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02x08 - By Any Other Name

Posted: 05/31/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
Mayday, mayday!
This is Calimar Colony.

Please send help!

Everyone here is...

Yo! You looking at this
shiny prize I got for you?

It's the food, Captain.
Food and ladies
does it every time.

Doesn't matter
about the species.

Since we're a little short
on girl dolphins...

Chunk white, buddy.
Primo stuff.

Filet mignon of the sea.

No, no, no, no, come on.
I think it's time for plan B.

Right, listen to you.

It took my mother two months
to get me to try my
first spoonful of oatmeal.

She got me with
the "airplane in the hangar"

I think
he's too bright for that.

Brains has nothing
to do with it.
It's all in the sell.

You're really missing out on
something great here, buddy.


Does this look like
a scrumptious fish,
or what?


Pure ambrosia.

Stuff dreams are made of.

Maybe we should
call your mother.

Give me a break.
This ain't exactly
Maypo here.

It's okay, pal,
we'll get you up and running.

To tell you the truth,
I wouldn't touch this
thing either.

Now, if we could get our hands
on a steak hoagie.

You know,
he hasn't eaten in two days.

He's not even talking.

Maybe it's a broad.


A broad, a babe,
a dolphiness.

Food and ladies,
like I say, Captain.

Maybe he's got a major jones
on this shiny little mackerel,

and she turns out to be
another gill teaser.

Maybe you should ask
Dr. Smith.

Oh, thank you,
but Dr. Smith is
not a veterinarian.

I know.

What's a veterinarian?

She's not an animal doctor.

She doesn't know
about animals.

But she knows
a lot of things.

She knows when I'm hungry
before I tell her.

She knew that Tony
was with that girl

that time no one could
find him and he said
he was at a seminar.

Thanks, Dagwood.


Maybe he's got a point.

Maybe we'll give Dr. Smith
a chance, huh, Darwin?

What do you say?

New orders, people.
Changing course.

Bearing --.


Yes. UEO got a mayday
from Calimar Colony about
an hour ago,

but they're not answering
any of our calls.

Calimar? That's
a horticultural station.

What kind of a mayday
could they have?
Their flowers wilting?

We won't know
till we get there.

Heading --
established, sir.

At normal speed,


All ahead full.

Maybe we'll get there
before the bloom
is off the rose.

Oh, very nice.

Thank you.

I'll be with Dr. Smith.

So, you think
this is gonna work?

Well, I mean,
not eating is one thing.
But not speaking?

Darwin's not known
to be tight-lipped.

There's some for you.

What, did you think
I'd forgotten you?

I never forget you, do I?
Here you go.


Sorry to interrupt.

You're not interrupting
at all. Come on in.



talking to somebody?

Just feeding
the fellas here.

Oh. Oh.

You talk to your plants?

Sure, that's right.
They have feelings,
don't they?

Yeah, of course.
Sure, sure.

They seem to do better
when you talk to them.

Besides, whether
they know it or not,
it's good for me.

Good therapy.

So what's up?

It's about Darwin.

He's not eating,
he's not talking,

and he doesn't seem
to want anyone around him.

Well, maybe he's just
having a bad day.

Well, I think
it's more than that.

And we were
wondering if you...

You might want to do
a reading on him.

Okay. Sure,
let's give it a spin
and see what happens.

SeaQuest approaching
Calimar docking station.

Docking latches
secure. Prepare to deploy
landing party.

Looks like
Valentine's Day under glass.

Let's move.

Smells like Easter.

Smells like
my Uncle Manny's
funeral home.

I used to play there
when I was a kid.

Must've been some
interesting games.

Freeze tag.
Customers always won.

Tough room.

It's pretty damn quiet.

Yeah, it's too quiet.

Okay, Ortiz.

Take Hanson and Trigg,
and move out towards
the east compound.

We'll move out west,
connect back with you
here at the main garden.

See if you can dig up
any residents.

Hey, check this out.

What is that?

I don't know. Some kind of
plant food or something?

In the walkways?

Whatever it is,
there's dozens of them.

Maybe it's
some kind of pollen.

Flowers aren't my specialty.

Make sure somebody
grabs a sample of that
before we leave.

These are really beautiful.
I've never seen anything
like them before.

I thought they had
a whole population
of farmers down here.


And support personnel
included, there should
be people here.

we caught them on siesta.

Let's hope so.

Hey, get off me!

Damn thing's
got my ankle!

Quit wiggling around
for a second,
I'll get it off.

What's the matter, Trigg,
a little coordination
sneaking up on you?

Yeah, funny.

At least something is,
'cause this sure isn't.

Let's move.

I'm gonna check that pathway.
I'll catch up with you.



Yeah. Brody.

Captain wants
a status report.

Well, to tell you
the truth, sir,

I feel a little
outnumbered here.

Outnumbered? By what?

The plants, sir.

Lost your way?

Yeah, years ago.

Let's get out of here, huh?

What'd you find?

Other than about
piles of dust and
a million flowers, nothing.

Hell of a place
to be with allergies.

How about you?

Nah, the same.

there's gotta be
somebody here.

I mean, that mayday
didn't send itself.

Well, maybe they sent it
and then had to make
a quick exit for some reason.

There aren't any signs
of a struggle.

Hanson, you and Trigg
are gonna get a little R and R
here on the flower farm.

Okay, this is pretty much
the center of the colony,

so if there's anybody
passing through,

they'd more than likely
have to come through here.

So, any trouble...

I got your number.

Oh, we gotta remember to get
a sample of that powder
before we head back.

Yeah. Been there,
done that, Lieutenant.

All right, let's move out.

Oh, maybe you guys
could put together

some nice arrangements
for the seaQuest.

You know, something
in a nice spring basket.
Some daisies, maybe.

Mayday, mayday!
This is Calimar Colony.

Please send help.
There's no time to explain!

Everyone here is...

McGATH: That was it.

Transmission frequency cut out
about a second later.

Nathan, there were almost
people on that colony.

They can't all
have disappeared.

We did a pretty thorough
search of that colony.

Unless they're in hiding
and don't want to be found.

Ortiz has done
a surface scan.

If there's
anybody down there,
his sensors should get a hit.

We've also analyzed
the powder that we found,

and we're trying to see if
there are any answers there.

I've called a meeting
of the Emergency Council.

We're due to meet
in minutes.

Maintain your position
until you hear back from me.

Strangest damn thing.

Okay, honey, I guess
that's about it.

Except that Daddy says
I should let you know
that the farm looks beautiful,

and we just had
our first snowfall.

We both miss you very much

and we really wish
you could be here.

Well, bye, honey.
Love you.

Now, isn't that pretty?

Your very own flowers.

Here, got a good view?

You two be good
while I'm gone.

Hey, Trigg,

I'm telling you,
there's nothing out there.

And I'm telling you,
I heard something
moving around.

Maybe they're pollinating and
don't want to be disturbed.

Come on, Trigg.

All right, Cliff, give it up.

This isn't funny.


I swear,
if this is a joke...

Hey, Cliff,
where the hell are you?

Hey! What the...

I don't know
about you two,
but I'm tired and hungry,

and I'm not sure I'm making
much progress here.

Just give me
a little hint, Darwin.

We're just trying to help.

Maybe this wasn't
such a good idea.

Boy, endurance certainly ain't
one of your strong points.

I'm not saying give up.
Maybe just

try a different approach
or something.

I mean, we've been
at this for hours.

I've been trying
to straighten out
my life for years.

Think I ought to quit
just 'cause it ain't
happening overnight?

Tony, maybe some things
are just out of
the range of possible.

All right, what is that,
some sort of crack?

Just don't give up that easy,
that's all I'm saying.

Give the doc some more time.
This is your best friend here.

You give whatever it takes,
even if it takes
more than you got.

Maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm just tired.

How you doing?

, degrees Kelvin.

, degrees Kelvin.

Whatever that means.

That's a color temperature.

It's the temperature
of daylight.

Great, now we're getting
physics lessons from a fish?

When was the last time
Darwin was to the surface?

Oh, I don't know,
two weeks.

That's it.

That's it.
You wanna share?

No, that's it.

Okay, the simulated daylight
on seaQuest
is , degrees Kelvin.

Sounds pretty hot to me.

It's not a heat temperature,
it's the temperature of light.

the higher the temperature,
the brighter the light.

We save power
by not pushing it
to the top of the spectrum.

Could you get him back up
to the surface?

Won't be any good now.
The sun's gone down.

But I can raise
the color temperature

of the light
in this pool.

I ain't gonna need
my sun block, am I?

Think that was it?

How's that?
You like that better?

You know,
this could take a while.

We should all
grab some dinner
and some rest

before we all get sick.

Yeah, she's right.

Take it easy, pal.
We'll see you later.

hang in there, buddy.

Have you seen Ortiz?

He said he had
to double check
some readings.


Speak of the devil.

I have to talk to you.

Well, I have a reputation
for being able to listen
and eat at the same time.

I'm getting some
peculiar readings
on our O levels.

First, I thought
it might be the equipment,
but everything checks out.

We're %% over
standard levels.

Did you check for leaks?

First thing I did.
Everything's intact.

I don't know
how to account for it.

If we dropped
a lot of crew members

then the consumption
would be down,
but that hasn't happened.

Well, maybe
the O sensors
are misaligned.

Check them, too.
Yes, sir.

XO to the Bridge.
XO to the Bridge.

Well, who wanted double
chocolate layer fudge cake
anyway, right?

What's the problem?

It's Hanson and Trigg, sir.

They were due to report
in every half hour.

They missed their last
check point, and I can't
reach them on the COM.

Did you sweep frequencies?

Yeah, the entire band.

Nothing on sonar, either.

Surface scan sensors?

Same thing. No reading.

I want a landing party,
Group Six, at AL
in two minutes,

Level ready.

Let the captain know
what's going on.
Aye-aye, sir.

Come on,
let's go, let's go!

Jim, this is
a full Level .

Code Blue,
safeties off all weapons.

One warning.

After that,
you sh**t first,
ask questions later.

You're just trying
to cheer me up.


Be careful.

I always am. Thanks.

Shuttle MR-
is cleared for departure.

Commander Ford?

Ford here.

I just got off the horn
with Secretary General McGath.

They want us to hold position,
and they're getting very itchy
for answers.

Yes, sir.

I'm afraid
we may just come up
with more questions.

Get it off!

Get it off me!

What's wrong?
It won't give.

Stand back.

Get me out of here!

Go get her.
Watch out.

Quick, help me
with this door!

Sealing Sector K!

What's going on?

I didn't think
there was any harm in it.


I picked a flower.

The plants?

Get Brody.
Tell him what's going on.

Tell him to get
here right away.
Watch your head.

Jim, the Captain
wants you to pack it in

and get everybody
back to the boat.

So you're telling me
it's got something to do
with the plants?

I'm telling you it's like...

Like nothing I have
ever seen before, Jim,

and don't ever want
to see again.

Get back. Quickly.

It's a scrub, boys!
Back to the boat, double-time!
Let's move it. Go!

All right,
you heard the man.
Let's move it out! Let's go!

I don't believe it.

Fire on full!

Move out! Move out!

You heard him,
move it!

Go, go, go!

Ford? Ford!

We can't get to the airlock.
They've got us blocked off.

If I reverse pressure
in the airlock

I might be able
to blow the door.

Yeah, and that's
one less airlock
protecting seaQuest.

SeaQuest can hold her own.
I'm just...

Ford! Ford!

We've lost all hydraulics.
Ballast tanks are wide open.

We're going down.

Jim? Jim?

We've got skin damage
from C- down through K-,

and the engine room's
taking on water.


They look all right now.

Well, bring up
the internal pressure.

We should be
able to equalize
at this depth.

Pressure coming up.

You got it?
I got it.

Here we go.

Come on,
get it on the valve.

All right.
I got it, I got it.

Here we go.

All right.
One more turn here.

There's no way
we can get to you, Lieutenant.

Until we can reverse ballast,
you guys are gonna
have to fend for yourselves.

All right, look,
we're too exposed out here.

I'm gonna move us back
towards the main building

and hole up until you guys
can get stabilized.

We're working on it.


All right, guys, stay alert.
Let's do it.

Let's go.
Double time.

All right, guys, let's go,
let's go, come on!
Inside, inside!

All right, count off!
Give me a line. Line up.
Follow me!

It's the nursery.

Anybody hungry?

All right, sir.

Hello, Bridger.

You're all right!

I'm better.

You're the only one
aboard who is.

Bridger sick?

No, no. Just concerned.

I'm better.

Yes. I can see
you're better.

But I'm not concerned
about you.

I know you like it here,
but you'll have to get out
in the open more often.

Bridger come with me?

No, no.

You'll have to swim
by yourself.

Not that I wouldn't like
to come with you.

Tony come, too?

We'll see.

Well, you are better,
aren't you?

Get out of here.
Beat it.


Well, we've sealed off
these four quadrants here,
here and here.

If we can contain it,
it seems to be keeping it
at bay for the moment.

The question is,
how long is the moment?

No, the question is,
how do we k*ll this thing?

Lucas, what do you have?

There isn't a whole lot
about Calimar in the database.

From what I can tell,
most of their activity
was devoted to developing

new strains of plants
suited for
hostile environments.

Looks like they did a good job
creating one on their own.

Well, it appears
they were pretty successful.

They specialized
in deep water
colony hydroponics.

They were able to provide
timber and vegetables and
wheat crop below , feet.

Didn't think anything
could grow down there.

Well, that's what
Calimar was about.

Developing new plant life
to survive at deep sea levels.

What's the genetic history
of their work?

Well, most of their work
involved recombinant splicing,

DNA recomposition
on existing species,

but I don't think
they actually created
anything that was new.

Oh, yeah? You get a look
at Henderson's quarters?

The genesis is academic.

I mean, once you get
into genetic patching

the results are

I mean, there are reasons
why nature made things
the way they are.

Some things are better
left untouched.

Yeah, but what about
feeding people?
What about shelter?

Yeah, well, everything's
a trade off, Captain.

I like my salad
as much as you do,

but I prefer that I eat it.

We've got herbicides
aboard the boat.


But probably not enough
to take this thing on.

Got a better idea?

Okay, Tony,
you're about feet
from K-Sector hatch.

Remember, you've only got
eight gallons of herbicide.

Take your best shot,
then get out of there.

Got it, Captain.
Spritz and run.

It's not -year-old Scotch,

but I suppose
under the circumstances...

You have any idea when
we'll get out of here, sir?

No. Hopefully,
sometime before breakfast.

Couldn't find a donut
in sight.

Go, go, go, go!
Follow me!

Get out of there, now!

In here, in here!
Into the vault! Move it!

Move it!

Come on! Come on!

Let's hope the kids
are friendlier
than their parents.

Lucky I'm so popular.

I'm approaching
the outer tubeway at C-.

Just give us a word
and we'll open the vent block.

To tell you the truth,
I'd rather be in Philadelphia.

All right. I'm ready.

Shut it down!

Didn't even slow them down.

Where does that conduit go?

The moon pool.


Shut down K through
but leave the access
to the moon pool open.

Aye-aye, sir.


All right, Darwin.

Lucas play with Darwin?

No, not right now.

Bridger, Wendy
play with Darwin?

Maybe the herbicide
had a delayed effect.

The herbicide
didn't even
make them blink.

What is it about this...


You gotta be kidding me.

These plants were raised
on artificial light.

They've never seen
real daylight.

Plants k*lled by daylight.
They'd do great
in my apartment.

O'Neill, on my command
we're gonna raise every light
in this boat up , Kelvin.

That's gonna
be tough, Captain.

With the plants
all around the ship,

I can't deploy
the solar batteries,

so we're gonna have to rely
totally on the generator.

I don't think
it's gonna be that tough.
Not from what I just saw.

Now, let's try it.
Aye, sir.

Here we go.


All primary
power systems off line.

It knows.

All primary power systems
off line.

All primary power systems
off line.

How long can we operate
on this generator?

About five hours.
We're %% down from full,

and that's not enough juice
to push the color temperature.

Did you get
Lieutenant Brody?

I'm trying now, sir.

All right.
When you get him, tell him
he's gotta get access

to Calimar's
environmental controls,

and then he's gotta push
everything to the limit.

Aye-aye, sir.

How long till sunrise?


That's half an hour ago.

All right, people,
here's the drill.

We don't have enough power
to blow the ballast

I mean, the solenoids will
take everything we got,
and then some.

But I think
we can do it manually.

Have you ever tried, sir?

No, but it can be done.

The torque spec is
rated over psi.

It would take six guys,

if they could get
all their weight on it,
to even budge those valves.

I'm afraid that's not
gonna work, Captain.

Since we sealed off
most of Section K,

the only way down is
through the solenoid ducts.

You're lucky if you get
one guy through there.

I got you, Tim.

Anything above , K
ought to do the trick.

Yeah, the trick is getting
to the lighting controls
in the first place.

We'll do what we can.

Good luck, Jim.

Over and out.


I've located
the environmental
control center.

It's upstairs,
right above us.

If only there was
an elevator.

All right, listen up.

We got chances
to take these things
out here.

I'm gonna be the first.
What? Wait a minute, sir.

No, that's my call.

You give me minutes.

You don't hear from me,
we do it one man at a time.

You got that?
Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.


Here we go.

The problem here, guys,
is that I've gotta get into
that room over there,

and you're blocking my way.

The other problem is,

these don't seem to have
much of an effect on you.

But they do have
lots of an effect
on wood, metal and plaster.

Do you see
the two blue levers?

Yes. They're very big.

I know they're big.

Now, do you see the two pins
that are below the levers?


You have to remove those pins
in order to pull the levers.

Yes, I understand.

They're very tight.
They don't come out.

Try them again.

I know they're hard to pull,
but you have to do it.

The pins won't come out.
I will try the levers anyway.


Now try the other.


Very good.

Thank you.

Equalize internal pressure.

We don't have
a lot of power.

We don't have
a lot of choice.

Give it everything
you've got.

Pressure stabilizing.

All right, when this ship
comes to the surface
I want every view port open.

I want this place
flooded with sunlight.



I told you.
I warned you on that.

Maintenance personnel,
report to Docking Bay .

Maintenance personnel,
report to Docking Bay .

Good work, Lieutenant.

And for a while I didn't
think I was gonna be able
to say that to you.

Good work, guys.

Thank you, Captain.
Good work.

Hey, they're plants,
they're vegetables.

It would have been
embarrassing to lose.

Yeah, right.

Hey, Dagwood.

Yes, sir?

Oh, is it "sir" now?

From what I hear,
you deserve this.

Is it dead?

I haven't heard
a peep from it.
Come on.

There you go. Purple Heart
of the plant world.

Good work.

Good work.


So you guys have no clue
what this is about?

He said he was

cooking up
something special
to celebrate.

I didn't even know
he could cook.

Yeah, we may not
want to find out.

Hey! I thought we could all
use a little victory party.

Champagne and caviar?

Dream on, Lieutenant.



Don't knock it
till you try it.

I never heard of
serving asparagus
at a victory celebration.

'Cause you weren't
raised like me.

I was brought up to know
that turnabout is fair play.

What are you talking about?

Revenge, Commander.

Sweet, wonderful revenge.

Oh, boy.

I'll take two.


With butter.

Hi. I'm Ted Raimi.

The tone you just heard

was from a revolutionary
computer system

called the SeaWorld
Auditory Cueing System,

used to communicate
with k*ller whales like Taima.

Trainers use
water-proof keyboards
to select tone codes,

and underwater speakers
project the sounds
into the water.

Groups of computer codes
are organized to represent

each animal's name, verbs,
modifiers and objects.

With this system,
researchers are
finding out more

about how k*ller whales learn
and process information.

See you on
the next adventure
of seaQuest DSV.