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02x18 - Something in the Air

Posted: 05/31/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
Captain Bridger, last week
a UEO scientific expedition

uncovered a chest
fabricated from a substance

that we cannot identify.

It was discovered
amongst other ruins

from the Temple of Haim,

which dates it back
over , years.

Nathan, if this chest
is what we think it is,

it's going to force us
to revise most of
our current thinking

regarding ancient history.

We need seaQuest
to send a landing party
to Alpha Colony

to provide
services and security
for our scientific team.

Until we know for sure
what we have,

this is strictly eyes-only.

Wow. It's nothing
like the brochure.

All the comforts
of home.

Yeah, if home happens to
be a UEO penitentiary.

I think the UEO's more humane
to its prisoners.

You might be right
about that.

Some of us
might know each other.

But just for the record,
playing for my team:

Dr. Susan Kaufman,

head of Anthropological
Research at the
University of Illinois,

Dr. Karen Sommers, our expert
in text and languages,

Professor Tom Kearny,
expert in things less tangible
but no less significant.

What he means is
I have a PhD in theology.

And what is tangible, Bill,
is a matter of opinion.

I'm Dr. William Crichton,
Bill, please.

General wrangler
for all these experts.

Well, now that we know
who we are,

I don't know about you people,

but , years of waiting
have left my patience
stretched pretty thin.

I say we get down
to the business at hand, eh?

I don't believe this.

What is it?

It says,
"Do not open
until Christmas."

Professor, I think
you should do the honors.

Well, darling,
if what's in this chest
is what we think it is,

every day will be Christmas.

Have you been able
to make any of this out?

We're beginning to get a sense
of the mathematical logic

We thought we had it
at one point,

but somehow
it didn't fit together.

We're still
working on it, though.


Nothing, Bill.

Absolutely nothing.

The reaction
from the UEO

might best be described
as shock.

I think the word here,
Captain, is "disappointment."

"Stunning disappointment,"
might be more accurate.

How about the writings
on the outside of the chest?

Dr. Sommers says
she needs a little more time,
but not to give up hope.

What's on the outside
of the chest

might give us a clue
as to what was inside.

Well, if she finds anything...

I'll get to you right away.
Good night.

Thank you.

Didn't anyone ever teach you
that it's polite
to knock first?

If you don't mind,
it's getting late.

We had a long trip.

Look, I think you'd better...

What is this?
What are you doing?

What are you?

Here we go.

This is the time
that separates
the men from the boys.

Come on, come on.

Eight seconds left...

Come on.

... playing a tight man-to-man.
Nash back to Wilson...

Yes, yes, yes!

No, no, no!
Yes, yes!

No, no!

... at the top of the key.
He sh**t!

Yes, yes, yes!
No, no!

Yes, yes!

Don't nobody move.
You all owe me money.

Where you going?
Grease this.

All right,
here you go.
Thank you.

I'm the lucky winner.

I'm the lucky winner.
All right, you two, pay up.

I bet on the Spartans,
and the Spartans won.

Tough luck, DW.
You gotta beat the spread.

The spread?

You gotta beat
the spread, pal.

Ow, ow, ow!

Is he trying to pull the sheep
over my eyes?

That's "wool," Dagwood.

And you do have
to beat the spread.

It's the Alpha Base,
it's the Alpha Base.

It's the Alpha Base.

Come in, Alpha Base.

And I owe you one.


The "almost late" Piccolo.

So, how's your secret mission?

You guys sing songs and
dance around the campfire,

and exchange secret
handshakes last night?

Well, actually
the big mission's turned
into something of a fizzle.

So, how are things
on the home front?

You guys getting by
without me?

It's tough,
but we're doing our best.

So, Tim, buddy,
just between the guys here,
what's going on down there?

Sorry, Tony.
Loose lips and all that.

Hey, who got you Darlene's
phone number when you were
on your knees begging?

Darlene? Yeah.
Speaking of fizzles...
Later, Tony.

Not my fault.

Oh, oh, oh.



Bill, you and Lonnie
take the east sector.

Wendy and Professor Kearny
can check the depot.

Jim, you and Tim
check the airlock.

And Dr. Sommers and I
will check the loading dock.

Now, everybody's
on an open channel,

so if you find anything,
just holler.

Let's move.

Well, we could split up
and save time,
or we could do this together.

I think together
might be a better idea, sir.

Yeah, that's what
I was thinking.

And "Bill" will do just fine.
I don't outrank you.

This way.

Doesn't look like
anyone's used

this place in
over a century.


It's okay, it's okay.

Here, look.

It's not very fashionable,
but considering what it was
designed for, useful.

I feel so stupid.

Yeah? Well, then you're
one step ahead of me,

because I'm still
feeling terrified.

Come on, let's go.

I can't believe
we used to
mine like this.

When strip mining
on the surface was outlawed,
the miners came down here.

Till the UEO
put a stop to it,

they were wreaking
the same kind of havoc
on the ocean floor.

So much for so little.

What's the
problem, Commander?

Captain, I'm requesting
permission to seal off
Alpha Base.


There's been a m*rder.

Okay, we've
sealed off the base.

Now, until we know
what's going on here,

no one is to use the radio
or leave the base
without my orders.

What is it?

Well, Dr. Crichton and I
just finished examining
Susan's body.


Well, without the proper
equipment, it...

What'd you find, Doctor?

She was completely

There wasn't a drop
of blood left
in her body.

Commander, I think you should
all come with me.

This is taken directly from
the inscription off the chest.

Remember, I told you
we couldn't match it up

with anything
in the university computer?

Well, we finally
figured out why.


It's a mirror image.

Well, have you
deciphered it?

Well, it's a little shaky,
but here goes.

"Set, the void
is eternal home."

Wait a minute, Karen.

What is this here?


What is "Set"?

The ancient Evil One.

A demon.

According to most theologists,

it was the first name
given to...

Pure evil.

But why would someone write it
in a mirror image?

That took me a while, too.

Maybe because
I didn't really want to know.

The chest is translucent.

You can almost see
right through it.

What I think, is that
the inscription was meant
to be read from the inside.

I'm not sure
I follow your reasoning,

I'm not asking you
to follow my reasoning,

only that you
follow my orders.

Now, no one is going back to
the seaQuest until we know
what's happened here.

I've informed
Captain Bridger,

he's informed
Secretary General McGrath.

The UEO supports
this course of action.

Yes, but if we have
released some sort of...

I don't know
what to call this.

Some sort of evil.

Wouldn't it be best
if we were to leave
Alpha Base immediately?

The only evil here,
Dr. Crichton, is on two legs.

And I take it you agree with
your lieutenant's assessment?

I am not about to endanger
the rest of my crew
or the seaQuest.

Now, something or someone
k*lled Dr. Kaufman.

Whoever or whatever it is,
it is here with us now.

It's contained.

Dr. Sommers, do you really
believe what you said before?

About the inscription
being meant to be read
from the inside?

Unless you have
a better explanation.

I wish.

I've been trying
to come up with one
for the last four hours.

You seem to know something
about ancient theology.

Yeah, well,

what I don't understand
tends to make me nervous,
so I read a lot.

And that helps?

Not really.

The more I read,
the more questions I have.

Every time I go past
a library, I get an
anxiety attack.

Well, maybe you should stick
to the easy ones, like
The Little Engine That Could.

Yeah, I remember that one.

"I think I can,
I think I can."


Gave me nightmares for weeks.

Hold on here.

What is it?

I'm not exactly sure,
but there's writing
on the bottom here.

From what I can make out,

this might be some sort of
an instruction manual.

An instruction manual?
What do you mean?

Well, it's written
in the same code.

It's gonna take me some time,
but the first line reads,

"To whomever finds that
which has been cast out."

How long will it take you
to figure out the rest of it?

It depends.

The lines from here
to the university
are pretty slow.

What if Lucas could relay
your information through
his computer on seaQuest?

Yeah, that would help.

If the lines were up to speed,

Or better, if you can.

You really intend to
spend the night here?

Well, we'll buddy up.
Everybody in pairs.

That way,
it'll be easier to...

To keep an eye
on each other?

You coming?
See you in a minute?

Dr. Smith, be careful.

What's wrong?

I don't know.
I just got a chill.

Don't you feel it?
It just got really cold.

I didn't feel anything.

I'm all right.

I'll just feel better
when we get back on seaQuest.

Yeah, won't we all?

Good night.

Good night.

I'm the lucky winner,

I'm the lucky winner,
I'm the luck...


You know the part
I don't understand?

Besides all of it?

Tony said that betting was
going to be fun,
but I'm not having any fun.

Lucas, you've got
a vidlink coming in.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

Dagwood, look,
it's the luck of the draw.

Sometimes you get lucky,
sometimes you don't.

Gotta go.

I understand.

Tony said he got lucky
Saturday night.

I wonder
what he bet that girl?

It should be coming
through right now.

Transmission complete.

I've got it.


Now, you've got
a faster connection
to the university net.

See if you can contact
Dr. David Krasnow and see
what he can make of this.

Yeah. I'll get back to you.

How you holding up?

When I worked
on the solar station
with my father,

all I wanted was
to be a UEO sailor.

Now that I'm a UEO sailor,

I spend an awful lot of time
wishing I was back
at that solar station.

Can I ask you something?


How well do you know
Dr. Crichton?

Why do you ask?

I don't know,
but he seemed to be.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

The Divorce Syndrome.

But I think he's peaking.

Look, don't take this
the wrong way,

but for the past two months,

Bill's asked most of us
female staff out for coffee,

and most of us have
good naturedly refused.

He's a good man, though.

Just going through
tough times.

I'll tell you when
he gets over it, though,
he'll be a great catch.

if he ever gets over it.

I think I'll be fine,

having a beautiful woman
looking after me.

Are you all right?

Yeah. I just can't
get rid of this chill.


You think you'd do it
differently, next time.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's truly
none of my business.

You're an empath.

It's okay.

Say what you were
going to say.

You feel that you did
something wrong,

that you weren't
husband enough,
or father enough.

But you gave all
that you had to give.

Correction. I gave...

I gave most of what
I had to give to my work.

I only gave what I had left
to give to my family.

But you love your work.

There's one problem there,

my work doesn't
keep me warm at night,

my work doesn't love me back.

You know, it's ironic.

I come from
a fairly religious family.

The more I became
interested in science,

the less my parents
were interested in me.

Religion and science
are not mutually exclusive.

Now you tell me.

My parents were...

How can I put this politely?
They were fairly parochial.

I think I saw science
and knowledge as an escape,

as a way out from their...

From this little world
that they had built,
so I buried myself in facts.

The facts,
nothing but the facts.

Then the facts came,
the parents left.

And your wife
felt the same way?

Well, it was supposed
to be different.

I was the esteemed,
knowledgeable professor,
and she was my student.

It was perfect.

I thought I'd finally met
someone who loved me
for my love of science.

Well, it sounds like you're
not as wise about women
as you are about science.

You get an "A."

This is between us, okay?

All the science, all the facts
and knowledge in the world,

don't amount to the proverbial
hill of beans if there's...

Nothing inside.

If there's nothing
to believe in,

that's bigger than the facts.

Am I making any sense?


Alpha Base?
Come in, Alpha Base.

Commander, are you there?


I think I've just received
some information
that may be useful to you.

That would be useful.

According to
Secretary General McGrath,

it seems that last winter,
the UEO used the Alpha Base
as a secret site

for negotiations with
the Mid-Atlantic Alliance.

However, certain modifications
had to be made
to make the site secure.

What sort of modifications?

The entire base is covered
with hi-scan video recorders.

You mean it's bugged?

To the teeth.

If they're right,

there's a possibility that
you may have a recording
of the m*rder itself.

I found one of the cameras.

Okay, look, all we have to do
is follow this conduit,

and it should take us
right up to the main panel.

Great. How long
will it take?

A place this size,
about half an hour.

All right.
Get Brody and Dr. Smith.
Tell them I want to see them.

And if any of the others
ask any questions,

tell them I said
it's seaQuest business.

Right, sir.

Okay, okay,
okay, I'm sorry.

I know it took me
more than half an hour
to trace the camera,

but I think I finally
found the link
to Dr. Kaufman's room.

Let's take a look.

Didn't anyone ever teach you
that it's polite
to knock first?

It's really getting late.
We had a long trip.

Look, I think you'd better...

What is this?
What are you doing?

What are you?

You can't possibly
believe that I...

At this point, Commander,

I'm prepared to believe
just about anything.

Put the g*n down,
Dr. Crichton.

Do we all have to see that
playback again, Commander?

I don't think you're fully
aware of the ramifications
of your actions, Doctor.

You're here
under UEO authority.

Commander Ford
is the commanding officer
of record.

And they still
execute people for mutiny.

Then it might be wiser if I
took my chances with the UEO.

You can't possibly believe
that I k*lled Dr. Kaufman.

I'm sorry, Commander.

Lieutenant Brody
said it himself,

he believed that
whatever was behind this,
was thoroughly human.

Did you change your
mind, Lieutenant,

or did your suspect list
exclude friends?

I don't think so, Doctor.

Put it down.

I'm not the enemy here,

I said put it down! Now.

On the floor.

Kick it over here.

I'm sorry, but I prefer
to eat in private.

Get it down!

All right,
let's do this.
Two, three, go!


Get back!
Jim, wait!

No, check the arms locker.

See if there's an
alternative to b*ll*ts.

If you think...
Jim, just do it.

Unless you're as prepared
to sh**t Dr. Sommers

as Dr. Crichton
was to sh**t me.

Sir, whatever's in that room
is not Dr. Sommers.

And it wasn't me
in Dr. Kaufman's room.

A lot of good that would do me
if I'm on a slab
with a b*llet through my head.

Okay, okay.
Let me listen and see
if I can hear anything.

No. It's quiet.

I'll watch all of you
as you die.


This is the best I could get.
It's Priazime.


All right,
take it easy.

Look, Ma, no strings!

What are you looking at, huh?

How long will it last?

We've got
about an hour.

Okay, we've got an hour
to get her secured.

Let's go.

Okay, that's about as tight
as I can get them.

Now the question is,
who's going to stay behind
and watch her?

We don't have to.
We can monitor her from here.

These rooms are wired
with infrared motion
and heat sensors.

It's part of
the security system
from the UEO.

We can watch
from the main panel, okay?

All right.
Let's go.

that's a heat reading.

If she moves,
we'll be able to see her.

All right.

Jim, you, Tim and Lonnie
stay on watch.

I'm going to need you
to examine Professor Kearny.

Whatever comes of this,
I don't know.

that's a good idea.

Jim, she's moving.

Let's go.

She's still here.

Yeah, well, there's something
moving around in here.

Yeah? Well, whatever was here
isn't here anymore.


What's going on here?

I spoke with Lucas
a half hour ago.

He spent the last four hours
on-line with Dr. Krasnow.

Now, they haven't finished
with it all yet,

but they gave me
what they have.

I should have been
told about this.

There wasn't time.

You have a c*ptive audience,

Well, Dr. Krasnow
confirmed one thing
that we already know.

The name Set,
or the demon,
the Evil One.

It seems we have truly
opened Pandora's box.

Does it say anything about
how to destroy this thing?

Well, if it hasn't been
destroyed in over , years,

it's unlikely it's going
to be destroyed now.

Then we're all
gonna die here.


We do know a little bit more
about it than we did before.

It seems that Set
needs a human host
before he can feed.

It's become fairly clear
to us, just what it is
that sustains him.

Professor Kearny was found
in the same condition
as Dr. Kaufman.

There was no blood left
in his body.

There was something else,
I wrote it down.

"To steal the very air,
to return, the void is home."

Your guess is
as good as mine.

Dr. Krasnow is working on
alternative translations.

The best that I could
come up with

is that it's airborne.

It needs the air we breathe
to get what it needs.

This is crazy.

It seems that we're most
vulnerable to attack
when we're asleep.

our conscious awareness
is enough to keep it out.

So what do you
suggest we do?

Drink coffee
and take amphetamines?

Yes. Except,
to the best of my knowledge,
we have no amphetamines.

I've got
three pots of coffee
going in the kitchen now.

Fight the demon with coffee.
They should advertise.

How do you intend
to get us out of here?

I don't. Not unless
we find a way to contain it.

Someone over , years ago
managed to get it
into that chest.

I figure if they can do it...

We can't even see it,
for God's sake.

How do you intend we catch it?

We can track it.

O'Neill's got it
on the sensors
as we speak.

It's in Sector K
at the moment.

You sound as if
you've already
thought this over.

I have.

It's unlikely
that our weapons

are going to have
any effect on it.

It's not physical,
at least, not without a host.

We're pretty limited here
at Alpha Base
in terms of resources,

so we're going to have to
make do with what we have.

And what would that be?

Well, we've got
electrical generators.

If we can get it
to where we want it,
Tim can set up a grid.

We should be able to give it
a pretty good shock.

That's easier said
than done.

Okay, let's say
Tim puts a grid up.

And after that,
how do you expect to get it
where you want it?

Well, we're going to have to
build a mouse trap.

A mouse trap.

And where do you intend
to get the cheese?

It's coming toward him.

It stopped.

It knows.

Is it within the grid?

Close enough.

Then do it.

Two, one, now!

We didn't even slow it down.

Look, we've got it
on the sensors.

Why don't we just
leave it here and
get back to the seaQuest?

Because we opened the box,

You want to take the chance
we let this thing loose
in the world?

Hey, I'm open to alternatives.

Yeah, well, we all are.

I'm gonna get back
on the horn with Lucas.

There's still more coming in
on that translation.

The rest of you,
grab some coffee while
it's still hot and strong.

Maybe Dr. Krasnow
can tell us something.

Okay, I'm afraid
that's all we've got,

Lucas, do you pray?

Not since I was real little.

Well, now might be a good time
to start again.




There's some more references
to the "sleep of death"
and "the void,"

but nothing of any use.

Commander, I've been
thinking about something.

At the moment,
you're a step ahead of me.

I've been thinking
about the phrase,

"The void is home,
and to steal the very air."

What's a void
that steals the air?

A vacuum.


Where do we
find this thing?

We find it miles deep,
buried in the ocean,
in an airtight chest.

Well, you might
have something, Tim.

Maybe if we can
get this thing
in the airlock,

we can pump out
all the oxygen.

If you're right,

then I owe you
a big, fat, juicy
steak dinner at Corey's.

I'm a vegetarian,
but thanks anyway.

Well, then, a juicy eggplant.
Let's go.


Well, I can definitely
adjust the compressors.

The trick is to
get that thing in there.

I mean, I don't think
it's going to fall
for the same trick twice.

Yeah, but if it thought
we were leaving,
and it needs air,

and it can't go out
into the water,

it just might follow us.

It's worth a try.

All right, all right,
a half hour.

We pack our gear,
we'll meet back
in the main room.

This is the only shot
we've got.

This is a bad time, Bill.

Yeah, well,
it's the only time
I've got right now, Alyson.

Of course. Why should
anything have changed?

You had a free moment
in your busy schedule,

so you pulled yourself
away from work to call.

Well, it's a bad time for me.


I just wanted to say

I'm sorry.

It's too little,
too late, Bill.

I can't tell you
how many nights
I waited up for you,

and hoped you would come home
and say those very words.

I'm not waiting up anymore.

Smart guy you picked, huh?

Look, Bill,
this really is a bad time.

Yeah, right.

Maybe next week, okay?


I'm sorry to bother you.

You seen Dr. Crichton?


All right,

why don't you guys head out
toward the airlock?
I'll see if...

Maybe you'd like to

speak to your mother,
Mr. Ford.

I see her quite often.

I'm not listening.

I get it. "Sticks and stones
will break my bones."

Dr. Crichton, no!

Let go, Jonathan.
It's the only way.

The lock's jammed!
We can't budge it!

It's too late!

Oh, no!

Dr. Crichton!

It's over.

Whenever you're ready, Tim.

Aye, aye, sir.

You handled yourself
very well back
there, Jonathan.

Thank you, Captain.

You know something?

All the times that
I wish I'd had
the command,

this time I wish
you'd been there.


You're gonna be
running this boat one day.

If you think that
it's too late,
we can do it tomorrow.

Come on, Dag,
it was a figure of speech.

No, it is not.


Excuse me. Piccolo.

I don't know
how to break this to you,
but you're out of uniform.

Tell me about it, sir.
He took my pants!

We had a bet.

I said I would win,
he said, "My pants."

It's just
a figure of speech, Dag.

I'll give you
$ for them.

A bet's a bet.

So, you won a bet.

Five in a row.

I beat the spread,
I got his pants.

Yeah, right.
Very funny.


Cute shorts.

Luck of the draw, pal.

Sometimes you win,
sometimes you don't.

I'm the lucky winner.

I'm the lucky winner.

I'm the lucky winner.

I'm the lucky winner.

Hi, there, I'm Kathy Evison.

Imagine swimming along,
and suddenly coming
face to face

with one of these guys,
a -foot, ,-pound
k*ller whale.

k*ller whales are not actually
whales at all, but dolphins.

Their names come from the fact
that these animals are
the ocean's top predators,

and known to be
actually whale K*llers.

Preying mostly
on fish and seals,

k*ller whales find their prey
with a type of sonar
called echo location.

Also known as orcas,
k*ller whales are extremely
social and complex animals,

who, though not endangered,
are only protected
in US waters.

See you on the next adventure
of seaQuest.