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02x11 - Dead End

Posted: 05/31/23 07:35
by bunniefuu
Singing, do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do

She looked good
Looked good

She looked fine
Looked fine

Hey, hey, hey!

If you guys don't come up
with another song real soon,

I'm gonna fly us
into a cliff.

Feeling hostile,
are we,

because we only got a
on our final exam?

It had to be a mistake.

How can you flunk a woman in
a sexual harassment seminar?

Oh, I don't know, maybe,
"Been there, done that.

"| know where to
kick them next time,"

was a bit too brief of an answer
for the essay part of the exam.

Yeah, well, if the bureau
of personnel thinks

I'm gonna spend another
week away from the boat

retaking that stupid course,
they're out of their minds.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
You guys hear that?

Hear what?

Sounds like
a distress beacon.

I think the battery's dying.

Yeah. It's malfunctioning.

They're broadcasting coordinates
from halfway around the planet.

What's the identifier?

UEO Endeavor.

The Endeavor? Isn't that
Marcus Rawlings' ship?


You mean the guy that
discovered the Hemingway Trench?

Yeah. Only, if he's in
trouble, then that signal's right.

Because he is halfway
around the world.

Well, tell it to the signal, because
it's coming from right below us.

Lucas, pinpoint the source.

Tim, you better call it in.

This is UEO Shuttle -
calling seaQuest DSV, over.

UEO Shuttle -
calling seaQuest DSV, over.

Tim, is that you?
You're breaking up. Tim?

SeaQuest DSV...

Tim, say again?

One, two...

Tim? Can you read me?

We're getting close
to that signal.

We better strap in. The
thermal's getting a little turbulent.

Jeez! A little turbulent?

You ever see it
like this before?

Not exactly.

Lucas, can you help
with the throttles?

How strong is the downflow?

Twenty-two meters
and increasing.

Twenty-two a minute?

No. A second.

You've gotta break off!

What do you think
I'm trying to do?

I've got thrusters on full lift,
and we're still corkscrewing in.

Oh, man, pressure
hull's stressing!

Go to emergency oxygen!

I can't reach my mask! Jim?

You're cool. You're cool.
I got you covered.

Mayday, mayday! This is
UEO Shuttle -.

We've an uncontrolled descent
at GPS block ----.

Does anyone read? Over.

Oh, my God. What is that?

Mayday! Mayday!

We've an uncontrolled descent
at GPS block ----.

Does anyone read? Over.

The sea floor's
giving way! It's drawing us in!

Hang on! I can't stop it!

Into your hands, O Lord,
I commit my soul.

Give me full power
to the bow thrusters!

You got it!

Pressure hull's gonna blow!

Keep it off the walls! You've
got to keep it off the walls!

I'm trying! Give me
everything you've got!

We're entering a cavern.
It's widening out.

Steer for the ledge!
Can you see it?

I'm on it.

Hang on!
We're gonna crash!

The water's draining away.
Test the air.

Secure your systems.

We can breathe the air.

Everyone else okay?

Yeah, I think so.

I think I broke my leg.


Something's on the roof.

Come on.

You're a man.

Yes. Marcus Rawlings.

I'm sorry to make
your acquaintance.

Where are we?

Ten miles beneath
the mantle of the earth,

though exactly where,
I'm not too sure.

That's what remains of
my dive pod over there.

Why are you so sorry
to meet us?

Because judging from the
condition of your submersible,

I'd say we're all gonna
die down here together.

They were too far away and too deep to
pinpoint where they were transmitting from.

They could be anywhere along
-kilometer stretch of ocean.

Any chance of your
picking something up?

I've been trying. But they must
be out of range, assuming...

Assuming what?

Well, ifs just that I haven't been
able to pick up anything at all.

I mean, unless they're in a
lead-lined isolation chamber,

I should at least be
sensing they're alive.


I'm not entertaining the
idea that they could be dead.

The crew wants you to
know that we've already rigged

a rescue pack
to the stinger.

That's right, Cap. You find
them, we'll bring them in,

no matter what it takes.

Thank you. I intend
to bring them in.

Ortiz, spread your WSKRS out
in as broad a plane as possible.

McKay, you better come down here
and replace Henderson at the helm.

Piccolo, you assist.

We're gonna follow the
center line of their course,

and, people, we'd better do it quickly
because they're running out of air.

Okay. There you go.


Easy, easy-

Take it easy.

Okay, come on.


It's around here
all the way.

One, two, three. Down!

Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Let's go.


Okay. I'll try and
get the radio working.

How did you end up
down here?

Too much curiosity and
not enough common sense.

I had a theory that there were tunnel
ways penetrating the earth's mantle.

It was the only explanation
for some of the tectonic action

I was mapping and some of
the anomalies in sea life I'd found.

And that's why you were
charting the Hemingway Trench?

Yes. I was looking
for a way in.

Only, when I finally found
it, I didn't have any warning.

I was at , meters approaching the
epicenter of some local seismic activity

and suddenly I was
being sucked in.

Just like us?

Except, I had a longer ride.

I've been stuck down
here for three days.

Fortunately, my pod was armored,
but I've lost everything mounted on it,

including my propulsion units.

The water seems to surge back and
forth down here, just like Old Faithful.

Well, that would make sense.

Debris is sucked
off the ocean floor

until it clogs up
the tunnel opening,

shutting off
the water flow.

And then when the water is super-heated
down in the lower layer of the mantle,

it comes blasting up again.

Could be. It certainly
matches what I've seen.

So what you're saying is that
on the last blast to the surface

you launched
your distress buoy.


Even though you knew the
water flow was going to reverse

and anyone who answered your signal
was going to be sucked in just like you?

What was I supposed to do?
Die down here in silence?

Well, you could have
reprogrammed the buoy

to include some sort
of a warning signal.

I didn't have the time.

Oh, is that so?

Or were you afraid that someone
maybe wouldn't reach you?

Hey, hey, hey.
Can we calm down here?

I'm perfectly calm.

Well, I'm not!

How long is it gonna be
till that water comes back?

Ten, maybe hours.

We can try surviving it
in my pod, but...

But what?

I'm out of oxygen, and each
time the water sweeps through,

it carries my pod
even deeper underground.

Then we better get moving.

Let's see what we can
do about that shuttle.

Dr. Rawlings,

you didn't mention
one thing.

What created
these caverns?

Believe me, if I knew,
I'd tell you.

I'm pretty sure about
one thing, though.

What's that?

They weren't caused by any
natural geological process.

Right here, yeah.

Sir, we're approaching
the outer boundary

of where they might
have disappeared.

Okay. Let's double the crew on all the
communications and sensor stations.

Right away.

If anybody picks up anything,
anything at all, call it out.

Or senses anything.

Okay, don't be shy, don't be
embarrassed to be wrong.

You got it, sir.

Okay, people.
Do something.

Tell me where you are.

The radio signal's
bouncing right off the walls.

We're in the ultimate
isolation chamber.

You wouldn't happen to have
any more of those distress buoys

up your sleeve, would you?

I don't even have a bottle
to stuff a message in.

Believe me,
I've looked.

Not that it would
do any good.

The only way to get
a buoy out of here

is to wait till the water comes back
in and that's going to be too late.

Unless we ride it
out of here.


Well, think about it. Guys, I
mean, he's got this armored pod

we can cram into. I mean...

There's just no
way to steer it.

Or an oxygen supply.

No, but we do!

We do! I mean,
the shuttle's busted,

but the oxygen generator's
still working.

We have
the shuttle's thrusters.

You think you can work out a way
to attach the thrusters to the pod?

Why not? I mean,
if Henderson has the tools,

we can put this
thing together.

There wasn't anything on my dad's
solar farm that wasn't jury-rigged.

You work out a design, Lucas,
I'll bang it together.

Oh, man! I knew there was
a reason I asked you

to be my roommate
at the seminar.

All right, people!
Let's get moving, huh?


Hey, do you guys
hear that?

You getting something
on the radio?


No, it's not
on the radio.

I can feel it.

It's something

It's too soon
for the water.

It's gotta be.
We've got to get in the pod.

No, no, no.


Something's coming.

What do you mean?

I mean,
something's coming.


What is it?
What is it?

It's a giant worm!

Fall back! Fall back!

Grab what you can
and get in the dive pod!

Henderson, help O'Neill!


Help me!

What are you doing?

Fighting fire with fire!
Come on!

It's working!

It's backing up!

Look out!

You did it, Brody!

Nice thinking.

Yeah, I guess it was.

So, that's where
the tunnels came from?

I'd say we're in the
running for the Nobel Prize.

Too bad it's not
awarded posthumously.



How did we come through?

I'm not sure.

The electrical and propulsion
units are okay,

but the oxygen generator's

And there's no air
left in the tanks.

You mean, all we have left is
the oxygen in the emergency units?


About five minutes apiece.

When that water comes
roaring back in here,

we're history.

We're at the end
of the search path.

We should at least have
spotted some wreckage.

No, no, no, no, that
may be the good news.

If there's no wreckage, that
means the shuttle may be intact.

We could have just passed by
and not sensed anything, right?

Well, it happens, especially
when my emotions are involved.

Ortiz, you said it sounded
like they were trying

to send out an urgent
message, right?

Yes, sir.

All right. Let's do this.

We'll correlate
every call in the area.

Emergency, disappearing ships,
renegade submarines, anything.

You got it.

And then, McKay,
in the meantime,

I want you to take us back to
the search zone very slowly.

We're gonna go over every
centimeter of the ocean floor.

See if we can find
any impact zone,

any kind of cliff that they could
be sheltered under, anything at all.

You're right.

The oxygen's out.
Totally dry.

So we're all gonna die.

Well, maybe not.

I mean, we've still got the
propulsion units from the shuttle,

and Henderson's tools.
So, I mean, with a little luck,

we can have that pod ready to sail
before the water comes back again.

Except we won't
have any oxygen.

Well, we do. We still have
the four emergency masks.

Which kind of makes sense
because there's really only room

for four people in the pod.

And what do we do
about the fifth person?

Well, we hope they're still alive
when the rescue party returns.

They won't be. Now that
creature's trashed it,

there's no way the shuttle
will survive the next flooding.

Well, that doesn't change
the mathematics any,

because there's really no way to
get five people out of here alive.

So who stays?

Look, why don't we just
get this thing ready

and then figure
that out later?

No, no. We can't work
on rebuilding the pod

with that hanging
over our heads.

We've got to
decide that now.


Whatever happened to
all for one and one for all?

It just isn't in the math.

I mean, look at our body masses
and the travel time up to the surface.

The oxygen just isn't there.


We have to make a choice.

I can think of one way
of making the cut.

How's that?

Well, the guy who got us
into this could get us out.

He had a right
to call for help.

I don't think we're objective
enough to decide

that he should have done it
any differently.

Besides, we're gonna be
using his pod anyway.

Jim, under maritime law, we
have to save the civilians first.

Let me make this
easier on you.

I'm no more of a civilian
in that sense than Lucas is.

I'm not going to claim
any special status.

So there's only
one thing left to do.

We have to ask
for a volunteer.

And, no offense intended,

but, besides the fact
that I'm injured,

I also happen to believe
in an afterlife.

With more faith, I think,
than any of you.


It ought to be me.

No. No, no, no.

Look, Tim, we're not going
to take advantage of your faith.

If we need a volunteer,

Then I'm the senior guy.

You know,
the shuttle is not a ship.

You don't have to
go down with it.

Now, there's only one way to do
this that's fair and mathematical.

What's that?

A lottery.

First we work together
to get this thing going,

and then we hold
the drawing.

Is that fair enough?


Fair enough.


Let's get this
thing working.

And in the meantime, you
can pray that they find us

so we never have
to pick a name.

Bridger searching
for Darwin's friends?

Yes, we are.

You got any bright ideas?

Let Darwin search.
Give Darwin air pack.

No, no, no, no. We're
going much too fast for that.

You come back later.
I will eat fish.

You believe this guy?

I said it wasn't
a very good idea.

Wait a minute.
Are you sure it's not?

What do you mean?

Well, maybe Darwin
could spot something.

I mean, he's better equipped
than any of our WSKRS.

Or are you afraid
of losing him, too?

No. It's not that.

It's not?

Captain, we don't know
what happened to that shuttle.

It makes sense that it
could happen to Darwin, too.

I wouldn't blame you
for fearing that.

Listen, my friend.

You know how dangerous
this is? Huh?

Darwin not afraid.
Darwin famous shark fighter.

I know you're
a famous shark fighter.

But I'm not afraid of sharks,
I'm afraid of humans.

Darwin not afraid.
Darwin find friends.

Give me air pack, Bridger.

Give me air pack!

Okay. You got it.

But I want you to remember
something, smart guy,

you better be careful.

I want you to bring them
and yourself back alive.

How much torque is
this designed to take?

, Newtons.

Good enough.
Can you give me a hand?


What were you thinking when you
were trapped down there all alone?

That with any luck,
there'd be a woman

on the rescue team
as beautiful as you.

Give me a break.

You ever try
that line before?

Yeah, actually, once,
on top of Everest.

Did it work?

I think so.

Of course, it was below
and we didn't have a tent,

so it was a little
hard to tell.

In fact, I'm not even sure
if it was a woman.

How can you be so calm
at a time like this?


Practice makes perfect.

I don't know.

What is it?

Are you one of those
guys who thinks

his number's never
gonna be up?

I wish I was.
I'd sleep better at night.


What do you believe?

That life's an illusion.

If it has any
meaning at all.

Is that...

Is that something you thought
up on top of Everest, too?

No. My Sherpa guide did.

Are you okay?


I can't believe I'm getting
an anxiety attack.

I always thought I'd be the
last person on earth to feel...

I've never been
this scared before.


Would you

just hold me for a second?

Until the shakes go away?


Ever design
a submarine before?

Oh, sure, or times.

Of course, it was always on the
back of place mats in a restaurant.

Where's Henderson?

She's attaching the last
thruster with Rawlings.


You know,

maybe this would be
a good time to tell her.

I mean, it might be
your last chance.

Tell her what?

That you have
a crush on her.

What makes you
think I do?


So what do you say?


if they're attaching
those thrusters,

I think it may be a good
time to test that pod

before that dragon worm
or the water comes back.

It's gonna be morning soon.

If they're near us,
they're probably sleeping.

Sometimes it's easier
to break through then.

I'm going to try
another scan.

Here you go.

So, what do you think?

Did the government
really need to pay

all those thousands of engineers
to build these things for us?

Or could we really have
done it ourselves?

Well, I guess there's only
one way to find out.

Powering up now.

Okay. Stand clear!


They're working!
They're working!

They're working perfectly!

We'll enjoy the ride!


Good work, man.

Oh, great job, man!
You did it!

Well, there's only one more
thing to do before the water comes.

We've gotta
hold the lottery.

Oh, boy.

Five wires.

One of them is short.

So who wants to go first?

Hey, with my luck,

I'll save you all a lot of trouble
and just draw the short one now.

That's a long one.


Okay, Lucas,
I'll take my try.

Why am I never
this lucky at cards?

You want to take your shot?

Ladies first.
It's better odds.

Actually, the odds are
the same for everybody.

The short wire could have
turned up first as easily as last.

Yeah, but somehow it
never seems that way.

Does it?

What? Another long one?
What is this, Lucas?

Come on! Is this
some kind of a joke?


Like I said, there was just as
much of a chance that the last wire

would be the short one
as the first one.

It's just the mathematics.

But, I mean, this
isn't fair, man. It's...

It's not fair?

Why not?

I worked out the system,
and it nailed me.

So what could be
more fair than that?

Come on. Let's just do
two out of three... No!

It's done. It's finished.
I've picked the short wire.


Just leave me alone.


Let me hear them.

Let me find them.

You sure you
want to be alone?

I was just thinking

that this is gonna be okay.

I mean, this is

the ultimate experiment,
isn't it?

But I'm sure
something'|| happen

and I'll get out okay.

But if it doesn't,
at least it'll

answer all my
questions about


You and I have the two
lightest body masses here.

We could share a breather,
Lucas. We'd still have a chance.


I know my mathematics,

and you'll be trapped in that
pod with too little oxygen as it is.

To make it to the surface
would be a miracle.

If we share a breather,

we'll just both die.

I don't like this
mathematics stuff.

I know.

It's like a curse.

But the numbers
always tell the truth.

Isn't there anything
you want, Lucas?

Something from the supplies?

Everyone's dessert from
the survival rations?


Or me to be with you?

Be with me.

Just hold me.

Just help me get to sleep.




Come on, call out to me.
Tell me where you are!


Just hold me.

Lucas, I can hear you!


Just help me
get to sleep.

Listen to me! Tell me
where you are, Lucas!



They're alive.

They're alive!

Wake up! Wake up!

The water's coming!
Come on!

Are you sure?

Yes. I could feel Lucas even
though he couldn't hear me.

We have to be near them.

Stop all engines.

What are you getting
on your sensors?

Nothing, sir.

Darwin, we're getting
close to our friends.

Have you heard anything?
Seen anything?

No. But water taste strange.

Tastes strange?
What do you mean?

Wrong ocean.
Too much salt.

What do you think
he means?

Beats me. But Marcus
Rawlings was reported lost

in the Hemingway Trench
three days ago,

and the trench has a
much higher salt content.

That's , miles
away, too.

Where are you, Darwin,

Toward the rising sun.

Hour swim. Water strange.

You think there's any connection
between these disappearances?

I don't know.
It's outside the search area.

Yeah, but something took the
shuttle outside the search area, too.

I'm putting my money
on Darwin and Smith.

Let's go to condition three,

Condition three! Condition
three! All hands man your stations!

Stand by rescue
and assistance detail!

Let's go!

Bearing --.
All ahead full.

Where's Rawlings?
Wasn't he with you?


Quick! Get in! Get in!

Where are you going?
Come on! To find him.

Lucas? Lucas?

Are you there? Lucas?

What are you doing?

Contemplating the meaning
of life in the shuttle.


Take my place, Lucas.

You won it, Rawlings,
fair and square.

Yes, well, I prefer
free will to mathematics.

You're younger
than I am, Lucas.

And you're going to
be a better scientist

and probably a better man,
because the truth is,

I did panic and lure
all of you here.

Look, we'll send
a rescue party for you!

You do that.

And, hey, will you give
a moving speech to the media

about how self-sacrificing
I was?

It'll drive all my
'ex-girlfriends crazy.

Come on!

Button it up! Seal it!


Rawlings? Rawlings?

Sit down! Come on!

Buckle it in!

All right! Launching now!

We've got to take the tunnel
square on or we're gonna crash!

I'm on it! Now!
Hang on!

Here we go!

Captain, I'm picking up
a strange noise dead ahead.

It almost sounds
like a volcano.

Head for the source
of that sound.

Darwin, come back inside,
right now.

How's my fuel?

Running low!

Throttle me back, Lucas!
Make it last!

Tim, are you all right?

His air's run out!

How far to the surface?

Well, we've got to be near!

Breathe this! Take it in!
Breathe it in!

We've lost a thruster!
Oh, God! What do I do now?

Just hold on!

Contact dead ahead!

An eruption
from the sea floor!

Any sign of the shuttle?

I'm scanning.

I can't control it!

We're not gonna
make the surface!

I'm out of air!

Here, breathe this!
Just breathe it!

All right?

Damn it!
We came so close!

Target! Metal sphere bearing
to port, , yards.

It looks like
a dive pod breaking up.

All ahead emergency.
Prepare the grapnels.

Range, , meters,

,, ,...

Target in range.

Grapnels, fire.

What's that?


It's a grapnel!

It's a magnetic grapnel!

SeaQuest has got us!
Just hold on!

We've got them hooked.

No one's answering
our hail.

Reel them in as
fast as you can.

Let's go! Come on, Piccolo.

All right. Clear the Med Bay. We're on our way.

Yes! They're home!

We were so worried
about you.

You all right?
I think so.

I got you, Okay?

All right, watch his leg.

We gotta get you back to Med Bay, all right?

What about you?

I'm fine.

Okay. What's docked
at the second port?

The stinger
with a rescue pack.

The stinger!

That could make it.
The stinger could make it.

What do you mean?
What is he talking about?

We left somebody behind.


Marcus Rawlings.


Lucas, wait a minute.
Stop him!

All hands, secure access to Dive Port !

All hands, secure access
to Dive Port !

Lucas, what are you doing?

I've got a friend
that's trapped down there.

Come on, Dagwood,
you've got to let me go!

No. Friends are important.
And I'm you're friend,

so I will go with you.

No. No, Dagwood. You're just
gonna die with me down there!

Better than dying alone.

Okay. Come on. Let's go.

Lucas! Wait!

Come on. Get it open!

I can't! He's cycled
the outer doors!

Lucas, don't do this.

I'm sorry, but I'm not
gonna let Rawlings die.



You can't help him.

I've just got
to give it a try.

Now will you give me the telemetry
to the tunnel so I have a chance?


Ortiz, guide him in.

Okay, Lucas.

Turn right degrees.


You're on course.

Okay, the mouth of the tunnel
is coming up in meters.


Hold on, Dagwood.
Here we go!

Okay. I've got it.
I've got it.

I've just gotta
keep off the walls.

I wouldn't hit the rocks,
either, Lucas, if I were you.


Okay, Captain, we've got a lot of debris in here.

We're three clicks into the
tunnel coming up on four.

holding together.

What happened?

The stinger's in too deep.
We lost the signal.

Okay, brace yourself.
I'm gonna make a hard dock!

Rawlings? Where are you?

Oh, God. Here.

Get out of here, Lucas!

Come on! Help me! Come on!

The dragon worm's back
in the bottom of the cave!

Gotta get him back into
the stinger! Come on!


Lucas? Can you read me?


Yeah. We're going
with the flow, Captain,

but we've got company!

What is that?

Target lasers.

Lucas, when you clear
the tunnel break to port.

Laser's up!




Yes! Yes, it worked!
He's clear!

Lucas, can you read me?

Are you okay?

We're all right.

And we're coming home.

Shuttle MR- is clear for departure.

The shuttle's ready
to take you home.

Thank you, Captain.
Thank you for everything.

You're welcome.

Before I go and give all
these interviews to the media,

I'd like to ask you
just one thing.


Why'd you come back for me?

Well, some people say that what
you send around comes around.

I just wanted to prove
that was true.

You ever need anything,
just ask.

There is one thing,

When you give all those
interviews to the media...


You can tell them how
self-sacrificing I was.

Maybe it'll get me
a girlfriend.

Everybody okay?

Everything's fine.
Right back to normal.

Glad to hear it.

Your orders, sir?

Move us out, Commander.
Move us out.

Hi, I'm Marco Sanchez.

Question. What's the difference
between a sea lion and a seal?

Although they're from the
same family called pinnipeds,

there's some
big differences.

The most obvious distinction
is in their flippers.

A sea lion has flippers
that are long and wing-like.

The sea lions are
considered more social and more vocal.

In fact, it's their long,
almost fierce roars

that have given them
the name sea lions.

See you on the next
adventure of seaQuest.