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02x14 - And Everything Nice

Posted: 05/31/23 07:37
by bunniefuu
Remember, the streets are for your recreation.

Crime is bad for everyone.
Please keep our streets safe.

Hey, guys, this next
place is gonna be great.

And hear this. I got
discount coupons.

They must've come inside
a box of Solar Smacks.

That come with
a decoder ring, too?

Go ahead
and joke.

These aren't easy
to come by.

Yeah, you gotta eat the
whole box before you get those.


You know, if you guys had
gills you'd be dangerous.

This place is supposed
to be a total blast.

Yeah, well that's what you said about
the last five places we got thrown out of.

Yeah, but when we get thrown
out of this place we'll save big bucks.

Makes sense to me.

Yeah, you know, I'm kind of
beat. I say we just turn it in, huh?

Last night of R&R, and I'm
out here with a bunch of nancys.

I'm not a nanny.

Look, everybody I know who's
been through this port says

this place is an absolute,
first-class must-see,

and we get the must-see
at half the freight.

This is it.

Last stop,
I promise.

Then we can go home
for milk and cookies.

Scout's honor.

I didn't know Tony
was a Boy Scout.

Hey, doll,
heads up.

The boys from
SQ are here.

Well, now my life's
complete. each.



Big night out, huh?

for all five.

What? Tony, you said
that we didn't have to pay...

Hey, can it. Try and delay
your whining till you've tried it.

I'm telling you guys, they
got these electrode thingies.

You stick 'em on your noggin, you can
pretty much dream up anything on your mind.

I'm not so sure you
should let him in here.

This mind has been known
to do great damage.

They're just jealous.

What about him? You
got any kid's discounts?

Pretty big kid.

He eats well.

Look, it's the same
for everyone.

Even for high-rollers
with discounts.


Okay, buddy,
I'll spot you.

Thank you.

Instructions are on each
console. You have minutes.

This is gonna be great.

Have a nice daydream.

But it's night.


You, uh...
You understand Manheim?

Why? Do I look
like I don't?

No, no, that's not
what I meant.

Um, I just, I meant that, uh, well, Manheim
has some fairly convoluted theories.

They're not always
easy to grasp.


I always found him
sort of elementary.

A lot more basic than Carsten.

You've read Carsten?

That's amazing.

Amazing that I got through it.

Once you hack through
his dense prose,

the man's an empiricalist,
easily proven wrong.

Don't you think?


What's your name?

Look, you've got minutes. You
don't want to waste your money on me.

Um... Well,
it was nice meeting you.

Yeah, right.

Thank you.


Right, I'm going-


-Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!
-Downtown! Thank you!

Tony! Tony! Tony!

And they said I couldn't fill an arena with women!

Tony! Tony! Tony!

Why, Miguel, with talk like that,

you just about know
how to turn a girl's head.

Well, turning your head
is my intention, ma'am.

I just hope it's turning
in my direction.

It's talk like that,

that's bound to get one or both
of us regarded in some disfavor.

You know how my daddy
feels about my seeing you.

Where's the Captain?

On his way down, sir.

Evade, Mr. Ortiz, evade!

We're doing
the best we can!

All right,
all right.

What've we got?

Enemy ship degrees off our port, Captain.

All right,
full power.

We're gonna turn this ship around
and give 'em a taste of what we've got.

Aye-aye, sir.

Coming around... now, sir.

Darwin like Dagwood.

Hmm, Dagwood likes Darwin.

Dagwood nice.

These chicks love me!

Hey, Lucas, what do you think?

Lucas, oh, this is great.
Ha, ha!

I'm just going to change my clothes.

Make yourself comfortable.

This is a photograph
of Dr. Alexander Kirby.

That's true, it is.


Uh, why is it
in your living room?

'Cause he's my father.

So Alexander Kirby's really your father?


Why do you find that
so hard to believe?

I don't know.
It's just that

he's one of the highest ranking
science officers in the UEO.

He's pretty much
a legend.

Tell me about it.

Talk about trying to follow
in your father's footsteps.

The man's a genius,

He's brilliant.

I thought we came
here for coffee.

Do we have to talk
about my father?

No, no.

It's just that,
uh... No.

You know, there's no
extra charge for sitting down.


What do you mean?

You're staring at me.


No, don't. It's okay. It's nice.

I like it
when you look at me.

It's, uh, it's just
that I...

I don't meet that many girls who
read Carsten or understand Manheim.

Have you met that many girls?

No, that's not
what I meant. I...

I know.

Do you think I meet a lot of guys
who even know who Manheim is?

Do you think I invite a lot
of guys up to my apartment?

Well, I don't.

The thing I hate most about being smart is
that most of the time you have to hide it.

Tell me about it.

I spent half my time in school
putting adventure book covers

over whatever I was reading,
so no one would know.

Me, too.
I remember one time,

I was at a soccer game
in my junior year,

and I dropped my book bag, and
Kleiman's Universal Constant slipped

right out from behind Nancy Drew
and the Mystery at m*rder Point.

Talk about
getting busted.

You read Kleiman
in high school?

Yeah, and I never heard
the end of it.

You're very beautiful.

Ah, you probably get guys
saying that all the time.

Not guys that read Kleiman.

Well, I just don't want you to think
that I was hitting on you, or something.

You mean
you weren't?

I think
I'm disappointed.

No, I... I just...

I just didn't want you to think that
it was an act, like I didn't mean it.


if familiarity with Carsten's
theory of binary logic is just an act,

I can hardly wait to see
your next performance.

That was the last time
we saw Lucas, Captain.

I mean, we spent the last
two hours retracing our steps

and scouring every club
we got thrown out of.

It's not like him. He knows
there's a curfew at hours.

The cops
don't have anything.

Uh, the good news is

no bodies matching Lucas'
description showed up overnight.

Oh, that's
a pleasant thought.

I don't know what to tell you, Captain.

I kind of
feel responsible.

Oh, here we go.
Look at this.

Oh, don't tell me
you've been waiting up for me.

Do you realize you're
six and a half hours AWOL?

Uh, that long, huh?

What, you think this is funny?

I could throw you
in the brig for this.

Oh, I don't think that's
going to be a problem.

Oh, no?

I'm a civilian, Captain.

I'm not sure that
a civilian can be AWOL.

You're still a member
of this crew.

That's what I want
to talk to you about.

I'm all ears.

I'm requesting relief of my duty as
Chief Computer Analyst of the seaQuest.

Effective as of when?


Are you sure you don't want to
give this a little more thought, champ?

I have thought about it.

Right. Which part of you
were you thinking with?

What's that
supposed to mean?

I gotta draw you a picture?

Luke, listen to your buddy
here, the voice of experience.

She ain't worth it.
None of 'em are worth it.

Oh, yeah?

And what do you know
about this, Tony, huh?

What, you think you're the
first one to fall into the pit?

Get in line, pal.

It's not like that.

Of course not.
She's different.

She's not like the others.

There aren't any others.

That's even crazier!

You're a good kid,

There's a hell of a lot more
to you than...

Than I thought when I first got
on this tug, but you're still a pup.

You ain't even
got your fangs yet.

Well, I guess I'm going to
have to grow 'em in quickly, then.

Excuse me.

The only problem is, they're gonna
end up sticking in your own neck.

Don't do this, Lucas.

Not for a girl
you know minutes.

Six hours.

Oh, excuse me.

I didn't realize we were talking
deep emotional commitment here.

You know...

You wouldn't understand.


'Cause I'm an ex-con
and you're a genius?

We're guys, Lucas.

And that means we got
more of the same stuff

running through our
blood than different.

I don't think so.

Oh, no?

How does this fit?

"It's hard to describe her.
She's, I don't know, she's different.

"She seems to know
what I'm thinking.

"A|| right, sure, she's
beautiful, but it's more than that.

"Sometimes she even knows
what I'm gonna say before I say it.

"It's like there's this
magical connection,

"like maybe we knew
each other some other time,

"some other place, like we're
supposed to be together."

Hey, what can I tell you?

Put a pillow
over your lap.

You'll muffle the voices.

I've got to see
the Captain.


Oh, what are you,
my parents?

And what is she doing here?


Thank you very much.

All right, I didn't
mean it like that.

This is between me
and the Captain.

Well, actually, Lucas, this
is between you and you,

and I'm not sure you've had
that conversation yet.

Well, I guess
you ought to know.

Lucas, I think you can show
a little more respect than that.

I'm sorry, Captain.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted
to make it official.

Technically, I don't
have to accept that.

I could make you
go through channels.

It would take months.

It's just a formality.

All that would change is I
would leave a few months later

and I'd like you a whole
lot less than I do now.

I'm asking you
to reconsider.

If this girl is everything
you say she is,

she'll be waiting for you
at the end of the tour.

I can't take that chance.
What if she's not?

What if... What if she meets
somebody else, huh?

Yeah, but that's
just the point, Lucas.

If she can't wait,
if she meets someone else,

then she's not worth giving
everything up for.

Oh, that sounds good
when you people say it,

but that's just not
the way people are.

Now, are you gonna
accept this?


What conditions?

On the condition that we've got
hours before we have to sail out of here.

I just want you to go and
have a conversation with her.

This is ridiculous.
No, no.

Sit down, Lucas!

Now, listen to me.

I know it's not always easy
to be reasonable,

but I'm not asking anything
more of you than your father would.

But he's not here,
I'm here.

I want you to go
and talk to this girl.

Tell her what
your expectations are.

Talk to her about marriage, talk to
her about children, about living together.


You need time
to think yourself.

And if her expectations
are the same as yours,

fine, and you want me
to accept that, I'll accept it.

Nothing's going to change.

All right.

Then you've got
nothing to lose.



Oh, no!

Come on, come on,
come on, come on!

Somebody call the police!


Do you know
what this is?

What is it?

If I knew, I wouldn't
be asking you.

Uh, I've never seen it
before in my life.

Let's go over
a couple of things.

How long have you known
Miss Kirby?

Look, I've already
told you that.

Well, I'm a cop. I don't
catch on too fast. Amuse me.

I just met her.

Right. And you said that
it was something special.

Care to elaborate?

Not particularly.

All right. Uh, what do
you know about her father?

Her father?

The man
who married her mother.

Uh, well, I know
who he is, but...

But you don't know him?

Yes or no will do fine.

Well, she, uh... She did say
that she worked with him.


Anything else
slipped your mind?

Look, am I suspect here, or
are you just naturally unpleasant?

Oh, I like that.
Naturally unpleasant.

Yeah, I have to run that
by my wife.

She likes to use stuff
like that against me.

Look, Mr. Wolenczak, everybody's
a suspect until they're not.



Uh, nothing too much
out of the ordinary.

Found some traces
of concrete mixture.

Which means?
Uh, I'm not sure.

Mr. Wolenczak, I'm going to
have to ask you to stay around.

Uh, I need to ask you
some more questions.

Go back to the ship
and stay put,

and if I need you, I won't have
to be looking for two people.

If you hear anything...

You're on
my mailing list.

You forgetting


What's your take?

Well, he's telling
the truth.

Look at this. Nice
and steady, no bleeps.

Actually, he seems rather
disturbed by the whole thing.

You know, one of these days you're
gonna get busted with this thing.

But until then...

Oh, hey, are you, uh,
Lucas Wolen-chuh-zak?

Yeah, Wolenczak. Yeah.
Someone dropped that off for you.

Who was it? Uh, I
never saw him before.

He just said you'd be coming
out of , Miss Kirby's place.

Thank you.

Thought I might
find you here.

Lucas not back?

Not yet.

It's going to be okay,
you know.

I know.

Pretty rusty in my
fathering, wouldn't you say?

Well, who knows, maybe
he found the right girl.

The right girl?

After one night?

Well, I'll take that back.

I was myself once.

And you survived.


But you did.

We do.

No word, huh?


These are
very beautiful.

What do you do to
make it grow like this?


And a lot of attention.

Do you have to design it
so it comes out this way?

No, nature does it.
I just help.

A little judicious pruning
here and there.

I work on them all the same way,
but they all grow up a little different.

Surprising and beautiful.

Just like children.

See you later.


You lose something?

Uh, actually,
I was looking for someone.

Oh, don't tell me.

A girl?


Well, cheer up. You
came to the right place.



Lucas, are you all right?



Bad idea.

Oh, Lucas.
I'm so sorry.

This is all my fault.

You're hurt.

No, I'm all right.


I'm okay.

No. No, you're not.

They did this to you.

They can't
get away with this.

It's okay.
It doesn't hurt.

Sandra, what's going on?
Who were those guys?

I don't know.

The call themselves the Freedom Fighters
Liberation Army... Something like that.

Head cases.

What do they want
with you?


I don't understand.

I think they must have
followed you last night.

They saw us together.

I guess they figured
they'd use me to get to you.

For what?

I don't know.

Well, guess you
didn't write this, then.


Lucas, I never meant for
any of this to happen.

No, no, it's all right.
It's not your fault.

You probably hate me for this.


No, I don't hate you.

I could never hate you.

Do you think it's possible to
know someone for only a few hours

and still know
you can look a lifetime

and never find anyone
you feel the same way about?

I know it's possible.

Aren't you glad that we
arranged this little reunion?

What do you want?

Not much.
Just the seaQuest.

The seaQuest?

You're out of your mind.

Mmm, maybe so. But, uh,
that doesn't change anything.

And just how do you plan
on getting the seaQuest?

Well, now that we've got you
here, you're going to get it for us.

You're dreaming.

And you're living.
Count yourself lucky.

On the other hand, I'm not so
sure your girlfriend is quite as lucky.

Oh, she's okay.

I just gave her
a little love tap.

It wouldn't do
to k*ll her yet.

Might make you feel
less cooperative.

Get him out of here.

Kamenker was sworn in today

as the third Chancellor
of the United Earth Oceans.

Seen here
with his wife, Marika,

Kamenker's pledge to solidify
and strengthen the UEO policy

won him a handy victory over his opponent,
Myah Singh, the independent candidate.

You see,

that's what
we're trying to stop.

The UEO.

No, fascism, bureaucracy,
government domination...

Mental healthcare.

You think this is funny?


I think this is crazy.

We want the Dead Man's codes
for the seaQuest.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

That's what I thought
you'd say.

When the UEO designed
and built the seaQuest,

they weren't going to leave their
most expensive project to chance.

Knowing full well that part of the
seaQuest's mission was potential combat,

they were willing to risk the lives of
the crew without risking the boat itself.

Wait a minute.
Where did you get these?

In the event that the crew of the seaQuest was k*lled or incapacitated

to the point where they could
no longer commandeer the boat,

they designed
the Dead Man's feature.

With the proper code sequence,

the entire boat can be brought
to any location by remote control.

How am I doing?

I wouldn't know.

The codes are changed and
scrambled on an intermittent basis.

One set is kept with Secretary
General McGath at UEO Headquarters.

The other set is flashed
into read-only memory

on board
the seaQuest's main computer.

Whoever has the codes
can control the boat.

No, that's incorrect.

I thought you didn't
know anything about this.

You've got only
half the information.

See, helm control
always has priority.

But that's only if
somebody is at the helm.

We happen to know
that the seaQuest

'rs about to embark arr a three-month
tour of West Par". tomorrow afternoon.

We also happen to know
that the UEO

always likes to throw a big bash
the morning before departure.

With the exception of a small
skeleton crew tomorrow morning,

no one will be
minding the store.

Like I said,
you're out of your mind.

Well, maybe after we have the
seaQuest, people will feel differently.

Dream on.

Listen to me, boy wonder.

I'm not playing games here.

There's no way my people
can get onto that boat.

But you have free access to the
boat and to the central computer.

I want that coded chip.

Robert's gonna be
right by your side.

This camera will make sure that where he
can't be with you, he'll be watching you.

Don't remove it.

You take one wrong step,

you even nod at somebody
the wrong way,

and I'm back here,
where I'll begin

to take your girlfriend apart
piece by piece.

You'd be surprised at how much pain a
human being can endure before they die.

You try and get away,
which you won't, I'll find you.

And I promise you,
you'll beg me to k*ll you.

They can't get away
with this.


I'll be here.
Ten minutes.

Hey. Hey, Lucas, what
are you doing here?

Uh, I just have to
take care of a few things.

So, how's
the big romance?

Uh, it's great.

Look, are you
the only one working here?

Yeah, at the moment.

So, come on,
tell me about her.

What's she like?

She's just great.

Yeah. And?

Look, could you
do me a favor?

What? You need
a little female advice?

Okay, pay attention.
It's really very, very simple.

Tell her you love her
at least once a day,

and always listen. Whatever
she's talking about, always listen.

Okay, well, thank you,
but that wasn't the favor.

Um, I've got to close out some open
logs here, and I'm really in a hurry.

Can't stand being away
from each other. It's great.

Yeah, something like that.

Um, there's a book in my
quarters. Uh,
Menker's Physics.

I'd get it myself, but I...

Hey, no problem. Menker's
Physics. Anything else?

Uh, no. I just
really need that book.

Back in a flash.
All right.

It's gotta be Piccolo's.


You got me.

Lucas, I don't know where
you hid, but...


Make sure you check the
amperages on that transmitter.

We only get to do this once.

We've got it.

I've got what you want.
Now, where's Sandra?

Give it to me.

No, no. Not until
you bring Sandra here first.

I can assure you,
Mr. Wolenczak,

that my daughter
hasn't been harmed.

Dr. Kirby.

I suggest you do
as he says.

David's a good soldier,
but he has a hair trigger,

and you never know
what's going to set him off.

I don't understand.
Where's Sandra?

Right here,

Give me the chip.

I don't want to have to hurt you.


Well, we've got a little more
than we did eight hours ago.


Uh, seems Sandra Kirby

isn't all the sugar and spice
Mr. Wolenczak imagines her to be.

What did he tell you
about her?

He said that, uh,
he was enamored of her,

that, uh, he thought
she was very bright.

Someone special.

Bright and special.

Well, she ought to be.

Her father is Alexander Kirby.

The Marseille Study
Dr. Kirby?

That's the man.

From what I hear,
he was supposed to be

the cream of the cream of the
UEO Science and Research Division.


Well, it seems the Doctor holds some
very unconventional political ideas,

and he was given an enforced
leave about two months ago.

In the meantime, UEO has been preparing
a case to dismiss him from his post.

How can a man of Dr. Kirby's stature
be dismissed for political reasons?

It's gotta go beyond that.

What I've pieced together
is that

in the last few months, some
highly classified documents

that were under the supervision of
the Doctor have been tampered with.

So that started
an internal investigation,

and the investigators have been
waiting to gather more evidence.

But what does all this
have to do with Lucas?

Well, he's young and impressionable,
and Sandra Kirby is attractive,

and some of her ideas may be very
appealing, considering the package.

I don't believe that.

I don't think Lucas would go for
any cockamamie political ideology.

He's a scientist, not a
polemicist. He's too smart for that.

Do you know a lot of men who are
too smart when it comes to women?

Inspector, where do we go
from here?

You can go
wherever you want.

Preferably back to the boat to
see if Mr. Wolenczak shows up.

I have a long night
ahead of me.

We're hoping to track down
the good Doctor.

If we come up with anything,
I'll let you know.


Oh. This is yours.

Oh, thanks.
I almost forgot it.

All right, ten degrees
south, southeast.


Perfect. I'm coming down.

We're set.

It's so simple.
So perfect.

Three hours.

That gives you time
to recheck all the systems.

Now that we have the codes,
when we transmit them,

I want to make damn sure
they'll be received.

We've already
been through it times.

Good. Make it .

You all right?

Look, if I thought
you would understand...

Oh, I understand, Sandra.

You and your father want to
make the world a better place.

And you disapprove?

Be careful
what you wish for,

'cause a better world won't
have room in it for people like you.

Make sure these bindings
aren't too tight.

If he needs something,
see that he gets it.

I'm telling you, we were just out on the town...

Just doing a guy thing.

We just sort of
ended up there.

Sort of?

So your stopping at Virtual
Dreams was pure coincidence?

Well, that and the fact that
I had discount coupons.

Where did you
get these coupons?

A guy gave 'em to me.

What guy?

A guy-

First day of leave,
guy walks up to me, says,

"Here you go, Mac,"
shoves an envelope in my hand.

What, I'm not
supposed to use 'em?

That's enough.
Thanks, Tony.



You have any luck
finding Dr. Kirby?

No, he seems to be as
hard to find as his daughter.

We're ready.

Excuse me.

That's a broadband ES.

Yeah, with Lucas'
ID on it.

What is it?

It's an emergency signal that
flashes on any available receiver.

Let's go.

What the hell's going on?

I don't know. We're transmitting
some kind of distress call.

Well, shut it down.

I can't stop it.
It's locked.

The chip.

What the hell did you
think you were doing?

Trying to
save your life.

Right there!

Back off!
I'll blow him away!

I mean it.
Back off!

Sir, my men can handle this.

No. I got backup
on the way.

Wait a minute. We've
got a kid over there.

What if your backup
doesn't get here in time?

I mean it!

No, wait!

All right.

Brody, go ahead.

You're surrounded!

Give yourselves up!

Put your g*ns down
before anybody gets hurt.

Give yourselves up!

It's over.

Where do you think
you're gonna go?

If you don't want to see this guy
splattered all over the pavement,

anywhere we want!

Sandra, don't.

Don't be a fool.
Think this over.

Come on. Listen to me.

Over their heads now!

When you're up to it, I'm
going to need a statement.

Donnegan, he needs
a little more time.

It hurts, huh?

More than you know.

Well, for what it's worth, I'm not
going to accept your resignation.

Maybe you should.


You were a valuable piece of
manpower when you came aboard.

Why should I give you up now
that you're older and more mature?

Excuse me.

I suppose you expect me
to say that I'm sorry.


No, I don't expect
anything from you.

We're a lot alike, Lucas.

You mean, the "| read Kleiman
in high school" act?

Sandra, we're nothing alike.

When it comes down to it,
Lucas, you followed your heart,

and I followed mine.

Hi, I'm Peter DeLuise.

And I'm Michael DeLuise.

And this is Winston DeLuise.

A ,-pound Pacific walrus,

and the largest in the
seal and sea lion family.

unshaven look

isn't just to be cool.

His whiskers
help him find

food, like
snails and clams.

But a walrus's
most amazing feature

is his teeth.

Most have ,
including these babies.

Ivory tusks,
which they use

to haul themselves out
of the water.

In fact, the scientific
name for walrus

is tooth-walker.

See you on the
next exciting episode

of seaQuest,.