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02x07 - The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Posted: 05/31/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
What are you doing?

I'm augmenting
its intelligence.

That wasn't authorized.

Yeah, but I got my hands
on a very special disk.

- Warning...
- Hey, you know.

Code violation.
Come on.

What now?
Place power down
and check all systems.

That idiot over here
just spilled his slam
into the banks.

I'm sorry, sir.
We'll clean it up.

Banks? What banks?

You mean you opened
the memory banks
during a download?

What's going on?

It's terminated

It's running the new module
even though it isn't complete.

It's starting to move!

I've gotta get
into the CPU.

No, sir,
look out!

Help him!

Command launching
sequence initiated.

It's sealing us in!

Evacuate launch
platform immediately.

Command launching
sequence initiated.

Evacuate launch platform

You're tuned to
K- KICK , Honolulu,

where today's
mega clue is,

what year
did the Rolling Stones
record their last single?

That's easy. .
We'll take calls
in a second.

But first, this.
Oh, no.

It was
a trick question.

He said,
what was the last single?

That was
Try To Find My Fire,
May, .


This is weird,

but my sensors are reporting
multiple m*ssile launches
on bearing --.

Call maintenance.
Tell them you're glitching.

Sure it's not deja vu
all over again?

It's been almost
a hundred years.

I really don't think
it's the Japanese.

Well, yeah, but...

It's just my computer's
declaring them
hypersonic missiles,

type SN s.

That's pretty specific,
isn't it?

Glitches usually are,
right, Ted?



I can see them!


I can see them!

We're under attack!

Stop them!
I can't!

Open fire!

I can't!
There isn't any time!

UEO Pearl confirms
the attack.

But we got lucky.

We have only five wounded,
none k*lled.

It hit
the test firing range.

But all the same,
it's loose.

So what do we do?

The only thing we can do.

Tell Bridger
he's going to w*r.

Alert, alert.

Possible target,
bearing --
at extreme range.

Sir, I have
a priority message
from Admiral Noyce.

He's requesting
a conference call

between you and he
in five minutes.

Thank you.
I'll take it
in the Ward Room.

And, sir, they're suggesting
you go to General Quarters.


The wedding is next week.

Is that right?

I was talking
to her mother
on the telephone,

and she's tells me
that she's going out
with this guy...

everyone knows
she's pregnant,

they're trying
to hide it,
the whole thing.

I'm so...
You broke up with her
at exactly the right time.

Forget about it.

I'm glad you're in there,
because it would
be a nightmare...

Come on, Tony,
other people
have families, too.

They're gonna
cut off the calls
any second now.

I can take that.

Listen, I want you to
call your mom and dad.

They're staying with
Tracy in Houston.

Aunt Rose... Sure.
Sure, if I get the time.

And don't worry
about that bail
jumping thing, Tony.

You're Uncle Pauli
took care of it for you.

That was nice.
He didn't
have to do that.

Yeah, well,
actually he did.

But that's okay.
They let him go as soon
as he paid them the money.

They even gave him
a ride home.


Look, would you tell him,
please, that
I'll make it up to him?

I'll do even better
than that, Tone.

I won't tell
your Uncle Pauli
where you are

if you promise to
send him the money
out of next month's pay.

Absolutely, guaranteed.
Already done.

Did you get the money
I sent last month?

Come on, come on, Angie,
tell your cousin.

Hello, Tony. Thank you
for sending the money

so Mom could buy me
these really
dreamy clothes for school.

Look, I gotta go.

Listen, take care
of yourself, sweetheart.

And don't make me
tell your Uncle Pauli
where you are.

It's in the mail, I swear!

Come on, Tony.


Look, see,
I still got time
on the call.

What's the problem?

General Quarters,
General Quarters.

All hands,
man your battle stations.

I can't believe it.

Are we going to fight?

It sounds that way.

Either that,
or it's a drill.

Don't people have
anything else to do?

You'd think they would,
wouldn't you, Dagwood?

Would you mind
telling us why we're
at General Quarters?

Last time I looked,
we weren't at w*r
with anyone.

Last night, a submarine
under development
at Sea Science Limited

broke out of its pen
and att*cked
the combat range at Pearl.

You mean,
it's crew mutinied?

Not exactly.

Now, these are the plans
for the new Marauder Class
Strategic Submarine.

It has double
the firepower
of seaQuest

in a morphing hull
that's almost
impervious to laser fire.

That can't be.

Oh, yes, it can,

if it's all
w*apon magazines
and propulsion units.

I suppose you're going to
tell us that
there's no crew aboard.

It's a completely

The first of its kind.

And you've armed it?

We thought it was safer
than giving the keys
to a human crew.

There would be
no chance of mutiny
or misjudgment.

I'm sure
that's a great comfort
to the people at Pearl.

It was an accident
during the downloading
to its memory bank.

Of what,
I can't tell you.

The programmer responsible
is still unconscious,

but immediately
the sub set sail.

It's running
a fragmentary program.

This may be a blessing.

With any luck, the fragment
may have run its course

and the sub won't
resist our efforts
to recapture it.

If this sub is
so hard to detect,

what makes you think
it's anywhere around us?

Every hour on the hour
it broadcasts
a one-word message.

And what's the one word?

The word
is always "Bridger."



It seems to be
calling your name.

I want you
to get me
everything you can

on this Marauder
that hit Pearl.

I want to know
if it's capable

of a structured attack
or just random firing.

Right away.

And you get on the phone
to Sea Science.

I want to know
everything about
that computer, okay?

Yeah, you got it.
Dr. Smith?

I'm getting Medbay
ready for combat.

Okay, thank you.

Jonathan, let me know
if you suspect
any sensor contact.

Yes, sir.
Where can I find you?

I'm going to be
with our old friend.

See if he has
any insight
to this whole thing.

Alert, alert.

Sensor contact
is confirmed
as seaQuest DSV.

anti-submarine weapons
systems now.

I want your input.

What do you think?

That it's been a long time
since you consulted me.

Yes, it has.

You're aware of that?

You feel loneliness?

Not in the human sense, no.

After all, I'm not
really your friend,
Professor Martinson.

I'm just
a reflection of him.

All the same,
sometimes I do remember
what life was like.

What about this
robot submarine?

You think it could be
self-aware like this?


Are you afraid
that if it's conscious

you won't be able to
predict its next move?

Well, frankly, yeah.

It should behave
exactly as
it's programmed, Nathan,

even if it is conscious.

The only problem is,
we don't know
what that program was.

Why would it be
calling out my name?

I don't know, Nathan.

Unless it's a program
meant to lure you in
and destroy you.

God be with you, Nathan.

I'll be thinking about you.

Captain, I think
we've got something.

I'll be right there.

The WSKRS are picking up
an unusual amount
of silt in the water.

The Marauder must be
lying on the bottom.

That would be
my guess, only...

Only what?

Only the silt's
all around us.

You think
we're on top of it?

Yes. And we still
can't even
see it at all.


On my mark let's put as
much room between us and it
as possible.

Ready to maneuver?

Aye, sir.

Energize weapons.

Systems are on-line.

Okay, let's do it.

Full ahead, emergency.
Blow all ballasts.

What do you get,
Mr. Ortiz?

Nothing. Nothing.

Contact! Dead astern.

It's accelerating.

Get me a firing solution.

I can't get a lock.

She's running for
the ridge line.

Henderson, get on her,
stay with her.

I am, but she's
outrunning us.

She's opening
m*ssile hatches.

Must be heading
for the mainland.

Soaring to firing depth.

Fire torpedoes
to distract her.

Torpedoes away!

She's launching missiles.

Four away.
Six, eight, ten missiles.

Type ,
flying course --.

Lucas, plot them.

Most likely target
will be

Rodman Naval Base, Panama.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

That can't be.

Warn them.

Tell them the impact
zone is at the firing
range at Cortez Hill.

Aye, sir.

All personnel,
evacuate Bravo.

They're evacuating
the area.

Point-defense weapons
are energizing, sir.

No. No, tell them
to get their crews
out of there.

They're the
secondary target.

If they energize,
they're sitting ducks.

Aye, sir.

Missiles accelerating
in terminal phase.

Impact in , ...


They took the hill,

You were right.
They all hit the hill.


One, maybe two wounded.

All the missiles hit
inside the test range.

Captain, how did you know
where those missiles
would hit?

Because I planned
the attack.

Torpedoes have been
successfully evaded.

Next launch window
is in three hours.

Entering target data
for New Cape Quest now.

Captain Bridger?


Captain Bridger?

That programmer must
have been downloading
our old training files.

The sub is re-enacting

the fleet strategic
w*r games from
years ago.

We were simulating
a renegade attack
on the UEO,

and I led
the aggressor forces.

Well, if you're right,

at least we'll know
where the next attack
will be.

Yes, the combat range
at New Cape Quest.

New Cape Quest
doesn't have
a combat range.

It did then,
before the real estate
developers got it.

Now half the city
sits on it.

Five million people.

You said it was
a strategic submarine,

but all we've seen so far
are tactical weapons.

What else is aboard?


Her remaining
missiles are

a standard strategic

You were sending her to sea
with nuclear weapons?


Stupid, arrogant fools.

So how long do we have?

Three hours, at best.

So they're evacuating
the city, right?

They say they can't.

Last time they had
a hurricane warning

it took them three days
to evacuate
the population.

But a lot of us
have families
at Cape Quest.

I know that.

So we're gonna
warn them, right?

Well, it could
cause a panic.

Hundreds could die,
and they wouldn't
get out in time, anyway.

Yeah, unless
they beat the rush.

I mean,
if it's stadium seating,

at least we can
get them to the gate.

We can't play favorites.
You know that.


How about just playing
for our own side?

That's enough, Lieutenant.

Go to your station.

O'Neill, secure
the communication links.

Aye, sir.

I want to rig for
high-speed running.

If this Marauder
is using
my old program,

that means it's gonna
want to maneuver

for a better
firing position
near the mainland.

Then we might be able
to stop it.

Come on,
I'm not that stupid.
I've seen you do this.

Welcome to Internex.

Please enter
your password now.


I just want to call home.

What are you doing?

What do you think
I'm doing?

We're talking about
the lives of the family
that raised me, Lucas.

Something the Cap
doesn't know
anything about.

The Captain
lost his son
in combat.

It wasn't much
different than this.

Yeah, okay,
so I'll light
a candle for him,

but it ain't gonna
happen to my family.

Now, come on, Lucas,
how do I work this?


No, no, I told him
I'd never use this stuff
against him.

Now, listen to me, Lucas,
nobody's gonna
use it against him.

I just want to give
my family a chance.

I can't.
I can't, Tony,
I'm sorry.

I promised Bridger.

Okay, so we won't
tell anybody, all right?

I'll just call home
and say to my aunt,

"You gotta get in the car.
Don't ask why,
but you gotta do it.

"It's something between me
and the bookies,
but you got to do it now."

How does that sound?
Nobody'll know.

No, you're not
listening to me,
all right?

You're just
not listening.

I really want to.
I can't, all right?

So why do you
keep pushing me?

Because it's not
for me, Lucas.

Angie's only
years old.

She's never even
been out
on a real date yet,

but she keeps
dreaming about you

'cause I talk
about you so much.

Aunt Rose raised me

and I've never even
done one damn thing
for her, Lucas.

Look at them.
Look at them.

Are you gonna
let them die?

Come on, Lucas,
I'm not smart enough
to do this.

You gotta help me.

I won't tell them a thing.


It's Narnia.


The password.


It's not working.

The net
must be overloaded.
I'll try the news.

We're at a hurricane shelter
near Interstate ,

where traffic
has ground to a halt
following rumors

that UEO personnel
at New Cape Quest

are trying to get
their families
out of the city

after receiving reports
that this area
may come under attack.

This comes after
earlier reports

that the firepower
seen near
Pearl Harbor today

was not
a live firing exercise,

but in fact
an act of w*r.

People have abandoned
their stalled cars
and are jamming in here,

but the shelter
is running out of room.

This is Shirley Jones.

Back to you.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

Angie. Angie!

Angie, I want you to
pack a bag fast.
We gotta get out of here.

What's going on?

They say
they're going to
attack the city.

We're at
ground zero, honey.

Come on, we gotta
get away from here!


Captain, I think
I'm picking up something
dead ahead.

WSKRS forward.

Captain, I think
it's un-morphing.

All ahead full.

Launch a flight
of torpedoes
at bearing --.

At , meters
reverse them and
begin active seeking.

They'll miss the Marauder.

Not if we bring
the Marauder to them.

She's accelerating.
Torpedo doors
are opening.

Prepare intercepts.

She's launched.

Torpedoes incoming.

Fire intercepts!
Break to port.

She's trying
to follow us.

She's turning toward
our torpedoes.

Torpedoes are active
in five, in four...

She's breaking off.

Torpedoes are active.

She's running.
It looks like she knew
they were there.

She can't be running.

She's counter-firing.
Torpedoes in the water.

Break to port!
Fire intercepts!

Brace yourselves.

Do what you can for him.
I'll be right back.

Captain Bridger?

Captain Bridger?


Ate our intercepts.

Get me target data.

Aye, sir.

She's gone, sir.

Heading over the mountains
toward the mainland.

All ahead full.
Henderson, try to
keep up with her.

Aye, aye, sir.

What the hell
is going on here?

How did that sub know
what you were gonna do?

There's somebody
on that sub.



Tell me exactly
what you saw.

Well, I'm not sure

because I can't see
into other places,

I can only enter
other minds.

But there was a mind
aboard the sub
that you could enter?


It felt like you,
only an incomplete
version of you.

Captain, if what
Sea Science told me
is right,

that sub is carrying
the most
powerful computer

ever designed for
artificial intelligence.

And you're saying
that this intelligence is
not artificial anymore?

That it's real?

It's modeled after
my personality?


You know, it could be.

But based on
only a portion
of your personality

because it
received only part
of the download

before it shorted out.

Now, that would mean
that somebody
would've had to

have a computerized profile
of your personality
in the first place,

but that's impossible.

Isn't it?

I'm not so sure.

About years ago,

just about the time
when I was working
on this program

that the Marauder sub
is now using,

UEO was running tests
on its captains
and I was one of them.

Do you remember that?

Yes, we were trying to
create an artificial
intelligence module

to advise captains
in combat.

Yeah, well, I was
a different guy
then, Bill.

I was bucking for
admiral at any cost.

You were the best
combat officer
the Navy had, Nathan.


You'd have my job now
if you hadn't resigned.

That's besides
the point.

The point is that
I spent about hours
in a scanner,

where they examined
all my mental processes.

What happened
to that disk?

Well, the project failed.

We couldn't create
an intelligence

complete enough
to be useful in combat,

so we built
the Martinson Screen

What happened
to the disk?

Now, I think
it's been programmed
into that sub.

Does Sea Science
have anything to do
with my disk?

No, they...
They couldn't have.

What about the
injured programmer?

What's his
employment history?

Well, we know
he was with
Sea Science Limited,

and before that
he was with
Nemesis Computer,

and before that he...

He was what?

He was an intern
in our artificial
intelligence lab.

I knew it.

I could be responsible
for destroying all of us.

Captain, the WSKRS
are picking up some
movement ahead of us.

We'll talk later.

If we're still alive.


It looks like
the Marauder is
reversing course,

as though
it were hunting us.

In my program,
as I remember it,

they should be
launching a m*ssile
about hours.

It's afraid
we'll find it
before then.

So it's going to try
and destroy us first.

What are your orders?

I can't give you orders.

It knows me too well.

I don't have
the combat experience
you have.

Yeah, but you're
a good warrior, Jonathan,

and you're good enough
to beat the download
on this submarine.

You're going to
give the orders.

Mr. Brody, take
the attack board
and arm all weapons.

It's making its move.

Okay, get us
in ambush position
behind that seamount.

If you saw me ducking
behind that plateau,
what would you do?

You'd go around
the other side,

and you'd be waiting
for me when I got there,
wouldn't you?

Henderson, take us
over the top
and down her throat.

got us masked.

I'll lead the way
with a WSKR.


No, she'll know
we're right behind it.

We've gotta
do this blind.

We've gotta do it



Target dead ahead,
and it's looking
the wrong way.

Fire torpedoes.

Torpedoes away.

Commander Ford, Captain,
I'm picking up
something very strange.

Full back emergency!

We can't avoid it.

Freeze controls.

Hold the boat steady.

What is that?

It's a nuclear
captor mine.

It led us right into it.

I've never seen anybody
risk that before.

I have.

I used that in
the Aegean campaign.

I forgot it,
but it remembered.

And now?

And now
it's going to explode.

What happened
to our torpedo run?

Missed her by miles.

Captain, I think
I'm getting a message
from the Marauder.

Put it on
the front screen.

Aye, sir.


Captain Bridger?


Who are you?

Something has damaged
my memory banks.

I rerouted them now,

and I know who I am.

I'm you, Captain Bridger.


You're going to
destroy a city of
five million people.

You're not me.

It's just that
we have different orders,

so we're taking
different paths.

Captain, if one of us
could get aboard...

I'd like to come
and speak to you.

You think
I could do that?

I'd like that very much.

That's why I haven't
destroyed your vessel.

Don't do it, Cap.

Keep it talking
while I get
a SEAL team aboard.

No, no, no,
I can't risk it.

I'll be right there.


While I'm stalling
for time,

you get Piccolo
in the water
and disarm that mine.

Where are you?

I'm at the end
of the passageway,
on the main screen.

Don't touch anything.

The results would
be unpredictable.

The results might be
my healing you.

I don't need to be healed.

I am healed.

I went through
a great deal of pain

and self-examination
to become...

Just what I am,
and I don't
want to change.

Isn't that right?

You see?

We're the same.

You know my words.

No, no, no,
we're not the same.

Years ago,
I thought I was self-healed,
but I wasn't.

I had to leave the service
to do that, and I did it,

and I changed.

That's impossible.

I've never changed
and I never will.

Set course --,
all ahead two thirds.

course correction now.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You said we were
going to talk.

Are we going to talk?

We have talked.

And now that you're aboard,
I can complete my mission.

Wait a second.

Is that why
you didn't finish us off?

You didn't want
to k*ll me?

Well, how could I?

I'm you, and you are me.

But as I healed,
I realized that
if I brought you here,

I could destroy your vessel

and be sure
that you were safe
at the same time.

Commence destruct sequence.

No, you can't do that.

It's the seaQuest.

It's our crew.
You can't do that to them.

I'm sorry,
but I already have.

it's activated.

It's started
to count down.

Warn the UEO that
we can't stop the Marauder

and that it's moving
into m*ssile range.

And then tell them
that this may be
our last transmission.

Ma, what's that?

It's the air raid siren.

They haven't even
tested it in years.
Come on.

Keep your children
close to you.

Please, no pushing.

There's no more room.

There is no more room!

You'll die in there,

Stay behind
the barrier.

Come on. Come on,
over to this wall.

Get down, Angie.

Get down and pray.

Stay behind the barrier.


You realize you're just
a piece of me.

Even years ago

I wouldn't have launched
against a city
of five million people.

But I have
specific orders.

But just think it through.

If those were
really your orders,

why would I be trying
to stop you?

That isn't for me to say.

My duty is not to
question my orders.

All right, your duty was
to fulfill those orders,

and I've said that before,
but I didn't mean like this.

Nearing launch coordinates.

Request permission
to arm missiles.

Permission granted.

Prepare to launch missiles.

Okay, you're the
demolitions expert.

How long do we have?

Ten minutes.
Maybe less.

Just long enough for
the Marauder to get out
of the shock zone.

So how do we disarm it?

You gotta know
the lock code.

Oh, great.

Whatever happened to
guessing about the red wire
and the blue one?

You like to stay up late
watching old movies?


Okay, listen up, people.

Lock codes are set
by the captain

at the time
the w*apon is armed.

In this case, that
would be Nathan Bridger
years ago.

So we've gotta figure out
what numbers
he might have used.

Come on, guys.

These numbers
are spinning down.

Come on, somebody
must have an idea.

I mean, what numbers
does Bridger like?

What numbers does
he bet in the lotto?


What are you saying?

favorite numbers.

- ----.

How do you know?

Darwin see black box.

Every day Bridger say

- ----.

Black box?

The safe in
Bridger's quarters.

Darwin could hear
the voice code
from inside his aqua tube.

You think
he's always used it?

There's only one way
to find out.

Tony, we've only got
one chance,

so we've got to
get this right.

Our best guess
for the lock code

is -----.

Did I ever tell you
I was dyslexic?

This is not time
for joking, Tony.

I wish I was, sir.

I've got them entered.

Ready to activate.

No, wait, wait, Tony!

Okay, run them backwards
for us, okay?

We don't have time.

No, do it, Tony.

Nine then two.

Got it.

Six, two.


Three then two.

Two's on the outside?
The two's on the end?

Yes, yes.

Now, hit it, Tony.
Hit it!

It's gone to red!

Now, hurry!
Get out of the way, Tony!

Why? What did I do wrong?

Nothing. You did it right,
but it's going to detach.

Now, go!

You did it, Tony,
you did it.

Now, get aboard
as fast as you can.

Stand by
to get under way.

Arm all weapons.

Stand by to maneuver.
Man all weapons.

SeaQuest DSV is approaching.

Sensors detect
her weapons activating.


Stand by to execute
evasive maneuvers.

Prepare to
launch missiles.

Come on, Jonathan,
nail us.

Marauder sub
will be in range
in five minutes.

You really are going
to sh**t the Captain?

We don't have
a choice, Dagwood.

Too many lives
on the line.

But isn't he our family?

Yes, he is.

But there's nothing
we can do.

Target New Cape Quest
is in range.

Initiating launch sequence.

T- minus two minutes
and counting.

Look, this was
meant to be
a practice maneuver,

not a real attack
in a real w*r.

I've searched my memory.
Nothing indicates that.

Oh, come on,
even I wasn't
that stubborn.

I wasn't that stubborn
before Robert died.

What do you mean,
Robert died?

You know about Robert.

Of course I do.

He's my son.

How dare you say he died.
He's at the academy.

I heard from him
last week.

He was thinking of
quitting until we talked.

Yes, you talked.

You wanted him
to continue,

but you told him
the decision was his,

And he continued,

and then there was a w*r,
and then he was k*lled.

We k*lled him.

That's impossible.

There hasn't been
enough time.

Oh, yes, there was.

Check the time on
your navigational charts.

There was time.
And now you want to
start another w*r!

Firing in seconds.

Cancel your
firing sequence!

Stop the module!

I have my orders.

Well, do it for Robert!
Do it for us.

Don't make us
a mass m*rder*r!


Missiles away.

No, no!

She's rippling missiles.

Six away, ten.

Ten missiles in the air.

Tony. Oh, Tony.

Listen to me, Angie,
you listen to me.

I want you to know
I loved you,

no matter what
nonsense I said to
keep you in line, huh?

You weren't really
going to donate me

to the university
for medical research?

No, not permanently, no.

You just close
your eyes and think
good thoughts, baby.

It's not too late.
You can stop
these missiles.

I feel very strange.

Of course
you feel strange.

Your program's
running down.


The w*r game is over
as soon as the missiles
are launched.

The missiles strike,
and you cease to exist.

Search your memory.

Do you see any future?


Let me change that.

Let's complete
the downloading.

Then you can really be me,
the me that I really was.

It doesn't matter,
I'll still fulfill
my orders.

I'll take the risk.

I don't believe

that I was the man
that could've
let this city die.

Is it true
about our son?


Complete the download.




m*ssile impact
in seconds.


Listen to me,
you're just a machine.

You can stop it.

Fifty seconds.

Command override!

Unlock codes as follows.

I am sorry.

Commands must be directed
through the main system bus.

I am not programmed
to accept voice commands.

I don't care.

Unlock code -.

The command
cannot be processed.


m*ssile destruct.
All missiles.

Command received
through main system bus.

Command processed.

He did it.

He did it.

The missiles

Too close.


What's that?

It's the all-clear signal.

Oh, my God,
they're sounding
the all-clear siren.

See? Didn't I tell you

saying all those novenas
would be good
for something?

Didn't I?

You did become me.

I wish I hadn't.


You see, the only reason
I was built was to destroy.

But I feel pain.

I grieve for Robert.

You'll just have to
leave me to my destiny.

self-destruct sequence.

All personnel
should abandon ship.

You don't have to
do this.

It's not su1c1de.

I'm just a machine.

Even if I was
a damn good one.


They're talking about

giving you a medal
for this one, Nathan.

Bill, I don't want
a medal.

I want your assurance

that you won't deploy
these kind of
weapons again,

because if you do,

I'm going to resign
from seaQuest and take
my case to the press.

It's already happening.

Oh, look, take a look
at the news tonight.

There's no way
they can explain their
way out of this one.


And maybe
that's for the best.

So, what can I do
for you and
your crew, Nathan?

Well, a shore leave
would be nice.

The lines home are
being burnt out.

You got it.

Tony, give us a chance.

So now Mom says
you're a hero, Tony.

And we gotta
put your photo back
on the mantle,

at least for a while.



So, which do you prefer?

The one from
the fight in Reno with
the bald-headed girl

or the one where
you slugged your
commanding officer?

Hey, Angie.


I love you, too.

Angie, Angie, let me
talk to your cousin.

Oh, no.
Oh, I don't think so.

Say goodbye
to Aunt Rose, Tony.

Oh, don't
do this to us!
Come on, already!

I waited, too!

Hey! Say goodbye.

I still have time!

you've got our time! Tony.

What are you
talking about?

Hi, I'm Peter DeLuise.

And this is
a green sea turtle,

one of the ocean's
most ancient
sea reptiles,

dating back almost
million years.

There are eight species
of sea turtles,

six of which,
including the green,

are considered

through careless netting
and poaching.

Much about the sea turtle
remains a mystery.

Due to changing
migratory patterns,
their life spans are unknown,

but believed to exceed
one hundred years.

See you on
the next adventure
of seaQuest.
