black.

Let's go.

This one's locked.


Picking and entering.

Wow, that's better.

Hey, none of the other houses
we searched were even locked.

There's gotta
be a reason this one is.

Hopefully Daniel
is in here somewhere.

What'd you find?

The reason Cole and Gwen
freaked out when they saw me.

They knew Lucy Ripley?

This man here?

That's my dad.

Chief knew Lucy?

Why didn't he say anything?

Sounds like someone
forgot to turn off the water.

It's Daniel.


Are you okay?

Get away from the boy!

- What are you doing?
- What needs to be done.

Move! Both of you!

Back under the water.


Stop right there!

Get away from him, Cole.

I'm not gonna tell you again.

You're the ones hurting him!

Daniel. Come here.

- Let me help...
- Let me go!

Let me help you.
Daniel, stop! Stop!

- Let me help you!
- No!

No, wait!

- Nathan, let him go.
- Huh? Why?

I think that he needs
to go back under the water.

All right?

Please, just...

Trust me.

It's okay, Daniel.

Lie down.


It'll be all right.

I thought you were
gonna make me dinner.

Body washed up
on the beach today.

Guy with a tattoo.

Really? Did it say
"I heart Haven"?


Who was he?

I don't know yet.

But I do know
that somehow he's tied

to Reverend Driscoll.

Well, maybe he knows
what that symbol means.

Oh, I'm damn sure he does.

The last time I asked him,
he just got all cryptic with me.

Like, religious cryptic?

Jackass cryptic.


We don't exactly get along.

But he hasn't met you yet.

Daniel can only breathe air
for short periods of time now.

- He's transitioning.
- Into what?

For generations,
when the troubles come,

AlI Glendower men,
young and old,

lose their ability
to breathe air.

How do you live?

We migrate...

to the sea.

The children
are affected first.

They need to breathe water
for a few hours every day

as they change.

But with Leith,
if this was happening,

how could he drown?

He may have panicked,
gone into the sea too soon.


It's why centuries ago,
we realized that

on the ebb tide of a new moon,

we had to all go
into the water together.

Our unity triggers
the final transformation.

Did my father
know about all this?


At first we assumed
you did too, both of you.

Because you recognized me.

You thought that I was Lucy.

But of course
that's impossible.

Lucy would be in her 50s now.

Daniel has to stay with us.

The change happens
in two days!

Why didn't Leith
just tell Mary

what was happening?

He was too afraid.

She follows Reverend Driscoll,
and he believes

that we're all evil.

Particularly you.

He thinks I k*lled his wife.


He discovered
we were having an affair.

But I didn't k*ll her.

Your father knew that, but...

Reverend Driscoll
isn't a man to let anything go.

Or anyone.

It was 1983.

The note we found
on Leith's body...

You had seen it before.

Because you wrote it.

Look at that handwriting.

It matches the note.

"I'm sorry
I have to leave you"?

You were saying good-bye...

To whom?

To my first husband.

I wanted to explain,
but I was too afraid.

I never gave it to him.

But I knew he'd never
stop looking for me, so...

I found another way.

Like faking your own death?

You're Penny Driscoll.

The Reverend's dead wife.

The boys, they're all gone.

They've been kidnapped.

I found some tire tracks
from a truck down by the cove.

Whoever took the boys
must have gone out that way.

Driscoll has them.
He probably plans to cure them.

He hasn't had much
success with that lately.


By tomorrow the boys
won't be able to breathe air.

If we don't get them back,
they will all die!

Edmond Driscoll was certainly
never an easy man to live with.

At first it was an intensity

I was attracted to,
but once we came to Haven...

That passion
I thought I admired

became so dark...

An obsession.

The troubles.

It brought out
such a terrible anger in him.

I knew it was
a matter of time

before he turned it on me.

He didn't abuse you, did he?

Not physically.

It was more subtle than that.

I was young, naive,
I thought that

if I just tried harder,
the man I first met

would come back to me.

But he never did.

Cole was so different
from Edmund, so kind.

When Edmund found out
I was having an affair,

I actually thought
he'd k*ll me.

Hey, Reverend.

Ms. Ryan.

I told you, call me Evi.


Listen, if Reverend Driscoll
has the children,

we're going to
have to reason with him.

There's no reasoning
with Driscoll.

Never was.

Well, then we need to
convince Mary to help us.

She's not gonna want to
watch her son die.

She believes
what Driscoll taught her.

Better dead than cursed.

We'll go to Driscoll.

Make him give
us our children!

No, the Rev has
men of his own.

They'll be ready for you.

Simon Crocker?

They k*lled my dad?

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

What is this?


Oh, this is...

It's my grocery list,
I was gonna go to the...

- Uh-huh, and the Rev's
just storing it

in his office for you.

You know what?
Boys, not now.


We think the Rev might
be involved in a kidnapping.

Do you have any idea
where he is?

I know exactly where he is.

Thank you.

Reverend Edmund Driscoll.

You're under arrest
for kidnapping.

Don't even think about it.

All right, guys, stop.

Let's find out
what this is all about.

This is about taking
those Glendower boys

from the compound.


I haven't been anywhere
near the Glendowers.

I've been right here
all morning.

Actually he has,
the boat was late.

Yeah, thanks for telling me.

Thanks for
checking your messages.

Oh... oh, right.

See, my really good friends,

they call me Evi Crocker.

Then Mary has them.

Where is she?

I have no idea.

What's happened?

Evi, get off the dock!

- Where'd they go?
- You gotta help...

Get him outta here!

Get him outta here quick!

Give him to me!


But I saw him first.

- He has our children.
- No.

He doesn't.

You're just saying that
to keep him alive.

No, Cole,
I'm trying to help you.

You said you trusted
my father?

Well, you need
to trust me now.

The men are drowning.

They're drowning!

Let them go!

Let's go.

If our children die,

for as long
as we're underwater,

the beaches and docks
of this town

will run red with your blood!

Now you see
the kind of people those...


You don't wanna know
how close I was

to letting them take you.


Mary's called him
three times in the past hour.

She wanted to meet with me.

She didn't say why.

You told Mary about
the Glendowers' affliction

and what would happen to Daniel
and the other children.

She deserved to know.

So she took the children.


Well, I would be happy
to punch him if you won't.

When I was
talking with Mary earlier,

she said there was a barn
just outside town.

The farmer there lets

the food bank
store supplies there.

You're gonna talk to Mary.

Tell her to give us the kids,
tell her you were wrong.

No, I'm not gonna do that.

Then you condemned
those children to death.

The children are so weak,

they are barely
able to stand, Reverend.

Please come here soon.

Everything will be all right.

Reverend Driscoll
will be here soon.

You shouldn't have tricked us
into coming here.

You lied.

I know I did, honey.

But I had to.

You'll understand someday.

I don't wanna die.

You are not gonna die.

I would never let
anything happen to you.

Dad said you
wouldn't understand.

That you wouldn't love us
if you knew.

Dan, that's silly.

Because I love you so much.

And when
Reverend Driscoll cures you,

everything is gonna
go back to normal.

You won't have to leave.

None of you will!

But what if he can't, mom?

Then I will
find somebody who can.

A doctor maybe.

There's got to be someone.

I'm not gonna lose you.

You have to
let us go back, mom.

Please, just do it for me.

Daniel, stay down.

All of you, just stay down!

Stay away!

I have a g*n!


She's not gonna use it.

She's desperate though,
and that's unpredictable.

Maybe we can
go around back.

No, no, no.

We don't know where
she's hidden the kids, okay?

We don't wanna put them
in the line of fire, just...


Mary, please,
we just want to talk.

I will only talk
to Reverend Driscoll.

- I'm here, Mary.
- Please, Reverend!

Help us!
The children are sick!

I'll be right there, Mary.

You want me to get her
to release those children?

I want something
from you in return.


I want to see you both
at Sunday services.

I want the town to see

that we stand together.

Not a chance.

Well, then
I'm not goin' in there.



All right, Mike, bring 'em up.


Hello, Edmond.

Is this some kind of trick?

No, it's really me.

All these years
I thought you were dead.

- I did what I had to do.
- You left me.

And our daughter?

You think
I wanted to leave her?

Oh, just so you
could be with that...


Cole may be troubled,
but he's still a man.

A human being like you and I

and no amount of prayer
or hurting innocent people

is going to
take the troubles away.

You only say that
because you don't believe.

Yeah, you never believed.

What I believe... what I know
is that these children

didn't harm
or do anything wrong.

And if you don't get Mary
to release them, they'll die.

Even you can't
want revenge that badly.

This isn't about revenge.

Yes, it is.

You've convinced
your followers,

you may even have
convinced yourself

that you hate the cursed
because they're evil.

You hate them because
27 years ago it was your anger,

your bigotry
that drove me away.

What you decide to do here today
isn't about the troubles.

It's about you.


It's me.

We have to go in.

They screwed us.

I know it.


Thank you.

That was really brave.

Oh, Mary would
never have shot me.

No, I meant convincing her

that this about
more than just prayer.

You're right about that,
Officer Parker.

The time for prayer
is indeed over.

But a good Shepherd
always finds a way

to save his flock.

Are you sure?


Bangor just sent over
Leith's autopsy results.

There's no water in his lungs.

So he didn't drown?

No, and some bruising came up.

Looks pre-mortem.

Leith was m*rder*d.

Thank you again for your help.

Don't thank us yet.

Leith's death
wasn't a su1c1de.

Cole m*rder*d him.

How did you know?

Daniel told us that he saw

Leith and Cole
arguing that night.

That Leith had told him
he had found a way to make sure

his mother had money
until they came back.

What he didn't tell Daniel
was it was blackmail.

Leith was gonna
sell your note to the Rev,

tell him where you were.

Offer up the note as proof.

Driscoll would have come

when I wasn't
here to protect her.

He would have turned the town
against all our women.

How could any of them
have survived?

I'm so sorry.

It's all my fault.

No, no, no, no,
it was my choice.

I had to keep you safe.

But you can't take him to jail.


Bringing him in
would be a death sentence.

I know that.

You'll stay on the compound.

Stay safe.

And I'll wait for you.

No matter how long it takes.

I know you thought
you had good reason

for k*lling Leith.

What you did was m*rder, Cole.

And when the troubles are over,

I'll come to you

and pay for my crime.

But until then...

You'll watch after my family?

Keep Driscoll away?


Can you tell me about Lucy?

Lucy was only in Haven
a few months.

Garland Wuornos
would've known more,

they worked together.

Helped people
who no one else could help.

Did she say anything
about where she was going

after she left Haven?


Just like she appeared one day,

she was gone.

It was a few days after
the Colorado Kid m*rder.

I have a picture of her
there on the beach

where they found him.

It was the only time
that anyone ever...

saw her cry.


Before you go.

You need to tell me.

Your tattoo, what does it mean?

When Reverend Driscoll
and others like him

come for us,

there are those who will fight.

Do you know me?

Do you know why
they want me dead?

All I know is
you're being watched

in case you decide to follow

in your father's footsteps.

Is that why
one of you k*lled him?

Simon Crocker.

Do you remember?

I don't know
who k*lled your father.

But if you wanna stay alive,

I suggest you stay
out of his business.

Are you sure we're
doing the right thing?

After everything
you've seen,

you can even ask me that?

- I know...
- You're sure...

Duke doesn't
suspect anything?


He fell for me getting you
away from the church, didn't he?

And now that he knows
his father was m*rder*d,

you've got him.

Your uncles and cousins
are gonna take care of you.

I'm not scared.


'Cause I'm gonna be here.

And I'm gonna love you
and I'm gonna think about you

every minute
until you come home.

I'll miss you too, mom.

♪ Cold is the cry that rings ♪

Come on, Daniel.

♪ From this far distant shore ♪

♪ winter ♪

♪ has come too late ♪

It gets easier.

Let us help you, Mary.

♪ Too close beside me ♪

♪ how can I ♪

♪ chase away ♪

♪ all these fears deep inside ♪

♪ I'll wait ♪

♪ for the signs to come ♪

♪ I'll find a way ♪

♪ I will wait
the time to come ♪

It's beautiful in a way.

But it's so sad.

They don't even know
how long they'll be gone.

A whole family just...

Split in two.

United by secrets.

I wanted to learn more
about the Chief.

But there's so much
he didn't tell me, so...

I didn't even know
the right questions to ask.

Gwen also told me
that your father and Lucy...

Helped a lot
of troubled people.

♪ As I sail home to you ♪

Looks like we've
been following

in their footsteps
without even knowing it.

Haven; Season 02, Episode 07
The Tides That Bind
August 26,2011