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02x19 - Dagger Redux

Posted: 05/31/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
Mayday, mayday!
This is Air Medevac .

Request permission to land.

Request denied,
Medevac .

I'm patching you through
to Central Air Control.

Listen, I don't know
who I'm talking to,

but I got an engine going out
and a patient
who's almost dead.

This is
a secured UEO facility.
Permission to land is denied.

Repeat, permission denied.

Tell it to a friend, pal.
I'm putting her down.

Move! Move! Move!

You are under arrest
for trespassing on
a UEO facility.

I got a guy dying
here, what did you
want me to do?

Let him die.

I don't think your boss
would like that.

It better be somebody
real special.

Mother of God.
Commander Ford.

All right, boys,
let them have
what they need.

Move them out! Let's go!
Let's run! Move it!

Come on! Let's move!
On the double.

What have we got?

Thirty-year-old hypotensive
tachycardiac male

in severe respiratory distress
with diminished lung sounds
on the left side.


Open on the left flank.
He's getting away.

Stop him now!

Who are you?

It doesn't matter.

It does to me.

Shut down Sectors ,
and .

Incapacitate all prisoners
at high-eight ratings
and above.

We've got men
down there, sir.

Hold it right there.

Code red.
Sector .
All personnel to alert status.

There they go.
Stay on my right.
Fire on my command.

Get the chopper!
Get the chopper!

Let's go on the double!
Take positions and fire.

Where are you
taking me?

What are you doing?

This isn't
the first time I've thought
about this, you know.

It's been bugging me
for a long time.

Like how everyone in my life
has something happening,
but me.

Like Lucas,
he's this huge brain.

Guy is gonna be
this big-time scientist,
no doubt about it.

And Ford, man!
He's so cool-headed,
does everything by the book.

I can't even find the book.

And Ortiz. Oh!
That guy is never bummed.

Piccolo's like
a walking game show.

If I were him,
I'd jump off a building.

But he seems like
the happiest guy I know.

You know?
Darwin happy, too.

You swim and eat fish!

I'm stuck in the parking lot
of life, everyone's
going someplace except me.

I mean,
I even think my hair
is starting to fall out.

Darwin bald,
swim faster.

Thanks, Darwin.

Sharing makes this
so much easier.

It looks
just like you.

Give me a break, Brody,
I don't even know her.

Well, at least now
we have something
in common.

And what do we have
in common now?

Well, you know,
that I mean,

we were both around
when Mariah broke out
of a prison facility.

No, no, no. The difference is,
the first time
it was really you.

This time
it wasn't really me.

Boy, it sure
looks like you.

That's all we've got,

They escaped in the
same medevac chopper that
Commander Ford arrived in.

It wasn't me.

We know that,

Any idea
where they went?

We followed them on radar, but
they crashed into the ocean

before we could call up
a chase squadron.

Sir, UEO has no idea
who is behind this?

That's why we're
talking with you, Lieutenant.

Why would seaQuest
know anything?

Well, seeing as how
one of your men
was involved.

See, that's exactly
how these things get started.

Sorry, Commander,
but it was
an exact likeness of you.

This was a very
well-planned escape.

Took a lot of time and effort,
and we thought maybe
you could help us

speculate on the reason why.

I think we should
set a course for the vicinity.

Do a WSKRS scan
of the whole region.

We'll do a particle search
for the fuel.

Look for wreckage.
They may be dead.

I doubt that.

Keep us informed, Nathan,
we'll do the same on our end.

You know, Captain,
he is right about one thing.

This was
a pretty big operation.

You think maybe
they got somebody
on the inside?

They didn't need anybody
on the inside, Commander,
they had you.

Don't even say it.

Say what?

Say, you don't have
a twin brother, do you?

You know, next time
somebody uses a fake head,
I hope it's yours.

Couldn't do it.
Can't duplicate perfection.

That's great, Lucas!

Come on,
it's not that big a deal.

Yes, it is,
it's very impressive.

Tim, did you hear
about Lucas?

Come on, it's nothing.

Yes, it is.
It's something.
Did you hear?

No, let me guess,
Lucas was voted "best hair"
on seaQuest?

Come on.

Most popular?

Syndicated Science
published an article
Lucas wrote on

aquatic soil evaluations
in the Caspian Sea.

It's a speculative piece,

the editor liked it,

but it was probably
just because of my age.

Just kind of like
a novelty thing.

It was great work.


Thank you.

You know, one day we're all
gonna be able to say
we knew this guy way back

when he was a nobody
like the rest of us.

I can't wait.

Hey, Tim.

How many Daggers does it
take to change a light bulb?

I don't know, Dagwood.


Dagwood, how would you feel
if I left seaQuest?

For where?
For good.

That would be bad.

Well, maybe not for me.

Well, then Dagwood
doesn't know
how he would feel.

How would you feel?


Then that would be good.

Thank you, Dagwood.


Where's O'Neill?

Took a personal day
and signed off.

He okay?

You'll have to ask him, sir.

Okay, Piccolo,
set longitudinal course
at degrees,

minutes, seconds east,
latitude degrees,
minutes, seconds south.

Center of
the Indian Ocean, sir?

A broken clock
is right twice a day, sir.

How can a broken clock
be right twice a day?

It's obvious, Piccolo.

Humor me.

Okay. Let's say
a clock stops at :.


Twice a day it's :.


So the broken clock
would be right. Right?

Is this that new math I heard
so much about in high school?

Piccolo, ahead full, please.

Ortiz, prepare WSKRS scan
for particle search.

Jet fuel, same location.

What's up, sir?
I'm not sure.

It's a broken clock,
it can't work!


Why am I here?

Because you are my guest.

Who are you?
I am the enemy of your enemy,

and therefore,
hopefully, your friend.

I am a Dagger.
I have many enemies,

and no friends.

We do share one enemy,
Mariah, seaQuest.

You led the Dagger uprising
at the GELF colony,

and if it weren't
for Captain Bridger,
you would still be free.

You know, you spelled
"resignation" wrong.

I did?

Yeah, it's "T-l-O-N."

Oh, oh.

I don't understand this.

I mean, you've got
a great career in front of you
on seaQuest

and you're one of the most
valuable men on the crew.

Well, I don't feel
that way, sir.

How do you feel?

Like a football
at a baseball game.

I feel different.
I've always been different.

I was the guy who got
a cold sore on prom night.

I spent my entire
high-school career

getting thrown up
against lockers
by guys named Spike.

You know, nerdy O'Neill.

Geek who speaks
different languages,

but can't talk about anything
except the business at hand.

That's not the way
I perceive you,

and I don't think it's
the way the rest of
the crew perceives you.

Well, I don't think
that matters, sir.

It's how I perceive me.

You know, I...

I want to reinvent myself
in a way that
I'm comfortable with.

By quitting?

Yeah, you can say
I'm a quitter.

But maybe that's the point.

How do you propose to
begin this reinventing?

Well, I don't know.

But I have a partial idea.

I'd love to hear
some of the parts.


I kind of thought I'd move to
a beach town, you know.

And get someplace cool.

But affordable, you know,
right on the water.

Maybe meet a girl
and read some
important literature.

And then, I thought I would...



Yes, paint. I've always
wanted to paint.

Houses or portraits?

Sir, Gauguin was a stockbroker
before he was a painter,
and I want to paint like him.

Like Gauguin?

Yeah, you know,
beautiful women and
beautiful tropical places

doing beautiful
tropical things.

Tim, don't you think
you're going off
a little half-cocked?

No, sir,
it's completely cocked.

You gonna accept
my resignation?


But I will give you
days, unassigned leave.

Sir, I've thought
about this a lot.

And now you're gonna have
days to think about it
some more.

I think you better wear
one of these, too.

We may have a need
to know where you are.

I don't think
I'll change my mind, sir.

Well, I hope so.

Good luck, Lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.

The world
does not run on water or air,

dirt or rock, or love.

The world, Mariah,
runs on power,

and whether it is
the price of food
to manipulate the poor

or a mushroom cloud
to protect the rich,

it all serves
the same purpose,

to make the weak
do the bidding
of the strong.

I'm not interested in power.
I'm interested in freedom.

That is why you are
my perfect partner.

I am a Dagger,
and a sl*ve.

We are all slaves.

I am a sl*ve to this chair,
my ugly life power,
but not just any power.

Not the power
of politics or money,

the filthy internal combustion
of oil-burning machines.

Not even
the beautiful white heat

of a nuclear expl*si*n,
but real power.

That everlasting love affair
of cold fusion,

a handful of matter
that can move the Earth.

Marauder Reef,
, tons of trillium

buried under hundreds of feet
of silt and sand,

and unknown except
by me, and now you.



Prehistoric insects swept
together for hundreds
of millions of years.

Pounded for an eternity
between seams of rock and mud.

Leaving me with handfuls
of unimaginable power.

Why not?

Fossil fuels
come from the carcasses
of rotting dinosaurs.

My new power comes
from the bodies of
billions of insects

fermenting together
in the richness
of God's ancient soil.

Trillium, Mariah,
that missing component
of cold fusion

that nuclear science
has been looking for,
for over a century.


A speck of trillium,
a simple compression
of hydrogen and oxygen.

And then the power
of an atomic b*mb,
cold fusion...

What is contained
in Marauder Reef

will make modern nuclear power
look like the product
of a lawnmower motor.

All we have to do is mine it.

You think you can
mine an underwater reef
in free waters?


And this will only be
the beginning.

The wealth of the oceans
is far beyond

the grasp of the fools
who care for them.

we can rule the seas.

The UEO rules the seas,
and fools or not, seaQuest
is still under their command.

Nathan Bridger,
still their captain.

You don't have a prayer.

I don't need a prayer.
I have you.

Your courage,
your revenge.

It's not enough.

Do not underestimate
yourself, Mariah.

With the right steed,
any rider can win.

We can destroy seaQuest,

The ship's fully automated
and forever powered
by trillium.

And her weaponry?

Traditionally equipped,

her nuclear
and laser capabilities
are comparable to our enemy.

I won't play the game
only to tie.

You won't have to.

A giant, genetically
engineered squid, Mariah.

An eating machine programmed
to feed off the
bio-genetic skin of seaQuest.

A last-resort w*apon,
if you will.

I'll need someone who's
familiar with the seaQuest,
her strengths and weaknesses.

Of course.

She's out by the pool!

They went swimming
about minutes ago.

Stop right here.

My neck is really
starting to k*ll me.

I mean, how long
do I have to stay like this?

It's unnatural.

Till I'm done.

Well, if I knew you weren't
gonna be done for this long,
I wouldn't have let you do it.

I thought you said
you were gonna buy me lunch?

I said, I'd buy you lunch
if you posed for me.
This is the posing part.

My neck is k*lling me!
When's the lunch part?

You should really put
some sun block on those legs.
They're really white.


Are you sure this is
my good side?

Yes! Don't move.
It'll look beautiful.

You're gonna love it.
It's gonna hang in the Louvre.

I'll call you later.

You painting that girl?


Doesn't look like her.

It looks like her.

No, it doesn't.

Yes, it does.

Not really,
her head's too small.

I'm trying
to capture her essence.

I love to watch
an artist at work.

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm not really an artist,
though. Not yet anyway.

I'm not very good
at painting structures.

I don't even like them
that much.

Then why do you paint them?

'Cause I ran out of people.


Probably because
I have white legs.

Well, I wish
I had white legs.

Believe me,
your legs are fine.

Why don't you paint me?

Or don't you have enough
colors on your palette?

No, it's not that, but...

Oh, you don't paint Daggers.

No, no!
No, that's not it at all.

Some of my best friends
are Daggers.

One of them is anyway.
He's a great guy.

Big hands.


You're too beautiful.


Well, I guess that's
up to the artist, isn't it?

What the heck,
I'll give it a try.

You know,
you look a little familiar.

We've met.


No! Don't.

I can't believe you let
O'Neill go just like that.

I gave him days off,
he needed it.
Sometimes we all do.

But it's my job to counsel
the crew on things
of this nature, Nathan.

And if Tim is a young man
having a life crisis,

then going off to a beach town
may not be the best therapy.

I didn't send him off
to a beach town,
that was his idea.

I'm worried about him,

Is this big sister worry
or psychic worry?

I'm never sure.

It'll be fine, Wendy.
He's gonna be fine.

What is it?

The Marauder.

And you can't remember
anything else?


Just those numbers
and the name Marauder,

and O'Neill flashing
in and out
with a man in a wheelchair.

And the bugs.

What do you think,

I can't break into
the database,
so it's a long shot.

But about years ago,
there was a famous renegade
hacker called the Marauder.

He was born differently abled
and used a wheelchair.

The Marauder hacked into
every important database
in the world.

UEO Defense
and Weapons Development,
genetic R and D labs,

the George Bush Center
for New World Order
in Washington,

public records,
private think tanks,

just about
everything worth hacking.

Now, when I was a kid, he was
kind of like one of my heroes.

Anybody that loved computers
had to love this guy.

He was the best.
What happened to him?

he stopped hacking.

Most of the guys online
thought that he was caught

by the company or the CIA
and buried somewhere.

But there's always been
this rumor that
he's still alive.

That he's out there,
hacking away somewhere.

And some people think that
he's Dr. Russell Ketchum.

Russ Ketchum?

Who's Russ Ketchum?

You don't know
who he is?

He was a world famous
child prodigy with an IQ
of about .

He got a PhD
in genetic engineering
when he was ,

went on to teach at Harvard,
youngest professor ever.

Till he was kicked out.
Faked a paper on cold fusion.

He said that
the missing element would

come from
the petrified remains

of prehistoric insects.

They laughed him
out of the science community.

He didn't take that
very well.

He tried to sh**t the dean,
but they never found him.

Wait, wait. Wait, that's him.
That's who I saw.

What does
Lieutenant O'Neill have
to do with any of this?

I don't know.

But let's get as much
information on this guy
as possible,

and then come up
on the Bridge.


Hey, Dagwood,
you need a hand?

Dagwood has hands.

Hey, somebody ought to
help Dagwood out.


He's trying to
eat a pineapple.

How hard is that?

Apparently, very.
He's been working at it
for minutes.


Don't eat the part
that hurts your mouth.

Okay. Thank you.

High fiber diet.

Great for regularity,
but very tough
on the roof of your mouth.

What happened?


Somebody pull your parole?

Very funny.

He misses O'Neill.

Not really, but, well,
now that you mention it,
I mean, here I am, me.

A guy who was put on this tug
against his will,
has to stay here, do his job,

and O'Neill, he gets to
go and live the high life

just 'cause he said he didn't
want to be a sailor anymore.

What is that,
a trick question?

Who wants to be a sailor?
I do.

You don't count.

You were born for this,
you look good in a uniform,
you like reading about w*r.

You got a good salute.
I look like I'm checking
to see if my hair's clean.

Go AWOL, Piccolo,
I'm sure O'Neill would
love you as a roommate.

Hey, I'm a hell of a roommate.

Roommate from hell, maybe.


O'Neill is gonna be back.

I don't know.

I mean, he wants to
change his life,
you know, be somebody.

He wants to be a painter.

Those guys don't get to be
somebody until they're dead
and he ain't dead.

What he's doing is hanging out
there with some babe,

while I'm stuck
in this tin can
watching my life float by.

Well, bear with us, Piccolo,
we're watching it
float by with you.

How does it look?

Not pretty.

You're Mariah.

You led the Dagger uprising
at the GELF colony.

I want the navigational
stealth codes for seaQuest.

What makes you think
I can help you?

You're seaQuest's
communications officer.

I resigned.

I want the codes.

I can't help you.

The codes.

Sorry. No!

SeaQuest .

Alpha . ---. Alpha .

We're negative for jet fuel
particle search in both
the A and B quadrants, sir.

Extend search quadrants.
Go to visual scan.

We're getting close to
where the chopper went in,

maybe we'll start
getting some answers.

I hope so, the thought of that
lady out on the loose again
makes me a little nervous.

Me, too.

We've got to find O'Neill.

Put all locators
on his beeper.
Search every direction.

I'll have to pull
some equipment off
of the particle search.

The hell with
the particle search.

What happened?

You gave me the codes.

Please, they're my friends.

I thought you resigned.

Mariah, don't do this!

Reading O'Neill's signal.
He's right where
we left him, sir.

Very good.

What the hell is that?

We have incoming!
One, two... Four torpedoes
at speed, port side.

Impact in seconds.
Eleven, ten...

Inflate ballast shields
to the maximum.
...nine, eight...

Full alert. All hands., six...

What's going on?

Lucas. Sit down.

...three, two, one.
We are at impact!



He's unconscious.
Get him to Medbay.

Go to full auxiliary power.

We got him.

Take it easy, guys.
Watch his head.

Steady, go.

Ready to start an IV.

Put him on assistance,
right away.

You're in charge now,

I know.

It is
time for caution, Mariah.

An animal is always most
dangerous when it's wounded.

He has a severe concussion.

Is he gonna be okay?

I don't know.

Status, Henderson?

Auxiliary power
operational, sir.


We're at %% .

Is our weaponry
operational at that level?

Some of it.

Maximum sensors full scan
all surrounding quadrants.

Ahead one-third.

If we're gonna be a target,
let's be a moving one.

Incoming, starboard side.
Impact in nine seconds...

Go right, full ahead.

...eight, seven, six.
Impact in five, four,

three, two, one. Impact!

Damage report?
The galley, sir.

B-Section .

Close off B-Section .

Where in the hell are they?

They're close.

Henderson, give me
a -degree scan,
-mile range.

Fire first torpedo,
degrees, port.

At what?

Fire first torpedo!

Firing one.

We're blowing up rocks.

You see anything else
out there?

Fire second torpedo,
degrees, starboard.

Firing second torpedo.

Fire torpedo number three,
degrees, starboard.

Ortiz, no!

Brody, don't ever
counter my command.

Look! This isn't
getting us anywhere.

We're at reduced capacity,
you're wasting our weapons!

I'm in command here.

You have a better idea,
I'll hear it.

But until then, do as I say.

Yes, sir.

Fire number three.

Firing three, sir.

Full battle stations.

Let's go, ladies
and gentlemen, we've got
a dogfight on our hands.

Was that a guess?

Well, it was
a hell of a good one.


Full left rudder, all power.

Fire port side torpedoes.

Use your head.
Be patient, Mariah.

Let seaQuest come to you.

Flood all ballasts,
maximum dive rate.

Fire full lasers, starboard,
maximum attack levels!

It won't fire!

You're out of torpedoes.

Then we'll destroy each other.

She's gonna ram us!

Full right rudder!

Don't be a fool, Mariah.

Save your ship
to fight another day.

Today is the only day.


What the hell is that?

A giant squid.

Very big.

Ready torpedoes four and five,
dead ahead.

Torpedoes ready, sir.

Abort torpedoes. Abort.
We'll blow off the bow.

I've got compromises
in our outer shell, sir.

It's feeding
on the bio-genetic skin.

Full ahead.
All power,
whatever we have left.

Ready for impact,
dead ahead.

Engines full reverse.


Ready remaining weapons,
fix enemy position and
coordinate maximum response.

Position fixed, sir.

Signal for surrender.

If she doesn't respond in
five seconds, destroy her.

Fire when ready.

I'm getting a signal, sir.

Hold your fire.

Put it up on the vidlink.

So, we meet again.

Yes, we do.

Are you surrendering?


Then under the rules of w*r
sanctioned by the UEO,

I'm going to destroy
you and your ship.

And one of your own as well.

I'm sorry, sir.

How do I know
that's really O'Neill?

You don't.

Hey, Tim,

how many Daggers
does it take
to change a light bulb?


That is really Tim, sir.
Dagwood knows.

This is my fault, Commander.
Do what you have to.

He's one of us, sir.


Take over the bridge.

Yes, sir.

We don't negotiate
with t*rrorists.

I know.

I suppose every situation
should be judged
on its own merit.

You're in command,
follow your instincts.

If we release your friend,
you will let Mariah go free.

I won't let her go free,
but I will let her escape.

Why should I believe you?

Because I give you my word.

But this isn't over.
We'll find you.

I'm sure you will try.

But there are many oceans,

Not that many.

O'Neill's on board, sir.

Thank God.

I can go?

For now.

Thank you.

Home port,
ladies and gentlemen.

Aye, aye, Commander.

I did the right thing.

Absolutely, sir.

Thanks, Jim.

Glad to be back?

Yes, sir.

Did you
learn anything?


I learned that the place
that you leave looks different
when you return,

but that's only 'cause
you're seeing it
for the first time.

T.S. Eliot wrote something
like that in the Gidding.


I thought it was
The Wizard of Oz.

Hi, I'm Jonathan Brandis.
You all know Darwin.

Part of our mission
on seaQuest

is to help ensure
the longevity of our oceans.

Every year volunteers pull
tons of waste from
our beaches and waterways.

The greatest danger
is to wildlife.

Careless disposal
of fishing line and nets
k*ll thousands of birds,

fish and other marine animals
each year.

Plastic and cigarette butts
are most commonly found, so...

Oh, thank you.

Don't trash where you splash.

See you on the next adventure
of seaQuest.