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02x04 - Sympathy for the Deep

Posted: 05/31/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
Welcome to Miranda Colony.

A community dedicated
to the unity

of our natural environment
and all humankind.

During your stay, we hope
you will celebrate with us

the joy of non-v*olence
and mutual support

as you experience
a cooperative society

dedicated to the harmony
of all life.

Of all life... Of all life...

Of all life... Of all life...
Of all life...



Laura, open the door!



What's happening?

They're burning
the Government Center.
And now they're after me.

What is that?
It's a laser drill.

I've modified it
so we can use it
as a pulse r*fle.

You mean, it's a w*apon?

My God, Laura,
you know how I feel,
but we don't have a choice.

Yes, we do have a choice.
You can fight this insanity.

You can shut it
out of your mind.

And be torn apart alive?
I don't think so.
Now get out of my way.







You, too?

Well, you need to sleep.

Oh, God, you need to sleep.


WOMAN: Of all life...
Of all life...


Mom, what's happening?

I want you to go and lock
yourselves in your rooms.

And don't open the door
to anyone, not anyone,
not even me, okay?

You go.



There you go, Captain.
Real coffee.

I don't suppose
the refill is free?

(SCOFFS) Not since
beans hit $ a kilo.

I'll run a tab.

Captain, have a coffee.

Oh, thanks.


Ah, I'm sorry to interrupt
your leave, sir.

It's all right.
How's the re-supply going?

Fine. We'll be ready
to sail in an hour,

but that's not why
I'm calling, sir.

I'm receiving a priority
transmission for you,

only they're using a code
that's years out of date.

Who's it from?

Laura Huxley,
she's the Chief Medical
Officer of Miranda Colony.

Put her through.

Aye, sir.


Laura, is that really you?

I'm not sure.

I don't know whether
I'm hallucinating or...

Or whether it's really you.

But if you can hear me...

Please, you've got
to come and help us,
before we all die.

Sir, I have the colony
bearing zero-zero degrees
at , meters.

Any answer to our hail?

WSKRS are detecting
human activity,

but no one's picking up
the phone.

Yeah, looks like their
comm system's fried.

Lieutenant, I want you
to form a boarding party.

But brief them carefully.
I don't want anyone
getting trigger-happy.

All due respect, sir,
but the biggest crisis
Miranda Colony's ever had

was running out
of herbal tea.

All the same,
I don't want to
take any chances.

Yes, sir.

Captain, are you sure you
want to go in there blind?

I don't think
we have any choice.

You see, years ago,
I knew Laura Huxley.

In fact, I asked her
to marry me before
I met Carol.

She turned me down flat.

But I think I know her
well enough to know

that she wasn't exaggerating
when she made that call.

Very well. Henderson,
land us on their collar.

Aye, aye, sir.

set condition two.

All hands, crew all stations.

Secure all hatches.
Condition two.

Security detail Bravo,
report to Docking Bay .

Get back to me as soon
as you can, all right?


Excuse me.

I'm going to go in.

Why? Are you sensing
something from the colony?

Fear. Despair.
A lot of rage.

Kind of like a Canucks
hockey game without
a referee.

Docking now.

Docking collar pressurized.

WOMAN: Of all life...
Of all life...

If this is the
nonviolent community,

I'd hate to see boot camp.

You got to get
us out of here!

You got to get me aboard.


Form a perimeter.
Seal off the air lock!



Oh, thank God
you're here.

You don't know
what we've been
going through.

I think I have some idea.


This is Royce Shelton,
chairman of the colony.

Can we go someplace
and talk?

The medical complex.
We can show you
further problems.

About years ago, during
the last solar flare crisis...

...several of us in the
scientific community
started talking.

You remember, there
were fears about food
rationing at the time,

and another wave of greed
was sweeping through the
financial markets.

And the Cold w*r,
that was about the
time I quit the service

and went to the island
with my wife.

Right. So we decided
to move here.

We only had one rule,
everyone had to pledge
to cooperate

in creating a nonviolent
and sustainable community.

Did that work?

Well, you can see
for yourself.

These are the rates
for criminal activity

and psychological
disorders since the
founding of the colony.

GIRL: Mommy, where are you?

Must not be much
to do here on a
Saturday night.

Until four weeks ago.
And then the rates took off.

This all happened
in four weeks?

We first started to see it
as domestic abuse cases.

Then it escalated, muggings,
shop looting, rioting.

And now a quarter of
the colony is confined

as psychiatric cases
or criminals.

But why?
I don't know.

I've tested everything.

At first I thought it
was some bizarre case
of mass psychosis,

but then the mutations
started to happen.

What kind of mutations?

I'll show you.

These were our
earliest patients,
the most violent ones.


And now look at them.

Laura, this patient
looks normal.

He does?


No signs of transformation?


I was afraid of that.

We can't tell anymore whether
we're hallucinating or not,

and we're the sanest
people in the colony.


I'm declaring
a state of martial law,

and I want guards put
in these corridors
right away.

Yes, sir.

Stun batons and
riot gear only.

Pair up and move out.

Brody, can I help?

Guard the oxygen
valves in C-.

Anyone goes near them,
you call for help.


Anyone got a theory on this,
I'd like to hear about it.

We've seen violent
colonies before.

Are we sure they're
not just cracking

under the pressure of
dealing with a crime wave?

Oh, I don't think so.

I mean, maybe Dr. Huxley's
patients aren't mutating
into demons,

but I'm still getting
incredibly violent
feelings off them.

Oh, sure, but how do you know
that's due to an illness?

I mean, if we keep
giving people excuses

for their actions,
they'll never change.

But what if there is
a medical reason these
people are going crazy?

We can do something about it.

What we need is
a complete analysis
of the colony,

pathogens, radiation.
And we need it yesterday.

I'll get right on it.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Yes. Will your gills
work at this depth?

If it means me getting
out of night duty,
you bet they will, sir.

I want you to make sure
that no one's sabotaging

the colony's outside
environmental systems.

Yes, sir, Captain, sir.
Right away.

And you check into
their data banks.

You got it.


Dr. Shelton...

You know, I studied
your work on Utopian
societies in school.

I thought you might have.

Something bothered me today.

Yeah? What's that?

The rates of public
order you showed us
with the colony,

historically only happen
in police states.

Maybe you've been living
too much in the past,
Dr. Smith,

instead of the future.

You see, we selected good
people for the colony.

And then we worked
very hard to help them

give up their
fears and anger.

But if you'll
forgive me now,

I've got to go back
and try to save that dream.


May I come in?

Nathan, I was just
thinking about us.

You were?

Remember how you almost
got court-martialed

because you snuck me
into the restricted
area at Annapolis?

Yes, I remember
that very well.

So did my commanding

But you're Commander
here now,

and we can do
anything we want.

What are you doing?

I'm in love with you.
I can't help it, Nathan.

I make a mistake,
a big mistake.

I should have said yes
when you asked me
to marry you.

Oh, I wanted to,
I wanted to.

No, no, no, no.
You were very angry,

you made that
perfectly clear.

I lied.

There's something
wrong here.




You feel something?

Yeah, now that
you mention it,
I'm feeling great.



Help me, they're
looting my store!

SeaQuest security!


Okay! Okay! No! Please.

Not sincere enough.

Come on, Nick, run!

Yeah, run!

Catch you later.


You're just letting them go?


You got a problem
with that?

No. I...

We just risked
our butts here.

Attractive girl like you
ought to take that into

don't you think?

What are you talking about?

I think you know
what we mean.

No, get off of me!

Tyler? Ricky?

What are you doing?

Get out of here,
you stinking dagger.

You don't even
know about women.

Hey, Dagwood.





Area C-, I need help.

Everybody's going crazy.

My God. What have I done?




Tony? Anything?

Everything's on-line, in line
and straight down the line.

And just what the hell
did your men think

they were doing
with that shop girl?

So my guys are
a little stressed out.

You ever stop to think maybe
she was asking for it?

Asking for it?

What is that
supposed to mean?

Are you some kind
of barbarian?


You know, I don't have
to take that from you!

As a matter of fact,
I don't have to take
that from anybody!

Arrest him!

No, Captain, wait!
There's something
going on here.

You're damn right there is.

His career is coming
to a spectacular close.

No, no,
you don't understand.

What don't I understand?

I've been analyzing the
ocular dilation readings

and the voice stress
profiles from the crew.

You're not authorized
to do that.

I know that.
I couldn't help it.

You're invading
everyone's privacy!

What I'm trying
to tell you is,

this is my greatest

and I gave into it.
We're all giving into it.

Giving into what?


Look at these readings.

They're the same
profiles you get from
criminal psychopaths.

But I'm finding it
in our own crew.

I mean, whatever's infecting
the colony's infecting us.

It's making us
behave this way.

And you haven't found any
source of contamination
for the colony?

No. That's what's
so frightening.

I mean, look at yourself.

Your agitation's what
you always hold back,

yet you're expressing
it blindly.

Agitation? I'm not agitated.

No, you're just practically
out of your mind.

That's it! You're on
the first boat out of here.

You can't do that!
Oh, yes, I can.

I'm the captain.


What do you want?

I'm scared.

People bad.

Yes. They are, aren't they?

That's something to be
scared of, isn't it?

No. Bridger scare Darwin.

Bridger mad, say angry things.

WENDY: Captain,
it is happening to you.

Did you take any of
those readings on me?

Yes, all of us.

Including me.

We're all at
dangerous levels.

Oh, we've got to
take a breath here.

We've really got
to take a breath.

Brody, come here.

I think we have to
look at each other

and remind each other
what we mean to each other.

Now, look,
take care of your men.

Disarm them
if you have to.

We'll stay docked
to the colony

in case you need

Yes, sir. Right away.

I'm sorry, sir.

That's all right.

That's all right.

Anyone heard from Piccolo?

Coming in.
You may not believe this,
but I'm getting thirsty.


We've got one chilling
for you, Tony.

Whoa. What was that?


Tony? What's going on?

The power plant's fritzing
out your transmissions.



Can you hear us?

What the hell are you doing?

No! Let go of me!
You don't understand.

Hey, Ortiz! Can you read me?

Somebody's trying
to tap our power!



Oh, no!


Tony? What's going on, Tony?

My gills are gone!
I'm drowning!


Tony. Tony, where are you?
Speak to us.

Captain, we've lost Piccolo.

Listen, Piccolo's missing
someplace out there.

Go find him. Go find him.

Darwin, go to port bow.

That's where he
would have drifted.

He's got him.

Medical team to sea deck.

Captain, you better see this.

Where is this coming from?

WSKRS number three.

I positioned it
where Tony was when
he started yelling.

Whatever it is,
it's so tightly polarized,

you can't even see it
unless you're directly
aligned with the source.

That's because
it's a chaos path.

A what?

Shock waves passing
through the water

are actually causing
the molecules to luminesce.

But we aren't detecting
any shock waves.

We aren't detecting
anything at all.

Except with our minds.

Dr. Smith,
what's your status?

How's Piccolo doing?

He's unconscious,
but he's breathing.

All right,
detach from the colony.

Follow the path.

And sound general quarters.


General quarters.
General quarters.

All hands man your
battle stations.

General quarters.
General quarters.

All hands man your
battle stations.

What, are you leaving?

You promised to back me up!

I know, I know, but I think
we're on to something here.

Well, hey, I'm glad for you.

But we're crashing
and burning here.

I mean... Oh, God,
I don't know what I mean.

Look, whatever you say,
I'll probably forget it

So just hold on.

I'll try, Captain.
But things are getting dicey.



We've just passed
through some sort
of energy barrier.

There's a trench ahead.
It must be a mile deep.


My head.

It's inside my head!

Prepare lasers and torpedoes!

We're over the trench.
In ...

In five...



It's the face of God.


It looks like a chaos cloud.

The total reversal
of all physical laws,

only they're not
supposed to exist.

It's drawing us in.
Our speed is accelerating.

Are you tracking your target?

Negative. The sensors say
there's nothing there.

Veer off.



It's just an illusion,
now hold on!

Close the main ballast.

I'm trying, but we don't
have the buoyancy.


It's just a trick.

Just close your
mind and do it!

Okay, it's working.


We're rising.

The distance is opening.

We've passed through
the energy barrier.

Systems are on-line.

We're back to normal.

I don't think so.

What do you think that is?

Evil, and it's growing.

All divisions have
reported the damage
has been contained, sir.

Does Piccolo
remember anything?

No, he's got
total amnesia about it.

His short-term memories
never fixated.

Our data banks aren't going
to be any help, either.

I mean,
look at these charts.

It's a completely
featureless trench.

I think it's way past
time we notified U.E.O.

Oh, you know what their
first impulse will be.

Send a nuclear fleet.
I don't think we want that.

No, you're right.

It's featureless.
It's just too featureless.

What are you saying?

You think somebody
altered the charts?

Yeah, yeah, that's
exactly what I'm saying.

I mean, look at the
repeating patterns.

Somebody has erased
what's really there.

Well, can we backtrack it
to see what they're hiding?

Yeah, it's going
to take me a while.

Captain, I've got Lieutenant
Brody on TAC one.

Cleanse yourselves with fire!

We're getting near
the edge here, Captain.

If somebody doesn't get
these people back on
decaf real soon,

we're all going
to be history.

How much longer do you
think you can hold out?

I don't know. Somebody
just tried to torch us
with a homemade flamethrower.

A lot of my people are down,
injured or just crazy.

Well, I don't think
we're thinking any
clearer than you are.

Has it affected your model K?

No, not in the slightest.

This might be off
the wall, but try
asking him for advice.

Maybe that cloud's
not affecting him.

All right,
I'll give it a shot.

Out, Captain.

Hey, you heard him?

So, what would you do?


I would get everyone together
in the same place.

And tell stories,
and sing songs.

Well, that would
make me feel better.

Well, kind of
like church, huh?

What's church?

You're about to find out.
Hey, you, you heard the man.
Make it happen.

Get everybody into the town
meeting hall right away.

Go! Go!

Wait. Brody?

Can I ask you a question?

Yeah, what?

This thing that
I'm not feeling,

it means I'm not human,

doesn't it?

No wonder they didn't
make any more of you.

You're not even close
to being a soldier.

I try to be.

No, Dagwood,
it's not what I meant.

Look, when they
put you together,

they didn't include
a mean bone in your body.

If someone could figure
out how to do that for
the rest of us,

we'd all be a lot better off.

No mean bones.

Yeah, you got it.



Come on, we've got
to hurry, let's go!


You're a telepath,
aren't you?


I know the privacy laws

won't allow you
to probe someone
without prior consent.

But if it'll
help you figure out
what's happening to us,

I want you to probe me.

Relax, breathe.

All right, let me in.

LAURA: Nathan?

All I want to say is...

All I want to say is...


Everything all right?

Oh, Laura found out
I'm a telepath.

She asked me to do a probe.


And, she doesn't know
what's in the trench.


Is there something
you're not telling me?

I shouldn't.

But I don't know if
any of us are gonna
be alive tomorrow.

Well, then tell me.

Laura was raised in
a very violent family.

It made her
afraid of marriage,

so when you asked her,
she pushed you away.

But what she was
telling you today
was the truth.

She was always very
much in love with you.
She still is.

All right.

I think we should
find Dr. Shelton.

It's time you submitted
him to a probe, too.

I'm on it.


The more I work at this,
the more I wonder

if I'm not even supposed
to figure this out at all.

Maybe none of this
is even real.

No, that's what that
thing is doing to you.

It's making you
doubt yourself.

How do you know that?

Maybe this is just
virtual reality

and I'm a program
told to believe I exist,
when nothing exists at all.

No, Lucas. Believe me.
I'm real.

And so are you.

Come here.


Darwin, what do you
say about Lucas?

Lucas friend.
Play with Darwin.


Okay, I get the picture.

Virtual reality
wouldn't be this wet.

But you know what?

Maybe you're feeling
so uncertain because

you're getting close
and that thing is
trying to stop you.

That's crazy.
Is it?

What's the opposite
of what you've been doing?

A frontal as*ault.

I've been looking
for service entrances.

But a frontal as*ault
is way too easy.

Who says? Show me.

How would you do it?


Yeah, normally I'd try all
the simple passwords first

and then sh**t the dictionary
at it at high speed.


With adjustments, of course.

I don't know why
I didn't do this before.
This could work.

It's working, it's working.


I'm getting a database!

Ten years ago,
there was a research facility
at the bottom of that canyon.

The Deepfire Project.

It was secretly funded
out of the same account
that set up the colony.

Who's name was
on the account?

You're not going
to believe this.

Dr. Shelton
was the sole owner
and project director.

Where is he?

Nobody can find him.

But Brody's team did
find something else.


The airlock in the colony's
power dome was used in the
past couple of hours.

Somebody tried to divert
the power we were feeding
the colony

into an undersea line.

It's got to be Shelton.

How far could he
get in a DSL suit?

The nearest land
is Hamilton Island,

We're taking a shuttle.

You going somewhere?

Hold it!

I was hoping to sail
as far away as possible
from the cloud.

And then?

Blow myself to kingdom come.


Because I made
a pact with the devil.

And now there's
nowhere to hide.

These are the plans
for Deepfire lab.

A parapsychology center?


As you know,
telepathic powers
barely work on the surface.

Too much human static.

So you isolated your lab
in the deepest canyon
you could find.

And made great strides,
until my staff started
k*lling each other.

What were you building
down there?

A sort of transceiver.

We were trying
to beam thoughts

of cooperation
and nonviolence
into the colony.

And in a way, we did.

This machine
actually worked?

Yes, though not
exactly as planned.

It couldn't beam anything
into the colony.

But it was able to draw
something away from it.


Call if what you want.
The dark side of the force.


Those energies that feed
our fears and angers.

About years ago,
Freud and Jung warned us

that if we separate the
shadow side from the self,
that would destroy you.

True enough.

But I told myself they
didn't have my technology.

But you had the arrogance
to try and separate them?

And why not?

We know about
matter and anti-matter.

Why not life and anti-life?

How do you explain genocide?

Or religious wars
fought by fanatics pledging
their lives to a loving God

who then commit every atrocity
imaginable in his name?

No, there's a power
that despises life.

And for years
I drew that power
away from the colony.

And for years,
the colony enjoyed
unparalleled peace.

So what went wrong?

Containing those forces
required increasing amounts
of electric power.

Four weeks ago,
the power failed.

Then you tapped
into our power.

So you could regain control.

At least long enough
to destroy the transceiver.

But I failed.

And now that energy's
coming alive.

And it's going to
keep growing until
it consumes everything.

No, no, it's not.

We've been inside that cloud.

We can fight it,
you can fight it, too.

You don't know what
the center of it's like.

Well, there's only
one way to find out.

I'm not that brave.

You have any children?


You really think
you have a choice?

All right.

But prepare yourself,

You're about to
meet the devil.

And believe me,
we're all going to
die in the attempt.



Ignore it!
Ignore it, and sing.

Anybody, come on.

Somebody sing.

(SINGING) Amazing grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch

Like me

I once was lost

But now I'm found

Was blind

But now, I see

This is an opportunity
for each of you to decide

whether you want to
stay with seaQuest,

or leave before we enter
this energy field.

If you decide to stay,
I want you to remember this.

If we believe that
the core of our being
is good and life-affirming,

we will not fail each other.

And we will be able
to oppose whatever it is
out there that we're facing.

All right,
this is your chance.

We've already discussed it,

We're all going to stay.

We want to fight
this thing together.

All right, take us
through the cloud.

Set course two-two-nine.

Take us to , feet.

All ahead emergency, now.

Switch all systems
to isolated power.

Cut all connections
to the hull.

Sea's growing colder.
Much too cold.

It should be frozen solid
at these temperatures.

LONNIE: Hull fittings
are separating.

We can't take
this turbulence.


The angel of death is coming!
The angel of death is coming!

Don't let her hurt herself.

The angel of death...

Stay calm!

You're gonna be fine.

Hold on to your
loved ones and pray.

It's growing stronger.

It's like a psychic
black hole.

The more chaos it draws in,
the more powerful it becomes.



You've gotta turn back.
I need you.

You're not...
You're not there.

No, my son's not
there, is he?

I can't hold it.
We're going in.


It's reaching critical mass.
It's becoming conscious.

We're losing power.

No, we've still got momentum.

Ram the lab.
Our skin will regenerate.

Bow planes,
full down emergency.

Brace for collision.


MAN ON P. A: All hands...

Dive to the bottom
of your t*nk.

We're going to crash.

Let's go.

All right, blow this lock
and seal it after us.


Where is it?

Beyond the containment wall.

All right. Hold on!
Hold on!


Bridger! We go in there,
we'll burn alive!

No, no, it's an illusion!
Come on!

We have to break
the connection.
Smash the rod.

No, Dad! Don't do it!

It's the only way
I can stay alive!



It's real!


My hand!




It's dying.

We've got full power.

Captain, get out of there,
the dome's giving way.

Get him to Sickbay!


Seal this lock.

All back emergency.
Blow all tanks.


Fire the lasers.
Fire everything.

Break down the magma bed.

I want this thing
destroyed forever.

All right, Commander,
take us back to the colony.

WENDY: It's not an illusion.

Dr. Shelton really
did age years.

Why not me?

Because your soul
wasn't the seed at
the heart of that thing.

Mine was.


But at least
I won it back.


Thank you for not
letting me make
a fool of myself.

I want you to know that

before all the years
passed, before my
marriage, my family,

I did love you, Nathan,
more than I can tell you.

I loved you, too, Laura.

We'll always have that.

The boat's secured,
sir, all are present
and accounted for.

Take us home, Commander.

Aye, sir.

Hi, I'm Jonathan Brandis.

On seaQuest, I talk to Darwin
using this vocoder.

But in reality, humans
communicate with dolphins
by using hand signals.

Dolphins also use sound
to see underwater

by sending out clicks through
this part of their head,
called the melon.

When the click sounds hit
objects or land formations,

they bounce
back to the dolphin
like an echo or sonar.

In this way,
dolphins are aware
of the world around them,

even in the darkest water.

See you on the next
adventure of seaQuest.