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02x16 - Alone

Posted: 05/31/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
Please wait for full stop.

Sea Deck.
Thank you for riding Mag-Lev.



I was told there was
a medical emergency in here.

No. No, emergency.

Darwin wants
to talk to Wendy.

Is it just me,

or are you behaving
more strangely
than usual, hmm?

No. Darwin
just wants to say...


You look really surprised!
We did it!

Oh, wow!

Oh, thank you.

Happy birthday, Wendy.

I didn't have
any real ones.

Oh, Dagwood, thank you.

These are much better
than real flowers.

- Thank you.
- Didn't you know?

Didn't you... Didn't you sense
we were planning a party?

No, of course not.

You know I don't
scan anybody's thoughts
without their consent.

Well, in that case,
we need to tell you

what we've been
thinking out loud.

On behalf of the officers
and crew of seaQuest,

I have been requested to give
a very long speech

so that they'll have time
to prepare the refreshments.

Good stuff.

Here we are.

Happy birthday, Wendy.


What was that?

What was what?

Wendy, what is it?

What's happened?

Did you
sense something?

Well, stand back,
stand back,
everybody stand back.

Give her some air.

It felt like a psychic power
entering the world,

a thousand times
more profound

than anything
I've ever felt before.

Will the Security Committee
please come to order?

Section Seven
has something important
to bring to our attention.

General Reed.


Oh, something's happening!

You think you can stop me?

You think you can plot
against me and survive?

I am the Avatar
of your dreams.

I am your beginning
and your end.

You have tortured me and mine
for many a year,

and now your time has come.

Your sins shall be avenged.

Join me in hell!

Get a medic!

Captain Bridger and staff
to see the Secretary General.

He'll see you
in just a minute.

Naval operation meeting
scheduled for hours

has been postponed
until hours.

Why is everyone
staring at us?

They know she's a Spyer.

A what?

A psychic.
Someone who can spy
on your mind.

They're afraid.

They're afraid.

There have been
at least five att*cks
in the past two days.

He always calls himself
the Avatar.

Apparently it's some sort
of Hindu name.

It means a god
who appears as a man.

Especially a god
who is the destroyer
or rebuilder of worlds.

And all the victims
end up in comas?


It's as though
their conscious minds
have been erased.

The press is calling them
psychic assassinations.

This can't be
the work of a psychic.

I mean,
part of what makes us psychic

is the empathy we feel
for other people.

I mean,
to cause this much terror

would t*rture
a psychic doing it.

We don't even know
where these powers come from.

All that we know is
that since the late s,

people of psychic power

have been growing more
numerous and more dangerous.


That's absurd.

I know that you would
never harm anyone.

I couldn't if I wanted to.

All I can do is scan
conscious thoughts,

and maybe bend a spoon
if I really have
my concentration.

That's all any psychic
I've ever met can do.

Not anymore.

You should have seen
what happened here.

He was obviously a psychic,

and he sure as hell
was after us.

And we have got to stop
this Avatar now.

And how do you
propose to do that?

I ordered you to come
directly from seaQuest

so you wouldn't
hear the news,

because I wanted to assure you
it does not apply to you.

Oh, boy, here it comes.

The Security Committee has
asked all known psychics

to report to Camp Arnold
for internment.

They will be tranquilized
with dr*gs

known to suppress
psionic powers

until the crisis is resolved.

You can't do this.

It's against civil rights.

It's like interring
the Japanese in World w*r II.

We're fighting
for our lives here.

And it's not just the UEO.

The non-member states
are doing it as well.

Oh, man, this stinks.

But I wanted to assure you,

I wanted you to know,

that the order does not
apply to psychics

with UEO
security classifications,

and that includes you.


Because you're hoping
I can help you?

You sensed his power.

Only briefly,
but you sensed it,

and that is more
than anyone else
has been able to do.

If you want
the roundup to stop,

help us catch him
while there is still time.

I'll need all the information
that you have.

I'll meet you
at the guest house
this afternoon.

And, please,
work as quickly
as you can,

for your sake
as well as mine.

- Good boy! Come on!
- Great.

I want to check up
at the house.

Come on. Here, boy.
Come on, buddy! Come on!

Come on, boy, come on.
Come on.

"UEO rounds up Spyers."

You know,
from the time
we were kids,

we've dreaded that
the day would come

that people's fear of psychics
would turn into rage,

and now it has.

Well, people are always afraid
of what they don't understand.

I don't even
understand it myself.

All I know is
I've always felt
like a freak.

Please. You're not a freak.

You know how
they discovered
I had powers?

I was eight years old,
and I was scoring perfectly
in my spelling tests.

But then they
started testing me
with nonsense words,

and I got
all those right, too,

because I was
reading the answers
right out of their minds.

And once they realized
what was happening,

I could also read
their fear.

And their repulsion.

There's a poem
by Edgar Allan Poe

that could have been written
by a psychic.

"From childhood's hour
I have not been

"As others were

"I have not seen
As others saw

"I could not bring
My passions
from a common spring.

"From the same source
I have not taken

"My sorrow, I could not awaken

"My heart to joy
at the same tone

"And all I loved,
I loved alone."

Wendy, have you taken a look
at our crew lately?

technological genius.

Darwin, a dolphin
who'd rather live
with humans.

Piccolo has gills.

Every one of us,
a stranger, alone.

the Secretary General
has arrived.

Thank you.
We'll be right there.

You ready?


What is it?

Oh, I just feel strange.

I don't want this!

What's happening?

I think there's
an energy flow
entering the building,

and because I'm sensitive,
I'm able to rechannel it.

It has to be the Avatar.

It wants McGath.
Come on!

Get Commander Ford.
It's happening again.


I warned you not to try
and stop me.

You think your puny friends
with their tiny little powers

could ever hold me back?


Get out of my way.

Join me in hell!

Secure the room.

Look out, it's a Spyer!

Stop her! Take the left!
You, follow me!

Move, move, move!


What do you think
you're doing?
Let go. Let go!

That Spyer
att*cked McGath.

The hell she did!

Maybe she's taken control
of your mind, Captain,

but she hasn't
taken control of mine.

I know what I saw,
and I'm issuing
a warrant for her arrest.

Move out!


Professor Bingham.

I was hoping
you would come.

Has the UEO been here?

Oh, yes. All day.

But I think they finally
gave up on me.

So they told you
what's happening.

Oh, in great detail.

Inaccurate detail,

Frightened detail,

But detail, for sure.


I couldn't help them.

When I was growing up,

after my time
in the institute
convinced me

that nobody but ourselves
would ever understand us,

you changed my life.

You're not a psychic,

but you could talk to me
better than any psychic could

because you weren't confused
by my conscious mind,

you were reading my heart.

You give me more credit
than I deserve.

You were frightened,
but very honest.

All I had to do was listen.

You understand us better
than we understand ourselves.

You must have an idea
who's doing this.

No psychic I've ever met,
that's for sure.

Psychics are perfectly
normal people.

They even commit crimes.

But not ones involving
this much fear and suffering.

And yet,
I saw an attack happen.

I mean, except for its
enormous power,

it felt exactly like
a psychic projection.

Are you sure?


Then it's obvious,
isn't it?

There's been
an artificial intervention.

What do you mean?

This psychic, this Avatar,
as the UEO
has been calling him,

isn't really there,
just his image is.

If he isn't feeling
his victim's terror,

that means
all that's projecting

is his telekinetic powers,

his ability to manipulate
objects and energy,

but not his empathy.

So you think something's
amplifying the one power,
but not the rest.

It has to be.

I mean, my God, Wendy,

maybe he's not naturally
psychic at all.

You were researching this
years ago, weren't you?

The purpose
of my research was

to create a device

that would give normal people
psychic powers.

Then there wouldn't be
any difference between
them and natural psychics.

And the fear, the persecutions
that's happening now

would never occur.

But I failed.

You're holding
something back.

Oh, Wendy, please.

Professor, too many lives
depend on this.

You have to tell me
what happened.

I fashioned a device,

a crude device
that did amplify
psychic powers.

But it only worked
for people

who already had
those powers.

Can you imagine the fear
normal people would have had

if this had become known?

Well, is it possible that
the Avatar has this device?

Oh, no, no, no.

It was far too dangerous,

and the energy drain

could destroy the mind
of the person who wears it.

I had to destroy it.

Oh, no, you couldn't have.

Not after that much work.

I know you're trying
to protect me, Professor,

but you have to give me
this device.


Tell me who you are.

What do you want?

I am the Avatar
of your dreams,

and I've come for you.


In all the world,
you're my only opponent
of power,

and yet your eyes are
filled with kindness.

I followed your energies
across the city,

and I'll follow them
across the planet if I must.

Come to me.

Join with me.

Tell me where you are.

Let me see you
as a person.

I am everywhere
and nowhere.

I am the Avatar
of your dreams.

Join with me.

Merge with me.

This isn't the way.

Let me see you
as a person.

Tell me where
you really are.

My powers are growing
by the hour.

Mankind has turned
against us.

Once you turn
against mankind,

you'll see me
with new eyes.

I got to get out of here.
No, Wendy, wait!

You don't know
what you're facing!

Wendy! Wendy!

It's okay,
it's us, it's us!

How'd you guys
find me?

Well, the computer said
you'd done your
advanced training here,

so we figured it was
our best shot.

We were on our way
when the report about
the Avatar came in.

If there's been a report,
then Section Seven's
gonna be here any minute.

I've gotta go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Do you know
where you're going?

Yeah, I got an image
from the Avatar's mind.

It's enough for me
to find him.

Well, we're going
with you, then, Wendy.

I can't protect you.

Would you just
wait a second, Wendy?



Come on!

She's taken a shuttle.

I got Commander Ford
on Tac One, sir.

I hope you've
got good news.

All depends
on how you look at it.

We found her, but she ran.

She took a university
shuttle craft.

Are you tracking anything?

Got a shuttle bearing off
the port bow at degrees.

That's gotta be
from the university.

Plot an interception course.

Jonathan, where are you?

We're in a Sea Speeder,
heading out from Fort Gore.

See if you can catch her.

Put her on the screen.

Got her on Tac Two, sir.

what do you think you're
doing in that shuttle?

Are you going
to let us help you?

I want to know
what your heading is
right now.

I can't draw you into this.

How fast do you think
you're going to go
in that thing?

We could overhaul you
in a matter of minutes.

I think I know
where the Avatar is.

If I can take him by surprise,
maybe I can defeat him.

Seeing seaQuest would be
too big a tip-off.

You've gotta
think this through.

If you take the Avatar on

he's going to be
more powerful in person.

Well, that's all the more
reason for me
to slip in by surprise,

and all the more reason
for me not to risk your lives.


Lucas, you got a course
projection on her?

Yeah, but it doesn't
make much sense

because it looks like
she's heading towards
the Aleph Colony.

The welfare colony?

Yeah, only the government's
sending medical cases
to it now.

A private company
tries to make a profit

by having
the able-bodied patients

care for the chronic cases.

Why would the Avatar
choose to stay
in a place like that?

I don't know,
but we're gonna find out.

keep a close tail on Wendy,

but not too close.
She may be right.

We'll give her
as much support as possible,

but try not to tip him off.

Captain, I've got
Colonel Manheim

on a secured link
from Section Seven.

Let's put him on
all the screens.

I may need
witnesses for this.

where the hell are you?

I don't think
I should tell you.

You don't understand.

We've got a situation
developing here.

A situation?

General Reed was
responsible for security

at all of our
fusion power sites.

Apparently when the Avatar
att*cked him,

he also accessed his knowledge
of the reactors.

Now they're going
out of control, one by one.

We're nearing a meltdown
outside some very major
population centers.

All right, listen,
here's what I think
you need to do.

I think you have to stop
rounding up all the psychics.

I think you have to
ask them to help you

shield your reactor sites.

Maybe with their
combined power,
you might stand a chance.

And what makes you think
they'd help us now?

Because in my experience,

they're a hell
of a lot more humane

than most people I know.

I know they would do
anything to help.

And in the meantime,

we're going to try
and get to the bottom of this.

Bridger out.

All right, people,

we're going to have to risk
going in hard and fast.

warn Commander Ford

and sound
general quarters.

Aye-aye, sir.

General quarters,
general quarters.

All hands,
man your battle stations.

General quarters,
general quarters.

All hands,
man your battle stations.

things have changed now.

The Avatar has started
to attack reactor sites.

Well, it doesn't change
what I have to do.

Yes, it does.

I've got Ford's team
following you.

They're going in with you,
and we're following
right behind.

Okay, but it doesn't
really matter.
I'm almost there.

I'm picking up what
looks like

fire-control sensors
dead ahead.

Arm weapons.

Ready countermeasures.
Aye-aye, sir.

Ortiz, what do you see?

Looks like
the colony's armed.

Mark point
defense systems.

But we aren't picking up
any communications
from the colony.

Doesn't matter.
Mark s are designed
to fire

even if
they're unmanned.

And they are.

Launch warning,
launch warning.
Torpedoes in the water.

Hope you ate a light lunch.

Wendy, break off.
You're being fired on.

Full ahead emergency.

Weapons free.

Countermeasures now.


Intercepts and decoys away.

Torpedoes away!

Target, target!
Torpedoes in her wake!

Steer for us!

Head towards
the countermeasures.

I'm trying!

They're still on her tail.

All right,
on my mark, pull up.

Okay, I'm ready,
but I'm running out of room.

Intercepts in range
in five, in four, in three...

Pull up now!



We got them.

We got them.

How's our run?

Going in.

Impact verified.

Yes! Target's destroyed.

Approach lanes open, sir.

You okay?

Yes. Thank you.

Bring her in, Jonathan.

Okay, Wendy,
we're getting the biggest
concentration of energy

from the docking port
near the top.

So, here we go.

Oh, my God.

Is he...

No, he's in a coma.

Just like the UEO
officials up-world,

and just like
the patients here.

What is this place?

This is a chronic care ward
where they pack off
coma patients to vegetate.

Okay, fan out
and reconnoiter.

Steady now.

Be ready for anything.

How about to run?

Commander Ford!

Team, over here.

It's him.

It's the Avatar.

You mean,
he's unconscious?

He's a coma
patient himself?

Charles Ross.
Injured in a car accident.

He was working
on a degree
in Asian Studies

while interning
at UEO Headquarters.

He met all those people.

This is why
his victims aren't dead.

He meant it when he said,
"Join me in hell."

How could he
be doing anything?

He's dreaming.

I don't think he even knows
what he's doing is real.

He has critical
pathway damage.

A normal patient,
this would have k*lled them,

but because he has
psychic powers.

He's found another way
to stay alive.

Okay, so these are
neural pathways

that sustain consciousness.


They were destroyed
by his head injury.

He's been growing
an alternative path.

Inside his brain,

his psychic energy,
his soul,

has been trying
to heal.

I mean, they could
have helped him,

but instead, they've been
experimenting on him

to try and find out
how he's doing it.

And somehow they've just
unleashed his powers.

All his energies are
focused up-world.

He doesn't even know
we're here.

I could sh**t him
and end it all.

You could do that?


Not if there's
another way.

Well, maybe there is.

I'm going to try
and stop him dreaming

until I can get him
to an AutoDock.

Can I have your
injector, Henderson?

Wendy, his base rates
are climbing.

Look out!

Who are you?

Why are you attacking me?

We're trying to help you.

Like all
the other torturers?

What harm have I
ever done to you?

Why are you
trying to k*ll me?

Your end has come!


What was that?

Felt like we hit something.

The sensors don't
show anything.

Captain, something weird's
going on here.

Every computer in the boat's
going on-line.

All right, go to manual.

Shut them down.

I can't.
The circuits are welded shut!

Look out!

Look out, Captain!

The boat's sinking
by the bow!

We haven't lost her yet.
Blow all ballasts!

You think
you can stop me?

You think you have
the power?

You can't even
shield your friends.

Okay, then,
I'll join you instead.


You want me?

You've got me.

Wendy. Wendy.

Oh, God.

Do something.
Do something!

Who are you?

I'm Wendy Smith.

I'm a medical doctor,
and a psychic, like yourself.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

How did you get in here?

I entered your mind.

We're inside your psyche,
in a dream state.

You've been trapped in here.

Get away from me.

I've seen you in my dreams.

You're with the torturers.

You're here to hurt me.

I understand
what happened to you.

They experimented on you
instead of treating you.

But I'm here to help.

Don't touch me!

I found...

I found the fire.

The source.

Nobody can hurt me ever again.

Charlie, you can't
surrender to that power.

We're not ready for it.

It would destroy your world.

It's already gone.

Everyone's dead.

I was driving to work,
suddenly a truck
was veering into my lane,

and when I woke up,
the world was gone.

Except for the pain.

I mean, you aren't even real.
You're just a...

A nightmare, like the rest.

You're wrong.

Everything you think
is a dream is real.

The monster you unleashed
in your nightmares,
the Avatar,

he's stalking the planet
while you sleep.

And this room
which you think

is all that's left
of the real world,

this is a dream.

You're trapped in a coma,
in a bed,

in the back ward
of the Aleph Colony.

But I can help you.


I am the Avatar.

I cannot be destroyed
and I will rebuild the world!

It isn't working!
The computers are venting
the reserve!

Pull up, pull up!

All thrusters on lift!

Nothing's working!

Do something!

I'm trying,
but I don't know how.

I've never been cross-trained
in anything like this.

Code One.

Vital signs have fallen
below acceptable limits.

All I know is she's dying.

Leave me alone!

Go back to the abyss or die.

You're afraid.

I am not afraid.

You have to be.

Fear grows
out of loneliness,

and no one's ever been
more alone than you.

But we can bridge it.

We can escape from here.

No, you're trying to trick me.

You're gonna take away
my powers,

and then you're gonna leave me
trapped here forever.

I'll k*ll you first.

You've never
k*lled before.

Not even
in your dreams.

You won't do it now.


You've let down
your shield.

Do what you want.

But first, remember this.

My name is Wendy Smith,

and in your dreams
you begged for me
to join you

because you said
I had gentle eyes.

I'm real, Charlie.

The world still exists
beyond this nightmare.

Now, if you take my hand,

maybe I can lead you there.

What if it's a trick?

Better to take that chance
than to risk loneliness
here forever.

Take my hand, Charlie.

Take it.

It's okay.

You see that light?

That's your consciousness.

That's the real world.

I'll fall.

No, there are steps.

You're building them.

I saw the pathway
on your scan.

You just have to believe
that they're there.

Come on. Come on.

We're losing her!

Help me.

Come back to us!
Fight it!

I'm sorry.

I'm too weak.

I can't do it for you.

I can't do it.

You're the only
one that can.

This is your pathway,

You have to
build it yourself.

Come on, come on,
come on!

Come on, Wendy,
don't leave us!

Get it off her!

What's happening?

The computers
are rebooting.

We've got power, sir.

Steady as she goes.

Steady as she goes.

Captain, I've got
Colonel Manheim.

Let's see him.

Bridger, what did you do?

Our reactors are stabilizing,

and the hospital reports
people are coming out
of their comas.

I'm not exactly sure.

But one thing I do know is

you're going to owe Dr. Smith
a very large apology.

Can I touch him?
Yeah, yeah.

How's he doing?

He's doing very well.

He's lost all his powers.

And the odd this is,
he doesn't remember
anything that happened.

Well, at least the UEO
has a better memory
than that.

They were so embarrassed
by the number of psychics

that showed up
to defend their sites,

that they've not only
released them,

but offered apologies
and compensation.

I think it's over.

Well, not until Bingham's
amplifier is destroyed.

Well, it's in
the reactor stream now.

On screen, please.

Watch your eyes.

Thank you.

Hey, Wendy.

Come on, come on.

Oh, man.

I'm sorry, Wendy,

I didn't know
there was going to be
a second party,

and I ate some cake.

Oh, that's
all right, Dagwood.

Hi, I'm Edward Kerr.

The tigers of the sea,
torpedoes with teeth,

terrors of the deep,
are all names
given to this fish,

the great barracuda.

With lightning reflexes
and a slender form,

this tropical fish finds squid
and smaller fish easy prey.

Barracudas can grow
six feet,

and can swim up to
miles per hour,

and with dozens
of enormous teeth,

look meaner
than most sharks.

But like sharks,
att*cks on humans are rare,

and often the barracuda
is simply mistaking
a flash of jewelry as a fish.

See you on the next adventure
of seaQuest.