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02x09 - When We Dead Awaken

Posted: 05/31/23 07:34
by bunniefuu
I have an unscheduled
system shut down
in the quad.

What happened,
somebody's insurance
run out?

Calling up patient.

Entry date, --.

Ident code classified.

Now I'm getting an override
on the ident code.

See if you can lift it
from your end.

October , .


You have accessed
a UEO classified file.

Enter your UEO
clearance code now.

Sir, is there a problem?

When did the system
shut down?

Three days ago.

Human tissue damage
starts after two.

I pity the guy at Evac
who's gotta hose
this thing down.

Open it.

Excuse me?

I said open it.

Sir, there's no body.

that was my patient.

But I don't see
what my activities have
to do with the UEO.

I'm sorry, Doctor.

Due to reasons
of national security,

I can't disclose
any specific details.

But let's just say
there are certain individuals

who didn't want
your patient re-animated.

The decision to re-animate
belongs to the patient,

not with
certain individuals.

People in
the cryonics industry
make a mockery of life.

Turning people
into popsicles

when we should be putting
our efforts into improving
the lives that we have.

Not fleeing
to some distant time,

leaving the burden of change
to future generations.

requires signatures,

My signature.

Now tell me
where your patient is.

Even if I knew,
I would not tell you.

Thank you, Doctor.
I appreciate your time.

Where's the strawberry?

Strawberries are
out of season.

Out of season?

Strawberries haven't been
out of season since the turn
of the century.

Donny, they're hydroponic.
We make them.

I got some frozen ones
down in the freezer
I can chip out for you.

Fine, fine.
Forget the strawberry.

Make it...
Make it a beer.

Yeah, right. I really
wanna lose my license
serving you alcohol.

Come on, I've had
beer before.


It's all right.
I can handle it.
Right, guys?

Can't I?

No way.
Forget about it.

Not a chance.

Thank you.

We gotta
get out of here.

When you guys
shipping out?


Who's gonna tell
the birthday boy?

We offer to buy
Brody a drink for his birthday

and he blows us off
for some girl.

It's in very bad form.

I thought all the women
around here
were on to him by now.

Yeah. She's new.

Been in here
a couple of times,
same thing every time.

Sits by herself,
every guy in the bar
trying to buy her a drink.

Brody's the first guy
she's ever paid
any attention to, though.

Where's your vidphone?

It's right behind you.

My commission to seaQuest
came after
the G.E.L.F. Crisis.

I swore I'd never
get stuck on a boat,

but the Navy offered me
a commission of a lifetime.

Stole my freedom away.

I must sound like a jerk.

All I've been doing is
talking about myself.

I asked.

So, tell me about you.

Let's dance.

Yeah. I found Brody,

but the place is
pretty crowded.

That's it.
He's on his own.

Well, wait a minute,
we can't just leave.

Why not?
Well, he's got the keys
to the transport.

Oh, I thought
you had a good reason.

Sorry, Lieutenant,
can't afford to go A.W.O.L.

We got a boat to catch.

Well, I guess
I've got a boat to catch.

Well, it was really nice
meeting you, James.

It's Jim.

And do you have
any idea of the grief
I'm gonna get

if I don't at least
get a kiss out of you?

I should go.

Wait a minute.
I'll give you a lift.


Just give me
a minute, okay?

Crash and burn,
eh, Lieutenant?

What are you kidding me?
She practically begged me
to take her home.


Does she know that?

You guys are late.

It's my fault, Commander.

The guys bought me
a drink for my birthday.

Is that supposed to be
an acceptable excuse?

Relax, you guys
got a reprieve.

We're waiting for
a UEO research team.

They're gonna hitch a ride
with us to the Delphi.

New departure time,

What was
the name of that cab
she hopped in?

she blew you off.

She's playing hard to get.

She's playing
impossible to get.

Never could turn my back
on a challenge.

You ever have someone
disappear on you before?

It's a very creepy feeling.

You start to wonder
what the hell's
wrong with you.

I thought
we were getting
to know each other.

We did.

And then
we said goodbye.

So what is it?
I'm a lousy dancer?

I talk about myself
too much?

I smell bad?

I smell bad?

You smell nice.

There, see?
Now, that's something
we can build on.

it's never gonna work.

My life is just
too complicated
right now.

Come on. Even I don't
use that line.

Look, this isn't
a conquest thing
if that's what you think.

That's not what I think.

All right,
then marry me.

Okay, don't marry me.

But tell me why
I can't stop
thinking about you.

Hey, come on,
ease up on me,
would you?

Look, I'm new at this.

You're my first obsession.

You don't want
my problems.

Can't I decide that
for myself?

Not this time, Jimmy.

Oh, no!

Don't move, all right?
Don't move!

You all right?

I guess that was
some of this trouble
you were talking about, huh?

I don't know
what that was.

I'm sorry!
I had no right. I...

Had no right to what?

Who are you?

It's me, Jimmy.

My little man.

It's me.


This is my screw-up, Nathan.

You know the grief
I'm gonna take
for holding up seaQuest

in order to transport
Undersecretary Meyers
and her crew to Delphi?

I mean, this relocation
was supposed to be
down and dirty.

Frank, you don't begrudge
a few underpaid scientists
a first class ticket, do you?


Listen, Nathan.

If you could find a way
to take the hit on this delay
from your end,

I might be able to get you
those magma research funds
you were asking for.

Now that sounds like a bribe.

It's not a bribe.
It's a favor.

Stop being so damn smug.

I just love the irony of you
furthering science.

Easy, now.
Easy with that.

Dr. Meyers, we agreed
to give you guys a lift,

not move
your entire operation.

Okay, so who's who here?

Oh, Dr. Wong Fay Hung...

Bettendorf, lowa.

Claudine Meyers.
Sorry for the last-minute
change up.

Whoa! Guys, we are
way too loaded
down here.

Claudine, how are you?

Thanks for the lift.

Oh, forget it. Who else
should be taxiing around
the scientific community?

Excuse me.

Captain, you want
to help me out here,

Jonathan, I got the general
to open the purse strings
on the magma project.

You're kidding. How?

Hey, guys, can we get
some hands up here, please?

Dagwood, give Dr. Meyers
and her crew a hand
with their equipment.

Take us out,

Aye, sir.

Taking in laundry,

Oh, I just found
these things and I was
just, you know...

That's blood.
Did you get hurt?

This is from the guy
who took a shot at you.

I'm gonna run this strain
through DNA and find out
who's trying to k*ll you.

Jimmy, I don't want you
to waste time
playing detective.

Just be with me.

How long do you have?

I don't know.
Dr. Dharavi said
the virus that k*lled me

would re-animate
the moment I came out of

They hardly knew anything
about the Picor-A strand.

And they couldn't keep me
alive long enough to do
a pattern blood grouping.

Why didn't you tell anybody
you were gonna come out?

Because I didn't wanna be
talked out of it.

And I didn't want
to wake up in years
and not know anybody.

I told the doctor
no matter what
that I wanted to come back.

I wanted to see
what kind of a man
my little boy grew into.

My little man.

You have no idea how guilty
I felt leaving you
alone in the world.

Oh, Mom, come on.
I mean, you died.

When I saw you tonight,
I saw how happy you were,

all that you'd accomplished,

I realized I had
no business dropping back
into your life like that.

So I ran.

Did Mom and Dad
take good care of you?

Well, they're grandparents.

I got away with m*rder.

I miss the hell out of them.

I went by the old house,
left some yellow roses
on the porch.

They were Mom's favorite.

You know,
they never told me
about my father.

They never met him.
Neither did I.

I'm sorry.

I thought
they would've told you.

They did.

I always thought
they told me
I came from a bank

because they were protecting
your reputation.

Jimmy, I wanted a child.

I wanted you.

gave me options.

What happened?
I mean, what did you see?

What do you know
that could make someone
want to k*ll you?

I don't know.

I mean,
I really don't remember
much of anything.

Maybe later, huh?

Why don't you go
take that shower?

That's blood.

I need you to run
a DNA test for me.

A DNA test?

You know that woman
I met last night?

Then proceeded to stalk.

Yeah. Well, she's sort of
in my cabin.

How sort of, Jim?

Pretty much entirely.

'Cause someone
sort of tried to k*ll her.

Hey! Save some ions
for someone else,
would you?

What's the matter?
Never taken a waterless
shower before?

I like to take
a real one myself,
every now and then.

I'm Lonnie Henderson,
Fort Smith, Wyoming.

Alison Brody,
Dover, Delaware.

Any relation
to the lieutenant?

Well, talk to the commander.
He'll assign you
a water ration code.


The river!

The Saint John's River.

We were partying,

me and my friend,
Anita Sawyer...

Slow down. Slow down.
Relax. What's going on?

I can't. I've gotta get it out
while I can still remember it.

We had just crammed
three weeks straight
for a physics final

and we took a bottle of Dom
to the Saint John's River

What? What happened?


I can explain this.

Opposite gender non-coms,
even dry ones,

are pretty much restricted
from officer's quarters,
as I recall, Mr. Brody.

She's not a non-com,
Commander. She's my mom.

I need a med unit. Stat!

And she has no idea
why somebody's
trying to k*ll her?

Well, it's sort of
coming back to her in pieces.

She was swimming in this river
where she picked up a virus

and then went into a coma.

She died two days later.

All she remembers
about that day
is she was with a friend.

Have you contacted
this friend?

Lucas is thumbing
through the Internet
trying to find her.

How is she?

Her fever is way up,
but she's resting.

Her re-animation is fine.

There's some expectant
tissue damage,
but nothing substantial.

She's a tough lady.

What about the Picor-A virus?

Well, I've Ret*rded it
as much as I can,

but I can't keep her
anesthetized for long.

Her body needs
to regenerate

and it can't
while she's under

You know, there's been
a lot of advancement
in RNA suspect animation.

But an anti-virus
still doesn't exist.

And if we don't return her
to cryogenic suspension soon,
she's going to die.

When did you have
your last meal?

You read stomachs, too?

Your mother's asleep and
she's resting comfortably,

You need to keep
your strength up.

Come on.


I wonder if she's always
been this strong

or if somewhere
in that frozen deep sleep
the soul marches on.

I thought you were
under doctor's orders
to get something to eat?


You know, except for a few
photos, I'd almost completely
written her out of my life.

How big a jerk
does that make me?

Jim, you hadn't seen her
since you were
three years old.

The chances of ever
seeing her alive again
were virtually non-existent.

You did
what you had to do.

I don't have a dad
and my mom looks like
she's years old.

Well, the Navy's been family
to a lot of people.

I gotta get her
to go back under, John.

She's the only family I got.

Doctor feels happy.

Eager to learn.

is more like it.

We can't all
be born brilliant,

Some of us
have to work at it.

Nathan must've flipped
the first time
he heard his buddy talk.

Well, the captain
never flips,

but, yeah, he thought
it was pretty cool.

Dr. Meyers, the Bridge has
begun its vector sequence
into Delphi.

ETA in minutes.

Thank you, sailor.

Oh, Dr. Hopkins,

yeah, whatever happened
to the Delphi Hadron

I have a friend
with a thing for
exotic particle R and D

who wanted to get
into the program.

Yeah. The conductor program,
it's back in service again.

Tell your friend
to try again.


What's wrong?

The conductor
can't be back in service.
It never went on-line.

Man not honest.

Wants to hurt.


Move away
from the bed.

Do it!

He shot at me.

Go get him! Go! Go!

Everybody down!
Move out of the way!


Come on,
let's move!

Security detail, code four.

code four on Docking Bay .

Security detail,
code four on Docking Bay .

Now you ready me
a launch! Now! Now!

Stay there!

Let me go, damn it.

Damn it!


What are you doing
to Lucas?

Shut up, you freak.

I'm not a freak.
I'm a prototype.

All right, come on.

Damn. Damn it.

Did I hit anybody?

You expect us to believe
you don't even know
who hired you?

What I expect
is due recognition
of my civil rights.

I know a psychic probe
when I feel one, Doctor.

Trust me.
He doesn't know anything.

And you don't know
Jonathan Packard at all?

Never seen the man
before in my life.

You're willing to go
to prison for someone
you've never even met?

I don't do prison,
hot shot.

Whatever she knows,

someone's going to a lot
of trouble to make sure
that it doesn't get out.

That blood sample
you gave O'Neill

is full of
synthetic nucleotides

which give false
DNA readings.

I mean, forensically speaking,
neither your friend
at the pier,

or the guy in
the holding cell exist.

But I thought the UEO banned
plasma additives with the
global crime bill initiative.

That only works for people
who play by the rules.

Why can't she remember?

Is there too much damage
from her being under?

Well, there's some
residual memory loss.

But following re-animation,
the connective brain tissue
quickly regenerates

and memory is
generally restored.

How long does
that usually take?

Well, that varies.
But usually
within a few weeks.

She doesn't have
a few weeks.

And whoever's behind
these att*cks knows that.

They're in a race
with her memory.

A mind scan?

Trust me,
they don't hurt.

In fact, they feel
kind of neat.

Neat, huh?

It's important
that we find out
what you know, Mom.

Good luck.
It's a mess in there.

This neutron-rich drink
should spark
electrolyte cell recreation.

Which will stimulate
neuron activity,

so I can lift an image
while Dr. Smith is in there.

And I thought
the shower was weird.

Ready when you are.

This is fun.


where's that smile?

Oh, give me some!



Don't look in his eyes!

Whose eyes, Mom?
Whose eyes?

Don't look at him!

Don't look at him!

Who, Mom? Who?

It's okay.
He k*lled her, Jimmy.

It's okay. It's over.
It's over. It's all right.
It's all right.

it's a police matter.

Now I can't have you running
an illegal investigation.

I can't have
professional K*llers
sneaking aboard my boat.

Lieutenant, what makes you
think that this is some kind
of covert action?

Well, for one thing, sir,
the Saint James
Police Department

has nothing on file,

and even less interest
in pursuing it.

What the hell did
your mother see?

Sir, that's the problem.

She doesn't remember.
Or it's all scrambled
up inside.

Sorting it out
takes time
she may not have.

Especially when people
are trying to k*ll her.

Well, this Packard person
from the cryonics facility,

where's he now?
In thin air.

Sir, my mother is
willing to endure dying
a second time

because she wants to remember
what happened that night.

But she needs our help.

Well, wrapping her in military
circumstance is no picnic
either, Lieutenant.

I mean, we're not in the
protective custody business.

Yes, sir. I understand.

All right. I'll take over
the Packard search.

you transfer your mother
to a UEO safe house

and get her
the medical attention
she needs.

Thank you, sir.

That's it. Let's go.


Coming out.

Watch the bottom.

Watch it, please.

Okay. Sides up.
Let's go.

Any luck?

Hey, what's that? Looks like
one of them shrink pictures.

That's Rorschach test.

Hey, Tony, don't...
Come on.

Take your food someplace else,
all right?

It's not for me,
it's for you.

So that's what the inside
of his mom's head
looks like, huh?

I like the outside better.

You know, I would expect
a little more compassion
from a guy

whose had friends
hitting on his own mother.

This from the friend
who hit on her.

Now, wait a minute.
I didn't exactly hit on her.

It was a misunderstanding.

Aren't they all?

This is useless.

The image values
are too weak.

There's nothing here
to enhance.

I gotta tell you,
this freezing people
thing is...

Sounds a little
ghoulish to me.

Messing with fate
is bad business.

It's not fate, Tony,
it's science.

Tell that to
Robert Darby.

A big nobody
until they thawed him out

and he became king
of the talk show circuit.

Wait a minute,
Robert Darby was the first.

He was a hero.

Some hero.

Ended up getting hit
on the head

when an air conditioner
dropped from the heavens.

It fell from a building.

Fate is fate, Wolenczak.

Cardiology intern on
four south report to OR Two.

Cardiology intern
on four south
report to OR Two.


How's she doing?

She's young.

Why isn't she old?

Well, actually,
she is, Dagwood.

She'll be in April.

Forty-six what?

Well, Captain thought
you should have that.

You know, I have an aunt
in a cryo-chamber
down in Hialeah,

so I sort of know
what you're going through.

It's pretty weird, huh?

Tell me about it.

It's like a never-ending wake.

If you think Irish wakes
are something,

you ought to see
a roomful of Cubans
when we lose somebody.

Big family, huh?

Yeah. Yeah,
big and tight-knit.

You don't dare leave
a Cuban family unless
you absolutely have to.

Cryo is major business
down there.

Any luck talking her
into going back in?

No. No. None.

She's as stubborn as I am.

Or I'm as stubborn as she is.
I don't know which.

Well, you get
some rest, huh?


Why does everybody
keep telling you
what to do?

Well, I think it's probably
because they care, Dag.

Well, then,
you get a lot of rest.

Damn it.


The flowers?

Those are for her.

Okay. All right.

This is my last computation.


That's General Thomas.

This is the man
she saw that night.

The man who k*lled her friend.

Lucas, secure this screen.

Done, sir.

where's your mother?


She's asleep.



Relax, Frank.
The worst is over.

Over? It's not over.

It'll never be over.

What have we done,

I'll take care of it.

It's not going
through, sir.

The lieutenant must have
his PAL turned off
for some reason.

Keep trying, O'Neill.

it's under control.

You wanted this thing gone,
I made that happen for you.

And I've paid for it
every day of my life
for the last years.

I should've called the police
that night instead of you.

Why didn't you?

I'll tell you
why you didn't.

Because your father had
visions of the White House,
once upon a time.

But you were the spoiled,
blue-blooded son who
tripped him up at every turn.

Look, you leave
my family out of this.

That's exactly
what I'm doing, Frank.

Out of the media and
out of the scandal videos.

And extorting me
in the process.

It was an accident.

I was drunk.

I didn't mean
to hurt anybody.

I've tried to do
what I can.

Pave the way for her son.

Don't take credit
for Brody.

He got your number
the first time
he laid eyes on you.


Well, how long
till she remembers
the understanding stranger

who just happened
by that night?

How long till she puts
it together that the eye drops
you gave her,

gave her the virus
that put her in a coma?

Well, that's the beauty of
the Picor-A virus, Frank.

It comes with
a lifetime guarantee.

I'll take this in
for re-fitting.

All right.


Lieutenant Brody,
do you copy?


Well, have you got him?

I think so.

For a minute I had him.
But it's off again.

Long enough
for a tracer?


Get me a coordinate.

On it, sir.

What's going on out there?

He's on the roof.

What are you doing?

He's one man.

He's a lieutenant in my army.

I won't k*ll him.
Why not?

He came here
to k*ll you.

Go check on her.


Get up. Get up.

No, please.


Packard's in the east wing.

Go. Go.

Easy now.

We're done here.




Put the w*apon down, General.

don't come any closer.


we can talk about this.

It was an accident.

Don't make me do this, sir.

I never meant to hurt anybody.
It was Jonathan.

It was all a big mistake.

Listen, son,
I was just a kid.
I was your age.

Now we can talk about this.
I can make it up to you.

Come on!

I will not be hunted down
and cornered like some
trapped animal.

Now I am your
commanding officer,

so I will be heard.

I've got you.
I've got you.

Okay, Jimmy.

Come on.
Let me get you out of here.

We're gonna get you out.

We've got the general,


Thank you, Commander.

I can't make any promises
about when.

But with the breakthroughs
we've had in RNA analysis
in the last years,

I'm confident an anti-virus
is within our reach.

And not in years.


Sometimes something
so horrible happens,

so unspeakable,

but the next day,
the sun comes up,
the air feels good

and you're alive.

Thanks for going back in.

I know you didn't want to.

That's before I knew
what I had to come back to.

I am so proud of you.

I love you, Mom.

You'll be here?


I'll be here.

I'll see you around,
my little man.

Hi, there.
I'm Kathy Evison.

This is lunch for some of
the ocean's most ancient and
most misunderstood animals.

Sharks have existed for over
million years.

Their teeth are
the best evidence of this,

but they've also given sharks
a reputation as man-eaters,

though only a handful
of the species
have ever att*cked people.

A shark's skeleton
has no bones,
only cartilage,

which contains an active
ingredient that's been known
to inhibit tumor growth.

This fact is currently
being studied
in cancer research.

See you
on the next adventure
of seaQuest.